How to attract the right person from a distance with the power of thought

Have you paid attention to the fact that some people get what they have in mind, while others get exactly the opposite. Why are some given everything and others nothing? The answer to this question is obvious. Those who have things happen the way they want, know how to dream correctly.

Scientists have already proven that thoughts generated by human consciousness have a spiritual and material form. They change the aura and attract or repel positive energy. If you don’t yet believe that you are capable of more, then welcome to an excursion into the possibilities of the power of thought.

Personal magnetism

The portrait of a successful person consists of the following qualities: sociability, openness, popularity, charisma. These concepts are united by a common term – personality magnetism. The person seems to attract attention to himself without doing anything for it.

Anyone can learn this if they want. And along with these qualities, success will come into your life and your wildest dreams will come true. All you need is to say goodbye to negative thoughts and create positive energy around you.

How to develop personal magnetism?

  1. Find harmony within yourself. As long as you are eternally dissatisfied with yourself and your life, no one needs you. By creating negative thoughts (I'm a failure, I'm not capable of anything) you will only attract failed individuals. Accept your shortcomings and forgive the mistakes of the past, learn to live in harmony with yourself.
  2. Conquer your fears. Anxiety and self-doubt give rise to complexes that prevent you from moving forward. People who are afraid of mistakes and failures do not achieve anything in life, marking time in one place. Only life experience and experienced fears make us stronger and wiser.
  3. Train your mind. Limited perception is the main mistake of an unsuccessful person. He does not know how to consider a situation from all angles and make the right decision. Therefore, read books, watch, analyze and draw conclusions that will help you move through life in the right direction.

In addition to internal qualities, the outer shell is also important. People are drawn to beautiful, neat and clean individuals. The appearance should reflect the internal state, in harmony with the type of figure and shades of skin and hair.

Compiling affirmations

Combining visualization with verbal expression of desire strengthens your energy flow and accelerates its movement. Many girls are trying to find spells that will help them find their other half or attract a person who is already in their life.

What is a conspiracy? This is the same energy message, an appeal to the Universe. Whether or not to turn to magic is up to each person to decide for himself. Some of the proposed texts may also carry negativity, attempts to enslave the will of another person, which is fraught with destruction.

Therefore, it is safer and more effective to create your own affirmation - filled with kindness, tenderness and love. If you want a person you know to call you, then you express this desire, specifying the time at which the call should sound.

At the same time, experts in the field of esotericism talk about how important it is to let go of your desire and not think about the person, not wait for this call. That is, first you concentrate as much as possible on your desire, put all your positive energy into it and release it to work in the Universe. Constantly holding a thought in your head prevents it from “unattaching” from you.

Don't expect results to come the first time. And don’t forget about the difference in energy - if your partner is stronger and more stable emotionally, then it may be difficult to “break through” to him. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. To attract a person with a thought, you must be calm, confident and act systematically. Don't give up on training, continue to develop these abilities in yourself. And you will see that everything is possible.

Elizaveta, Izhevsk

Law of the power of thought

When Newton discovered the law of attraction, he could not even imagine that it acts not only on physical, but also on spiritual matter. Today there is evidence of this fact, and it is useless to dispute it. Convinced skeptics deny the obvious, justifying failures by coincidence or external factors, not realizing that they themselves create them around themselves.

If you are afraid to go to an exam, then your thoughts will definitely materialize in an alarm clock that doesn’t ring, a broken elevator, or a bus that leaves, which will be perceived as a series of failures.

Remember that only you are responsible for what happens in life and no one else is to blame for it. There is only one conclusion left: learn to think positively and believe in yourself. Then the world around you will change and give you joy and beauty that you had not seen before under the veil of complexes, fears and resentments.

Red car effect

You, of course, have heard about this mental law, but it is impossible not to mention it, at least briefly. The operating principle is simple:

  • you buy a red (can be any color) car;
  • or someone from your circle acquires it;
  • then red cars start appearing everywhere.

When something appears in your life, be it a car of a certain brand or color, or a person, you begin to notice similar things or the characters of people everywhere. Yes, the red cars themselves do not become more numerous, your brain just pays attention to them.

Why is this so important? Knowing how this effect works, you can model your own life to your liking. By specifying the image of the man you want to get, you will open up limitless options, and they will pour into your life!

This works even if you are trying to attract a specific man with your thoughts. For this it is enough:

  • find out what he likes and what he doesn’t like;
  • evaluate his appearance and character;
  • determine what shortcomings it has;
  • find out about his interests and hobbies.

Then the same hobbies will appear in your life, you will imperceptibly begin to build parallels with this man, to resonate. And when the energy vibrations completely coincide, he will not imagine his life without you.

The red car effect works flawlessly. It is enough to specify your own wishes, or identify a living person whom you want to attract into your life, and miracles will begin to happen. Do not resist the changes that arise, develop and direct them , then what you want will turn into reality. But this is far from the end. To attract a man to you with the power of thought, you need to go through two stages.

The secret of the power of thought

After analyzing books, teachings and videos, we can conclude that everyone is able to control the power of thought. The main difficulty is that many people lack the self-confidence to use this skill. But when they discover a universe subject to the power of thought, they do not understand how they lived before.

The secret of the power of thought is simple, but if you don’t know it, you won’t achieve what you want. Many people spend time achieving their goals but do it wrong. In order for your plans to come true, you need to learn several things.

How to tame the power of thought?

  1. Learn to appreciate what you have. Some people are so greedy that when they achieve what they want, they want even more. They do not know how to enjoy simple things, and only material values ​​bring them happiness. Look around, rejoice that you are alive and well, that there is no war, you have a job and children. Be grateful for what you have.
  2. Stop seeing only the bad. Those who see the good in the world gain valuable experience. Stop watching news and crime shows, action and horror films. Love classical music and literature. Don’t do things that clog your mind and prevent positive energy from helping you make your dreams come true.
  3. Think about your desires. The more often you imagine relaxing on the seashore, the faster you will get there. Get into the habit of dreaming and writing down desires in a notebook or drawing in an album. Look through your personal diary more often, where you store your innermost desires and add new goals to it.

The most difficult thing in this matter is not to give up. Sometimes it seems that everything is set against you, but at these moments remember that you are the creator of your life, and only you have the power to change anything.

How does it work?3

For three to four minutes, you don't need to do anything other than breathe deeply and try to clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. This is called “entering the alpha level.” According to the owner of the channel, it is in such a relaxed state that we have access to the subconscious and the forces hidden in it.

After you've relaxed, pick up your phone. Now you need to visualize the notification of a new message from a man down to the smallest detail - imagine the sound with which the phone notifies you about a new message, imagine the name of your loved one, you can even imagine the beginning of the desired message.

No pink hearts or kissing birds - paint an image of the message in your head as if you were seeing it in person. You should try to imagine this “picture” by first looking at the empty notification window on your phone, then closing your eyes.

You need to do this for about a minute, and then “connect your emotions” - imagine your delight and happiness when you see the desired message. Saturate yourself with these emotions, taste them. And then thank the Higher Powers, your subconscious, your imagination.

The girl advises doing this practice in the morning and evening, from one to three days.

The most difficult thing, in our opinion, is to take this seriously and not reproach yourself for stupid behavior. In the end, it has been said more than once about the power of the subconscious and the fact that thoughts are material, so why not try to take advantage of the benefits of the Universe?

The reviews are left by real women, and there are many of them, and all of them (women) are of different ages - from ten-year-olds to fifty-year-olds. Some thank the girl and share their experience, others lament that, as always, they have everything in one place.

Making wishes come true with the power of thought

The main goal for which we want to “tame” the power of thought is the fulfillment of desires. And to make your dreams come true, follow the rules to help make this process quick and fruitful.

If you want your wishes to come true, then imagine that your plans have already come true, and you are enjoying life.

What to do to make wishes come true with the power of thought:

  1. Give your desire clear edges. The request “I want to lose weight” will not work. Set a time limit and indicate the number of kilograms. Otherwise, you will lose weight, but not as much as you need.
  2. Don't set impossible goals. “I want a million dollars here and now” is an impossible task even for great magicians and illusionists. If you need money, then imagine that you were offered a job with a good salary or a salary increase.
  3. Make a wish map. This is a fun activity that will allow you to see the goal you are striving for every day and be inspired to take action.
  4. Don't expect a miracle. Nothing happens by itself. If you don't take action, you will never find the right solution and miss the opportunity that the universe has sent you.
  5. Let go of the desire. Have you noticed that dreams come true when we forget about them? Therefore, you should not think every day when it will come true.

If you want to make your fantasies come true, start with yourself. Are you worthy of what you dream of, will you hold the happiness you receive in your hands, and will it make you a mercantile and greedy person? Thoughts that make the lives of others worse, pursue selfish goals, will only cause harm. Remember that everything you desire comes back to you threefold.


What is necessary for the power of thought to begin to work:

  • A clear statement of desire. When thinking about your desire, you need to really imagine it. If you want to attract a man into your life, think about how he will look and what character traits he will have.
  • Positive thinking is the key to success. Some people often replay the situation in such a way that it ends in disappointment. It is not surprising that this happens in life. After all, when you prepare for trouble, you begin to gradually contribute to its occurrence even with your behavior. Confidence in a positive outcome must be present in all your thoughts.
  • Visualization. It is much easier to tune in to the desired wavelength when what you are expecting and looking for is in front of your eyes. If you want to attract a specific person - let it be his photo, if just a beloved and loving partner - draw him, putting your energy into the drawing and thinking about what he should be like.
  • Decide on the main thing. In order for the law of attraction to work, it must be filled with energy. Each person has their own amount of energy, for some it is spent on unnecessary, negative thoughts, so the strength may not be enough. In this regard, to achieve the goal, several more conditions must be met. Firstly, highlight the main thing so as not to get scattered.
  • And also - remove negativity from your thoughts. Over the course of a person's life, many grievances accumulate. Feelings of irritation and anger also affect the flow of thoughts, but resentment is the strongest feeling in its destructive qualities.

How to make a wish map

Visualizing desires is useful for strengthening self-confidence and the concept of what you really need. Feng Shui offers an interesting way to “organize” dreams. To make a map, you will need whatman paper, your photo, glue, scissors, markers and magazines. If you can draw, even better.

Divide the paper into 9 equal squares, placing your portrait in the middle. The photo should be clear and beautiful, but the main thing is that you like it. This square should have an orange background; it represents health and beauty.

Make the southeast section purple and glue on it images of what wealth means to you. The upper central square is south, it represents glory and recognition and is red in color. The southwestern segment - marriage, family and children should be yellow.

Leave the western square white, this is a zone of creative potential, fill it with photographs, or better yet, drawings made with your own hand. The northwestern section is gray and keeps dreams of travel.

Select pictures and photographs so that they clearly indicate what you want to achieve in this area.

The north square should be black and indicate career achievements. Color the northeast blue and paste photographs representing wisdom and experience. The wish card is ready. Place it above your bed for easy study before bed and in the morning.

Change your life with the power of thought

When wishes come true, the realization comes that this is not enough. You bought a new smartphone or got married, but fear and melancholy still haunt you. If this happens, it's time to change your life.

How to change your life with the power of thought:

  1. Control what you think about. Troubles at work, family discord, lack of money are factors that poison your thoughts and make you think about bad things. Say stop to worries and stress, live as if you have no problems. Think only about good things.
  2. Limit yourself from negative emotions. Bad news attracts people, makes them worry and discuss them with colleagues and friends. Stop turning on the TV, reading news reports, don't talk about politics, wars and disasters, especially if you are impressionable. What you think about is attracted to you.
  3. Think about what you want your life to be. Imagine the qualities you want to have, how you want to look, where to live and what to have. Write down your wishes on paper and read them as often as possible.

Envy, greed and self-interest are qualities that will not allow you to achieve your cherished goals and will stop the development of your personality.

Until you learn to slow down negative thinking and see the good in everything, you will not change your life. You will continue to be haunted by failures, and fortune will smile on other people.

How to attract a person

Has it ever happened to you that you suddenly remembered a person whom you had not seen or communicated with for a long time? This is how the power of thought makes you think about a person and does not give you peace until you meet. This can be learned if you make an effort and free your mind from negativity. But remember that this is not a love spell that will dry you out, but will only help make you think about you and meet you faster.

How to attract a person with the power of thought?

  1. Use the same techniques as for making a wish come true. Imagine your meeting, what you will look like, what emotions you will feel. Think about this more often and live an ordinary life.
  2. Formulate an affirmation. It should clearly express the desire and be repeated as often as possible.
  3. If you have tender feelings for a person, you can make them feel it. Sit back, free yourself from extraneous thoughts, take a comfortable position. Imagine your feelings in bright colors, feel the trembling of your skin, the beating of your heart. Then draw an invisible line connecting you and your loved one, convey feelings along it until you exhaust yourself.

To make your dreams come true, you need to believe in yourself and your strength. Then the boundaries of the impossible will expand, and you will feel supported by the universe. Luck will turn to you and your plans will begin to come true.


Olga: There was a period in my life when I wanted to bring a young man back to me. I constantly thought about this man, re-read his messages. In the end, we made up after meeting by chance in a cafe. It turns out that we came to the same place at the same time. I can say with confidence that I “attracted” him.

Ivan: One day on the street I met a girl I liked. Since then, I began to often visit the place where the meeting took place. We saw each other a few more times, and then she came up to me and offered to meet me. The power of thought exists !

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