Tips for girls: how to get a boy to like you at school

School is considered one of the most important and interesting periods of life. There children communicate, learn to interact with the team, find friends and, of course, fall in love. School love is the brightest and most tender, it is remembered throughout life. Girls are more nimble in terms of likes and relationships, so they have questions about the opposite sex earlier. How to get a guy to like you at school? What steps should I take to achieve this? What can I do to avoid pushing him away?

Take care of yourself

Appearance is the main weapon of any girl. Neither huge blue eyes nor a wasp waist will save you if you look unkempt.

Don't forget about basic hygiene: brush your teeth, wash and comb your hair, wash your face, take care of your nails. When a girl has a neat manicure, fresh breath, shiny hair, and no acne on her face, her chances of attracting a guy’s attention triple!

And most importantly, we take care of our appearance even where it is hidden from prying eyes! This must be done for self-confidence. If a girl is wearing torn tights, stale underwear or a terrible pedicure, will she shine in front of her crush? Hardly. She will be stiff, shy and unsure of her movements. So, beauties, dress and take care of yourself as if you were going to the catwalk every day, and not to school!


Do you know how the law of meanness works? The very day you decide to stroll to the store in your big brother's stretched out sweatshirt and lounge pants is the day you meet your prince. We are under no circumstances telling you to forget about your own comfort and not leave home without an extremely short dress and high-heeled shoes. It is enough to take care of yourself - without fanaticism. Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident.

Don't worry about your appearance. Men are mostly visual people - use this to your advantage.


Liking begins with communication. If a girl wants to please a guy who is not from her class, she should start communication by establishing contact. Playful glances during breaks, shy smiles, timid nods. Ask mutual friends at school to introduce you. If you are shy, switch to communicating on social networks. Study the guy's page before you make any moves. Add to a couple of his groups, like a few songs and recordings. Comment creatively on your favorite photo. Share that you have a collectible Bi-2 album if the guy is interested in this group, etc.

If you like a classmate, then communication here can be accompanied by physical contact. You can sit at his desk during recess to ask for advice (help with setting up the phone, choosing a cool movie). At the same time, touch your shoulders or arms. If you are already on good terms, you can hug your classmate, playfully pat him on the shoulder, playfully push him, or pinch him. During class, you can wink at him once. But everything should be natural!

Next, try to transfer communication outside of school. Walk home together (even if it’s only 5 minutes on the way, walk it together), ask him to carry the briefcase. Offer to go for a walk after class, coming up with some reason for this. Ask for advice, tell him that a guy is courting you and you don’t understand how to behave so as not to hurt him with a refusal. This way you will show that you are in demand among boys, and he will look at you with interest.

If the conversation is not going well, so as not to look ridiculous, ask the guy more questions. Then your tension will decrease and the dialogue will improve.


Speech etiquette is a set of rules about correct speech behavior. First of all, it refers to the correct use of words and phrases in different situations. The ability to live in modern society and communicate with other people is an entire art that every person should learn. Girls, as well as guys, must be correct, that is, they must behave within the bounds of decency. Be polite, this means showing respect and attention to your interlocutor. Be tactful, feel the boundary, do not cross it so as not to offend your interlocutor. And, of course, be delicate. Show attention to the person you are communicating with.


Flirting is a real art. But don’t worry, you can quickly learn this art, you just need to overcome your shyness a little. For example, do you like a guy at school, but when you cross paths, do you run away in horror or avert your eyes from him, pretending not to notice? This is a priori wrong position.

One fine day, during recess, give him a wink or a nod. Smile, look into the eyes for 5 seconds and look away. It's very simple, don't be shy. Boys are just waiting for such signals, because they are more vulnerable than they seem.

If a guy at school is quite shy, but you notice that he looks at you often and with interest, approach him first. Ask a couple of questions, ones that don’t oblige you to anything. If the conversation starts, great. If you feel that you both look stupid, tell him about it honestly. “The conversation is not going well. We’ll try again after a while, maybe next time it will work.” Leave without looking back. He will be shocked, but this method works.

If you see a snowball fight in the school yard, don’t hesitate to join in! Throw a snowball at him, don’t be afraid, then with an innocent look you will say that it was an accident.

If you are in awe of the mere sight of a handsome guy, imagine that in front of you is a neighbor or best friend with whom you can easily communicate. Play out possible topics of conversation in your mind, practice in front of a mirror - this way you will relieve tension and look natural.

Tips for girls on meeting guys

If you want to hit on a stranger, you don’t need to come up with complicated plans:

  • Be in a good mood. It is much more pleasant to communicate with a person who smiles and is not averse to a joke than with a cold and unapproachable girl who seems to have stepped out of a screen. Guys may simply be embarrassed to approach such a person.
  • Play to your strengths. If romantic femininity is not your thing, focus on your superpower and become the life of the party. A person who laughs at your jokes every day may one day fall in love with you.
  • Be friendly, but without hypocrisy. And with his friends too, even if you don’t like them. Boys often listen to the opinions of their friends, so do not allow yourself to be considered boring or rude: this is not the best advice.

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Say hello!" will be quite enough. This is not an aggressive approach. The greeting is not annoying; people respond to it better than to primitive flirting.

He should notice

To catch a guy's attention at school, a girl must attract him with something. You need to not only remain yourself, but also take into account age limits!

Everything should be organic! For example, if a 10-year-old girl tries to impress with makeup, this will more likely cause bewilderment and ridicule from a guy than interest. It is better to attract attention with behavior at this age. Be cheerful, exciting, active, friendly: when entering the class, smile, say hello, look the guy in the eyes when talking, tell interesting stories. Encourage the boy, help him, praise him. Guys like this more than short skirts and lipstick.

But at the age of 13 you can already surprise guys with your appearance. This could be a new hairstyle, an interesting combination of wardrobe, light and natural makeup that emphasizes beauty. Just remember – it should suit you!

If the school has introduced a dress code, you can simply play with the styles of shirts/blouses/skirts, complementing the look with an interesting braid, high ponytail or fashionable curls. If free style is allowed, there is somewhere to roam. But only wear clothes that you feel comfortable in. If you love jeans with sneakers, and suddenly you put on high heels with a tight dress - yes, a guy will definitely notice you! But most likely he will notice your funny, awkward gait. And if you fall at school, you will blush for a long time. Continue to carry your style, just add bright colors and interesting accessories.

Makeup should be discreet, just lip gloss and a little mascara on the eyelashes. To please a guy, never use blue eye shadow, dark blush or brown lipstick!

What kind of girls do boys like and why?

It's hard to argue with the fact that boys pay attention to attractive girls. To interest a guy, you don’t have to be like the model on the cover of a magazine, but you shouldn’t forget about the general nuances. Make sure you always look neat and appropriate. In high school, wear things that will highlight your winning sides, but do not allow there to be at least some hint of vulgarity. Be sure to take care of your skin (choose care according to your age, visit a dermatologist if necessary), and hair (make masks, rinse your hair in a herbal decoction). It would be nice to choose your own special style in clothes and accessories. Perhaps there is no need to explain why guys like well-groomed girls, because the female sex also initially pays attention to the appearance of the chosen one, and this is quite natural.

In addition, guys love open and cheerful girls, because it’s always interesting to be with them. However, young people are often attracted to mystery girls. Whoever the opposite sex definitely doesn’t like are arrogant people and upstarts - you never know what to expect from such persons, and these expectations often do not promise anything good. In general, be positive, simple, pay attention to your appearance, find yourself an interesting hobby, and then, undoubtedly, you will be successful with young men!

Become his friend

This option is more suitable for attracting the attention of a stranger or an unfamiliar guy. A classmate already knows everything about you, so the recommendations for conquering him will be somewhat different.

So, you dream of turning the head of that guy from the parallel class, but you don’t know how best to approach him? First, find out about his hobbies and interests. If a guy attends swimming, aircraft modeling, or a theater group, it’s time for you to go there too. Firstly, a common activity immediately brings you closer together - you will begin to say hello at school, and exchange a few words during extracurricular activities. Secondly, you have a chance to conquer him with your qualities (talent, speed, strength, intelligence, creativity). Thirdly, you can always ask him for help with a relaxed look, praising his skills at the same time. For example: “How are you able to pick this up so quickly on the fly? Do you know any secrets? Share with me, otherwise I just can’t master this technique.” Or “You’ve been doing this for a long time, what are you doing so well? Please tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Further friendship between you is guaranteed. Later, after training, you can ask the guy to take you home, otherwise it’s dark / you’re afraid of dogs / you’re sad today / you want to consult with him, chat.

Advice! Don’t delay your friendships, otherwise you might get stuck in them forever. If the guy agrees to accompany you (responds positively to your requests), one day directly ask him if he likes you. Don’t be shy, because his actions already speak of his sympathy. Even if the guy answers in the negative, simply answer: “So, it seemed to me.” Smile and continue neutral communication. At least everything fell into place.


The homework scheme is perfect for getting the guy in your class to like you. You know his strong and weak subjects very well, which means you have the keys to his heart.

If a classmate is well versed in physics, then before the next laboratory work (difficult homework), ask him to help you. At the same time, you will praise his abilities. For example: “You are so well versed in this topic that I sometimes understand you through words. Can you explain this section to me? Great, come to me (let’s go sit in the school park), drink tea and pull me up at the same time?”

If the situation is different - you are strong where the guy is lame, offer your help. Just say: “Listen, it’s actually not that difficult, let me help you a little.” It is better to do this after a failed test, received a bad grade, or his request to copy off his homework. By the way, be sure to let me copy your homework, otherwise you will seem like a bore.

And already during extracurricular activities you will reveal yourself to him differently - interesting, smart, cheerful. Don't just focus on your studies, but don't be constantly distracted, otherwise your meetings will quickly end.

What to do next if a guy likes you

When you feel that your feelings are mutual, you should try to maintain them. If the boy is too shy and cannot be the first to take a step towards you, you can be decisive and invite him yourself, for example, to a movie or a park.

At the same time, the girl needs to behave openly and naturally: young people do not like falsehood and excessive coquetry.

A guy will be impressed if his chosen one turns out to be witty and cheerful. Therefore, smile in response to your friend’s smile and affectionate gaze.

It is necessary to praise him - this raises self-esteem among representatives of the stronger half of humanity, but you should not stoop to rude flattery. In addition, you also need to match the young man yourself - constantly improve, assimilate new information and be an interesting conversationalist. To make communication more intense, you can choose a seat in the classroom or in the auditorium next to your friend.

During the conversation, it is worth touching on not only general topics, but also taking a keen interest in the affairs of your friend. To do this, ask questions about his hobbies, doubts and successes more often.

Help your young person prepare lessons and study materials for exams. Support and joint activities will increase the knowledge of both.

If a girl is sick, then under no circumstances should she whine and show herself infinitely unhappy. The young body will quickly overcome the disease, and the girlfriend will seem like a boring pessimist to the young man.

Olga F.


Before you show off in front of a guy at school, try to understand his essence. If you like him, but don’t feel any reciprocal emotion, figure out the reasons for his coldness in order to take the right steps.

If the guy is shy, you will have to take all the initiative. At first, you will be the first to approach him, start a conversation, offer to go for a walk, etc. This happens, don’t worry.

If a guy doesn’t look at you because of different views on life, prove that you are birds of a feather. Show that you are also interested in physics (sports, cars, bicycles). Eh, what you won’t do just to be liked.

If a guy just doesn’t like girls, then the only thing you can do at the moment is to become his friend at school. Typically, this attitude towards girls is formed in boys of 10-12 years old, when they are simply not interested in the opposite sex. Break his stereotypes - take part in various sporting events with him, discuss the latest action movie, invite him to ride on your brand new hoverboard.

If he has a girlfriend, think 100 times whether you need it. Such questionable situations often end in trouble and disappointment. Look around - there are so many guys at school for every taste and color. Do not destroy what is not yours, otherwise you risk earning a bad reputation, which will be difficult to wash off.

It is difficult to behave correctly as a teenager: you are embarrassed, doubtful, don’t know what to say, how to react to his behavior, and so on. To save face, follow the main tips that will help you in relationships with guys:

  1. Always remain yourself at school and outside its walls. When you do things that are unusual for yourself, it seems forced and funny.
  2. Be cheerful and energetic, but never force yourself on a guy.
  3. Don't be too categorical, have patience. Even if he likes to make bad jokes, just smile. This way you won't hurt his self-esteem. However, know your own worth, do not allow yourself to be offended.
  4. Smile more often - guys love sincere smiles.
  5. Find out more about him. Study his interests, interests, hobbies. This is a great option for getting a guy who doesn't like you to like you. At some point, he will look at you differently, because common topics bring you very close.
  6. To please a guy, praise him, listen, approve of his actions, support him.
  7. Constantly develop, take an interest in something new, expand your horizons. When a girl is smart and inquisitive, she attracts guys like a magnet.
  8. Don't praise yourself. Nobody likes a braggart. In addition, boys quickly get bored with such “ideal, beautiful, smart, excellent, skillful, irreplaceable” girlfriends.
  9. If you don’t know a guy from school yet, shoot him with your eyes during recess. Silently, but with a smile.
  10. Always watch and take care of yourself. When you like yourself, the whole world will lie at your feet!
  11. If you see that communication is going quite satisfactorily, invite the guy to exchange phone numbers. There's nothing wrong with that.
  12. Text in light, short phrases. You are allowed to write to the first one only once, then your SMS should only be in response.
  13. To be liked, sometimes be unexpected! It confuses and captivates the boys.
  14. Be spectacular, but not vulgar. Don't try to look older than your age.
  15. Don't compare yourself to other girls. You are unique, one of a kind, you have qualities that others do not have. Remember this.

Is it possible to get a guy to like you at school in 1 day? Yes! You can make him look at himself with different eyes. If before all 7 years you were just Masha from the left row, then today you can become a cool, interesting, pretty, bright Masha, from whom it is impossible to take your eyes off! Love, girls, is how it comes! Spontaneously, quickly and unexpectedly!

How to please a boy at 14 years old

At the age of 14, girls feel that they need to be the best in everything, then the guy will pay attention, but competitive moments have long given way to originality, naturalness and uniqueness. The most powerful and most difficult thing you can do is be yourself. That is, laugh at what is funny to you, and not at what all the girls laugh at or exclusively at the guy’s jokes. If you are not funny or the humor seems offensive, it is important to be able to say that many guys, spoiled by attention, cross the boundaries of what is permitted and they simply need a person who will put them in their place and make them try to be better. It is also important to go where you like and when you want. Sacrificing your own sleep to stay longer at a party where everyone is gathered, provided that tomorrow's training does not play into your favor. Guys like those who go their own way, are guided by their own values ​​and do not give in to manipulation by society.

This is a rather difficult path that requires stability and confidence, since it is always easier to behave like everyone else without thinking too much. The danger is that the guy will not distinguish you from others, and you will not live your life.

Your main interest should be your own life - don’t impose yourself on the guy, let him be the first to take the initiative, which is important to encourage and show what pleases you. But you shouldn’t run after him yourself; they quickly lose interest in such girls. It is quite acceptable to be active after his first few steps, but there should always be more of his actions. Don’t tell everything about yourself, let there be a little mystery and room for his imagination; if he knows your schedule, the motives for meeting and refusing, every minute, then interest gradually subsides and he doesn’t want to explore.

Being yourself and being different are completely compatible things - after all, you have different activities and moods. Despite the fact that everyone likes to be praised and welcomed, guys are not interested when a girl is constantly sweet and unctuous. You can be openly angry, sad, happy, fall into apathy, agitation and depression - the greater the spectrum you allow yourself to show, the more intrigue and interest you will arouse in a guy.

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