Polygamy of men: what is it - a myth or reality?

Polygamy literally means polygamy. In other words, polygamy is a form of marriage characterized by the presence of a marriage partner of one gender and more than one partner of a different gender. There are two variations of the phenomenon under consideration: polyandry (otherwise known as polyandry) and polygamy (polygyny). At the same time, the analyzed concept should not be confused with multiple monogamy. Repeated entry into a marital union and, accordingly, the associated action called divorce, is not identical in content to polygamy. The main difference here is that with polygamy a person is simultaneously in a marital relationship with several partners of the opposite sex.

What is polygamy

Polygamy is a form of family relationships, which is characterized by the presence of several official love partners for one person. To put it simply, this is polygamy or (less commonly) polyandry. Polygamy involves one person having multiple partners of the opposite sex.

A distinctive feature of polygamous relationships is that they are officially registered. This means that having multiple intimate relationships with multiple partners is not polygamy. Also, polygamy cannot be equated to a succession of marriages and divorces with different partners.

History of polygamy

Polygamous families began to appear because people took their cues from animals:

  • dolphins show signs of attention to several females at once (in addition, they mate not only within their own species, but also with other amphibians);
  • during estrus, a female rabbit mates with several males;
  • the female antelope cannot be called picky in deciding the issue of procreation;
  • The marsupial mouse mates with several males at once.

Polygamy among people originated in Greece. In ancient times, polygamous marriages were concluded between people belonging to the upper class. In almost all countries of the world, polygamous marriages were not empty words; they were given important political and economic significance.

During the primitive communal system, many countries practiced male polygamy, since this form of love relationship made it possible to quickly increase the population in a particular city. According to community traditions, the head of the clan had the best qualities, so he was the first to begin impregnating women. It was believed that the strongest offspring would come from the head of the clan.

People's ideas about an ideal marriage were formed on the basis of cultural trends, philosophical views, and legal documents in force on the territory of the state. In ancient times, they were influenced by patriarchy and harsh living conditions.

In China and Polynesia, for many centuries there was a belief that polygamy of men (a man’s personal predisposition to multiple sexual contacts) is the only way to preserve their potency. The attention of several wives provided the man with spiritual comfort.

In Egypt and India, kings surrounded themselves with several women, but among the common people in these countries, polygamous families were very rare.

Additional information: Polygamy was replaced by monogamy when many countries came under the influence of Western European culture. The restructuring of the institution of marriage began with globalization in Rome.

Male polygamy

From time immemorial, young ladies have been interested in why men are polygamous. Does male polygamy exist in reality or is it a myth invented by the sons of Adam themselves in order to justify their own lust?

Most representatives of the stronger half justify their promiscuity, constant betrayal and numerous love affairs with their own nature. Why is it such a widespread opinion in society that representatives of the stronger sex are polygamous? This misconception goes back to primitive culture and ancient instincts. The first primitive communities of people needed to survive in rather difficult conditions. The key to their survival was the number of people, so primitive men sought to impregnate the maximum number of women.

In addition, over the centuries, bloody wars destroyed the male population, which created the need to increase the number of boys. Therefore, harems in those days were not a luxury, but a vital necessity. Hence the birth of boys was a great joy. The situation described has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that even after the development of a civilized society, the emergence of the institution of marriage and the legislative framework, it is still difficult for many men to restrain their own lustful impulses.

After all, this instinct is several hundred thousand years old, while cultural norms that insist on the need to remain faithful to a partner are only about three thousand years old.

Thus, even if we assume that men are physiologically predisposed to polygamy, then one cannot deny the rationality of a human being. Homo sapiens still differs from the rest of the animal world in the presence of intelligence and the ability to resist the call of nature. Therefore, there is nothing impossible for men to remain faithful to their partners.

Also, do not forget that in ancient times polygamy was a consequence of harsh living conditions. It was not originally characteristic of people. In addition, men who advocate polygamy and justify their promiscuity by their polygamous nature need to understand that the main meaning of polygamy among their ancestors was procreation, and not the satisfaction of lust. Therefore, one’s own debauchery and the desire for self-affirmation by increasing the number of intimate partners should not be justified by nature if there is no intention to obtain offspring from all of them. Nature has nothing to do with it. The only reason for this is indulging one’s own whims, solving psychological problems, lack of moral principles and banal debauchery.

Thus, polygamy of the stronger half is significantly exaggerated. This is a myth invented by men themselves in order to “legalize” infidelity and neutralize the significance of the institution of marriage and the role of women in it. For the most part, polygamy is determined by social norms and traditions established in a certain community of people.

Many scientists, speaking in favor of polygamy, refer to Muslim countries, losing sight, first of all, of their religiosity and historical determinant. In Islamic countries, polygamy reigned as a result of historical development, becoming a social norm that developed in families over a long period. It is the unshakable Muslim norms, their traditions, foundations that maintain order, peace and harmony in marital relations. But this way of things among Islamists in no way proves the natural polygamy of Muslim husbands.

Causes of polygamy

Psychologists believe that the reasons for polygamy are:

  • cultural traditions of a particular country;
  • religious views;
  • social foundations of society;
  • deficiency of maternal affection and love in childhood;
  • a man’s lack of emotional ties and trusting relationships with his mother;
  • the desire of men and women to satisfy their needs in full;
  • love;
  • temperament;
  • an attempt to assert oneself, solve psychological problems through intimate relationships with several partners;
  • pathological self-esteem (overestimated or underestimated);
  • a person’s reluctance to compromise, make a choice, make a decision;
  • the confidence of polygamous people that polygamy will help them maintain physical health;
  • the desire to survive and prolong the family line in war and post-war conditions;
  • wealth and wealth of a man;
  • a man’s desire to show his dominance and superiority.

Asya Rakhovich

Psychologist with more than 8 years of experience. Consultant on interpersonal and marital relationships, self-discovery.

Ask a Question

Are men polygamous and women monogamous?

If previously it was believed that every male is polygamous, today scientists have refuted this statement. There is a logical explanation for this. Polygamous relationships are usually divided into polyandry and polygamy. This is proven by the fact that not only a polygamous man can have several wives, but also a woman can build a family with several husbands.

A polygamous marriage is often created by a man, surrounding himself with the attention and care of several wives at once. But there are also examples of such a choice among women, which in sociology is called polyandry (polyandry). The same thing happens in animals: there are polygamous males, and there are females with the same preferences.

It cannot be said that by nature all men are polygamous and women are monogamous. This form of marriage as a polygamous family is chosen not only by men, but also by women.

Polygamy in men

Male polygamy is a man’s need to produce numerous offspring. Previously, this behavior ensured rapid population growth. And now, in the attraction to this form of marriage and family relations, psychologists see a man’s desire to prove to others his success. Behind this desire is an inferiority complex or the desire to compensate for the imperfections of one partner.

Polygamy of men

Some researchers consider the tendency towards polygamy to be a natural instinct of men, but what should prevail: the call of nature or the ability of a person to subordinate instincts to his will? In addition, modern polygamous males strive to satisfy their intimate needs with several women, rather than pursue the goal of numerous procreation.

Polygamous men say that each wife is unique, and together they give an amazing feeling of harmony. What one woman doesn’t have in her character, another woman has. The same applies to figure imperfections.

What are the causes of polygamy?

No matter how people feel about polygamy, trying to attribute everything to physiology, this phenomenon has very real reasons and explanations.

The French philosopher and jurist of the Enlightenment era, C. Montesquieu, noted that the format of marriage and family is influenced by the economic situation. The scientist believed that one of the reasons for polygamy was the wealth and wealth of individual men. Another reason for polygamy Montesquieu called a geographical feature - the physical properties of the European climate, according to the philosopher, are less suitable than Asian or African ones for a husband to have several wives.

Here are some reasons that influenced the emergence of polygamy:

1. Cultural traditions.

Polygamy, which is supported in a number of Muslim countries, is explained by religion and the way of society. For example, in Islam there are cases when the widow of a deceased brother becomes the wife of another brother, who is obliged to take care of her. At the same time, the other brother, quite possibly, already has a wife.

2. Survival instinct.

Historically, humanity has experienced a huge number of wars and epidemics. These events led to mass death of the population, especially among men. To make up for losses and solve the demographic problem, men began to live with several women at the same time.

3. Much love.

Synonym: love. It happens that a woman or a man, already in a relationship, falls in love with another. At the same time, I don’t want to break old ties and leave my family. This is where polygamous relationships arise, in which contact is maintained with several partners.

4. Psychological complex.

A common reason for going “to the left” and simultaneous relationships with several partners, according to sexologists, is a banal lack of self-confidence and self-confidence. Such people, with each new “victory,” prove to themselves and everyone that they are successful, loved and desired.

When ordinary people discuss polygamy, there are a variety of reasons. Traditionally, men are considered more polygamous. You may have heard theses that polygamy is “hardwired” into a man’s genetic code, that the natural task of a male is to fertilize as many females as possible, and the like.

Regarding women, there is an assumption that their “harlotry” is inherited: “She is like this because her mother is like this.”

Polygamy in women

If there is a justification for polygamy, then polyandry has no such justification. A woman’s desire to acquire several husbands has always been condemned, so it is not customary to talk openly about polyandry.

Psychologists suggest that polyandry is caused by a girl’s desire to find a more promising man to reproduce good offspring. Experts see a connection with feminist views in a woman’s desire to have several husbands.

However, there are countries where polyandry is legal:

  • southern regions of India;
  • Tibet;
  • China;
  • Nepal;
  • South America;
  • certain areas of Africa.

Frateral polyandry in these countries is due to the difficult economic situation and the lack of possibility of equal division of material wealth between brothers. Therefore, parents choose a common wife for their sons. Children born in this union are common; all the woman’s husbands treat them with equal warmth.

Polyandry is explained by the desire of the family to preserve their lands, therefore this form of marriage and family relations is more characteristic of the privileged class. Among the aborigines, unions are more often concluded between one woman and one man, because they have no agricultural wealth, brothers have nothing to share.

Examples of female polygamy include the following situations:

  1. If a woman is not officially married, her polyandry can be considered as an experimental search for the most successful option for marriage. In addition, it is not necessary that her goal is to find an ideal husband. She can explain her behavior by freedom and independence.
  2. A mature lady whose children have already grown up, and her husband has stopped satisfying her in bed. In this case, she finds another partner who is much younger than her in order to improve her own women's health.
  3. A young woman has several men who play different roles in her life. She needs one of them, because with him she feels real pleasure in bed, the other is the father of her children, the third is needed so that she will not be ashamed to go out into the world.

Polygamy in women

What is polygamy?

Before we move on to understanding what polygamy is, its causes, psychological aspects and impact on a person, I will clarify something. There are not many countries where polygamy is officially allowed. Therefore, we will touch upon the topic of polygamous relationships outside of official marriage.

If a man or woman ties the knot with one partner multiple times, and he or she is not married at that time, then this does not apply to polygamy. Such unions, where one man is married to one woman, are considered monogamous. And if a person has several marriages during his life, then this will be multiple monogamy.

Polygamy is, in simple words, a marriage union in which the spouses are: 1 man and several women (more often) or 1 woman and several men (rarely).

Polygamous relationships in the context of the manifestation of instincts confirm that man is part of living nature. Polygamy is a phenomenon that is often found in the animal kingdom. Female marsupial mice mate with several males during the mating season. Dolphins mate with each other several times a day and are not averse to playing these games with other mammals. Rabbits also change many partners during the mating season. The female antelope has only one day a year suitable for conception. And on this day the antelope mates with many partners.

Polygamy or polygamy is a word with Greek roots, literally translated as plural marriage or polygamy.

A polygamous person is a person who is legally married to several members of the opposite sex. Unofficially, this is the name given to those who cannot settle on one partner and are in relationships with several partners at once in order to be able to satisfy their physiological needs with each of them.

In polygamy, everything is far from being so simple and completely ambiguous.

Types of polygamy

Polygamy is traditionally divided into the following types:

  • polygyny - polygamy (one man has several official wives);
  • polyandry - polyandry (one woman has several official husbands);
  • sorority marriage (a man marries his sisters);
  • Swedish family (a group marriage in which several men and women live together and have a common household, or several married couples exchange partners for sex)

Swedish family

Origins of polygamy3

What is polygamy? Where did the opposition between polygamy and monogamy come from? Is it a departure from the norm or is nature really inherent in the need for such relationships? To understand these issues, you need to look into the past and find out how it arose in the first place.

The very concept of “marriage” first appeared among our distant primitive ancestors. It was needed to regulate relations between men and women, as well as between children and parents. The norm at that time was considered to be a union of several people, where each person retained the opportunity to have a connection with another partner.

Another reason for the predominance of polygamous relationships in the early stages of the development of society was the constant struggle for life. At that time, a man performed two main roles: warrior and breadwinner. For this reason, the ratio of the male and female population was in favor of the latter; there were not enough husbands for all the women.

But the system of paired relationships in our usual understanding first arose in the legislative law of Ancient Greece and Rome. But this had nothing to do with the moral component of the issue; it was all about money, settling inheritance issues, and so on.

In pre-Christian Rus', polygamy and even the institution of concubines were not considered something wrong; on the contrary, it showed male viability. It was practiced by everyone: from princes to peasants. After the baptism of Rus', people were in no hurry to leave behind the old traditions; they existed until the very end of the 12th century, although this was condemned by the church.

It turns out that monogamy is a relatively new phenomenon, while polygamous unions originate from the most ancient centuries.

Polygamy in the modern world

This form of marriage and family relations as polygamy in the modern world accounts for 10% of all marriages. It is believed that a polygamous man is not capable of the fidelity with which monogamy is associated.

However, researchers of the institution of family and marriage put forward the hypothesis that monogamy has outlived its usefulness as a form of marital relations. If this is not so, then why in the modern world the number of divorces exceeds the number of marriages? In addition, betrayal is often a reason for divorce. A man is polygamous by nature, and female polygamy has its advantages. Maybe polygamy will solve the problem of adultery?

Sociologists today include simple cohabitation as this form of marriage relationship. Researchers are alarmed by the fact that more and more girls and young people prefer open relationships without obligations, refusing to tie the knot. Also an alarming bell is the fact that young people practice partner exchange: geneticists have proven that such behavior threatens a healthy gene pool, because such connections spoil male chromosomes.

In the modern world, polygamous relationships are prohibited in most countries. But this form of organization of family and life is preserved today in Muslim countries. For example:

  • in the UAE;
  • in Afghanistan;
  • in Saudi Arabia;
  • in Algeria;
  • in Brunei;
  • in Guinea;
  • in Egypt;
  • in Senegal;
  • in Tanzania;
  • in Pakistan;
  • in Nigeria;
  • in Syria;
  • in Myanmar.

In Australia and Oceania, polyandry is enshrined at the legislative level, which is explained by the matriarchy of these countries.

Regulatory documents regulating the creation of a family in different countries mostly promote monogamy. Polygamy is officially prohibited by almost all Eurasian countries, as well as Western states.

Psychologists are against polygamy. After all, a polygamous person does not experience a real emotional connection, which occurs only in a couple. A polygamous male is driven by natural instinct.

Which countries allow polygamy?

Historically, polygamy occurred in most societies. Polygamy was common among the ancient Jews, in China, Southeast Asia, and among the indigenous peoples of North and South America.

In order to compensate for losses in military operations, governments temporarily allowed polygamy among the male population. This was the case in Ancient Greece.

And although polygamy was prohibited in Ancient Rome, this did not prevent the spread of concubinates (literally - to lie together). This form of unions implied a civil marriage or a relationship between one man and several women.

Now that it is clear what polygamy is, I will clarify in which countries it is allowed at the legal level.

In the modern world, there are several dozen countries where the law allows a man to have several wives. All these countries are Muslim. The exception is Myanmar, where the current religion is Buddhism. I will give several examples of countries where polygamy as a form of marriage is legally enshrined:

AfghanistanIn Afghanistan, polygamy is an established historical tradition. Outwardly, polygamous marriages in the country look traditional, women do not compete with each other, all children receive the same amount of love and attention, and responsibilities are distributed evenly between members of such a family. But is everything so rosy in polygamous families? One can only guess.
AlgeriaThe law on polygamy in the country is socially limited. Before another wedding, in addition to the approval of the first wife, an Algerian man must obtain the approval of the local court. Local authorities, based on the spouse’s income, decide on the possibility of bringing another spouse into the house. An Algerian man can marry a woman of any religion. But children born in marriage will be Muslims.
BruneiThe country lives according to strict Islamic laws. The Sultan of Brunei shows by personal example how to live “correctly.” In addition to his first wife, the Sultan has several more wives with quite secular professions - a journalist and a flight attendant. But if suddenly the wife of a Brunei man cheats, then she will not be able to avoid severe punishment and shame.
GuineaJust a few years ago, polygamy in the country was officially banned, but unofficially it flourished. Many Guinean men entered into religious marriages and took multiple women as wives. The government legalized this “modest” right of the country’s male population in 2022. It must be said that this law caused disapproval and protests from Guinean women.
EgyptEgypt is considered a developed African country. Polygamy is permitted here, but not widespread. An Egyptian man who has several wives is obliged to give each one equal attention and give equal gifts.
CongoIn addition to the standard obligation of a man to all his wives to provide and support them, the eldest wife is endowed with slightly more powers. She is the one who gives permission for a man’s next marriages. Often, the first wife also actively participates in the search and selection of her husband’s next chosen ones.
MyanmarThe country professes Buddhism. It is believed that polygamy is not welcomed in society, but polygamous marriages are widespread. The main reason for polygamy is demographic. There are catastrophically few men in the country. Polygamous families can have as many children as they can raise and provide for.
NigeriaPolygamy is legal in the country. The phenomenon is more common in the northern regions with a predominance of Muslims. In the center and south, monogamy is more common. Nigerian polygamists are known for often breaking the law: instead of the allowed four wives, they get themselves a harem, sometimes of several dozen women.
United Arab EmiratesTo have the four wives required by law, a man in the UAE only needs to be a wealthy person. I must say that by the standards of the country this is not at all difficult. And the poor Arabs will have to be content with a monogamous marriage.
PakistanMen in Pakistan have the right to take another wife under a law passed in 1965, strictly with the consent of the first wife.
SyriaHistorically, a Syrian girl is prepared for marriage in a family where there will be one husband and several wives from an early age. Relatives begin preparing for the wedding and choosing a bride long before the wedding. And the fact that the bride will enter the groom’s house as “another wife” does not bother her much.
SenegalThe pronounced predominance of women in this Muslim country is cited as one of the reasons why Senegalese men are allowed to start a family with several women. But not every Senegalese man is “worthy” of this. This right is granted only to wealthy men who have a home and are able to provide for all their wives. Usually girls are chosen as wives, but marriage is concluded only when the girl grows up.
Saudi ArabiaWomen's rights in the family and society are severely limited in the country. A woman's disobedience and disobedience are punished. A man provides financially for all his wives. Of all men, a woman has the right to communicate only with her husband and his relatives.
TanzaniaUnmarried women in Tanzania cannot give birth without strong social stigma. To ensure that every woman can become a mother in marriage, the government of the country does not consider it a violation if a man takes more than one woman as his wife. Although this is not allowed by law.

Polygamy in the modern world is not only polygamy. In some tribes and nationalities of Australia and Oceania matriarchy is pronounced. A woman plays a leading role in all spheres of life. Typically, such women have several sexual partners.

Among the Jews there is a whole movement that advocates polygamy. So the Jews of Israel propose to improve the negative demographic situation in the country. Among the wealthy Jewish population, polygamous marriages have been common since ancient times.

The Jewish prophet Moses, the founder of Judaism, had two wives. The Jewish king David had at least five wives. And King Solomon, under whom the kingdom of Israel reached its greatest prosperity, lived for about half a century and supported almost a thousand women, including concubines.

According to the holy book of all Jews (Torah), if your first wife is weak and cannot have children, then you are ordered to have a second wife. But in the 11th century. Rabbi Meir Gershom stopped this order for a whole thousand years! By order of the rabbi, Jews are allowed only one wife. And a Jew cannot divorce without her consent. Let's see how things will develop, because the “restrictive” thousand years are over.

Polygamy in Christianity was considered sinful. This attitude was formed under the influence of Roman and Greek morality. Moreover, the holy scriptures condemned not only cases of simultaneous relationships with several women or men. Those who marry many times were condemned. Cases of polygamy in Christianity did occur, but not on a large scale and without the explicit approval of the church.

Despite the legal prohibition of polygamy in Orthodoxy, a woman often becomes a “second” or “third” wife, and the European community defines her status as a “mistress.”

In some colonial possessions, it was common for a white European man, in addition to a white wife, to have one or more “colored” concubines. The colonial mistresses of the Europeans were faithful to the master and gave birth to his children. But these children had much less rights to inheritance.

Polygamy is illegal in the United States. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the Mormons, a large number of whom live in the United States of America. Mormons are several million people who are adherents of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Mormons in the USA

Mormons live by their own rules and believe in their exclusivity and chosenness. Followers of the Church have monogamous and polygamous families. Mormons generally have a negative view of monogamy, although at the request of the American government they officially abandoned polygamy more than a hundred years ago. But secretly, especially orthodox Mormons are still in marital relationships with several women.

And just recently, in the American state of Utah, which is considered the “land of Mormons,” a law was passed according to which anyone caught in polygamy faces a maximum of several days of correctional labor and a fine of $750. This is a big breakthrough even for one state, considering that previously polygamy, as a criminal offense, was punishable by imprisonment for up to five years.

Polygamy in Islam is based on the customs and traditions of the past. Polygamy among Muslims is common.

There are many Muslim forums and dating sites on the Internet. They discuss the features of a polygamous family. Sometimes a man on such sites indicates his status like this: “I’m looking for another wife, I’m married” or “I’m looking for a second wife, I don’t know about the first one.” On such platforms, those interested are given answers to questions regarding difficult relationships in polygamous families. Polygamous marriage is characterized by the peculiarities of interaction between members of a given community. A frequent question is how two wives can get along, even though according to the Koran they have complete equality before their husbands.

Each man in Islam independently decides whether he will have a monogamous or polygamous family. A man can take several wives. In this case, the Koran obliges a man to treat all wives and children born to them as equals. A polygamist man in Islam is obliged to equally distribute his attention between his wives. He is supposed to spend the same number of nights with each wife. A man who cannot provide for all his wives and children will most likely have to live in a monogamous marriage.

According to research by Muslim human rights activists, some polygamous men violate the prescribed conditions and have several wives. At the same time, the man initially cannot provide for them financially. And then the husband forces his wives to work, and he himself lives at their expense.

Polygamy in Japan is interesting because of the historical relationships between foreigners and Japanese women. Until the early twentieth century, foreigners arriving in Japan were given a temporary Japanese wife for their "use". There was even an institute of temporary wives in the country. This was used by officers of the Russian fleet, which was stationed in the Far East. The Russians bought a Japanese woman for temporary cohabitation while the ship was in Japanese territorial waters. According to the contract, such periods lasted from one to three years. As a rule, young girls from poor families became such temporary wives (“musume”).

Nagasaki. Russian officers with their Japanese temporary wives

Local Japanese rulers and representatives of the aristocracy of the past were polygamous; poor commoners were content with relationships with kept women in the “gay quarters.” Today the Japanese live in monogamous families.

Polygamy is officially prohibited in Russia. According to the Family Code, only those who are not currently married can get married. But this applies to registered relationships. In a “civil marriage” the partners do not bind themselves legally; here everything is decided by the “relationship”, and not by the stamp in the passport. It is impossible to track how many “civilian” husbands and wives a person has.

Russia is a multi-religious state. Polygamy in Orthodoxy is not approved by the majority of the population. However, public opinion has recently reacted more tolerantly to the revealed details and reports about several wives of representatives of Russian Muslims. Among sectarians in Russia, there are cases when one man (sometimes he proclaims himself God) becomes the husband of dozens of female adherents.

Recently, in our country, representatives of labor migrants from Asian Muslim republics have been cohabiting with several Russian women. Sometimes this is explained by the peculiarities of mentality and the historical tradition of polygamy among eastern men, where polygamous families are or were common.

The institution of family in Russia has strong foundations, but the statistics of recent years are inexorable. Half of the marriages in Russia break up at various stages. Some people are looking for a more comfortable relationship for themselves when a person has a frequent and easy change of sexual partners and maintains several parallel relationships without obligations.

It happens that there are calls at a high level to legalize polygamy in our country. V.V. Zhirinovsky called for this a couple of decades ago. And Boris Yeltsin at one time suspended the decree allowing polygamy in Ingushetia, signed by the president of the republic at that time, R. Aushev. Yeltsin repealed the decree legalizing polygamous marriages as contrary to the Family Code of the Russian Federation. In modern Russia, the idea of ​​polygamy is supported by Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov calls legalized polygamy “correct” for men who take mistresses and leave families.

Polygamy in Islam

The traditions and customs of Islam have been carefully passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. It is on them that the approval of polygamy is based. The Koran makes all the wives of one man equal to each other. Every Islamic man, upon reaching adulthood, decides for himself what type of marriage and family relationship is suitable for him.

If a man chooses polygamy, he must treat all his children and women who are part of his family equally. A polygamous male should spend the same amount of time with each wife.

Monogamous marriage is chosen by those men who do not feel strong enough to maintain a harem and share their love among all the concubines.

Cunning men who preach Islam, not being able to support several wives, nevertheless take them. They do this to force women to work. The polygamous males themselves live off their working ladies.

What is polygamy expressed in?

Phlegmatic - who is he, brief description

Polygamy of men can be expressed in dissatisfaction with any trait (psychological or physiological) in their chosen one. When this dissatisfaction is detected, the man goes to correct the situation with another woman. As a rule, having achieved harmony, he can no longer part with any of his women, since they complement each other in his eyes. This can only mean that polygamy is becoming an integral part of his life.

Polygamy occurs due to dissatisfaction with any trait of the chosen one

Polygamy and domestic mentality

The desire of a man to acquire several wives, as well as the desire of a woman to have several husbands, is not supported by the domestic worldview. In Russia, polygamy is prohibited, since the principles of organizing life in such a family contradict the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

In Russia, upon learning that a partner is polygamous, the second spouse feels offended and deceived. This is why adultery is becoming the most common cause of divorce in modern Russia.

The polygamous type of marriage and family relations contradicts not only the domestic mentality, but also the Orthodox religion. Therefore, from childhood, parents try to develop in their children loyalty to one chosen one.

Russians tend to be monogamous

Pros and cons of polygamous relationships

The fact that polygamous relationships exist in the world means that they have both pros and cons.

enshrined at the legislative level, polygyny allows you to quickly increase the population in a particular country;

the need for love, attention, sex is fully satisfied without the use of moral violence;

Quarrels and showdowns in polygamous families are rare.

jealousy between numerous wives or husbands, which can push people to commit crimes;

lack of emotional intimacy;

the unfavorable financial situation of several wives;

decreased female self-esteem;

personal relationships between women and men are discussed with third parties;

the subtleties of the relationship between spouses are hidden from children, as a result of which children experience distrust of their parents.

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