How to understand that a girl likes you - the main signs and definition of sympathy according to the horoscope

Women are very reserved in their expression of interest.

At least men don't understand them.

Even if the girl is sure that everything is obvious and her hints eloquently indicate interest in the guy, in fact this is not the case.

Guys don't know how to read these subtle signals, which leads to complete confusion.

The ability to recognize a woman's interest is a very valuable skill for men because it will bring clarity to relationships and allow them to act with more confidence in the right direction.

The guy will immediately be able to speed up the pace as soon as the girl gives him a signal that she is ready.

Some of the girls I've had sex with have pleasantly surprised me with their willingness to jump right into a more intimate relationship.

They gave me a few subtle hints and that was enough for me to invite them to my house and have sex.

Later we talked to my friend, who also knew these girls, and he was very surprised by this turn of events. Outwardly, it seemed that the girls were not interested in me.

At the dating stage, we were just chatting about nothing and didn't seem very interested in each other.

The ability to read the signals they gave me was the main driving force for quick sex.

Nonverbal signs

Nonverbalism includes gestures, facial expressions, intonation, body language, that is, everything except direct communication and speech. Girls usually involuntarily show their sympathy for a guy through non-verbal signs. So, how can you tell if a girl likes you?

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By look

If a girl likes you, then her gaze will linger on you for 2-3 seconds or longer, and she will also glance at you often. Look out for the following signs.

  1. When talking to you, her pupils dilate. Although this can be difficult to notice.
  2. As soon as you look at her, she quickly looks down and to the side. But within 45 seconds his gaze returns to you again. This is how young ladies usually behave when they get excited at the sight of a guy they like.
  3. The girl looks at you without looking away for 6 seconds or longer. And if her gaze stops at your chest or crotch, then everything is clear. She probably wouldn't mind having sex with you. Mature and experienced women allow themselves to behave this way.

If during a conversation a girl does not take her eyes off you, this does not mean that she is crazy about you. Perhaps she herself is very sociable and is used to always making eye contact with the interlocutor. But if she continues to maintain eye contact with you, even when you are silent, then you can already suspect sympathy. And pay attention to how she interacts with other guys. If during a conversation she practically doesn’t look at them, then you have every chance of success.

By gestures and behavior

A flirting girl loves to play with her hair. She can coquettishly stroke her hair, throw it back, showing off her neck and chest, straighten her bangs, twirl a curl around her finger or a pencil if it’s happening at school.

Also, when communicating with a young lady, pay attention to her lips. If she likes you, then most likely she will subtly bite her lower lip, smile sweetly, and touch her lips as if trying to fix her makeup. Particularly bold seductresses can seductively put on lipstick or even openly lick them while communicating with an attractive man. Just don’t immediately behave cheekily and hint, for example, at a blowjob - there will clearly be no continuation after that.

A young lady, in the presence of a guy she likes, may instinctively fiddle with her jewelry (rings, bracelet, chain). This happens because she is worried. However, experienced women use this technique to seduce a man. By stroking a necklace or earrings, she thus draws attention to the hollow of her chest or her bare neck. At the same time, the stranger will look straight into your eyes. This is a direct signal to action, to the fact that you can make an acquaintance.

By body language

A girl is interested in you if during a conversation she:

  • turns in your direction;
  • tries to reduce the distance between you;
  • tries to lightly touch you as if by accident, fleetingly;
  • involuntarily repeats your actions and gestures (“mirroring”);
  • the toes of her shoes are pointed in your direction;
  • she tries to keep her back straight, since a straight and even posture favorably emphasizes her chest.

However, remember that modest and shy girls get very nervous when communicating with a handsome guy and begin to “get tight.” Therefore, the above signs cannot be detected. You will have to show delicacy, calm the girl down or cheer her up and wait until she feels relaxed in your presence.

If a girl deliberately closes herself when talking to you, crossing her arms or legs, then she simply makes it clear that she is not interested in further communication. It is unlikely that you will be able to seduce her.

Why are guys afraid to meet girls, and why do girls stay lonely?

The following fears often prevent a guy from meeting a girl he likes:

  • Refusal A man who is selfish by nature values ​​his dignity and is very afraid to hear the word “no.” A man takes refusal hard, so not everyone decides to take such a risk.
  • Crowded place A possible reason why a guy is in no hurry to approach a girl is a large crowd of people around her. The fear of being ridiculed in front of a crowd is much worse than being told no in private.

  • Inconsistency A man is afraid of comparison with the girl’s friends, who may be more successful, with what she does in life and her financial situation. The fear of losing in these and other comparisons can push away his desire to get closer to the girl
  • Negative attitude Doubts in one’s own abilities and thoughts that nothing will work out predetermine the guy’s attitude, who ultimately decides that there is no need to try
  • Being used There are often cases when a girl meets a guy and has a nice conversation with him only with the expectation that he will pay for her drink or dinner, and then disappears in search of another for the same purpose. The fear of joining the ranks of men whom women use for their own purposes scares guys away from unfamiliar girls

Verbal signs

To understand whether a girl likes you, watch how she behaves while talking to you. You can safely count on sympathy if the girl:

  • always listens to you carefully, even if you tell her about the internal combustion engine;
  • actively supports conversation on any topic;
  • smiles at all your jokes (even the not very successful ones) and laughs at the funny stories you tell her.

A good sign is compliments addressed to you. After all, representatives of the fairer sex rarely give compliments. She may praise your athletic physique or expressive eyes. The main thing is to respond correctly to such compliments and, of course, reciprocate.

A girl whose sympathy for a young man is so strong that she has already mentally married him can share with him her deeply personal life stories, innermost thoughts and experiences, and will even try to introduce him to his parents. This indicates a high level of trust. But a brave and confident girl whom you have known for a long time is capable of this. A stranger will not reveal all her secrets on the first date. Therefore, do not rush to ask the young lady personal questions. Wait until you trust each other.

A girl can express her sympathy with the help of hints. For example, she will eagerly talk about the fact that a cool new film has been released, but she has absolutely no one to go to the cinema with. Instead of sympathizing, invite her to the cinema.

Girls love to hint that they need help. If a girl you like complains that she is cold or cannot cope with a difficult task, then this is a call to action. She wants you to take care of her.

If a lady complains that a light bulb in her house has burned out, the refrigerator has broken down, or a closet door has fallen off, then you, like a real man, will of course help a weak woman. She seems to be showing sympathy for you. But you have to be careful. Some women, especially work colleagues, may take advantage of you for personal gain by simply exploiting free labor. If such requests are repeated too often, then it is clearly not a matter of sympathy.

Determining the true sympathy of a colleague can be quite simple. Observe how she behaves at work. If she really likes you, then she:

  • regularly appears in your field of vision, even if you work in different departments;
  • when communicating, shows most non-verbal signs of sympathy (fiddles with earrings, chain, touches hair);
  • at meetings he agrees with you in everything and supports you;
  • began to dress less formally, trying to look more feminine;
  • brews coffee personally for you.

What should you talk about with a girl to interest her?

Topics may vary, but the main thing is:

  • The conversation should not look like an interrogation, i.e. there is no need to ask the girl too many questions, especially if they do not require a detailed answer
  • You need to have a good understanding of the issue being discussed and be able to fill moments of silence
  • It is advisable to share several interesting cases from life to make the dialogue more emotional
  • On the first date, you should avoid discussing issues on which you may have completely opposite views and cause an irreconcilable argument (politics, religion, etc.)
  • You should not talk about purely masculine topics (for example, about the latest football match)

Examples of topics:

  • hobby
  • mutual friends
  • movie
  • trips
  • work/study

Indirect signs

Are you still wondering: “How can I tell if she really likes me?” Then pay attention to indirect signs:

  1. The behavior of her friends. If her friends often look at you and smile or even giggle, then most likely she has already told them about you. Sometimes friends may even come up to you and tell you that their friend likes you.
  2. Clothing style and appearance. Watch the girl. If in your presence she tries to look better and more impressive than usual, then perhaps she is trying to impress you. She will also try to find out what kind of girls you like, and may even completely change her image.
  3. Behavior in the presence of other guys. It happens that a girl just likes to flirt with guys or doesn’t even notice that she’s flirting. Watch her how she behaves with other young people. If you notice that she behaves differently with you (looks into your eyes longer, flirts), it means that she is clearly not indifferent to you.
  4. Interest in your personal life. An interested girl will try to find out whether you are available for a relationship or not. She can directly ask if you have a girlfriend, or she can act through mutual acquaintances or friends. He might even try to find out everything about your ex.
  5. Social network profile. Girls often write statuses that reflect their mood and emotions. Therefore, carefully study her profile on the social network. If you took a selfie with her and she posted it on the same day, she definitely likes you. If we are talking about a married lady, then she definitely will not allow herself this, so as not to compromise herself and keep everything secret from her husband.

I advise you to watch a video about 30 obvious signs that make it clear that a girl is not indifferent to you.

How not to lose a girl's interest? What spoils a girl's impression of a guy?

If you succeeded in making the first impression on a girl, it is important to consolidate the result and not lose her favor in the future. The attitude towards a man can be spoiled if:

  • he stopped taking care of himself
  • often complains about his problems
  • trying to control the girl too much
  • started paying less attention to her
  • speaks only about himself

Obviously, in order to maintain interest, you should continue the tone set on the first date. Small gifts, flowers, pleasant surprises, and a willingness to listen will help keep a woman’s attention.

You can read more about this in the article 7 ways to please a woman. What will make any woman happy?

Social media

If you met a girl on a social network and are trying to understand through correspondence whether she likes you or not, then everything is not so simple. There are some signs that may indicate that your interlocutor is interested in you:

  • she responds to your messages instantly (but only on the condition that she is not busy with anything else);
  • she writes to you first as soon as you appear online (shy girls usually don’t do this);
  • she likes and actively comments on all your photos;
  • shares interesting videos and photos with you;
  • responds to your messages in detail (words like “yes” and “norm” indicate that she is not in the mood to continue the conversation, but wants to finish as soon as possible);
  • The girl is very frank with you in her messages.

In order not to guess at the tea leaves and not waste a lot of time on correspondence, invite her to meet in a cafe or just for a walk. Just find out in advance what she is interested in, what flowers she likes, what kind of guys she likes. If she refuses, then you don't have to waste your time on her.

What should I write to her to start a relationship?

If it’s difficult for you to talk about such a serious topic one on one, you can write to a girl on a social network. Nowadays, this is a fairly common way to start a relationship.

You need to write sincerely and preferably competently, because not every lady will want to date someone who makes several mistakes in the word “relationship.”

Write to her, for example, like this: “I like you. How about seeing each other regularly?”

You can write directly: “I want to date you.”

But all this sounds quite strange if you already see each other often.

In this case, it is much better to act not with words , but, for example, to kiss her or hug her at the right moment, then everything will begin by itself.

A humorous relationship sentence, such as “Does your mom need a son-in-law?” often works well.

Funny phrases will do , for example: “There is such chemistry between us that the TV series Breaking Bad can’t hold a candle to us!”

The main thing is to say not memorized words, but something of your own, personal, that will only be yours.

Ways to determine sympathy

You may not notice any of the above signs in a girl who likes you. The best way is to spend as much time with her as possible and monitor the development of your relationship.

If a girl is too shy and can't seem to start a conversation with you in person, but you communicate well online, then check her out. Smile at her when you meet her, ask how she is doing. You will definitely win her with your attention.

By the way, some psychologists advise testing sympathy with a smile. Try to smile at a girl when she looks at you, just like that. If she smiles back, that's a good sign. You will seem like a happy person to her, and she will associate all positive emotions with you.

Other psychologists suggest testing a girl’s sympathy with jealousy. They advise you to flirt with her friends in her presence. But don't rush to do this. The girl may decide that you like someone else and stop trying to attract your attention.

Of course, indirect signs do not provide a 100% guarantee that a girl likes you. The best thing to do is to ask her out and clear your doubts.


In order not to be mistaken about a girl’s liking, you need to carefully observe her. Many representatives of the fair sex do not know how to hide their emotions if they really like a guy. But it’s also not worth judging by several factors.

For example, slurred speech often means that a person is simply worried. If the topic is pressing for your opponent, then excitement is quite appropriate and does not signal love.

Now, if you have counted at least five of the indicators described above, then you can already draw the appropriate conclusions.

And yet, psychology is a good science, but do not forget to listen to your intuition and the voice of your heart. Every man can unmistakably determine the sympathy and ardent feelings on the part of a lady if he is more attentive and sensitive.

Determination of sympathy by zodiac sign

The horoscope and stars also help you understand how a girl treats you. However, don't take everything to heart. Just take some notes.


The Aries girl is straightforward and is not used to hiding her feelings. She will always directly tell a potential boyfriend about his chances of reciprocity. And if he’s silent, don’t be afraid to ask. You will receive a comprehensive and detailed answer. Sometimes such girls can be too aggressive and pushy, showing romantic feelings.


The Taurus girl keeps her feelings to herself and is in no hurry to advertise them. She can make overly complex hints. But if she notices that the guy doesn’t understand her, he will decide to take more decisive action. Taurus never rushes headlong into the pool, but focuses on strong relationships.


The Gemini girl flirts like she breathes, especially when she's bored. Her sincere interest is manifested in communication and the desire to find common interests with a guy. For example, if she was always indifferent to football, and then suddenly became a fan of your favorite team. The young lady does not understand romantic hints, so it is easier for her to directly tell her about her sympathy. She is very jealous and reacts violently to another woman’s coquetry towards the object of her adoration.


The Cancer girl is a romantic, sentimental and vulnerable person. If she opens up with you, opens her soul, it means she trusts you and sets you apart from the rest. This young lady will not behave openly with every person. Her interest will manifest itself in increased concern for your health, mood, etc.

a lion

A lioness girl is more accustomed to condescendingly accepting signs of attention from young people than to show them herself. However, if she falls in love, then her characteristic sense of possessiveness and jealousy manifests itself very clearly. It's hard not to notice.


The Virgo girl keeps her emotions to herself, without showing them outwardly. You can suspect her disposition towards you by her excessive pickiness, attempts to unobtrusively control you and slightly criticize you. Such girls strive for perfection in everything, so they will carefully analyze their every step.


The Libra girl behaves very nicely and evenly with everyone. She won't avoid contact with a guy she's interested in. However, when flirting, she will do it in such a way that there is an opportunity to retreat. What if she stops liking the guy, and this often happens with Libra. The surest sign that she likes you is the compliments and praise that she literally showers you with.


A Scorpio girl in love fanatically watches her appearance, as if she wants to amaze everyone with her beauty. The inconsistency of the sign lies in the fact that some girls will not hide their sympathy and are ready to bombard you with messages. Other representatives of this sign, on the contrary, begin to behave deliberately coldly and even officially towards the object of their adoration. In this case, it is better to ask directly what is the matter.


A Sagittarius girl always flirts. She will not invent complex multi-move combinations, but will “accidentally” end up in the same place as you. And one day he “accidentally” invites you to a cafe or a movie.


The Capricorn girl is restrained in her feelings and knows how to control herself well. However, if she falls in love, she becomes much softer in communication, more flirtatious and even more vulnerable. Although these traits are not characteristic of her. He shows his sympathy in practical things. For example, it can help in preparing dinner.


The Aquarius girl is an independent person and prefers loneliness. Serious relationships are the last thing she thinks about. It is almost impossible to determine sympathy by external signs, since she is sincerely interested in all people. But if your friendship with her becomes stronger, then soon you can leave the friend zone. For Aquarius, the most important thing is common interests and views.


The Pisces girl becomes very shy in the presence of the guy she is attracted to. Cheerful and charming, she suddenly begins to get lost in your presence. This is a clear sign of sympathy. However, she will never make the first move or be proactive.

Showing feminine sympathy in conversation and behavior at work

Propping her head with her hand, the woman demonstratively exposes her neck
. If the object of sympathy is a colleague, the girl constantly tries to attract attention by dropping a heavy pile of documents, calling to fix the computer, showing false sadness.

If a man is late at work, then the lady is also in no hurry to go home. And the pose is unintentionally directed towards the target. Supporting her head with her hand, the woman defiantly exposes her neck.

Eyes to eyes

You can also notice a girl’s obvious sympathy for a man during a personal conversation. As a rule, an interested woman will look for eye contact, and having caught it, she will not let go until the last moment. In a big campaign, her interest will be even more noticeable, because while telling something for everyone, she will certainly not take her eyes off that same man. It may seem as if the entire story is addressed to him alone.

Such obvious signs are very difficult to miss. The guy should put aside all fears and doubts, come up and start a conversation. This will be the first seed of future relationships.

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