How to recognize a pick-up artist and his pick-up? [Instructions]

Who is a pickup artist? A pick-up artist is a man who loves to “hunt” girls, and sometimes women. The pick-up artist not only meets and communicates with them, but also tries in various ways to persuade them to have sex without obligation. Moreover, most often the girl does not even suspect that in front of her is a pick-up artist. And such an acquaintance for a girl often ends in disappointment and tears.

To prevent this from happening, you need to know exactly who a pick-up artist is and how to identify him. And if you are not interested in one-time sex with strangers, then you will have to learn to identify a pick-up artist and communicate with him correctly so that he leaves you behind once and for all.

How to recognize a pick-up artist and his pick-up? [Instructions]

A man, no matter what he is, a medieval knight or a modern pick-up artist, always dreams of becoming a woman’s first love.
Oleg Roy. Man and woman. Secrets of family happiness

  • 1. Common myths about pickup artists
  • 2. Main characteristics of a pickup artist
  • 3. How to recognize a pick-up artist and not fall for his bait? 3.1.Where can you encounter a pickup artist?
  • 3.2.How to protect yourself from a pick-up artist?
  • 4.How to communicate correctly with a pickup artist?
  • 5.Video: Pick-up artist through the eyes of a girl
  • 6.Conclusion
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    How to recognize a pick-up artist?

    Meet the pickup artist

    When meeting a pretty girl, an ordinary guy is more likely to be embarrassed than to shine with eloquence. The pick-up artist, establishing contact, uses the entire arsenal of psychological techniques.

    Very often, almost from the first minutes of meeting a girl, a girl may have the feeling that she has known this guy all her life.

    The pickup artist achieves this effect using the “Adjustment” method: he listens carefully to the girl and adapts to her.

    Be wary if a guy constantly turns any topic of conversation to you; a normal representative of the stronger sex does not avoid talking about himself and his successes.

    Another technique in the pick-up artist’s arsenal is overly frank jokes and compliments from the first minutes of meeting. Decent young people don’t allow themselves to do this.

    The phrases that the pick-up artist says while communicating with his victim are usually carefully rehearsed and worked out to the smallest detail.

    For example, he can give a girl a flower, comparing their beauty. Another option is “neghit” phrases. These are jokes, snide remarks. The pick-up artist needs “neghits” to unsettle the girl and get his way.

    To protect yourself, analyze everything your new acquaintance says. Any hint of falsehood or attempts to piss you off are red flags.

    Physical contacts

    Touching a girl is a powerful weapon in the farts of an experienced pick-up artist. How he does it? All touches happen by chance - a guy can remove a speck, hug while dancing, touch in the heat of an emotional story, take your hand when getting off the bus.

    Don’t let a guy you don’t know “kinesthete” you - this creates the reflexes necessary for seduction. By keeping your distance, you deprive the pickup artist of his main weapon.


    Enticement is a way to take a girl to where sex will happen. The pick-up artist will do anything to be alone with the victim, and seducing her is a matter of technique. There is, for example, this secret: after a cold street in a warm room, a girl becomes very pliable and practically does not resist.

    Be careful. If you feel that you are being attracted, immediately break off contact and leave.

    In some cases, pick-up artists themselves decide for the victim - they simply take the hand and lead away. In this case, the guy seems to take responsibility for sex upon himself. But if you try to blame him, he will remind you that you did not resist

    A pickup artist uses a woman as a device, a tool

    The negative side of the pickup truck is that in this case women are used only as a tool. Pick-up artists do not set themselves the goal of having any feelings for them, falling in love, or starting a relationship. A few dates (or even just one) is all they need.

    But are women satisfied with this attitude?

    Of course, there are representatives of the fair sex who pursue the same goals - to get into bed, get sexual satisfaction, and that’s it. But such women are in the minority. Still, most of us put feelings first. Sex is important, of course.

    But we also need emotional intimacy, courtship, tenderness. We need beautiful relationships, romance development, etc.

    But a pickup truck doesn’t provide for all this. There we are not talking about warm, sincere relationships, the desire to take care of a partner. The pickup truck was precisely created for men who do not want to spend a long time courting, spend money on gifts, flowers, invitations to a restaurant, etc.

    They prefer the shortest route, and for this they are ready to manipulate women.

    7Tactile contact

    He will strive to touch you as early as possible. Therefore, he will not miss the opportunity to give you a hand when you go down the stairs or cross the road. He will extend his hand to you everywhere, and in those situations in which normal men do not do this.

    How it works: “What a gallant man. So glad". You relax, remember how great it is to be a woman, and your interest awakens.

    5 phrases that say he doesn't love you

    Pickup technique

    The authors of the pickup truck teach guys how to “hook” a girl. According to pickup techniques, a young man should start touching a girl from the first moments of communication. These seemingly random touches should continue further, ultimately leading to sex.

    Guys are taught that such touches should be natural, unobtrusive.

    There is no need to try to win a girl's favor and impress her by showing off money or anything else. If a guy brags, it means that he lacks attention and is trying to cover up his low self-esteem. And girls don't like it.

    Pickup trainers believe that the most important thing is how a man behaves around a woman.

    The main thing is to be confident in yourself, but not overconfident (because this is just a mask). You must be in a state of inner well-being. Body language should reflect this: the posture should be relaxed, uninhibited, you should feel comfortable and comfortable in the space, like at home.

    You also need to try to be open and sincere, not to hide your weaknesses - this captivates women.

    And, of course, a sense of humor. It is believed that laughter is the best seduction. Piquant jokes especially help with this; they create an erotic mood and bring the pick-up artist closer to his goal.

    Pickup teachers also advise students to be well-groomed.

    “Just because your teeth aren’t quite right doesn’t mean you can’t dress well. So watch yourself. Don't think that looks aren't important. It doesn't matter if you look the best in the club. And if it’s not, work on it.”

    Deceivers will be deceived

    But there is another scenario when the girl wants not only to protect herself from the seducer. When she wants to win a cold heart and end the chaotic stream of sexual victories in his life. And the pick-up artist’s very weapon will help the woman.

    • Therefore, first of all, you need to study all possible information about seduction techniques. You can even attend pickup courses and participate in forums. Ultimately, try to confuse your date. After all, male thinking is very straightforward. And if the seducer chooses the necessary tactics of behavior towards you, he will probably become interested.
    • Women have one indisputable quality: they can be sad and cheerful, trusting and dismissive, mysterious and insightful even without intentionally. Therefore, a girl can easily confuse and unbalance a self-confident Casanova.
    • After interest in your person is aroused, you need to make the man doubt. And doubt yourself. To do this, you need to not only avoid intimacy with the pick-up artist, you need to arrange everything in such a way that the man himself is to blame for the current circumstances.
    • Shattered self-confidence will force the seducer to take decisive steps. He will start calling, meeting, writing and giving gifts. Don’t relax and don’t run, stumbling, to the phone, let the knot in your networks tighten more tightly.
    • And when you already feel an interest in your person, and not just in your body, start letting go of the leash! Become irreplaceable, unique, kind and always understanding.

    But do not forget that a loving nature is sometimes incorrigible. So think again - do you need regular experiences and feelings of jealousy? If you need it, then don’t put the “net with knots” in the far corner - pick-up tricks will have to be used regularly!

    Which men mostly become pick-up artists: psychological portrait

    Often handsome men who have a lot of money try to take on the role of pick-up artist.

    They become bored with living a measured life, so they look for new sensations. For such people, there is nothing better than talking among their friends about how many girls he had and how beautifully he fooled them.

    Such a person never thinks about family and there are no moral principles or special values ​​in his life, so it is better not to have any relationship with such people.

    Examples and characteristics of “styles” that pickup artists often use

    A simple and clear answer to the question: “Is the pickup artist communicating with you or not” can be obtained from the first minutes of communication. Such people choose several specific tactics, which often give them away.

    1. The man himself writes to the girl, and the first message always begins with a pleasant compliment about her figure or eyes.
    2. Next, the man gradually begins to take action and invites the girl on a date to the most sophisticated restaurant in the city to impress her.
    3. After he has established contact with you, he may start conversations about explicit topics, and perhaps ask you to take a selfie in your underwear or without it at all.

    Who is a pickup artist and what does he do?

    First, you need to figure out who a pick-up artist is and what this word means. Pick-up artistry came to us from Europe. Such a man is not looking for a serious relationship. He constantly needs new victims in the form of women whom he meets only for sex and to show off.

    Pickup is popular on dating sites, where this is a completely normal phenomenon, since girls come here only for the sake of meeting people and finding their betrothed. Identifying such a person is not always easy, since many do not suspect how a pick-up artist behaves.

    If, when communicating online, you understand that the communication style that a man uses, albeit slightly, coincides with one of the lists, then it is best to stop such dialogue until you collect more useful information about him.

    9Not a word about myself

    He listens to you more than he speaks himself. After all, he needs to get as much information as possible in order to look perfect in your eyes. As a rule, he talks about himself sparingly and mostly in a formulaic way: he seems to say something, but in essence - nothing. This is the only way he can create a beautiful legend and keep the veil of secrecy.

    How it works: “He’s so attentive, he understands me so much.” You are grateful for the interest shown in you, and it seems that this is “your person.”

    What type of women is most suitable to become a victim of a pick-up artist?

    Most often, pick-up artists try to choose stupid beauties who will not immediately understand what exactly a man wants from her. You can start a conversation with such a girl on intimate topics, and she will happily answer you, not suspecting that you will use this data a little later.

    Another type of woman who is suitable for pick-up artists is uptight girls who are not confident in themselves. They may be beautiful and dress great, but they lack the determination to take the first step towards a relationship, which is why such girls don’t have boyfriends.

    If the pick-up artist uses all his charm and chooses the right tactics, then the girl will not be able to resist the temptation to see where such a relationship will lead.

    Single moms also often fall for such tricks. They have experienced mental trauma, so they try to fill the void. Often, such girls do not count on a serious relationship, but as soon as a handsome man turns up, she immediately begins to mentally make plans for a life together.

    How to recognize a pick-up artist: I recognize a cute one by strategy

    Unfortunately, identifying a professional pickup artist is almost impossible. The pickup guru has psychology and NLP on his side. Fortunately, virtuosos of their craft are rare.

    The overwhelming majority of pick-up artists are ordinary womanizers who use memorized techniques and follow classic pickup patterns.

    Pickup artist on a dating site

    "Hello. I am the president of the association of romantic men of this portal. I formally ask you to delete your profile. Your photos break hearts!”…

    Like? Yes, this is not “hi, how are you.” This is a “bottle opener” or “opener”. The first message with which the pick-up artist sets himself apart from the crowd of ordinary people on a dating site. Go ahead. Let's take a look at the profile of this original, who captured your attention from the first shot.

    Further - worse. Worse for you. Because he is perfect.

    Attractive appearance. High-quality portfolio. About myself - with humor and sense. About you - with feeling and arrangement. He makes good money. Secured. His dating profile is filled with confidence and charisma. An emasculated image of the ideal man.

    And you will definitely answer this man, and not send him, like the other 99%, to ignore. Is it true?

    Communication is developing rapidly. You bask in his attention and are mesmerized by his charm. This confident, persistent and very interesting interlocutor makes your head spin even on paper. As soon as you give a beautiful stranger your phone number, he disappears. The pickup artist does not call on the same day. And even the next one.

    He's waiting for him to "break" you. In a state of “withdrawal”, you will clearly feel how much he means to you.

    Finally he calls. Makes a date - for example, in the park. While walking in the park, he “accidentally” unearths a bottle of champagne and a couple of glasses.

    Next, depending on your emotional involvement, there will be a “fast” or “three date”.

    • “Fast” is a model of lightning-fast seduction, which involves only one date ending in sex.
    • “Three-date” is a model of progressive seduction over three dates, of which the third should end in sex.

    Date 1. The pick-up artist will demonstrate adequacy and interest. Will give the impression of a Dream Man. Will note that you are special. He will “mirror” you (repeat movements) and “kinesthete” (inadvertently touch you).

    Date 2. After 2-3 days of silence, he will arrange an unforgettable meeting. The kinesthetics will be more frank, and the impressions will be more vivid. You walk down the street, go into a cafe, and everything is already prepared for you - for example, a tea ceremony. You are delighted. He disappears for about a week. "Withdrawal."

    Date 3. The pick-up artist moves on to the final part of the novel - the “roof-breaker”. “Do you believe in fairy tales? Me too. After all, all you have to do is extend your hand…”, the pick-up artist will say on the third date, snap his finger and the sky will light up with fireworks in your honor. A “roof blower” could be a dinner on the roof or poetry under the moon. Depends on the pick-up artist’s financial situation and his imagination.

    The goal is one - to put you in a state of trance and bring you to your home.

    “My great love is enough for the two of us,” you want to sing to him in the morning. And there is no one to sing. Finita la comedy. A drama begins in which you fly to the ground like a shot bird with a silent cry of “Why?”

    But no way. Just. A female person is not something significant for a pickup artist. That's their motto, by the way.

    Pickup artist in real life

    Actually, in real life everything happens the same way as on the site.

    • Non-standard acquaintance (“Girl, can you tell me how to get to your heart?”).
    • Vivid communication (“soul mate”, “not like everyone else”).
    • “Fast” or “three-date”.

    By the way, only a few people engage in fast food. Talented pick-up artists who can sweep a girl off her feet on the very first day of meeting them are one in a million. The vast majority are home-grown hunters for girls’ hearts who use theatrical approaches and the classic “three-date”.

    So that you understand what the classics of this genre look like...

    Signs of a pick-up artist

    If you notice that a man has noticed you in a cafe, park or store, but hesitates for a long time to approach you, and when he approaches, he blushes and is embarrassed - this is definitely not a pick-up artist! A real self-respecting “tenant” is absolutely calm and confident.

    How could it be otherwise - after all, he has already seduced more than a dozen women, and all his tricks are honed to perfection!

    Of course, the pick-up artist who is ready to conquer and seduce is beautifully dressed, carefully shaved and scented with fashionable eau de toilette. But of course, the art of dressing and looking good is exactly what they are taught in their schools or courses!

    But there is no need to look with suspicion at every well-dressed and neat man - maybe he is not an insidious seducer at all, but is simply accustomed to taking care of himself.

    The pickup artist addresses the intended “victim” with an unusual phrase. It is the first phrase that decides everything - this is what they are taught in special schools. He will never ask: “What time is it, can you tell me?” or “Hi, how are you?” Rather, he will smile broadly, look straight into the eyes and say something like:

    • “I look at you and think - who do you look like? It turns out that it’s an angel!”
    • or “Girl, do you know how many hours it is to fly from Magadan to the Canary Islands?”

    At the same time - not the slightest embarrassment, complete charm.

    If you find it difficult to determine from the first sentence who exactly is in front of you, it means that he is either a normal person or a very experienced pick-up artist. Do a little test: send him off coldly. A real pick-up artist will only be encouraged by your refusal - after all, the more difficult it is to win a woman, the more desirable the victory will be for him!

    Therefore, your phrases like “I’m married”, “You’re not my type at all” will not discourage him; on the contrary, he will begin to “work” you with redoubled zeal.

    A normal person usually gets lost after such a sharp refusal. If you like him, you can replay the situation at any time by saying after him: “Young man, I was joking!”

    Maybe I'll be with you

    The next sign of a male pickup artist is a type of behavior called “prize model.” He implicitly demonstrates his relevance. The pick-up artist tells stories about friends, about some situations that indirectly indicate his popularity among women and in society. In these stories, he describes how his friends consider him a leader, he is admired by women, his employers fight for him, and his employees emulate him.

    “Prize model” or “alpha maleness” - I’m all so cool. Women use this tool on Instagram: “here, look, they give me such bouquets of flowers,” “here, look, they take me to such countries, across such seas and oceans.” This way they expect other men to try hard for them too.

    Pick-up artists are also taught this manipulation. Often this turns out to be a lie, it is embellishment, exaggeration and hyperbolization. If we talk about the example with flowers, then, probably, a woman is really given these flowers if she shows it on Instagram. But when a man brags about knowing someone, when he is proud that he knows someone, that someone is contacting him, then more often he exaggerates his importance.

    Saying directly that “I want you to think I’m cool” is weird, but telling a story in which you look like a hero works well.

    Beware: pick-up artist!

    To protect yourself from manipulation by a pick-up artist, you should pay attention to clear warning signs in your partner’s behavior:

    • avoiding hugs and touching;
    • reluctance to introduce a partner to your close circle;
    • “disappearance” – avoiding communication at the moment when you need it: ignoring your calls and messages;
    • the partner’s focus on himself – his appearance and interests;
    • inability and unwillingness to listen to you, reducing any topic that worries you to the level of a light joke;
    • lack of attention not only to you, but also to other close people.

    At the same time, the best protection against manipulation by a pick-up artist will be self-confidence, a reliable system of values ​​and guidelines. Psychological maturity presupposes separation from those false values ​​that are imposed by mass society and consumer culture, and the development of one’s own, individual guidelines.

    These personal values ​​will be the best protection against pick-up artists and any manipulations coming from the outside.

    “Adjustment”, “kinesthete”, “roof-breaker”, “anchor”... There are no feelings in the pickup truck. There are tactics, strategies and techniques. And in the light of this knowledge, I think you will look completely differently at the guys who write to you on the site “Hi, how are you.” Nice honest guy. He doesn’t hold a stone to his soul. True, he’s unlikely to even pull a rose out of his sleeve.

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