50 goals in a person's life. Goals in life - a list. Examples of 50 life goals

Personal growth

Life without goals, no matter how obvious it may sound, becomes aimless. Why don't wishes come true so often? Why do our dreams continue to be just dreams? People without goals become susceptible to other people's wishes. They are doing absolutely not what they should be doing in their lives. Instead of pursuing their goals, they are interrupted by small joys. There is one cool exercise called “100 goals in life.” It helps you set your life priorities and start moving towards the life of your dreams.

Exercise “100 Goals”

Formulate 100 goals that you would like to achieve. No more and no less.

Of course, doing this right away is not so easy. It is best to write down 10 goals over time.

There is no need to arrange them in ascending or descending order of importance or complexity. Just write down everything you would like to do or have in life.

Once the list of life goals is written, it will immediately become much clearer which goals should be focused on in the first place.

Vital Goals

The goals that we set for ourselves should develop us, bring us experience, increased awareness and personal responsibility.
And don’t send him to a mental hospital, intensive care unit or a cemetery. Vital goals are those the pursuit of which will develop us ,

expand our capabilities, increase our sense of happiness, improve our psyche and relationships with others.

The world needs a hundred space explorers. If someone truly aspires to be an astronaut, go ahead! A happy, wise, responsible person, and at the same time also a messenger from the Earth, is better than an astronaut - unhappy, scared, training and tormenting himself, only because he is not ready to love himself and understand his desires.

I am not against struggle and “achievement”, but struggle especially with oneself should not be meaningless. There's no need for a dummy in a spacesuit taking a selfie with the Earth in the background.

The main vital goal of a person is to be healthy physically and psychologically . There are not so many confident people with positive self-esteem, who know their worth and are able to make their desires come true. They are able to set a goal in life, to take on the solution of a vital problem for all humanity. They have the courage and strength to solve it and live happily.

How to make a list of 50 goals in life?

There are an unlimited number of desires, so the main thing is to highlight the highest priorities. The deadline is of no small importance. Fifty tasks is quite a lot. The optimal time is a year. This does not mean that they must be completed in only 12 months. The main thing is that they are completed within this time period.

Measurable Goal

To make a list, you can use a simple technique:

  • Sit in a cozy and calm environment, so that there are no distractions. Without trying to concentrate, write by hand or type on the computer all the goals that come to mind, as much as possible. They can be big or small.
  • Try to be inspired. Write down your current, potential, global, absurd and even seemingly most incredible dreams. This greatly expands the possibilities for subsequent selection.
  • Now you need to show maximum attention and concentration. Look again at what you wrote. Highlight priority ones, the implementation of which will not only bring benefits, but will also fully satisfy your wishes. Break down your goals into short-term, medium-term, and long-term.

Ask yourself the questions “why?”, “why?”, “what will this give me?” Consider whether you will be completely satisfied with the result. This will motivate you to achieve your goals.

Important! You can set goals for your entire life, but this is not the most serious approach. Truly important tasks must be implemented at least a year in advance, but it all depends on desire. If you want to become a millionaire, it may take several years, but every step should lead to this result from the day you decide.

Short term

Such desires and dreams are achieved in a short period of time. They do not require careful planning. To achieve the goal, 1-2 weeks are enough. Often it’s even less, for example, signing up for swimming lessons. The main thing is to clearly understand that everything will not end there.

Features of the vision board of goals and desires


These are life priorities. They require a clear and well-thought-out plan. You need to know exactly what actions to take to get results. Such goals are divided into several stages and completed one after another. Otherwise they will remain unfulfilled.

Medium term

The fulfillment of such dreams takes from 1 to 3 months. Similarly, long-term ones may not be broken down into separate subtasks. The main thing is that they are correctly formulated, that is, they have a specific deadline within which they will definitely be fulfilled.

Setting goals by deadline

Human development goals

To realize the goal of life, a person needs only average abilities, but not enough average courage. Strength of mind is needed less than courage to resist the circumstances and prejudices of others.

A person is not effective at achieving a goal that does not lead him to something greater than the goal itself . Therefore, it is so important to practice understanding your desires, needs, values, know your strengths and be able to work for pleasure.

A goal without meaning is a dead end

Set short-term goals for self-exploration, searching for your untapped talents. Learn to overcome preconceptions about yourself and what you already “know.” Develop self-confidence, form an opinion based on personal experience. Develop courage and ability to work. You will need all this when you are ready to solve an important problem or implement a complex project.

Demand as the main component of happiness

In addition, for complete happiness of an individual, something else is necessary. And this “something” is called recognition. Only when in demand does a person feel his importance, pleasure, and happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for preparing dinner is enough. Others feel a feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is recognition, the identification of an individual among all others.

For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness to the house and hear words of admiration from their neighbors, while others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet when they see their appearance, figure, outfit, hairstyle. For others, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition on a broader level is necessary. These fourth people do not limit the circle of people with whom they want to be recognized: relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.

These are scientists, pioneers, major businessmen, creative people and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider range of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of “50 goals in my life.” Examples of such goals could be:

  • find your soul mate to create a family, who (who) will be such and such, for whom I will feel respect, love (passion), feelings must be reciprocated;
  • help my son successfully finish school;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • release your own collection of stories (disc of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

A man's life goals

Business is the main goal to which a man devotes his time [2]. Without work, he is incompetent. Ideally, this is some kind of enterprise with a humanistic idea, aimed at helping and developing other people.

It is vital for masculine nature to explore the world, seize territories (markets), compete with others, promote new goods and services. By realizing his undertaking, a man realizes himself in this world. Business is the second face of a real man.

A man is a researcher by nature.

One of the most important goals in a man’s life is his BUSINESS.

List of examples of goals for a man and a guy for 5–10 years:

  1. Explore business management methods from your own experience.
  2. Set 50 intermediate or medium-term goals and achieve them.
  3. Develop the company to a turnover of $1 million.
  4. Create a service that makes life easier for other men.
  5. Become an expert in your specialty.


Take the trip you've always dreamed of and explore this place thoroughly. At the same time, you pay for everything yourself. This way you will determine whether you can meet your social need to understand the world.

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The most important goals of a woman

A woman is not obliged to earn money for her family. This is a man's concern. A woman can also do business. The main thing is that this does not become her main job. She can do her own thing for the soul, but remain true to her feminine nature.

Women's goals in life. A woman is a keeper.

A woman’s vital goals are in the following areas: relationships, beauty, home comfort, giving love to the world, spiritual practices. Family and caring for children are the most important thing for a woman. This makes her happier [2].

Examples of girls’ long-term life goals:

  1. Become a spiritual midwife. To popularize “Natural Childbirth”.
  2. Open a psychological assistance center.
  3. Help other women build harmonious relationships.
  4. Inspire a man to achieve feats in his business.
  5. Become a teacher by vocation.
  6. Be an example for girls - what an older woman can be.
  7. Explore alternative perspectives on the question “What does it mean to be a woman.”

Women's goals are aimed at harmony and balance in life.

List of women's goals for the year:

  1. Gain the experience of lotus birth.
  2. Engage in creative development: dancing, music, painting.
  3. Create a blog. Debunking myths about child development.
  4. Go on a trip and write an adventure novel.
  5. Learn interior design.
  6. Learn to sew. Create a design for your collection.
  7. Become happy. Clear your emotional blocks.

Human needs

Before making a list, you should understand what is priority and vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - the 4 most important needs of organic life. The second row comes health, housing, clothing, sex, recreation - necessary attributes of life, but secondary. Unlike animals, humans tend not only to satisfy the basic needs of life; they want to do this while receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible for a person to live without satisfying primary needs, and without satisfying secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically, firstly, morally, secondly. He's unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of an individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. This is such a paradox.

Therefore, the 50 vitally important, priority goals of a person must necessarily include points, through the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Adding to the list such goals as “buying your own house” or “relaxing at sea”, “doing the necessary medical operation” or “getting your teeth treated and inserted”, “buying a fur coat” and “buying a car” may not be so important for complete happiness ( why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth more comfortable for people. To satisfy these needs and achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, when selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, the list must include an item regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such goals:

  • find a high-paying job;
  • open your own business;
  • ensure that the business generates a net income of more than $10,000 per month, and the like.
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