How to bring order to your life and thoughts, throw out everything bad and unnecessary from your head: 35 ways to clear your mind and reboot

Greetings, dear reader!

Often, difficult life situations unsettle us from our usual emotional state, which makes us feel as if we are not at ease. The reasons may be various unforeseen, and not always pleasant, circumstances that you may encounter on a daily basis. Each of these scenarios puts a lot of stress on our mind, and therefore complete confusion begins to occur , requiring restoration of order.

In today's article we will analyze in detail the answer to the question - how to put things in order in your head, and what needs to be done in the future to maintain this state. Let's not hesitate, let's get started!

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head - comprehension and preparation

It is very easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking, chronic fatigue and depressive moods. But getting out of this terrible state is very difficult. How to understand that the question “how to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head” is relevant, and you should no longer delay cleaning your consciousness:

  • 90% of your day is spent in a negative mindset. You smile extremely rarely, you don’t see humor where others see it;
  • Your beloved children, friends, hobbies, pets no longer make you happy. You want to keep your distance or even run away from them;
  • Your performance has decreased;
  • You have insomnia, panic attacks, or are constantly waiting for something bad to happen;
  • You have increased sleepiness and are drawn to sleep, even if you have slept for the required 7-9 hours. At the same time, you do not get sick, and there are no inflammatory processes in the body;
  • You just have an attack of diseases, as soon as you recover, the next disease haunts you. These can be not only colds and viruses, but also cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the digestive tract, frequent migraines and pressure surges;
  • You went on what seemed like a long-awaited vacation, but you still didn’t feel any joy. On the contrary, disappointment and bad mood haunt you;
  • You are haunted by the same negative thoughts. You find it increasingly difficult to switch from negativity to your daily activities. For example, in the morning, while you make coffee, turn on the news and that’s it - work goes down the drain, and instead of taking care of business, you discuss or twist the same events in your head. By the way, slagging of the brain can be invisible. For example, a constant craving to listen to music, watch TV series or read books. That is, do anything, just so as not to be alone with your thoughts.

So, if you find yourself in one of the points, it’s time to “tidy up” your head and turn on the reset. After all, this is exactly what we do in cases where our electronic device freezes - we clean it of debris and reboot it for productive, high-quality work. So why not reboot yourself and live again as you did in childhood - enjoying every new day?

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head

By the way, if you have a teenager growing up in your family, this topic will most likely be close to him. The modern generation is so overloaded with information that by the age of 11-13, children complain of fatigue immediately after waking up, they have changeable moods and are constantly depressed. During this time, cleaning and rebooting the brain will do an excellent job for the guys.

In this article we provide ways to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head and reboot your consciousness, starting a new, qualitatively better life. But we understand that it is difficult for a person with slagged thoughts, increased fatigue and a negative attitude to complete all 35 steps in one day. So start small and take small steps every day. Very little time will pass and you will see how you easily go through all the stages in a few days, and new habits will replace those that created slagging in your consciousness.

Talk to people

A separate point is to have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone. It’s good if there are people in your life who are ready to listen to all your emotional outpourings.

Photo by Sarah Chai: Pexels

Often conversations about what worries and interferes with life begin confusingly, chaotically and not at all smoothly. But then, gradually taking shape, the speech becomes more meaningful. The reason is that through such conversations, awareness occurs, and now you yourself understand what needs to be done, how to live further, and why you didn’t think of this before. At the same time, your listener may not even say a word.

The clearer your consciousness is, the better your quality of life will become. Make getting your thoughts in order a priority. Unload regularly, and then all other areas of life will be free from chaos.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: physical activity

If you are wondering how to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, the first step should always be physical activity. Yes, just 5 minutes of cardio training can work wonders. It is during this short period of time that adrenaline and happiness hormones are released into the body.

The workout itself is not able to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, but it is what gives you the necessary boost of energy to take you through the next steps.

Physical activity is the first step to cleansing the mind

Limiting screen time

Calculate how much time a day you spend watching TV and social media feeds. Typically, you can say that these are hours wasted. You could devote them to self-development, communication with loved ones, and achieving goals. Try to re-prioritize and spend time on the most important things first.

The huge and continuous flow of information that pours at us from the screen also makes it difficult to concentrate on the main thing. Therefore, the restriction will only be beneficial.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: water procedures

Having asked yourself the question of how to get everything unnecessary out of your head, you have already completed the workout and, therefore, have warmed up properly. It's time to move on to the next step - cleansing. But this will not be a simple cleansing - we will wash the body, cleansing the consciousness.

So, close your eyes for a second and listen to your body. You have been playing sports, your body is wet with sweat and the natural desire is to wash it off, along with the dust and dirt. Now move on to consciousness and thoughts. You lived through many days, and events, thoughts, and feelings were attached to your consciousness as pure as a tear. They stuck to it like a mosaic, and then came the second, third and subsequent layers. Due to clutter, even positive moments become a heavy burden, which leads to negativity and fatigue.

Now get under the shower, without letting go of this thought, and wash yourself under the running water, washing away sweat from your body and absolutely everything that is on it from your mind. Rinse until clean so that it becomes clear as a tear again. It is best to end such a shower with a contrast of cold water, and you will feel a surge of strength and peace.

Meditation helps you get rid of everything unnecessary in your head

Let's sum it up

The human mind is a warehouse of mental information in which all auditory and visual perceptions we have ever experienced are stored. Try to imagine a place in your head where all the information you perceive is stored. Maybe it will look like an old dusty archive with high shelves, or a library filled with books. Everyone's imagination will recreate an individual picture. The main thing is to imagine this place and put it in order.

You may have to spend a lot of time learning to control the flow of your own thoughts . But prevention is always smarter than correction, so in order not to put things in order in your head, it’s enough just not to litter. Each of us wants to live happily, so let's act! Stop tormenting yourself with painful dilemmas about the remnants of the past and events of the distant future, which may not even come. Fill your mind with clean, reasonable and easy information, because the quality of our reality depends on the quality of our thoughts in our heads.

Thanks for your attention, friends! Good luck!

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: negative thoughts, emotions, directions

When it comes to how to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, it’s time for lists. And this is a list of negative things. So, to compile a list, you need a secluded, quiet place without extraneous noise. It could be nature, a park bench, a table in a coffee shop, or maybe a cozy place at home.

Avoid turning on TV, radio, music or other distractions. If you have children, wait until they fall asleep or are in the garden/school/out for a walk. Ask adult family members not to disturb you and leave you in silence for a while.

Table of human feelings. The more the spiral of negative emotions twists, the faster a person needs to get rid of them

Take a few sheets of paper and start throwing out all the negative points in a list. Let out both important and serious moments and trifles. For example:

  • My parents beat me as a child, and the resentment did not go away;
  • I liked a boy at school, but he gave a pencil to another girl and this picture pops up periodically;
  • As soon as I see the work, there is negativity and a disgusting mood inside;
  • The toenail digs in as it grows and this is not very comfortable;
  • Don't like weight, hair color, etc.;
  • Politics are annoying, I don’t see any improvement in the country;
  • Juanita left her husband again and her stupid problems only irritate her;
  • My daughter brings bad grades from school, is lazy and doesn’t strive for anything, but I invest so much money and effort in her;
  • Others’ husbands give cars as gifts, but mine hasn’t been able to get repairs done for 10 years;
  • In the morning it’s annoying to wake up to the chirping of birds under the window, etc.

That is, you write down absolutely everything that causes discomfort and negativity.

We take another sheet and divide it into 3 columns, you can also select 3 markers and highlight questions in three colors:

  • Thoughts and emotions from the past, with which nothing can be done, but they have a solid basis: childhood grievances, betrayal, betrayal, scenes of violence, etc.;
  • Thoughts and emotions from situations that occur in the present , and you can change them: hire a nanny when you need to babysit a child, change jobs, change the route or transport to get to work, stop communicating with toxic friends and relatives;
  • Thoughts and emotions that from the outside look stupid and empty, but still carry negativity just for you. For example, the same Juanita from the series, pigeons outside the window, or bad grades from school.

Now let's work. Mentally work through each point in the first column. Let go of all grievances and mentally imagine how you sweep away all the negativity from your consciousness with a big broom and cleanse your subconscious.

Let's move on to the second column. We write how we can resolve the issue, and an action plan for the next 15 days to resolve the issue. We mentally let go of the problem, because it is no longer a problem, but a solvable misunderstanding.

There are no problems at all with the third column. We turn off irritants if they are TV shows or news, and if there are pigeons outside the window, we consider the option of soundproofing the bedroom and enjoying life again. That is, we solve issues to eliminate irritants.

Building relationships

Our inner world is inextricably linked with other people. Therefore, it is very important to understand the relationship. If there are old grievances or omissions that are hidden deep in the soul and can jump out at any moment, it is better to work with them without waiting for an aggravation. Try to forgive your offenders; forgiveness removes a stone from your soul.

You may have to communicate with people who are deeply unpleasant. Figure out how to rid your life of this. Communicate more with those people who understand you, fill you with energy, inspire you, and with whom you truly feel good.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: checking the purity of your thoughts

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head is already clear, but it is necessary not only to clean, but also to check. So, a day has passed since you worked through the list, the excess has been cleared from your consciousness, but your mood has not improved? Analyze, are there any other irritants? We found it - we clean it again. No - we sign up for a consultation with a psychologist and, together with a specialist, look for the hidden corners of consciousness and, again, clear out all the unnecessary things from our heads!

Cleaning thoughts = cleaning consciousness and subconscious

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: change your habits and attitude towards yourself

In the question of how to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, you should remember an important rule: as soon as the consciousness is freed from negativity, problems, bad thoughts and empty load, the subconscious begins to clear itself. This process takes about a month, but if our purified consciousness is not filled with positive experiences and habits, the negativity returns and our head is a mess again.

Therefore, during the cleaning process you should instill in yourself new skills:

  • Positive outlook on life;
  • Unconditional love and admiration for parents and children. We are all individual, but if we have already left parents and children in our lives, let’s love them, and not adjust them to any standards;
  • Understanding and full support of the partner. You should feel happiness and freedom with him, and not prohibitions, dissatisfaction, criticism, etc. If your partner behaves toxically and does not plan to change, move the relationship to a level where his toxicity will not affect your consciousness;
  • Remember how children go for a walk? Happiness, anticipation and anticipation of something interesting. So you have to go to work. And if this is not the case, resolve the issue of changing jobs;
  • Find an outlet - meeting with friends, hobbies, reading, gaining new knowledge. Anything, but it should give pleasure.

Focus on the goal

So, here we come to the most important thing. The logical center of our work to put things in order in your head will be the formation of a single goal, which will become inspiration, motivation and meaning for you. If you still don’t have such a goal in your life, then it’s time to choose it and start making every effort to achieve it, so that in small but confident steps you move towards it. This is a really important step because... the path to the desired goal is the foundation of a successful and harmonious personality. If a person follows the path to his goal, then there is simply no room left for worries and negativity in his thoughts, which will help restore order in his head once and for all.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: filling the free space

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head is a question that many people ask. But even after clearing my head with a psychologist, after a while the same question arises. Do you know why? You haven't filled the empty space.

Switch your brain to a positive channel!

So, the next step is to fill our thoughts with positive moments, thoughts and emotions:

  • Let's smile at the sun. On the first day, many people even think it’s stupid, but after a month this rule changes people!
  • We keep a diary of positive emotions. It could be a classic notebook, or it could be a photo album of special occasions;
  • In the evening before going to bed, remember 10-15 pleasant moments from the past day;
  • We hug and kiss our loved ones;
  • We do not criticize ourselves and others. Either it’s good or it’s not thought about. For example, if your daughter has bad grades at school, let her know that this is unacceptable. Ask her what she needs to study better: more time for lessons, a tutor, attention from you as a parent? And let her know that she has a number of restrictions until her grades are up to par. No criticism, just rational conversation. Believe me, this works in all areas of life;
  • We choose an entertainment genre that gives positive emotions. For example, you want to watch a melodrama, but you are afraid of being branded as an aging housewife and turn on a historical film that evokes melancholy and a feeling of hopeless horror from the events on the screen. You don’t owe anything to anyone, fill yourself with positive emotions and the question of how to get everything unnecessary out of your head will arise much less often.

Ways to hide dirty hair

Stale hair due to contamination with sebum secretions is a natural phenomenon. The main tasks in solving this problem:

Degrease your hair. Make your hair more voluminous. Disguise greasiness with styling.

Apart from the radical methods described below, the rest, one way or another, solve one of the problems. Degreasing hair gets rid of the main polluting factor - the fat of the sebaceous glands. Fluffy hair is easier to perceive as washed, because clean hair always has more volume. Since hair roots are oilier, hairstyles that cover them can mask the problem.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: planning a year, month, weeks, hours

Did you know that people who have clear life planning are less likely to wonder how to get rid of everything unnecessary from their heads. It's simple - over the years, their daily affairs are carried out on a subconscious level, and the person frees his thoughts for development, dreams and truly important things.

It’s not easy to accustom yourself to this, but try to live for 3 months with a single schedule, making no more than 20% changes to your plans. For example, a friend came from another country for a week - plans change and adapt to her. But children's whims cannot change plans for the weekend, unless the baby is sick.

Planning is the most important step after a reboot

So, create a menu for the month, do laundry on certain days of the week, clean according to a pre-planned pattern, etc. By the way, planning a vacation with the whole family is a great way to unite. This could be either long trips or planning a trip to the cinema along an unusual route this coming weekend.

Drink tea or eat something

Perhaps switching to food or tea will help tame unruly thoughts? Allow yourself to leisurely prepare something tasty (and ideally, healthy), and set the table beautifully (even if you just want to eat a sandwich). Brew aromatic tea, enjoy every sip, open a jar of excellent honey. How do you feel after your meal? Where are your thoughts going now?

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: believe in yourself again

Look at a one-year-old baby. Are his falls an obstacle to walking? No! He only slows down for a second and then stomps away again. If you ever have a question about how to get everything unnecessary out of your head, then you have lost the grip of a one-year-old baby.

In order to clear your consciousness and subsequently not clutter it again, believe in yourself and your strength. Is the thought looming in your head that you have an imperfect body? So you don’t need to cultivate these thoughts in yourself - take care of your figure, put on makeup, do your hair, go for a massage, but remember, your body is beautiful and unique. It requires care, but it cannot be ugly!

If you really can’t convince yourself, go to motivational trainings or listen to podcasts online.

Believe in yourself - and the solution to all troubles will seem simple

Stop looking for someone to blame

This unwise habit is common to many of us. Analyzing past moments, we try to find someone to blame, or blame it all on ourselves. But what result does this lead to? Loss of time, energy and deterioration of emotional state. It is important to understand that in any situation that happens there are no guilty parties , everything is due to a number of events involved that worked like a domino principle. Therefore, you just need to accept what has already happened and try to avoid repeating a similar situation and gain valuable experience. The less time is spent on this kind of unnecessary reasoning, the greater the likelihood of being able to restore order in your head.

How to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head: recommendations

In this section we provide a list of recommendations on how to get rid of everything unnecessary from your head and reboot your subconscious for a happy life:

  • Think critically. Yes and yes! For example, the “too late” attitude, when criticized, bursts like a soap bubble. World history provides too many examples when people step over this attitude and become famous, make scientific discoveries, get married, have children, etc. And the attitude “nothing changes in the world” burst with the advent of innovative technologies. Everything changes and so do we, if you just want it. Although this is not certain;
  • Give up obligations and the effects of ownership if it does not bring you joy;
  • Learn to say no not only to others, but also to yourself. Don't feel guilty if you say no;
  • The 90% rule. Rate any question, thought, dream from 0 to 100%. If the figure is less than 90%, reject it;
  • Set aside at least an hour a day for yourself. Of these, at least half an hour to meditate and cleanse your mind and consciousness of excess garbage.

What's the best way to dye your hair? Should I apply dye to clean or dirty hair?

Many people spend time washing their hair before coloring it. Which hair is best to apply dye to? Clean or dirty? If you don't have time to wash your hair before painting, you just need to ignore this problem. Question: is it better to apply dye to dirty or clean hair? This is no longer relevant. The beauty industry produces high-quality modern products that can be applied to clean or dirty hair without compromising the result. If there is no opportunity or desire to wash your hair, your hair is dyed dirty.

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