The meaning of the affectionate nickname your partner calls you

The affectionate nickname your loved one calls you can tell you a lot about how he treats you.

Here's a list of the most common pet names and what they might mean.

My angel, little angel , considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippo - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and thoughts, he does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling —values ​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Drakosha - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda - ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

The Toad is playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship greatly.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a penchant for excitement, and is not averse to playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, roe, little goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie - be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back his emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little condescendingly, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik - is characterized by emotionality, and cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate response from you.

Bear is a sensitive person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, darling - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka are very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - relies on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly - determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike manner. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specifically emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant, baby elephant - gives your relationship serious importance and expects reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - has a keen interest in you and genuine tenderness.

Tigger, tiger, tiger cub - is not going to limit your freedom. He may joke with you, but in reality he offers you an equal union.

Hamster – has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chicken, chicken - offers you active contact, but, probably, in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster - demands your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship



People in love often call each other in a special way. Each given nickname or name speaks about the attitude of the donor towards us.

So: If a man calls you sweet and dear, then this suggests... that he has certain feelings for you and seeks to show his tenderness in a similar way by doing something nice for you. The only thing he can be reproached for is the lack of imagination and ingenuity, it sounds too banal... If a man, ignoring your main name and any other variations of it, does nothing but repeat “sweetheart,” then there are options for explaining this verbal paucity two: either he squandered all his creative fervor at work, or your relationship is becoming too formal and it’s time to take measures to rehabilitate it.

Usually the choice of address in favor of “babies”, “children” and other things indicates a certain distribution of roles in the couple. The personality structure of each person conventionally consists of three parts: parent-adult-child. Accordingly, our communication with a loved one can occur at one of these levels (the intonation of communication, naturally, can change from situation to situation). If this distribution was carried out by mutual agreement, then in the address of Baby or Small to you there is nothing but tenderness, perhaps a desire to protect, protect and love deeply. But if you don’t like being a “baby” or a “doll,” and your partner insists for some reason, then such persistence may indicate a desire to dominate and force you to play a certain role. Psychologists tend to consider such affectionate nicknames as a symbolic expression of attitude towards a partner. This can be roughly described as follows: “You are my sun” - because you illuminate my life and it’s warm next to you; “miracle” - because she is unique and never ceases to amaze. If a man called you a hamster, this does not mean that you have thick cheeks and it’s time for you to lose weight. Such appeals only speak about the tenderness that he feels for you. and provided, of course, that you have no prejudices against pugs, monkeys and others. In some cases, the use of such nicknames may be a manifestation of sexual play. Choice of more exotic nominations, such as lizard, giraffe, etc. may be explained by the desire to emphasize the individuality of this particular relationship. You will no longer be a Caterpillar for anyone, you are the only one, and the only one. And this relationship is unique. This is roughly what the man wants to tell you. The only limitation here may be your aesthetic preferences and your personal associations: if you hate being a hamster, don’t keep it to yourself, tell your loved one. He will understand you. And he'll come up with something else...

There are couples in which it is customary to call each other by last name or first name and patronymic. Last name and first name and patronymic are multifunctional nominations. Judge for yourself:

  • This form of address can be used with a conscious or not fully conscious desire to maintain distance in a relationship.
  • one of the spouses can use this name in order to emphasize the importance of their partner, for example, his social status: they say, sometimes I address my husband by his first name and patronymic - he is my boss, so let him get used to it at home, it’s nice for him, and it’s nice for me which pleases him.
  • the surname can also be used to emphasize some negative (in the opinion of one of the spouses) qualities of the other half: they say, “Oh, these Sidorovs... However, what else could one expect from this breed...”.
  • and, finally, spouses can call each other by last name, wanting to emphasize their partnership (husband and wife are one Satan): “We, the Osipovs...”.

In principle, there is nothing bad or offensive about possessive pronouns. True, in psychology they are called the terrible and insidious phrase “signs of possession.” Excessive use of such signs of possession (my darling, my sun, my wife, my woman, my doll, my sweet or just mine) may indicate a desire to completely control a partner, in some cases, a fear of losing, a sense of possessiveness or a desire to demonstrate your exclusive right to own a loved one. In some couples there is an unspoken principle: the worse, the better. Usually the first reaction of others to communication framed in this way is: “Are they quarreling? Family problems? Do you want to talk about it?". In fact, everything is usually much simpler: it is a mutual agreement, a personal code. In couples that are less prone to such verbal extremism, the use of the nicknames Bastard or innocent Boo is a smoothed out form of dissatisfaction with the partner, expressed in a more or less playful form. In other cases, this may be an accepted form of address (often situationally determined) and indicates a sufficient level of trust in the couple and freedom of expression of feelings. Crude nicknames can also be used in an intimate context to spice up relationships and spice up sexual play.

The use of neologisms is explained, on the one hand, by the desire to put your emotions into the most appropriate verbal shell (well, there are no such words in the language to express your tenderness), as well as by the desire to individualize relationships as much as possible. At the same time, the element of play in creating your own language and inventing new words is very strong, which in itself is wonderful. Psychologists believe that when space for play is created between lovers, relationships live and develop. Without play (in all its socially acceptable directions) there is no life and no sense of novelty in relationships. Perhaps there is only one “but”: here, as in everything, it is worth knowing when to stop. A man is unlikely to understand you if, in a fit of tender feelings, you begin to lisp with him and speak in an incomprehensible language in the presence of, say, his work colleagues. Why - he himself will explain to you at his leisure.

What do diminutive suffixes in names mean:

  • -points (Lenochka, Katechka). I feel good, warm, necessary feelings for you, similar to those that are felt for small children.
  • -ik (Lusik, Svetik) . I have warm feelings for you, it’s very pleasant for me to communicate. I don't want to talk to you the same way as other people, I want to treat you as if you were a funny little boy, not a girl.
  • -enish (Klarenysh, Katenysh). I have good feelings for you and I don’t want to communicate with you the same way as everyone else. I want to talk to you as if you were a cute little animal.
  • -ushka (Sonyushka, Marfushka) . You give me feelings of worry and anxiety similar to those people feel when they think about bad things that could happen to them.
  • -enka (Nadenka, Olenka) . I experience a whole range of feelings when I talk to you, because you are a special person.

Some people absolutely do not like to be called by any name other than their own, given at birth. Usually the answer to the question “Why?” the next one: “I am Tanya, and not some kind of Pussy or Bunny.” Psychologists explain this by saying that changing a name is always a determination of a certain identity of a person. At the same time, a person has the right to agree with the image proposed to him or to defend his right to the name given from birth: “No, I am Tanya: Man, Woman, Beloved, Wife, Mother, Specialist, Mistress... I have dreams and desires. I love and I don’t love...I can and I can’t...Can a Kitty do all this?” That is, a person is offered some kind of image, but he rejects it: “No, I am exactly who I am, and you need to accept me as I am.”

ELLE Ukraine magazine, February 2008


Affectionate nicknames

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The more cheerful and affectionate words appear in the speech of lovers, the more sincere and deeper their relationship becomes. When love leaves a relationship, then the partners also forget about what they once called each other. If the relationship turns into a formality, then one formal nickname remains in the couple’s vocabulary, for example, fish. Creativity ends, but if it continues, this indicates that the relationship continues to develop.

Let's talk a little about sounds.

The sound “Ш” in a nickname can be found quite often, because it attracts attention. Psychologists call this effect of hissing sounds on the psyche the white noise effect. This sound completely captures the listener's attention, distracting him from everything else. For example, when a person demands silence, he says “sh-sh-sh.”

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The “L” sound in a nickname is the most common sound. With its help, a person expresses a high degree of emotionality. A person in a good mood will hum “la-la-la” or may say “bl-lin” when emotions come out. Whether good or bad emotions burst out depends on the intonation.

The “K” sound is also quite common in nicknames. It can be found in the diminutive words we use to call our loved ones: sweetheart, fish, bunny, etc. With its help, the idea of ​​simplicity, intimacy and lightness is expressed.

© Edward Olive

The sound “F”, present in the nickname, helps to express a violent reaction. As a rule, words with this sound indicate serious dissatisfaction (for example, “ugh!”). This sound is three times less likely to be found in affectionate nicknames than in ordinary speech.

The "X" sound is also very rare in nicknames. When in words, it speaks of sudden excitement and excitement.

It is important to note that when we choose an affectionate nickname for a loved one, we do it without thinking. With the help of our subconscious, we choose exactly those words whose sound most accurately reflects our desires and feelings.

What kind of woman is called “my dear” (cm)?

This is the one that is “expensive” for a man, or like Vysotsky: “A woman,

which you didn’t fight for, you don’t dare call it dear”?

This is a woman who is dear, first of all, not in material terms, but in spiritual terms, at least for me - this is a woman who is dear to my heart, with whom you never feel lonely, who will always understand and support, this is your other half, although Everyone puts their own meaning into the meaning of this word, some may even find it offensive, but everyone has their own.

Every man puts into the expression “My dear!” your meaning. Someone directly calls her “darling.” due to the fact that she costs him too much, but it’s hard to call these men, they’re so stingy.

Well, there are real men who love their soulmate, and she is dearer to him than his whole life, and he cannot imagine his life without her, for her sake he lives in this world.

From the point of view of male psychology, and it differs from female psychology in different directions at the same time, a man can call a completely unfamiliar woman “my dear.” It all depends on the context of what is said. For example, look at men’s mobile phones and you will see that not all men indicate their wife’s phone number as “my dear”. Most call it simply: wife, name, my happiness, my joy, etc.

My dear, it’s not at all in first place.

If a woman costs a man a lot, he will never call her “darling.” Well, as for Vysotsky, we love him and remember him, but he is not a philosopher or a teacher of life wisdom.

The epithet “my dear” is often perceived as a kind of formal address to a woman (often to a spouse), which can be called somewhat “hackneyed,” that is, not unique for a long time, but still very high-frequency.

This is, of course, not the way to appeal to those women who demand diamonds, travel and gold, costing the man extremely dearly (such a financial interpretation can only be imagined as a funny joke). Darling is close, dear, beloved. The one I really wouldn't want to lose.

Vysotsky wrote about past fights over this woman; we’ll leave this author’s understanding of the picture to Vysotsky. But the poet is right in the sense that a man can call dear the one whose heart he has won. Moreover, it is not always easy.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

What are some affectionate nicknames?

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Zoo nicknames

Such nicknames are quite common. Just look at the word “doves”, which is used to describe a couple in love. Often people even compete in zoology, sorting through all the animals, from bunnies with fish to hippos and piglets.

Here, of course, there is an endearment factor, since the animals and birds are mostly fluffy and cute. However, the emotion here is not entirely simple, because the animal world can be quite unpredictable and dangerous: for example, a tiger cub can show its teeth, and a bird can fly out of its cage.


My angel, little angel, considers you an absolutely pure person, and is very afraid of losing you.

Barbie considers you very beautiful, her ideal of beauty.

Baby - cares for you, but he is unlikely to be interested in real feelings.

Hippo - engrossed in you, not averse to playing, but will not limit your personal freedom.

Cherry - treats you with special care, values ​​relationships.

Baby - he is specific in his desires and thoughts, he does not intend to complicate anything.

Darling—values ​​confidence and certainty in relationships. Feelings fade into the background for him.

Drakosha - he likes your prickly character, he is ready to forgive a lot.

Durynda - ready to forgive you for any mistake, taking the situation under personal control.

Hedgehog, hedgehog - gives your relationship special significance. Sometimes he shows intemperance because he is afraid of losing you.

The Toad is playfully assertive and energetic, but values ​​your relationship greatly.

My life - obvious pathos shows a tendency to overdo it. It is necessary to find out whether he has another “life” on his side.

Giraffe - he likes your tall height and treats you with special love.

Hare, bunny, bunny, hare, bunny, bunny - has a tendency to be excited and wouldn’t mind playing with you. Deep down he is quite jealous and watches you closely.

Gold, gold, gold - emphasizes the special significance of your relationship, but his mind prevails over his feelings.

Kisa, pussy, kisulya, kitty, kysik - has a mood for close contact and does not want to complicate the situation.

Goat, goat, roe, little goat - feels complete closeness with you. You are a very dear person to him, although he is capable of teasing you.

Sweetie - be careful: he most likely considers you his property.

Queen - treats you with deep respect, is ready to do anything for you. But he does not have a strong character.

Kitten, cat, kitten, kitten, kitten - feels an inextricable connection and closeness with you, tries to convince you of absolute fidelity.

The crocodile is emphatically energetic, has no mood to beat around the bush and hold back his emotions for too long.

Tiny - he likes your miniature, appreciates you and is afraid of separation.

Baby - treats you a little down, wants to limit your freedom.

Doll, doll - is interested in you, but does not attach too much importance to your relationship.

Paw, sweetie, lapulya, lapusik - extremely active and ready to work and live for you.

Swallow - completely confident in you and very attentive.

Little fox, fox, fox - all his attention is absorbed by you and he expects the same response from you.

Beloved, beloved, favorite, love - is particularly sensitive, ready to act with complete determination to build a relationship.

Lyalya, Lyalechka, Lyalik - is characterized by emotionality, and cannot always control the outburst of feelings - both positive and negative.

Little, Masik, little, Masya - experiences deep feelings, is ready to show care and affection.

Baby, baby - you absorb all his attention, and they expect an adequate response from you.

Bear is a sensitive person, but does not intend to rush, is cautious and does not want to lose you.

Sweetheart, darling - guarantees you a reliable relationship. His feelings are in complete balance with his mind.

Mulya, Musya, Musipusechka are very strong feelings. He is prone to hobbies and sometimes does not feel the limits.

Mouse, mouse, mouse - he is very attached to you, sometimes unrestrained, but his love is deep.

Pampushka - relies on interaction and complete intimacy.

Donut - wants to attract your attention with all his might, protecting himself from all possible rivals.

Charm - experiences tremulous and tender feelings.

Princess - treats you like a child, but his love is undeniable.

Belly, belly, tele-belly - determined to create and arrange a family home.

Baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll, baby doll - is looking for full contact with you, but behind this there may be not only feelings, but also practical interest.

Fish - apparently looks at your relationship in a businesslike way. Puts practical interest first, not romance.

Sweet, sweet - specifically emphasizes his own emotionality, but in his soul he is calm and balanced.

Baby elephant, baby elephant - gives your relationship serious importance and expects reciprocity.

The sun, the sun - has a keen interest in you and genuine tenderness.

Tigger, tiger, tiger cub - is not going to limit your freedom. He may joke with you, but in reality he offers you an equal union.

Hamster – has a tendency to impulsive actions, easily gives in to momentary impulses.

Chicken, chicken - offers you active contact, but, probably, in the depths of his soul he is afraid of something.

Miracle, monster - requires your full attention, emphasizes the importance of your relationship.

Sweet Nothing

Nicknames from the category of “movable property”

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Do you think there is a difference between the phrases: “you are my beauty” and “you are beautiful”? Of course have. The first option sounds deeper and more soulful, but there is a slight hint of ownership. Therefore, it is not at all impossible that one fine day a person who considers you “one of his own” will, with all sternness in his voice, inquire about what you did from 15.15 to 15.45.

Nicknames from the category “celestial bodies”

There is no diversity here, just suns and stars. What associations do they evoke? Light and warmth. If a loved one calls you that, it means that he feels good and comfortable with you. But there is one “but”. The luminaries are located quite far from our planet, therefore adoration on his part will most likely be somewhat contemplative and distant. It is difficult to wait for decisive action from such a person.

Now let's decipher the meaning of each specific nickname. You shouldn’t take the meanings too seriously, just take note and don’t forget that there is a grain of humor in every joke.

What does a guy call and what does it mean?

Does your man often call you bunny or kitty? Or maybe just sweet or dear? Have you ever wondered what this means?

Psychologists advise you to listen to the nickname that your loved one gives you, in this way he unconsciously expresses his attitude towards you. After all, every nickname contains very interesting and useful information.

Affectionate nicknames

Sunshine, berry, doll, sweet, candy, honey. Such nicknames are mainly found in the initial stages of a relationship. They show that a man is attracted to you and has boundless tenderness. Falling in love and passion dominates your relationship now. Enjoy the candy-bouquet period.

Animal nicknames

Kitten, tiger cub, elephant calf, squirrel. These messages show that your chosen one has a playful and tender attitude towards you. He is ready to take care of you and give you his warmth and affection.

Standard nicknames

Beloved, sweet, dear, dear. This is how men usually call those in whom they are confident and whom they want to call their wife. They take responsibility for you and are ready to be with you under any circumstances.

Official nicknames

Does a man call you by your first or last name? This means that your man strives for an equal relationship. In this way, he emphasizes that he values ​​​​your opinion, and you are a close relative to him. Calls you by your patronymic - the man respects you, but there is also a share of sarcasm in the relationship.

Children's nicknames

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, little. When a man calls you that, you can be sure that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall. Such a man is ready to do everything himself, and for him you are his little miracle, which he adores. But don’t get too used to the role of a baby, because it is much more profitable to become a charming seductress.

Abstract nicknames

Sun, miracle, happiness, gold, my joy. These nicknames imply that the man feels very good around you. He experiences the most joyful and positive emotions when you are around. Only sometimes you should add more passionate emotions.

Funny nicknames

Donut, crocodile, crocodile, musya, telepub, booger. Your partner feels complete intimacy with you, he is inextricably linked with you. He is energetic, does not walk in circles, and does not hold back his emotions. It demands the same from you.

These nicknames tell a lot about the man who uttered them, and also reveal his true intentions towards you. Listen to them and draw the right conclusions.


Psychologists' opinion

A young man can use various epithets to address his beloved woman. Often these are images of animals that look harmless and affectionate. For passionate games in bed, comparisons with graceful and flexible creatures are used. But when a man says “mine,” he is unlikely to be able to explain what it means. After all, the desire to appropriate does not always express the natural desire to possess. Sometimes the pronoun shows that the young man has a complex character.

The manifestation speaks of a desire to completely control the girl, to subjugate. Subsequently, this can be expressed in constant jealousy and aggression in case of disobedience. When a guy uses an expression with the pronoun “mine,” take a closer look at his actions and behavior.

However, you shouldn’t get upset when such an expression is used in a couple. Perhaps the man subconsciously expresses a reverent desire to possess, not to let go. This is normal, especially in the early stages of a relationship. At this time, intimacy either has not yet occurred, so sexual desire predominates, or there is little of it. The guy is unconsciously trying to show how important the girl is to him.

Advice from psychologists

Psychologists are sure that it is most pleasant for a person to hear his own name when addressed to him. But often partners avoid this and prefer to call each other by nicknames.

Here are the most common reasons why a man doesn’t call his lady by her name:

  • copies the behavior of parents;
  • bad experience;
  • complex name;
  • fear of mixing up names.

If in a guy’s family the father called his mother “my dear,” then it is likely that he himself will address his passion that way. Perhaps it was not customary for them to address each other by name.

Past relationships may have left unpleasant impressions. If a guy's ex-girlfriend caused him a lot of problems and disappointments, his psychological defenses are triggered. He doesn't want to say her name out loud, so he replaces it with a loving nickname.

When a girl's name is difficult to pronounce, the guy is afraid of offending her by pronouncing the name incorrectly. It also happens that on first dates it is difficult to remember a complex name. Then love nicknames also come to the rescue.

If a guy likes two girls, but is having trouble deciding who to choose, he won't call them by name. He'd rather give them loving nicknames. This way he will protect himself from getting names mixed up.

Thus, the reasons for calling your significant other by love nicknames instead of names may be different. A man’s sincere love can still be distinguished by certain signs.


Some men want to be more original and use the names of confectionery products in their nicknames.


Men who can take on the role of a father call their women “sweetie.” He will look after the lady for a long time, cherishing her in every possible way. Such men are faithful in married life and very rarely cheat on their chosen ones.


Guys who have nothing behind their souls. With such a man, no woman will feel protected. Such gentlemen completely irritate serious and confident ladies and make them angry. They inappropriately begin to quote the book they just read, and arrange duels to show their mental abilities. But all their actions are in vain.

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