How to please a girl 100% and how to behave correctly on a date, in correspondence, with a classmate who doesn’t like you?

Many men wonder: how to get a girl to like you on the first date? To do this, there are 2 main principles. First you need to be yourself. And the method of exaggerating one’s financial capabilities will only push the girl away.

It is equally important to establish contact with your interlocutor. First of all, communication should bring pleasure to both people. It is worth noting that excessive worries about the date only aggravate the situation.

Universal tips on how to please any girl

If all the girls were not different from each other, then it is unlikely that anyone would like them. Considering that they are all different and big originals, it is difficult to identify a clear and working algorithm to please any of them. But there are general principles that should be followed.

Keep your word

If you promised to help with the report, help.
If you said that you won’t hurt your classmate, defend them. Trust is as difficult to earn as it is easy to lose. Yes, this applies not only to relationships with a potential partner, but to the entire environment. If you pretend to be a responsible man in front of her, and fool other people around your finger, this will be perceived as dishonesty. Few girls will like this.

Develop yourself

This applies to both physical and mental development. You shouldn’t blame a girl for choosing a sporty guy over a wimp or an excellent student over a poor student. There shouldn’t be a choice between “smart+weak/stupid+strong”. If a guy is erudite and at the same time can stand up for himself and for her, the girl will not resist. And now straighten your back.

Be an individual

You must have your own position in everything. Who would like a guy who always follows the crowd and does things just because “his friends do it too” or “they say so”?

The ability to stick to your line and not be afraid of the condemnation of the majority is a sign of courage and willpower. Wise girls appreciate this, because they need a mature personality.

Master something perfectly

Learn to play the guitar beautifully, swing dance, create websites, and finally cook pies. Absolutely all female representatives have a weakness for guys who can do something very well.

You can also find yourself a unique hobby.

The kind that makes you say “wow!” and they look at you with surprise and respect. Let's say historical reconstruction, breeding of Achatina snails, astronomy. A girl would rather like such an unusual guy than a stereotyped and boring guy.

Jokes and laughs

Not in any way over anyone or in a malicious manner. And don't stoop to obscenity! Your humor should be natural and subtle. And funny, yes. This doesn't mean you have to turn into a circus clown. Everything should be in moderation.

About love and falling in love, what is it?

It is common for everyone to fall in love, break up and date. Everyone believes that they deserve the best, and no one wants to settle for mediocrity. It’s just hard to be the best; it’s much easier to think that you’re already good enough to have the right to vote to want more. In this case, the girl is your best reward and reason for change.

Small people surround themselves with even smaller ones in order to appear in such a friendly environment a little taller and more capable than others. Strong and high, reach for even higher ones in order to realize the real height of your flight and once again not be mistaken about yourself.

Relationships are the same level of gambling - whose friends are better? It's embarrassing to admit that your boyfriend or girlfriend can't do anything, but only complain or blame. Some leave, come to others, a constant movement, the goal of which is to find not only the best, but also the loving one.

To be the best and remain loving is truly one of the main tasks of not only men, but also women. In this vein, your love is not an escape from yourself, an escape from spiritual or physical lowlands, but the key to happiness, surrounded by your loved one and the best person in the world.

Love is too difficult entertainment, which can only be mastered by a select few. For everyone else, there is a beautiful love. A transient and narrowed model of real feelings, just what you need to look, touch, smell and forget.

It’s just not possible to try - this is only one tenth of the possible feeling. The maximum you can count on is to bite off a piece of the fruit, covered with a bitter and tough skin. Cough, spit out and go on your way, looking for something that acquaintances and chance encounters do not lead to. Love is the final stop when you are ready to sacrifice your life for the sake of your loved one without hesitation!

How to be irresistible on the first date?

If it comes to a date, then you will have to use both tactics and strategy. Of course, on a date you will behave depending on the situation. But some points should be thought through in advance. How to get a girl to like you on the first date?

  1. Think about your appearance and consider where you might spend time. If you are going to take a girl for a quality walk in parks and embankments, then it is better to refuse a classic suit. Just like you shouldn’t wear jeans and a T-shirt when going to the theater - few people will like this.
  2. If you invited her on a date, then please continue to support the initiative: only “gas” and no “brakes”. She herself will seize this initiative if she feels that she wants this and it is appropriate. It's not that all girls like to be led, but it's nice to be around a man with whom you can just relax and go where you're directed.
  3. Don't put pressure on the girl. Unnecessary moralizing, inappropriate pestering and excessive persistence will only ruin the date. Let your communication flow with the flow, from time to time directing it in the right directions.
  4. Don't be afraid to give compliments. It is advisable that they be on topic and not sound like a memorized phrase. Suggestions like “Girl, your parents aren’t pastry chefs? Where did they get such sweet candy from then?” It just makes you want to roll your eyes. Best case scenario . Just determine what you like about your date and tell her about it. It is best, of course, to pay attention to her personal qualities than to her appearance. The girl will like that you are tuned to deep perception, and not to superficial ones.


The main thing to have a good conversation is not to mumble. This is something that can kill any impression. Speech should be confident, clear, slow, but not drawn out. You need to speak calmly, pronouncing your words clearly. You trained in advance - you know what you say, so say it confidently. Voice is also important. It would be nice to develop a so-called chest voice, but this takes time; as a simple matter, just try speaking half a tone lower than usual. This can create the desired effect.

How to captivate a classmate at school?

Why bother yourself with how to please your classmate if everything is already at hand? She is nearby, and you are in her sight, and there is always something to discuss.

  1. Take care of yourself and your development. If she notices that you are a leader in all respects, especially when compared with your classmates, then you will not be left without attention.
  2. Respect her point of view and don't let others push her. A girl will like it if she sees you as a like-minded person and protector.
  3. You shouldn’t stoop to gossip, it doesn’t make anyone look good. But you can discuss some issue that interests both of you! This is both productive and brings people closer together.
  4. Take an interest in her success in extracurricular activities. It is quite possible that she is engaged in painting or some kind of martial arts. The ideal option is to keep her company so that you have a clear point of contact. This point will later serve as a support for the relationship.
  5. Give little things for no reason. She will love it if suddenly there is a bar of mint chocolate on her table, and at recess you give her a small ceramic raccoon. Such cute gifts will make every girl happy.

First, try to discern the personality in her, and then think about how to please the girl. At school, at university, at work – it’s not so important. The principles remain the same.

How to charm a girl who is older than you?

If she is older than you in age, this does not mean that the relationship is doomed.
There are no clear tips on how to please a girl who is older than you; you shouldn’t focus so much on age. But keep in mind that young ladies of different age categories have different needs! Sometimes even a year can play a role, especially in adolescence. It is more important to figure out how to understand her, and not how to please a girl. At the age of 12, she can sincerely dream about a prince, and later about a noble bandit.

  • How to please a 13 year old girl? Such young ladies have just begun to discover the romantic aspects of relationships with guys. It can be difficult to please her, because she is not yet wise enough to close her eyes to the age difference. In her environment, a relationship with a guy who is younger is considered not very prestigious. If she is influenced by the environment.
  • How to please a 15 year old girl? Show that you are interested in her and that you deserve attention. Make it clear that you have common points of contact, that you are an interesting conversationalist, and that it’s a pleasure to spend time with you.
  • How to please a 16 year old girl? With proper intellectual development, she may already have a mature female psyche. Keep in mind that older girls are already subconsciously focusing on you as a potential life partner. They lose their former frivolity and focus on prospects.

How will a girl at 14 like it if she is, say, already 17? The most important thing is not to try to appear older, but to behave in such a way that the age difference disappears on its own.

If you are independent, know how to behave, keep your word, and even know how to fence with swords, how can you not be liked? Be yourself.

Always smile.

We must admit that this rule seems to be the simplest, but in reality this is far from the case. A large number of people do not smile or do it forcedly, and therefore not sincerely, and it shows. If you doubt your abilities, practice at home in front of a mirror. There is nothing strange about this, smiling beautifully is the same skill as writing or reading, and if it turns out badly, you just need to practice it. Training will fix everything. After all, there is nothing more attractive than a person’s open smile.

How to impress someone who doesn't like you?

Before you like a girl who doesn't like you, think about expediency. You won't be nice by force! If you decide that the matter is worth the candle, then you will have to try.

  1. Determine the reason for the antipathy. It could be some ridiculous rumors about you, your ripped jeans and your passion for blues music. You never know. If these points are part of your personality, then you shouldn’t give up on yourself. But, if it suddenly turns out that these are your mistakes and not shortcomings, what prevents you from working on them?
  2. If a girl simply doesn't feel anything at all about you, arouse her interest.
  3. Take care of yourself. Learn something new. Act differently. It may be that she simply does not notice you.
  4. Pay attention to your behavior. If you suddenly mocked her or accidentally offended her somewhere, it is better to immediately and sincerely apologize.

How to start a correspondence relationship correctly?

Correspondence is usually conducted on social networks, for example, through VKontakte or Facebook.
But how can a girl like you on VK by correspondence, if such communication is just a set of letters without any sincere emotions? Literacy

Well, how can you please someone by correspondence if you can’t put two words together without mistakes? It's a shame that almost everyone's spelling is poor now. If you write as you should, then you will be understood correctly and your intelligence will be properly appreciated.

Richness of speech

Don’t be shy about your vocabulary, but also be careful about the appropriateness of certain expressions. If you are not sure of the meaning of some vocabulary phrase, it is better not to use it. Try not to swear or insert filler words everywhere, this does not show your “coolness”.

Think about a topic for correspondence!

To be liked, you need to write not empty words, but to interest them in yourself. Find out about her hobbies and interests so that you have the opportunity to discuss this in correspondence. Then she will understand that you have many points of contact. Any girl will like this.

Do women really “love with their ears”?

It is believed that attractiveness is required only for the fair sex, and a guy can afford not to pay attention to his appearance. The main thing is not to forget to praise the beauty of your chosen one - and she is yours. This is wrong.

Of course, it is not necessary to understand fashion and spend 2 hours choosing outfits. But it is necessary to observe the minimum rules of neatness. Clean clothes, neat hair, smooth cheeks, well-groomed beard or stubble are the main details.

Knowing how to give compliments is useful, but you need to learn to master your body language. The look is especially important. Confident but soft, he attracts his interlocutor, absorbing her attention.

You can’t look at her point-blank – this might not attract you, but, on the contrary, scare her.

It is important to maintain your posture: a hunched back and slumped shoulders have never helped to impress anyone. You can’t sit slumped on a chair - this is not a get-together with friends, you need to remember the end goal and work towards it. Therefore, let’s straighten our back!

How to behave with representatives of different zodiac signs?

It is said that people born under a certain zodiac sign have common traits and characteristics. Check it out for yourself if you want. But it’s better to believe in yourself than in astrology! Below are all the most interesting things about girls of different zodiac signs.

The table will help you determine exactly which zodiac sign the girl you like belongs to.


Demonstrate your activity and erudition. If you invite her to do something new and unusual together, she may like it - she is a great experimenter. Try to persuade her to take a trip to some new city! Even the zodiac sign itself speaks about how to please an Aries girl: such assertiveness and stubbornness cannot be tamed, so accept the fact that she is “always right.”


A Taurus girl should be comfortable, tasty and beautiful. Take her to a restaurant whose cuisine will probably not let you down. And don't be greedy! Taurus people love to give and receive gifts, and they will expect the same from you. Feel free to talk to her about your views on family and past experiences, if appropriate and correct. How to please a Taurus girl, if not with your directness and honesty?


Try to be polite and correct, especially at the first meeting, because the Gemini girl will not tolerate rudeness. On a date, it’s better to take her to some original new cafe; she’ll like something out of the ordinary. Forget about gossip with her, it’s better to share a new idea or discuss a possible forecast for some event. How to please a Gemini girl? Do not encroach on her freedom, but also make it clear that you share her emotional outbursts and changes.


How can you please a Cancer girl who is so mysterious and distrustful? First, make friends with her so that she can trust you, and then move your communication towards love. There is no point in deceiving her: Cancers have amazing intuition and will figure everything out right away. You will only lose a smart and deep girl. She will prefer spending time in a quiet and peaceful place with a slightly mystical atmosphere.

Choosing gemstones as a gift for a girl according to her birthstone

a lion

Lionesses are active and love to communicate. Maintain a lively conversation with her, try to catch her excitement and keep up with her train of thoughts. How to please a Leo girl, if not with the help of your masculine traits? Don't whine, don't brag. If you talk, it’s better either about something neutral or about herself, but the latter should not be criticism. Just give her the initiative. Lionesses are also pragmatic - let them know that you have potential.


Before you wonder how to please a Virgo girl, keep one thing in mind - she is already watching you. Virgos love to collect information and analyze it. They are very attentive. It's better to take Virgo to the theater or to a restaurant than to a party. At the same time, be generous, and also treat her tastes and principles with due respect. If she enjoys communicating with you, she will find time for you in her busy life.


Your first restaurant should be both delicious and stylish. Cheap plastic tables and misplaced pictures on the wall can really ruin her mood. How to please a Libra girl? Be open and smiling. Take her to beautiful places and don’t forget about compliments! It would be better to avoid quarrels and debriefings, solving problems peacefully.


Act natural, she won't like acting. It's better to seem weird than hypocritical. If you encroach on her personal space, she will fence herself off from you. Before you get a Scorpio girl to like you, keep in mind that she has excellent control over herself and her emotional states. Talk to Scorpio about what you were able to observe, discuss with her the hidden meaning of everything, but do not argue or try to impose your views on her.

Love compatibility of zodiac signs


Sagittarius girls are not at all hypocritical, which is what they expect from you. Be ready for experiments and dynamic development of relationships. If you decide to deceive a young lady of this sign, then there is no point in wondering how to please a Sagittarius girl after disappointment. Demonstrate your reliability and ability to protect, but you should not overprotect her. And no despotism! Don't tell her what to do: Sagittarius won't like that.


Capricorns are strong and assertive. The Capricorn girl will involuntarily begin to compete with you, so try to turn the game into a draw. How to please a Capricorn girl? Don’t disappear anywhere, if she begins to have an attack of universal melancholy, try to be nearby. She will like that you know how to take care. Try not to force things in the relationship; she herself will let you know when she is ready to move on.


Do not lie to her under any circumstances and do not come to a meeting in dirty shoes. Excessive mannerisms and pretentiousness in clothes will turn her away from you just as well as a wrinkled shirt. Try to start a conversation about her past or about global things. And how can an Aquarius girl please her, if not through noble and selfless deeds? She will appreciate it if you work with her to improve the world.


You wouldn’t ask about how to please a Pisces girl if you knew the amazing romanticism of their natures. A girl of this sign needs a reliable man who is ready to take the sky with his bare hands and throw it at her feet. But you can’t lie, because trust is very easy to lose!

Take her on a date to a mysterious park that offers an unforgettable view of the city. Show her a hundred-year-old tree that needs to be hugged so that her cherished wish will surely come true. Give her a star. Or at least a collection of Brodsky's poems. And don’t insist on intimacy ahead of time, it will scare her away.

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