What is human character - traits, types, types and strength of character

Updated July 23, 2022 716 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. “This is character!” - we are talking about a person who is tough in his judgments, purposeful in life and unbending under the blows of fate.

As a rule, this remark is pronounced with a degree of envy and admiration. While “spineless” people do not evoke respect from others.

How does the first type of people differ from the second? And is it true that a person can lack character?

Human character - what is it?

Character is a set of individual personality qualities, including mental activity, that determines the vector of actions in relationships with others.

These are formed persistent mental reactions to stimuli coming from outside. They are characterized by sustainability in all areas of life.

Character is formed throughout life and can change significantly due to various factors:

  • changing a person’s worldview;
  • change in lifestyle, activity level;
  • experienced severe stress;
  • adaptation to new living conditions, etc.

Character directly influences the actions and behavior of an individual in various circumstances.

Definition and general characteristics of the concept

Character is a set of stable traits that determine a person’s behavior, his lifestyle, habits, and reactions to various situations. Character is not an innate component of the psyche, but is formed throughout life. The basis for the formation of character is biological characteristics: gender, type of temperament, set of genes. Refracted through the prism of education and individual development, they form a unique psychological picture.

The word “character” translated from Greek means “imprint, seal.” This is what distinguishes a person from other people, makes him unique and inimitable. It is impossible to meet two people with absolutely identical characters.

Character plays a decisive role in our lives. Everything we do, what we think, what emotions we experience is determined by our character. This is a kind of set of patterns fixed in the psyche that are designed to simplify our existence. Imagine: faced with the same situation every time, we would have to re-evaluate it, build a behavior strategy, and analyze the consequences. Character allows you to optimize this process.

Knowing a person's character well, you can almost accurately predict his behavior.

The role of character in human social life

The most manifested traits determine how a person positions himself in society and how great his ambitions are. Timid people often do not know how or are afraid to express themselves, so they are much less likely to succeed than confident, courageous individuals.

Timid people are afraid to communicate and express themselves.

However, character is not static, it can be changed and tempered if necessary, unlike temperament, which is innate (a person’s character is formed on the basis of temperament).

Some personality traits can be changed: weakened or, conversely, strengthened to achieve your goals. Therefore, people resort to such actions, but this requires great effort of will, patience, and perseverance.

A positive or negative image of a person is formed on the basis of character and its external manifestations. The way he dresses, talks, and what values ​​he conveys to the world will directly affect his future, career, personal relationships and other areas of life.

But the impression that an individual makes on others can be controlled. To do this, you will have to work on yourself, honing those traits that will contribute to development in all areas. TO

In addition, it is worth learning how to build communication in such a way as to win people over, since they are the main resource that will help you achieve success.

Adjectives that characterize a person

When characterizing a person in our minds or talking about others, we use a huge range of adjectives every day to describe a person's appearance, character traits and habits.

Adjectives to describe a person's appearance

When meeting someone, the first thing a person does is subconsciously evaluate their appearance and select the appropriate words.

The following vocabulary is used for this:

  • attractive, charming, stylish, elegant, beautiful, impressive - to describe the image as a whole;
  • tall, short, slender, thin, plump, fat, well-fed, pumped up, thin - help characterize the physique;
  • young, adult, young, old, elderly - characteristics of age;
  • long-haired, curly, wavy, bald, cropped, as well as names of colors (red, black, dark chestnut) are popular adjectives to describe hairstyles;
  • chubby, freckled, high-cheeked, big-eyed, large-mouthed, light-skinned, snub-nosed - these and other words help describe facial features.

Adjectives that describe human behavior

Even before direct communication with a person, you can draw some conclusions about him that do not require long-term contact or excellent psychological skills. To do this, you will need adjectives that will help characterize a person’s actions and talk about his personality and place in society.

Adjectives that describe positive behavior

  • authoritative;
  • careful;
  • active;
  • aristocratic;
  • carefree;
  • thrifty;
  • loyal;
  • funny;
  • strong-willed;
  • well-mannered;
  • gallant;
  • delicate;
  • cheerful;
  • caring;
  • incendiary;
  • playful;
  • inventive;
  • initiative;
  • executive;
  • flirty;
  • sociable;
  • eloquent;
  • cultural;
  • affectionate;
  • dexterous;
  • loyal;
  • curious;
  • merciful;
  • peaceful;
  • mobile;
  • soft;
  • direct;
  • courteous;
  • neat;
  • insightful;
  • punctual;
  • frisky;
  • brave;
  • tolerant;
  • hardworking;
  • balanced;
  • economic;
  • brave;
  • humane;
  • honest;
  • nimble;
  • generous;
  • humorous.

Adjectives to characterize negative qualities

  • authoritarian;
  • aggressive;
  • spoiled;
  • banal;
  • irresponsible;
  • tactless;
  • shameless;
  • windy;
  • domineering;
  • warlike;
  • harmful;
  • vulgar;
  • rude;
  • formidable;
  • despotic;
  • bold;
  • cruel;
  • wicked;
  • vindictive;
  • infantile;
  • hysterical;
  • capricious;
  • puffy;
  • conflictual;
  • lazy;
  • sly;
  • manic;
  • manipulative;
  • slow;
  • revengeful;
  • unbalanced;
  • tedious;
  • touchy;
  • obsessed;
  • picky;
  • cutting;
  • weak-willed;
  • demanding;
  • cowardly;
  • stubborn;
  • familiar;
  • boastful;
  • snobby;
  • shebutnoy;
  • mischievous.

Vocabulary to describe character

There are many adjectives that can help describe a person's character. Here is a detailed list:

Description of a positive hero

  • adaptive;
  • ambitious;
  • vigilant;
  • fearless,
  • lively;
  • inspired;
  • thoughtful;
  • generous;
  • attentive;
  • brilliant;
  • flexible;
  • marvelous;
  • Kind;
  • quick-witted;
  • soulful;
  • natural;
  • cheerful;
  • funny;
  • provocative;
  • ideological;
  • imposing;
  • sincere;
  • competitive;
  • constructive;
  • communicable;
  • correct;
  • curious;
  • loving;
  • casual;
  • spiritual;
  • optimistic;
  • truthful;
  • attractive;
  • versatile;
  • quick-witted;
  • talented;
  • creative;
  • balanced;
  • charismatic;
  • neat;
  • sensual;
  • emotional;
  • vigorous;
  • erudite;
  • bright.

Adjectives for negative characteristics

  • gambling;
  • greedy;
  • immoral;
  • apathetic;
  • asocial;
  • weak-willed;
  • illiterate;
  • ruthless;
  • indifferent;
  • suggestible;
  • silly;
  • dramatizing;
  • bad;
  • rough;
  • snide;
  • greedy;
  • hard;
  • envious;
  • snickering;
  • closed;
  • boring;
  • ordinary;
  • perverted;
  • selfish;
  • crooked;
  • mercantile;
  • suspicious;
  • indecisive;
  • embittered;
  • frenzied;
  • tight-fisted;
  • absent-minded;
  • arrogant;
  • quirky;
  • boorish;
  • cynical;
  • misanthropic;
  • snobby;
  • selfish;
  • self-centered;
  • eccentric;
  • holy fool;
  • sarcastic.

Neutral adjectives

  • adventurous;
  • altruistic;
  • ambivalent;
  • apolitical;
  • ascetic;
  • susceptible;
  • contactless;
  • careless;
  • mediocre;
  • talkative;
  • susceptible;
  • impressionable;
  • sad;
  • confiding;
  • dramatic;
  • pensive;
  • improvising;
  • ironic;
  • frantic;
  • gentle;
  • frivolous;
  • hypocritical;
  • flattering;
  • mannered;
  • large-scale
  • many-sided;
  • silent;
  • illegible;
  • frank;
  • desperate;
  • principled;
  • uninhibited;
  • fussy;
  • temperamental;
  • vulnerable;
  • phlegmatic;
  • tenacious;
  • eccentric;
  • prim;
  • spectacular.

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Individual and typical character traits

The same typical trait can manifest itself differently in different people.

For example, courage can be meaningful, serving for the good, or reckless, causing a person to suffer.

Individual traits become individual because different people are driven by different motives and aspirations. Some people are naturally friendly and strive to help people, while others take on this quality and use it for selfish purposes. Therefore, all typical traits appear individually.


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How a person's character is formed

Character is formed under the influence of various factors, such as relationships with parents, peers, etc. His future life, career, well-being, and interaction with others will depend on what traits a person adopts.

Communication with parents shapes a person's character.

Influencing factors

To identify what a person’s character depends on, it is necessary to consider the factors influencing its formation. These include:

  1. Genetic predisposition is those characteristics that are inherited from parents.
  2. The environment is close people, family, teachers, classmates, friends.
  3. Circumstances are events that occur in a child’s life. They have a strong influence on the development of certain traits. Various situations leave their mark on the perception of the world and behavior in the future. At the same time, different children experience the same events differently, depending on their temperament and other characteristics.

The fundamental factor is the attitude of his parents towards the child. If for them from the moment of his appearance he was dear, important, they valued him, listened to their desires, then as he grows up, he feels inner support, self-confidence, and broadcasts this to the world. And vice versa, if he was offended, his needs were considered insignificant, or ignored, then such a child grows up downtrodden, complex, and feels like a victim of circumstances.

Thus, the same individual, under the influence of various external factors, can form a different character.

At what age do basic personality traits develop?

The formation of character begins at birth, and by the age of 5 its main features can be traced, and by 10 it is fully formed.

Basic personality traits are formed by the age of 5.

However, this does not mean that it cannot be changed. Throughout life, different circumstances will change it depending on how a person copes with them.

How are strengths different from weaknesses?


All weaknesses can become strengths if you look at them from a different angle. For example, a person is restless. If he works as a sales manager or sales representative, then this is rather a plus rather than a minus.

Another example is non-conflict. Getting along is considered a positive character trait. On the other hand, there are people who simply need to be put in their place, and this sometimes requires going into conflict.

Regardless of gender and activity, there is one universal character trait that is strong in any case. Unfortunately, it is not inherent to everyone. This is a sense of humor. A witty person can always get out of a difficult situation. Such people are usually respected and people try to be friends with them.

Important! Wit often borders on sarcasm, sometimes on cynicism. Care must be taken because it is a very fine line.

Human character types

Scientists in the field of psychology put forward various classifications of character types.

According to Kretschmer

Ernst Kretschmer (German psychologist and psychiatrist) divided characters into 3 main groups, in each of which he identified the following physiological characteristics:

  1. Asthenics. Such individuals have a thin physique, thin arms and legs, underdeveloped muscles, and a schizothymic type of character. They are stubborn, withdrawn, do not adapt well to everything new, and are afraid of the unknown.
  2. Athletics. Their distinctive feature is a strong body and developed muscles. They are calm, practical, responsible and power-hungry. Athletics are kind to people and rarely show aggression or any other strong emotions.
  3. Picnics have a dense build. Many of them suffer from excess weight. Most often, their proportions are as follows: large head, short neck, medium-sized facial features. They are sociable and quickly adapt to their surroundings.

According to Jung

Carl Jung (Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist) created a classification of characters that is distinguished by its simplicity and depth. It is based on the interaction of the subconscious and consciousness, and has 3 types of characters:

  1. Extroverts. They are active and emotional, they like to get involved in various processes, contact people, and be the center of attention. They are pleasant to talk to, cheerful and open, and have a positive outlook on life. The extroverted personality type actively participates in social activities and has well-developed organizational skills.
  2. Introverts. Such people are more likely to focus on their own intuition, sensations and experiences. Introverts are not always easy for others to understand because they live in their own world. They are withdrawn, prone to deep analysis of events, suspicious and like to spend time alone.
  3. Ambiverts. They combine the features of the 2 previous groups. They love to be seen, but at the same time they need personal space. Ambiverts have strong analytical qualities, a rich inner world, and love to be alone with themselves. They are characterized by charisma, wit and a cheerful disposition.

Carl Jung divided people into extroverts, introverts and ambiverts.

According to Lowen

Alexander Lowen (American psychotherapist and psychoanalyst) identified the following types of characters:

  • oral – manifests itself as dependence on other people’s opinions, infantilism, fear of being disliked and rejected, a constant need for approval;
  • masochistic – characterized by love for suffering, sensuality, penetration;
  • schizoid – hypertrophied emotions, confused thoughts, inconsistency of feelings with their manifestations;
  • hysterical – great ambitions, the desire to keep everything under control, violent emotional reactions, arrogance towards other people;
  • narcissistic – purposefulness, high adaptability and energy, aggressiveness, self-confidence;
  • psychopathic – lust for power, desire to control everything around, concern about one’s own appearance.

Typology according to Jung

For centuries, humanity has been studying each other, each scientist tries to present his point of view and spread it to the masses. A psychiatrist from Switzerland did not stand aside and began to study humanity based on its internal and external awareness of the world. It turned out to distinguish 2 main types:

  • Introverts. These are calm, reserved individuals who do not like noisy companies and many friends. As a rule, they live separately, separately from the bulk of the population, and have very difficult contacts with society.

They prefer stability and loneliness, rarely change their place of work or residence. They think and reflect a lot, which leads to anxiety and suspiciousness. Subjects of this category are easily manipulated by others and are often inspired by religious ideas.

  • Extroverts. These are cheerful, sociable and emotionally unstable people. Always in the center of attention, they love companies and everything related to parties.

They live to the fullest, forgetting about minor problems, and even the troubles of other people close to them. A complex but peaceful character allows one to find a common language with society, regardless of social status.

When analyzing all types of topology, you should not immediately equate yourself to one or another type; there are psychologists and other specialists for this. Emotional, suggestible people can begin to delve into themselves, while losing common sense. This can change your whole life. Be careful with self-criticism.

Character and accentuation

There are always some dominant traits in human character. They are expressed more clearly than others and form the basis of his personality and influence the attitude of others towards him.

What is accentuation

Accentuation is the dominance of certain character traits over all others, as a result of which the personality becomes bright and prominent (in some cases, disharmonious).

Often, strengthening certain qualities makes a person vulnerable, less adaptive to the environment, limits his activities, etc. For example, a shy person does not know how to defend his position, so he is often used by others for selfish purposes.

Accentuation in adulthood is minimized.

However, we should not forget that accentuation is not a deviation, but is characterized as an extreme manifestation of the norm. This happens for the following reasons:

  1. Dominance traits develop in the early stages of life, and are minimized in adulthood.
  2. Accentuation may not appear every day, but only in extreme conditions. Then it can be characterized as hidden, unmanifested.
  3. It does not directly affect a person’s adaptation in society (with rare exceptions).
  4. Accentuation is considered overt when it appears all the time or most of the time. In other cases it is considered hidden.

Character classification

Character is classified by accentuation as follows:

  • hyperthymic type – energetic, active, sociable;
  • dysthymic – pessimistic, slow, withdrawn;
  • cycloid - combines the 2 previous types, his mood and preferences often change, he tends to go to extremes;
  • excitable – conflictual, expressive, power-hungry, difficult to find a common language with people;
  • pedantic - stingy, tedious, but conscientious;
  • demonstrative - confident in his abilities, selfish, loves to brag, weave intrigues, easily adapts to surrounding conditions;
  • anxious - shy, unsure of one’s own abilities, waiting for outside help and support, self-critical, but friendly.

At what point does accentuation begin to be considered a pathology?

Although accentuation in itself is not a pathology, sometimes it develops into a disorder and provokes the appearance of psychopathy. The prerequisites are different: experienced severe stress, prolonged apathy, etc. This state of a person often becomes a trigger for the development of pathology.

Accentuation can develop into a mental disorder.

Good and not so good… qualities

(in alphabetical order)
“Every person has three characters: the one that is attributed to him; the one he attributes to himself; and, finally, the one that really exists” V. Hugo

Here, many years of work is a voluminous list of the main character traits and personal qualities of a person.
The list is updated regularly, including with your help, dear guests of the site. More than 1000 character traits have already been collected .
Surely the list can safely claim to be unique. Thank you everyone for your active participation! (Copying is permitted only with an active link)

• adventurous

• authoritarian

• authoritative

• aggressive

• adaptive

• adequate

• gambling

• careful

• active

• greedy

• altruistic

• ambivalent

• ambitious

• immoral

• anarchic

• inhumane

• apathetic

• apolitical

• aristocratic

• artistic

• assertive

(confident behavior, adequate assessment of the situation and one’s actions)

• ascetic

• antisocial

• authentic

(aware of his experiences and feelings)

• troublemaker

• spoiled

• banal

• vigilant

• careless

• peremptory

• crazy

• godless

• fearless

• tasteless

• gratuitous

• weak-willed

• harmless

• voiceless

• illiterate

• limitless

• sinless

• untalented

• inactive

• thoughtless

• inactive

• unspiritual

• soulless

• ruthless

• carefree

• selfless

• defenseless

• good-natured

• impersonal

• immeasurable

• silent

• serene

• immoral

• irresponsible

• harmless

• ugly

• reckless

• unrequited

• unconditional

• trouble-free

• faultless

• indifferent

• reckless

• resigned

• unrestrained

• immaculate

• crazy

• flawless

• indifferent

• lack of initiative

• hopeless

• lean

• careful

• uncompromising

• contactless

• conflict-free

• selfless

• unconscious

• shameless

• carefree

• incomparable

• restless

• helpless

• blameless

• disorderly

• merciless

• limitless

• unquestioning

• unparalleled

• unprincipled

• impartial

• unpretentious

• unstoppable

• sleepless

• dissolute

• heartless

• powerless

• inglorious

• dumb

• pointless

• unscrupulous

• meaningless

• shameless

• mediocre

• tactless

• clueless

• fearless

• dispassionate

• fearless

• spineless

• simple-minded

• mismanaged

• spineless

• colorless

• aimless

• priceless

• unceremonious

• inhumane

• dishonest

• disorderly

• insensitive

• reckless

• mad

• well-mannered

• reverent

• grateful

• beneficent

• complacent

• benevolent

• trustworthy

• well-intentioned

• well-behaved

• handsome

• decent

• prudent

• noble

• supportive

• blissful

• pious

• blessed

• brilliant

• prodigal

• rich

• God fearing

• pious

• cheerful

• lively

• talkative

• timid

• disgusting

• brutal

• grumpy

• violent

• stormy

• fast

• important

• imposing

• inspired

• inspiring

• thoughtful

• slave

• polite

• generous

• majestic

• loyal

• treacherous

• funny

• windy

• eccentric

• cantankerous

• explosive

• demanding

• prominent

• virtuoso

• attentive

• suggestible

• domineering

• power-hungry

• amorous

• excitable

• sublime

• abstinent

• outrageous

• warlike

• strong-willed

• free

• inspired

• well-mannered

• receptive

• grumpy

• enthusiastic

• impressionable

• hostile

• harmful

• forgiving

• comprehensive

• omnivore

• hot-tempered

• vulgar

• corrosive

• seasoned

• hardy

• expressive

• arrogant

• highly moral

• highly educated

• highly gifted

• pretentious

• well-trained

• lethargic

• ugly

• gallant

• harmonious

• brilliant

• heroic

• flexible

• hypersocial

• global

• deep

• thoughtful

• mocking

• silly

• angry

• oppressive

• vile

• homeric

• hospitable

• proud

• literate

• graceful

• sinful

• loud

• rude

• sad

• formidable

• humane

• visionary

• two-spirited

• dual

• two-faced

• two-faced

• virgin

• degrading

• business

• delicate

• efficient

• democratic

• demonstrative

• depressed

• despotic

• bold

• daring

• active

• marvelous

• dynamic

• diplomatic

• disciplined

• valiant

• virtuous

• good-natured

• good-natured

• friendly

• respectable

• kind-hearted

• conscientious

• Kind

• trusting

• quick-witted

• dogmatic

• annoying

• homely

• worthy

• Hon.

• accessible

• meticulous

• dramatizing

• dramatic

• friendly

• friendly

• bad

• spiritual

• sincere

• sole of company

• unctuous

• rough

• natural

• snide

• greedy

• pathetic

• compassionate

• iron

• cutesy

• misogynist

• feminine

• sacrificial

• hard

• cruel

• hard-hearted

• bile

• cheerful

• vitally active

• cheerful

• resilient

• funny

• bully

• caring

• forgotten

• drunkard

• forgetful

• envious

• dependent

• groovy

• mysterious

• driven

• cocky

• perky

• pensive

• sincere

• incendiary

• snickering

• sidekick

• hardened

• closed

• dashing

• noticeable

• wonderful

• closed

• entertaining

• arrogant

• boring

• entertaining

• busy

• thrifty

• drunken

• intimidated

• honored

• shy

• intricate

• hunted

• ordinary

• blinkered

• brutal

• sane

• green

• spiteful

• malicious

• malevolent

• wicked

• malicious

• malicious

• malevolent

• vindictive

• spiteful

• gloating

• malicious

• unfortunate

• slanderous

• mature

• playful

• ideal

• ideological

• spoiled

• selective

• quirky

• perverted

• mocking

• twitchy

• pampered

• inventive

• sophisticated

• amazing

• exquisite

• impressive

• improvising

• impulsive

• indifferent

• inert

• proactive

• intelligent

• intelligent

• intense

• interesting

• intuitive

• infantile

• ironic

• sincere

• skillful

• sophisticated

• exceptional

• sparkling

• executive

• spoiled

• serviceable

• tested

• frenzied

• hysterical

• tricky

• capricious

• stone

• qualified

• puffy

• cool

• insidious

• collective

• caustic

• flirty

• specific

• competitive

• conservative

• constructive

• contact

• finished

• conflict

• conformist

• comical

• sociable

• competent

• sociable

• penny

• correct

• selfish

• tongue-tied

• inert

• seditious

• eloquent

• short

• creative

• crooked

• critical

• bloodthirsty

• meek

• cultural

• okay

• concise

• affectionate

• easy

• gullible

• lightweight

• frivolous

• deceitful

• leading

• lyrical

• dashing

• hypocritical

• lazy

• dexterous

• logical

• loyal

• crafty

• flattering

• loving

• kind

• inquisitive

• curious

• loving

• of little faith

• illiterate

• inaccessible

• cowardly

• inconspicuous

• uncultured

• poorly educated

• uncommunicative

• inexperienced

• mannered

• manic

• manipulative

• large-scale

• slow

• slow

• melancholic

• petty

• mercantile

• dreamy

• baggy

• misanthrope


• pretty

• merciful

• gracious

• mimicking (adapted)

• peaceful

• peaceful

• suspicious

• multifaceted

• many sinners

• overthinking

• many faces

• highly experienced

• multilayer

• long-suffering

• mobile

• powerful

• lightning fast

• silent

• moral

• motivated

• powerful

• gloomy

• vengeful

• man-hater

• courageous

• tricky

• wise

• musical

• soft

• soft-hearted

• rebellious

• observant

• devout

• intrusive

• hired

• naive

• feigned

• impudent

• reliable

• arrogant

• assertive

• pompous

• narcissistic

• mocking

• persistent

• wary

• real

• persistent

• frowning

• cheeky

• resourceful

• impudent

• bossy

• well read

• inadequate

• sloppy

• inactive

• ungrateful

• unfavorable

• indecent

• unreasonable

• ignoble

• unfavorable

• careless

• unimportant

• ignorant

• ignorant

• unlucky

• incorrect

• undemanding

• invisible

• innocent

• inattentive

• intemperate

• unflappable

• ill-mannered

• immune

• unharmful

• neurotic

• unseasoned

• expressionless

• unusable

• inhospitable

• illiterate

• short-sighted

• incompetent

• indelicate

• undisciplined

• unfriendly

• dishonest

• unkind

• distrustful

• dissatisfied

• unworthy

• Not available

• awake

• unfriendly

• remarkable

• not viable

• gentle

• independent

• inconspicuous

• simple

• extraordinary

• unearthly

• not malicious

• not vindictive

• minor

• unknown

• unchanged

• unintelligent

• non-executive

• unspoiled

• faulty

• frantic

• uncommunicative

• incompetent

• non-contact

• incorrect

• uncultured

• something is wrong

• unhypocritical

• impartial

• awkward

• illogical

• disloyal

• ungracious

• unsociable

• unmerciful

• unmerciful

• taciturn

• non-musical

• beloved

• unreliable

• insatiable

• uneducated

• unfired

• unbridled

• untrained

• unsociable

• extraordinary

• unusual

• optional

• ambiguous

• unspiritualized

• is not dangerous

• uncertain

• unkempt

• inexperienced

• disorganized

• extraordinary

• careless

• unfounded

• careless

• persistent

• unresponsive

• uncouth

• relentless

• non-pedagogical

• innocent

• clumsy

• unique

• stubborn

• unprepared

• genuine

• incorruptible

• rebellious

• unpolitical

• immaculate

• dishonest

• uninitiated

• inconsistent

• naughty

• direct

• fickle

• irreverent

• unrighteous

• incorrect

• impractical

• open-minded

• unhelpful

• improvident

• adamant

• unattractive

• unusual

• unrecognized

• restless

• indecent

• inconspicuous

• unremarkable

• casual

• unadapted

• obscene

• impregnable

• unfeigned

• unpretentious

• unpretentious

• hostile

• unpleasant

• unwakeful

• slow

• non-flexible

• unsaleable

• unproductive

• undiscerning

• unenlightened

• unlucky

• disgraceful

• inoperative

• partial

• careless

• sad

• illegible

• inseparable

• unreasonable

• indecisive

• nervous

• nervous

• sloppy

• unbending

• intractable

• immodest

• unbreakable

• obnoxious

• unassembled

• unsocialized

• non-standard

• unstable

• restless

• unpredictable

• intractable

• unrestrained

• unhappy

• impatient

• non-trivial

• irrepressible

• unscrupulous

• insensitive

• unconvincing

• unsure

• restless

• quarrelsome

• clumsy

• indomitable

• elusive

• cheerful

• unbalanced

• restless

• unstable

• unyielding

• tireless

• innovator

• nonconformist

• moral

• restive

• boring

• charming

• touchy

• educated

• courteous

• communicative

• objective

• ordinary

• required

• limited

• gifted

• one-faced

• obsessed

• odious

• spiritualized

• preoccupied

• puzzled

• naughty

• embittered

• inspired

• reckless

• neat

• optimistic

• experienced

• organized

• organic

• original

• knowledgeable

• prudent

• thorough

• deliberate

• frenzied

• careful

• witty

• brave

• rejected

• responsible

• responsive

• frank

• open

• excellent

• easy-going

• charming

• desperate

• numb

• passive

• pathetic

• pedantic

• pathetic

• perfectionist

(striving for perfection)

• pessimistic

• changeable

• whiny

• motivating

• superficial

• overwhelming

• movable

• fake

• sneaky

• suspicious

• inflammatory

• sycophantic

• positive

• cognizing

• ostentatious

• abandoned

• flexible

• submissive

• helping

• understanding

• decent

• sequential

• mediocre

• constant

• amazing

• lustful

• vulgar

• poetic

• truthful

• truth teller

• righteous

• pragmatic

• practical

• devoted

• enterprising

• helpful

• prudent

• contemptuous

• dismissive

• pretentious

• picky

• friendly

• picky

• tight-fisted

• down to earth

• approximate

• primitive

• principled

• blunted

• attractive

• proactive

• agile

• productive

• visionary

• insightful

• simple-minded

• simple

• contradictory

• straight

• straightforward

• straight

• feigned

• nice

• agile

• timid

• punctual

• passionate

• idle talker

• indifferent

• joyful

• welcoming

• depraved

• cheeky

• irritable

• disappointing

• measured

• versatile

• reasonable

• vulnerable

• relaxed

• dissolute

• absent-minded

• reasonable

• efficient

• wasteful

• prudent

• realistic

• jealous

• frisky

• sharp

• productive

• rational

• religious

• respectable

• decisive

• rigid

(numb, the opposite of impulsive)

• risky

• timid

• smooth

• romantic

• original

• narcissistic

• self-hypnosis

• self-disciplined

• smug

• self-sufficient

• selfless

• self-ironic

• self-critical

• arrogant

• selfless

• independent

• self-confident

• sarcastic

• grumpy

• knowledgeable

• light

• ferocious

• free

• freedom-loving

• self-willed

• wayward

• discreet

• selfish

• sexy

• sentimental

• cardiac

• compassionate

• serious

• strong

• shining

• skeptical

• quarrelsome

• slippery

• modest

• secretive

• meticulous

• stingy

• boring

• weak-willed

• faint of heart

• weak

• glorious

• voluptuous

• talkative

• sharp-witted

• brave

• funny

• humble

• troublemaker

• smart

• indulgent

• dexterous

• assembled

• perfect

• conscientious

• agreeing

• meaningful

• creative

• doubtful

• smart

• rival

• focused

• accomplished

• compassionate

• socialized

• sympathetic

• arrogant

• specific

• calm

• spontaneous

• fair

• money-loving

• silver-hating

• diligent

• stately

• power

• shy

• bitchy

• durable

• wandering

• passionate

• rapid

• stress-resistant

• strict

• obstinate

• bashful

• acquisitive

• superstitious

• fussy

• extravagant

• harsh

• happy

• talented

• tactful

• die-hard

• solid

• creative

• temperamental

• patient

• tolerant

• quiet

• quiet

• tolerant

• smart

• thick-skinned

• thin

• tragic

• spendthrift

• demanding

• anxious

• reverent

• cowardly

• hardworking

• parasite

• vain

• painful

• heavy

• convinced

• respectful

• confident

• evasive

• interested in

• obsequious

• gloomy

• lucky

• depressing

• satisfied

• accommodating

• improving

• skillful

• moderate

• smart

• humiliating

• humiliated

• evasive

• smiling

• peaceful

• unique

• stubborn

• stubborn

• diligent

• diligent

• helpful

• successful

• sustainable

• sophisticated

• compliant

• balanced

• grippy

• sympathetic

• polite

• cunning

• vulnerable

• familiar

• fanatical

• dreamer

• lucky

• fatalist

(believing in fate, in predestination)

• enchanting

• philanthropist

• philosophizing

• phlegmatic

• boorish

• moping

• prude

• charismatic

• boastful

• tenacious

• cunning

• cunning

• cold-blooded

• hospitable

• troublesome

• gloomy

• economic

• choleric

• fine-grained

• good

• hokhmach

• brave

• fragile

• blooming

• purposeful

• chaste

• holistic

• one-piece

• tenacious

• cynical

• swaggering

• humane

• misanthropic

• honest

• ambitious

• callous

• clear

• clean

• sincere

• prim

• sensual

• sensitive

• eccentric

• monstrous

• sensitive

• naughty

• crazy

• shebutnoy

• silk

• wide

• mischievous

• noisy

• nimble

• humorous

• generous

• scrupulous

• selfish

• self-centered

• economical

• expressive

• extravagant

• extraordinary

• eccentric

• elastic

• elegant

• emotional

• empathic (sympathetic)

• energetic

• enthusiast

• shocking

• erudite

• esthete

• efficient

• spectacular

• humorous

• nimble

• holy fool

• sarcastic

• bright

• furious

• ardent

• clear

Curious what character traits you have?

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