How to improve the quality of life: seven ways from a psychologist

Take responsibility for your life

How do you feel when you hear the word “responsibility”? How comfortable is it for you? How do you feel about the idea that those who are not afraid of this responsibility are truly happy? We are talking here about responsibility not for everyone and everything, but for oneself. This means that if something bothers you, does not satisfy you, upsets you, then the first thing you need to do is ask yourself: did I do everything I could in this particular situation to change it?

Do you often encounter the temptation to shift responsibility for failure to your boss, the state, or your slacker spouse? Yes, it is important for us to be able to separate it and clearly see where our zones of influence end. Fortunately, no one took away the right to choose from us. Therefore, only you decide whether to stay with this partner, in this state and with this boss. The next time you are faced with a life obstacle and honestly say to yourself: yes, I did everything I could, move on to the next items on our list.

Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash


How does it affect quality of life?

Junk food worsens health and shortens life span, spoils well-being and leads to obesity, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

Yes, the quality of food to some extent depends on the level of income: healthy foods like red fish and beef, out-of-season fruits and vegetables, and nuts are quite expensive. However, by reducing the amount of fast food, sweets and other junk food, it is quite possible to buy healthy products even on a limited budget.

How to change

Switching to a healthy diet is quite easy, the main thing is to understand the basic principles and clearly define why you are doing it. By the way, you don't have to spend a lot of money to eat healthy food: here are some tips on how to save money on food and eat healthy.

Learn stress tolerance skills

This skill includes the ability to calm, console, and distract oneself. Of course, if you know for sure that you did everything you could. It is strongly discouraged to use this skill just to better tolerate discomfort. For example, a woman suffers from the destructive behavior of her alcoholic husband, but does not radically solve the problem. She just endlessly consoles herself, calms her down and endures, while continuing to collapse.

So, the skill of self-comfort is to remember and name all the favorable facts and circumstances that were or are currently in life in a stressful situation. For example: “Yes, I didn’t have time to make a high-quality report this month and listened to the reprimand, but six months ago I was the best employee of the month, received a bonus, increasing my qualifications with this money!”

Learn to notice more good things in your life, focus on that. Make it a rule before going to bed to do a gratitude practice: write down at least five things for which you are grateful for the past day. Let it be even minor little things, for example: “I thank this day for my good health, for the opportunity to eat my fill, for the health of my loved ones, for the smile of a passerby,” etc. Our brain is designed in such a way that it notices in space what it is about we think most of the time. So focus on the good!

It is also important to be able to set yourself up for a better future and train the skill of positive thinking. Look for arguments in your favor, motivate yourself. And finally, take your mind off negative thoughts! After you have already done everything you could, direct your energy to your development and creation. Use self-regulation techniques: breathing techniques, relaxation, meditation, yoga. This will help raise the level of happiness hormones in the blood, which is a scientifically proven fact.

How to increase and improve a woman’s quality of life?

Slavic amulet for success for women
It’s good if you have already thought about it and taken steps towards awakening, freeing the Soul, and realizing yourself as a Sorceress, a good fairy, a princess/queen. The one that is capable of changing the space around her with the power of thought and intention.

There is an expression that laziness drives progress. But, beautiful ladies, in our case, the engine is internal dissatisfaction with the external components of our life.

And so, in order to change and improve the quality of our life, we will have to learn to understand and get along with ourselves, to adjust what we can do:

  • habits
  • way of thinking
  • development and strengthening of feminine character traits
  • external image
  • gait
  • voice
  • manner of communication
  • making plans like women, when we don’t chase big results, but gradually take small steps towards the goal

For this work, we need an inspiring example - a woman or women who already have everything we want to see in ourselves.

Be sure to find or change your social circle. The well-known golden rule is that with whom you communicate, you yourself are like that. A similar technique is used by psychologists when assessing a person’s financial level and area of ​​interest.

This is akin to another saying: if you want quick results, go alone, but if you want lasting positive results, go together. When you are surrounded by successful women, you subconsciously adopt their lifestyle.

  • Make it a habit to constantly learn, listen to inspiring stories of other women, lecturers on success for women
  • Keep a gratitude journal every day. This is how you practice noticing the good and feeling sincere gratitude.
  • Learn to sincerely forgive yourself and the people around you, especially those closest to you.
  • Work with Rod on the subject of repeating women's destinies. Perhaps, to understand a specific situation, you should visit Helinger constellations
  • Love yourself all the way to the tips of your toenails!

Master the skill of nonviolent communication

Suppressing emotions leads to undesirable consequences, including psychosomatics (the occurrence of bodily diseases due to a psychological factor). Therefore, it is important to learn how to react correctly to your feelings so as not to endanger your health.

So how can you properly express your emotions without ruining your relationships with others? The I-message technique is perfect for this purpose. It is especially recommended when communicating with your immediate and middle circle of people (spouses, children, relatives, colleagues, friends). Its essence is to talk about your feelings in the first person, without criticizing the other person or using the word “you” in a sentence.

For example, the phrase: “How can you throw your things everywhere, you slob! How long can I clean up after you?” should be replaced with: “It’s very unpleasant for me to see things scattered, I would like them to be in place, please, let’s keep things in order.” Do you feel the difference? In the first case, the person will most likely react with retaliatory aggression or withdraw into himself. In the second case, the chances of being heard increase many times over.


  • Quality of life can be directly related to job satisfaction.
  • It measures the non-financial aspects of a job that can lead to happiness or unhappiness for an employee.
  • General quality of life factors include leisure time, commuting, weather, and harmonious relationships with other people.
  • Canada and many Scandinavian countries value the quality of life of their citizens highly.
  • People may have different quality of life indicators.

And that’s all about quality of life today. I hope the article was useful to you. Share the article on social networks and instant messengers and bookmark the site. Good luck and see you again on the pages of the Tyulyagin !

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Find time to live

“I don’t have time for this!” “I’m always at work!” Sound familiar? So, if you really want to improve your quality of life, it is important to learn how to plan your time wisely and allocate it to really important things. For example, instead of surfing the waves of social networks, do a warm-up, pay attention to your body and your hobby. Plan cultural events a month in advance. Write down when and where you will go, plan trips, training, possible trips. Consciously allocate time for this in advance, and not on a residual basis, and follow the plan - this will discipline you. Make your life and development a priority, because things and tasks never end!

Everyone wants to live well

Of course, improving the quality of life is of concern to every sane person. Everyone wants to spend their existence in comfortable conditions, to be happy, to enjoy, and not to suffer. People often ask themselves the question: “What do I like in life? What would I like to improve? Every event in our life can have a positive or negative connotation. Currently, a person is forced to live according to standards imposed from outside. It becomes difficult for him to assess whether this or that event is good for him or is harmful. He finds it difficult to answer a simple question: “What do I really want in life?”

Self-care through healthy rituals

In pursuit of a sense of security and stability, many of us turn on the hypercontrol function, believing that in this way they will protect themselves from unwanted consequences. Here it is important to realize a proven axiom: we cannot change other people and their behavior. But we are quite capable of doing this with our own condition. Useful rituals will help with this, which, when performed regularly, increase the feeling of security and satisfaction with life. After all, their implementation is definitely subject to our control!

Find opportunities for full-fledged physical training twice a week and exercise every day in the morning. Try to wake up at least 30 minutes early to do a set of exercises and a short meditation. This way you will give your body the necessary dose of the joy hormone, increasing your resistance to stress and bad mood.

During the day, take a break from work and do joint exercises during breaks. Before going to bed, as noted above, write down five reasons why you are grateful for today. To help you sleep better, listen to yoga nidra. This is just an example of possible rituals, your imagination is not limited by anything.

Successful women of the world: stories

the first female cosmonaut in the history of the USSR.
Success indicators do not have a reference list. And for women with different tastes, luckily they will not be the same. However, historical female figures had power and influence in their era, achieved what they wanted and influenced the destinies of other people.


photo of the actress who played the role of Cleopatra in the film
She Sought Power from an early age. She had an amazing ability to captivate the men she wanted and came up with entire performances to amaze and capture their attention.

Like a true woman, she used all her talents and took care of her appearance. Numerous recipes for creams, lotions and body care products have become her secret weapon against aging.

As a queen, she was able to strengthen the status of her state, make friends with a strong enemy and receive his protection. That is, her diplomatic abilities in political games brought her the desired results.

Catherine II

photo of the actress who played the role of Catherine II.
The influential Russian empress, who was feared and respected by neighboring states. German by birth, she went through a difficult path from a poor noblewoman to the ruler of a huge power.

Her attentiveness, rigor, determination and other more masculine character traits helped her adapt to the new country and take the reins of power into her own hands.

The successful life of a queen and the unhappy life of a woman were combined in Catherine.

Estee Lauder

photo Estee Lauder
From scratch she built a cosmetics corporation known throughout the world. Coming from a poor family of Jewish immigrants, she began to make a living by selling homemade face cream that her uncle prepared.

In addition, it brought her true pleasure to advise customers personally, to stand behind the counter of her stores.

Este tried to guess the needs of the client and serve him efficiently. She was the first to give out product samples as a thank you for the purchase.

Being attentive not only to clients, but also to her family, she knew how to properly build communication with her husband, so that he felt responsible and needed.

Coco Chanel

photo Coco Chanel
The personification of courage in fashion. Knowing the value of money and attention, possessing charisma and feminine charm, she built relationships with men who subsequently helped her achieve her goals. Gradually, from the owner of a small sewing salon, she became a trendsetter in fashion, style and fragrances.

Coco knew how to take risks, had imagination and inexhaustible energy for work.

Mary Kay Ash

photo Mary Kay Ash
proved that you can start building a global business well into your 20s, with the support of your adult son.

After working as an employee as a sales agent for two decades and not receiving a promotion, she decides to quit and open her own business.

Mary Kay cosmetics in a short time became a recognizable brand in the world and, in addition, the founder paid special attention to human, cordial relationships with clients. She focused the attention of new distributors on this.

Indra Nooyi

photo by Indra Nooyi
This is a rupture in ideas about the place and possibilities of the Indian woman. After practicing at the Johnson & Johnson office, she decided to deepen her academic knowledge abroad.

After leaving her parents, Indra went to America to receive her education. There she soon received an offer from PepsiCo and today she holds the position of CEO.

Her financial acumen helped the company expand its offerings and buy a couple of smaller, profitable firms.

Madame Barb Clicquot

label of the famous champagne TM Veuve Clicquot
Left its mark in winemaking, namely the production of champagne under the name “Veuve Clicquot”, which was to the taste of A.S. himself. Pushkin.

Her father found a groom and married his daughter to him. The husband had a good fortune and a small mine production. The young couple took up its development.

After the imminent death of her husband, Madame Clicquot seriously begins to develop the business through the production of champagne. She begins to receive larger and larger profits from sales.

Help others

Nothing fills you with a feeling of happiness and satisfaction more than the opportunity to do a good deed and see gratitude in the eyes of another person. But it is important not to forget to remain in the resource yourself. There are people who chronically live in the role of a rescuer, doing good where it was not asked for. Always before helping another, ask yourself verification questions: will my help be useful and appropriate here? Do I really have the opportunity to help or am I doing it with all my might in order to gain recognition and gratitude? The instruction on airplanes to put a mask on yourself first, then on your child, has become a popular aphorism. But it perfectly reflects the essence of the fact that a person is able to qualitatively help another only when he himself is fine.

The role of education

Another condition for a quality life is a good education. Without it, it is simply impossible to build a career in many areas. Even if a person somehow manages to gain experience in a particular field without having a diploma, and works better than his colleagues, most employers will require an education diploma to get hired. And even those who have already graduated from university still must constantly improve their skills and improve their knowledge in the professional field. After all, without this, you can work your whole life in the same position. And without a promotion, it becomes impossible to increase income.

Successful women of Russia: stories

photo of successful actress Elizaveta Boyarskaya
The Russian land is rich in talented and real women, whose life and work can be defined as successful.

Gulzhan Moldazhanova

photo Gulzhan Moldazhanova
General Director of Basic Element. She went from a simple secretary to the CEO's chair. In addition to the economics university, Gulzhan received an MBA. Among her employees she became known as the “Iron Lady.”

Natalia Samkova

Bank employees at the summit
Entered success ratings as the manager of the International Industrial Bank. She received this position after 9 years of hard work in the bank.

Having a non-core education for the banking sector, she still connected her life with this sector of the economy.

She was hired as an economist, and a year later she headed the department in which she worked.

Elena Shmatova

photo of a successful female financial director
Financial director of Vympel. The organization's financial policy has been well-structured. Even the founders' lawsuit against her was canceled because the accusations of concealing income turned out to be groundless.

Tatiana Golikova

photo by Tatyana Golikova
Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. She is perhaps the only person who is well versed in the intricacies of drawing up the country's budget and remembers the numbers from this book.

After working at a research institute, she decides to change her field of work and enters the civil service during the existence of the Soviet Union.

Maria Maltseva

18th century girl in a drawing
In the 18th century. created a factory for the production of glass products in the village. Dyatkovo. Subsequently, a huge enterprise grew on this site.

Alexandra Fedorovna

Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna surrounded by her daughters.
The wife of the last Russian Tsar.

A German woman who converted to Christianity, a new name and homeland.

In addition to women's destiny as a wife and mother of many children, she fulfilled the role of a queen with dignity.

She steadfastly overcame all the hardships, provocations, and deprivations of the last years of the life of her husband and children.

Thanks to her good upbringing and German roots, her family was strong in spirit, they honored traditions and respect for all people.

She was involved in charity work and opened hospitals, where she and her daughters worked along with other nurses.

Films about successful women

a film about a successful woman, starring Angelina Jolie.
Modern cinema is replete with films about women successful in various fields.

As we noted above, success as a woman is more multifaceted and is assessed by beautiful representatives more independently than by public opinion.

Video: Iron Lady

Autobiographical film about the life and work of Margaret Thatcher.

Video: Coco before Chanel

The brave trendsetter of women's fashion went through many trials in life and still achieved the realization of her dream.

Video: Chocolate

Even a nomadic lifestyle does not stop the main character from her desire to give joy to the people around her, to preserve her feminine essence and the ability to reconcile warring parties.

Video: Eat Pray Love

It happens that one night, instead of sleep, thoughts come about the meaning of your life. And they do not please their owner at all. She decides to completely turn her life around and trusts her heart. It turns out that this method quickly leads her to success and happiness.

Video: Mother Teresa

An autobiographical film about great mercy, love for people, empathy, care and help to one's neighbor. When a woman sincerely relies on God, then many things in her life’s work are resolved in the best possible way.

Video: Pride and Prejudice

Love melts the ice of the most unapproachable people and brings together those who stand on opposite sides of material wealth. In this case, a woman should listen to her heart and remain true to herself.

Video: The Devil Wears Prada

A strong, even despotic, lady is able to control a huge fashion publication and set the tone in the business of style and beauty. But is this approach and price for success suitable for everyone?

So, we looked at the topic of female success, its indicators and criteria, and got acquainted with real historical and modern figures. We have identified a selection of films about those ladies who realized their dreams and preserved their feminine nature.

Remember, there is no single standard for success as a woman. We are all different, which means we dream about different things.

What unites us is the feminine essence, which involves giving love, care and attention to loved ones.

Be successful!

Successful and rich women

Sarah Jessica Parker is a successful and rich woman.
When a woman is at peace with herself and the world, when she does what she loves with pleasure, then wealth will definitely come to her.

It's not just about money, it can be:

  • charity
  • family and relationships
  • spiritual development

From a male point of view, success is always financial abundance. That’s why all the ratings that you see in the media are based on this principle.

Thus, the world knows the following rich women who have successfully continued and increased the fortunes that were inherited from their husbands and/or fathers:

  • Christy Walton from USA - Wal-Mart
  • Liliane Bettencourt from France - L'Oreal
  • Jacqueline Mars from America – Mars
  • Maria Franca Fissolo from Monaco – Ferrero
  • Laurene Powell Jobs from the USA - Apple, Disney
  • Anne Cox-Chambers from America - media
  • Susanne Klatten from Germany – BMW, pharmaceuticals
  • Georgina Rinehart from Australia - Mining
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