Who is a choleric person: a short and clear description, compatibility, advantages and disadvantages

Temperament is not a death sentence, but in most cases, choleric people become the most successful leaders in a company.

Let us continue the study of the nature of leadership in its personal aspect, which we began in the last publication, and this time turn to the complex characteristics of leaders - from the point of view of types and temperaments. Two doctors were among the first to address this topic back in antiquity - Hippocrates1 and Galen2, who set themselves the task of analyzing the prerequisites for the emergence of strong leaders, so that on this basis it would be possible to educate kings and choose generals. Now it looks funny, but then many of their observations were based on physiological manifestations and intersected, in particular, with the study of the circulation of fluids in the human body. Now it is difficult to understand what exactly the main goal of the research was - medical or educational and developmental, but this is no longer so important. The main thing is that the system they proposed took root, existed for several millennia, and at the same time has interesting foundations. In this lecture, we, of course, will not appeal to the circulation of liquids, not being specialists in this field. And let us dwell on the modern interpretation, relying primarily on the works of Immanuel Kant3, who assessed the applicability of this or that temperament to various types of human activity.

Today, the system of temperament types has many interpretations, which can be attributed to two main directions of scientific thought. One (I consider myself one of them) considers the choleric temperament to be the most powerful in terms of the level of internal strength. Another relies on sanguine people, citing the fact that it is this type of temperament that has the most balanced system of “acceleration” and “braking.” This direction was led by the famous psychiatrist Jan Strelyau4, but his arguments are based solely on a person’s ability to control his internal processes, which has to do with nervous activity and has nothing to do with a person’s inner strength.

In this lecture we will try to give an aggregated description of the two types of temperaments, their influence on leadership qualities, and also understand why this or that person is not capable of being a leader due to his temperament. Let's start with the most powerful - choleric.

Who is a choleric person - briefly and clearly

A choleric person is a person who is distinguished by a high level of mental activity, behaves energetically, sharply and impetuously, his movements are fast and jerky.

The definition in psychology of this type of temperament is much more expanded and ambiguous, because a choleric person has a specific number of personality traits. A choleric person is a fighting person who is ready to overcome difficulties and selflessly go towards the goal.

In the company of people, he rarely goes unnoticed. At the same time, communicating with him is not easy. A choleric person cannot be called an emotionally stable person; his mood changes at the speed of light. This is reflected in the choleric person’s speech, his communication style, gestures, and facial expressions. This often prevents you from enjoying communication to the fullest.

A choleric person is a fast, impetuous person, capable of devoting himself to a task with exceptional passion, but not balanced, prone to violent emotional outbursts (affects), sudden changes in mood (Big Psychological Dictionary edited by Meshcheryakov, Zinchenko).

Physiological basis of temperament

The type of nervous system is strong, but unstable. This also applies to the response style of a choleric person. In a difficult situation he can be unrestrained.

A choleric person easily and quickly takes on a new job, but his physiology is designed in such a way that very soon he can become cold towards it and become disappointed. His nervous system is especially depressed by long, monotonous, monotonous work. In some cases, this can lead to nervous breakdowns and other disorders.

Increased excitement before starting work risks turning into burnout, so a choleric person is good and productive at the start, but often does not have enough strength to finish the work.

Typology according to I. P. Pavlov

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show his experiences openly, like a sanguine person.
However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can easily be read on his face. When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can suddenly “flare up like a match” and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, just because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic

, and immediately look for a way out of the current situation.

Despite their high sense of purpose, choleric people often cannot correctly assess their strength. This leads to the fact that some things remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Famous people with choleric temperament

The following outstanding personalities are considered famous choleric people:

  1. Musicians Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Liszt.
  2. Poets Pushkin and Byron.
  3. Commander Suvorov.
  4. Artist Salvador Dali.
  5. Politician Donald Trump.
  6. Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky.
  7. Entrepreneur and public figure Bill Gates.
  8. American TV presenter Oprah Winfrey.

Alexander Pushkin

Oprah Winfrey

Donald Trump

Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Bill Gates

Salvador Dali

Franz Liszt

Ludwig van Beethoven

Alexander Suvorov


What famous choleric people do you know? Share your knowledge in the comments, let's expand each other's horizons.

Life of a choleric person with examples

If we talk about the description of a choleric person, his style of interaction with others and his personal qualities, then it is almost impossible to make a mistake or mistake him for someone else.

Childhood and studies

If parents have a little choleric child, then they definitely won’t be bored. The main feature of a choleric person from childhood is the love to command. The life of parents is built literally around the child.

In games, the choleric person is very noisy and restless, it seems that he is everywhere at the same time. Parents often have to buy him new toys and look for activities, since the old ones quickly become boring for him, and therefore useless.

But parents don’t have to worry when a choleric child goes to kindergarten or school. Such children quickly adapt to the team and make friends. They will not cry for hours before going to kindergarten and will not be stubborn for a long time, especially if they are interested in it.

Often choleric children play leading roles in school plays, sing songs, recite poems, and participate in sports competitions. It's not so much about acting ability and good form, but about determination and courage.

Should parents worry if they are forced to transfer a choleric child to another kindergarten or school?

No, it's not worth it. Choleric temperament means that children easily find a common language with others and feel like they belong everywhere.

Such a child causes a lot of anxiety when he starts to fight or show verbal aggression. The choleric person often refuses to be at the center of a scandal because he does not want to give in or step aside. Another “risk zone” may be public tantrums if such behavior is not stopped in time.

Career and profession

According to the psychological portrait, choleric people are strong leaders, and they can make good bosses, managers, and directors. But in this role, the choleric person may begin to behave rudely, pull back and hurry subordinates in an unflattering manner, and tactlessly criticize them.

In the role of a subordinate, the choleric person is very active and productive. He will not sit idle, but will ask you to give him a task. Can compete with management and strive to take their place.

A choleric person needs work that can be interrupted at any time, switch to something else, or just relax. It will be difficult for him to work on a rigid schedule with fixed breaks. It is especially important for a choleric person that his work is filled with new impressions, so that in the process of activity he can learn something.

The following professions are perfect for choleric people:

  • artist, actor, singer, musician, TV presenter, video blogger;
  • journalist, videographer, correspondent, radio presenter;
  • diplomat;
  • sales representative, manager, merchandiser;
  • pilot;
  • entrepreneur, businessman;
  • individual trainer;
  • marketer, advertising manager;
  • guide;
  • casting manager;
  • organizer of holidays and events;
  • investigator, private detective, policeman.

Are there choleric people among your friends? In what professional field of activity could they find themselves? Tell us about it in the comments.

Relationships and family

In love, friendship and family relationships, choleric people are very ardent and jealous. There are a number of positive and negative factors to this. He will be offended if he finds out that his partner is communicating with someone else, even if it is just friendly correspondence. In front of him, it is better not to praise someone else, especially a representative of the opposite sex; a choleric person may perceive this as a reproach for his own inadequacy.

A choleric person in a relationship is an incorrigible romantic. He will give expensive gifts, pamper his partner with attention, do extraordinary things and literally shout to the whole world about his love. During the courtship period, the choleric person will be the most gentle and sensitive.

But in return he will also demand a lot, boundless love, loyalty and devotion. Sometimes in a relationship, a choleric person behaves toxically (watching correspondence, interrogating and not letting the partner go out with friends).

Choleric people do not understand hints, and it is difficult for others to get along with their harsh disposition. Often relationships with a choleric person end as quickly as they began.

Health and psychosomatics

A serious risk area for a choleric person is emotional burnout (at work, in relationships, at school). The condition can seriously affect their psyche and cause a number of psychosomatic problems.

Choleric people should pay special attention to the liver and the condition of the gallbladder. It will be especially difficult for the organs if a choleric person, in a momentary impulse or weakness, begins to smoke or suppress negative emotions with alcohol.

Due to constant wear and tear, problems with the heart or blood pressure may begin.

Pros of temperament

Like any other type of temperament, a choleric person has strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of choleric are:

if a choleric person is truly passionate about something, then his energy is inexhaustible;

takes on most new and difficult tasks with enthusiasm, prepares himself for the best;

makes decisions very quickly, does not waste extra time on thinking and doubts;

are characterized by quick-wittedness, quickly take offense, but after a couple of weeks they cannot even remember the essence of the offense;

they try to keep abreast of everything (the choleric person remembers what time the chemistry test is, what issue will be discussed at the meeting, when the office manager’s birthday is);

has natural charisma, so he rarely complains about loneliness or unpopularity with guys/girls;

choleric people are very versatile and enthusiastic personalities; there is always something to talk about with them;

They strive to lead, so at work they often occupy leadership positions and high positions.

What are the other advantages of choleric people?

If a girl marries a choleric guy, then with him she will be “like behind a stone wall,” provided that the guy is properly brought up and understands others.

Suitable professions

The following professions are suitable for the choleric type: doctors, teachers, heads of enterprises, departments, groups. Of course, these are born leaders. They demand unquestioning obedience from others and the fulfillment of assigned tasks. And this, on the one hand, is good. Choleric temperament will be the basis for career advancement.

But the question is how subordinates perceive such a boss or employee. In such a team there will clearly be room, if not for conflicts, then for arguments 100%! The ideal option would be to complete tasks without the involvement of a choleric leader. Who would love to have control over every step and breath they take at work!

Choleric boss

Choleric people find it so boring to perform monotonous activities. They are not suitable for working with devices; they are focused on communication. They rarely make famous creative personalities - they simply have no time for creativity. They are less sensitive than, for example, melancholic people, but more active than phlegmatic people. They say about such people: “The work is in full swing, and he is with it!”

Cons of temperament

The choleric type of temperament also has weaknesses:

they strive to be first in everything and always, this often irritates others and only gets in the way;

if motivation has been lost, the job will not be completed;

in communicating with other people, choleric people allow themselves to be rude, harsh, intolerant of other people's shortcomings;

react sharply to injustice, even if this injustice does not directly affect them;

if a choleric person was brought up in an atmosphere of anger and aggression, then he can grow into a domestic tyrant;

may get too carried away and start making decisions for others;

They are often in a hurry and hurry others, but not everyone can live at a fast pace;

They do not give concessions to themselves or others; in their presence it is difficult to relax and be imperfect (this applies to both work and family relationships).

Phlegmatic people

Phlegmatic people are characterized by general restraint, unhurriedness, thoroughness, calmness not only in ordinary, but also in the most difficult situations. They are consistent and thorough in their actions, their speech is smooth and measured, without sharp expressions of emotions, without bright gestures and facial expressions. It is easy for phlegmatic people to restrain their impulses, because they adhere to the principle of saving strength. In communication they are even and reasonable. Accordingly, music of a slow tempo and even in mood suits them - without dramatic outbursts and frenzies.

Among the famous composers of phlegmatic temperament are:

  • Borodin Alexander Porfirievich;
  • Glazunov Ilya Sergeevich;
  • Lyadov Anatoly Konstantinovich.

Famous writers who are phlegmatic include:

  • Krylov Ivan Andreevich (fabulist);
  • Delvig Anton Antonovich (poet and friend of Pushkin).

Other famous people with a phlegmatic temperament:

  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov;
  • Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev;
  • Galileo Galilei;
  • Antoni van Leeuwenhoek;
  • Immanuel Kant;
  • Karl Ernst von Baer;
  • Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov.

Mixed temperament type

The character of a choleric person rarely manifests itself as it is described in textbooks. This is due to the fact that pure temperament is rare in real life; one often has to deal with a mixed type of temperament.

Choleric people are characterized by certain characteristics, but at the intersection with other temperaments they are revealed in a new way.


If a person exhibits a pure choleric temperament, then one can expect strong leadership qualities and determination that borders on unreasonable behavior.

Often a choleric person turns into a despotic leader or a domestic tyrant.

A pure choleric person cannot stand the lack of attention and strives for it by any, not always decent, means. Such people can, for example, post very controversial photos and videos on social networks and intentionally create a buzz around themselves.

At work he will compete until he achieves the highest position in the company. To achieve it, he will not miss the opportunity to “go over his head”, slander someone or give false information to management.

Do you know such people?





Voted: 3


Choleric-sanguine people can be found most often. Their mood changes just as quickly, but it happens much more gently, unnoticed by prying eyes.

Such people go straight towards their goal, but do not waste energy on excessive emotionality. They direct all resources to achieve results.

They build relationships with others much more competently, they do not strive to make decisions for everyone and insist that everything be the way they want.

A choleric-sanguine person generates ideas very easily, is able to bring them to life, and bring the work to completion.

Illustration: Maklakov A. G. General psychology: a textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011, p. 563


Choleric-phlegmatic behaves more consciously and thoroughly. Outbreaks, of course, happen, but they look much more restrained.

Such a person works quickly and productively and is distinguished by enviable stability. He has a lot of internal resources in reserve, which mobilize him at the right time and allow him not to give up.

Choleric traits appear when such a person is immersed in a new , interesting business, begins to work selflessly, forgetting about time.


The most rare mixed type of temperament. Choleric-melancholic regularly experiences stages of creative upsurge, and then apathy and emptiness. But if he takes on a job, he will certainly finish it, no matter what the cost.

Melancholic choleric people have a unique feature - to look at the situation soberly and evaluate it from the outside. This helps them achieve significant success, much greater than that of “pure” choleric people.

Electric discharge

The word “choleric” is translated from ancient Greek as “bilious,” and the very use of this term is a tribute to the “physiological” tradition, which dates back to the time of Hippocrates, who believed that the individual psychological characteristics of a person are determined by the predominance of one or another “vital juice” in him. A person with this temperament is a “cold passionate type”; the format of its energy is explosive, volcanic. This is a key property of a choleric person: he needs to “explode” and “discharge”, which allows him not to accumulate negativity and quickly overcome it (with the help of “explosions” that remove the shock characteristics). In this regard, choleric people are not characterized by rancor. Relatively speaking, he represents the “kindest” temperament in relation to the people he controls and among whom he is located. In long-established teams led by choleric people, everyone knows: no matter what trouble happens, you must first tell your leader about it. Yes, he will definitely explode (at this moment everyone around him is recommended to “fall” so as not to be hit by “fragments”), but literally after a few seconds, which is enough for the choleric to discharge, he will begin to think and at the same time find the right solutions. The choleric manager is the most “forgiving” of all temperament types. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going, if you do not take into account the hybrid types that combine a choleric person with a phlegmatic type, which implies rancor (and such a hybrid is already capable of causing banal fear in everyone around him). People are not afraid of the classic choleric person. If a choleric person has learned to control his energy emissions, this particular type is capable of arousing great and sincere love in people. Moreover, being a bright and passionate type, even with his “explosions” he energetically “feeds” the crowd following him. This is very important for a leader. In legends and myths all over the world, these are the people who appear as heroes. Even in Eastern poems you will always see an outwardly restrained person, but capable - at certain moments - of a powerful release of energy. This is not given to a phlegmatic person by nature.

Jan Strelyau was right: in a choleric person, acceleration dominates over braking. The psyche accelerates in a fraction of a second, which is enough to move from a state of contemplation to combat mode. This is a normal understanding of aggressiveness, this is actually aggressiveness. Whether there will be an explosion or not depends on his assertiveness5. A choleric person can be aggressive, but not hot-tempered (which is characteristic of the “water” type, in contrast to the more common “fire” type). This type has patience and a restraining will, but internally forms a powerful energy flow, the presence of which is always felt by the environment. And such symptoms alienate people from the leader. After all, people traditionally and instinctively perceive accumulating aggression that does not find a way out with caution.

Therefore, when working in companies, I always give advice to such leaders (and I must say that the majority of business creators in Russia are choleric): never restrain your reactions. The more negative they are, the more often they need to be shown! The explanation is simple: the more often explosions occur, the less powerful they are.

A person who accumulates energy is forced to explode too powerfully. Moreover, it will not be possible to avoid an explosion altogether, because choleric people tend to “unload” everything accumulated sooner or later. Therefore, it is better to do this in small portions, accustoming yourself to constantly broadcast true emotions to people: “I am dissatisfied, I don’t like it, I’m not satisfied.” In this way, negative energy will not accumulate, and it will be easier for people to adapt (for from what other sources can they guess about the true mood of the leader, about his assessment of their activities?), and fear will give way to love. But our task is to achieve precisely this feeling, which is the impulse for creating an energy field around the leader.

How to communicate and be friends with a choleric person

A choleric person needs a certain approach:

  1. There is no need to argue with him, especially by raising your voice. In a state of argument, a choleric person is not interested in facts and common sense; he can start shouting or use his fists.
  2. Provoking a choleric person and testing his patience is a bad idea. If the interlocutor sees that the choleric person is beginning to “boil,” it is better to leave him for a while and give him time to put himself in order.
  3. Sometimes it is better to agree with a choleric person, but do it your own way (or not comment on his point of view at all).
  4. If the situation in communication with a choleric person becomes tense, then it is worth smoothing it out with the help of humor or a compliment.
  5. There is no need to completely submit to your choleric interlocutor and forget about your individuality.
  6. Choleric people always say this and think something. Often their statements depend on their mood, so you can hear diametrically opposed thoughts and statements from a choleric person. The only way out is to treat them condescendingly, understand the peculiarities of temperament and not reproach the choleric person for what was previously said.
  7. Choleric people love compliments and appreciate good treatment, so such “strokes” need to be practiced regularly, otherwise it will be difficult to establish communication with him.
  8. People of choleric temperament prefer not to remember old quarrels and grievances. If the conflict has already ended, then there is no point in returning to it again and analyzing it further. This will only anger the choleric.
  9. Such people love to give instructions and teach others. Sometimes they should be given the opportunity to speak out. For example, ask him to tell you how to actually cook borscht correctly, but then do it in your own way.
  10. If you are planning a friendly meeting with a choleric person, then the cultural program should be thought out in advance. A choleric person is bored just wandering around the city or sitting in a cafe. It’s better to go with him to an exhibition, even a free one, but then your friends will have something to discuss.

It is important for choleric people to speak out and express their opinions. Situationally, you can just listen and do it your own way.

But if this is your loved one, it is important to share your feelings and what you don’t like about the relationship. It is important to do this from the perspective of your own feelings, and not from blaming and condemning the choleric person .

For example, you should say: “It hurts and offends me that you constantly correct me. I’m starting to feel like there’s something wrong with me and it’s hard,” rather than “You’re already sick of retraining me, look at you.”

Accusations will only fuel the scandal and will not solve the problem. Before blaming, think about what you need from the relationship, to really solve the problem or to insist that you are right.

Compatibility with other temperament types

This type of temperament, such as choleric, builds personal relationships in a special way, so it is important for him to find a suitable partner.

A choleric person rarely gets along with a choleric person, so it is almost impossible to meet such a union. It will look like a real nuclear war, where people will constantly compete for leadership.

There can be a very ardent and passionate romance between them that will be remembered for a lifetime. But, unfortunately, it may not last long. Without serious work on relationships, partners will quickly separate, and in the best traditions of choleric people - with screams, insults, tears, and breaking dishes.

A choleric person and a sanguine person can make a good couple, since a sanguine person also has remarkable leadership qualities. But it is not a fact that a choleric person will freely transfer the reins of leadership into the hands of a sanguine person. Serious disagreements may arise on this basis. If you work on the relationship and be tolerant, then the couple will be able to create a strong union.

A choleric person and a phlegmatic person can coexist with each other, but the atmosphere in the house will always be tense. The choleric person is constantly hurried by the phlegmatic person; the phlegmatic person wants to live and develop at a pace that is convenient for him. Without the ability to compromise and give in, a couple is doomed to separation.

A choleric person and a melancholic person are unlikely to be able to create a strong couple. Melancholic tearfulness will irritate the choleric person and even depress him. A choleric person may begin to lash out at his significant other, and then suffer from feelings of guilt.

In addition, a choleric person cannot understand the mental anguish and constant sadness of melancholic people. They consider this condition to be a far-fetched stupidity. The only chance to preserve the union is mutual work on oneself. A choleric person will have to cultivate emotionality and sensitivity, while a melancholic person will have to learn to react to situations more calmly and harshly.

What type of temperament goes well with a choleric person?

A sanguine person is best suited for a choleric person, but even in this union quarrels and conflicts are inevitable.

A sanguine person is best suited for a choleric person, but even in this union quarrels and conflicts are inevitable.

What fluid predominates in a sanguine person?

The predominance of yellow bile (chole, “bile, poison”) makes a person impulsive, “hot”—choleric. The predominance of lymph (phlegm, “phlegm”) makes a person calm and slow—a phlegmatic person. The predominance of blood (sangvis, “blood”) makes a person active and cheerful - a sanguine person.

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How to raise a choleric child - 10 tips

Choleric children are very difficult to raise, so parents will have to use wisdom, tolerance, and sometimes miracles of oratory:

  1. It is important to teach the little choleric person to keep his emotions under control and not to explode due to any failure. He needs to explain that shouting, tears and name-calling will not change the situation, and being nervous is harmful to health. You can teach your child to restrain himself using a simple rule: count to yourself to 10 before you throw your fists at a friend or decide to throw a tantrum in the supermarket.
  2. The inexhaustible energy of a choleric person must be directed in the right direction so that it does not come out of him in the form of fights, hysterics and violations of discipline in institutions. You can enroll your child in dancing, sports, or a pop song club.
  3. If parents notice that their child is overindulging, he needs to find something to do. Let it be feasible housework (give the cat food, wipe the dust, wash the cups). The child will be active and will be involved in housework. This will help him quickly become independent and responsible.
  4. Choleric children often lack good manners. You can teach them to your child by reading and discussing instructive books together.
  5. It is better to exclude from the environment anything that excites the child’s nervous system.
  6. Gently insist that the little cholera be assiduous and bring the job he starts, even the smallest one, to the end.
  7. Present household chores in the format of games or quests.
  8. A choleric child can infuriate his parents with his behavior, but one must not succumb to provocations. You need to communicate with your child respectfully and gently. Screaming from parents undermines the child's trust in adults.
  9. You shouldn’t spend hours convincing a choleric person of something or making deals with him. It is better to ask, tactfully, then firmly.
  10. Listening to the child’s words is very important for him.

What to do if I'm choleric

The temperament of choleric people is very unstable and often interferes with the lives of their owners. It is important for people with this psychotype to know some life hacks in order to become more restrained, but not lose themselves:

  1. Suppressing negativity in yourself is a bad idea, which will lead to the accumulation of feelings of anger and psychosomatic illnesses. It is better to throw out negative emotions, but do it correctly. We talked about exactly how in the article about anger.
  2. Develop empathy and a sense of tact, often ask yourself questions: “What is my interlocutor feeling now?”, “Am I doing the right thing towards him?”, “Am I hurting his feelings?” You can even directly ask close friends and relatives about this.
  3. There is no need to try to control everything and make decisions for other people. Only the person himself knows what will be best for him, and it is simply impossible to keep everything under control. It is worth highlighting the main goals and fulfilling them, delegating authority.
  4. Engage in sports or other activities that help release pent-up energy. Running helps some, some play in amateur theater, and some learn musical instruments.
  5. Relieve yourself of some authority and understand that a person cannot know everything in the world.
  6. Try to make friends with a phlegmatic person and adopt from him such personality traits as restraint, stability, tact. Sometimes a choleric person begins to unconsciously copy these qualities, which only benefits him.
  7. Carefully control the volume of your voice, do not raise it unnecessarily. In everyday life, try to speak in an even, calm tone, in a low voice.
  8. It is important for choleric people to look deep into themselves and engage in self-knowledge, so meditative practices can help. The main thing is to find a mentor who will respond. Meditation may seem boring with one master, but with another it will be an amazing tool.

Thank you for reading the article. What type of temperament do you consider yourself to be? Are there any choleric people among our readers? Tell us about your psychotype in the comments.

Send the article to friends and relatives, save it so as not to lose it. Practical recommendations will help you calmly coexist with a choleric person, educate him and find a common language with yourself with this type of temperament.

Melancholic people

Melancholic people are considered shy and shy, secretive and uncommunicative people. They are painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable; when they fail, they tend to withdraw into themselves and engage in self-flagellation. Their speech is quiet, with pleading and apologetic intonations. They tend to seek sympathy and help from others. They easily tolerate loneliness, preferring to communicate with one or two close friends in noisy companies. But thanks to their high sensitivity to the life around them, it is melancholic people who create the most subtle and soulful works of art.

Among the composers who are melancholic are:

  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky;
  • Frederic François Chopin;
  • Johan Julius Christian Sibelius.

Among poets and writers, melancholics include:

  • Anton Pavlovich Chekhov;
  • Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin;
  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol;
  • Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky;
  • Igor-Severyanin (Igor Vasilievich Lotarev);
  • Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov;
  • Semyon Yakovlevich Nadson;
  • Edgar Allan Poe.

Other famous people with a melancholic temperament:

  • Charles Robert Darwin;
  • Nicholas I Pavlovich;
  • Isaac Newton;
  • Rene Descartes;
  • Elvis Aaron Presley;
  • Michael Joseph Jackson;
  • Grigory Alekseevich Yavlinsky.
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