How to understand women

At the beginning of communication, people converge, because there is an absolute understanding of each other, but then the interaction becomes more complex and deepening, so guys often have the question of how to understand their beloved girl. This may concern both her emotional state, hints, and desires, motivation for actions and plans for the future. Unfortunately, there is no universal decoding that helps to understand female manifestations, since each personality is unique.

A man who wants to understand girls and their desires must not only pay more attention to the peculiarities of psychology and the style of female communication, but develop his own qualities, without which this process will be significantly difficult. Respect for women and development of a broad outlook are paramount. Men who consider girls to be less significant, primitive or stupid will attribute the entire difference in manifestations to these points, which is far from the true understanding. The breadth of your own knowledge automatically makes your point of view more flexible, helps you consider the situation from several sides at once, and makes it easier to analyze your experience. The more different situations of female reactions you experience (in your own life or through literature and cinema), the easier it will be to understand the girl.

Sometimes logic fails in situations when you need to figure out how to understand a girl’s feelings. Here it is necessary to use intuition and empathy in order to guess the motivation of actions, and especially the reasons for the emergence of feelings. Naturally, empathy is not the strongest male quality, but it can also be learned if you study body language and facial expressions - half of women’s emotions will definitely become clearer.

Men will also have to cultivate unbreakable patience for female incomprehensibility, since studying the characteristics of each woman takes a lot of time. You can study some basic points in a couple of months and respond well to it, but it will take years to deeply understand mental mechanisms. And the point is not that you came across a strange person and it’s better to look for someone simpler and more understandable, most likely the situation will repeat itself. This is how the differences in consciousness and worldview are adjusted, while throughout this period not only the man tries to understand the woman, but she also often becomes perplexed by his actions or reactions.

Show kindness, and if you understand the girl's hint, try to fulfill it or make it clear that you know about her desires. For many women, it is a problem to ask directly, and if you conduct experiments, leaving her in the unknown, you risk causing even more strange behavior.

How girls are different from guys: that's why they're so hard to understand!

Just saying that men are from Mars and women are from Venus is not enough. You can simply accept that you are different and not bother, but you definitely won’t become the sensitive and caring man she dreams of. “You need to know the enemy by sight,” which means that in order to conquer a girl, you need to take into account the peculiarities of her psychology and physiology. Before you understand a girl, you have to find out exactly what the differences are between you. And you will be surprised, it’s not just about gender characteristics! Here are some research findings worth taking into account:

  1. It is believed that women have multitasking brains, but men do not. It’s normal for her to do a report while drinking coffee, answering calls and at the same time being present at a video conference. So what if coffee will be spilled, the report will have errors, and the meaning of the meeting will remain a mystery! Gradually, women hone their multitasking and become quite capable of doing several things at once. You are more thorough and do not like to be distracted. The point is the corpus callosum of the female brain, which is thicker than that of men, and there are more connections in it.
  2. Women have a better sense of taste and smell, and distinguish colors, if there are no diseases or pathologies. For this reason, it is pointless to argue with her about shades. And yes, if she shows you two dresses, claiming that one is cornflower blue and the other is azure, then don’t try to say that both are blue.
  3. It's more difficult for women to lose weight, so don't be too demanding of her if you take care of your body together, but her success is less. Maybe she eats chocolates at night, but more likely it’s a matter of physiology.
  4. Women are less susceptible to pain, but their skin is more sensitive. If she pinches you, you shouldn't do it back too hard.
  5. Nature dictates that women are verbose: she has two speech centers in her brain versus your one, which is why she says twice as many words a day. However, you don’t have to say as much.
  6. Women are more emotional.
  7. Girls are less oriented in space, so it is more difficult for them to learn to drive.
  8. A girl needs 30% less alcohol to get drunk: take it into account, but don’t forget about individual characteristics. Some ladies can't be drunk enough!

And this is not a complete list of your differences with them. How can you understand girls if you are so different? Don’t try to figure it out, just follow the advice! This is what girls need.

Types of girls

Roughly, all girls can be divided into 3 types. They are different from each other, but if you know the psychology of each, you can easily understand how to behave, what to talk to her about, what she wants. All girls are different - you should remember this. But to understand what each of them wants, let’s study them.

  1. Smart and cold.

Such young ladies are distinguished by success in life and intelligence. They practically do not rely on men; they achieve everything themselves. Behind them is a core, which is often stronger than the male one. They think about their future, always look attractive and are busy checking their gentlemen.

Smart and cold doesn't trust guys. She creates various situations in which she tests how her boyfriend will behave. She can mock, ask for something, pretend. She does all this in order to test what you are capable of. Such a young lady loves to control and manipulate a man. He must be subordinate to her.

How to behave with her? You need to show that you are stronger and smarter than her. Don't compete, just show it. She also needs to see that you are promising. You have plans and goals for the future. You make an effort every day to achieve them. Make her listen to you and even submit. In fact, she needs a male who can curb her.

  1. Warm and soulful.

Such girls are usually sweet, romantic, good, gentle and sensual. Their behavior is very unpredictable as they follow their intuition and emotions. Typically, such young ladies are engaged in creative professions (stylists, artists, photographers, singers, actresses). It is they who experience a constant change of mood, when today the sun is shining in their souls, and tomorrow it is raining.

Such girls can be conquered with compliments, tenderness and caresses. They need emotional intimacy. It is better not to deceive them, because they feel it subtly.

The most important thing she expects from you is emotions. She needs you, not your achievements, social status and other material attributes. She needs tenderness, love, affection, emotional communication. If you are honest and sincere with her, give emotions, then you will conquer her.

  1. Sexy and hot.

Such young ladies are simply preoccupied with sex. They won't refuse. They always look very open and act relaxed. They want to have sex with them, so they visit places where it can be easily obtained: clubs, nightlife, get-togethers, parties. Such girls smoke and constantly communicate with different people, because they cannot live without adventures.

A sexy and hot girl is interested in what you are like in bed. She evaluates your figure and tries to predict how good she will be with you.

To win the heart of such a girl, you must be sexually liberated and vulgar. From the first minutes, start touching her, show that you want her. Talk to her about sex, what she likes, where she would like to go with you, etc. Two things should be important - sparks should burn between you, you should be hot and sexy, and you should touch her constantly, and it can be done in vulgar forms (by the ass, breasts, pulling hair, etc.). If you can still satisfy her in bed, then she will definitely like you.

Let her feel like the best

The psychology of a girl is still a mystery. But you don’t need to be a gray-haired sage to understand that first of all, a woman needs love. She is looking for someone to be special with. She has a lot of complexes and fears, because of which she can hide her feelings and keep her distance. The faster you become close to her, the stronger her feelings will be. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Just do it:

  1. Give compliments. Women are ready to listen to them for hours. Just let’s avoid the hackneyed “you’re beautiful.” It’s better to emphasize her individuality: “You laugh beautifully,” “In this dress, your figure is especially seductive.” Don’t throw in cliches, but be more specific. Just understand this and your relationship will improve.
  2. Give gifts. It doesn't have to be an expensive phone or car. Let the surprises be sweet and touching, touching the soul, and not developing commercialism in the girl.
  3. Keep quiet about her shortcomings. Just be quiet. Better yet, turn them into advantages. She has a complex because of her small breasts - tell her that you like exactly these shapes. He’s embarrassed by the gap between his teeth - say that you’ve always admired Temnikova.
  4. Admire her achievements. She needs to trust that you see her as a person.

Female touchiness

Touchiness is another quality that is found almost exclusively in women. Moreover, usually this is not a momentary grievance that is soon forgotten, even if all the problems have been resolved. The girl will remember the reason why this happened for a long time. Men forget about grievances much faster.

Because of this feature, representatives of the fair sex are often compared to cats, who can remember for years the one who hurt them and take revenge even after a lot of time has passed.

Show your love

Men know how to court beautifully, but as soon as the goal is achieved, they begin to “fade” as males. You must constantly train to surprise and conquer: who knows, what if you break up, but you have already forgotten how to give compliments. You will have to re-awaken the seducer in yourself again. It’s easier not to lose this skill, it will be better for your girlfriend too:

  1. Touch more often and give more tenderness. Tactile contact is very important for girls.
  2. Admire her body. To do this, you don’t have to understand it – just feel it.
  3. Show that she is always desired and loved. Don't be afraid to look too lustful, especially if you've been together for a long time.

To understand a woman you need to communicate with her. If you don’t know where to start a conversation, go to the “First Phrases Constructor” using this link.

Listen to her

Yes, sometimes listening to everything she has to say is not so easy. But how can you understand a girl if you don’t listen to her feelings and thoughts? The ability to read between the lines will come in handy. In the stream of different phrases, you need to highlight those that are aimed at your relationship. If you don't know what to give her for her birthday, then just talk to her for an hour. She won't even notice how to let it slip. Then you yourself will be surprised how you were able to guess her secret desire.

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTIONS from Alexander Galevich, a trainer who has trained more than 20,000 men over 15 years, will help you

Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

  • 1. How to spend less resources (money and time) to seduce girls
  • 2. How to easily meet and lead communication with a beautiful girl to sex
  • 3. How to find your unique effective model of seducing girls


Don't be annoyed by her tears

Women are more emotional and cry much more often. They use tears to express feelings, manipulate, and simply for psychological relief. This is the psychology of girls in relationships. And, of course, she will cry on your shoulder. After all, you are the person who is close and dear to her, so don’t oh, just hug and stroke her, even if she pushes you away and asks you to leave. It’s men who need to be alone when it’s hard, and women who need support. If you run away, you will quickly lose her trust.

Rule two: the whole world is a theater, and the main actors in it are women

In ancient Greece, in theatrical productions, all roles (including female ones) were played by men. But in fact, the situation is exactly the opposite: it is women who are most inclined to acting. Not all ladies are great actresses, but acting is common to everyone from time to time, and we are not talking about the stage in the theater. Don't be surprised if you see the woman you like in different roles. Some are afraid of the world and diligently play the role of a bitch, others - a little girl, others - an insidious seductress. How to understand women in this case?

Remember that a mask is just a mask that is tried on in public. If a woman sees that you can be trusted, that you can lend your shoulder at any moment, that you will not betray or deal a crushing blow, then she will open up to you. Any lady, when she is natural, is feminine, sweet, light, caring. Remember that the rest are just masks.

Respect her plans, desires and feelings

Being a man in a relationship does not mean ignoring other people’s desires and dragging your beloved strictly along your own course. You decide, you lead, but she must be sure that you are also acting in her interests. Don't neglect her needs (“Why do you need another lipstick like that!”), pamper her, don't downplay her contribution to your family or relationship. If you earn more, then this is not a reason to consider her a failure: life may soon turn the situation against you. The female psychology of love is self-sacrifice, but at the same time she wants to know that it is appreciated.

Spend time with her

Long-distance relationships, rare meetings - all this will not bring you closer. She doesn't need your gifts, but your attention. A girl wants to know that you are ready to move mountains to be with her. She sees your attitude and feelings only when you are together. The female brain does not want to understand that you can be content with meeting once a month, but at the same time you claim that you love.

It is difficult to understand a woman, and even impossible for a man. You can understand a specific woman’s action and words, but even then you have to analyze too many components. Don’t bother yourself with what you can’t understand: behave like a real man and that will be enough for her.

This topic is definitely not for one article! Even I, an expert in the field of seduction and relationship psychology (Alexander Galevich), had to spend a single year understanding the methods of seducing and building relationships with women, but now I have already been able to help more than 20,000 of my students. Find out more about how I became a top coach in Eastern Europe to improve yourself too!

Women's emotions

Women's emotionality is one of their main distinguishing features. Understanding a woman's feelings is not easy, especially when her mood constantly changes - from calm to hysteria. It is almost impossible to guess in advance what kind of lady you will meet today.

Every little thing can affect your mood—relationships at work, a sidelong glance cast in transport, unexpected news from the world of stars. Therefore, try to guess in advance where your significant other is and choose the right behavior strategy. Leave her alone if the girl is very irritated, or, conversely, show affection and sympathy when she is in a good mood.

Of the large number of emotions that a woman experiences every day, many begin to fantasize and speculate. Often without the slightest reason. During these periods, they are able to come up with things that their man has never even thought about. The main advantage of this emotionality is that thanks to it, women adapt to any changes in the world around them more easily than men.

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