How to cheer yourself up. Improve brain function. How to produce dopamine (the hormone of happiness)

Ivan Vdovin

11811 2 0

You’re probably sitting right now, reading the article, and you’re not in the mood at all. Sad and sad at heart. Everything seems to be fine, but something is missing and the question arises, how to cheer yourself up? If you don’t go into detail about the reasons for despondency, it’s quite easy to cheer yourself up. And with an upbeat mood, you become attractive to others.

How to cheer up in the fall?

Autumn weather often gives rise to the blues.
But this is not a sentence either. It is not at all necessary to be depressed all this time and risk catching a cold, because in the fall you can control your mood and feel great! There are many tips that can help maintain your mood on the eve of autumn and with its beginning. And they should be followed so as not to become discouraged. This is especially important for weather-sensitive people

So, take out warm clothes in advance. Be sure to get your favorite sweater. Surely he is very soft, warm and loved. Prepare your favorite winter things - scarves and hats, everything else. Sometimes the very process of sorting things out calms you down and puts you in a positive mood. Make a list of necessary purchases for the winter, buy a couple of new things.

And don’t forget about traditional autumn delicacies, delicious aromatic tea. In order to prevent autumn depression from getting a head start, you should take a course of vitamins and walk in something warm so as not to get sick. Don't forget about your loved ones, don't let yourself be alone. Then the rainy season will pass unnoticed.

Proper rest

Excessive fatigue is a significant stress for the body. Unfortunately, most people don't know how to rest. Vacations should not be a waste of free time. It must be carried out with benefit and maximum utilization.

Possible options for spending time: the company of close friends or just interesting people, films for a positive mood, music for the mood, reading, creativity, fishing, solitude in the lap of nature, beauty treatments or just taking a relaxing bath.

It is good to combine individual versions of such activities with meditation. For example, yoga classes and music for the mood.

Also, we must not forget about the beauty of nature. How often in the bustle of the city people have no time to raise their heads and appreciate at least the beauty of the sky. Meanwhile, the pleasure of contemplating the natural beauty of the world stimulates an improvement in vitality.

It is important to find time exclusively for yourself, even if it is a small amount. One hour spent for pleasure awakens new reserves of energy, opens horizons, clears thoughts, awakens interest in meeting people, communication, new activities, and self-development.

And in all of the above there is hidden a reserve of good mood for our loved ones. And this is not selfishness at all, but healthy methods of keeping your sensual soul in good shape.

Express ways to lift your mood

Your main assistant is you!

To quickly cheer yourself up, you can use the following methods.

Give yourself a compliment. Praise yourself for any achievements, even the most minimal ones.

Within 30 seconds, remember 3 of your strengths. They will be your inner resource in overcoming a bad mood. Recognize these traits in yourself, and they themselves will help you cope with negativity.

Chat with a loved one or a friend

It is important that it is someone you trust. Moreover, both communication itself and the exchange of interesting information, as well as the opportunity to receive support from others, can have an effect on improving mood.

Watch your favorite movie

It's doubly effective if it's a comedy. A good opportunity to recharge with positive emotions.

Listen to music or dance (you can combine both). If you sing along with it, even better! The more emotions you express in different ways, the faster you free yourself from negativity. So turn up the music and have a blast!

Look through the photo album. Pleasant memories and the opportunity to once again plunge into the positive emotions that are captured in the photo will make you take your mind off gloomy thoughts and add a touch of positivity to your mood.

Do something good. This could be a small gift to your loved ones (colleagues, friends), a phone call or an SMS message with warm words. Show care and attention. Prepare a particularly delicious dinner for your husband or take your child to an amusement park. Provide help to someone who needs it. Nowadays it is very easy to take part in various charity events. Even a small contribution can help improve and save someone's life. Help others - and your soul will feel better!

Let the delicious be positive!

  • Eat something tasty, something that you like now. It has been proven that some products contain substances that help elevate mood (serotonin, tryptophan, endorphin and others). These include: fatty fish, cheese, eggs, nuts, seeds, chocolate, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados, whole grains.
  • If you get up in the morning in a depressed mood, then the cause may be a lack of glucose in the blood. A sweet drink (coffee or fruit juice) will give you energy and help you feel better. And be sure to have a good breakfast. Cereals, eggs, and fruits are perfect.

Causes of hyperthymia

Factors influencing the manifestation of hyperthymia in a person’s character can be divided into groups:


  • Physiological factors. This may include a chemical imbalance in the brain, for example due to intrauterine asphyxia, or physical underdevelopment or prematurity. Disorders of the endocrine system can also be noted here.
  • Hyperthymia as part of the disease (as a symptom of the disease). Thus, epilepsy, cardiac dysfunction, brain tumors, and manic states may occur.
  • Psychological factors. Family relationships and traumatic events can play an important role.

How to cheer up another person

Very often the question arises of how to cheer up another person. This is quite possible, but it should be done as tactfully as possible. At the right moment, you need to invite a loved one to have fun outside the walls of the house. During the warm season, it is optimal to spend time in nature; you can also just sit in a cafe, visit an exhibition, or attend a performance.

The main task is to distract your boyfriend or girlfriend from everyday worries. The conversation should be filled with positive things, for example, you can discuss a new film or a pleasant event that has happened in life. You should absolutely not ask about the reasons for your bad mood; this can significantly worsen it. When a person needs to share, he will definitely do it on his own.

You can cheer up with music. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to invite a person to go to a concert. For sports lovers, there are sports competitions that you can attend as fans. This pastime allows you to completely escape from problems, improving your mood.

You can cheer up your friend by inviting her to go shopping. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to buy things, the main thing is the process itself. Along the way, you can arrange gatherings in a cafe, or a walk in the park.

It's a good morning

Waking up in the morning rarely brings joy. It becomes especially difficult for women who, early in the morning, need to prepare breakfast for the whole family, help their children get ready for school, accompany their husband to work, have time to get themselves in order and show up for work on time. It can be difficult to improve your mood in the early morning, both in the winter, when it’s dark outside, but you need to get out of a warm bed, and in the sunny summer. Following simple rules will help you change despondency to cheerfulness.

  1. The first thing to do when waking up from sleep is to smile. No matter how gray the morning is, greet the new day with joy.
  2. Let in some fresh air. Open the window and take a deep breath. The influx of oxygen activates brain cells, speeds up blood circulation and drowsiness will immediately disappear.
  3. Take a shower - let the water wash away all the accumulated negativity.
  4. If you don’t know how to cheer yourself up at home in the morning, just turn on invigorating music.
  5. Prepare a delicious and bright breakfast. Cheer up yourself and your loved ones - they will eat delicious dishes with a smile.

If you start your morning correctly, your day will be full of positive emotions. Check with your own experience whether this theory works in practice.


This is a wonderful technique that helps you quickly reboot, relax, switch to another state and begin to see the world differently. This technique provides enormous health benefits. Especially when you need to cope with insomnia or relieve stress.

The method of conducting Autogenic training or, more simply, Autotraining, is simple and accessible to every person.

In fact, the autogenic state is familiar to everyone. This is similar to a drowsy state when you disconnect from what is happening around you and are completely immersed in internal sensations.

You were definitely in this state when you felt warm, good, cozy and you simply observed your feelings, without any purpose and without thinking about anything in particular.

It is easy to enter it by looking at the flame of a candle, sitting by the fire or watching the rain outside the window and listening to the drops softly knocking on the leaves.

3 stages of Autogenic training

The first thing to do is to get comfortable, sit down, or, even better, lie down. After this, you need to mentally go through the 3 stages of autogenic training.

Stage 1. Relaxation Mentally move your attention throughout your body and relax your muscles. It helps to focus on your own breathing, to feel how cool air enters your lungs and comes out pleasantly warm.

Stage 2. Positive suggestions You either make useful and pleasant suggestions to yourself, remembering affirmation phrases, or mentally immerse yourself in some pleasant memories. Try to recreate that moment in your life when you felt calm and protected. Perhaps these are moments from childhood or thoughts of a wonderful vacation that once happened.

Stage 3. Getting into an energetic and productive working state or sleep Imagine a state of vigor when energy flows like a wave through the body and makes it light and strong. And after that, return to reality, to the current moment.

Of course, the easiest way to get a feel for how it works is to try it in practice. I give more details about how to master Autogenic training, and an audio recording with which you can do your first conscious Autotraining, in my starter course “Mistress of Life”.

Find out more about the “Mistress of Life” course on this page: About the “Mistress of Life” training (opens in a new window)

Active methods to improve mood

As a rule, these methods require a sufficient amount of energy. Suitable for people who are naturally active, energetic, extroverts, who do not tolerate bad moods and do not give in to despondency. The following techniques are ideal for them:

Get active

There is no need to indulge in despondency, wrapped in a blanket and sitting in a chair. On the contrary, shake yourself up and go outside. You can just take a walk in the park, or you can play sports or just do exercises in the fresh air. For example, just an excellent remedy for the blues is cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink. In winter, when snow has already fallen, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positivity even more than children. Believe me, your blues will subside so quickly that you won’t even notice! The main thing in this case is to get out of the house. If you are determined to put an end to your bad mood, then, of course, you will not look for excuses to stay at home.

Do the cleaning

If you still categorically, under no circumstances, want to leave the house, you can direct your active actions in a different direction: do the cleaning. Psychologists believe that often, on a subconscious level, it is the disorder in our home that puts pressure on us (be it a mess visible to everyone or a chaos in the closet that only you know about). If your home is far from ideal in terms of cleanliness, feel free to get down to business. Most likely, at first it will be difficult for you, you will force yourself, and finally, it will seem to you that this cleaning will never end, and you will regret that you started it. But as your home begins to become clean and comfortable, you will notice how your mood will skyrocket. The benefits of this method of dealing with a bad mood are twofold: on the one hand, you get rid of a pessimistic mood, and on the other, you get a clean home in which you are very comfortable.

How can you improve your mood?

Cheerful music to lift your spirits

Many scientists agree that music has a special impact on the emotional state and spiritual perception of a person. When we listen to something we like, our body produces endorphins - hormones of joy and pleasure, which can even cause addiction to such a state.

So, what to do if you're not in the mood? The answer is listen to music that you like. By the way, the classics, in this case, can be very useful (even if many people don’t like them). Scientists have proven the positive influence of classics on the physical and mental processes occurring in the human body.

The same cannot be said, for example, about rock, which creates nervous tension and even causes aggression. Therefore, think about what you are listening to, and is this one of the reasons for your bad mood?

Smile for a good mood

An interesting way to cheer up is a smile (not even a real one - a mechanical one). When everything is so gloomy and we don’t feel like smiling at all, how can we improve our mood? However, try an experiment: pull a grimace (better even a face) in the style of an American smile on 32 teeth and hold it for a minute.

Don’t forget, at the same time, to admire your funny self in the mirror. The effect will be visible immediately! The facial muscles will send a signal to the brain that you are smiling, and the genius substance under the crust will conclude: you are smiling, which means everything is fine! Agree, it’s a good way to cheer up by deceiving him and yourself.

Favorite activity for mood

When you do what you love, your mood is sure to lift, because endorphins do not keep you waiting. Unfortunately, we have little time to devote to hobbies - and we again pay for this with a bad mood. So it’s worth leaving a little space in your busy life schedule to do what you love to put your mind in a good mood.

Here we will advise you to make a list of 20 favorite activities and do something from this list every day. It won't take much time, but it will leave you with a pleasant feeling and a desire to live a new day.

Something similar happens when a person defines his goal for every day, year and even his whole life. When you don’t have a goal, then you don’t have the joy of life that you consciously set for yourself, and the steps to achieve it, you don’t have the joy of life.

Each of us needs to understand why we live and where we are moving, so as not to be a chip in the sea, tossed from side to side. So set goals and achieve them! Your life will become much brighter.

Gratitude lifts your spirits

As you know, nothing lifts your spirits more than being grateful from the bottom of your heart for your life, health, loved ones, work, weather, etc. The habit of thanking God and life for something every day can be very useful. Make a list of your gratitude - this will also help you lift your spirits.

Make someone happy

How to cheer yourself up? Try to do something nice for someone - a surprise or a small gift. Even a compliment and a kind word will give those around you a drop of joy, and they, in turn, will not remain in debt.

Such an act will not cost you a lot of money and effort, but its result will exceed your expectations. Maybe if you help a person in a bad mood, your emotional state will improve?

Many will confirm that the purest and most sublime joy comes from selfless actions, and altruists are often very happy people, which cannot be said about complete egoists! Think about who you want to be and how you want to feel?

Here is a simple recipe on how to get rid of a bad mood - give joy to people, and it will definitely come back to you.


In our age of cars, elevators and office work, when most of us suffer from a sedentary lifestyle, which, along with various ailments, causes bad mood, sports can save you from problems of this kind.

It’s not for nothing that they say that life is in motion. There is also joy in movement, the cause of which is still the pleasure hormones produced during exercise. So, if you at least exercise in the morning and exercise a little during the day, your efforts will be crowned with success. You will not only improve your health, but also get a great mood every day.

Choose any way to lift your spirits, and remember that it can be subordinated to your desire to live with joy every day. And one more thing - it’s better to combine several methods at the same time.

We wish you to always be in a good mood.

Unleash your emotions to the max

A bad mood is often a sign of suppressed emotions. It happens that due to upbringing or habit, people hide emotions inside themselves.

Suppressing emotions is unhealthy. Imagine a boiling pot, tightly closed with a lid. If you do not allow the steam to escape, sooner or later the pressure under the lid will reach a critical level, and the boiler will simply explode.

That's how it is with emotions. In order not to explode, they need to be slowly released in time. At the same time, of course, you need to choose ways to do this that will not ruin your relationships and your life.

Let your emotions come out correctly! The easiest way to do this is to use your innate empathy and experience emotions abstracted from your personal situation, empathizing with other people.

Sometimes even very reserved men shed a tear while watching a good movie. So just turn on the music or watch a light comedy, a tearful drama or a movie with meaning. By immersing ourselves in the emotions that films give us, we can throw out what has accumulated in our souls and does not allow us to live happily.

And believe me, your body doesn’t care at all whether you cry over your personal problems or live the life of fictional characters. The therapeutic effect will still be there - the body will relax, the soul will become calmer.

I offer you a selection of my favorite films that are good for pulling yourself out of a psychological hole when your mood is at zero. I have watched many of them more than once, because each time is like the first.

Light uplifting films

1. “Exchange Holiday” (The Holiday, USA, 2006) A film about how unexpected decisions and a change of scenery can change life for the better. The story of two women who, at a critical moment in their lives, decided to change places.

2. “What men talk about” (Russia, 2010). Of course, they talk about women, love and money. But not only. There are many moments in the film in which you recognize your life. By the way, if you like it, this film also has a second part – “What Else Men Talk About”, which is also very good.

3. “Always say “Yes” (Yes Man, USA, UK, 2008). About how life changes if you see in it not limitations, but opportunities.

4. “Savages” (Russia, 2006) A very simple and atmospheric film that takes you into reality with other life values ​​and allows you to immerse yourself in the history of the characters.

5. “Promise does not mean getting married” (He's Just Not That Into You, Germany, USA, 2008) About love and mutual understanding between a man and a woman. Light and emotional.

Dramas that will make you cry your heart out

6. “The Green Mile” (The Green Mile, USA, 1999) A strong and deep film about people, about good and evil, about life and death. A little mysticism and a lot of meaning.

7. “ What Dreams May Come” (USA, New Zealand, 1998). About family, about love, about happiness and about what we believe or don’t believe.

8. “ Meet Joe Black” (USA, 1998) About death and preparedness for it. And, of course, about love.

9. “Sweet November” (Sweet November, USA, 2001). About how in one month your outlook on life and understanding of what is truly valuable and important changes.

10. “The Notebook” (The Notebook, USA, 2004). A stunningly beautiful love story. Deep, sincere, honest.

New impressions

Do what you love and never have time for. Have you ever wanted to reread your favorite book? The moment of immersion into the world of the magic pen is at your disposal! Have you dreamed of attending your favorite concert? It's time to make your wish come true. The atmosphere alone can evoke a range of enthusiastic feelings! Do you like theater, cinema, exhibitions? Go ahead. Emotions and impressions are priceless. If you feel that you are ready for adventure, step towards it. Very strong emotions are caused by extreme activities that contribute to the release of adrenaline. It “reboots” the nervous system, stimulates it, increases the level of wakefulness, activity and mental energy.

Listen to sad music

It would seem that melancholic songs should not improve your mood, but, on the contrary, drive you into the abyss of depression. But no. The Paradox of Music-Evoked Sadness: An Online Survey, conducted by researchers from the Free University of Berlin, showed that many people listen to sad music in moments of sadness and it helps them get rid of sadness.

There are several reasons for this, as scientists have suggested. First, sad melodies allow us to experience catharsis. Secondly, they promote empathy.

In addition, sad music creates a feeling of nostalgia and brings back pleasant memories.

Overall, the researchers summarized, listening to sad songs can reduce negative emotions and provide comfort.

How to deal with mood: a lesson from a psychologist

I consulted a psychologist and am sharing her advice with you. She explained to me that if someone is depressed for a long time, it means they need it for some reason. It would seem that you don’t like being sad, do you want to change it? If, according to medical indications, a person is healthy, and all methods to combat despondency have been tried, then only drastic decisions remain - to change something in oneself.

For these purposes, you can turn to a coach - this person translates your thoughts and desires to you, evaluates their reality and compliance with the direction. If you are sad about something, you don’t need it. If you are sad about something and you are in no hurry to get rid of it, then you like it.

How to cheer yourself up at work?

A person spends most of his time at work. Low mood can occur at work due to dissatisfaction with management, difficulties and problems that arise. It's normal that things won't always go smoothly.

That's why it's important to look for ways to quickly lift your mood at work:

  1. Cleaning the workplace. The mess will obviously be depressing. Put things in order at your workplace so that there are no clutter.
  2. Communication with colleagues. Of course, take time to communicate with those people who are interesting to you.
  3. Timeouts. Give yourself moments of rest. You don't need to work all the time. Once you've completed your task, take a little rest.
  4. Plan. Understanding what you need to do and how long it will take will allow you not to worry and get on with your work and get everything done.

Active methods to improve mood

Active ways to combat the blues are suitable for extroverts - sociable, proactive and energetic people. These methods involve the expenditure of energy, which will allow you to throw out accumulated negativity and clear your thoughts.

Get out of the house

Don’t give in to despondency while sitting in a chair and wrapped in a blanket. Shake yourself up, go outside: take a walk in the park, play sports or do exercises in the fresh air. Effective remedies for the blues are cycling or rollerblading, jogging, swimming pool, skating rink.

In winter, you can play snowballs - this game charges adults with positivity even more than children. Go for a walk in your favorite place: fresh air, invigorating surroundings and the physical exertion of walking will lift your spirits.

The main thing is to get out of the house and take action. When you are determined to say goodbye to a bad mood, be honest with yourself and don't come up with excuses to abandon your plans. Take an active life position, and the blues will recede so quickly that you won’t notice.

Do the cleaning

On a subconscious level, people are pressured by a messy apartment

Is it visible to everyone or is it just chaos in the closet that only you know about - it doesn’t matter. By putting things in their places, you will put things in order in your head.

The benefits of this method of fighting the blues are twofold: you get rid of a pessimistic mood and get a clean apartment in which it is pleasant and comfortable to be.

Play with your pet

With their devoted and selfless love, pets evoke positive emotions. A cheerful romp with a dog or cat will distract you from sad thoughts. The word "play" means actively participating in the fun.

Run after each other, throw a ball to the dog, or tease the cat with a piece of paper tied to a string. Give your pet a hug or playfully wrestle with the animal. This kind of physical activity will give you a boost of energy and you will feel much better.

Useful things

57. Clean your house.

58. Throw away all the trash that has collected on the balcony, mezzanines and other places where useless things accumulate.

59. Rearrange your apartment.

60. Finally get your computer in order.

61. Remove from friends on social networks all users who do not interest you or annoy you. It would also be a good idea to clean out your email and unsubscribe from unnecessary mailings.

62. Start learning some useful skill.

63. Donate money, items, or time to charity.

Physical exercise

Exercise is another proven way to cheer yourself up if everything is bad. The easiest way to do this is at home. But even at work, if you wish, you can perform several simple exercises. The body's blood circulation will improve, and an influx of strength will be felt almost instantly. Physical activity increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, so it is worth devoting more time to this useful activity. According to statistics, people who go to the gym at least three times a week are more stress-resistant and cheerful. The reason lies in the production of the happiness hormone during muscle work.


A method proven by millions of people. Creativity gives you the opportunity to express emotions, reflect exciting thoughts... And after reflecting a little, come out in a different, more positive state.

With the advent of the Internet, it is possible to learn almost anything. Just open the video tutorial you need and you can start learning.

It doesn’t matter what a person is passionate about:

  • paints pictures;
  • plays musical instruments;
  • knits or embroiders;
  • tries to find himself in cooking;
  • tries to compose poetry or write books.

The choice of creativity is everyone's business. The key point in it is self-expression. This is how a person finds true peace and tranquility.

Developing creative talents is not only a useful activity, but also profitable, because you can make good money from it online and in real life.

Psychological techniques for emergency self-help

There are also techniques that help everyone without exception, regardless of psychological and personal characteristics. Some of these techniques are quite difficult to perform psychologically, but they are very effective.

Keep your posture and laugh

Another simple way that quickly lifts your spirits and requires no time, no money, no effort. It consists in the fact that you need to stand up straight, straighten your back, as if you were in a corset. Then raise your head high and smile broadly. All! Just smile sincerely, of course. You can do this in front of a mirror.

You can simply stand in front of the mirror and smile at your reflection. For most people, this causes a lot of emotions: some feel like a complete fool, some even start crying. At first your smile will be more than modest, but your task is to make it wider and wider, and then start laughing. The main thing here is not to stop, but to laugh from the heart. No reason. Just. This is a powerful emotional release.

Complete unfinished business

This method can hardly be called pleasant, but if deep down you know that the cause of your bad mood is precisely the unfinished business that hangs like a stone on your soul, then no matter what you try to do to lift your mood, only one thing will help you - complete it case. Therefore, pull yourself together and bring this matter to the end. You can set yourself that when you have done everything, you will go to the cinema or buy yourself some new clothes, or, despite the diet, eat a cake. This will make it easier for you to tune in and complete this task.

Article information

wikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. This article was produced by 11 people, including anonymously, to edit and improve it.

Categories: Relationships | Friendship

In other languages:

English: Make Someone Feel Better, Português: Ajudar Alguém a se Sentir Melhor, Español: hacer que alguien se sienta mejor, Italiano: Tirare Su di Morale una Persona, Français: réconforter un proche, Deutsch: Dazu beitragen dass es jemandem wieder besser geht , Bahasa Indonesia: Memperbaiki Suasana Hati Seseorang, Nederlands: Iemand een beter gevoel geven, 中文: 让一个人感觉好受一点, العربية: التحسين من حال ة الآخرين, 日本語: 誰かを元気づける, Tiếng Việt: An ủi người khác

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How to cheer yourself up quickly and for free

If you buy a new car or go to Goa, your internal state will probably return to normal. But if you think about it in the absence of budget and opportunity, it becomes even worse. Therefore, we will consider only budgetary methods that are accessible to everyone. First of all, determine the cause of despondency and select a suitable method to eliminate it. You know yourself better than anyone else - remember what you really like to do.

It could be:

  • Hobby or creativity.
  • Listening to music.
  • Watching films.
  • Reading news from your favorite public page on social networks.
  • Walk, talk with friends and so on ad infinitum.

It’s worth trying to follow one simple rule - do what you like and don’t do what you don’t like. If your emotional state leaves much to be desired, put off work, study, household chores and unpleasant meetings (if this is possible without serious consequences). Also avoid any conflicts, don’t look for someone to take it out on. In the latter case, it is better to scream into the pillow - this usually helps relieve stress and nervous tension.

Relax at home

Don't want to go anywhere? You can also arrange everything at home. There are plenty of options available to have a good time without leaving your home:

  • watching a movie or TV series starring your favorite actors;
  • cooking a delicious dinner;
  • meditation.

Not feeling well? Take a break from obsessive thoughts. It is necessary to periodically switch your attention. Constantly focusing on pressing problems depletes the psyche, taking away all vital resources.

Psychology: what to do if you are always in a bad mood

If you notice that you are always in a bad mood, then this is an alarming symptom. Perhaps you have health problems, and depression is a side effect of the disease. You should definitely get examined by a doctor. If you know the reason for your constant blues, but you can’t do anything about it, don’t hesitate to consult a psychologist - in our time this is nothing unusual, and millions of people cope with many difficulties in this way. If there are no objective reasons for frustration, then it is possible that there are no special reasons for joy, which means that you need to make fundamental changes in your daily routine. Think about what life seems ideal to you, and try to get at least a little closer to these ideas.

Live in the countryside

According to Atlantic Media's Overall survey, Americans in the Suburbs Are Still the Happiest, the happiest people are those who live in rural areas, away from the hustle and bustle of big cities. 84% of respondents from this category reported their satisfaction with living conditions, but in cities only 75% were satisfied citizens.

Similar resultsHow Happy are Your Neighbors? Variation in Life Satisfaction among 1200 Canadian Neighborhoods and Communities was also received by happiness researchers from the Vancouver School of Economics and McGill University. They found that satisfaction levels among suburbanites were eight times higher than among those living in the concrete jungle. So consider moving to the countryside. Or at least go to the dacha to get some fresh air, and not hunch over potato plantations.

Boost morale at work

If you periodically encounter such a problem as a breakdown in the workplace, then some tips will help you boost your morale.

Full lunch break.

If your lunch break lasts half an hour or more, try not to spend it at your workplace! Go to a coffee shop nearby, sit in the courtyard on a bench with a glass of your favorite drink, if possible, take a walk in the square or park. A periodic change of environment is very important, and if you get such a chance, then you should not neglect it.

Order in the workplace.

The cleaner and tidier it is around you, the easier it will be for you to “breathe,” even if you believe that this order does not affect your work in any way. If your table is littered with a pile of various papers, filled with cups and various garbage, then even subconsciously this will depress you. Put things in order around you, and you will see that your work will be much easier.

Plans for the day.

To avoid taking on a dozen things at once and ultimately not getting anything done, in the morning make a list of the tasks that you need to complete during the day. Immediately estimate how much time you will need for this or that task, and try to invest within the established deadlines, without being distracted by extraneous topics.

Plans for the evening.

Work will be more fun if you know that there is some reward waiting for you after it! This could be a meeting with a friend, a date, dinner with family, a walk in the park, shopping and much more. Try to always plan something for the evening. Even the point: “Buy a chocolate bar and watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series” is also a great plan!


18. Meditate for 10 minutes. Or simply sit up straight, close your eyes and take 10 slow breaths.

19. Take a bath with essential oils.

20. Have a 20-minute yoga or stretching session.

21. Ask someone to give you a massage. Or make it yourself. A massage chair in a shopping center is also an option.

22. Buy a bottle of good wine and savor it slowly throughout the evening.

23. Pop bubble wrap, stick your hand into peas (beans, lentils) like Amelie, or get pleasant tactile sensations in another way.

24. Let off some steam and scream.

25. Finally go to bed early and get some sleep!

How to improve your mood every day

The good mood of each day comes from how our morning went. And if it’s the day of the trip, then even getting up at five in the morning is joyful and wonderful, but if the weather outside is dull, the condition is pre-sick, and there’s another rush at work, then getting yourself out of bed will be problematic, and all actions are accompanied by dissatisfied grumbling.

In order to have a great mood every day, you need to take care of its good start: set the alarm clock a little earlier so that you have time to leisurely lie down, and instead of the “alarm clock” inscription on your phone, you can put some kind of encouraging or cheerful phrase. Set aside twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for calm and relaxed thoughts.

Morning is the best time for daydreaming and making plans, for light meditations and sending positive wishes to loved ones - use it for pleasing things, and not for frantically running around the apartment looking for keys (even if you have to get up a little earlier). Anything negative you encounter along the way can be written down on a separate piece of paper. Those. It’s not this terrible world that turned off the water, burned the scrambled eggs and broke the heel, but it’s you who collect the little troubles that accompany the morning. Turn it into a game, at the end of which, for example, when you get to work, you can fold a piece of paper into an airplane and launch it into the air.

Make sure that every day is filled with physical activity, a change of environment and delicious food. These things can be combined, for example, by having lunch in different places or jogging on different routes

Make sure that not only your body, but also your brain does not remain hungry: new knowledge and acquaintances, places and films are a source of mental pleasure, in the absence of which no antidepressant will help.

You can also introduce the practice of fulfilling one wish every day or performing a bright and pleasing act. If it happens that you don’t have your own wishes for today, then fulfill others’ – the joy of those around you will return with even greater joy of your own.

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