Advantages and disadvantages of a person: a list in a resume and in life

The formation of a person’s character and behavior occurs through the prism of his inherent advantages and disadvantages. There are negative and positive qualities in each of us; life would not be so interesting if we did not strive for the best, if we did not try to become more perfect.

But the attitude towards your negative traits is another question, which can have three different scenarios:

  • I am this way from birth, this is my personality. If someone doesn't like my shortcomings, don't communicate with me.
  • I am bad! I can't keep my emotions to myself. And that’s why I won’t see relationships, promotions at work, decent wages, etc.
  • I am aware of my shortcomings and will try to do my best to get rid of them or reduce their manifestation.

A person who lives according to the third principle, constantly working on himself, has every opportunity to transform disadvantages into advantages.

Negative character traits

A person's shortcomings can be expressed by his character. There are probably no people who do not have negative character traits. It is known that character is the stable mental properties of a person. What are his negative traits?

  1. Since ancient times, it has been common for a person to consider pride as the confidence that he is the cause of everything that happens, both positive and negative.
  2. With overconfidence, people exaggerate the level of their capabilities.
  3. By their lust for power, people show their desire for supremacy; it is difficult to communicate with them and arrange their personal life.
  4. Spendthrift people are equated with vain people. To attract increased attention and gain respect, they are dispersed in all directions. It’s especially bad when this happens at the expense of other people’s resources, for example, parents’ money.
  5. Thrifty, stingy and greedy personalities can be expressed to varying degrees. Greedy people are considered the most stingy, who obsess over money and the possession of material goods.
  6. Feelings of guilt occur due to low self-esteem.
  7. Abusive individuals do not know how to adequately assess the situation. To relieve their own tension, they try to harm someone.
  8. Vengeful people have an obsessive desire to strike back in a tit-for-tat manner.

Mentality, qualities of a Russian person

Mentality is a very subjective concept, and it is based on stereotypical thinking. However, it cannot be denied that certain traits are inherent in one or another nationality. Russian people are famous for their cordiality and hospitality, and cheerful disposition. The Russian soul throughout the world is considered mysterious and incomprehensible, since Russians are not distinguished by the rationality and logic of their actions, and are often influenced by mood. Another feature of the Russian people is sentimentality. A Russian person instantly adopts the feelings of another and is always ready to share emotions with him and lend a helping hand. It is impossible not to mention another trait - compassion. Historically, Russia has helped its neighbors at all borders of the country, and today only a heartless person will ignore the misfortune of another.

The shortcomings of a loved one

When establishing a relationship with anyone, we illusionistically picture an ideal person in front of us. But some period of time passes, and the idea of ​​our positive traits is depleted, and we already see the real picture that we are dealing with not such a good girl.

But there are also lucky people among us who adore even the shortcomings of a loved one. Some aspects of their lives coincide in this. And these will no longer be negative qualities, but a general attitude. And it happens that some manifestation in your partner begins to infuriate you, which breaks your living standards.

Emphasis should be placed on the fact that both parties should begin to straighten the behavioral and emotional qualities of the partner at the same time, because differences in characters that cannot be changed can put an end to peaceful existence in a given territory. What and how to classify as shortcomings, everyone has to determine for themselves.

For example, one of the partners is constantly late, without taking into account the opinions, time and plans of the other partner. Can be constantly rude. Most likely this has to do with the verbal form of violence. Due to shouting and the use of physical force, the inability to control one’s own impulsiveness and aggression, it is impossible to build normal relationships, because this is nothing more than a critical flaw.

Your actions when applying for a job

If you decide to change jobs, then write a resume, then forward it to the new employer. For a resume, it is important not only to describe positive character traits, but also negative ones. Sometimes the employer overlooks your merits and focuses on the “weaknesses” column.

He understands that you will properly describe moral and business qualities, but never negative ones.

How to proceed? It is necessary to write a resume taking into account the future place of work. Sometimes negative characteristics are more suitable for a given job than good qualities.

  1. Therefore, carefully study the requirements for your new job.
  2. Write only high-quality resumes. If you write a low-quality resume, you may not get a response.
  3. If they don’t answer, ask why there is no answer, but don’t bother with calls.
  4. Be sure to answer the survey questions.
  5. The employer welcomes the description of the weaknesses of the future employee, understanding that no one is perfect. If a person notes weaknesses, it means he is ready to correct them.
  6. If you need to indicate negative qualities, then you need to do it very competently.

Correct writing of a resume

Keep it business casual. Present the information briefly, clearly, and understandably. During the interview, clarify each point if asked.

  • Don’t ignore the “shortcomings” item so as not to come across as a smug person. Otherwise, the employer will think that you have inflated self-esteem and that is the only reason why they can refuse you without inviting you for an interview.
  • If an employee is self-critical, then the employer will treat him better than a person without shortcomings.
  • It is worth saying when you meet that you are struggling with your shortcomings and there are already successes.
  • Don’t write that you are a workaholic, self-critical, or anything like that.
  • Always write that if you set a goal, you achieve it. Give an example. If there are obstacles on the way, then you overcome them, also give an example.
  • Point out that you are responsible and teachable.

Jealousy is one of the most common flaws

Jealousy is one of the most terrible and destructive traits of human character. There are so many things in it that need to be corrected that it is impossible to figure out where to start. This problem is too wrapped up in trust, anger, control, addiction, fear... it is akin to trying to change the flow of a river by digging into its bank with a spoon.

To solve this problem, you need to understand the science of sincere trust in others, and understand that your partner may disappear from sight not in order to spend the night with all the men (women) in your locality. You don’t need to chase your partner all the time and hurt him, it’s within your power. And, fulfilling the jealous demands of his or her type to check the phone, or to make calls every 20 minutes, suggests that this is ostentatious acceptability, although in fact it is not.

Physical disabilities of a person

Now we will briefly give a definition of what a person’s physical disabilities are, that is, everything that relates to appearance.

Many short women believe that being next to a man who is too tall is unattractive, that is, it is a stone towards men, and not towards themselves. And tall young ladies perceive this combination as a man’s dignity.

Many people cannot stand snoring; for them it is a nightmare. And there are those for whom snoring is like a bedtime story to help them fall asleep, without it they cannot sleep. Even when a beloved dog snores, it is pleasant for them.

A large number of moles, the appearance of bulging eyes or a crooked nose, crooked legs, small girlish breasts, huge ears and... such a list can be made ad infinitum. Any personality flaw can be defined as a defect.

But some people may present the presence of external imperfections under the guise of the most outstanding advantages. For example, Marilyn Monroe, her mole on her face was elevated to incredible popularity. Many young ladies still do not lose sight of this point, and they deliberately put a spot on their face, although this was considered a drawback.

Society's attitude

According to generally accepted opinion, good qualities of a person always lead to personal development. Unacceptable actions, on the contrary, drive you into a dead end. Adequate and dignified behavior is highly valued. Important indicators are fair, ambitious, trusting and kind relationships. Condemned - betrayal, pettiness, envy and indifference.

The manifestation of dark and light sides is always assessed together. There are no ideals. With a good upbringing and compliance with all the parameters of a benefactor, it is possible that the presence of bad habits related to negative properties. Each individual has the right to independently choose an appropriate model of behavior throughout his life.


Despite the absurdity of all the paths that our brain takes without warning, it does not feel discomfort due to a lack of self-confidence. Usually people have more than is necessary. For example, when many people express their absolute confidence in something, the probability of them being right fluctuates somewhere around 80%. Approximately 90% of drivers are confident that they are the best at driving a car.

People think they are above average in all areas. The less knowledge you have in a particular area, the more confidence you have in your own abilities.

Even the greatest specialists can have inflated self-confidence. Look, at least, not at the same drivers mentioned above. After all, they are not saints, and they can just as easily get into trouble as inexperienced drivers. And surgeons also have a human factor; they also tend to make mistakes. After all, there were and are cases when they stitched up patients with instruments forgotten inside, or began operations without the necessary equipment. This is a very serious problem, behind which stands more than one ruined human life.

Common Benefits: Social Benefits

It is impossible to become a self-sufficient person without learning to harmoniously combine the strengths and weaknesses of character. Successful marriages are characterized by the compatibility of partners who have successfully accepted each other's strengths and weaknesses. The search for a “golden” mean that allows you to remain yourself and evoke sympathy from others is a life goal that appears on a subconscious level since childhood. The first step towards personal improvement can be taken by adding positive qualities to your image:

Mercy and compassion allow you to support a loved one in difficult times, lending a comradely “shoulder.” Such qualities reflect the breadth of the soul, ready to share someone else’s grief. Sociability – the ability to find a common language even with a stranger. It is easy to build a constructive dialogue with a relaxed and sociable person, because he is ready to have a lively conversation about abstract things and share specialized knowledge on familiar topics. Nobility, especially in demand in the Middle Ages, today becomes a rare artifact that complements the personal appearance. This quality embodies honesty and courage, selflessness and high moral concepts. Loyalty is a thinning component of a person’s image, because the importance of the institution of family in the 21st century is decreasing every second. The number of divorces, which have become the logical conclusion of the breakup of couples, is growing exponentially. Loyalty to friend, parent, job, and romantic partner falls into a certain category of disappearing qualities. Attention to current situations and unnoticed details is a useful trait that allows you to easily navigate the fast pace of life. People do not notice banal things, missing important acquaintances and fateful events. Foresight and insight become another virtue of personal appearance, allowing one to find an approach to a stranger and prevent the betrayal of a loved one. This quality helps to timely identify the thoughts of the interlocutor, which he does not dare to say out loud.

To achieve the desired result, complementing your inner world with the above qualities, you need to diligently engage in self-development and personal growth. The main principle on which self-improvement training programs are based is control of one’s own emotions, which provoke people to crazy and senseless actions.

Arrogance is another unpleasant flaw

When we are among strangers, we try to be polite, behave calmly, and treat them with respect as much as they treat us. For example, if you take into account the Internet. Without much effort, we can become a funny, arrogant caricature in the eyes of the community. Having some rights, we can virtually reward people on the same basis as punish them, that is, ban them, citing arbitrary rules.

But be that as it may, on the Internet it is much easier to send someone to the ass, because nothing connects you with this person. You can do the same thing in a real situation, but the only difference is that you do this while looking into your opponent’s eyes, and, if necessary, dodge so as not to run into his fist.

Human shortcomings also include arrogance, which is also called condescension, especially when it comes to intelligence. For example, if you visit Twitter, you may come across the phrase “I have contempt for stupid people” several times. They can be posted by users who do not consider themselves arrogant, just as alcoholics do not consider themselves alcoholics. This is the biggest problem with arrogance because it is only seen from the outside.

Top positive personality traits that everyone wants to have

Self-development is the main task set by many teachings. Buddhism offers to rise above worldly weaknesses, Christianity presents a whole set of rules that every person must follow. But if you try to delve deeper into this topic, it immediately becomes clear that all religions and philosophical teachings are aimed at helping a person become better.

And there is a whole list of properties that can be called universal in relation to the positive characteristics of a person:

  • love - every day of a person’s life should be spent lovingly;
  • kindness - a conscious positive attitude towards others;
  • honesty - the ability to be honest not only in relation to other people, but also, first of all, to oneself;
  • Decency - the ability to act correctly and conscientiously in any situation;
  • justice is a skill that allows you to objectively assess the situation and make the right decision;
  • energy is a talent that will not only help you achieve your goals, but also energize those around you;
  • positive thinking - the ability to look at things easily and look for the positive sides in everything;
  • humor - a healthy sense of humor can perform miracles;
  • hard work is a quality that makes a person successful in life and helps to achieve positive results;
  • curiosity - a healthy curiosity about life contributes to personal development;
  • empathy - the ability to empathize with another person, to put oneself in his place;
  • desire to develop - not only professionally, but also morally;
  • the ability to help - the ability to come to the aid of those in need - is a very important property that is inherent in worthy people.

These positive qualities of a person relate only to the main criteria; there are a great many varieties of positive aspects of a person and you can write about them for quite a long time.

What weaknesses should you include in your resume?

Before you start filling out a form where you need to list the shortcomings of a person applying for a position, you first need to think carefully about your answer. This column should not be skipped, since ideal people are a myth. Usually the employer wants to see how adequately the applicant evaluates himself, so that it is easier to decide what to write about in this column; several options are offered below as an example.

  1. Too direct, I always tell the truth straight to the face.
  2. It is difficult for me to establish contact with strangers.
  3. There is no flexibility in resolving labor issues.
  4. It's hard for me to refuse.
  5. Hot-tempered and overly emotional.
  6. I love formalities.
  7. Slow.
  8. Restless.
  9. I'm afraid of air travel, etc.

If you look at the listed weaknesses from the other side, they can be turned into advantages. For example, restlessness is suitable for a sales representative or an active sales manager; this is more of a plus than a minus. But reliability will serve as a signal to the employer that you will be willing to work overtime.

Psychological shortcomings of a person

Below we will briefly discuss the psychological shortcomings of a person. So let's get started.

You don't learn from mistakes

. There are times when we make mistakes, and it's not scary at all. Sometimes you just need to sit in a puddle to improve your qualities. Each of us has had cases when we came across something new, and in the process of studying it we made mistakes all the time until we came to the ideal of use.

But do not rush to rejoice, because everything written above is not true. Successes bring us much more knowledge than failures. By connecting to the monkey’s brain, scientists observed how it performed various types of tasks, both successfully and unsuccessfully. They found that with each successful execution, her brain was activated, which influenced subsequent attempts, which could not be said about failures. During unsuccessful attempts, nothing was observed, but successful completion of tasks helped the monkey not to make mistakes in the future.

This story suggests that a person learns through new attempts, of course, if he has sufficient common sense so as not to step on the same rake a second time.

How and at what stage the basic personal characteristics of a person are formed

Psychotherapists, doctors and psychologists agree that a person’s personality is established before the first 5 years of life. The child begins to separate himself from the outside world and identify his “I” already at 3 years old. This, by the way, is one of the main reasons why this age is called the most difficult. The child’s whims and those qualities that were previously not noticed in him appear. This is a completely natural process that all parents should be prepared for. Many mothers begin to fear that the child has stopped loving them, however, this is not so - the little person just finds his own “I” and tries to affirm it with all his might. Then the period of conflict with the outside world subsides and the child integrates into the environment with an already established character.

As for adults, everything is relatively clear here. As a person progresses through life, he strengthens his character and habits, making them more stable and permanent.

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