Self-hypnosis - mechanism of action, methods, examples from life

Self-hypnosis is an area of ​​psychology that has been studied for many years, periodically surprising scientists with unexpected facts. How strong is our subconscious, how does it work, is it really possible to heal or achieve incredible heights with the help of self-hypnosis? So, you will learn from the article what the incredible power of self-hypnosis is capable of.

The origins of suspiciousness

Suspiciousness usually arises from self-doubt and low self-esteem. Morbid suspiciousness is a kind of manifestation of an exaggerated instinct of self-preservation. Many experts rightly believe that the causes of suspiciousness lie in those negative, and often psychologically traumatic, childhood impressions and experiences, which subsequently grow into neurotic complexes. Suspiciousness is a heterogeneous concept. It can be an independent character trait, or it can be part of a disorder, for example, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, hypochondria, pathological jealousy, and delusions of persecution.

Suspiciousness is a common problem; one third of the population of our planet suffers from it in one form or another.

Features of the Emile Coue method

The technique of the French pharmacist Coue has become widespread among other self-hypnosis techniques. How did this happen? Selling medicines and noticing the positive results from their use, he believed that the reason for healing was the “power of imagination” of patients.

The pharmacist learned the technique of hypnosis and opened a clinic in Nancy, where he treated people using his own method. Periodically, he gave lectures about them in France and England and published a book.

According to Coue, even suggestible people can remain indifferent to suggestion if they resist and do not transform it into self-suggestion. Therefore, his thesis says: there is no suggestion - there is self-suggestion.

Not being a doctor, the Frenchman called his clients students, inviting them to make full use of the “innate power of nature” - self-hypnosis. Coue convinced the client of the incredible power of thought. When he succeeded in this, the student received a new task: close his eyes, not think about extraneous phenomena, but concentrate on the diseased organ. Example: The client experiences intermittent abdominal discomfort. Coue recommended that he give himself the following instructions: “Today I will have a restful sleep without disturbing dreams, in the morning I will have good stool, my appetite will come, the pain will subside.” The patient also had to convince himself that every day his condition would improve until it was completely normal.

The Frenchman insisted that this should be instilled mechanically, without much thought. For the best effect, it was suggested to sort through the knots of string or talk to each unhealthy organ separately.

Relaxation plays a key role in the process of self-hypnosis. The pharmacist stated that our beliefs were formed without any serious effort. This means that the formation of new attitudes should proceed in the same way. Excessive efforts often bring undesirable results.

It is noteworthy that the Frenchman’s method is still quite popular - it is successfully used in modern psychotherapy. Many respected representatives of the scientific world summarize that Coue became the forerunner of behavioral psychotherapy. The pharmacist proposed a method of controlling thoughts, focusing on the power of positive thinking. Also interesting is the fact that despite this, many contemporaries were skeptical of Coue's experiments - some even called him a swindler.

Why fight suspiciousness?

Even the usual, and not pathological, form of suspiciousness causes a lot of inconvenience to its owner. And if the latter needs to be fought with the help of specialists: psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, then you can try to eradicate the former yourself. Suspiciousness not only darkens a person’s life, but also paralyzes his activity, prevents him from achieving success on his path, and building a harmonious personal life. There are a number of ways in which you can get rid of the constant feeling of anxiety about your abilities, capabilities and health.

What is self-hypnosis


- This is the psychological impact of an individual on his consciousness. Characterized by an uncritical perception of worldviews and attitudes. A person inspires himself with various attitudes, ideas, feelings and thoughts.

Self-hypnosis can be carried out using autogenic training, which involves independently pronouncing and reading certain phrases - whether this happens out loud or silently. Influences one's own personality.

We encounter self-hypnosis of varying intensity all the time. Example: suppressing anxiety before the unknown, trying to calm yourself before public speaking, and the like.

Self-hypnosis can be divided into active and passive, harmful influence and beneficial. There have been precedents in medical practice when self-hypnosis of harmful effects significantly worsened the patient’s condition, even to the point of paralysis. There are also many stories recorded when conscious self-hypnosis of beneficial effects provided significant assistance in treatment.

Fighting suspiciousness: 18 steps to success

Step 1: Train the skill of success Try to develop in yourself the best things that helped you cope with difficulties in the past.

Step 2: appreciate your strengths You should not concentrate on your negative (often imaginary) qualities. You need to try to find the positive things in yourself that distinguish you from others.

Step 3: Don't talk bad about yourself It is not advisable to talk bad about yourself. If you constantly, even jokingly, in the face of minor failures, say: “What can you take from me? I’m a coward and a bungler!” – then soon, no longer as a joke, you will involuntarily strive to meet this definition.

Step 4: Confidence in Friends Don't be shy about sharing your fears, doubts, and worries with good, trusted friends. When a person “verbalizes” a problem (that is, expresses it in words), he has already partially solved it.

Step 5: keep a diary You can start a diary or notebook in order to record your experiences due to suspiciousness. Couldn't communicate with the person you're interested in? Try to write down what you felt at that moment: confusion, heart palpitations, embarrassment, etc. At first, you will just take notes. But soon, knowing what can happen to you in a given situation, you will no longer be lost in similar circumstances.

Step 6: Change Habits Try changing your habits. Not forever, but for a while. Trying to change, even in small things (for example, putting on shoes in the morning starting with a different foot than usual), will gradually set you up for the possibility of more serious, profound changes in your attitude towards life: you will feel, think, act differently.

Step 7: set yourself up for the best Try to set yourself up. This is a very important skill. For example: “All this day I will be as joyful and cheerful a person as possible! I will certainly smile at least seven times during the day!” (precisely seven times, because it’s a lucky number!); “I will give sober, calm, reasonable, adequate reactions to any situation!”; “On this day I will not allow any pessimistic, let alone negative assessments of my actions and qualities!”; “I will simply ignore negative traumatic circumstances!”; “I will definitely try to live this whole truly new day with the belief that success in my life is simply inevitable! Perhaps to achieve it you just need to be patient.”

Step 8: massage your earlobes In the fight against suspiciousness, you can also use physical influence: if you tend to worry and panic in any significant situation, try pressing on two special points, one of which is located inside the auricle, in the upper part of the ear, and the second is in the middle of the lobe. You can also rub the entire surface of your ears, focusing on the earlobes.

Step 9: Laugh at Your Fears Learning to laugh at your fears is not easy. To do this, you can use one technique. Write statements on separate pieces of paper that you don’t like about yourself, for example: “I’m embarrassed by the fact that I immediately blush when talking to strangers”; “I’m worried that my nose (mouth, ears...) is not the same,” etc. Place or pin these notes near the largest mirror in the apartment. When you look at these “paper confessions”, try to arrange comic mini-performances: laugh at your fears, make faces at yourself in the mirror! Sooner or later, the intensity of your experiences will subside, and you will begin to overcome suspiciousness.

Step 10: write down your fears You can write down on a piece of paper everything that you fear because of your suspiciousness. For example: “My heart is tingling, but it’s just nerves, that’s what my doctor told me!” Looking at this recording (it will be better if you make it with colored markers), you will gradually begin to get used to the idea that there is “nothing wrong with you.”

Step 11: fall in love with aromatherapy You can use aromatherapy to combat suspiciousness. Try adding 1-2 drops of rosemary or vanilla essential oil to your handkerchief. They give confidence in their abilities, relieve shyness and anxiety.

Step 12: Replace fear with pity If you are afraid of some kind of disease or infection, you can fantasize, imagining it in the form of an intrusive guest, skinny, frail and frightened. This will help ease fear (well, really, how can you be afraid of such an insignificance?!) or even drive it away.

Step 13: draw your anxiety Drawing helps well in the fight against suspiciousness. You can try to depict your fears in the form of drawings, funny and absurd. You can decorate the walls of your apartment with them in order to have a good laugh at them.

Step 14: come up with a happy ending Modeling the situation that you fear, how events with a successful outcome can also help suspicious people. For example, you are afraid of doctors. Imagine that it is not you, but one of your friends or relatives who needs to visit the clinic. Laugh at their concerns and fears. And then try to model your own trip to the clinic as a calm and safe event. Step 15: scare... your fear Usually, suspicious people drive away their fears and anxieties and thereby simply drive them inside. Try doing the opposite. For example, at the dentist’s office, fearing not so much toothache as the possibility of getting some kind of infection, tell yourself: “Please, dear fear, come in and do me a favor! What do you have there? Some kind of stupid infection? Bring her here!” In this way, you paralyze not yourself, but your fear.

Step 16: find a hobby Try to find an interesting activity or hobby for yourself. This kind of bright and joyful passion will protect you from many fears for the future.

Step 17: apply auto-training In the fight against suspiciousness, you can “adopt” a special technique of autogenic training - self-hypnosis, proposed even before the “inventor” of this psychotherapeutic technique, Johann Schulz, by the famous poet Maximilian Voloshin. Copy his poem “The Spell” (written back in 1929) with colored felt-tip pens and hang it in a visible place, re-read it every day, instilling in yourself everything that is written in it (or even better, learn these lines by heart):

All your organs are working properly: the progress of eternity is counted by your heart, your lungs and stomach are smoldering imperishably! Communion transforms the flesh into spirit and discards the excess toxins. Intestines, liver, glands and kidneys - “Concentrations and altars of the High Hierarchies” in musical Concord. There are no alarm bells or pains: your hands don’t hurt, your ears are healthy, your mouth doesn’t dry out, your nerves are hardy, clear and sensitive... And if you, persistent in your work, exceed your physical strength limits, your subconscious will immediately hold you back!

It is best to repeat these blank verses while sitting in the most comfortable position with your eyes closed, breathing easily and freely.

Step 18: think rationally One of the most important skills in the fight against suspiciousness is rational thinking. You can’t think only about the bad, worrying, exciting or scary all the time. This is especially not worth doing when you are alone with yourself, in the evening or before bed. Everyone knows how these kinds of thoughts and experiences interfere with finding peace of mind, which contributes to normal falling asleep and restful sleep. And a bad dream, filled with disturbing dreams, plunges a suspicious person even more into the abyss of worries. Therefore, before going to bed, it is better to dream, fantasize about something pleasant, and remember joyful moments.

How to get rid of an illness using self-hypnosis: basic rules

Self-hypnosis is a very effective technique for getting rid of certain diseases. His strength has been proven more than once. The method is effective in situations where medicine can no longer help. For example, V. Bekhterev believed that the healing effect of prayer is based on self-hypnosis.

Many scientists have come to the conclusion that the maximum effect of treatment occurs when the patient himself believes in future healing. Probably, many have heard about amazing cases when the power of faith turned out to be much stronger than medications. How to help yourself heal using self-hypnosis.

Give yourself the following guidelines.

My body can heal on its own

The direction of our thoughts has a decisive effect on the functioning and condition of our body, the cells of which are constantly renewed - some daily, and some once every few months. That is, in just a few months you will have a new physical body - all the cells will be renewed. If you are overcome by a certain illness, try to focus on it, talk to it, imagining how your cells are constantly renewed. Imagine that you are already living in a practically renewed body.

I'm on the road to recovery

It is very important to create positive attitudes. Think about what attitudes have become an obstacle to getting rid of the disease. Perhaps you are convinced that the cause of your troubles is poor heredity? Or maybe you think that living in a city with a bad environment, you can never become a healthy person? Or do you repeat to yourself that the years are taking their toll? It is possible that you live with negative attitudes, convincing yourself that health is not for you. The capabilities of the body have no limits, and the beliefs we create are gradually translated into reality. Example: You imagine yourself getting younger, not older. Try it and see the result. There will be a release from long-standing habits and established patterns. Prove the power of thought, surprise yourself.

I listen to my body

Illnesses indicate that thoughts harm the body. It is trying to convey that attitudes need to be changed. Are you sick? This means that there are problems with the way of thinking, the perception of reality. Listen to the body's call, don't ignore it. Analyze what it says about your needs. Example: you want to have a snack. Think about it: are you really hungry, will your food choice benefit your body or harm it? Approach every action consciously. Love yourself, your body - the response will come immediately.

The autotraining method is effective in the treatment of patients suffering from mental disorders and diseases of the genitourinary system. Helps overcome harmful addictions and excess weight.

Self-hypnosis demonstrates noticeable results in disease prevention. It has a positive effect on the overall strengthening of the body and improving mood. Psychotechnics are recommended for apathetic states, emotional disorders, and serious shocks.

Example: breakup. The emotional pain even from the breakup of a long-term relationship lasts no more than a few hours. Subsequently, we “feed” our suffering with negative self-hypnosis.

In a positive way

If you can master these steps and add your own to them, you will gradually begin to think in new ways. And you will understand how much in life you have lost because of your suspiciousness.

Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences: “Suspiciousness is a complex psychological phenomenon. It is associated primarily with such a concept as anxiety. Anxiety means a certain potential readiness of a person to react to new situations, life circumstances, events with one or another manifestation of anxiety. Suspicious people have a fairly high level of anxiety. Suspiciousness in the physical sphere can manifest itself in the form of hypochondria. A person tends to very sensitively and carefully “listen” to all the signals of his body, attribute to them a painful meaning, interpret them as threatening health or even life, and often seek help from doctors. Suspiciousness in the social sphere can manifest itself as paranoia, that is, a tendency to be wary in communication, a distorted perception of the attitude of other people as hostile. The result of a kind of “protection” from suspiciousness can be perfectionism, that is, an almost obsessive belief that “I must achieve only the best results, I must be the best.” In a pathological form, this is manifested by the conviction that “no personal result achieved is ideal,” which could be even better. The fear of not achieving the best result leads a person to procrastination - constantly putting off making important decisions, putting off important things “for tomorrow.” Because of this, a person’s anxiety can only increase, and a kind of “vicious circle” is formed: anxiety – suspiciousness – paranoia – perfectionism – procrastination – anxiety. If you cannot break this circle with the help of the advice given in the article, it is recommended to seek the advice of a psychologist.”

Expert: Yaroslav Kolpakov, clinical psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences

Author: Evgeniy Vosarat
The material uses photographs belonging to

Definition and meaning of the concept

Self-hypnosis is the influence on one’s own consciousness and subconscious through various methods. It can be either conscious or not. With the help of self-hypnosis, you can introduce various attitudes and programs into the psyche that will help increase efficiency, improve mental and physical health, and achieve the desired results.

Scientists became seriously interested in the phenomenon of self-hypnosis in the middle of the last century. The French psychologist and pharmacist Emile Coue is considered a pioneer in the study of this phenomenon. He noticed that the psychological mood of patients largely determines the course of the disease.

People who believed in a favorable outcome recovered much faster and easier than those who were pessimistic. The opposite effect also applies. A healthy person can easily get sick if he makes himself feel unwell.

Self-hypnosis underlies such an effect as a placebo. When unsuspecting patients were given “dummy” drugs instead of real drugs, they often turned out to be no less effective and speeded up recovery.

John Kehoe is considered the most famous popularizer of self-hypnosis. His book “The Subconscious Mind Can Do Anything” created a real sensation after its publication. The techniques described in it are incredibly simple, and the narrative is replete with many vivid and surprising examples that prove their effectiveness. However, the mass euphoria from reading the book very soon gave way to disappointment. People bitterly stated that their desires were not fulfilled and self-hypnosis did not work.

Why did it happen? Obviously, they began to expect too much from self-hypnosis, as from a magic pill. People took the method too literally and took it to the point of absurdity. I personally know several comrades who happily abandoned everything they were doing and began to fanatically engage in self-hypnosis. While they were visualizing their desires, without doing anything concrete to achieve, their lives fell into disrepair.

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Today, the attitude towards self-hypnosis is more equal and adequate. But the risk of falling into the same trap still remains. Therefore, you need to approach this process wisely.


Psychologists agree that self-hypnosis is the most powerful psychotechnic of all. First you need to completely relax physically and psychologically. You need to achieve a state of peace, and then say to yourself, “I am deeply asleep.”

After this, you should slowly count from five to zero and plunge into a state of hypnotic oblivion. After saying the word “zero,” you need to say to yourself again: “I’m sleeping deeply.” You have reached the depths of your own subconscious. Now we need to anchor this state for future self-hypnosis practices. Tell:

“When I say the phrase “I am in deep sleep,” I enter a state of self-programming.”

After this, you need to repeat the self-programming formula several times, for example, “I am completely healed and healthy.” Programming should only be in a positive way and without the particle “not”.


The visualization method is very effective because... involves the mental representation of various events related to the goal being achieved. It allows you not only to see the final result, but also to experience real experiences that evoke a lot of emotions. At the same time, the brain does not distinguish mental visualization from reality, which also makes a good contribution to achieving the goal.

An important condition is the presentation of all events in the first person. If you want to give up bad habits, then you don’t need to “see” yourself from the outside. Even in this case, everything should happen from the perspective of your own eyes. If you want to be a beautiful person or lose weight, you should visualize how others give compliments and talk about changes, or imagine yourself in front of a mirror.

When visualizing, the environment should be as calm as possible. It is advisable to do everything in a lying position, closing your eyes and relaxing. You need to repeat such training regularly, but you should do it only for your own pleasure, i.e. If there is no desire, it is better to abstain from them. The duration of each lesson is also chosen at personal discretion. The images themselves should be clear and positive. If you visualize poorly, your effectiveness will drop. This method is reminiscent of daydreaming, which makes it quite enjoyable.

Other techniques that use visualization are also suitable. How to suggest something to yourself with their help:

  1. Training by I. G. Schultz. First you need to hypnotize yourself, going into a state of half-asleep, and then imagine events that reflect the essence of the formula. You need to visualize what has already happened, but make changes to these situations that reflect the essence of your formula.
  2. Balloon. When doing the workout, you need to imagine a balloon, and also mentally fill it with your problems (obesity, bad habits, personal relationships, etc.), and then watch how it just flies away. You need to repeat the classes every day.

The visualization efficiency is quite high. You will be able to notice the results within a few weeks. However, it is important to understand that the timing will be individual, and achieving the goal may take longer.

Visualization is used by every person from early childhood, when he begins to imagine desired events and dream.

Thought Release Technique

How to quickly clear your thoughts of negative memories? For this there is a simple and effective psychotechnique “Balloon”. Imagine a deflated balloon above your head. Take a breath, and as you exhale, imagine how all the black negative thoughts come out of your head like a dark cloud into a ball. The balloon is inflated not by air, but by your negative thoughts.

Do this until you are free of the burden of negative memories and worries. Then take a deep breath and exhale and imagine how a round ball, along with your thoughts, comes off and flies into the sky. This psychotechnics always helps, especially if anxious thoughts prevent you from falling asleep at night.

The power of self-hypnosis: examples from life

There are many examples from life that demonstrate the power of self-hypnosis. Initially, we will consider a theoretical example, and then we will talk about real facts discussed by many historians.

How the power of thought could hypothetically operate. A simple example that has happened to almost everyone. For example, you are walking down the street and see a dog on the side of the road. She is quite impressive in size and looks at you carefully. It’s a rare person who will pass by without reacting internally to this circumstance. At first we are confused, then we continue on our way, convincing ourselves: “I’m not afraid of her, I’ll calmly pass by, and she won’t touch me. I don’t care about her, and she doesn’t care about me.” We pronounce approximately these phrases mentally. This is self-hypnosis. If we don’t connect it, but are really afraid of the dog, then we’ll hardly be able to take even one step. Self-hypnosis pushes us.

Remembering examples of self-hypnosis, many psychologists periodically talk about the actor I.N. Pevtsov. He had an unenviable feature for an artist: a stutter. However, when going on stage, Pevtsov seemed to forget about his speech impediment - it simply disappeared. Illarion Nikolaevich inspired himself, going on stage, that he was a different person - a character. Since in the story the hero didn’t stutter, Pevtsov didn’t do it either - it’s as simple as that! .

Many years ago, the French doctor Motier decided on an interesting experiment, telling patients that a medicine would soon be delivered from Germany that would quickly cure tuberculosis. At that time, the disease was not treated. The doctor's words had an amazing effect on the patients - they did not allow the idea that the doctor was making things up. The power of suggestion turned out to be incredible: many patients felt relief after taking the “medicine”, and others were even healed. The placebo effect in action! In reality, Motier offered ordinary water to the sick. Subsequently, the doctor’s experience was repeated by other specialists, and systematically these experiments demonstrated impressive results. Many scientists still argue about this feature, but the fact remains that self-hypnosis works in different areas of life.

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