Which zodiac sign has the easiest character and with whom will you have “easy” compatibility?

How to be an easy woman? And in general, how to be an easy person in communication, life, and relationships with the opposite sex is a question that worries many people. This question arises due to the fact that difficulties have arisen in communication and relationships. Misunderstandings and resentments arose. Maybe you've already ended your relationship... Maybe you're going through a divorce. Or, you feel intense loneliness. That is why you asked the question “How to be an easy person, an easy woman in communication and life?

Light woman - what is she like?

Let's say you firmly decided for yourself: to become and be an easy woman. But first, let's define it: an easy woman - what she is like in general.

The first and most important thing that distinguishes a light woman from a heavy one is that it is easy to communicate with her. You know this yourself.

But what is behind her ability to be easy to communicate with?

After all, it’s only at first glance that it seems that by chance she’s all so cheerful, everyone likes her. In fact, there is a peculiarity there. This feature lies in complete self-acceptance.

Self-acceptance is the basic, most important characteristic of a girl, which can be easy. Can afford to be unloaded.

Self-acceptance means that the girl accepts herself:

1. Externally, with all its features. Overweight, if any. With what nature gave.

2. In addition, a woman is easy - she accepts her internal processes. Your feelings, emotions. She is, as they say, in contact with her inner world. This means that she knows how to distinguish between them, knows how to respect them.

In addition, she even knows how to stop, sit down, listen to herself, and allow herself to experience her feelings - what is happening inside her.

And, this is the difference between an easy and difficult woman - it is not visible from the outside just like the presence/absence of a good manicure. But the presence of this acceptance of oneself, one’s inner experiences, the ability to interact with them, one’s appearance plays a key role in the fact that a woman is light.

This is what makes her outwardly and behaviorally calm, imperturbable, and comfortable. And this is what helps her react easily to other people. React easily to life events and situations.

What is simplicity in a person: let’s summarize

So, what is simplicity in a person? First of all, this is the ability to separate the main and the secondary. This is the ability not to elevate the material into a cult, but also not to renounce it, driving oneself into severe asceticism. Simplicity is the absence of dividing people according to the “good/bad” principle; simplicity is the ability to understand others, their problems, difficulties and worldviews; simplicity is the ability to speak when needed and what is needed.

Simplicity is the very enlightenment that seekers of Truth crave. And Jesus probably said about this: “If you are not like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” And the Kingdom of Heaven is not a biblical myth at all, and it is not located somewhere in the clouds. The notorious Kingdom of Heaven is within us. Buddha also spoke about this.

When the Buddha was asked how he achieved Enlightenment, he said that he did not achieve anything, he simply discarded everything unnecessary. And Buddha nature is in every living being. The call to be like children does not mean becoming naive and helpless in the face of difficulties. On the contrary, in the eyes of a child there is light and joy by default; he acts intuitively, at the call of nature. For example, children do not know how to lie, which often puts adults in a difficult position.

Children never voluntarily choose meat as food; children are taught to eat slaughter food only through cunning tricks. Children are as pure as angels. And their purity lies precisely in simplicity. And our task is to accumulate life experience, remain young at heart, always be joyful and open to this world. As children. But you don’t need to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is within us.

What is a light person?

If you take an easy person as a whole and consider what he is like. So, here you can also highlight key characteristics and list them.

1. Acceptance of yourself with your feelings, emotions, appearance

2. Acceptance of life events. Although this does not strike the eye as having a very expensive car, which is immediately visible.

A person who accepts his life, as they say, does not argue with it. And accepts reality as it is.

Why? Because when a person does not accept reality, he is filled with resentment and irritation. It seems to him that everything should be different. People need to behave differently. Events should happen differently. People close to you should treat you differently. And, accordingly, if this is not so, then the person becomes very heavy. He is like a vessel with negativity. And, of course, it is very difficult to communicate with such a person.

In the language of psychology, such a person is called a Victim, or the opposite - Tyrant, Abuser. In the language of esotericism, such a person is called a vampire. In especially severe cases, in the language of psychiatry - a psychopath. And the psychiatrist would have found that he had mental disorders.

Whatever you call it, inside such a person there is always acute dissatisfaction with what is happening. And he is very difficult in relationships. And it's not just heavy - it can destroy almost anyone with whom it comes into close contact. Therefore, the opposite of him is an easy person. This is the one who, either from childhood, can accept reality as it is. Or, he simply learned not to argue with life.

As in the joke about Master Shifu:

Panda came to master Shifu and asked:

Master Shifu, how do you manage to get a lot done and be optimistic about everything?

“And I just don’t argue with anyone.”

- But this is impossible!

- Well, it’s impossible, it’s so impossible...

3. In addition, he is an easy-going person - he is easy-going.

The easiest sign of the zodiac

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Yes, Sagittarius is a great optimist, a person who has no time to mope, much less hang his problems on others. He gets along with people easily due to his friendliness

, kindness, generosity and the desire to share joy with others.

In general, things are never difficult with Sagittarius: they are independent enough not to cling to others, cheerful enough to quickly forget grievances and sadness, easy-going enough, free enough from complexes and able to cope

with internal experiences. In general, what can I say: Sagittarius is the lightest representative of the entire Zodiac!

Be as easy as possible to live

To live comfortably, in peace, it is advisable to be as light as possible.

Regina Brett's famous conclusions:

  • When it comes to chocolate, there is no point in resisting.
  • Make peace with your past so that it does not spoil your present.
  • It's never too late to have a happy childhood. However, a second childhood depends entirely on you.
  • Don't save anything for a special occasion. This special occasion is today.
  • In case of any so-called catastrophe, ask yourself the question: will it be so important in five years?
  • It doesn’t matter whether the situation is good or bad – it will change.
  • Don't take yourself seriously - a wise person doesn't do that.

If you look closely at these tips from Regina Brett, they all boil down to keeping it as light as possible. Not to suffer and torment that life is not fair, but to see it mostly as good.

Psychology of Achievement

It's easy to be friends with simple people, who have known everything, both take-off and pain. And whoever does not wear his own name like a banner before him.

And our friendship is selfless. Everything about her is as clear as two and two. Whether you're lucky or booed, For them it's all just grass.

Not an easy topic to discuss today. What do you think, friends? For example, can you draw up a portrait of an ordinary person?

Perhaps an image appears in your mind of a woman washing an empty bottle in a puddle, or an image of a man with a polka dot tie emerging from a SUV. Maybe you are convinced that simplicity is unique to children. Or maybe the simplest people live in monasteries?

And what is more important, if they say about you that you are a very simple person , how do you feel about such conversations?

The human brain is the most complex object in the Universe. Therefore, one who possesses it can hardly be called a simple being

The other day I was standing in a hardware store and lingered in front of the TV showing basketball. A man passes by. He looks about 60 years old. Tall, a little scruffy. And asks me:

- Do you see a three-dimensional image? “No,” I answer. - And I see... And until recently I was blind in one eye, and barely saw in the other. “Miracles,” I continue. - Of course, some more...

Then he began to tell that a person can be healed and live forever. How do you like this, not a weak proposal from a simple person who talks about higher matters? It was interesting to listen to him until he started talking about gods, of which, according to him, there are billions

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