How to please any girl - 15 tips from a psychologist

On a date you need to be confident. It will be more difficult for a girl to like you if your knees shake and your palms sweat. Therefore, try to set yourself up the night before the date that you are ready for any turn of events.

However, think through your plan several times. From the moment you meet a girl. You can write the plan down on a piece of paper to remember it and not forget anything later.

You should come prepared for your first date. You should be wearing nice clothes, ironed trousers or jeans without holes or stains, and polished boots. There should be a wallet with money or a card in your pocket. You will have to pay for the first date in any case, even if the girl refuses and wants to pay for herself. Let her pay next time so she can calm down and stop worrying.

Speak calmly and only start topics that are interesting to both of you. Talk about her more often to make her feel important. Remember, if the first date goes as it should, then the girl will become yours with a 90% probability. The remaining 10% depends on how you behave after the date.

Learn to live

Another mistake involving excessive self-confidence. And often - on sexism. If you, even with the best intentions, want to tell this stupid girl what to wear, where, who and how to work, or what goals to achieve, stop and think: were you asked?

Women constantly encounter men who strive to give an expert assessment of their lives and use arguments like “You are a future mother.” To say that this is infuriating is to say nothing.

Another form of truly male grooming is called mansplaining. It consists of a condescending manner of conversation in which a man makes allowances for a woman based on her gender. In essence, these are special “explanations for girls.” Thus, the man questions both the interlocutor’s knowledge of the topic and her intellectual abilities.


In order for girls to like you, you need to develop first and foremost as a person. There is no point in buying girls, do you want them to sincerely like you or for them to perceive you as a sponsor? Again, the choice is before you. When I was young, I chose the first path of development, developed as a humorist, charisma and other joys of being a man.

And at the age of 20, I attended pickup training, and it really had a strong influence on me in terms of development. If you have the opportunity, I recommend attending this event. About how to choose a school, write in a personal message, I’ll tell you what I know, I won’t describe it here, I don’t want to be reproached for advertising.

And yet, if you don’t get your ass off the chair, then nothing will get better on its own, or you are developing. Either you degrade, there is no other option. But I know one thing, if you work hard, you will definitely succeed, maybe not right away, you will have to take in a lot of negativity, but the more mistakes you make, the stronger you will become in life.

There was this article on the topic of how girls like it, it’s quite banal, but there’s no other way, write comments.

Be invisible

Everything is simple here: it is impossible to please someone until he knows about your existence. Therefore, coming out of the shadows and making acquaintances is a necessary step. If you find it difficult to do it due to shyness, use the tips from these articles:

  • How to stop being shy about everyone and everything: 10 effective methods →
  • How and what to talk about with a girl if shyness gets in the way →

The next step is to indicate your sympathy. Give compliments, ask questions, flirt, ask her out on a date - in general, let the girl know that the purpose of your acquaintance was not just small talk.

The purpose of a man

Initially, a man is designed to win a difficult but very interesting game called “life”. In addition, one of the main purposes of a man is to leave healthy offspring, and in the greatest possible quantity.

And here there is a certain paradox. In order to leave the maximum number of heirs, a man must be able to treat women and have time to spend with them. In fact, one of the most important purposes of a man is to inseminate as many females as possible.

However, a man who devotes a lot of time to winning the game of life - for example, developing in his profession and reaching sky-high heights in it - can be completely helpless in communicating with women. And therefore it is absolutely impossible to realize yourself as a man in this area.

Be too pushy

There are a lot of weird stereotypes associated with courtship. For example, that a woman needs to be pursued - as if anyone would be inflamed with passion if all the circles of hell would go through for her. Another ridiculous belief is that a woman’s “no” means “yes,” that is, your blind persistence supposedly guarantees consent.

What's wrong here? The fact that the girl is initially perceived either as a manipulator or as a person whose opinion can be easily influenced. Besides the fact that this position is clearly disrespectful, it is not at all clear why one would get involved with such a girl.

Of course, if you like someone, you shouldn't give in to difficulties. But you need to show sympathy delicately. Strong pressure will be perceived as a violation of personal boundaries.

Vdovin Ivan

  • More than 15 years in psychology
  • Owner of 2 successful businesses
  • Developed his own method “Key Therapy”
  • Certified NLP Practitioner
  • Certified Hypnotherapist
  • In practice I use: Gestalt therapy, imagery therapy, body therapy, art therapy, hypnosis, Hellinger constellations
  • Helped over 100 clients
  • I invested more than 500,000 rubles in my education
  • My blog is visited by more than 1500 people per day



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Be neat, clean, ironed. Girls like neat guys. Try to dress in shirts. Many girls have told me that the shirts they wear on men make them crazy. They just want to unbutton the buttons. But the shirts are not ordinary, but fitted and bright, the kind they wear to clubs.

Well, naturally, they should not dress for graduation, but tucked into jeans and over a good belt, and not from Aliexpress for 100 rubles. I’m sure finding such clothes is not a problem now, the only downside is that they have become expensive. Or look for really high-quality things on Aliexpress.


The most important thing is shoes. The girl always looks at the shoes. It must be clean and appropriate in style. You can't wear sweatpants and oxfords, it looks very stupid. Although we went this way at school, we had no other choice, we grew up in the 90s.

Basically we wore the same tracksuit, always. Well, that’s really how life was, there’s nothing you can do about it. They survived as best they could.

Personal hygiene

Naturally, the more pleasant you smell, the less disgust there is for you (just kidding). Yes, just be washed, clean and shaved. Once again I’m talking about accuracy, girls love such guys. Don’t forget about manicure, beautiful fingers without bitten nails will delight many ladies, since very few guys get manicures.

I'm not saying that manicure is something gay, do it if you want, do it if you want, but nails should be trimmed, without hangnails. Do you know why girls don't like guys with hangnails? Here you are sitting like this in a cafe, she is all beautiful, in a dress, stockings, and you run your hand over her knee, make a puff with a hangnail and that’s it, the girl’s confidence drops, she begins to worry that her external image is suffering and this needs to be dealt with then do. Like this.

Well, it’s natural that underwear and T-shirts should be changed every day and washed every day. Dress fresh in the morning if you plan to communicate with girls.

So, what do you need to do to get a girl to like you?

Be yourself

This is especially important if you are looking for a long-term relationship. There is no need to deceive, try on someone else's image and play games. Even if it helps the seduction at first, the truth will quickly come out.

Show respect

Treat the girl as an equal person to you, do not put pressure on her, try not only to show how irresistible you are, but also to learn about her. And yes, keeping your word and maintaining a neat appearance are also signs of respect.

Bad advice: how to quickly scare away any girl and remain a virgin for life

Finally, catch our comic tips, just don’t forget to turn them 180 degrees.

  1. Boast constantly. Modesty is for weaklings, a true alpha male must loudly declare himself! Especially if there is a girl nearby. Remember your merits at every opportunity, in case someone doesn’t know about them yet. Do not forget to look at everyone from top to bottom, show who is boss in the house.
  2. Teach others how to live. You have such a wealth of life experience behind you that it’s simply a shame not to share it. Give advice left and right, even if no one asks for it. They are all just modest, they don’t want to disturb such an important person once again.
  3. Baby talk more. You look like a healthy adult man, but at heart you are a vulnerable, sweet baby? The girl needs to find out about this urgently! Write to her more diminutive words, distort her name, talk about yourself in the third person. It's so sexy!
  4. Look down on all women. These are all fairy tales of hopeless henpecked people, that nature created man and woman equal. It is immediately clear that a man is a priori stronger, and most importantly, smarter than a woman. Be sure to inform your chosen one about this, even if she is a doctor of sciences, and you are a third-class mechanic.
  5. Compare girls with each other. Women love competition, so arrange imaginary castings for them, where they will compete with your former passions, colleagues, classmates, etc. Be sure to point out shortcomings, and give “A’s” for qualities that are useful to you. Help the poor things go through this harsh school of life, and they will definitely love you.
  6. Never pay for your companions in cafes and cinemas. The 21st century is the era of gender equality and women's emancipation. Don’t even try to pay the girl for her leisure time - she simply won’t survive such an insult. Better hint that it would be nice for her to pay for both of them herself - let her work off centuries of a woman sitting on a man’s neck.

#15: Surprise

She may be bored at home alone, but communication with you should be interesting. Offer unexpected solutions, arrange crazy dates. May the time spent with you be special. Rescue kittens, create common stories that you will then want to tell others and will be pleasant to remember when you meet again.

In addition to all of the above, girls really like it when a man can confidently start a dialogue. My “First Phrases Constructor” will help you with this.

When to stop

There are several situations in which you won’t be able to win a girl. Therefore, it is worth stopping and thinking, are you doing everything right?

Be prepared for this. The reason for this may be one of the following factors:

  • She already has a decent match;
  • You don't meet her expectations;
  • She has been keeping you in the friend zone for a long time;
  • You were too intrusive;

In any of the options, if all your previous attempts have failed, leave the girl alone and give her time. Try to maintain friendly or friendly relations and step aside. There is a possibility that her current partnership will end sooner or later. Be there at this moment to lend your strong masculine shoulder.

If you have alienated and even frightened a girl with your persistence and obsession, then the only chance to rehabilitate yourself is to enter the circle of friends and show your best side.

In the end, if the girl you dream about wants to see a tanned, athletic brunette next to her in a BMW, and you are a simple guy in a Toyota, there’s nothing you can do about it. Either you need to catch up to her requirements, or the girl must lower the bar of her expectations.

How to behave

We found out what to do, acquired approximate ideas about what a man should be like in order to interest a lady... But how to behave?

The main thing is not to be afraid. At least write it on your hand and re-read it every time you want to run away or postpone a closer acquaintance until better times.

Even if the guy is all wonderful and cool, but blushes, turns pale, stutters and shakes - his chances are close to zero.

At least you should try to do all this not very intensely and, perhaps, you will be considered cute.

Be polite. It’s only on pickup resources that they say that you need to be rude, supposedly this is the best way to get people interested. Modern realities are such that using this method you can, at best, get a look of contempt. Don't forget to care. In general, if you want to win a girl, feed her. (Just check your taste preferences in advance). This will be a great way to show care, and, if you get the food right, a good reason for further communication. But, again, don’t get carried away, otherwise you will become a male deer.

“Am I just going to go up and shove a sandwich in her hands?!” In extreme cases, this is possible. But it’s better to show more flexibility and gentleness - tell her that she looks tired, maybe she wants to eat. Give her a few compliments about how great she looks...

Yes, speaking of compliments, practice how to give them. Seriously, the phrase “you have amazing facial curves” is not entirely true, although it is original. A good compliment favorably emphasizes a girl’s strengths, perhaps even non-obvious ones.

Be natural, attentive, listen more than talk. Tell funny stories, but don't embellish the reality - your communication should be easy and pleasant, and not cruel torture.

Don't be stubborn - it's a good idea to take her hand, put your arm around her shoulders or waist, or just touch her, as if by chance. It’s a bad idea to continue these actions if the girl tells you “no”, moves away and asks you to take your hands off. Yes, you can try again a little later, but don’t overdo it , otherwise the only response you will cause is aggression. And this is not exactly what we need. It’s another matter if the object of your sympathy interests you only in terms of sex.

It's a joke. Do not do it this way).

This is a completely different format of relationships and behavior, here you can show yourself as a kind of macho, arrogant, self-confident, assertive. If you are only interested in victory in this regard, then your best helpers are irony, humor, self-confidence and charm.

But even here you need to remember about compliments; they should be unobtrusive and laconic. Care is also never superfluous, although in the case of a desire to arrange a one-time rendezvous, more attention should be paid to slight negligence. Along with all of the above, let her understand that you are practically unattainable - your hobbies, interests, girls. Just don’t overdo it, it’s very important to walk the fine line between interest and disgust.

An ideal picture of the development of your sympathy should look something like this: show the girl signs of attention - maybe unobtrusive sincere compliments, help with some little things, a cup of coffee, an extra sandwich, some cute trinket. Along the way, you learn her preferences and interests: what kind of cuisine she likes, how she spends her free time, what her hobbies are. Don't be an obsessive stalker! Then invite her somewhere - a restaurant, a cafe, a park, or anywhere, depending on her interests. If he doesn’t agree, it doesn’t matter. Continue unobtrusive courtship. Be punctual, efficient, polite and gallant, but try not to blush and be natural.

If you follow all these nuances, then very soon she will agree to a date, and then it’s just a matter of little things - don’t lose face, turn out to be an interesting conversationalist, and most likely your relationship will reach a new level.

#10: Control yourself

Self-control and the ability to remain calm in stressful situations inevitably inspire admiration among girls. It is more difficult for them to cope with their emotions, so when you demonstrate composure and emerge victorious from a difficult situation, you automatically receive a plus in your piggy bank. To do this, it is not necessary to disarm bandits and save grandmothers from under a bus. Situations can be different: juice was spilled on you in a cafe, some child stained your trousers. If you start yelling and making trouble, you will be little different from a market woman.

#7: Give gifts and flowers

It’s so banal and simple: make small surprises and show signs of attention. Let them be inexpensive and non-committal, but cute. A keychain, flowers, a bag of candy, a small soft toy, a notebook - these are things that will be remembered and will remind you of you. Give gifts without pathos and long speeches, just say that you saw the thing and thought about the girl, you wanted to buy it and give it as a gift.

Understand how to no longer receive refusals from the girl you like!

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Which you will receive during the FREE ONLINE INTENSIVE and you will learn:

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Recommendations for guys

There must be a certain measure in everything. And this should always be remembered. Most likely, a guy will not have a chance to continue the relationship if he is too persistent and even to some extent obsessed with his chosen one. Experts recommend the following:

  1. You should always take care of your own hygiene. Nobody likes belching and unpleasant odor from the mouth and feet, sweat, and flatulence. You need to wash your clothes and shoes regularly. It is advisable to take a shower and brush your teeth before the meeting. There is a category of women who do not tolerate the strong smell of cologne or cigarettes.
  2. You shouldn’t be an ideal person and expect the same from her. After all, every person has their own shortcomings.
  3. Under no circumstances should you be forced to be jealous. This can be bad for relationships. In the case when you need to find out if she is attractive, it is better to ask her friends or take a closer look at her behavior with other guys. You also need to trust your intuition. Don't lose hope. It is better to confidently move towards your goal. Relationships will get better when the guy proves his loyalty. If a girl asks about her exes, then it is not recommended to talk about them.
  4. When meeting, it is advisable to ask personal questions, be interested and flirt. You need to show that you can win her, and also show confidence and courage in difficult situations. It is not advisable to use communication methods that are easy to fake.
  5. You can't be too anxious when flirting. Some take this as a sign that the guy is only interested in sex and not in a normal relationship.
  6. Not many people will appreciate vulgar jokes. It is for this reason that it is better not to tell them. In most cases, the girl will only distance herself from the guy.
  7. In the case when a girl avoids communication, this means that she does not want communication and there is no need to follow her. It's better not to waste time and find another one.

If everything is done correctly, the result will be positive. You just need to be able to look after a lady beautifully and correctly and take into account her opinion, as well as share her interests. Girls don't like boring guys, and you should remember this.

Don't avoid touching

What could be more stupid than being afraid to touch the girl you like? Do this carefully so as not to be branded as a rude lout who wants sex with her right here and now. Even if this is the case, a self-respecting woman will not respond to obscene gestures.

Just be a gentleman - help your partner put on her coat, offer your hand when getting out of the car, hold the door, take her hand if you find yourself in a crowd. Your touch should be light and unobtrusive, symbolizing protection, and not an aggressive desire to have sex. Women are very sensitive to touch and need it very much. I hope the hint is more than clear?

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