How to understand that a man likes you? 10 reliable signals

Look into the eyes

Eye contact is a vital part of communication, and it's worth using this form of body language as often as possible. Does a man like you if he looks into your eyes? Depends on how long it lasts. If you make eye contact more often, and the contact itself lasts longer than with others around you, this is most likely a sign of interest. Besides, if we're flirting, we just have to make eye contact. In the case of shy guys, even a brief meeting of eyes means something.

How to “read” a married man

Family life rarely pleases anyone with variety. Especially if you have 10-15 years of marriage behind you. Reflection does not bring peace to everyone; for some it brings a midlife crisis with gray hair and bald patches in the head, a demon in the rib. Hence the search for young mistresses who would not mind tying themselves to secret meetings. Contrary to misconception, men do not look for kept women. On the contrary, they need drive, new sensations that diversify their boring life, although they are not averse to satisfying little whims.

There are several signs that will tell you how to understand that a married man is in love, but is hiding his feelings:

  • direct (verbal) hints - this includes words hinting at feelings, increased interest in communication, calls on various occasions, invitations to coffee, multiple compliments, praising even the slightest achievements, fear of offending and apologies for any reason;
  • touching is one of the non-verbal signs when, during a friendly conversation in a company, he often touches his hand, elbow, and tries to hug him by chance;
  • gaze - constant eye contact, moving the eyes to the floor or to the side when crossing the gaze, closely following the movement of the lips, shows interest better than any words;
  • smile - high spirits from the opportunity to be in the same company, and especially with the opportunity to communicate alone, evokes a subconscious desire to smile;
  • direction of the body towards the beloved - you can be at a considerable distance from each other (for example, at a work meeting), but the body will still be turned to where she is;
  • preening and trying to please - a man in love will never refuse even the most tedious and uninteresting request (to stop by on the way to purchase something, even with the addition of his own funds).

Whether to reciprocate such hints is a girl’s personal matter. Will there be development and departure from the family? No one can promise this, because being in love is far from being love.

Light touches

When a man casually touches you, it means that he likes you and is deliberately flirting with you. The main thing is not to confuse the signs: when a guy touches you accidentally, involuntarily, it means that he is trying to attract your attention and is looking for a reason to prolong the conversation with you. Do you like him? If yes, try to start flirting yourself! These are the two signs girls most often ignore—but they shouldn’t.

What kind of women is he attracted to?

Young boys are distinguished by their ardor and recklessness. They throw words easily and are not afraid to expose their feelings. The behavior of an adult man in love is a completely different manifestation of emotions, supported by experience and rationality. For example, he is not afraid of being rejected only because of a preliminary study of the object of affection, analysis of non-verbal and verbal signs of sympathy. And if he doesn’t see reciprocity, and most importantly, the chances of success, he simply changes the vector of love. Knocking on doorsteps, spying, walking home secretly, this is no longer about him.

He also chooses the object of passion more carefully, since he already knows what he needs from the opposite sex. True, you won’t find anything strikingly different from the choice of younger guys here:

  • grooming - the logic is simple, if a girl takes care of herself, then she will also take care of the housework;
  • correct speech - so that you won’t be ashamed to present your new passion to your friends;
  • humor - talk about the severity of life, suffer on the topic of illnesses, he can do it at home, but with a young girl you want to relax your soul, cheerfully and carefree;
  • Listening is an important trait at all ages;
  • tactfulness - obsessive people who monitor life on social networks and harass with dozens of calls a day are clearly not suitable here;
  • ease - inviting an adult woman on a date out of town, a whole quest that must fit into the calendar, young passions are ready to go fishing in the neighboring region on Wednesday.

Grown-up men do not like to “play games”; they are firm and straightforward in their feelings, so they are usually talked about at the first one-on-one meeting.


Do you find it difficult to sit still in the presence of the person you like? Are you fidgeting and don't know where to put your hands? This is normal - and men behave the same way. We are nervous, and all because we do not know whether we are making the desired impression. So don't laugh at a man if you notice him fidgeting in his chair in a cafe.

So now you know the basic body language signals that indicate you are being flirted with. What are you waiting for? Perhaps you should start flirting back and you'll have a great date! Or maybe you can tell us about the signs of flirting that you yourself have noticed?

Reasons for hiding feelings

But not all men, even at 45, are self-confident alpha males. By this age, many have already accumulated substantial psychological baggage, woven from grievances, misunderstandings, and maybe even divorce. Sometimes an adult man can hide his feelings for a long time until he determines for himself how far he can go and whether he is, in principle, ready for a relationship?

Here are a few reasons for the silence:

  1. He is married. Below we will analyze in detail why he needs love on the side and its signs.
  2. Bad experience. The mental wound from a past breakup can drag on for a long time. And he’s simply not sure if he’s ready to let go of the image of his ex.
  3. Long time out. Convinced bachelors sometimes fall in love, but still do not dare to sacrifice freedom.
  4. Uncertainty about feelings. He needs time to understand the sympathy that has arisen. Sometimes you just get carried away by an image, some particular feature. Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether it is necessary to start, or whether the obsession will soon pass.
  5. Big difference in age. A small part of people calmly accept couples where the age difference reaches the number of birthdays of their loved one. In society, this can cause censure, the pressure of which not many can withstand.
  6. Fear of rejection. If in the past there is a rich experience of breakups, the initiator of which was a woman, then quite serious psychological trauma can remain in the man’s consciousness.
  7. Outdated concepts. There is a theory that a woman can be seduced without showing her signs of attention, carefully ignoring her. This is why many men can hide their true feelings and also tend to feign complete indifference for a long time. They seem to provoke the chosen passion to start fighting for him.

Signs of sympathy

And although usually all adult men are already sealed by marriage, there are exceptions. Therefore, strong relationships can easily develop even with a decent age difference. You can recognize the signs of secret love in an employee with whom you have worked for ten years, or in a stranger living nearby or in an ordinary passerby. If it is possible to observe a potential lover, then the likelihood of determining the accuracy of suspicions is high.

Women have a well-developed inner intuition, which should not be neglected. You just need to know where to look:

  1. Hand position. When communicating, pay more attention to your partner’s palms. For example, if when telling something, he keeps them in sight, then he makes it clear that he is open and honest. If he leans on some object with his arms spread wide, it means in his thoughts he wants to hug his interlocutor. Hands on hips or fingers pulling on a belt carry sexual overtones.
  2. Sight. When meeting the object of his passion, a person blossoms from within and it is very difficult to hide this. By looking you can understand both the very presence of interest and its strength. Enlarged pupils, wide eyes, genuine interest in all the words spoken, gaze fixed or averted when crossing, speaks of a desire to continue communication, as if he wants to study thoroughly the object of his love.
  3. Facial expression. Secret love is always associated with internal experiences. Therefore, a man can blush or turn pale, regardless of the external temperature; a smile often touches his lips, even if there is not enough reason. Sympathy, especially mutual, is an explosion of positive emotions that will burst out.
  4. Distance. We subconsciously try to withstand and protect personal space. But if a person is interesting, then we also subconsciously begin to move towards him. Not only touch can indicate sympathy, but also the desire to close the distance.
  5. Posture. Few people can boast of maintaining a straight back throughout the day. But, if lovers meet, then the desire to show their best side forces them to straighten up and push their chest forward. This is noticeable both in a standing and sitting position.
  6. Mirroring of emotions. It is logical that if a man in love constantly pursues the girl he likes with his eyes, then he begins to unconsciously copy her. So, sadness, joy or resentment will be simultaneously reflected on his face. Of course, he won’t openly sob, but his mood will definitely change noticeably.
  7. Touching. Touching the object of love, when it is impossible to openly touch each other, is the highest point of pleasure. Mentally, the man had long since pressed him in his arms, and the look on his lips had long since mentally grown into a passionate kiss. Many girls who are especially sensitive to the emotions of others can feel extreme discomfort in the company of secret admirers.

We judge whether he might like you by your speech

People who care about each other will never raise their tone so as not to seem boorish and impolite. They will also never interrupt or ridicule their interlocutor in public. An equally important point is giving compliments.

He will under no circumstances hide his attitude. If your feelings have grown into something more than just sympathy, this is what the behavior of a man in love can be. What actions will he take, what will he say, how will he get closer? There is a separate article about this on the site.

Gestures and postures (NLP)

Nonverbal sources of information, according to psychologists, can tell much more truth than words. Watch how a man meets you or walks you home.

  • If a guy constantly adjusts his clothes, it means he definitely wants to look prettier in the eyes of his date.
  • When sympathy is truly sincere, then you want to touch the person. Therefore, multiple touches of a girl’s hand or hair indicate real interest.
  • The facial expressions of a young man in love often repeat the habits of the object of sympathy. Men unconsciously adopt the gestures and movements of those women who are not indifferent to them.
  • To show self-confidence and strength, men can often place their hands on their belts.
  • The object of sympathy always causes embarrassment and timidity, so the stronger sex often scratches its head when talking to women.
  • To appear more respectable and taller next to a beautiful lady, men straighten and slightly raise their shoulders, and also draw in their stomach.
  • If a guy looks at a girl with his mouth slightly open, he is definitely delighted with her appearance.
  • For their sympathy, men try to position themselves as openly as possible, so their chest, shoulders, and toes will always be unconsciously turned towards an interesting woman.
  • The palms of the hands, like the whole body, express sympathy for the caring lady. Therefore, as a rule, even if your hands are on your knees, your palms are always open.
  • In romantic excitement, men feel insecure and are constantly looking for support. A sign of this condition is a leg put forward when meeting a girl.
  • In addition, men always subconsciously want to be closer to the object of their affection. Therefore, they will reduce the distance between themselves and the lady of their heart during the conversation.
  • Not knowing how to behave and what to say leads to constant unconscious fiddling of buttons.
  • To appear more attractive, men often smooth their hair and casually rub their chin or cheeks.
  • A sign of sympathy for your interlocutor in a dialogue is slightly raised eyebrows.

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