Character weaknesses in a resume + Examples of indicating a person’s weaknesses


Many employers, in addition to your positive qualities, want to be aware of your negative ones. Character weaknesses are an insidious point on a resume, but thanks to them, the boss can learn more about you and understand how suitable you are for the company.

A resume is the link between the applicant and the employer. A well-written questionnaire is the key to further success. Create your resume carefully, truthfully and carefully, only then will it bring you the desired result.

Expert opinion

Nikolay Borozdin

Director of a recruitment agency

The main goals of this column are to make it clear how self-critical the potential candidate is, how correctly he can evaluate himself and whether he accepts criticism from the outside.

Most often, managers are interested in answers to the following questions:

  • How adequately do you treat yourself?
  • Are you ready to hear and listen to the opinions of others?
  • How will you relate to management?

When answering this question, remember that people are not perfect, so talking about your shortcomings is quite normal. Moreover, sometimes a disadvantage can turn into a plus.

  • For example, slow people tend to be very detail-oriented and are accustomed to doing the best possible work. And this is a very good characteristic for an accountant.
  • The lack of excessive talkativeness can also be a plus for work where the ability to concentrate and not make mistakes in numbers is required. Therefore, feel free to point out your shortcomings and do not be afraid that this may spoil the impression.

When listing your weaknesses, mention how you deal with them. For example, you can answer that you are aware of your slowness and love of perfectionism, so you mentally indicate the period of time by which the task must be completed. This helps you work more efficiently and get everything done on time.

# How to identify weaknesses

It is difficult to determine on your own what shortcomings you have, and even more difficult to accept them, so you can turn to friends or family for help. Ask them to be honest about your character weaknesses - listen carefully. This way you can analyze what was said, draw conclusions and start working on yourself!

Character is the established mental properties of a person, which are reflected in behavior and actions. And character traits are the qualities of a person that he displays in society. They can be both positive and negative.

Also remember what you were told at your previous place of work, what you were praised for and what you were blamed for. Admit honestly what you don’t like about yourself, look at yourself from the outside - this way you will understand where your strengths and weaknesses are. Once you realize this, you will become much stronger and wiser.

What to write

Before filling out the box in which you need to indicate your shortcomings, think about your answer. Do not miss it under any circumstances, because ideal people do not exist. As a rule, managers want to see how adequately you evaluate yourself. If you don't know what to write, look at the suggested options and choose something that suits you best.

A universal formula: select character traits that are an advantage for performing this particular job, but in ordinary life can really be considered a human flaw.

The following weaknesses can be written:

  • excessive directness, the habit of telling the truth face to face;
  • difficulty establishing contact with strangers;
  • inability to show flexibility in labor matters;
  • reliability;
  • increased anxiety;
  • excessive emotionality, hot temper;
  • love of formalism;
  • restlessness;
  • slowness;
  • hyperactivity;
  • fear of air travel.

All of the weaknesses listed in your resume can become strengths if you look at them from a different angle. An example is restlessness. For a sales representative or active sales manager, this can even be a plus. The same goes for reliability. This is a signal to the manager that you may be the person who will do all the overtime work.

Good to know: Your hobbies and interests in your resume

# How to turn disadvantages into advantages

When answering a question about weaknesses, you should not specifically show your imaginary “good weaknesses,” otherwise you will cause distrust.

Bosses have a stereotype: if a person wants to show only good things, then he is probably hiding something bad in himself and maybe he doesn’t even realize it.

It is important to show that you know your weaknesses, recognize them and know how to deal with them. This is the kind of presentation that will make a positive impression on the employer.

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Troitskaya

HR manager

It will be difficult to fully turn minuses into pluses in the questionnaire. Therefore, it is better to highlight a line in your resume and indicate that there are many more advantages, and the disadvantages do not affect the work in any way. But when talking with a boss or an interviewer at an interview, character weaknesses should be revealed with a smooth switch to strengths.

Example: I can be meticulous and scrupulous. This irritates many people. But it seems to me that as an analyst I simply do not have the right to treat tasks differently, and therefore I am used to checking everything several times and analyzing everything down to the smallest detail. I can’t work calmly until I recheck everything completely several times.

You can also indicate that you are working on your weaknesses and doing everything possible to improve:

Example: I'm not a very good speaker. I can become confused and stutter when I'm in front of a lot of people. I realize that for a journalist this is a clear disadvantage, which is why I signed up for public speaking courses. And I’m even glad that I can develop and work on myself, realizing my shortcomings.

You can use the method of compensating for negative qualities if you realize that you cannot turn them into positive ones, and you can no longer fight:

Example: I'm an owl. Getting up early is very difficult for me. This could make me late for work. But I’m ready to compensate for this; I can happily stay late in the office to complete all the errands. After all, my productivity increases in the evening, so I will happily do everything that is necessary, and I can even complete urgent additional assignments.

Good examples of disadvantages that can be turned into advantages are the following:

  • Distrustful - a person who will only enter into transactions with trusted companies.
  • Excessive self-confidence - you will be seen as a leader who is always moving forward.
  • Increased anxiety – a responsible approach to work, in other words, fear of making mistakes.
  • Demandingness - if you are demanding of yourself, then of your work and your subordinates too.
  • Self-criticism - you are responsible and do quality work.
  • Shyness - you will not have conflicts with colleagues and be polite with your superiors.


Gemini men for the most part are easy-going and friendly. They need communication and constant acquaintance with new people. This leads to the fact that representatives of this sign are often content with casual relationships and do not strive to focus on one person. If a woman likes such a man, then she should show all her flexibility in order to try not to limit the freedom of her chosen one.

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It is important to consider that Geminis are most often open to communicating with women simply because they see them as an interesting person, and are not always ready to build closer relationships.

# Number of negative aspects in a resume

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Troitskaya

HR manager

The employer is interested in learning about the weak character traits of the applicant, as well as about the strong ones. But writing a 2-page story about yourself is not worth it. It is enough to indicate 3 negative character traits.

If you write more negative aspects in your resume, this may negatively affect your business reputation and raise suspicions of unprofessionalism.


Cancer men are overly emotional and romantic. Family relationships are important to them; they constantly think about their significant other. And if for other signs it is normal that relationships with their chosen one become less close and trusting over time, then for Cancers this is unacceptable.

When this zodiac constellation has difficulties in the family, he believes that either his partner is not fully opening up to him, or he himself does not love her enough. Even minor disagreements that arise in the family simply exhaust Cancers.

# Inappropriate negative character traits

Do not indicate disadvantages if they go against direct responsibilities. For example, shyness that is suitable for a programmer is not at all suitable for a fitness trainer. Therefore, the column must be drawn up based on the specifics of the desired position.

Below are examples of a bad combination of qualities and future profession. Please note that for excellent positions, shortcomings are quite acceptable.


Taurus men respect traditions. This sign is quite conservative, so their feelings are based on trust. If the trusting relationship between partners breaks down, representatives of this constellation will no longer be able to look at their chosen one with the same gaze.

Taurus also does not like it when women pay a lot of attention to their careers. They consider their main responsibilities to be raising children, maintaining order in the house, and preparing dinner. If you want to keep a Taurus man next to you, you will have to follow his rules.

# What shortcomings to indicate in a resume - examples

If an applicant refuses to fill out an item about personal weaknesses, this may raise suspicion. Therefore, it is better to mention flaws, but do it competently. There are neutral deficiencies that can be indicated on the application form. For example:

  • I don’t know how to respond to rudeness with rudeness;
  • I sometimes have a critical attitude towards people;
  • Tendency to stick only to one’s own;
  • I can’t always express my thoughts quite clearly;
  • I am overweight and I am embarrassed about it;
  • I devote a lot of time to evaluating my actions and actions;
  • I take a lot of things to heart;
  • I'm afraid of heights and flying on an airplane;
  • I don’t like moving and business trips;
  • I can’t live without sweets and coffee;
  • I'm afraid of spiders and insects;
  • I can’t swim and I’m afraid of drowning;
  • It takes me a long time to fall asleep at night.
  • Too trusting;
  • I don’t like to act to please others;
  • I don’t like to make trouble and swear, even when necessary;
  • I don't know how to flatter.

A universal method for writing shortcomings: select a few of your strengths and add the prefix of exaggeration - too responsible, too honest, too pedantic.

But there are also qualities that should not be advertised in order to avoid a negative impact on the recruiter:

Do you hide your shortcomings?

Not really

  • Laziness or passivity;
  • Fear of responsibility;
  • Lack of punctuality;
  • Distraction of attention;
  • Self-interest, I think only money;
  • Love for office romances;
  • Conflict person;
  • Habit of lying;
  • Absent-mindedness.

# Examples for the seller

Sales is a common profession, but when applying for a job you may be asked to voice your weaknesses. Therefore, you should be prepared for this. The following qualities will not cause indignation among the employer, but on the contrary will interest him:

  • excessive sociability, talkativeness;
  • increased activity;
  • excessive self-confidence;
  • need for motivation;
  • distrust of people.

# Examples for an accountant

In order to look favorably against the background of other candidates for an accountant vacancy, you can present the following qualities:

  • inability to lie;
  • self-esteem;
  • lack of agreement in work situations;
  • scrupulousness;
  • inflated sense of responsibility;
  • taking other people's problems to heart.
  • distrust;
  • excessive pedantry;
  • increased anxiety;
  • straightforwardness;
  • scrupulousness;
  • modesty;

# Examples for a manager

For a manager, it is more profitable to indicate completely opposite weaknesses in a resume. For example, you can use:

  • weak perseverance;
  • hyperactivity;
  • excessive demands;
  • impudence;
  • stubbornness;
  • self-confidence;
  • straightforwardness;
  • impulsiveness.

# Examples for a manager

Leaders can pay attention to those negative character traits that contribute to being a leader in a team. These qualities, in moderate quantities, even help in leadership positions:

  • narcissism;
  • excessive demands on people;
  • excessive dramatization of events;
  • strict adherence to the rules;
  • authoritarianism;
  • rigidity;
  • stubbornness.


For Virgo men, all areas of life are important, including relationships. It is difficult for them to find the ideal woman for themselves, since they are looking for perfection in her. It is difficult to live with this sign, since Virgos are not always ready to compromise.

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To conquer such a man, it is important for him to feel motivated by his partner. But if a woman fails to do this, then the relationship will most likely have to end.

List of positive personality traits of a person starting with the letters F, Z, I: description, adjectives, words

Letter Z:

  • Hot – a person who, by his appearance or behavior, evokes sexual fantasies
  • Desired - a person with whom you are in love and whom you so badly want to get
  • Burning - a person who is liked very much, but who offends or intrigues with his insolence
  • Feminine - a woman with the most positive feminine qualities
  • Vital – a person who is very sensual and good-natured
  • Cheerful - a person who loves life
  • Picturesque - a person of very pleasant and beautiful appearance
  • Life-giving – a person who always inspires confidence, joy and pleasant emotions

Letter Z:

  • Groovy - a person who is easy-going and always involved in active life
  • Funny - a person with a good sense of humor and always causes affection
  • Perky - a person who easily lifts the spirits of others
  • A caring person is a person who loves to make others happy
  • Fascinating - the one you always want to look at
  • Mysterious – a person who has a secret or “zest”
  • Incendiary - a person who easily lifts up everyone around him
  • Enticing - a person who attracts attention and interests
  • Remarkable - a person with outstanding abilities
  • Shy – a shy and modest person
  • Sultry – a very sexy and relaxed person
  • Star - a person with charisma
  • Golden - a person who does good deeds and deeds

Letter I:

  • Playful - a person who loves to flirt and make advances
  • Ideal - a person without flaws
  • Amazing - a person who pleasantly surprises with his words and actions
  • Resourceful - a smart person who always finds a choice in any situation
  • Sparkling - a person with bright thoughts and ideas
  • Refined - a person with subtle taste, who is always dressed sophisticatedly, speaks and looks beautiful
  • Sincere - a person who speaks only the truth and from the bottom of his heart
  • Exceptional – unlike others and not like everyone else
  • Impulsive - one who quickly and using his emotions is able to make decisions
  • Individual - a person who differs from others in his qualities
  • Initiative - one who often uses his ideas
  • Ironic - a person with a good sense of humor
  • Intriguing - one who is able to interest and captivate

Compliments and nice words


For Capricorns, the key points have always been work and career. They have to work hard to ensure that their lives and the lives of their loved ones are prosperous. True, this sign devotes too much time to obtaining the goods of life, violating the healthy line between work and personal life. As a result, conflicts arise between partners.

If a woman truly loves, then she must come to terms with this quality of Capricorn, since he does not like when he is not supported at home. He likes it when his beloved helps him move forward.


Although Aquarians are considered easy-going and friendly, living with them can be very difficult. They do not accept anything that could limit their freedom. Therefore, when meeting representatives of this sign, you should not rely on loyalty and responsibility in relationships. Aquarians often try to find a lover where they work, so that no restrictions hamper them.

Most of the men belonging to this constellation do not easily trust someone. But you can try to win them, given that they do not like isolation and limitations.


The main feature of Libra men is the desire for harmony. In the family, peace and tranquility are important to them. Therefore, representatives of this sign strive to find a woman who will have the same qualities. Libra will not tolerate pessimism and disorder in the house in a relationship.

Since such men are overly romantic, they like it when their lover wears classic women's clothing and does not prefer jeans.


Although many people are afraid of them at first, Scorpio men make excellent partners. Most of them have a good understanding of women. If this sign falls in love, he will do for his chosen one everything she wishes. At the same time, Scorpios will not tolerate lies and infidelity.

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If such a man notices that his chosen one is not entirely honest with him, then she risks losing his trust for life.

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