Thoughts of the rich: what's on the minds of millionaires and how to use it

Think like a millionaire

A millionaire and a poor man, in essence, are people who at birth have absolutely equal rights and chances of success.

Each of them may own a yacht, a castle and millions of dollars, but... for some reason some people become millionaires, while others continue to “work hard” all day long in order to bring home at least a living wage.

What distinguishes these people: the presence of willpower? Certainly! A specific life purpose and principles? Undoubtedly! Do you want to succeed at any cost? But of course! But this is not the main thing. The main thing that distinguishes an accomplished millionaire from a person with low income is the presence of a millionaire consciousness. A person simply thinks like a millionaire, imagines himself as a millionaire, and ultimately becomes a millionaire.

So, as you probably already guessed, this article will talk about how each of us can take the path of greater prosperity than we have now, by developing the mindset of a millionaire. You will begin to think “like a billionaire.” What is it that distinguishes millionaires and allows them to achieve wealth that other people cannot even imagine in their frank dreams? One important characteristic of millionaires is that they follow their opinions at all costs, regardless of the opinions of other people.

Once they have set a goal, it is very difficult to lead them astray from achieving it. The opinion of no other person (even the closest) can shake the opinion of a person with the psychology of a millionaire.

Let's consider the basic commandments of a person who wants to develop the thinking skills of a millionaire:

Commandment 1

You should never take a vacation. Of course, for a modern person this sounds paradoxical - how can you not take a well-deserved vacation? The idea is that for a job to be done well, it must bring pleasure to the person. He is so carried away by her that he does not notice that he is tired. Most successful people are able to talk about work even on vacation.

This does not mean that they are work-absorbed fanatics and that nothing but work pleases them. The fact is that work brings them so much pleasure that even talking about work on vacation, they relax. If the work does not captivate a person, then he is working in the wrong place.

Step out of being a lonely hero

Do you like action movies? This is when a lone warrior with a face smeared with paint and bared teeth crushes an entire army of bad guys with a machine gun. Sounds familiar, right? I really loved Chuck Norris: he defeated everyone alone. Or the Terminator - there are a great many such heroes in films. We are raised on examples of heroes who defeat everyone alone. Do you know many stories in life where one person defeated everyone?..

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The lone hero role model has very good PR. But they forget to provide it with a warning: “The trick was performed by a professional. Please don't try this again!" We are told from childhood that we must deal with our problems on our own. “When something doesn’t work out, go through the pain, try harder.” Have you noticed that when you are ashamed to admit that you don’t know or can’t do something, then you are driving yourself into a trap? The Lonely Hero's Trap. You repeat attempt after attempt, you fight until it hurts, you see an abyss - you try to jump over it in one jump. You suffer failure after failure, but you continue in the same spirit. And you don’t notice that it’s enough to find a mentor, a friend or a supportive environment - and the same thing can be done with a completely different, positive result.

Material on the topic

Why are you trying to do everything yourself? You follow the principle, proving to yourself and others that you can, that you are capable, that you have strength. By making heroic efforts, you gain self-respect and find reasons for self-praise. At the same time, you are afraid to admit to yourself that you are imperfect, that there are areas where you are incompetent, and you hold on to professional confidence, which can let you down. It just seems that to pump yourself up means in one leap to cover the distance between the point where the idea arose and the point where the process has already begun. Effectiveness is as easy as shooting from the hip. As soon as you establish yourself in the idea that you can handle everything on your own, that you don’t need other people, you become emotionally attached to the image of a lonely hero.

You underestimate the contribution and help of other people, you forbid yourself to contact them, you do not notice the importance of the environment in which you find yourself. You stop seeing reality, living in the illusion of your power. And only a tough life lesson can break the habit of proudly ignoring the need for support. The habit of heroic efforts through pain and loss wears you down. Today's step is pain, tomorrow's step is pain again. On the third day you are covered in wounds. By the fourth time you can’t move on your own. And no one needs it in this state. I'm disgusted with myself. At some point, the internal wounds will begin to hurt so much that you simply will not take the next step.

I know exactly where the stories of lonely heroes end - in obscurity. There is an invisible gap between “conceiving” and “beginning to do.” It's very difficult to just step over it. Phrases like “Come on, come on!” They don't help at all. The only safe way to bridge the gap is to fill it with concrete. How to do it? To bridge the gap between idea and deed, you need to fill it with a cementing solution of confidence and add the magic ingredient - “approval and support.” Personally, it is important for me to receive constant confirmation that I am doing the right thing. This way I can overcome any gap. Because otherwise I will be eaten up by doubts, disappointments from the first failures, mocking comments from skeptics and just laziness.

It is beneficial not to pretend to be a lonely hero, but to look for or create an environment that will give you encouragement, not slow you down, but speed you up, feed your confidence. A circle of people is formed who rejoice at your modest first steps forward - and are themselves fueled by issuing dynamic rewards to others.

Material on the topic

One of the key elements of a supportive environment is a mentor. Any skill is translated into competence through working with a mentor. The simplest example is the connection between an athlete and a coach. An athlete only grows by working with a coach. Because the coach not only knows how to run technically, he knows how to recover correctly, knows the tactics of fighting at a distance, knows the strengths and weaknesses of competitors. Try to become an international class athlete without a coach... Another necessary element is the amount of training. If you train twice a week, there will be no benefit. There will be benefits, but no sense. You need to train every day, and not just once. The above are absolutely necessary elements. Perhaps they are not enough, but without them it certainly won’t work. These ingredients cannot be replaced with motivational phrases, even if you paste them all over the house and hang them as screensavers on all screens. A person needs a mentor, a person needs an environment. Only a few people have enough stubbornness and crazy courage to storm Everest without training, a coach, guides or climbing partners. In a couple of years, the brave man’s corpse may be accidentally discovered by one of the expeditions...

The trap of a lonely hero extinguishes your effectiveness, forcing you to waste energy on overcoming what you don’t need to overcome. You take unnecessary risks that slow you down and waste time trying.

Life minus:

You dig in your heels, crawl through pain and doubt, and don’t change your way of acting. You find neither support nor a nutritious environment. Hyper-effort and hyper-tension take away energy. The result is that you lose confidence.

Life plus:

You don't play hero, you focus on the goal you've chosen. You organize yourself the conditions for achieving it - encouragement, approval, support, impulses from friends, a mentor, and the environment. You adjust your course and pick up speed.

Lock it in!

Success is achieved not by those who do more or take more risks, but by those who act correctly, including other people in the process.

Grandmaster settings:

  • Don't torment yourself with lonely heroic efforts through pain
  • Find a mentor or partner, take small steps regularly
  • Create an environment that supports and encourages you

Commandment 2

Don't spend more time sleeping than your body needs. This does not mean that there is no need to rest at all, because this will easily lead to a depletion of vital forces. A person simply needs sleep to restore the energy potential of his body. When a person, fully rested and restored to strength, decides to rest for another couple of hours, this is already unnecessary. And what is unnecessary is not good. Of course, the sleep of people who have nowhere to rush is one thing - they really can sleep as much as their heart desires.

But you and I, dear reader, have other goals. Millionaires are very careful about their time in life, trying to use every hour most effectively - so let's follow their example.

Don't try to do everything alone

Behind great people there are always those to whom we pay the least attention - family members, friends, colleagues and subordinates, without whom all their achievements would be impossible. You can't do anything alone, no matter how persistent and gifted you are.

Jeff Bezos, the creator of Amazon, once said10 unexpected productivity lessons from Jeff Bezos that the myth of the “lone genius” who creates great ideas out of nowhere is just that: a myth. Here's what Michael Dell, the American billionaire, founder and CEO of Dell, thinks about it:

If you try to control everything alone, you limit yourself greatly. Imagine if all decisions within the company had to be made by one person. It's like a bottleneck holding you back.

Surround yourself with people who will support you and teach you something new. Learn to share your responsibilities with others. Listen to the opinions of those you trust, even if they differ from yours.

Commandment 3

Develop your ability to concentrate on what is important. When a person knows how to highlight the main thing and separate it from the secondary, this gives him a significant advantage over other people. This rule is equally true for everything - for deeds, events, thoughts and feelings.

Many of us make the mistake of starting to do things that do not have the highest priority at the moment. Getting bogged down in unimportant matters, we completely forget about the most important matters, without which the final goal will never be achieved. A person's ability to focus on the most important things is the hallmark of millionaires. They will never waste precious time on solving less pressing issues if they have not completed the most important ones.

If secondary issues also require resolution, most likely the millionaire will entrust other people to deal with them, or will begin to resolve this issue when it becomes most pressing. Also, a person’s ability to concentrate on the main thing is a very important quality in the dialogue process. If a person is able to grasp the main idea among a large flow of information, he will be able to maintain and develop the conversation in the right way, which is very important when concluding deals.

Taking care of your capital

Poor people are thinking about where to spend their wages, and rich people are thinking about where to invest them in order to increase them, or about where to earn extra money.

In the book itself, Harv Eker even cites the millionaire’s declaration he created, which contains all the key postulates of a rich person’s thinking in short, succinct phrases. Be sure to read this book if you plan to become a millionaire or just a rich person. Your thinking will not be the same after reading it.

Commandment 4

Business is war, and in this war you are both a general and a soldier. Every millionaire knows perfectly well that in business, as in war, the main quality that helps achieve the desired goals is toughness. That is why business is very often compared by millionaires with war. And this is true, because in war the commander-in-chief draws up a plan of military action, and the role of the soldier is to implement this plan.

In business, you combine both of these roles - you draw up a business plan, look for ways to implement it and move towards the goal in accordance with the accepted business plan. You must be prepared to take full responsibility for the business development plan you have adopted - there is no other way.

Commandment 5

Sometimes it is much more profitable to be underestimated. This does not mean at all that a person should behave like a complete klutz and fool. It’s just that entrepreneurs from whom competitors do not expect anything outstanding, those who are “dark horses,” have a much greater chance of success in business. If competitors know that the entrepreneur is very strong and is capable of creating many problems for them, they will be wary of the entrepreneur and will throw all their strength into competing with him. Of course, this commandment only works a few times. After just a couple of outstanding successes, your competitors simply will not be able to ignore you.

A great example of this commandment is given by tycoon Donald Trump in his book Think Like a Billionaire: “It used to be much easier for me to make deals, but after I wrote The Art of the Deal, now everyone I deal with conduct business negotiations, stay alert.”


  • Think like a millionaire - the main thing from the book of Harv Erek
  • Millionaires achieve high material goals
  • Millionaires solve problems, poor people think about the problems themselves
  • Millionaires are happy for other people's success
  • Rich people are always looking for new ways to make money
  • Our life is in our hands
  • Communicate more with successful people
  • Rich people think positively
  • Small success is the key to big achievements
  • Money must make money
  • Commandment 6

    One success certainly gives rise to another. In order to achieve great success, you must achieve success in something less great. This is why for people to consider you successful, you must either achieve success or appear to achieve it. Your whole being should seem to shout: “I am a person of success!” It is the results you achieve that, like nothing else, can impress the people around you. In other words, in order to achieve real success, you need to start somewhere. A person who has never achieved small victories in his life will never achieve a big victory.

    How to change the mindset of poor to rich

    How to start changing your consciousness with 8 tips

    We figured out a little about the differences in the thinking of the rich

    and poor people.
    The next step is
    to develop a transformation strategy. Each of us would like to live with dignity, work as if money does not matter, that is, for our own pleasure, and at the same time watch the amount in our bank account grow. We propose to consider 7 clear and fairly easy-to-implement strategies that can change your thinking style and help you start thinking like real rich people.

    1. Immerse yourself in self-discovery

    If we are talking about material life, then it is important to understand yourself and find out what your true motives are to become a truly rich person. It is important to review your attitude towards money and eradicate incorrect attitudes, we talked about this above. Admit to yourself how you feel about big money, whether you are afraid of it.

    Commandment 8

    Every decision you make should be made thoughtfully. A person who makes rash and hasty decisions without properly weighing the pros and cons of such a decision will never become successful. Our whole life, regardless of whether we want it or not, consists of the decisions we made in the process of life. Hence, it is true that whatever decisions we make, this is the life we ​​ultimately get.

    If you have not yet perfectly mastered the art of decision-making, then never make a decision in a couple of minutes - think before you act. Many millionaires, over the years of work experience, have so mastered the art of decision-making that they have brought this skill to automaticity.

    As a result, millionaires are able to see the right decision and make it in any matter in 2-3 minutes, while it will take an ordinary person a week to make the same decision. And even then, an ordinary person will not always think of making such a decision; more often than not, it simply will not occur to him. It’s all because of the experience and business sense that millionaires have developed to perfection.

    They are so busy that they do not have the right to dwell on one issue for a long period of time - after all, there are still so many important decisions that need to be made today! One more thing that distinguishes a millionaire from an ordinary person when it comes to making important decisions: for a millionaire, the process of making an important decision is exciting; he looks at it from the point of view of the prospects that will be open to him after making the decision.

    An ordinary average person approaches the decision-making process with some apprehension, because he can never predict what this or that decision will bring him, and therefore this decision is made over the course of several weeks - the person views the decision-making process from the point of view of failures that will follow after this decision is made.

    Small success is the key to big achievements

    We said earlier that the goals of millionaires and poor people are very different, just as the ways of spending their money are different.
    But many millionaires were born into poor families, which is why their success stories are interesting. If we compare the stories of the rich, we can highlight one small, but recurring feature in all of them - initially, these people set themselves ambitious (by their then standards) goals. Then they looked for ways to achieve these goals and began to implement them. Moreover, the goals could even be funny, like “I wanted to raise money for a bicycle,” and then bam - and a millionaire is already standing in front of you.

    Moreover, everyone remembers their first small success and willingly talks about it. Of course, it’s impossible to forget this! The process from the birth of a dream to its implementation in real life proves to the future millionaire that all goals are achievable if you do not sit back and take action.

    "I wanted! I start work! I got!" - paraphrased the phrase “He came! Saw! Won!" =)

    Small success encourages you to set more significant goals, and achieving them forces you to raise the bar of dreams higher and higher. A kind of career ladder. More precisely - an escalator! Once you climbed onto it and you were carried somewhere upward.

    The poor don’t understand this - they see only two components in all the stories of the rich:

    • I was poor!
    • I became a millionaire!

    The poor see only what they want to see, namely, they compare the future millionaire with themselves (hmm, I’m poor too - we have a lot in common), and then try on his shirt (which means I will also be a millionaire).
    But they simply don’t want to see the fact that a person has worked for years to achieve success (useless information, I work too). The result is the following:

    • Everyone is initially poor
    • One begins to develop and work both on himself and on the implementation of his plans, and the other lies on the couch and spits at the ceiling
    • One becomes rich, and the second remains poor and does not understand at all why this is so and where are his millions?!

    Really, where are they?! The beginning is the same, but the ending is different - how is this possible?!

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