How to become a handsome and attractive man - practical advice for representatives of the stronger half of humanity

The strong half of humanity is almost entirely concerned with the question of how to become a handsome guy in order to gain the ability to win any girl without any problems.

In this article you will find tips that will help you solve this impossible task.

Beauty is a very subjective concept, male beauty is a concept that has practically no specific parameters.

If girls still have 90-60-90, then it’s even more difficult for guys in this regard.

And yet, many gentlemen are concerned about the question of how to become a handsome guy , because they think it is important in winning women's hearts.

It cannot be said that we do not pay any attention to the appearance of the guys we meet, but for us beauty is not height, weight, hair and eye color.

These are a well-groomed appearance, the ability to present oneself, positive character traits, intelligence, personal hygiene and much more.

Already scared?

Don't be afraid, everything is much simpler than you think.

Adjust your face shape with hair

American surgeon Stefan Markworth spent 30 years studying the faces of universally recognized handsome men. These were men and women: artists, models and other famous personalities. The doctor revealed one pattern: a face with the proportions of the “golden section” is considered beautiful, when one part of the face corresponds to another as 1:1.618.

Based on this, he built a kind of model, an ideal mask. By superimposing it on your photo, you will be able to understand which of your features do not fit into this “norm”.

Important: there are very handsome and attractive men who women like, although their faces do not fit into the canon of Dr. Markworth. For example, actors Bradley Cooper or Ryan Gosling.

But if you want to get closer to the ideal, take your photo from the front and apply a Markworth mask in a photo editor. You can do this online. By the way, this is what it looks like:

See which features do not fit into the golden ratio. You can correct them using your hairstyle and facial hair.

  1. If your forehead is low, then you need to make your hair up; tall - cut off bangs.
  2. For a wide face, long sideburns tapered to the chin are suitable. A thick, square-shaped beard will help a narrow person.
  3. To reduce or increase the distance between your nose and lips, you can grow a mustache.
  4. A small chin will be decorated with a goatee (short pointed beard). The jaw protrudes forward - a vertical beard.
  5. Eyebrows can be given any shape using correction.

By the way, about beards. In 2013, researchers at the University of New South Wales selected images of 10 men in several appearances: clean-shaven, light to heavy stubble, and full beards. More than 500 men and women rated their appearance for beauty. Women liked the thick stubble the most.

Therefore, to correct your face, it is not necessary to grow a long beard; it is enough to allow the hair to grow a few millimeters and carefully shave the excess.

If you are overweight, your face shape will change. To show your true traits, you need to lose weight and eliminate swelling.

Take care of your skin

There is nothing wrong with men taking care of their faces. It is better to visit a cosmetologist once a month or buy yourself a facial wash and cream than to suffer from rashes, scars and other unpleasant phenomena.

If your skin is far from ideal, use the following tips:

  • Adjust your diet - you need to eat less fatty and sweet foods, eliminate soda.
  • Go to a cosmetologist, he will recommend a remedy that will help solve the problem.
  • Wash your face not just with water, but with mild cleansers. Online cosmetics stores have entire sections dedicated to men's grooming products.
  • Use special shaving foams, gels and creams that suit your skin. This will help avoid irritation and redness.

Also, change your razor according to the manufacturer's recommendations, not when you feel it has become dull. This way you will protect yourself from cuts and the marks left behind them.


The main indicator of hair beauty is that it must still be present. Not every balding man can look beautiful. The only exceptions are those whose bald spots begin to form not at the back of the head, but at the front. Then their forehead appears higher, which gives the face a touch of thoughtfulness. Gray hair is another matter; it suits many men very well.

Some solve the problem of baldness simply - they shave off everything that remains, then it looks like a chosen style, and not as an age-related problem. But not everyone can afford a shaved head without risking looking like a criminal. It probably depends on the meaningfulness of the look and the shape of the skull. Another contraindication to shaving all the hair on your head is the fat folds on the back of your head. Ugly.

Hair color, if it is natural, has practically no effect on a man’s beauty, and a man’s dyed hair will be at the discretion of the stylist. Either interesting and cute, or terrible.

Use a scented deodorant

You've probably heard that people choose a partner based on their natural scent. But in the modern world we are forced to ignore this rule. Nobody likes the smell of sweat and it deprives us of self-confidence. Therefore, choose a deodorant with a pleasant aroma. But use it carefully so as not to overdo it.

In 2009, an interesting study was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. Some of the men were given a scented antiperspirant, the other half were given an unscented deodorant. Men who used the scented spray noted that they felt more confident and attractive. And there is nothing strange in this, but you will be surprised by the following fact.

A group of women were shown videos without sound, which recorded all the men taking part in the experiment. They noted that guys who used scented antiperspirant looked more attractive. Although the girls didn’t even smell their scent!

Thus, a pleasant-smelling deodorant indirectly affects your beauty. You act more confident when you realize that others don't turn their noses up at you, so others like you more.

Eat garlic (just not before a date)

Until recently, it was believed that garlic could discourage communication. You could forget about kissing altogether. However, the pungent smell of garlic scares women away only immediately after consuming it.

If you eat a sandwich with cheese and garlic in the morning and go on a date in the evening, you will have a much better chance of impressing the lady of your heart. It turns out that garlic has a beneficial effect on the production of pheromones.

Get a toned figure

Obviously, a toned body and defined muscles will make you a handsome guy. Excess weight is not attractive to anyone, and it is also harmful to health. Set yourself a new goal for six months: lose a certain amount of kilograms and get beautiful abs. Whether you're on the beach or wearing tight-fitting clothes, you'll attract attention and catch the envious glances of other men.

In this matter, the power of intention and motivation is important. Read the article about how to develop willpower so as not to give up losing weight halfway.

Let me give you another interesting scientific fact.

Women, in most cases, love a toned, not pumped up body. Therefore, it is not at all necessary to build a mountain of muscles.

In 2007, in Los Angeles, University of California researchers showed nearly 300 women images of shirtless men. They asked which guy they would choose for a short-term relationship and which guy they would choose for a long-term relationship.

In the first category, most of the girls included very inflated, muscular representatives of the stronger sex. And for long-term relationships they chose less athletic guys.


It is this part of the male body that attracts the eyes of women in the first place. The fair half of humanity is sure that shoulders should not be narrow, but compare them by the hips, which ideally are narrower than the shoulders.

It’s hard not to guess that girls like their shoulders, because they always start massage with this part of the body. If a man is sure that they are ugly, it would be possible to make them wider, then creating ideal ones can actually be done in the pool. It is enough to swim three times a week for a year, and your shoulders will begin to develop and the muscles on them will become stronger. And your overall physical fitness will improve!

Give yourself a beautiful smile

An extremely important factor in male beauty is healthy and beautiful teeth. A smile itself attracts attention and makes you more charming. But various dental problems, unpleasant odor and color spoil this impression.

Take full care of your oral cavity: use dental floss and mouthwash, in addition to brushing and toothpaste. Professional dental cleanings help improve the color and health of your teeth. If you suffer from an irregular jaw shape and crooked teeth, get braces. By the way, this is very fashionable now.


For some reason, the majority of representatives of the stronger half of humanity are sure that the penis must be large, and that it is an integral part of a beautiful body. But no! Even looking at the sculptures of ancient Roman handsome men, one can note that this part of the body was not given so much attention. The same Apollo, who is still considered the standard of male beauty today, is not endowed with great masculine dignity.

Most women claim that size doesn't matter at all. Let it be small, but have a skillful owner! Girls in surveys said that hygiene makes a guy more attractive than they might think.

Buy stylish clothes

A good basic wardrobe will help you become beautiful. Visit a clothing store and ask a consultant to provide different styles of trousers, jeans, shirts and jackets to choose which cut suits you best. Take a friend with you - they will help you with an outside glance.

When choosing T-shirts, focus on plain products without bright, cartoonish designs or large inscriptions. The same goes for sweatshirts, hoodies and other clothing. Update your closet shelves. Let there be few new things, but they will fit well with each other and create the image of an adult, attractive guy.

And yes, any clothes will look amazing on a toned body.

Pay attention to your nails

I have often met men who are very categorical about professional manicure and pedicure, considering it an activity for girls. But in fact, everyone likes guys with well-groomed fingernails and toenails. Believe me, others really pay attention to this.

Therefore, if you don’t want to visit a nail salon, don’t be lazy to get your hands in order yourself. Make sure that your nails do not grow, that dirt does not accumulate under them, and that there are no sharp and dry hangnails on the skin.

Hips and buttocks6

What woman doesn't stare at men's butts? Yes, no lady will lose sight of this part of the body. According to most girls, hips should be narrow. Even if a guy is fat, his butt should be narrower than his shoulders, girls like it.

Plump buttocks do not attract the fair sex. It has long been believed that a woman's butt should be round, and if a guy has one, then ladies find it too feminine. A man's buttocks will be attractive if they are flat and firm.

Fortunately for men, plump butts are extremely rare, even among endomorphs. If you are unlucky, then start riding a bike, walking more. Just don’t do any squats in the exercises, this will add even more roundness.

Master attractive behavior

Beauty consists not only of external factors, but also of human behavior. The way he talks, gestures and smiles can both repel and charm other people. So work on some things.

Keep your posture

What does posture have to do with it, you ask? And I will answer that it directly determines how your face and figure look. For example, if you have a slight double chin, try squaring your shoulders and lifting your head. You will notice that the flaw has disappeared, but a proud, self-confident appearance has appeared.

By hunching over, you will look sickly and sad, so no one will notice your appearance. By straightening your back, on the contrary, you will attract attention. And even your stomach will tighten a little.

In addition, slouching is harmful to your health, and sooner or later your back will hurt.

Look people in the eyes

For some reason, many guys underestimate this psychological technique. During a conversation, especially with someone you are interested in, look the person in the eyes. This way you will keep his attention, show your interest and can even make him fall in love with you. This creates the image of a gentleman with healthy self-esteem, courageous and charming.

Eye contact can be used to flirt. Also maintain eye contact with people on the street. You will notice how you feel more confident.

Male body types

Many years ago, three types of male body structure were identified. These are ectomorphs, endomorphs and mesomorphs.

  • Ectomorphs are men with a thin build. They have narrow shoulders, long legs and arms, and a thin layer of fat. It’s about these people that they say “It’s not good for a horse,” and indeed, no matter how much you fatten up such a guy, he will still remain thin. Many ectomorphs are regulars at gyms, where they try to gain at least a little muscle mass. Men of this type look like teenage boys throughout their lives if they do not begin active activities. But it is very difficult for them to maintain the body that they have suffered through in the gym; as soon as they miss a couple of workouts, it begins to “deflate”.

  • Endomorphs are a type of men prone to obesity. It’s easy to recognize an endomorph: short limbs, wide hips (often even the butt resembles a woman’s), a short and thick neck, a round face. Representatives of this type have to work hard in the gym to lose extra pounds. But still, they do not have problems with building muscle mass, like ectomorphs, and it will be easier to create a beautiful male body from such a foundation.
  • Mesomorphs are people with an athletic build. They have limbs proportional to the body, broad shoulders and a prominent chest, and a powerful back. It is easier for such guys than previous types to pump up their abs and develop muscles. Interestingly, the type is extremely rare in its “pure form”. Usually we can see a mixture of mesomorph and endomorph or ectomorph.

According to statistical surveys, oddly enough, only 40-45% of women believe that a beautiful male body is mesomorphic. The votes were split almost equally between all three types, with endomorphs and ectomorphs attracting many women! We invite you to find out which features of the male body have been highlighted by women, what attracts them more.

Gain confidence in yourself

When you change in appearance, you will immediately feel different. You will begin to look at life more positively, free yourself from complexes, and love yourself. The following tips will help you become even better and more beautiful in the eyes of others and for yourself:

  1. Pretend to be self-confident with strangers or people you don't know well.
  2. Realize yourself in those areas for which you have talent.
  3. Celebrate your successes rather than lament your failures. Tell others about them.
  4. Collect compliments and good deeds addressed to you, accept them and thank other people.
  5. Become bolder and don't be afraid to take risks. In the article How to become decisive, we provided advice from psychologists on this issue.
  6. Write a list of things that make you happy (hobbies or simple things) and complete at least one item per week.
  7. Start your own “support club”. This role can be played by a psychologist or a good friend who will help, praise and discuss difficulties.
  8. Ignore people who fill you with insecurities and fears.
  9. Surround yourself with successful, strong people. You can find them in your environment or online, as well as by attending various trainings and conferences.

If you are interested not only in improving your appearance, but also in acquiring masculine character traits, I recommend reading about what a modern man should be like.

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