4.0. Trainings for studentsmaterial on psychology on the topic

Children and teenagers, just like adults, need psychological training with which they can understand themselves, correct their behavior, find the purpose of life, increase self-esteem, get rid of complexes, and communicate without conflicts with peers and loved ones. Such classes are conducted by experienced psychologists. They have a variety of methods and psychological exercises in their arsenal, thanks to which you can achieve the desired results in the correction of individual mental functions or a specific personality.

Top most popular trainings

  • Negotiations: a method of reconciling the interests of the parties (“soft negotiations”)
  • Tough (complex) negotiations: secrets of preparation and conduct
  • Technology for preventing and resolving labor (business) conflicts
  • Effective sales and workforce management
  • Business Leadership
  • The ideal leader (according to I. Adizes)
  • Eight Habits of a Highly Effective Leader (according to S. Covey)
  • Technology for preparing and holding meetings
  • Modern techniques for effective interaction with a Partner when solving business problems (based on NLP techniques)
  • Public speaking skills (oratory)

International School of Professions

Website : https://videoforme.ru/ Cost : from 6,800 rub. per course

The International School of Professions offers 12 online courses in practical psychology. Here you can study neurolinguistic programming, sales psychology, communication psychology, features of relationships between children and parents, etc.

You can join the group at the beginning of each week. Thanks to the flexible schedule, you can study in any group. Upon completion of the courses, a diploma is issued.


  • Profession Psychologist-consultant
  • Coaching courses
  • Psychology courses for beginners
  • Courses in psychology of relationships between men and women
  • Child psychology courses for parents
  • NLP courses
  • Communication courses (communication with people)
  • Speed ​​reading courses. Memory development
  • Networking courses: establishing business contacts
  • Courses of modern psychological techniques
  • Psychological counseling courses
  • Psychodiagnostic courses

Trainings in the following areas:

Trainings aimed at developing management skills

1. Effective sales and workforce management

2. Business leadership

3. Development of leadership qualities of a manager

4. Situational leadership

5. Delegation as a management function

6. Modern approaches to creating an effective team (based on the Myers-Briggs typology)

7. The ideal leader (according to I. Adizes)

8. Technology for preparing and holding meetings

9. Modern methods of training personnel in the workplace. Selecting a candidate for your team

10. Intermediary (mediator) activity of the manager

11. Activities of the manager to create an effective system of personnel motivation

12. Technology of preparation and implementation of organizational changes

13. Eight skills of a highly effective leader (according to S. Covey)

14. Technology for the manager to make an effective management decision

15. Effective management in difficult and problematic situations" (based on the methodology of I. Adizes)

16. The art of coaching in managing department employees

17. Technology for a manager’s work with informal leaders and negative microgroups in the workforce

18. Effective team management technology

Trainings aimed at developing communication skills

19. Negotiations: a method of reconciling the interests of the parties (“soft negotiations”)

20. Tough (complex) negotiations: secrets of preparation and conduct

21. Negotiations in business from “A” to “Z”

22. Telephone conversations: secrets of success

23. Dealing with objections from a Partner (interlocutor)

24. Modern techniques for effective interaction with the Partner in solving business problems (based on NLP techniques)

25. Public speaking skills (oratory)

26. Skills in preparing and conducting presentations

27. Technology for preventing and resolving labor (business) conflicts

28. Lie detection of a partner/interlocutor in business situations

Trainings aimed at developing personal effectiveness skills

29. Time management (time management)

30. Stress management technologies in business situations

31. Emotional intelligence in business

32. Psychology of fear in business

33. Personal Confidence Training


LESSON 3. Getting to know each other. (continuation)

Goal: To develop the first norms of life in the group, conducive to intensive learning. Bring students together. Establish friendly relations. (continuation). A technique for establishing contact with a stranger. First impression.

1. Warm up. T=15

Game “Those who...”: Everyone sits on chairs in a circle, one leads and stands in the center. His task is to take a place, i.e. sit on a chair. The presenter names an item that is in the possession of several players (for example, “who has jewelry”), those who have this item must stand up and change places (you cannot sit in your own place), and the presenter, at this time, must take whose - the other player becomes the leader and, accordingly, becomes the leader.

2. Reflection on the previous lesson. T=30

— Reflection on the last lesson (what happened) t=10

Everyone introduces themselves by the names they would like to be called in this group.

Game “Snowball”: Each person introducing himself first repeats all the names named by the previous neighbor, and only then says his name. If there are more than 20 participants, you can simplify, for example: call only the previous seven by name.

There is no more pleasant sound for a person than his own name. Therefore, we will make the most of the opportunity to call the other by name. If you forgot your name, don’t hesitate to ask. If you see that they want to contact you and find it difficult, help: identify yourself. Who is in favor of addressing each other in our group only by name and nothing else? (Who did not vote - understand why?)

3. Every day we communicate with many people: at school, in the yard, at home, here. And unwittingly we can offend (hurt) them without even knowing it. T=25

The very first rule we will follow is not to hurt a person. When solving your own or common problems, always remember about the person and do so that the other person feels good with you. I think we won’t have such squabbles as PARASITE, PIG, CRETIN. But often we hurt our neighbors by accident, with seemingly ordinary words. For example:

- THIS IS NONSENSE - Such a negative attitude towards what was said cannot but hurt us, because, as a rule, we consider what we say important.

- WELL, ABSOLUTELY, - Behind this: “this is so clear that if you say this, then most likely you are a narrow-minded person.”


What do you think lies behind the words?

- WELL, DO YOU UNDERSTAND... - (actually you don’t understand, but try to understand)


Who has ever said these words, and how often?


(words that hurt another person - openly or hidden)

  • 1. Okay
  • 2. Well straight away
  • 3. Nothing like that (in any context)
  • 4. It's corny
  • 5. It's obvious
  • 6. This is not a conversation
  • etc…

It’s not just the phrases that affect you, but also your postures, intonations, and gestures. So, who is in favor of not allowing offense in the life of our group? But who still allows it? (Who allows it - discuss: as a rule, they allow insults on their part due to the inability to take care of themselves) ... Who is ready to correct themselves?..

4. First impression.

What it is? How important is the first impression? - it is always correct.

A) CAN I SEE? (work in micro groups of 6-8 people). T=25

— Everyone carefully looks at the faces of the other members of the microgroup. t=2

- Close your eyes and with your eyes closed try to imagine the faces of the other members. Note which face is remembered best and which one is difficult to remember. t=3

- We opened our eyes. Again, for 2-3 minutes everyone looks at each other, trying to fix it in their memory and restore what they forgot.

- They close their eyes again and reconstruct the appearance and faces from memory. t=3

— 5-10 minutes discussion: exchange of impressions and experiences. Discuss anything that seems interesting to you.

(see Attachment)

B) Training - First impression. T=130 (total)

(I invite a stranger to the group in advance at the appointed time.)

Everyone is interested in how they are perceived based on their first impression. In order to communicate effectively, you need to know 2 sides:

1. How I am perceived.

2. How you perceive others.

Today we will deal with one of these aspects - how I perceive others based on first impressions.

We have a guest today (I’m taking the guest out). He is interested in obtaining objective information about himself. You can touch and feel this person, but you cannot ask him questions. Within 15 minutes you must describe our guest. This guy can walk, he can sit - whatever suits him - he is the master in this situation.

Example instructions: (orally, quickly)

- Please refer to him in the 2nd person.

- Build your hypotheses, what is his name?

- What kind of person is he?


You must write exactly the impression that he made on you. I remind you once again - address yourself in the 2nd person.

After 15 minutes, exchange papers.

And now we have a conversation (interview).

You are given a rare opportunity in our time to test your hypotheses - to talk with this person.

Feedback. After everything, you can ask the guest the general opinion about the audience - what was it like for you to stand here - how impressed you were, when the group was silent and whether it changed when they started asking questions

Reflection exercise. Discuss everything.

Guys, have your opinions changed?

Summing up the lesson - general reflection.

What new things did you learn, how did you feel from the class?

International educational

Website: https://vospitanie.ipsyholog.ru Cost: from 7900 rub. for the training

Does your child provoke you - as if he deliberately wants to annoy you?

  1. He gets stubborn and does everything the opposite.
  2. Doesn't hear you or your requests.
  3. He is capricious, whines and distracts from business.
  4. Manipulates to get his way.

A GOOD CHILD AND A CALM MOM IN 6 WEEKS This comprehensive system of basic knowledge on child psychology will help you step by step build a respectful, trusting and supportive relationship with your child, where there is no place for shouting, threats, insults and punishment.

In just 6 weeks you will learn to negotiate with your child quickly and easily in any, even the most difficult situation!

Who will this be useful for?

  • If you are expecting a baby and want to learn in advance how to raise a child in an atmosphere of respect, acceptance and support.
  • If your child is from 2 to 12 years old, he is a toddler, a preschooler or a primary school student and you understand that it is important not to miss the time of personality formation, which will affect his entire life.


Website: https://icds-group.com Phone: +7 800 707 6294 Cost: not specified

Online training Puppeteers | Manipulation Without Boundaries

You will learn:

  • How different psychotypes try to control you. The main types of unconscious manipulations.
  • You will become familiar with the main personality types and the basic manipulation patterns of each. Learn to quickly determine your psychotype.
  • Types of manipulation from “toxic” people. You will become familiar with advanced types of manipulation. Learn to see how psychopaths and toxic individuals are trying to control you.
  • Types of hypnotic manipulations. You will learn what hypnosis is. Get to know the types of hypnosis. Find out how Directive Hypnosis differs from Ericksonian Hypnosis. Get acquainted with Gypsy hypnosis, and most importantly, learn how to use it all and defend yourself.

Training takes place on a special ICDS platform. Each student has an assigned supervisor - a practicing ICDS expert. The curator checks homework and gives feedback. Leads the student all the way until he understands the topic of the lesson. Through the curator, you can get an answer from any course teacher.


Website: https://psiholog.ru Cost: from 600 rubles. for the training

Supervisory online group

The group is a small expert community whose main focus is the analysis and maintenance of the professional activities of each of its participants, the opportunity, with the help of other specialists, to see their clients, themselves, and their place in the profession in general, more voluminously and comprehensively, research and the formation of an individual style in work, awareness of one’s strengths and areas of growth.

"I'm fine!" — online group about overcoming anxiety and uncertainty

The online group “I’m doing well” will give you the opportunity to exchange your emotional states and receive feedback from other people. This will reduce the feeling of loneliness or, conversely, tension from the inability to be alone, and will help you more easily adapt to the new situation. At the same time, it is the prevention of nervous breakdowns and dark thoughts.

"7 days without stress"

Have anxiety, uncertainty and panic settled in your home and are taking away more and more strength? Maintaining internal balance and calm in a crisis is real! The time has come for new opportunities - let's discover them together at the online marathon!

Terra Amour

Website: https://terra-amour.ru Phone: Cost: from 4900 rub. for the training

Why might you be interested in Terra Amour psychological training?

Online psychology trainings save you money on solving psychological problems because their cost is less than participation in face-to-face psychological trainings. Your costs for organizing psychological training are minimal - a personal computer connected to the Internet.

You will be able to participate in the training from any convenient place - in the office, on a business trip, on vacation, at home. This means you won’t have to interrupt important and interesting learning, even if you just need to find a computer connected to the Internet.

During the online psychological training, you will receive access to your personal account, where you can download a video recording of each lesson, as well as all handouts.


  • How to stop quarreling?
  • How to choose a future profession?
  • Wise parent?
  • How to end the conflict?
  • How to manage emotions?

mental skills

Website: https://www.mental-skills.ru Phone: Cost: from 800 rub. for the training

Online training “Psychology of influence.

How to influence people” - you influence, not on you, you decide, not for you, they follow you, not them!

  • Colleagues in five minutes convince the client to pay twice as much for functions that are not useless, but how is it unclear?
  • Do you deserve a higher salary, but your boss doesn’t “see” it?
  • Do you want a new handbag, a vacation at sea, change your car, but your husband doesn’t “hear” you?
  • Do you need to fulfill your sales plan, but can't?
  • Have you been waiting for a promotion for a long time, you work for two people, you told the management about this many times, but they appointed someone else?

How to achieve your goals? What do you need to do to get everything from life? The answer is simple - learn to influence!

Online trainings are also available:

Feedback Psychology of compatibility Setting goals How to understand a child? Personality types, etc.


Website: https://samopoznanie.ru Phone: , Price: from 4500 rub. for the training

Self-confidence training

Does it bother you when people get impudent? Are you getting insolent at home, at work or on public transport? But would you agree that the most offensive thing is when someone who does not have even 2% of your beauty, your intelligence or talent achieves your goals? And you stand there and think: how can this be? The thing is that they believe in themselves and do not doubt for a minute that they deserve success. Unlike you...

Do you often doubt yourself? Do you think about decisions for a long time? Are you afraid to take the first step? You can't say, "No!" Do you sacrifice your desires for the sake of others? Do you often feel awkward, embarrassed or ashamed? Are you used to being comfortable and good to everyone? Have you forgotten when you did something for yourself?

The course “Self-Esteem for 10 Cows” is:

  • 10 video lessons.
  • 15 podcasts.
  • 24 exercises.
  • 21 homework assignments.
  • 3 meditations.
  • 2 decks of metaphorical cards.
  • 3 weeks.
  • personal feedback.
  • 10,000 students (in 6 months).


Website: https://www.mcpir.r Phone: Cost: not specified

Training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

During the training you will receive tools and understand how to use them:

  • To build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex without manipulation
  • To improve self-esteem and self-acceptance
  • To improve relationships with parents and loved ones

ATTENTION! The training will not include esotericism, palmistry or fortune telling on various subjects. All training methods have been tested in hundreds of individual consultations and are a successful psychotherapeutic experience that has proven its effectiveness, helping to improve relationships and solve problems for hundreds of couples.

VALENTIN PLOTNIKOV - author and presenter of the training “Psychology of Love Relationships”

Practicing psychologist-psychotherapist, certified trainer Current member of the professional psychotherapeutic league Psychological education: Kirov University of Practical Psychology Advanced training: “Psychological counseling and psychotherapy” - First University of Professor V.V. Makarov according to the professional program (grants the right to conduct professional activities) “Eriksonovskaya” therapy” – Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy M.R. Ginsburg

Academy of Female Excellence

Website: https://valeriyalepet.ru Phone: +375 (29) 344-44-80 Cost: from 5000 rub. for the training

If you understand and feel that your life is not yours at all, but you don’t know how to change it, then this training is definitely for you. The purpose of the training is to analyze points of failure and find out areas of growth, come to an agreement with the subconscious and remove all obstacles on the path to the life of your Dreams and take the most important and first steps towards a happy, fulfilled and abundant life.

Having a difficult relationship with your partner? Problems with children? Poor financial condition? Illness, depression and depression?


Darling, it's never too late to change everything! Do you want to be happy? Do you want to live well? Do you want to get everything from life?


  • earn a lot
  • have a dream relationship
  • travel around the world
  • build a successful career
  • have perfect health and a beautiful body
  • live an ideal life


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