I miss you: 150 touching SMS to your loved one in your own words

Short romantic SMS to your loved one

  • I want to feel your strong, strong hands every day. From your kisses I melt all over and feel trembling throughout my body. I want you to touch my neck and waist. Oh God, I miss you so much!
  • My sunshine, I miss you so much, I think about you constantly. I would like to be with you always. I want you to know that I love you very much and value you very much. I want to fall asleep and wake up with you!

I love you just the way you are. I love your look, your touch. I love catching your breath on my cheek and when you gently whisper in my ear “I love you!”

  • It seems like an eternity has passed since the moment we said goodbye. I so want to hug you again, hear your voice, see your smile. There is nothing more depressing than separation. I miss you, honey, I'm looking forward to seeing you.

I want to hug you quickly, hold you close, kiss you. I love you with all my soul, and I’m really looking forward to meeting you!

  • My love, my destiny. You are the other half without whom I cannot exist. My world, my thoughts, dreams, dreams, everything that is dear to me in the world is YOU!
  • I know that I will miss you tomorrow more than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

I'm waiting for you at night, I'm waiting for you during the day, I can't wait for the two of us to go to bed together, to get up together, to walk together hand in hand through life!

  • My good one... If you suddenly start to get bored, dial the number and press the green button, and at the other end of the phone a girl who misses you madly will answer you!

I kiss you on the lips, I kiss you on the nose, I miss you very much, Let's dream about each other in our sweetest dreams this night?

  • I want to drown in the endless ocean of your eyes, dissolve in your breath, plunge into tenderness. I want to drink the scent of your skin with my lips, to feel your warmth with every cell. I want to go crazy from your touch.
  • I want to tell you that all my thoughts now are only about you. I imagine you in my arms, the curves of your body along which my palms slide. You can’t even imagine how much I want you...
  • You are the rays of my sun, you are the wind of my sky, you are the waves of my ocean... and the beat of my heart...

I don’t want to fall asleep now, I want to look into your eyes, I want to touch your lips, I want to return to you for a moment...

  • Darling, every day without our meeting is an eternity for me. I miss you very much and look forward to seeing you. Only your calls and SMS please and encourage. Let these days fly by quickly, and let the sweet hours of our meeting come!

Short SMS I miss you

I miss you very much, I want to hug you as soon as possible, and in the crazy bustle, forgetting about everything, kiss you.

I miss and dream, I count the days until we meet, To touch your lips And plunge into the world of passion!

  • I want to hug you soon, I want to be close to you, I want to share my feelings and emotions with you with just one look. I miss you so much, I miss you terribly.

I'm waiting for you, I miss you terribly. I want to hug you again and not let go.

I hope you miss it as much as I do. I hope you are also looking forward to a moment of goodbye. And counting the minutes until it, You dream of how you will hold me close to you.

How sad I am at night, in the evenings, in the morning, during the day! You won’t believe it - I miss you every hour that it’s not just the two of us!

Know that I think about you and see our meeting in a dream. We will be together, I promise, I kiss you, hug you and miss you.

I miss your eyes. And I notice more and more often that I feel very bad without you. I’ll be honest – I miss you!

I miss your hands, I miss your voice! There are a lot of people around me, but I don’t notice them.

All thoughts are only about you. How sad it is without you! I walk as if in a dream, Everything is dim and dull.

Hello, my love, I miss you, I want to hug you as soon as possible. Talk and drink tea, And kiss warmly.

The sky lights up the stars to make it more fun. I miss you, call me soon.

Write me a couple of lines, Well, better yet, come. I miss you very, very much. If you can, help out.

I miss you, my life is lonely. Come back quickly and warm me with warmth.

I miss you so much, I want to hug you and whisper, that I’m burning with love for you, and I want to kiss you so much.

I feel so lonely without you, I'm drowning in your arms. And I call to you in a whisper, I miss you, I want to see you.

Now I have a moment to be silent alone. I sit, miss you and wait for a miracle, When I can hug you.

I miss you very, very much, I’m really looking forward to our meeting. Without you, the world is not sweet, And the days go by so slowly!

I won’t stop missing you, Until I see your eyes and hug you. I only dream about this day and night, Well, what’s happening to me? I don't understand.

Without you, everything has changed, Life around has stopped, My soul feels empty, I’m already looking forward to seeing you again.

My dear, I miss you, I hug you tightly, even if you feel me from afar!

How to understand that you are emotionally dependent

The loss of personal autonomy for any emotional reasons is emotional dependence on a person. At the same time you can feel:

  • Suffering either from the inability to see the desired object, or from the fact that you cannot influence his behavior, or from the fact that the object has too much power over you;
  • The impossibility of liberation from this dependence;
  • Powerlessness because addiction already chronically affects behavior, general well-being, and decision-making.

How to make a man think about you?

People entering into a relationship, in any case, become dependent on each other. When one of the couple is sad or sad, the other may also become depressed. And what’s even worse is that he feels obligated to cheer up his lover.

But you don’t always want to have fun. Each person is individual, and emotional states may not always coincide at the same moment. And you don’t need to break yourself trying to synchronize.

For example, a girl who misses a guy constantly asks for attention, and she never gets enough. She writes him endless messages, imposes herself, tries to fill his whole life with herself.

And suddenly he leaves her.

Actually, not so “suddenly”. The young man was tired of constant pressure, suffocated from control and obsessive attention, did not understand how to behave so that the girl would have enough of everything.

And at the moment when talking no longer helped, he decides to live his own life. And the girl was left alone with her “I miss you,” which leads to even greater mental problems.

Who gets emotionally dependent more often?

  • Problematic individuals.

These are those who have a lot of debts, conflicts, and unresolved issues.

  • Occupying a socially dependent position.

Namely: children, subordinates, students, pupils.

  • Dependent people.

Those who wait and require control or guidance to action.

Periods of emotional dependence

People, as a rule, become dependent on something during difficult periods in life. The urgent need for support, consolation and sympathy binds primarily to other people.

Here are the main periods when you are most vulnerable:

  • When you are sick;
  • At turning points in life;
  • When you are away from home;
  • During periods of overload (for example, deadline);
  • When moving to a new stage of life.

In moments of emotional vulnerability, a person needs an outlet. For example, a stormy holiday romance, which seemed very serious, is just a protective reaction of the psyche from being in an unfamiliar environment. That is why, after returning to the routine of life, you no longer experience those emotions so vividly.

So what should you do so as not to “strangle” your partner and not go crazy yourself?

Beautiful and funny gentle SMS to your beloved (beloved) I miss and love

  • Where are you now, my beloved? This is your Juliet, who misses her Romeo at the window.
  • Even the sun on a winter day doesn’t make me happy when you’re not around. I miss you very much!
  • Without you, my love, the rainbow is dim. I miss my native land like a migratory bird!
  • Every day that you are not around is like torture for me. I miss you, I wait and I love you!
  • It's raining now, and it makes me miss you. When will we meet? I really miss you!
  • If you are not next to me, then tears come to my eyes. I really miss the person dearest to my heart!
  • Every moment apart from you is real torture for me. Insanely miss! I think about you every hour, remembering how happy we were together. I miss you and look forward to seeing you!
  • You spend so much time on your work, and I understand that, but I can’t help how I feel – I miss you incredibly!
  • Your passionate kiss goodbye still burns my lips. I miss you, I’m waiting and all my thoughts are only about you!
  • Let this short SMS convey to you the power of my “I miss you”!
  • I listen to every step outside the doors, because I miss my boy like crazy!
  • I miss you so much that I’m ready to run towards my beloved man!
  • I hope that while you are apart, you are as bored as I am, my other half of my heart!
  • I miss you and dream of being in your strong arms again.
  • Every minute I live brings me closer to you. Darling, I miss you unbearably being apart!
  • I miss your voice. Maybe you'll call?
  • I feel very sad and lonely. Nothing makes you happy when you're not around. I miss you so much!
  • Today I had a dream that we were together. Now I miss you even more!
  • I forget about feminine pride when you are not around, and I am ready to go to the ends of the world for my love. I miss you very much!
  • Just as the Earth is waiting for awakening after winter, so am I for our meeting. I miss you terribly!
  • Where can I get the strength to survive separation from you? I miss you, I miss you!

Nice words to the girl I miss you

  1. I truly miss you. For a bright, sweet and such a dear girl. The only thing that warms my soul is that I know that the separation will not be long and I will see you again soon.
  2. Honey, I want to admire you every day. But when we are not together, I miss you very much. I will do everything to make you happy and I won’t let anyone hurt you, my baby.
  3. One thing that torments me most is the anticipation of our meeting. When my soul waits for you, time stretches, turning a minute into a day. But time flies with you, my positive girl. I miss you and I know that I will see you soon.
  4. One day I imagined life without you and my heart sank somewhere. Therefore, although I miss you very much, I am glad that the separation is temporary. Happiness to you, dear.
  5. I feel good and simple with you. You complete me, thereby making my life easier and better. I feel like a mechanism with an important part in the form of you, and when you are not there, I feel broken. You inspire me to work and new achievements, I even look at life differently. I miss you, baby.

Beautiful SMS for your beloved man. "Miss and love"

  • Love for you makes the blood run cold in my veins, so get some rings ready!
  • My love for you has no size and this feeling is eternal!
  • I thank fate for sending you to me.
  • You made me the happiest woman in the world! I love you to the point of butterflies in my stomach!
  • I love you every second of my life!
  • Darling! You are the valve of my heart! You are the pupils of my eyes! You are the blood in my veins!
  • Having met you, I got the meaning of life. Thank you for being there, my love!
  • It’s very interesting for me to be with you, it’s warm, cozy, calm and my heart wants to love!
  • I love you, and let everyone envy me!
  • Finally, I understood the reason for my accelerated heartbeat - it’s love for you!
  • Your kind smile makes me the happiest, and loving you is like floating under the clouds!
  • The most wonderful feeling settled in my heart the day I met you, my love!
  • With you, I learned where seventh heaven is and what love tastes like!
  • I think about you indecently often, and only your name sounds in my head, my love!
  • My heart burns with a hot flame of love, and I want to give you this wonderful feeling every day!
  • I can’t suffer anymore and I want to tell you these words - I love you!
  • Every minute spent next to you is a heavenly pleasure for me. I love you all!
  • You excite my consciousness, and I understand that I have no chance of freedom - my heart is in your captivity!
  • I don’t believe in accidents - I love you and you are my destiny!
  • When I met you, the world around me shone with colorful colors and this is love!
  • I am the happiest in the world because I love you and enjoy life!
  • You are like Diesel jeans to me, just as beloved!)

  • I have become addicted... to loving you! I hope it's mutual.
  • Can you imagine, I fell in love with the one who is reading this SMS now)
  • Today I dreamed of my love, which moved into reality. Her choice fell on you)
  • My embarrassed look says one thing - I love you!
  • My love for you will dry up when all the oceans on Earth dry up.
  • It's been a night since I can't sleep without you next to me, my love!
  • The most secret corner of my soul keeps the name of a loved one, and it’s you – the one about whom all my dreams and dreams are!
  • Being next to you, I don’t feel the ground under my feet, because I am inspired by my love for you!
  • My power of love for you can melt the thickest ice, and I am very happy that I am experiencing such sublime feelings!
  • You are my only swan, whom I have been waiting for all my life, and now we will sail together along the river of love!
  • The door to my world of love is open only to you!
  • This morning I woke up to the sound of a woodpecker, but then I realized that it was my heart that was beating out of love for you!)
  • Cupid's arrow pointed me to you, and I am not against this choice!
  • Love for you is reflected with a bright sparkle in my eyes, and I am incredibly happy about it!
  • You are the King (Prince) in my castle of Love, within the walls of which the magical melodies of the most beautiful feeling on Earth are heard.

Pleasant words to your loved one from a distance, I miss you

  1. You are very dear to me, but today you had to leave. I don’t know how I’ll survive these days, but I know for sure that I’ll wait. You are the most important thing I have. Therefore, I miss you, but I wait and hope that everything is fine with you there.
  2. Know that I am inspired by love! But today I had to put my wings in a corner because I can’t fly when I’m bored. I'm waiting for you, hoping that you will again give me that magical feeling of flying.
  3. I understand that you have business there and all that... But I miss you very much! I didn’t even think that I could do this, you probably mean a lot to me. If you hear someone howling at the moon, I’m expressing the full range of emotions so that my heart doesn’t clench with sadness.
  4. You just left, and I immediately felt that I missed you. It’s as if an important part of my body has been torn away from me, and I don’t know what to do next. I wish you success in your affairs and return soon.
  5. When highways, cities and kilometers separate us, I begin to feel acutely and seriously bored. Every minute I think about you, I worry. I want you to settle your affairs as soon as possible and return to my warm arms.

SMS I miss my beloved short, sms

  • It’s not raindrops knocking on the glass outside the window - it’s the sky that heard my bitter sadness from separation from you and is crying with my tears.
  • I ask the cloud to take away my sadness when I don’t see your beautiful eyes. I will love you to bits when I meet you!
  • I dream of surrendering to the call of sinful flesh with the most wonderful guy in the world who is now reading this confession)
  • My falcon is clear! Fly quickly to your little dove, who is dying of separation in sad loneliness!
  • A cold shiver has captured the whole body, and all because you are not nearby. I miss you very much!
  • There is a frosty winter in my soul when you are not around... be the spring April and flood my harbor!
  • I am indifferent even to the flowers that I love so much if I don’t see you for a long time, my main Narcissus!
  • Where can I get the strength to drive out the longing from my head and heart for you, my most desired and only one in this world?
  • Darling, finally tear off these curtains of separation that I hate! I want to bloom a beautiful rose just for you!
  • Now I’m going to the station to buy us tickets for the longest flight - I want to get away from our separation!
  • Some kind of leaden sadness rolled over me... I want to quickly find myself in your strong arms!
  • I dream of waking up and being with you on another planet, where there will be only you and me. Don't torment me with separation!
  • The pain of separation squeezed my throat... I miss you, my love, and every hour I dream of when we will be together again.
  • In every shadow I see your image, my love. I want to be invisibly next to you and eagerly kiss your lips with a juicy kiss!

I miss you, I feel sad again and again, And I quietly shed tears - The longing ached within me.

I miss you so much, my sunshine, and I look forward to meeting you soon. I want to kiss you. And never let go, Love is ours, It always warms us with you!


April 4th, 2014

I’ll tell you, I won’t keep silent: I always want this. I want it, even in the field, even on the road, I want it, even in the tundra, even in a den. I want it everywhere and wherever I have to. Let the sun shine, let the rain pour. I want it when I go to bed And in the morning, before how to stand up. On the nightstand and on the sofa, On squatting and upside down, On land, in the air, in water. I want to go to Moscow and Kostroma. Both in the cold and in the summer heat.

I always want to... chat with you!!!


Hello honey I want to! I really want to! I really want it! You can't even imagine how much I want this! I want, I want, I want you to SMILE now!


They tore off the bear's paw so that he wouldn't paw the girls, because the bear is very sexually interested.


This is a virtual kiss. Touch your lips to the screen. Repeat 7 times.


Honey, I'm at a bar with my friends, finishing my last glass of martini. I'll be home in half an hour. If I haven't arrived, read this message again.


If you come to me in a dream, I’ll be scared, and if you come during the day, I’ll scream... Come on... I’m joking, I’m kidding - because you know - I love you so much!!!


My stomach hurts, that means someone lives there. If it’s not worms,

So you did it.


A girl is like a bird: if she flies out, you won’t catch her; if she flies in, you won’t get away with it.


You and I have done this so many times already, and I have wanted you many times, but the TRUTH, I have never wanted you as much as I want you now... HUG!!!


I wanted to send you something beautiful, sexy, gentle, kind... but unfortunately I can’t get into the SMS.


Time passes, and the girl waits. If you don't call me back in 10 minutes, someone else may become the father of my child.


Hello Kitty! I just got out of the shower!.. You have 5 minutes to come and not let me get dressed!


You are my life, you are my air, my dear, gentle and dear. I love you, I live by you,

When you and I are not together!


Call. I forgot what your voice looks like.


Do you think that you are the best? That you have no equal? That you are the meaning of my life?

Well, you’re right – I’m crazy about you!


Don't be afraid of your desires! Fear mine!


On your heels, quietly, slowly, accompanies, protects, protects - my soul.


Your finger rushes there... You always do it with love, And as you introduce it smoothly, you remember me,

You are in a passionate outburst... picking your nose!


We girls are like telephones. We love having people take us everywhere and talk to us, but if you press the wrong button you'll get disconnected!


- If you are reading my SMS now, it means you are hugging me. If you destroy it, it means you want to kiss me. If you save it, it means you want to invite me on a date. If you forward it to me, it means you want do all the above. If you ignore him, it means you want to become my boyfriend!

So what will you do with my SMS?


I want to lie on you all night, warm you and hug you tenderly. May you feel comfortable and hot with me. My blanket!


I don’t know how to write poetry, But I can express my thoughts... I’m just in awe of you

And not in a dream, but in reality.


Your ears are locators, they are stuck to your muzzle, your teeth are like chess, they are wobbly in your mouth,

although you are a little crooked, you are still beautiful!


I don’t have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch in the afternoon because I think about you. I don’t have dinner in the evening because I think about you.

I can’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!


There is a bomb in your phone, it will detonate if you don't call me within 15 seconds and tell me,

where and when will we meet!

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Source: https://www.shmyandeks.ru/prikolnye-i-smeshnye-sms-parnyu/

SMS to a guy in prose. "I miss and want you"

  • In your absence, a wave of loneliness covered me... beloved, throw me a life preserver from boredom!
  • My tender love for you, like the petals of a scarlet rose, was pierced by the sharp thorns of separation...
  • Separation with hot sand tortures my subtle soul, which always strives in your direction, beloved!
  • The painful wound of loneliness becomes deeper when I don’t hear your breathing next to me for a long time...
  • Without your gentle touches, my body cries and there is not enough oxygen in my blood.
  • My loving heart is mercilessly scratched by boredom, but I hold on with all my strength, because I know what a storm of passion awaits us when we meet!
  • You are sweeter to me than any dessert, my beloved date)
  • My velvet skin thirsts for sin and I can no longer resist it. Beloved, quickly break the thread of separation!
  • I miss you so much, my boy, that I have already removed the blockage from all parts of my body)
  • I honestly admit to you that I lost the war with sadness, and I capitulate with pleasure... I surrender my fortress to you without a fight!
  • I'm tired of remembering the taste of your lips! I demand an update and don't want to wait any longer!
  • I hope that today I will meet with you under the same blanket?)
  • Darling, the time has come for all the achievements - I want to be with you all night until the morning!
  • If we don’t meet now, your baby will burn with passion!
  • I thought that we only live once and decided that if we sin, we should sin to the fullest! I hope you'll join me?
  • My angel! The fairy wants to fulfill your deepest desires today)
  • I'm already tired of taking off my own clothes! Be human, maybe you can help?
  • I don’t intend to sleep all night today... but I don’t want to just lie there either)
  • If someone now asked me what I want most, I would answer - to steal you from everyone and for a long time!
  • Dear, you know how shy I am, and it’s not me who writes this, but my anxious fingers - I want you to the point of insanity!

  • Before going to bed, out of boredom, I was playing locker rooms with the stars and lost... they asked you to undress me for them)
  • I want to catch your passionate gaze in my most intimate place!
  • I no longer want to repeat the mistakes that led to separation from you! I want everything now, my love!
  • I want you to undress me, as the Moon bares in the night sky, and we will fly into its distance)
  • If I sin from the heart, then I only want it with you, my ray of sunshine!
  • I can’t stand the long wait anymore - I want to be a slave to your erotic desires!
  • I invite you today to a date in one very romantic place... in my warm bed)
  • Be my blanket today - cover with your body, but don’t forget to do one thing)
  • The separation has set me on fire! Come quickly to put out the fire, but most importantly don’t forget the hose and put on your uniform)
  • I want to let you into the world of my unbridled fantasies... will you help me deal with them in reality?
  • I want you more than fresh strawberries in winter!
  • I want to scream furiously and choke... I decided to surrender myself to you as a prisoner)
  • My fateful half! I'm so wound up that I want to slow down under you)
  • Resurrect my body, which is slowly dying without your love!
  • My dear Tulip! Your Orchid has already powdered the pink bud and is waiting to meet the pistil)
  • I want love in French with you, my beloved Croissant!

Funny SMS for a man


Expensive! I decided not to wear clothes at home anymore. With the money you save you can buy me a necklace or a mink coat.


Where are you? Have you taken a beer and are lying under the fence? Tell me the coordinates of the fence - I'll pick you up.


I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you. In the evening I don’t have dinner - I think about you. I can’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT! :-)


You know I don't love you anymore;) I love you very much!


Dear subscriber! You owe 100 kisses, please return them! 126 Go, do you know where? ...Come to me

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