Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with and does not dare to take the first step?


Have you been communicating for a long time with a young man who just can’t decide to verbally express his affection for you? This depresses and disappoints you; it becomes completely unclear what to expect from the future. How to understand a man. Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with and what stops him from taking the first step. Let's understand male psychology.

Causes of male indecisiveness

Study the main reasons that lead to such understatement in order to decide for yourself whether it is worth staying with your chosen one, and why a man is afraid to take the first step.

Motives for ambiguous actions of men

CauseFull description
The presence of another
  • The reason is banal and, unfortunately, quite common.
  • For a young man, that relationship is comfortable, and he does not yet have the desire to break it off, even for the sake of true love.
Male restraint and control over emotionsLadies always try with all their might to show their caring attitude towards a certain gentleman.
The latter consider it beneath their dignity to show fantasies and excessive interest.
Existing negative knowledge
  • If your meeting was preceded by a difficult breakup, then the owner of male sexual characteristics may not rush to burden himself with a new relationship.
  • He would prefer to just date, without any additional obligations.
  • Sometimes he completely withdraws into himself.
Prolonged lonelinessA guy who lives alone for a long time, is free and independent.
  • This environment is more familiar and comfortable for him.
  • He perceives his companion as a hindrance that will interfere with his calm and balanced life.
  • Perhaps he is not yet ready to change his foundations and habits.
No confidence in your own feelingsIf you don’t know how to understand that a man is in love but is hiding his feelings, then, often, he has not yet fully understood his feelings.
Sometimes, he is even inclined to believe that everything will pass, so there is no need to reveal his emotional state.
Subordination to generally accepted standards
  • One of the stereotypes that many representatives of the male population listen to is the need to treat the most adored person with restraint.
  • There is a misconception that she becomes obedient and affectionate.
Fear of Rejection
  • Be that as it may, young people also have a feeling of fear of being rejected.
  • Even if they are confident and irresistible, in moments of frank conversation they can become timid and shy.
  • Therefore, they will prefer to remain silent rather than openly show their passion.

Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with? reasons for fear

The following are the six most common factors that help you understand why a man is afraid of the woman he is in love with.

What stops a man from taking the first step?

Lack of self-confidenceYoung people also tend to be somewhat critical of themselves.
Underestimating your own capabilities leads to a cool attitude towards your loved one due to low income, unattractive appearance, and low priorities.
Calculating assumptions
  • When the conqueror of a man's heart is too attractive, he will begin to believe that she only needs a prince with a certain financial fortune.
  • In this case, the desire to build relationships is completely discouraged.
Confidence in your opponentIf a woman is magnificent and has reached a certain level in life, there is a feeling that there is already another gentleman near her who has a better chance of achieving favor.
Such illusory ideas clearly do not add determination to express one’s own feelings.
Fear of making a wrong choice
  • Any guy who is attracted to a young lady is afraid to see character traits in her that will repel him in the future.
  • Such an obsession and one’s own intuition destroys a connection that has not yet begun.
Fears of not meeting expectations
  • The greatest fear for a man is to disappoint his lady in bed.
  • In order to delay the moment of a possible mistake, they do not show their true attitude.
Fear of reciprocityCrazy feelings guide a man and force him to show care, adoration and courtship, but serious steps, however, are not taken.
The banality of the reason lies “on the surface”: lack of knowledge of behavior in true relationships.

Woman's fear

This attitude towards representatives of the lovely half of the population even has its own name.

This is gynophobia, in other words:

  • fear or fear of men's attitude towards women.

It can develop in early childhood or after an unsuccessful previous relationship.

Find out more how to understand that a man is in love: How to understand that a man is in love but hides his feelings due to insecurity

What kind of women are men afraid of?

Who would have thought that before realizing that a man is in love but is hiding his feelings, you need to figure out whether he is experiencing stress in the presence of his beloved.

  • This does not mean at all that they are weak in character, soft or lacking in self-confidence.
  • There are certain types of the female half of the population that can scare off a guy due to various circumstances.

What kind of ladies do they try to avoid?

Personality typeFull description
Lady in vamp style
  • A wild girl, capable of causing a scandal out of any trifle, is attractive exclusively in TV series.
  • In reality, an incredible type is unlikely to suit even a balanced young man.
DictatorConstant instructions regarding the need to carry out certain actions or do certain things can achieve the opposite result: the previously lover will leave in the opposite direction.
Most likely, he will simply run away from the lady who plans his day down to the smallest detail.
Home boss
  • A leadership position held can leave a negative imprint on a young lady’s behavior in everyday life.
  • A businesswoman usually cannot turn off boss mode even in personal relationships.
PuppeteerPersons who are always ready to take an active part in the decisions of her chosen one may be left with nothing.
Manipulating their loved one, they do not notice that in the end they try to keep their distance from them.
  • Violent emotional manifestations inherent in gentle beauties should be served in “dosed doses”.
  • Otherwise, you may scare your boyfriend with regular mood swings: sudden bouts of laughter or tears over a ruined manicure.
Event PlannerDuring the first date, you should not dump information on the young man about the ordered wedding dress, the chosen continents for traveling together, or the name of the planned child.
In a fit of panic, he may run away in the middle of a romantic date.
Enchanting beauty
  • It is quite understandable why a man is afraid to admit his feelings if a gorgeous lady is next to him.
  • Such a luxurious type can provoke his insecurity and scare him away from an appreciative conversation.

Why is a man afraid of the woman he is in love with and does not want a relationship?

It may happen that even at a time when a man has already found his soul mate, without whom he cannot imagine his future life, some factors will become the primary reason for stopping before making an important decision.

You better study them in order to be prepared for unexpected turns of events in the future. Perhaps this will help avoid numerous mistakes or direct your loved one to the “true path.”

FactorHow it manifests itself
ConfessionNext to a strong and accomplished woman, any male representative will feel like a loser, unable to identify the important moments that help him express himself.
It is in this regard that statistics show that successful ladies who have achieved material well-being most often do not have a partner.
  • Independence can manifest itself not only in a financial sense.
  • If a woman does without support in everyday matters: she knows how to clean the drain herself, go shopping, educate her child, then her partner may feel useless and useless.
PeremptoryIn any relationship, it is important to find a compromise and make concessions.
When a man is not given the opportunity to express his own opinion, or his every decision is subjected to meticulous analysis, he will wonder whether it is worth being with such a scrupulous person.
Caring attitude
  • All young men are protectors by nature.
  • And, when they do not feel the need to protect their loved one from negative external influences, since she has already taken on these “responsibilities,” then thoughts about whether it is worth being around will begin to visit them more and more often.
beautyWhy are men afraid of beautiful women?
  • The stunning beauty will be of interest to any gentleman.
  • However, the crowds of fans with whom she is always surrounded can create additional obstacles that exclude the possibility of being close.
  • Therefore, as a less complicated path, a young man can abandon the idea of ​​winning the favor of his beloved.

How to change your loved one's attitude

When a woman begins to notice that her chosen one is starting to pull away and avoid meetings, most likely, you will need to change the basic principles that guide you in the relationship.

Very often, it is your behavior that is inappropriate to the situation that becomes a provoking factor that plays an important role in the impending separation.

In addition, if you previously wondered how to understand that a man is in love but is hiding his feelings, now it is important to carefully analyze the current situation.

Step No.QuestionSolution
1How long have you been together
  • When family life breaks down after a certain time, most likely you are simply tired of each other.
  • Try changing the environment slightly and rest separately.
2How long have you been at work
  • Getting a new interesting position, a woman can throw herself into work and forget that her dear and only loved one is nearby.
  • And, in the end, the latter can go to a lady who will not deprive him of her attention.
3Do you have admirers?When your field of activity involves a queue of admirers, this causes excessive jealousy or, even, a decision to step aside.
4Do you remain a mystery
  • As a constant warming up of sensuality, you should always use the spark of fresh sensations.
  • Routine and lack of innovation can lead to everything becoming ordinary, boring and uninteresting for a young person.
5Having sexual relations
  • Full sexual activity is one of the important factors influencing the preservation of feelings.
  • When a woman refuses to “fulfill” her marital duty, this threatens the likelihood that her husband will begin to look for physical love on the side.

Worth knowing: Why a wife doesn’t want her husband - reasons for refusal of intimacy

How to keep a man

If at least one of the above points is present in your relationship with your partner, start sounding the alarm. Not all the powers that be are able to face the difficulties that arise. More often than not, they will step aside and not want to be around such a woman.

However, you can easily prevent men’s fears and try to restore former sensations.

To do this, it will be enough to follow the following tips:

  • be easy to communicate and cheerful, do not provoke misunderstanding;
  • pay more attention to each other;
  • do not make independent decisions;
  • learn to trust your chosen one;
  • do not take work home;
  • don’t pester your loved one for trifles;
  • do not allow ambiguous communication between you and random admirers;
  • try to avoid conflicts and unnecessary squabbles.

How to get rid of men's fears

At the very beginning of a developing relationship, if you have already realized that a man really loves you, the opinion of a psychologist indicates the need to analyze everyone’s behavioral actions. When fear and uncertainty are still present, there is still an opportunity to correct the existing state of affairs by changing your character.

In addition, there are a number of methods, guided by which there is a real chance to get rid of the fear of your loved one.

Is it worth building a relationship with such a person?

So, you understand that you feel sympathy or love for a man. You may think about the prospect of a relationship with such a person. How will your relationship develop if a guy is afraid of a woman? What kind of helper and husband will he be? Will he be able to protect you in case of danger and defend the interests of the family in a controversial situation?

Your fears are quite understandable - every woman wants to be close to a man on whom she can rely. A man's fear of a woman is not the most serious flaw, but this character trait can ruin your future life together.

Observe how your chosen one behaves in the company, how he treats other girls. How does he solve problems and overcome life's troubles?

“If you understand that you have feelings for this person, but he does not show initiative, you need to take personal control of the situation. Forget about the stereotypes imposed by society - if a guy is dear to you, you should try to fight for your love.”

Olga Shiyan

If he is modest and shy only when communicating with you, then you should treat his emotions with understanding. And if a man cannot control his life, does not know how to take responsibility and make important decisions, therefore, you will not be able to create a happy family with him. Don't waste your time or his.

What kind of men do women like?

WayHow to act as a woman
Don't be intrusive
  • Learn not to be too proactive.
  • Activity scares men and makes them feel insecure.
Don't show off your eyes
  • You should not reveal and embellish your existing advantages immediately at the first meeting.
  • In the future, the partner’s eyes may open and he will avoid dating.
  • Better be yourself.
Be tolerantGive up your desire to dominate everything if you meet the man of your dreams.
Give him the right to make responsible decisions and do not humiliate him if something is done wrong.
Show tenderness and gentleness
  • The desire to protect you throughout your life should arise immediately on the first date.
  • A vulnerable, affectionate and sensual girl will always be an ideal for the male part of the population.
Don't be pickyThe emerging fear of difficulties, provoked by your hysteria about the wrong cafe, can frighten the applicant, and he will give up the idea of ​​​​getting you as a life partner.

Find out more what kind of guys girls like: What girls like in guys is the most important thing for them

What should women do?

It is rare to meet an ardent macho who will openly talk about his attitude towards a woman. Most often, they hide all their experiences somewhere deep in their souls. And any emotional manifestations are considered by representatives of the stronger half of humanity to be a sign of weakness.

As a result of a long-term relationship, such a pleasant word for a woman’s ear, “I love,” may completely disappear from everyday life. However, lovely ladies do not sit idly by.

Every day they look for the symptoms of falling in love that they know and in the end, oddly enough, they find it. Take the initiative.

Unequal relations

Every relationship has a leader. With only rare exceptions, relationships have complete balance and equal division of responsibilities and rights. Basically, one person is slightly (or not) dominant over the other. And, by the way, according to statistics, most often it is the woman who dominates. This fact is not always obvious to a man, but is perfectly obvious to a woman.

Dominance comes in different forms - you can manage the family budget, keeping all the “treasures” under your pillow or in your account, you can secretly give commands and solve all incoming problems in your own way, or you can even see elements of tyranny. As for the latter, this is observed in families where a man dominates.

After all, men are naturally endowed with greater physical strength, and what else besides fear of violence will allow one to subjugate a person? There is an answer - fear of one’s own insignificance and failure, fear of being a “loser” in the eyes of a partner, fear of screwing up. Yes, men can also be afraid of relationships and may even be afraid of the women with whom these relationships are built. But, fortunately, not all men are cowards and not all women are monsters.

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