How to understand if a girl likes you: 9 female signals

Sherlock Holmes game

What is most often described when trying to understand women - dilated pupils, the toes of shoes turned towards you, rapid breathing (even if they brought in heartbeat), active support of conversation and gestures, and much more - for me is complete nonsense.

How do you imagine peering into pupils? And the fact that the girl chats with pleasure and waves her arms at the same time - this is what 90% of girls do. And not because they are in love, but because they just like to talk.

And she physically cannot turn the toes of her shoes in the opposite direction when she is looking at you and standing next to you.

I also saw this - if a girl likes you, then during a conversation her intonation and timbre will change, and words that are unusual for her will be added. How well do you need to know a person in order to detect changes in timbre or know his vocabulary? If only you live with her for 10 years. But in this case, you will not have the question with which you opened this article.

Let's talk about real signs. About those that indicate the girl’s real and genuine interest in you. And about those that you can easily “diagnose” yourself, without using the methods of Sherlock Holmes.

Body language that shows attraction

Gesture and facial expression experts say that when we meet someone we like, certain physiological changes begin to occur in our body.

Muscle tone increases, we stop slouching, the body straightens, and we look younger and more attractive. Men straighten their chests and try to take a dominant position, while women tilt their heads, touch their hair and show their wrists.

Body language shows how approachable, attractive, and ready, or maybe even desperate, we are for a relationship.

So, what should you pay attention to if you want to know if a girl likes you?

What is the paradox and illogicality of women

If a girl likes you, she will never make it clear directly. No way. She will send you various signals, beat around the bush and wait for you to finally understand it or show persistence.

Yes, now women have become more decisive and proactive, but the maximum that even they can do is invite you for something (for example, in gratitude) for a cup of coffee. And even there, sitting in a cozy atmosphere, she will never admit in her life that she likes you, although she will pine for love.

In other words, it is important to understand that it is impossible to get a confession of sympathy from a girl verbally. Verbally - these are words, expressions, hints. You will not be able to solve these puzzles that she gives out and understand what she really wants to say.

Therefore, her disposition and sympathy will have to be determined by indirect signs.

We are talking about the time when you do not yet have a relationship with her, there were no kisses and other intimate moments.

Therefore, I will give you the following important advice:

Don't pay any attention to what she says. Never focus on context.

What then should we focus it on? Here's what:

How to find out if a girl likes you: 23 sure signs

I could never understand what was going on in a woman’s head, especially at the initial stage of dating.

How can you tell if she likes you or not? Is it worth moving in the given direction or is it time to change tactics?

But thanks to research into female psychology, I came to the conclusion that in reality everything is not as complicated as it seems.

The trick is knowing exactly what signs to look for, what to look for, while keeping context in mind.

So, today we’ll talk about how to find out if a girl likes you and what signs indicate this.

She's looking at you

Nothing says interest like constant eye contact.

We look with pleasure at people we like and turn away from those in whom we are not interested.

It's obvious, isn't it?

If she can't take her eyes off you, it means she's intrigued by you.

But it's important to consider the context here.

Pay attention not only to her gaze, but also to what precedes it:

  1. If she confidently looks into your eyes during a conversation, then most likely she is interested. The girl is quite confident in herself, has strength, assertiveness and a masculine character.
  2. If her gaze glides over your mouth, it means she definitely likes you.
  3. If you notice that she looks at you furtively and quickly looks away, most likely she likes you, but is shy about it. If you notice such a look, you can safely approach the girl and get acquainted.
  4. On the other hand, if she breaks eye contact with you and continues to scan the room, this could be a bad sign. That is, you are nothing more to her than a piece of furniture.
  5. An important sign that she likes you: if you are in a company, she says something and looks at you first, your reaction is important to her.

If a girl tries her best not to look you in the eyes, then most likely she is simply not interested.

This whole process starts on a subconscious level.

The neurochemical oxytocin may be responsible for increased eye contact. Eye to eye gaze, in turn, further increases oxytocin levels, which increases mutual attraction.

Therefore, if you want to interest her, keep looking into her eyes. Writing or chatting with her online is not the same thing, especially if you want her to fall in love.

She thinks you're funny

You have a peculiar sense of humor, and your friends constantly criticize your stupid jokes. But this girl laughs fervently at your “one-liners” and thinks that you are the funniest guy on the planet.

Most likely it's love.

Humor is a huge indicator of a positive relationship with a woman. If she jokes with you, it means she is interested in you. So from now on, stop acting harsh and dominant towards women. You will achieve great success if you tell your girl a couple of funny stories from your life.

A great sense of humor is the most important, obvious and attractive quality a man can have. Because this is a sure sign of confidence. And male confidence always awakens instant attraction in women.

She "mirrors" you

How do you know if a girl likes you?

This can be determined by how she synchronizes with you.

Do you feel like she's copying your mannerisms, using your slang, speaking at the same pace?

If yes, then congratulations. “Mirror reflection” is the main sign that a woman likes you.

Subtle behavioral mimicry indicates attraction.

Every day we constantly reflect the people we like - with our facial expressions, body language, even our breathing and heart rate.

So keep track of this in your conversation.

For example, if you tend to actively gesticulate when talking, and suddenly she begins to copy your communication style, this is a clear sign of mutual understanding and, possibly, physical attraction.

What else is worth paying attention to is that she began to copy your slang and the speed of pronunciation of words.

She keeps in constant contact with you

If she likes you, she will want to get to know you better, and for this she needs to stay in touch with you.

Believe it or not, but such a simple thing as the message “Good morning!” indicates that the girl has deep feelings for you.

Does she always respond to your messages as soon as possible?

Does she initiate your conversations?

This is especially true when it comes to social networks and instant messengers.

As a rule, girls are more active online, so if she communicates with you on social networks (even just “liking” your photos), this is a good sign that she likes you.

Also pay attention to how she responds to your messages.

For example, does she send you one-word replies, templates or emojis that require little effort?

Or does she respond thoughtfully and in detail?

She touches you

She shakes your hand, kisses you on the cheek when you meet, lightly touches your leg when you are sitting, sometimes straightens your hair - all these are signs that she is comfortable with you.

She calmly reacts to your touch, doesn’t take a step back and doesn’t pull back her hand. She likes you. Even small, non-sexual touches indicate attraction.

Touching is one of the clear signs of mutual attraction.

Please note that this applies even to “accidental” touching.

If you are walking nearby and she “accidentally” bumps into you, gets too close, this is a sign of attraction.

To be sure of your guesses, lightly touch her hand and see how she reacts. If she doesn’t pull back her hand and takes a step towards you, it means she likes you.

Of course, if she touches you first, that's cool. Girls always touch whoever they want. This means that she is comfortable with you and there is mutual understanding between you.

Women can easily touch the hand of the man they are talking to.

This light touch is not an invitation to sex. This simply indicates that she has a crush on you.

She reacts to your body language

Women are very sensitive to the signals that a man gives with his body language. And if you give the right signals, she will most likely answer you with a resounding yes.

Most women never fall for guys just because of their looks, money or pick-up tricks.

Women are looking for something completely different.

For a woman, how you treat her is very important.

A woman can pick up subtle body language signals from a mile away.

If you timidly stand on the sidelines, avoid eye contact, slouch, and turn away, then in essence, you are giving her a signal of disinterest. The girl will immediately refuse you.

Showing confident body language is very easy, as long as you know what to do.

Cool, calm self-confidence brings out something in a woman that always causes instant attraction.

She seems excited

When she meets you, she starts to get nervous, fidget, and look awkward. This nervousness is due to the fact that she likes you and is afraid of making a bad impression on you.

In women, this happens both consciously and unconsciously.

Sometimes they may blush, straighten their hair, bite or lick their lips, and narrow the boundaries of physical space.

Often this happens unconsciously, that is, the girl cannot control her actions and such a reaction is the best sign that she likes you.

Try to pay attention to how the reaction changes in your presence.

There is an easy way to check this.

Give her an unexpected compliment and see how she reacts. If she is embarrassed, confused and blushes slightly, then most likely she likes you.

But there are girls who blush easily or constantly walk around with crimson cheeks. Therefore, you need to understand how she behaves with other people; perhaps her complexion has nothing to do with you.

She has an “open” body language and a podium pose

If she really likes you, then she will intentionally make you notice her.

Notice which way her body is turned when you cross the room?

Where are her feet pointing?

If she likes you, she will take a pose facing you in an open position, straighten her shoulders, turn her feet and knees in your direction.

If she crosses her arms and looks away slightly, this is a clear sign that she is not interested in you.

In addition, to impress you (if she likes you, of course), she can take a model pose - straighten her back, pull in her stomach, stick out her butt slightly. If she passes near you at this time, she will sway her hips.

She may not even be aware of her actions, it happens spontaneously because she wants to impress you.

She gets nervous around you

There is a big difference between nervousness and disinterest.

When I remember the girls I courted in my early youth, I thought that if they didn’t talk to me incessantly, then they didn’t like me. Now I understand that many of them were simply nervous.

After all, not all girls are natural talkers, right?

But sometimes, at a moment of increased excitement and nervousness, some girls begin to talk too much, and at the same time they get embarrassed, but cannot stop. You just need to know what type of personality you're dealing with.

In any case, you need to learn how to make the girl feel comfortable and relaxed.

Here are 6 clues that will tell you whether she is nervous or not.

  • Face touching – when you apply pressure to a part of your body, it “calms” the brain.
  • Blinks frequently – People blink a lot when they are nervous or lying.
  • Pursed lips can indicate psychological stress due to nervousness or pressure.
  • Playing with hair is a “calming” action that relieves anxiety.
  • Interlocking fingers, clenching hands, rubbing hands, cracking joints indicate nervousness.
  • Yawning can mean either boredom or nervousness. Yawning helps regulate body temperature by bringing cool air into your nose and mouth.

She asks you a lot of questions

Is she interested in knowing everything about you?

Does she ask about any details, from your favorite flavor of ice cream to deep intimate questions?

If she asks a lot of questions, it means she likes you.

This also suggests that she wants to get closer to you.

Quick test: pay attention, does she try to break the awkward silence, does she help you keep the conversation going?

This shows that she wants to establish rapport with you.

When two people make an effort in a conversation, ask interesting questions and listen carefully to the answers, then mutual understanding and chemistry will be at a high level.

She may also reveal personal details of her life to you. This is a clear sign of trust.

On the other hand, if she doesn't care whether there's an awkward silence or not, and she looks like she's not particularly interested in the conversation, then she probably isn't attracted to you.

She lets you into her personal space

Each of us values ​​our personal space. We don’t let people we don’t like get close and we build additional boundaries.

But if a girl lets you into her physical or emotional “space,” then she definitely likes you.

It's easy to notice.

All you have to do is get closer to her and see how she reacts. If she likes it and even takes a step towards it, then there is attraction between you. She feels comfortable in your presence.

Perhaps she perceives you as a friend, and not a sexual partner, so there is no need to draw conclusions only on this basis.

She makes plans together

If she doesn't like you, she'll tell you that she's too busy and shouldn't be disturbed. But if you hook her, she will set a specific date or time for the next meeting.

She won't wait for you to call her.

She will start making plans and hope that you will agree.

As soon as she starts calling you to chat or meet, you can be sure that she likes you. Naturally, she will want to spend more time with you.

This does not necessarily mean that she will be available at any time of the day or night; she also has work, study, and personal life. But at least she will try to organize her schedule so that she can make time for you.

Some girls don't want to date after work because they "look tired." But she will make an appointment on the weekend to look beautiful for you.

Women in general are more socially intelligent than us men.

The last thing they want is to be seen as “easy to get” or “needy.”

Her friends know about you

If a girl likes you, her friends know about you. Women tell their friends everything.

So if she talks about you to her friends, it means she sees you in her future.

In addition, their approval is important to her. If you are familiar with her company, watch how they react to you. If they give her the opportunity to be alone with her, it means they approve of her choice.

Her friends will want to get to know you better and ask personal questions to make sure you're a good guy. After all, they want to protect their friend.

She laughs and smiles with you

Tell her your dumbest joke and her reaction will be the answer to your question.

If laughter comes easily and naturally to her, then most likely she likes you.

Humor is the main indicator of a positive relationship. If she smiles, jokes and laughs, it means she is interested in you.

Also, if you are in a group and she tells a joke or story, she will look at you first to see how you reacted. This is a great sign, she is waiting for your approval.

She blushes

I already mentioned this above, but I will say it again, since this is a clear sign that the girl likes you.

There are three reasons why girls blush in the presence of a guy they like:

  • Delight.
  • Excitation.
  • Anxiety.

Usually a girl blushes in an exciting situation, for example, when realizing physical attraction to a man.

These thoughts activate feelings of shame and fear of exposure.

Her voice changes

You can tell a lot from a woman's voice.

Changing pitch, tone and tempo is a natural way of seduction.

If her voice becomes quieter and hoarse, breathy, this is a sign that she has feelings for you.

She glows with happiness

When a girl is next to a guy she likes, she literally glows.

People in love look happy and healthy. This is all thanks to a hormonal surge.

Oxytocin is not called the “love hormone” for nothing.

When it is present in our body, blood flow increases, and along with it, metabolism and oxygen saturation of the body accelerates, so you immediately acquire a radiant appearance.

When we like someone, our pores open up, allowing more oil to be secreted and our skin becomes shinier.

In addition, her pupils will dilate in your presence.

This is great because these symptoms cannot be controlled.

Her eyes can really give her away.

She uses the word "we"

Don't underestimate the power of the word "we". This means a lot.

During even a short conversation, a woman may say the word “we” several times.

“We should go...”

“We are similar in this way.”

"We have the same sense of humor."

This is a subtle way of letting you know that she wants to be your girlfriend.

If she likes to talk about the two of you in a "we" format, then this is a sign that she thinks of you as her boyfriend and perceives you as a couple.

Many guys don't notice this, so make sure you pay attention to the words she uses.

She's uncomfortable with you

Yes, it's illogical, but that's how it is.

This has a lot to do with nervousness and the need to make a good impression.

This illogical behavior starts from school. Children behave strangely towards the person they like.

This can go both ways: she becomes very shy or too energetic.

Either way, this could be a sign that she really likes you.

If she's an introvert, she'll likely become shy and less talkative, while if she's an extrovert, she might talk faster and be agitated.

She's acting inconsistent

This can be a little confusing, but if she is a very shy girl or has a big crush, then her behavior can be very inconsistent.

Sometimes it may seem like she hates you or is offended by something. But there's one way to tell if she's actually in love: She enjoys being around you. You become the center of attraction for this girl. She will find a way to get closer to you, even if she doesn't have the courage to say anything.

Actions speak louder than words, right?

She agrees with you on everything

It is important for her to show that you have a lot in common, that she is “on the same wavelength” with you and shares your interests.

It's definitely a good sign if she agrees with a lot of the things you say, especially on important issues.

If she constantly argues with you, especially during the first meetings, then it is unlikely that you will be able to develop a deeper relationship.

She eats less in your presence

Women eat less in the presence of someone they are attracted to.

If she has an excellent appetite with her friends, then in your presence she will eat no more than a kitten.

According to girls, such restraint in food makes them more tender, feminine, and graceful.

It's not her fault.

But you have to make her feel more comfortable, relax and finally be able to enjoy her food.

But it's still a sign that she likes you.

Some girls get indecisive

This isn't necessarily a sign that she likes you, but it's not her inconsistency that's worth noting.

One day she treats you like a king, showing all the signs we talked about above, and the next day she stubbornly ignores you.

For what?

One out of two:

1) She is trying to manipulate you and use you to her advantage. Maybe she's trying to make someone jealous or wants you to do something for her.

2) Or she's just indecisive and doesn't really know what she wants.

In any case, it's important to understand that if a girl is acting inconsistently, it means she doesn't really like you, or, worse, she's trying to take advantage of you.

In this case, it is better to give her her space and move on.


You can learn a lot by observing a girl's body language.

Body language is an important component of attraction. When we talk about love, dating and sex, body language plays a key role.

Look at how a girl behaves around you, this will help you understand whether she is attracted to you or not.

You also need to use open body language to show her that you are interested.

This will make you look more attractive.

Approachable body language is a smile, uncrossed arms, uncrossed legs and a direct gaze (don't look at your shoes or phone).

But please note:

If you really want to be sure of her sympathy, ask her a direct question.

This is the best and easiest way to know for sure whether you have a chance.

It will also take less time and effort on your part.

The desire to see you as a protector and support

The next signal that allows you to determine that a girl likes you is her need to see you as a patron and her man.

Since it’s difficult to even call the relationship between you a relationship, these will be very mild signs:

  • Asks for help with something small (help in choosing);
  • Complains about his problems and asks if there are any friends who could solve this issue;
  • He gladly accepts any help or manifestations of politeness from you (opened the door, offered your hand);
  • Begins to show his weakness in front of you (cannot handle the lock on his jacket, open a drink, etc.)
  • It may become frightened and show its defenselessness in the face of “danger”, so that you are forced to “protect” it or calm it down - a scary scene in a film, a loud sound, a spider.

If a woman is indifferent to a man, then she will not want to show her weakness in front of him, and certainly will not expect help or support. For her, you will be an ordinary person, a friend, next to whom such tricks are meaningless; it is easier and faster to do everything yourself, so as not to waste time.

You may also be interested in: How to find out if a girl has a boyfriend: 25 ways (opens in a new window)

Changes in appearance

If a woman is in love, her image changes, she tries to look better - these are the main signs. The appearance of a girl in love changes due to internal changes: a sparkle appears in the eyes, a pleasant smile, facial features become softer. A woman in love often has her head in the clouds, her muscles relax, and her face becomes friendly.

A girl can change her clothing style and wear dresses more often, even if she previously preferred jeans. Suddenly you may have a desire to change your hairstyle or hair color, or do makeup. All this in order to win the attention of the object of sympathy.

In the presence of a man, the fair sex wants to look perfect, sometimes this goes beyond the bounds of reason. She can go overboard with cosmetics and jewelry, and wear high-heeled shoes where this is not appropriate.

Note! Often girls in love attract the attention of not only the object of their affection, but also other men. The lover radiates warmth, her movements become light, one gets the impression that she loves everything around her. It is this state that attracts the opposite sex; another man may like her.

Why do you need to know

There are a number of reasons that indicate the need to find out information regarding whether the girl has sympathy for you or not.

  1. This is important in order to learn how to determine whether someone reciprocates your feelings or not. It is much easier to recognize these signs than to become interested in someone who will only leave you disappointed.
  2. When a guy sees that he is attractive to his chosen one, he begins to feel more confident, quickly moves on to the dating process, and the relationship develops more quickly.
  3. A young man who knows how to recognize non-verbal and verbal signs is able to control the relationship that has begun and avoid a number of mistakes.

By look

It is believed that you can read a lot from a person's eyes. The statement is partly true, since they are completely subordinate to the signals of the sympathetic nervous system. The pupils react not only to light streams, but also to biochemical processes in the body. From anger the eyes become dry, from pity and pleasant emotions they become moisturized and begin to shine.

Lingers on you

A woman’s gaze will not only linger on the man she is interested in, but will also constantly return to him. There is a figurative expression “to search with your eyes.” You don’t need to catch the gaze of an interested woman - even in a crowd you can easily find it.

Another important sign of hidden sympathy is quickly looking away. A woman will not look at your face for a long time and intently. Just a few seconds of contact and she will look away or down with a slight smile. The eyes of the man she is interested in are an object with strong energy, which she is not yet able to withstand at the dating stage.

Her pupils dilate

The pupil is a hole that changes its diameter almost constantly. Expansion occurs during mental concentration, during psychological stress. That is, if a woman is interested in a man, her pupils will dilate due to emotional arousal under the influence of the sympathetic nervous system.

Method 4.

This method is suitable if you have not yet communicated with her, but are in the same room. You should just take it and “stare” at some object. And if in the near future she also looks in that direction, this will mean that she is really interested in you. This works with both girls and guys.

If the object you are concentrating on starts looking at some other object, then automatically you start looking there too.

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