What does it mean if a guy calls him native? What does a man call you and what does it mean?

Source: 1001goroskop.ru

Each of us has heard affectionate words addressed to us from the opposite sex - my dear, gentle, sweet, darling.

Let's find out what true attitude towards ourselves is read between the lines that we love to hear.

When your boyfriend calls you "darling"

- indicates that a man needs attention, warmth and care. Most likely, your significant other spends a lot of effort and energy at work, and when he comes home, he wants to feel the care and affection that comes from his beloved wife. Receiving from you the warmth that he needs, your man becomes a very happy person and a decent family man.

When you are called various petting and diminutive words derived from the word “kitten”

- your soul mate is a pliable person who has a soft character and can be easily controlled.

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Basic rules that a woman should know to remain beautiful
When someone addresses you as a “fish”

, this indicates that your man is fickle in his tastes. It takes a lot of effort to be with him all the time. It should be noted that such a man pays very important attention to silence.

When people call you "darling"

and so on. - this indicates that you need to be careful. From a professional point of view, with this type of treatment, a man on an unconscious level wants to find out how and to what extent he can get specific benefits from your relationship.

When they call you, for example, “sun”

– your man believes that you must always live up to the ideal, be in great shape. According to his beliefs, he is assessed first of all by your appearance.

If your chosen one addresses you with various endearing and diminutive products, for example, “candy”

- indicates that for him you evoke associations with the everyday side of your relationship. The ideal woman for such a man is an excellent housewife, which means the ability to cook excellently, take care of the house, and must resolve any issues related to the household herself.

If people address you with endearing words, such as “baby”

- indicates the thoughts of your chosen one, which are only about relationships in bed. This man is a connoisseur of sex who loves noisy companies and fun. As a result, you need to think about whether he is ready for a serious relationship.

If they call you "sweetheart"

– your soul mate is a straightforward person who does not support gossip and does not get involved in various scandals.

Calling "baby"

sounds a little frivolous. And if they address you like this, it indicates that your man is interested in you, shows signs of attention, but your true feelings do not interest him.

If people address you as “darling”

this suggests that your man is a supporter of certainty and clarity in relationships. And all manifestations of feelings recede into the background.

"My life"

! Such an appeal indicates that your significant other is a very passionate person, but this is too much. Think, maybe he has a relationship not only with you.

All words that come from "bunny"

- indicates the excitement of your soul mate, who treats you in the same way. He is very suspicious, as evidenced by his constant observations.


– your man feels your closeness.


- indicates that you are just carried away.

All words that come from "paw"

– your man is full of vitality, as a result of which he is ready to work and live only for you.


– your chosen one is confident in you and your relationship.

All words that come from "little fox"

indicate that a man, giving you his attention, expects a response.

If people address you as “Masya”

in any manifestation - speaks of the real feelings he has for you.


- your man is very attached to you, at times various emotions come over him, but the love is true and deep.


– he is afraid of losing you, as a result of which the man wants to attract your attention to himself in any way.

All words that come from "pusya"

indicate that your significant other wants to establish contact with you, while, it should be noted, he is more concerned only with the physical side of the relationship.

"Tiger Cub"

– such treatment indicates that your significant other accepts your independence and respects your choice. In addition, he has a tendency to small disputes, but it should be noted that he is ready to build an equal alliance.

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What a man calls his girlfriend: transcript

Mystical creatures:

• Angel – afraid of losing his beloved; • Little dragon – can forgive everything; • Vampire – he is irresistibly drawn to you; • Witch – lost his head from love; • Harpy – you evoke conflicting emotions in him; • Fairy – reverent attitude; • Witch – he is enchanted; • Monster – loves no matter what.


• Zainka, Zayusha – wants to spend more time with you; • Hippo – has serious intentions; • Hedgehog – tolerates your prickly character; • Crocodile – not restrained in expressing his feelings; • Toad – you mean a lot to him; • Giraffe - he is completely satisfied with your relationship; • Kisulya, kitten – playful attitude; • Goat, little goat – trusts her beloved; • Swallow – looks with lust; • Chanterelle – wants more tenderness from you; • Teddy bear – doesn’t like to rush; • Mouse is a sentimental person; • Rybka is not a romantic at all; • Baby Elephant – making joint plans for the future; • Tiger Cub – He likes your passion.

Tender words:

• Native – feels that he has found his happiness; • Darling – if a man calls him darling, then feelings do not play an important role for him; • My life, my love – may have ulterior motives; • Zolotko – values ​​material goods; • Lapulya – ready to move mountains for the sake of his beloved; • Masya – affectionate and caring; • Charming – fascinated by you; • Sweet – a cold-blooded and calculating person; • Sunshine – if a man calls him sunshine, then his heart is filled with tenderness for his chosen one.

Appetizing nicknames:

• Sweetie – likes to dominate in relationships; • Pie – sees you as a good housewife; • Cherry is a passionate person; • Donut – jealous.

Various nicknames:

• Baby, child – carefree, does not want to take responsibility; • Baby, baby – thinks about children; • My little fool – loves all your shortcomings; • Queen – gives you the right to dominate in relationships; • Lyalya – quick-tempered, emotionally unstable; • Princess – ready to become your prince; • Doll - he is touched by your childish spontaneity.

She's hiding something from you

She definitely wants to hide her feelings for you. The thing is, she probably likes you but is afraid to do anything about it, and as long as things are platonic, she feels safe.

Maybe she thinks you'll reject her because you don't like her, or maybe she's just afraid of rejection in general because she's had bad experiences in the past.

So, to avoid suspicion, she calls you bro. It's always wise to try to read her body language because these signs never lie, so it's best to check them before you do anything.

Remember, there is always a risk that you misinterpreted her behavior and it turns out that she doesn't like you. Then your friendship is over.

Verdict: Attention-grabbing

When a guy says dear to a girl

Quite a long time ago, months before the breakup, and maybe even a year, my beloved began to say that her attitude towards me is expressed by the word “dear,” but this does not mean that she loves me. For her, a relative meant someone close to her, someone of great importance in her life, someone whom she cares about and cares about, someone whose affairs concern her. But there was no fire, no tearing feelings, no trembling in the legs, she simply said, “You are my dear and I’m used to you.” It’s not that I was offended, but I also started telling her, “I’m used to you” instead of “I love you.” At first she laughed, but when I began to correct her words and began to ask her not to say “I love you,” but to say “I’m used to you,” she immediately stopped doing this and said, what a habit, I love you, can’t you see?

But even now I am tormented by a misunderstanding of what she wanted to say to her “relatives.” For me, dear is synonymous with beloved. And even if there is no trembling, fire and every minute pain in my heart, I need it every second. But for her, it seems, native = ordinary.

Maternal care is in a woman’s blood, she takes care of you, sees how you suffer and shows maternal love. So many women live with alcoholics, because if they leave him poor, he will disappear, he will become completely drunk. You are certainly not an alcoholic, but Kafka harmed you. It seems to me that you are trying to make a tragedy out of love, according to the principle “here’s one more tragedy and then there will be a happy ending,” but then the following circumstances arise and the tragedy has been repeated for many years. You live in tragedy and cannot imagine life without it.

Well, if I was wrong, but the situation is set in motion by time and real life versus tragedies, people want to be happy and go for it.

Bern has a book: “Games People Play”, I don’t remember whether there is a game of tragedy in it or not, but I think this is your case. It would be nice if I thought so.

Message from mr_Bloom : Maternal care is in a woman’s blood, she takes care of you, sees how you suffer and shows maternal love. So many women live with alcoholics, because if they leave him poor, he will disappear, he will become completely drunk. You are certainly not an alcoholic, but Kafka harmed you. It seems to me that you are trying to make a tragedy out of love, according to the principle “here’s one more tragedy and then there will be a happy ending,” but then the following circumstances arise and the tragedy has been repeated for many years. You live in tragedy and cannot imagine life without it.

Well, if I was wrong, but the situation is set in motion by time and real life versus tragedies, people want to be happy and go for it.

Bern has a book: “Games People Play”, I don’t remember whether there is a game of tragedy in it or not, but I think this is your case. It would be nice if I thought so.

I remember very well how she loved me “not like a man,” only a month passed. Everyone would like such dislike.

Everything, absolutely everything is possible, but just 2 months ago she gave me things for our new apartment (she brought it to him from hers and never unpacked it, she hasn’t even moved winter things yet) and she chose it together with me, on the Internet , Certainly. 2 months ago she was going to come to me for good to NG and we planned to stay together all summer. During this time, only one thing happened - the illness and surgery of my father, who, thank the Lord, is now recovering. Of course, my mood, my affairs, my plans, and my money arrangements have undergone huge changes because of this. But I can't believe she broke up with me for the same reason

It’s funny, there is a book by Lyudmila Ulitskaya “Sincerely yours Shurik”. And she has just these words about her relatives:

She trusts you

Calling you bro means she's comfortable with you. She wants to talk to you and tell you about her problems because she really thinks that you can help her.

I'm sorry to say this, but this whole thing screams friendship.

If this bothers you, you should be honest and tell her that you don't want her to call you that, but you should know that she will probably take it the wrong way and get angry and she won't talk to you. days.

She may even realize that you like her and stop all contact with you because she is afraid of what she did.

You must understand that this can be extremely risky because you could kick her out of your life forever.

Verdict: Definitely friendzoning

What a man calls his girlfriend: transcript

Mystical creatures:

• Angel – afraid of losing his beloved; • Little dragon – can forgive everything; • Vampire – he is irresistibly drawn to you; • Witch – lost his head from love; • Harpy – you evoke conflicting emotions in him; • Fairy – reverent attitude; • Witch – he is enchanted; • Monster – loves no matter what.


• Zainka, Zayusha – wants to spend more time with you; • Hippo – has serious intentions; • Hedgehog – tolerates your prickly character; • Crocodile – not restrained in expressing his feelings; • Toad – you mean a lot to him; • Giraffe - he is completely satisfied with your relationship; • Kisulya, kitten – playful attitude; • Goat, little goat – trusts her beloved; • Swallow – looks with lust; • Chanterelle – wants more tenderness from you; • Teddy bear – doesn’t like to rush; • Mouse is a sentimental person; • Rybka is not a romantic at all; • Baby Elephant – making joint plans for the future; • Tiger Cub – He likes your passion.

Tender words:

• Native – feels that he has found his happiness; • Darling – if a man calls him darling, then feelings do not play an important role for him; • My life, my love – may have ulterior motives; • Zolotko – values ​​material goods; • Lapulya – ready to move mountains for the sake of his beloved; • Masya – affectionate and caring; • Charming – fascinated by you; • Sweet – a cold-blooded and calculating person; • Sunshine – if a man calls him sunshine, then his heart is filled with tenderness for his chosen one.

Appetizing nicknames:

• Sweetie – likes to dominate in relationships; • Pie – sees you as a good housewife; • Cherry is a passionate person; • Donut – jealous.

Various nicknames:

• Baby, child – carefree, does not want to take responsibility; • Baby, baby – thinks about children; • My little fool – loves all your shortcomings; • Queen – gives you the right to dominate in relationships; • Lyalya – quick-tempered, emotionally unstable; • Princess – ready to become your prince; • Doll - he is touched by your childish spontaneity.

She retreats.

Okay, this one is pretty obvious. She really doesn't want to be in that kind of relationship with you.

You can tell by the way she carries herself.

If she's like one of the guys, if she replies to your texts with short texts, pats you on the shoulder, talks to you about the guys she likes, then I'm sorry, but you'll have to find another love, bro, because you were very broken.

Don't even try to think about a romantic relationship with her because she is far from interested.

If your feelings for her are too strong, the best thing to do is tell her how you feel before you stop dating her.

Make sure she knows why you can't spend time with her anymore because it wouldn't be fair to leave her hanging just because she doesn't feel the same way about you as you do about her.

Verdict: Definitely Friendzoned

If a man says “my girl” and uses other nicknames, what does that mean?

More and more often there are guys who call their girls not by name, but by nickname: Sunny, My, Beloved, Baby and many others. Girls are at a loss if a man tells her my girl what that means. Sometimes such an appeal to a representative of the fair sex means that the partner does not have enough of her attention and care, he does not trust her. But many people use these words to talk about their love for the girl, respect and trust in her.

She does this to everyone

If you see that you are not the only one she calls brother or "dude", then you can definitely be sure that she is not trying to take you down.

What's even better is that you can be sure that she likes you because you wouldn't call someone that if you didn't like them.

It may not be a big deal, but it's better than being just a friend.

From now on, try to push your relationship in the direction you want and that will get her to go on a date to see where things go. Maybe this bro will turn into something more personal.

Verdict: Possible attention grabber

Main types of love nicknames

Guys don't think twice about calling girls this or that nickname. They do this unconsciously. Nicknames reflect a man’s experience, his personal feelings, embedded deep in the subconscious. Psychologists believe that the more nicknames a guy has in his vocabulary, the more sincerity there is in the couple’s relationship.

By calling a woman beloved, a partner shows that he needs her care for him, affection and tenderness. Most likely, he is tired at work and needs more attention. If he gets it, he will move mountains for his partner. A gentleman who calls a girl his beloved is confident in himself and achieves his goal. He is cunning, ready to take responsibility for the lady. But, as they say, there is an exception to every rule. Perhaps the partner is simply accustomed to calling all women his beloved.

If a partner calls a lady darling, this speaks of him as a boring person. And in everything: in sex, in everyday life. He won’t even realize that something new can and should be added to life together. When a woman offers to diversify everyday life, he will most often refuse. Romance is not to his taste; he prefers to restrain his feelings.

Practicality comes first for him; he values ​​certainty and confidence in relationships. The advantage of this type of person is that he will be faithful to his beloved. Her partner will expect the same from her.

A gentleman who calls his passion sweet has a negative attitude towards intrigue and gossip. He does not like scandals and quarrels and tries to avoid them in relationships. Such a person is reliable and caring. He loves to please a lady: giving gifts, paying attention. It is difficult for him to express his feelings in words alone.

A guy who calls his beloved sweetheart builds a strong relationship and shows tender and warm feelings towards her.

My love

A partner who prefers to call his chosen one “my love” knows how to court. He puts his beloved's interests above his own. It is very easy to find a common language with such a person and communicate at ease. Next to them, there will be no fear about what topic to talk to him about. It will not be possible to control and command such a gentleman. When he feels that they are trying to change him, he will leave.

A man who calls his companion “my soul” is an ideal partner for life. He prefers to get closer to a woman at a slow pace. This also applies to sexual relations. The guy gets closer to his chosen one measuredly and slowly. He does not want to immediately reveal his whole soul to her.

These partners are distinguished by their ability to remain faithful to their beloved, often until the end of their lives.

My girl

A gentleman who addresses a lady as “my girl” is full of tender and reverent feelings for her. He treats her with care, like a child. He wants to protect and protect her. Girls usually like the address “my girl” because they like to feel protected. They feel calm when a strong, courageous representative of the stronger sex is present next to them.

What does your nickname say?

Interpretations of nicknames are made according to the author’s methodology of D. and N. Zim

Group 1 - traditional nicknames

Beloved, sweetheart, dear, etc. These nicknames are distinguished by the fact that they contain the very attitude of a man towards a woman. Beloved means he loves, dear means he values. As a rule, such nicknames do not carry any ambiguous meaning. So if your partner calls you by traditional nicknames, then everything is fine with his attitude towards you.

Group 2 - children's nicknames

Baby, baby, baby, etc. These nicknames indicate a clear division of roles in a couple. A man who calls his beloved by such nicknames makes it clear that he is the main one in the relationship, and his other half is a defenseless creature whom he is ready to protect, instruct and guide.

Group 3 - abstract nicknames

Sun, miracle, happiness, etc. Such nicknames indicate that a man feels very good next to you, he experiences joy and positive emotions when he is next to you

Group 4 - animals

Group 5 - official nicknames

If a man calls you by your last name , then this indicates equal relations in the family. By this he emphasizes that he always takes into account your opinion and you are a dear person to him. If the nickname is even more official in name and patronymic - Maria Ivanovna - then this means that the man treats you with respect, albeit with some sarcasm.

An objective assessment of a man who has known him for a long time

Some time after the start of a relationship, the partner’s behavior changes. He is no longer as romantic and emotional as in the first days of meeting him. The gentleman behaves more reservedly, devotes more time to personal matters, and says fewer compliments to the lady. It seems to the girl that the love has passed, the desire to see each other often has disappeared, there is no more passion.

When a relationship with a partner has been going on for a long time, you want to determine whether he still has feelings. If he still abandons his plans in favor of the girl, shares her interests with her, tolerates whims and forgives a lot, it means that he is still not indifferent to his chosen one.

A man in love, even someone he has known for a long time, will still help his beloved and solve her problems. He remembers her mother's date of birth, the name of her cat, her favorite writer or book, and her other interests and hobbies. Such a partner is not afraid to start conversations about family and children, even starting a conversation about them himself.

She has different feelings for you.

The word "bro" is getting bigger and bigger. Everyone calls each other bro these days.

But when a girl calls you bro, I understand. It confuses you and makes you think.

As I said before, there are several reasons why she does this, and each of them has a great explanation.

Unfortunately, one of these explanations is that she really loves you, she cares about you, but you don't want her to act.

In such situations, forget about any relationship other than friendship.

This love cannot be canceled or transferred into something else.

Verdict: Definitely friendzoning

If a guy says “mine” often, what does that mean?

If a guy says “mine” to his girlfriend, he shows others that she is busy, others should not approach her. He creates an invisible protective field that will repel other men, because she belongs to only one.

By calling a lady yours, you can win her favor even without gifts and passionate declarations of love. The girl accepts the man as a reliable and caring person. For her, these words are desirable, they make her heart beat stronger and think about her lover more often.

When a man says “mine” to his chosen one, it means that he has tender and sincere feelings towards her. He found his only woman, he is ready to share with her everything spiritual and material that he has. Having told what is going on in his soul, a man needs advice and support from his woman. Therefore, she must be attentive, wise and understanding.

By calling the girl his own, the partner is ready to restrain his emotions at the moment when their thoughts diverge. He will compromise. But a woman should not forget that patience may come to an end.

It can be considered from another point of view if a man says to his partner “you are mine.” Sometimes this indicates a person's tendency towards selfishness and a sense of ownership. When a guy marries a girl, he believes that she has become his property and deprives her of the right to independently decide where to go, what to do and with whom to communicate. He's just jealous, that's why sometimes guys call ladies theirs. In such a situation, a woman feels violated, without the right to privacy.

What a girl calls you is how she will treat you

Cat, bunny, honey... Many believe that these words do not carry any semantic meaning and are simply used by girls to give relationships more tenderness, intimacy and depth. However, nicknames are often chosen for a reason, but are filled with a certain meaning. What do nicknames mean and how does the woman you love treat you?

Gingerbread Man, Fluffy, Teddy Bear, Baby Doll

Such words are usually chosen in cases where the gentleman can hardly be called a handsome prince. That is, there are certain disadvantages, such as excess weight, excessive hairiness, clumsiness, clumsiness, etc. But the girl sincerely loves you and subconsciously uses these nicknames to give more tenderness to your negative qualities.

Bunny, bunny, cat/cat

These are the most common variants of affectionate nicknames, which are common words from animals. They may simply be the most memorable (you don’t have to get creative here, because everyone uses them), or this may indicate her tendency to be jealous.

The smartest, bravest, kindest

Women use such phrases when they want to highlight your best sides. For example, it constantly reminds you of your kindness, tenderness, devotion and wisdom, increasing self-confidence. She also wants you to develop and show these qualities towards her more often.

Stupid, fool, fool, silly

Well... Most often, this is said with a smile and a patronizing tone, but it still leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in a man’s heart. Girls use such nicknames if they want to show their mental superiority over their partner. Although... you must agree, this is a stupid option, because she thereby introduces disunity into the connection (is she really that smart?).

The best, my best

This is a sign of serious love. The girl is not shy about showing you not just sympathy, but the most tender feelings. Everything suggests that she is ready for a long-term relationship and wedding.

Favorite Helper

This is one example of easy manipulation when a girl wants to get help from you. She may also say that you are the strongest and most dexterous after nailing a shelf or taking out the trash.

Just a name

Do not think that if she always calls you only by name, then this is a sign of a lack of love and tenderness. No, such a woman is committed to a serious relationship and trusts you. She wants to achieve maximum intimacy and long-term connection.

Meatball, pig, pig

These are not the most pleasant options with a negative message. There is a high probability that your loved one really doesn’t like something about you. She does not give up on the relationship, but subconsciously hints that it is time to change for the better.


Advice from psychologists

Psychologists are sure that it is most pleasant for a person to hear his own name when addressed to him. But often partners avoid this and prefer to call each other by nicknames.

Here are the most common reasons why a man doesn’t call his lady by her name:

  • copies the behavior of parents;
  • bad experience;
  • complex name;
  • fear of mixing up names.

If in a guy’s family the father called his mother “my dear,” then it is likely that he himself will address his passion that way. Perhaps it was not customary for them to address each other by name.

Past relationships may have left unpleasant impressions. If a guy's ex-girlfriend caused him a lot of problems and disappointments, his psychological defenses are triggered. He doesn't want to say her name out loud, so he replaces it with a loving nickname.

When a girl's name is difficult to pronounce, the guy is afraid of offending her by pronouncing the name incorrectly. It also happens that on first dates it is difficult to remember a complex name. Then love nicknames also come to the rescue.

If a guy likes two girls, but is having trouble deciding who to choose, he won't call them by name. He'd rather give them loving nicknames. This way he will protect himself from getting names mixed up.

Thus, the reasons for calling your significant other by love nicknames instead of names may be different. A man’s sincere love can still be distinguished by certain signs.


Guys call each other bros because they really mean it. They truly feel a deep connection with each other, like brothers and most importantly, best friends.

In the office, you are all connected and you all have the same or similar problems, so it is easy to understand each other.

But if you look at a deeper level, when someone calls you brother, it is more like a sacred bond between two men who feel like they should have been brothers, but unfortunately, they are not.

A Brief History of the Word Bro

The word bro entered English in the 1660s solely as a shortening of the word "brother."

It's the same with the word "sis", short for sister. At that time, the meaning of the word bro was limited to one's own brother, but gradually in the 1970s, brother began to mean something completely different.

Bro went from brother to male friend. By the end of the century, bro became more important.

The man was also called brother, brother or brother, which became synonymous with a young guy, a real masculine type, who hung out and had fun almost all the time. (I bet I know what you're thinking if he calls you bro now lol).

It's so confusing because when you look at it, you have no idea if she's friends with you or if she likes you and wants your attention.

If you think you're absolutely ready to leave the dreaded "friend" zone, CLICK HERE and show her what you're made of.

It's possible that a girl calls you brother because she calls all her friends that, she just calls people she likes that, but most of the time her calling you brother has a different meaning, or she just doesn't like you and sees you as nothing but a friend, bro, if you will.

Take it from a girl and find out why she calls you bro.

“My bunny”: what does your boyfriend call you and what does it mean?

Text: Yulia Shakirova August 1, 2017

We can bet that your heart skips a beat when a guy affectionately calls you his beloved, dear, baby. We want to surprise you! In fact, by what nicknames your boyfriend gives you, you can find out about his true attitude towards you. Are you ready to find out what's hidden in his words? Then remember what your lover calls you most often and read the description.

“Beloved, sweet, dear”

If your boyfriend calls you “beloved, sweet or dear,” this means that he has deep feelings for you and seeks to show his love and tenderness in this way. Such a guy needs care, tenderness and affection. After all, he also wants to feel loved.

"My little one, baby"

This kind of treatment means that your lover wants to take care of you. Relationships between partners are of three types: parent–adult–child. If the “child” type of communication is definitely not about your boyfriend, then you are lucky, because the child is you!

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