Signs of falling in love in men - psychology of different zodiac signs

It is sometimes difficult for women to understand what feelings a man has for her. Even if the signs of attention are quite obvious and persistent, they can be both signs of sympathy and excessive gallantry. And after several invitations to dates, girls begin to exaggerate the significance of events. Therefore, in order to correctly assess the situation, it is worth learning to recognize the true signs of a man’s love.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is the difference between love and sympathy?
  • What is the difference between love and infatuation?
  • What are the signs that a man is truly in love?
  • By what non-verbal signs can you tell that a man has fallen in love?

Obvious signs of falling in love

Having fallen in love, a man commits actions that are uncharacteristic for him, his behavior changes noticeably. For example, having learned that a girl goes to the supermarket after work, he will also go there in order to bump into her there, as if by chance. Despite the fact that previously I was not particularly fond of shopping. He becomes sentimental, presents his beloved with romantic gifts, and makes pleasant surprises.

His desire to be as close to the girl as possible is very noticeable. The man tries to touch her more often, simply lock eyes, exchange smiles. If he is unsure of a girl’s feelings, he withdraws and walks gloomy and gloomy. But at the slightest hint of reciprocity, his mood lifts, he cracks jokes and laughs a lot.

Obvious signs that a man is in love - behavioral psychology:

  • when meeting the object of adoration, the lover begins to fuss - this makes him clumsy and nervousness increases;
  • a previously self-confident man in the presence of his beloved becomes lost, gets confused in his words, feels confused and insecure;
  • becomes more compliant in communication, tries to show her best side, to look stronger, more successful, smarter in her eyes. That is, by any means possible to please.

A man in love begins to take care of himself: shave more often, wear more perfume, dress better, watch his words in the presence of his beloved.

How to distinguish love from sympathy?

A man’s behavior when showing sympathy and falling in love is often similar. Both feelings cause pleasant experiences, positive emotions. But there are also some differences in them. When a man likes him, it will be pleasant to spend time with a woman and communicate with her, however, if she is not around, the lover’s thoughts will not constantly return to the object of sympathy.

If a man is in love, he will constantly want to see the woman, be near her all the time, and have physical contact with her. Thoughts will be limited only to the girl. When communicating with her, his mood improves.

It is important to remember that both friendship and male love develop on the basis of sympathy. It is important not to confuse these 2 feelings, since a mistake can lead to disappointment.

The first signs of falling in love in men

First of all, the appearance of strong feelings in a man for a woman is indicated by his eyes. The fact is that endorphins are released into the blood, the heart rate increases, and the pupils dilate. This makes a man’s gaze deep, “bottomless.” If a guy just flirts with a girl without experiencing strong emotions, his pupils do not change. There are times when a man, due to his own lack of self-confidence, cannot build a serious relationship for a long time, and all attempts to fight independently remain futile. In this case, only the help of a specialist, for example, psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin, will help.

The look and psychology of behavior of a man in love gives him away completely. Typically, eye contact lasts no more than a few seconds. If a man holds his gaze on a girl’s face for more than five seconds, this indicates his sympathy. At the same time, he doesn’t just look, he peers into the eyes of his beloved when he tells her something, catching her reaction to his words.

The appearance of interest in a girl makes a man constantly think about her. He looks for chance meetings, and when he meets, he pretends that it is just as much of a surprise for him. He immediately does not miss the opportunity to start a conversation or, under the pretext of carrying a bag, will take him home.

The lover is revealed by his obvious interest in the woman’s daily life: are there any problems at work, what does she do in her free time, how does she prefer to relax.

How can you tell that a man is in love and not just infatuated?

In order not to become a victim of ordinary intrigue, it is important to understand the feelings of a man. If instead of falling in love he experiences only physical attraction, be careful. Perhaps a person will fall in love with you, but chances are high that you will become just another trophy for him.

Signs to distinguish between falling in love and infatuation:

  • A man who has a sporting interest in you will not change his appearance for your sake. The stronger sex is generally lazy in this regard; they are conservative in clothing and style. It is falling in love that makes them change.
  • If you simply attract a person's attention, he will not catch your furtive glance and will not be embarrassed. On the contrary, the “hunter” looks into your eyes without hesitation.
  • Sexual attraction alone is not enough to show concern. If a person is not interested in your problems, does not offer help, he does not have serious feelings for you.
  • A man who views you as just another hobby is always busy - he is always in a hurry somewhere, he has no time to talk. He is interested in a certain aspect of the relationship, everything else - your interests, worries, joys - is not interesting to him. He is not prone to long conversations.
  • Men in love do not insist on sex. For them, a woman is an object of worship, to whom they go, conquering and performing feats. A man in love needs your feelings, ideally love, not sex.

Ten signs that a man shows love for a woman

Psychology identifies the following signs of a man in love:

  1. He is really interested in listening to his beloved. When a man not only listens attentively to a girl, but also actively supports the dialogue, he is in love.
  2. He makes any sacrifice for the sake of his beloved. If she asks, he is ready to give up bad habits and even get-togethers with friends. Instead of football, he agrees to watch TV series with her.
  3. Not shy about looking vulnerable. When a man truly loves, he speaks openly about his feelings, without fear of appearing weak.
  4. He always likes the way his beloved looks. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing: an evening dress or pajamas, with or without makeup, she’s always beautiful to him.
  5. He is proud of his beloved. All the successes of his girlfriend give him a feeling of pride, which he does not hesitate to talk about out loud.
  6. Always ready to protect his beloved. Hearing the anxiety in the girl’s voice, he finds out what she fears and seeks to resolve all issues personally.
  7. Shows genuine concern. He asks if she dressed warmly, if she should meet her after work, if she was very tired, etc.
  8. He likes to bring joy to his beloved. He buys flowers, sweets, arranges a romantic dinner, makes gifts - all for the sake of his beloved’s smile.
  9. He likes to touch her. Psychology explains a man's falling in love with the desire to touch the object of his love as often as possible, to hug, run through his hair, or take hands. Indeed, for many, tactile contact is very important.
  10. Allows you into your personal space. This speaks of trust, which arises only in a loving person.

Some men find it difficult to express their feelings out loud. They try to show their love in every possible way to be heard by their beloved. By considering this in time and taking a step forward, a woman will begin the emergence of a strong relationship.

Will try to become better9

For example, he will decide to do something that he couldn’t do before you. This could be giving up smoking, alcohol, or anything else that was ruining his life and health. And surprisingly, he will be happy and glad that he finally gave up on this and will be eternally grateful to you, since your appearance in his life pushed him to take such a step. This ease is due to the fact that at the moment he will be filled with a feeling of love for you and for your sake he will want to completely change, just to become better in your eyes.

In addition, your interests will be above all for him and you should appreciate such a manifestation of feelings, since not every young man is capable of such sacrifices.

And one more thing that will betray his feelings is a change of image. He will begin to take a more detailed approach to the choice of clothes, will always try to dress differently, will start wearing perfume, and change his hairstyle. He will also begin to monitor his speech and it is quite possible that he will begin to read and somehow develop if he realizes that your level is higher.

All these changes are for your sake, or rather, in order to attract your attention and make an impression. Not everyone will decide to take such steps and changes in their usual life for the sake of one girl. Therefore, if they did something similar for your sake, then with such a partner you will definitely not be lost.

Nonverbal signs of a man in love

The manifestation of sympathy can be both verbal, that is, gifts, beautiful deeds, and non-verbal - glances, gestures, facial expressions, body language. Psychology considers non-verbal signs of falling in love in men as an unconscious way of showing their feelings. A person is unable to control the nonverbal signals of his body. They can be trusted because body language is more truthful, unlike words, which can be deceitful.

Psychologists say that with the help of non-verbal signals a person transmits about 55% of information. Clear signs of sympathy:

  • the tips of the toes of his shoes are often turned towards the object of sympathy;
  • when talking, he gesticulates strongly, sways, moves from foot to foot;
  • does not focus his gaze on her face during a conversation, every now and then he lowers his eyes;
  • unconsciously tries to move closer to the girl;
  • bow when addressing her if she is sitting and he is standing;
  • if there is a chance to sit next to her, he puts his hand on the back of her chair;
  • reflects her movements and poses.

Having noticed several such signals, a girl can conclude that the young man likes her and wants a relationship with her.

Manifestations of falling in love depending on age

It turns out that in men of different ages, verbal and non-verbal signs of falling in love manifest themselves differently. Young men tend to show their feelings. It is not always possible to detect the love of a more mature man by external signs: he is more experienced and therefore cautious and secretive.

Fact! You can tell that a man is in love by watching how he changes his appearance. If experiments with a hairstyle, a beard, a mustache, or a new style of clothing occur simultaneously with the start of classes in the gym, without a doubt, he has fallen into the net of some beauty. Close attention to body hygiene, perfume, wardrobe, accessories - all this is typical for men of any age who want to make a pleasant impression on the opposite sex.

Manifestations of love in men according to zodiac signs

A man’s behavior is always influenced by his character and temperament. What is natural for one person will be a deviation from the norm for another. There is an opinion that a person’s character is influenced by what zodiac sign he was born under. This means that actions characteristic of Taurus will be a manifestation of sentimentality and romance in Scorpio. Manifestations of male love, from a psychological point of view, look different for all zodiac signs.


Aries are not romantic by nature and prefer to speak directly about their feelings. They don’t like protracted courtship, so their actions clearly indicate that they like the girl. If you don’t reciprocate in time, playing hard to get, Aries will not woo the girl with sweet, sentimental actions. He would prefer to forget and find another object for sighs. If you answer, he will surround you with care and become a gentle, caring partner.


Taurus have a very calm character, but once they fall in love, everything changes. When talking with their beloved, they become very nervous, gesticulate, and often blink their eyes. Taurus dress casually and are indifferent to their appearance. But then they suddenly decide to buy a few fashionable things, put on perfume, shave - this gives them away.


A distinctive sign of a Gemini in love is very expensive gifts. They are quite emotional and are ready to go to unprecedented generosity for the sake of the woman they love. If she wants an expensive thing, Gemini is ready to deny himself a lot, even borrow money from friends - but satisfy the desires of his beloved.


Cancers are very emotional, sentimental and persistent, sometimes even obsessive. They will often call, write messages, and accompany you home. Once they start courting, they don’t back down. They give frequent but inexpensive gifts, flowers, and give a lot of compliments.

a lion

Leos in love are very attentive to their girlfriend, courteously, but not in a hurry. They can completely disappear from the life of their loved one for a while, only to appear to present some pleasant surprise. They catch every whim of their beloved and fulfill it at all costs.


Virgos are shy and even reserved by nature. They are able to burn through the object of their passion with their eyes, then as soon as the object speaks to them, they are rude. They are in no hurry to start a relationship, they look closely for a long time, and when they decide, they begin to present small gifts.


Having fallen in love, Libras look for reasons to spend more time with a woman, but they are in no hurry to admit their feelings. They prefer to be careful and make friends with the girl they like before moving on to a new level of relationship.


Scorpio is distinguished by some stinginess, but if he starts giving expensive gifts, he is in love. He is sociable, so he will invite you to frequent parties and friendly gatherings. And the more he falls in love, the more reasons to meet he will find.


A Sagittarius in love will seek spiritual intimacy with his girlfriend. He is interested in the interests of his beloved, her social circle, and way of life. By giving gifts, he indicates that he wants to become more than just a friend to her.


Capricorn, falling in love, becomes timid. He is looking for meetings, but having met, he cannot maintain a dialogue, he answers inappropriately, and this puts him in a stupid position. Gradually becoming bolder, he begins to give gifts and invite him to the cinema or cafe. Once convinced of reciprocity, he becomes bolder and turns into a good interlocutor.


Aquarians are ready to move for the sake of their beloved mountain. They make any sacrifice to bring joy to their beloved. A distinctive sign of Aquarius being in love is jealousy. They can cause a scandal if a girl shows even the slightest attention to another man. They often require the help of a psychologist, since jealousy interferes with building trusting relationships.


Having fallen in love, Pisces are capable of extraordinary actions. This could be a sign under the window, singing serenades, or delivering huge bouquets. They become much more compliant, agreeing to compromise just so as not to accidentally offend their beloved.

How can you tell if a man is in love?

If you want to hear that you are loved, they will tell you so. But this does not mean that the partner experiences real feelings. There are signs that help you understand whether a man is in love or just imitating feelings.


Carefully watch the movements of your chosen one's hands and eyes and you will determine how sincere he is when talking about falling in love.

A man in love is tense in your presence. He worries all the time and doesn’t seem to know where to put his hands. He either hides them in his pockets or unconsciously twirls some little thing in them.

This behavior does not yet indicate great love, but the feeling of being slightly in love is certainly present.


It’s easy to tell by the eyes whether a man has interest or sympathy. How to determine if you are in love by the look of a man:

  • he looks intently into the eyes, as if trying to understand something;
  • catches your eye all the time;
  • sometimes, if you catch his gaze, he abruptly turns his eyes to the side.

This behavior indicates a strong interest in the woman. It allows you to take a reciprocal step - let him know that you appreciate his attention, and you have nothing against meeting him.


A man in love is very attentive to all the details related to the woman he loves. He remembers her words, desires, every little thing that concerns her is important to him.

He clearly remembers everything that he managed to learn about the object of his love - favorite music, what kind of coffee she prefers, what flowers she likes, etc.


Men give compliments easily and naturally. To distribute them left and right, they do not necessarily have to experience high feelings. To distinguish a banal desire to have an affair from sincere feelings, pay attention - it is important how exactly compliments are delivered to you.

A man in love, uttering phrases praising your appearance, wit or other qualities, is sure to try to touch you. One of the sure signs of a man falling in love is an irresistible desire to touch a girl and look into her eyes.


Falling in love inspires a man to do chivalrous deeds. He is always on the alert - just waiting to help with something and show concern. He is concerned with any, even the smallest problem that worries the object of his love.

A person in love is ready to rush to the ends of the world at your first call. He will get it, bring it, find it, protect it, decide - the list of verbs can be continued indefinitely. All he needs at this stage is your smile and happy eyes.

Nuances of communication

Take a close look at the communication style of the man whose attitude interests you. Falling in love is indicated by sudden pauses in conversation and slurred speech. He often feels awkward and blushes - such signs indicate sincere interest.


A man in a state of love at first tries to carefully hide his true feelings. He is afraid of becoming vulnerable, of hearing ridicule or refusal to communicate. He really values ​​the opportunity to be around, so he gets excited.

Behavioral signs:

  • tension and excitement;
  • facial flushing, embarrassment, nervous gestures;
  • speaks quickly, indistinctly, and there is often tremors in his voice.


Confident men, when they see an interesting woman, never refuse open flirtation. Don’t take this as a “naked pickup”, because a person may have no other way to meet you.

If you often meet in some places (gym, swimming pool, office, etc.), then a man can find an extraordinary method of meeting each other. In other cases, flirting is a completely justified way to start a relationship and an eloquent indicator of interest.

Finding reasons to meet

A person in love always finds a reason to see you. Someone who only uses you, meets you whenever it is convenient/wants for him, always finds reasons that “prevent” him from meeting you. A person interested in you, on the contrary, is looking for any way to see each other.

A man who is in love always offers ideas for spending time together. If he has a hobby, he tries to introduce you to it, because he wants to share with you the best that he has.

Trying to get better

Men in love seem inspired. Some want to write poems in honor of their beloved, others strive to become better. They do this not for the sake of praise, but out of special love inspiration and the desire to be worthy of their chosen one. Many men, having fallen in love, easily quit smoking or drinking alcohol.

The passion for wine and tobacco fades against the background of the feelings experienced by a man in love, so he can refuse temptations without any problems. A man feels endless gratitude to the lady of his heart for the fact that meeting her allowed him to triumph over his weaknesses.

The desire to become better is manifested in everything a man is in love with:

  • he chooses his clothes carefully;
  • tries to cut his hair in a new, more fashionable way;
  • uses good perfumes;
  • tries to speak and write correctly;
  • devotes time to his own development - learns something, achieves success.

All changes occur in order to attract the attention of your beloved. A man wants to prove to himself and to her that he is worth being with the best woman in the world.

Talks about his life

This is one of the surest signs of falling in love. A man who does not experience deep feelings never shares the details of his life. The stronger sex is laconic by nature; they are not inclined to discuss their feelings with anyone or turn over the pages of their life path.

Having fallen in love, a man wants to be as close as possible to his chosen one, and not only physically. He strives to establish close emotional contact, to share his thoughts, feelings and details of his life. It seems to a man that the chosen one, knowing all his secrets, seems to become a part of him.


A man is ready to invest anything, any resources, into the object of his love. We are talking not only about finances and material benefits, but also about such things as moral support, free time, and physical assistance.

Men often behave as consumers, but when they fall in love, they are capable of the best human feelings and actions. By showing care - moral and financial - they show a real attitude towards a woman. Many men tend to carefully hide their emotions and prefer actions to words.

Features of correspondence

If you are dating a young man, but continue to correspond, you can use it to find out about his true feelings. To do this, analyze the phrases written by him.

How and what a man writes if he is in love:

  • Tries to write correctly. Places commas, does not distort words. Actively uses exclamation marks and emoticons. He is not lazy to write a lot, and does not get away with monosyllabic phrases.
  • Suddenly he writes that he misses you or is thinking about you. A man sends such messages when he is overwhelmed by feelings. There is no way out for them, and the only thing he can do is write to you. Remember that anyone can lead a dance, but a man does it more beautifully, so give him the opportunity to take the initiative, and don’t force things, don’t immediately rush into the “pool of feelings.”
  • Writes sentimental phrases. For example: “Today I heard music that reminded me of our meeting.” A man in love does not hesitate to bare his soul. As the relationship develops, he will amaze you with revelations more than once.
  • The first one offers to meet. Invents reasons for a meeting that might interest you. He never comes up with excuses to turn down the opportunity to see you.
  • Always answers your calls and messages. Be sure to apologize if he could not answer immediately (didn’t see, didn’t have access).

Manifestation of jealousy

Jealousy does not always indicate the presence of love, but if it is absent, then there is no need to even talk about falling in love.

A man in love closely watches the object of his worship. He does not believe that he has the right to dictate his will to a girl, but he is very sensitive to any situations related to her attitude towards other men.

A man in love does everything to protect you from his rivals. He tries to fill your attention.

Do not expect reproaches or classic manifestations of jealousy from such a man. At the stage of falling in love, you will notice it only by the eyes or the change in mood.

Behavior with other women

If you want to test a man's feelings, watch the way he communicates with other girls. This method is universal, as it is equally informative at any stage of the relationship.

If you are just starting to communicate with the person you like and want to understand how much he is in love with you, keep in mind:

  • with other girls, a man in love behaves without tension - he is open, cheerful, mocking;
  • with you he is timid, worried, ponders his words.

Nonverbal signs

It is easy to guess that a man is in love by non-verbal signs. These are unconscious body movements that reveal a person’s thoughts and desires.

The most common signs:

  • seeing the object of sympathy, the young man draws in his stomach and straightens his back, spreads his legs wide, and folds his arms on his chest;
  • tries to touch - offers his hand, holds him by the waist, accidentally touches him;
  • raises one eyebrow;
  • puts his hands in his pockets or behind his belt.

Signs of a married man falling in love with a woman - behavioral psychology

A free man, having fallen in love, often does not control his behavior, unlike a married man, who will always watch what and how he says and does. Especially in the presence of his wife, because he understands that she has already seen him in love and will easily suspect something. Even a very attentive man will not be able to completely control the situation. So, what are the signs of love among married men identified by psychology:

  • he strives to communicate, stays late after work, offers a ride;
  • asks if his help is needed in any matter and does everything to solve it;
  • lies to his wife on the phone in the presence of the object of sympathy;
  • It is worth paying attention if a married man regularly gives small gifts;
  • unconscious gestures, for example, in a conversation, twisting a ring on his finger, or tucking his thumbs into his trouser belt;
  • in her presence straightens his shoulders, sucks in his stomach;
  • he tries to touch his thigh, casually press him - this is how he shows his interest.

In addition, a married man who falls in love is betrayed by his gaze. He looks at the girl he is interested in in a special way, his eyes flash at the mention of her name and he is not able to control this. If you observe carefully, you can always calculate the behavior of a man in love based on these signs from a psychological point of view.

Wants to talk about his life7

Remember, are you ready to share your life story with every person you meet or unfamiliar with? Men are especially not used to laying out all their cards at once, unless, of course, it concerns a person he likes. He wants to tell everything about himself in order to break down barriers and awkwardness from the very beginning. He will definitely share with you his interests, hobbies and many other things that accompany him on his life’s path.

He will expect the same from you, but, of course, he will not demand it. But if a man you don’t know well starts talking about his life, and if you feel sympathy for him, then why not talk about yourself? And do not forget to show interest in his stories, as this will inspire him even more, and he will understand that he shared all this not in vain, since he was able to find support in your person.

Also, watch how often he jokes. Usually, if a man feels attracted, he will try to make you laugh and tell various funny stories from his, and not only, life. In general, we will do our best to lift your spirits and relax you.

Signs of a man in love: psychology before relationships

Psychology divides men in love into three types: brave, timid and secretive.

Men of the first type will conquer their object of affection, give her compliments, give gifts, and invite her on dates. They will try in every possible way to please their beloved, to become interesting to her.

The second type of man, even after inviting a girl on a date, cannot figure out how to build a dialogue. They don’t know what to say, they are confused in their thoughts, they are nervous, and they feel insecure. Their hands are in constant motion: straightening their hair, clothes, and the tablecloth on the table.

Representatives of the third type are reluctant to talk about their feelings, preferring to keep their emotions in check. Their words and actions make it difficult to suspect that they are interested, but once they open up, they become devoted and passionate partners.

How does a man’s manifestations of love reflect his age?

Signs of a man in love - psychology by age:

  • young people deify their beloved, thoughts about her cause awe, an emotional outburst, and enthusiastic feelings. They want to show their best side, they are ready to do a lot to prove their exceptional strength, courage and dexterity. Often the tendency to act rashly leads to unpleasant consequences for all participants;
  • after reaching 35 years of age, youthful enthusiasm subsides a little and a man no longer wants to show off in front of his lady love. He begins to show concern towards her, tries to help in solving problems and in every possible way to make the life and life of his beloved easier;
  • a man who falls in love after 45 years shows his condition with restraint. By this age, negative experiences of the adversities of family life usually accumulate. This is explained by the fact that in the family the relationship with the wife is strained, although it all started with the same love. They are cautious, test their feelings for a long time, and only a woman’s initiative will make their heart burn with renewed vigor.

A man's behavior during the period of falling in love is influenced by many factors. This includes age, the horoscope sign under which they were born, and individual character traits. It is easier for an interested woman to reciprocate by understanding and correctly interpreting the signs that a man is in love.

How to check a man's feelings?

Men are not inclined to reveal their true feelings and goals. If they tell you about love, there is a high probability that it is a lie or at least an exaggeration. Conversely, a person who carefully hides his feelings may be desperately in love with you. Checking helps to dot the “e”.

Direct question

Challenge the man with a direct question. Ask directly: “Aren’t you in love with me for an hour?” He will have to answer, and you will have to watch the reaction. A person in love will probably be embarrassed, and it doesn’t matter what he answers - it’s important to record his behavior.

A man who is not in love behaves calmly. Out of delicacy, he will either be embarrassed to admit his lack of feelings and answer vaguely and ambiguously, or he will say something like: “Why not?”

Canceling a date

For a man in love, canceling a date is the most offensive and painful event. His reaction is always bright and violent. He expresses not indignation, but genuine frustration. A person who does not experience serious feelings calmly endures the date or expresses dissatisfaction.

The main thing is that your refusal to date is believable. If a young man understands that you are just playing with him, testing him, you will significantly lose in his eyes.

Make it clear that you have problems

Come up with a serious problem that is difficult to solve and share it with the young man. A man in love will immediately come up with a dozen ways to solve it. Then he will offer his help and will be interested in this issue for a long time.

A man who is not in love does not show any zeal. Moreover, if you ask him to help, he will not be able to hide his displeasure and annoyance. If there is no love, there are no common problems.

Behavior in disputes

This is one of the most productive and masterful ways of identifying feelings. The main thing is that it is difficult to suspect you of premeditated actions. The essence of the test is to start an argument with friends. You must defend a point of view opposite to that held by the subject.

A man in love, whatever his opinion, always takes the side of his beloved woman and supports her in an argument. If there are no feelings, a person behaves naturally - he defends his point of view.


Try paying attention to another young man and watch the reaction of the object of interest to you. If the latter has serious feelings for you, he will be sincerely upset. Otherwise, you will see annoyance, anger, contempt or disappointment on the man’s face.

A person in love experiences in such situations not so much a wounding of his ego as pain and bitterness of regret. These feelings are reflected on his face. Do not delay the experiment, your task is only to determine the reaction.

Meeting friends

If you don't rely on your intuition, let your friends look at the object of your research. Introduce a young man to them, let them look at him from the outside. It is no secret that from this position true feelings are always visible better.

To assess a man's attitude towards you, introduce him to your friends, but do not count on the objectivity of your parents and girlfriends. Choose representatives of the stronger sex.

There are a huge number of ways to test a man for the sincerity of his feelings. But don't get carried away with them. Wait a little and everything will fall into place. True feelings will definitely manifest themselves, and you won’t have to arrange tests.

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