Effective conspiracies to make a husband quickly stop loving his wife 

When several ladies claim the love and attention of one man, rituals are often used, the action of which helps the man leave his legal wife or turns away his rival. But do not forget - such rituals do not guarantee that this person will connect his future life with you. And even if the chosen one stays with you, the conspiracy carried out can cause frequent betrayals.

On the waning moon

At midnight during the waning moon, light a church candle near an open window and say the spell: “The love between (names of spouses) is over forever. As the grass is crushed underfoot, as birds fly away in the cold season, as a dog throws away a stick, so the servant of the Lord (the name of the man) towards the slave of the Lord (the name of his wife) will grow cold. Never see them again, never experience happiness as a couple. From now on they will avoid each other. My word comes into force and no one can break it. Amen".

In order for the husband to stop loving his legal wife as soon as possible and leave her, the plot must be repeated 3 times in a row.

How to stop loving a man and not suffer, and let go

Studies have shown that women experience negative feelings more vividly than joy and happiness. We remember resentment, anger, disappointment for a long time, we constantly scroll through them in our heads, paint them in flashy colors. Regret and longing for lost love reduce self-esteem and kill hope for happiness.

But there are also undoubted advantages in parting.

The main acquisition is freedom. Along with the ex-boyfriend, endless quarrels, the need to pretend, adapt to his mood, and tolerate bad habits disappeared from life. The lion's share of household worries disappears. You can spend all your energy and time at your own discretion, without reporting to anyone.

A failed romance is just one facet of life. Having made a lot of useful discoveries for yourself about real relationships, you will competently try not to make mistakes with your future chosen one. A new love will definitely appear, and it will have a better chance of growing into true love. And then you will be grateful to your ex for leaving and giving you the opportunity to become happy.

Psychologist's advice: how to stop loving a married man

  • Be deeply aware of your unenviable role as a mistress and the lack of prospects for your own family happiness.
  • Take a sober look at the qualities of a man. At the very least, he is a liar who deceives his wife. A person leading a double life will probably have other shortcomings.
  • Imagine for a moment that you have acquired the coveted status of your legal half. The end of romantic dates will come, and everyday routine will appear.
  • Don't expect to completely capture his heart and thoughts. His family was firmly established there. At best, you will get a modest corner for a while.
  • When you decide to break off a relationship, become cold and calculating. To stop attempts to get you back, start scandals, demand expensive gifts, and create scenes of jealousy. Such measures will force the lover to move away and easily accept the offer to separate.
  • Think in advance about how you will fill the days after the breakup, so that there is no time or energy left for suffering.
  • Tell your loved ones about your plans. This will help you get support and keep you from wanting to leave things as they were.

How to stop loving a co-worker

Throwing out of your heart a person whom you regularly see on duty is quite problematic. Therefore, think about changing your job. The following steps will help smooth out the consequences of separation:

Take a vacation, during which you try to throw out all the bitterness of an unhappy romance. When you return to work, focus entirely on your professional responsibilities. Don’t touch your ex’s bones and don’t share the details of the breakup with any of your colleagues. Attempting to portray a man in an unfavorable light will ruin your reputation. Don't turn your romance story into an office yarn.

Reduce communication to a minimum. Avoid meeting alone. You will have to see each other at meetings and general events, but you can change your routes around the office so that you overlap as little as possible.

Maintain professional ethics. Deal with your ex-lover as politely as you would with other employees. Do not allow sarcastic remarks addressed to him, ignore attacks in your direction so as not to provoke an altercation.

While the wound is still fresh, avoid alcohol at corporate events. You are not yet in control of your feelings, and alcohol will play a bad joke at a party with your ex.

How to stop loving an unworthy man

If the number of tears due to your lover’s behavior significantly exceeds the number of smiles, then it’s time to take action.

The bad news is that getting rid of a dishonest partner can be difficult. Moreover, primitive tactics work better for people of this type:

  • Change your phone number.
  • Place a friend, or better yet a male relative, at your place for a while.
  • Write on a sheet of paper how much he promised and did not fulfill, deceived, let down, insulted, borrowed and did not repay, etc., and hang it in a visible place.

Such individuals do not carry out large-scale events for your return - they will make a few calls, a couple of visits home. If you don’t answer, don’t let him live, don’t give him money, he’ll fall off on his own. A few months later, a test call happens: suddenly you come to your senses and bite your elbows. A firm and decisive “no” will put an end to it.

How to stop loving a man who left you

Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Drowning in tears for months, you do not suffer, but revel in the feelings. This is how you can end up in masochism.

Grow up. Remember, unrequited love primarily affects infantile people whose lives are boring and empty. Don’t be lazy to discover and develop new abilities in yourself, fill your life with interesting hobbies, books, films.

Make sure that the whole day is filled with activities and there is not a minute to remember your ex-boyfriend.

Don't look for someone to blame. Such thoughts are depressing. Strong emotions that overwhelm you are attachment, habit, illness, but not love. The real feeling is bright and joyful. And this state falls into the category of addiction, overcoming which you will become stronger and more independent.


To force a man to leave the family, perform the following ritual in winter for the waning month:

  1. Take a cut glass.
  2. On a small piece of paper at noon, write: “Love (name of beloved man) and (name of spouse).”
  3. Attach a piece of paper with the text of the conspiracy to the bottom of the glass, fill it with ordinary water, and say: “As the water cools down, so the heart of the servant of the Lord (name of the man) towards the slave of the Lord (name of the wife) will forever cool down. When the water freezes, then his feelings for his wife will be covered with ice, and will never warm up again. Amen".
  4. Leave a glass of water outside the window or on the balcony for 9 days - the temperature outside should be below freezing.

After the specified time has passed, bury the glass of ice in the ground - during the process, all negative thoughts should be concentrated on the image of your rival, and positive ones should be addressed to your lover.

How to break up with your partner in an environmentally friendly way

An ecological separation is an ideal scenario, but the most unlikely, because each person has his own life experience, his own psychological trauma. If we still assume that both partners want to separate consciously, then you can meet in a cafe and say: “I see that our relationship has reached a dead end.” Or: “You played a big role in my destiny, and thanks to you, a lot of good things came into my life. But there are also moments that upset me, so we should take a time out or break up.” Here everyone chooses for themselves.

How to Prepare for a Breakup: 10 Eco-Friendly Steps You Should Take

More details
But this is more likely to be found in Hollywood films - more often the parting occurs much more emotionally. And here it is important at the time of a quarrel to try to look at the situation from the outside. When you look at yourself from the position of a moderator, you understand that in fact, breaking up on emotions looks very unsightly, and you need to stop in time.

On underwear

Take the panties in your right hand and say: “The stars are at the top, and the land is at the bottom. Dear God, bless my deepest desire. Just as these stars will not touch the earth, so (the name of the husband or wife) will no longer be next to me, I will not utter words, and will not experience my caresses. We will never be a couple again, and we will never live in the same house. Let everything I say come true."

Repeat the spell 4 days in a row at midnight, then bury the laundry in the yard of the house, making sure that no one sees it.

What period is considered natural for the period of adaptation and grief?

Parting has certain stages of grief: we go through approximately the same stages when a loved one dies. These are denial, justification, anger, depression and acceptance. We go through them all in different ways, at different speeds. It all depends on how adaptive our psyche is, what injuries we have. On average, it takes at least three months to six months. But everything is very individual, and if you have lived together for seven years, then it may take you quite a long time to recover from the breakup.

Strong lapel

A powerful ritual that will only work in the case of sincere love, otherwise the conspiracy will lead to problems for the person who performed it:

  1. Take 13 candles from the church, and when leaving the church, turn around and say: “I order you, the servant of the Lord (name of the man), to leave your wife. For such a thing I can call upon the devil himself. Amen".
  2. At home, light all the candles, mentally imagining your lover leaving your rival for you.
  3. Say the following conspiracy 13 times: “The devils are gnashing their teeth in hell, but my beloved is on his way to me. His wife became no longer nice to him, and from now on only I am important to him. Let the marital bed not bring him joy, all his thoughts will be absorbed in me. I turn away because of true love, I steadfastly overcome all obstacles. Let him leave his wife, and become my husband, and love me as much as I love him. May my every word come true. Amen".

Put out all the candles, wrap their remains in a white piece of paper, on which you first write a spell, and bury them as far as possible from your home. Expect results from the ritual performed after 13 days. If necessary, repeat the ritual on the next full moon.

How to make a man stop loving me

To get rid of the claims of a person in love, to whom you cannot reciprocate, without drama, do things that are unpleasant for him:

  • Ignore calls, and if a conversation cannot be avoided, start complaining or have a conversation on a boring topic.
  • Show minimal interest. For example, he sent you a full-page message, and you limited yourself to one sentence in response.
  • Admire other men, especially those around him.
  • Be indifferent to his problems.
  • Dress vulgarly and unkemptly.
  • When trying to make people like you, don’t overdo it—there’s a fine line between love and hate. Therefore, do not humiliate a fan, especially in public.

By photo

To discourage your ex or current wife from your beloved man based on the photo, you should:

  1. Take a high-quality photo of the spouses - the photo should be taken recently.
  2. At midnight, light a church candle and write “no” on the back of the photo.
  3. Set the photo on fire and say the following spell: “When the photo burns out, then they will part forever. Amen". Repeat these words until the photo is completely burned.
  4. Throw the ashes out of the house, saying: “You can only be together if you collect all the particles of the ashes. Amen".

Expert opinion

Elena Borovikova

Healer, bioenergeticist, hypnotherapist, psychologist

Having completed the ritual, go to bed silently, mentally imagining that your lover is next to you.

Ways to provoke a guy to leave his chosen one

There are several ways to get a man to end the relationship first. They concern changes in behavior, actions, and changes in habits. You can also change externally to such an extent that the young man will definitely think about breaking up.

Change beyond recognition and do everything out of spite

Guys like it when they have a well-groomed, stylish and bright girl next to them, whom they can show off to their friends. If up to this point you have been trying to live up to his demands, then it's time to change that. Become an ill-mannered girl, you can even start swearing when meeting him, and humiliate a man in front of his friends. This will anger your chosen one and push him away from you.

Despite the man's prohibitions, start visiting entertainment venues, allow yourself to meet and flirt with other guys. If your chosen one doesn’t like the fact that you smoke, temporarily start doing it to spite him.

You can deliberately stop taking care of your appearance and radically change your hairstyle and wardrobe. Most likely, the guy will become embarrassed to spend time with you in public, will avoid dating and leave you.

READ How to properly send a guy off without him being offended

Go for treason

Come up with an affair on the side and make the man guess about it. You can even “let it slip” about what a good time you had in the arms of another. Talk about how much better he is than the current man about his intimate abilities. True, you should be careful so as not to regret your action later. A wounded guy may hit you and begin to take revenge.

It is unlikely that such behavior of the chosen one will leave a man indifferent. Most likely, he will want to stop all communication. Pride will not allow you to continue this relationship further, and you will achieve your goal.

Move away

The easiest and most definitive way to make an annoying guy leave you is to stop answering messages and calls. This option is suitable, for example, if a man is currently serving in the army. Writing and calling yourself is also prohibited. If the conversation does take place, say that you don’t have time to communicate right now. Even your plans together can be canceled at the last minute.

Try to make communication very superficial and not touch upon important personal topics in the conversation.

You can pretend that you are uncomfortable around a young man, that you are bored. If he decides to find out what annoys you, then ignore his attempts to talk. You can just laugh in your face. Soon the guy will realize that he is not interested in you. Most likely, he himself will decide to break off the relationship.

Create scandals

When communicating with a former loved one, try to provoke him into a scandal every time. Every word he says can be twisted to make him look bad. It’s worth looking for a reason to quarrel out of the blue. If you are late for a date, do not forget to express your dissatisfaction and ridicule him for his lack of punctuality. If you brought a gift, be sure to make a dissatisfied face and make it clear that this is not at all what you dreamed of.

Start teasing and speaking negatively about your boyfriend's hobbies. Don’t try to smooth it over later; on the contrary, incite conflict. If a guy wants to explain something to you, don't listen. Reduce the conversation to the fact that you consider him wrong and incompetent. You can even call me names.

Don't talk about love

If a young man says that he loves you, you cannot reciprocate. This will be fair, because you intend to break up with him. When a guy asks about his feelings, answer with a disinterested, “Uh-huh” or “Yeah,” and then move the conversation to another topic. Don't be afraid to offend. Let him feel that you can’t wait to get rid of him. Most likely, the young man will soon decide that he, too, has stopped loving you.

Deny sex

Under any pretext, refuse the guy intimacy. Repeat the phrase “No mood” and do not explain what caused it. Moreover, keep any touching to a minimum. Start moving away, stop hugging, kissing your chosen one, don’t respond to his kisses. If your boyfriend is just trying to take your hand, don't let him do it. You can pretend that you have no time. A man will quickly suspect something is wrong and understand that he is unpleasant to you. Perhaps he will decide that you have someone else.

With salt

The salt plot will help push the chosen one towards divorce, and will worsen the relationship with his legal wife.

  1. At midnight, take a handful of salt.
  2. Say: “White salt, come to my aid. Help separate the servant of the Lord (the name of the beloved man) from the slave of the Lord (the name of the rival). Let them no longer live together, let sorrows and sorrows overcome their family, let scandals and fights exhaust their souls and bodies. His heart will grow cold towards his wife - may he forget her forever, never be sad or bored. Let him be comfortable next to me, and lonely and sad with her. I shut my mouth and hide the key behind the threshold.”
  3. Place the salt under the bed at night, and the next day sprinkle it on the threshold of your lover’s lawful wife.

Repeat the ritual for 9 days in a row.

How to stop blaming yourself for a breakup

Photo: pexels.com/ru-ru/@jasminecarter

You need to understand that relationships are always the work of two people. Each partner has his own reasons why he decided to leave. Therefore, you don’t need to think that the common future depended on you. This feeling arises in those people for whom the theme of guilt comes from childhood - when their parents constantly accused them of something. It is worth breaking down this responsibility and analyzing what was good in this relationship and what was bad. This assessment must be objective. To work through it, you can take a sheet of paper and write down these moments.

The truth is that we attract people who match our trauma type. And since the trauma requires repetition - especially the one we had in childhood, the principle of looking for the same partner comes into play.

At the crossroads

Buy a new red headscarf for the price listed - don't haggle with the seller. When you come home, tie them around their heads and say the text of the spell: “At the first rays of the sun, I will get out of bed and go out into the yard, but not through the doors, but through the window or along the basement passages. I’ll take the scarf off my head and hide it in my boot under the heel. In those shoes I will run through the forest to the dark lake.

A boat floats on a pond, and devils and devils are sitting in it. I’ll throw a handkerchief at them and threaten them with a club. Why are you, the devil, sitting in a boat with a little devil, but not looking in her direction? Go where I point. Take your chosen one to (the name of your lover) in the house where he and his wife caress and hug. Let your little devil let her braid down there, run the house, and not give them life.

Let him look at his wife like a devil. Let them eat separately, but looking at her, he sees a devil. She will no longer delight him with her beauty and kindness, but he will only feel disgust. She says sweet things, but he hears swearing.

She reaches out to him, but he runs away from her. My word is stronger than stone. Damn, I order you - protect this scarf from any living creature, and incite hatred in the house of my chosen one.”

Take off your handkerchief with your left hand, spit three times over your left shoulder, and step on the spit with your left foot. Mentally imagine that your spit is the feelings that keep your lover near his wife. Bury the scarf under a bush near the intersection, and go home without looking back.

Reasons why women initiate a breakup

There is an opinion that girls more often strive to preserve their family and relationships than men. In fact, about 70% of breakups occur on their own initiative. Many continue relationships in the hope that everything will change, or quietly hating and dreaming of leaving, especially if there are children together or the fear of being left without financial support.

READ How to tactfully inform a girl about an upcoming breakup

There are several reasons that may lead a woman to decide to break up:

  1. The desire to feel equal. If your partner does not allow you to develop, earn money, does not take into account your interests and does not respect you, then it’s time to break up.
  2. Marriage is beneficial for a man. In modern society, guys get more benefits from relationships than their girlfriends. Women not only work and raise children, but also take on household responsibilities. In addition, they try to care for their loved one and keep themselves in shape in order to keep him. This relationship model does not lead to happiness. Discontent accumulates in a woman, and as a result she may not be able to stand it.
  3. Problems in relationships. Many girls react sharply to difficulties. If a guy cannot provide financially, does not strive for the best, if he humiliates, beats, starts drinking or takes up other bad habits, then an affair with him will not bring joy.

When a guy doesn’t want to change for the sake of a successful relationship and doesn’t treat his beloved with respect, the relationship is unlikely to reach marriage. If partners live in a marriage, then there is a high risk of its dissolution at the initiative of the woman.

Lapel for your husband

Stages of the ceremony for the lapel of the spouse:

  1. Infuse water on aspen.
  2. Take a T-shirt, underwear or sock worn by your chosen one.
  3. Soak one of the things in infused water, wipe the floor from the room to the front door, and read the spell: “I drive the Lord’s servant (spouse’s name) out of the house like a dog, I fill his footprints with aspen water and trample them. Let him leave me along a deserted road and never return. May our paths diverge forever. I will live happily without you, and you without me. May my every word come true."
  4. When your lover enters the house, discreetly wet the floor behind him with this rag, and walk around this place in your shoes. Repeat the words of the conspiracy.

Hide the wet item in a bag, take it to a crossroads as far from the house as possible, throw it away and repeat the spell.

What to do if a couple lives together

If you live with a young man, breaking up is more difficult. In this situation, you cannot simply stop communicating, stop picking up the phone, leave and not return. After the breakup conversation, decide which of you should move out. If this is you, then decide on a date and don’t delay. When a man moves, he may have to start looking for a new roommate.

If after a breakup you will have to stay in the same territory for some time, re-negotiate the division of responsibilities. Now you are just roommates, so you will have to give up your old habits.

Discuss when you can invite guests. Remember that, despite the separation, each other's personal space must be respected.

How to recognize a lapel

The lapel can be recognized by a number of signs:

  • frequent causeless mood swings, outbursts of rage;
  • sudden cooling towards his wife;
  • apathy;
  • reluctance to have intimacy with your wife.

If the chosen man himself does not want to leave his wife, then the conspiracy may cause addiction to alcoholic beverages or drugs. A person may have nightmares or thoughts of suicide.

Magic rituals and conspiracies have great power and can give impetus to the severance of long-term relationships. When choosing a plot to get your lover away from your wife, remember - if the husband does not want to leave the family of his own free will, then the lapel can also cause his impotence.

4.5 / 5 ( 4 voices)

A very simple conspiracy to take your loved one away from your rival.

The conspiracy is carried out at dawn, until the moment the sun rises. The conspiracy is witchcraft, so create it closer to dawn so that the dark spirits will serve you, but will not gain power over you. If you wear a cross on your body, take it off before the spell. They tear off three threads and throw them out the window, each time saying: In the Okiyan-Sea there is a blue stone, on this stone sits the devil and the devil, the water-woman with the water-woman, the sotona herself with the sotona. Everyone sits with their backs together, apart from each other. They fight and pinch, to the point of bloody wounds. And I will pray to you, the oldest, main soton: let (the names of your beloved and rival) let them fight and pinch, not to meet, to the point of bloody wounds.

As you say, put on a cross and sit next to the icon. Sit like that until the sun rises!

The spell is for women, but men can also do it if their beloved begins to look at someone else.

If someone unwanted has become attached to you, or you want to separate your loved one from a rival or rival, a lapel potion will help. Use it as a tea, to which you can add any lapel herb. This is an odorless herb or with a heavy odor. Choose for yourself what is easier for you. You can take calamus, snakeweed, spruce, nettle, motherwort, pine, horsetail or celandine. You do everything as with a love spell - wrap a thread around a tea bag, then say Thread, hang, from the servant of God (name) thoughts and melancholy. Amen. Amen. Amen. Only then should the thread that was wrapped around the tea and grass be torn off and burned. Brew the grass and give it to the person on whom the conspiracy was made to drink.

Conspiracy from a rival's curse

Take two longer woolen threads, green and white. They need to be twisted together and, while reading the plot, wound around the wrist of the left hand. You need to read the words in the morning and evening, before going to bed, for 7 days, then take a break for 7 days, then speak again for 7 days - three times in total. This thread should be left on the hand after the spell. It turns out that you will be walking with this thread on your hand for quite a long time.

You can get it wet, it's not scary. The conspiracy helps against someone else's divination. In three months, when the last reading is over, everything must be repeated. It took so long because, perhaps, everyone forgot to think about her husband’s affair, and the homewrecker got involved and performed some kind of ritual that lasts a long time.

And here you can get hurt. At the end of the reading, the thread must be burned and the ashes scattered in the wind away from your home.

Words of the conspiracy: Take away, Lord, all curses, all promises, all promises, all evil from the slave (name), Father Wind, carry my words to the sandy shores. The water from the banks washes away all the rubbish.

The curse of the servant (name) is washed away from me, the servant of God (name). I will bow three times to the waist, lower, closer to the cross. Have mercy, Jesus Christ and the Most Pure Mother of God, the Great Empress, intercede for me and remove promises, curses, allotments from my body, from my head and God’s Soul.

Cover with your cloth, cover with a cross - gold. I rely on you as my shield. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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Do you need to throw away all the things, photos, return gifts that remind you of him?

If these moments annoy you, you can return your remaining items, gifts, and souvenirs to your ex-partner. The main thing is not to meditate on photo frames or some trinkets that this person gave and place them around your home. The main task is to remove triggers, those moments that cause an emotional reaction in us.

We cannot completely erase our ex from our past. But remembering him once again thanks to the things that remain is also not good for emotional health.

He told you that he didn't stop loving her

This is a very important matter. If he's openly saying that he's worried about his ex, it could mean a few different things. Obviously, he was just being honest, but some guys might use a recent breakup as an excuse to cheat on you.

It won't be easy, but you have to keep him at a distance. In the long run, this will show him that you have self-respect and are not a consolation prize.

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Don't try to compete with her

If you start competing with her, you have already lost. This way you will make her part of your relationship. You will give her power, and that doesn't work in a relationship. He is with you, not with her. Remember this.

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The mare died

That's it, finita la comedy. You finally realized that the relationship is over. And here it’s worth thinking: how do you understand that a person has fallen out of love? Maybe you just did something to yourself?

5 signs that a relationship is over:

  1. Indifference and disrespect. If earlier you could argue until the night when your views differed, now he stupidly agrees with everything. He doesn’t care what dress you wear, how much you go to your mother and what time you return home.

Your lover has stopped asking for your advice and is simply doing as he sees fit. He doesn't care at all about your desires, opinions and you in general.

But there is a small clarification: has it always been this way or has his attitude towards you changed recently?

If this attitude was always there... well, he never loved you. It's just a relationship that's convenient for him.

If everything has changed, then it’s worth talking first. Maybe he has problems at work, and only after that make a decision.

  1. Lack of trust. The man seems to doubt everything you do. His eternal reproaches and total control can indicate both the fear of losing you and a lack of trust. I’ll tell you honestly, the second option implies that he himself had a snout in someone else’s pussy.
  1. Prove your love. This is the simplest and most stupid manipulation. He doesn’t care at all about your feelings, it’s just important that you confirm your love every time, or rather, that you are still his puppet.
  1. Public quarrels and humiliation. He may cause a scandal in the shopping center or call you a fool in front of your friends. And then also pretend to be the most unhappy man in the world. What's the point of loving someone who doesn't give a fuck about you?
  1. Treason. Fell, woke up, and my penis was in another woman, or how to explain to a girl the reason for cheating. The belief that he will change and will love only you again will devour the best that is in you. You should not hold on to someone who is not ready to keep his bolt in his pants.

So how can you get rid of this destructive feeling?

Unrequited love: 5 rules for how to move on

Psychologists in their practice often encounter requests from clients about how to stop loving a person whom you love very much, but who does not reciprocate.
Unrequited love is a serious problem that can lead a person to depression and even suicide. In this regard, a list of recommendations has been developed to help get rid of painful but unsuccessful attachment:

  1. Don't try to make someone develop feelings for you.
    This is an absolutely hopeless endeavor that will end in low self-esteem and loss of self-respect for you. Even if you manage to attract attention for a while, the subsequent abrupt break in the relationship will cause much more harm than a relationship that was not started at all. It is more constructive to save your energy for a more “responsive” partner who does not have to be conquered, like Mount Everest, and who loves you in return.
  2. Accept yourself and move on.
    Being offended by someone else’s indifference is not the most productive activity; it is much better to get out of the vicious circle of “What if...” and stop living in ethereal illusions. Besides, if you look closely, there are quite a lot of people around who will happily respond to your attempts to get to know them.
  3. Do not be angry.
    Make it a rule to never speak negatively about those who have rejected you. At the very least, this does not do you any credit. In addition, by producing aggression within yourself, you only make things worse for yourself. There are a lot of people and “another person’s soul is in the dark,” so forgive the individual his short-sightedness and look further.
  4. Switch to some pleasant activity.
    Listen to classical music, go to nature, go to the movies with friends. Anything is better than sitting at home and replaying in your head the impossibility of being with an unattainable chosen one.
  5. Treat yourself.
    Shopping is a great way to take your mind off gloomy thoughts. It’s time for a woman to pamper herself by buying a new outfit or cosmetics, and a man will be happy to buy a new accessory (watch, mobile phone).

By following these simple rules, you can completely stop loving someone who does not reciprocate in a fairly short time. A little patience and all negative thoughts will become a thing of the past. This means that you will be open to love again.

He compares you to his ex

Comparing you to his ex or any other woman (even if it's in your favor) is just a disgusting thing to do. Plus, it says a lot about the guy's behavior. Yes, many of us do this from time to time, it's human nature, but the fact that he thinks it's okay shows a lack of respect for you and the women in his past. You don't want him to talk about you to other girls, do you?

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