Intrusive thoughts as a symptom of a nervous disorder

If you are haunted by disturbing and obsessive thoughts, start chasing them yourself, then they will get confused (what should they do?!) and leave you alone. This is, of course, a joke, because negative thoughts that you can’t get rid of are a serious problem. Why is this really a problem and what can you do about it?

Before answering this and other questions, we suggest testing your current knowledge:

Now let’s try to figure it out and find a way out.

Why negative intrusive thoughts are a problem

At a minimum, constantly disturbing thoughts take up a lot of time every day for useless thinking, force you to be in constant stress and threaten depression. In particularly difficult cases, we have to talk about rumination - emotional chewing, so named by analogy with the physiological process of constantly re-chewing food.

In the most severe version, we are talking about obsessive-compulsive disorder, when negative obsessive thoughts not only visit too often, but do not give rest at all, even with all the person’s desire to get rid of them. In severe cases, it is recommended to consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

In principle, a psychotherapist can help in the early stages of the disorder. However, not everyone can recognize the fine line between the clinic and a simple lack of skill to take control of thoughts. Moreover, these disorders begin in approximately the same way: you constantly and uselessly think about something, without taking any action to somehow correct the situation.


Physiological symptoms are expressed by the following changes:

  • blood pressure surges, rapid heartbeat;
  • stiffness throughout the body;
  • discomfort in the chest, inability to take a full breath, shortness of breath;
  • sleep disorders;
  • tightness in the neck;
  • constant urge to urinate, bowel problems (diarrhea or constipation);
  • trembling in the body, sweating, fever, red spots on the skin;
  • tinnitus, feeling of squeezing in the head;
  • general weakness, lack of appetite, dizziness.

Behavioral symptoms, when scary thoughts enter the head, are characterized by avoidance of social interaction, outbursts of irritability and aggression towards others, a desire to be alone, as well as obsessive actions - compulsions. With the help of such actions, patients (in their opinion) protect themselves or other people from danger (in most cases imaginary). Compulsions help the patient to temporarily calm down and achieve an acceptable state. However, after a short time, obsessive thoughts attack OCD patients again.

When is it time to see a psychiatrist?

If disturbing thoughts are of a certain abstract nature and relate to possible global catastrophes - the end of the world, a global flood - this is already a reason to consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. If you are constantly afraid of some kind of domestic incident - fires, floods, robberies - this is also an alarming symptom.

The boundary between the clinic and the norm will be a quantitative factor. If you traditionally check at least two or three times before leaving that you have turned off the lights, computer, closed the water tap and the front door, this is normal. Especially if you are traditionally distracted by calls, questions, conversations, requests, when it is easy to lose focus and overlook something. If you check all of the above at least 30-40 times, this is already a clinic, and you are unlikely to cope with this condition yourself.

Another sign that directly indicates the need for help from a specialist is the fear of performing some harmless action for fear of receiving information that does not suit you. For example, you constantly think that you are fat, and because of this you are afraid to weigh yourself in order to get real information about exactly how many kilograms you have gained and how much you need to lose. Or you are haunted by the fear of poverty, and because of this you do not dare to count your cash savings in order to have a real idea of ​​​​how much money you have.

And even if disturbing obsessive thoughts have not yet materialized into some illogical cyclical actions or inactions, but simply go around in circles, in this case it is also often advised to visit a specialist (if not a psychiatrist, then at least a psychologist). However, if the experience has a fresh trace and arose relatively recently, you can cope with it yourself.


It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes it's best to postpone your thoughts until later. For example, if you can't sleep because of bad thoughts, promise yourself that you will definitely think about it tomorrow. If the problem is not particularly serious, then the brain will easily agree with this proposal. Most likely, in the morning the negativity will no longer bother you and will even resolve itself.

This is a very simple but effective technique. It can be used in many situations. There is no point in thinking about something that will become insignificant in the future. Realizing this makes it much easier to get the negative things out of your head. For serious problems this method will not work. It is better to find solutions for them.

Types of intrusive thoughts

It is necessary to distinguish between different types of obsessive thoughts: thoughts-emotions and obsessive thoughts as a consequence of a real problem. Obsessive thoughts and emotions are, for example, worries about the unfair structure of the world or, at a minimum, the internal routine of your company, the transience of life, wasted time, etc.

Disturbing thoughts as a consequence of a real problem are, for example, worries about an unsuccessful business trip, presentation, or deal. Or constant anxiety about an upcoming event - exams, admission to a university, the same deal or presentation.

The solutions to the problem will vary. If in the first case you need to actually distract yourself from negative thoughts, in the second you should first solve the problem that has become the source of your anxiety. It is quite possible that, having dealt with the problem, you will automatically get rid of anxious thoughts, because they will go away on their own.

Reduction to the Absurd

You can try the completely opposite technique. On the contrary, you need to completely immerse yourself in bad thoughts and consider what bad things could happen as a result. It is most effective to imagine the most ridiculous, absurd situations. Use your imagination, use exaggeration, make your thoughts vivid.

For example, you need to pass an important interview. It is clear that many people have bad thoughts at such moments.

Imagine in vivid colors what kind of failure might await you. The head of the HR department, as soon as he sees your resume, starts screaming loudly and throwing tomatoes. You decide to escape such shame and run out of the office. But then the cleaning lady throws a wet rag at you because you trampled the entire floor. Out of surprise, you fall, get up and run again. And then you are kidnapped by aliens and taken to another planet.

Absurd, isn't it? But it is precisely this kind of exaggeration that takes away the power of negative thoughts. You just have to try it to be convinced of the effectiveness of the technique.

How to deal with obsessive thoughts generated by a real problem

If you are worried about the prospect of failing exams or a presentation, then, unlike a global flood or the end of the world, these are much more likely events. And, again, unlike the end of the world and the global flood, you can influence them. Nobody denies the element of chance in the form of ordinary luck or bad luck, however, by preparing properly for the event, you will reduce the influence of chance to a minimum.

What to do:

  1. Look at what you can really influence - prepare theses on each issue in advance, practice the oral block of the speech, something else.
  2. Look at where you really didn’t work - you don’t have enough information to fill out the presentation, you didn’t understand some topic on the subject you were taking, you have problems with skills and preparing public speaking.
  3. Work on weak points - make sure that you clearly speak the text of the presentation or answers to topics out loud and do not miss key facts and details.
  4. Think about what the worst-case scenario could be in case of failure - dismissal from work, change of profession, military service and expulsion from the university.
  5. Prepare as best you can for the worst-case scenario - update your resume, review job listings, schedule refresher courses.

If you are still worried about an event that happened in the past (a disastrous presentation, a harsh conversation with your boss), think about what conclusions should be drawn from this and what actions to take. It is better to put your conclusions and, in general, everything that worries you in writing - this way, willy-nilly, you will be forced to clearly formulate what worries you and what are the options for the development of events.

After you formulate the essence of the concern, conclusions, options for events and possible actions for each case, and work out all the weak points, you can safely drive your bad obsessive thoughts away. How to drive? And approximately the same as you need to drive away obsessive thoughts and emotions.


It’s not for nothing that they say that the morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes it's best to postpone your thoughts until later. For example, if you can't sleep because of bad thoughts, promise yourself that you will definitely think about it tomorrow. If the problem is not particularly serious, then the brain will easily agree with this proposal. Most likely, in the morning the negativity will no longer bother you and will even resolve itself.

This is a very simple but effective technique. It can be used in many situations. There is no point in thinking about something that will become insignificant in the future. Realizing this makes it much easier to get the negative things out of your head. For serious problems this method will not work. It is better to find solutions for them.

How to deal with obsessive thoughts and emotions

Physical activity has been and remains the best cure for unnecessary thoughts. It is better if it is a collective action, supported by positive emotions, for example, playing football with friends, going to a club with a large group and dancing until the morning.

Solo exercise, walking, jogging, going to the pool and cycling also have an effective distracting effect. And even a simple set of push-ups, squats and bends left and right and back and forth can reboot the brain for the next few minutes.

In second place are any household chores that require simple physical effort and take a lot of time. For example, do the cleaning, cook borscht, remove garbage from the balcony, sort through and neatly put things in the closet, remove and wash the curtains. Men can go to the garage and clean it up. Just, mind you, no alcohol!

Any creative activity is also very effective in distracting from disturbing thoughts - knitting, sewing, embroidery, drawing, playing musical instruments. Try cross-stitching some picture – any one, even one that you won’t show to anyone. Try to learn some melody on the piano - any melody, even if only you like it and you will not perform it in public anywhere.

If everything is literally “out of your hands” and you can’t do anything, try to plunge into other people’s emotions. The plot of a movie or book can distract you from your own experiences for several hours. And then, you see, you won’t want to return to them anymore.

Going to a movie, theater or concert has approximately the same effect - the plot of a film or play always involves solving a problem. It may well turn out that it is much more complicated than yours. Or, on the contrary, it will be similar to yours, and your anxious thoughts will finally be directed in a constructive direction.

Look for an interesting online crowd on social networks, for example, photographers, HR managers, lovers of rock music, cats, or jokes. As a rule, there is a lot of energizing positivity there. And besides, such online parties tend to flow smoothly offline. This was the case before the coronavirus restrictions and these are the plans of many online communities for the next year.

From the previous point follows another way to distract yourself from negative thoughts - plan a trip for next year to a city or even a new country. Even if by next year you find something more interesting to do, now is a very real chance to feel a surge of strength and gain an understanding of what to do, at least in the next 10-12 months.

Those who have experience in meditative practices can be advised to visualize the experience and “release” it. For example, imagine all your problems as coupled carriages of a train going into the distance and taking your problems beyond the horizon. Or in the form of film frames - then you just have to get up and leave the movie.

Let us now briefly summarize the above. Top 10 ways to put obsessive thoughts to rest:

  1. Collective and positive activities - football, volleyball, basketball, dancing.
  2. Individual sports activities - swimming, cycling, exercise equipment, skateboarding, roller skating.
  3. Household chores - washing, cleaning, cooking, putting the house in order.
  4. Creativity – knitting, sewing, embroidery, drawing, playing musical instruments.
  5. Literature and art - books, films, theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts.
  6. Online communities of interests - photography, humor, animals, personal growth and creative development.
  7. Travel and trip planning.
  8. Actually travel and trips, if possible.
  9. Meditative practices.
  10. Relaxation techniques – deep diaphragmatic breathing, self-massage, calm music.

You can learn more about meditative practices and relaxation techniques in our “Mental Self-Regulation” program. In a month and a half, you will take control of everything that happens in your life and learn to respond adequately to stress.

And finally, what if all the methods have been tried, but there is no relief and no relief in sight? Perhaps it is for you that your situation is a stalemate. Moreover, regardless of what all the psychologists combined told you about this. Then it’s worth taking the advice of the Meladze brothers: “If things don’t work out, don’t wait!” And not to repeat the mistakes of others, clearly described in the video for the song “My Brother,” when “I spent half my life getting used to it, but I just had to leave.” Sometimes, indeed, you just need to leave and not tire with your presence those who generate negativity in your life.

We wish you extremely positive and joyful thoughts. And the more, the better!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Overcoming obsessive thoughts
  • How to Silence Your Inner Critic
  • Signs of neurosis
  • Obsessive-compulsive neurosis: how to distinguish a disorder from thought spam?
  • Seven ways to stop rumination
  • Best blog content in 2022: psychology
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder: briefly about the most important things
  • Five problems during your first meditation
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Dorian Gray Syndrome

Key words: 1Cognitive science, 1Psychoregulation

What is the function of the brain?

The brain is the central processing unit and receives thoughts as code (similar to a computer's "machine language") from an external source, and then processes the code using two main procedures.

  • First, the brain sends a thought to memory to see if we have the information and knowledge needed to understand and use the thought in our memory bank.

For example, a thought that suddenly arose in us is the desire to drink a cup of coffee. After receiving it, memory immediately transmits information: what kind of coffee we know and prefer. The processor takes the next step and decides how much coffee, when and where... All these are actions that it already recognizes.

  • The second procedure is the brain's response to a new thought for which it has no previous information in the memory banks.

For example, the desire to buy a new product or service, try food that we have never tried before, and so on. In such a situation, the brain goes into an analytical and experimental state, using the five senses as its assistants.

In other words, the brain is a mechanism that helps us understand something. It does not control our thoughts, but rather does the work necessary to understand and execute our thoughts . He deciphers the thought that comes to mind and distributes the corresponding orders to parts of the brain for its implementation.

Galamind Applications and Their Relation to the Subconscious

Today there are many different experts, consultants and coaches who use many different methods to help people suffering from problems resulting from misunderstandings or misunderstandings that are causing them difficulties in life.

However, all of these experts and methods were missing one important component: the ability to identify thoughts. Everyone dealt with understanding a person's personality, but since they could not access the personal potential store, they could not understand why a particular person thought a certain way.

The reason is simple: this vault is protected and only allows access to that specific person (this does not apply to those who have lost their minds and whose vault has been breached).

In simple terms, none of the experts in the field of physical or psychological care could read the subconscious of their patient.

But there is another problem: most people find it difficult, or even impossible, to connect to their subconscious.

The answer to this question was found by experts who created the website Using innovative insights known as "kinetic intelligence", they have developed two applications that bridge this gap.

Brainwave Energy Signals

When we think about a certain issue, the brain produces and transmits certain energy signals to the environment.

Galamind apps are capable of receiving these conscious thought signals. At the same time, the subconscious, which is encoded in our DNA, also conveys the energetic signature of our innate potentials and abilities.

Galamind apps compare energy signatures transmitted by the conscious mind and DNA and react according to the differences between them (an additional principle of physics). The only barrier facing us is how to insert the missing energy signal into consciousness?


Many of us understand that the subconscious mind precedes the conscious mind in understanding problems and finding solutions. It often gives us clues. However, conscious, inhibiting factors such as fear or lack of experience will reject these decisions because in most cases they do not correspond to our logic or expectations.

How much more beneficial would it be if we could understand the subconscious mind and find its hidden solutions?

The energy signature we generate is made up of the conscious and the subconscious. We can think of our subconscious and its reservoir of potentials as a small but wise child who, with his calm voice, is always trying to tell us that:

“the problem would be solved if you would only see and understand this.” However, unfortunately, we do not listen to this small voice

External support versus internal support

A person seeking solutions to problems that present a barrier or obstacle in their life usually turns to an external source such as medication for help and support.

Some may turn to drugs, others to hypnosis, and others will turn to experts for help. All of these methods are external resources that attempt to change a person's individual characteristics.

Sometimes medications can reduce the problem by causing the processor (brain) to work more slowly, thereby suppressing its development.

In other cases, there are medications designed to make the brain work faster. In most cases, their use leads to the patient becoming more or less dependent on the drugs.

Taking such drugs may have side effects that cannot be predicted. Better not take risks with their use! Especially with psychotropic medications!

However, there is another possibility: a natural solution that does not depend on any external factors, a solution that suits every person in every situation and that allows each person to find the solution and path that best suits him. And it can be found in every potential reservoir of every person.

When a person corrects those things that bother him, he does not need to use any substances from outside, because nature has already created us in a way that allows us to deal with what bothers us.

We are born with an immune system, whose role is to maintain the physical health of our body, and also with a consciousness that can restore the potentials that are given to us, but which cause us problems.

The Brain and the Importance of Cellular Information

Recent discoveries in the field of cellular information have proven that at the subcellular level, our bodies essentially contain infinite information regarding all the capabilities that are required to do so (DNA).

Innovative medical approaches are even using this information at the subcellular level to correct defects and treat diseases by introducing the information into the body through nutritional supplements and minerals or by transplanting nanotechnology devices into the body.

In the case of kinetic intelligence (knowledge production can be referred to as kinetic intelligence), our visual channel, which is the strongest of the five senses that influence our brain, is used to deliver information to the brain.

Knowledge of the solution to the problem - as a potential one. Potential intelligence is also those decisions and answers that were created by kinetic intelligence.

New information “teaches” the brain cell how to repair it. In other words, it generates the missing energy signature that distinguishes between the actual state of affairs and the desired state of affairs.

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