The look of a man in love: how to recognize it and not confuse it with slyness

If a man wants a woman, the signs can be very different. For some men, the desire for sex is literally “written on their face.” Others, more secretive, carefully hide their feelings and desires. Because of this, women often believe that they are cold and unfeeling lustful males. Often many beauties complain that no one wants them. They completely refuse to notice the main signs that a man desires her. Let's take a closer look at them, and maybe your sex life will become much more interesting.

Sign No. 1 - A man constantly “spins” around you

The most common sign is that a man constantly communicates with you, finding all sorts of reasons. This could be an old friend who will ask about your affairs and, upon learning that your computer has broken down, will immediately offer help. This could be a neighbor who will offer to do repairs on the site together. This could be an employee at work who constantly asks you how and what to do (although he himself is not at all a stupid person).

Such a man can call just like that, for some minor reason, and as a result drag out the conversation for a long time. At every meeting, he will definitely offer to have a cup of coffee or show you an interesting new game that he is playing. Such a man may also begin to consult with you about relationships with other girls. In this way, he wants to show you that he is not only a friend, but also a man. Despite all this, the woman continues to think that he is her faithful friend and does not even think that he falls asleep thinking about sex with her. Notice how your friend will comfort you when you cry.

The reason for this behavior may be, firstly, lack of self-confidence. Secondly, a man is afraid to reveal his thoughts for fear of losing his friendship with you. And thirdly, the man may be married or a close friend of your husband. This prevents him from expressing his desire more openly. Such men most often open up only in a very drunken state, which usually shocks the girl.

Therefore, give up illusions about friendship between a man and a woman.

If a man does something for you, spends time and money on you, takes care of you, then in 99% of cases he wants you.

The remaining one percent in this case are most likely scammers and swindlers, therefore, in order to avoid such deception, it is necessary to make at least some inquiries about the person.

Such a man is really waiting for you to hint that you are not against sex with him. Enough random touches, an intriguing look and light flirting - and your “faithful friend” will turn into a passionate lover.

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Why does a married man make eye contact?

The first question that comes to mind is: why doesn’t the person who paid attention have the courage to simply speak? Most likely, the stranger is not free and is checking the availability of the lady he has his eyes on. He finds her sweet and attractive, wants to make sure that the young lady is open to communication, ready to become a lover. I don’t mind going with him to “have a blast” and continue the evening drinking alcohol.

Attention! Often a rude look in retaliation confuses the womanizer, and he turns away. If a pervert perceives a girl's interest as a signal of readiness for sex, and suggests privacy, then perhaps it is worth teaching him a lesson.

Sign No. 2 - His devouring gaze

Overly thoughtful men are afraid to show this sign, but others are not at all shy about looking at the object of their passion with an all-consuming gaze.
Remember a man's eyes when he wants sex. Look around carefully. Often a woman does not notice such glances on herself at all, but for the man who accompanies her, they do not go unnoticed. A man can look passionately, almost with aggression. Or maybe he just doesn’t take his eyes off and resembles a hungry puppy. If you doubt whether a man wants you or not, just look closely into his eyes and you will understand everything.

It is when the eyes meet that sexual contact begins. There is no need to say anything, everything becomes clear without words. Girls often wonder why they don’t have such beautiful and sexy lovers for a long time, while their friends with the most ordinary appearance are full of admirers. The point is that such, even if they are not beauties, can create a strong contact with one glance and incite a man to take active action.

The Importance of Gaze

The human body and emotional and psychological state are a single mechanism. When feelings and sensations arise in the body, various chemical reactions occur. Speaking about the feeling of falling in love, we can emphasize that it is this topic that arouses interest among scientists for study. All over the world, experts conduct many studies, surveys and experiments. They all boil down to establishing how emotions associated with love are reflected in people’s behavior.

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The ability of the eyes to express emotions has been the subject of much study. Many experiments have been devoted to studying the primary gaze of boys and girls when they first meet.

Scientists have been able to establish that when making acquaintances, women tend to make eye contact, while men initially examine the body of their interlocutor. This fact is due to the fact that girls try to determine the character of a man with the help of their eyes in order to understand what line of communication they should build in the future. In men, the body is of paramount importance for sexual desire, so establishing eye contact with the interlocutor is initially less important for them. Other studies showed slightly different data. In couples where both partners are in love, close eye contact is established more often.

Consequently, the eyes are the main organ through which a person transmits a certain signal of love.

Sign #3 - Desire to touch

A man who wants you badly will want to touch you in every possible way. This could be a simple handshake, he can offer his hand when you step over a puddle. He may start snatching plates from your hands when you clear the table. He may give you a friendly pat on the head or grab your nose.

Again, if you want to check whether a man wants you or not, sit as close to him as possible. If you don't bother him, he will move to give you more space. If he wants, then you will sit next to each other, slightly touching your bodies. You can jokingly push him in the side. If you excite him, he will accept the game and give you a little push too.

Sometimes touching is not possible (for example, you work together and cannot show your emotions to everyone). Then touching “through things” begins. A man may ask to guard his briefcase or important documents. He may take something interesting from the table and give it to you to hold. He might start showing you pictures of himself or pour you coffee in his favorite cup. By his desire for you to touch his things, he expresses the desire for you to touch him, as if he were letting you into his intimate zone.

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Sign No. 4 - Rapid hot breathing

Well, not every woman who doubts whether she is wanted or not is destined to see this sign, since this requires a special intimate environment. But almost every man begins to breathe heavily and passionately when he has a chance to dance with the object of his passion or just hug her. Touch his hands, check if his palms are sweaty?

If a man wants a woman, he can playfully whisper something in her ear, even if it is something serious and not at all related to the intimate sphere. Its main purpose is for you to feel its breath on your skin. Moreover, for most girls the erogenous zone is located in the neck area and men know this very well. So if your friend accidentally blows on your face to remove an eyelash, you know something is wrong.

Why does a man look intently into the eyes and smile?

Some people are embarrassed to take the first step. Constantly looking from afar, they try to send signals of interest to their desired objects when they smile back. They want women to come up to meet each other first.

Passivity is the result of a “hothouse” upbringing and low levels of male sex hormones. The young man adopts female tactics of behavior, trying to please and intrigue.

Sign #5 - Mesmerizing voice

Gradually, frequently communicating with a man, for example, on the phone, at some point you may notice that his voice has changed - it has become more sensual and measured. And not only the voice, but also the speech itself became different. Many riddles appear in his conversation; he seems to begin to provoke you to ask him more questions.

To understand whether he wants you or not, compare how he talks to you and how he talks to other people.

If he begins to drawl his words a little in a conversation with you in order to insert something more interesting or smart, then yes, you definitely arouse passion in him. A man who wants you will try his best to stall the conversation and not hang up first when you talk on the phone. Try to play along with him, and don’t end the conversation. You will be very surprised after talking to each other for several hours.

Is it possible to make a guy fall in love with your eyes?

A study conducted in 1989 confirms that simple eye contact can make a person fall in love. Two strangers (of opposite sex) were asked to look into each other's eyes for two minutes. This was enough to create passionate feelings for each other.

Visual connection is a powerful stimulator of love and affection. When a person looks someone directly in the eyes, their body produces a chemical called phenylethylamine, which can make the person feel in love.

A man's eyes reveal the true essence of all intentions. Having learned how to understand by looking at what is on a person’s mind, you can predict the course of communication and adapt to it. It is important for any girl to be confident in the sincerity of a guy’s feelings. Armed with the above information, you can learn to recognize what a guy’s gaze says.

Sign No. 6 - Courtship and gifts

This sign could not have been mentioned, it was so obvious.
If a guy invites you to the movies and gives you gifts, it’s obviously not just so that you can help him write a report at work. However, many girls cannot accurately determine the purpose of courtship, whether the man wants sex, loves the girl, or he just likes her. Look carefully at the gifts. A man who wants it most often gives gifts that can awaken sensuality - eau de toilette, perfume, a silk scarf, jewelry that will perfectly highlight your neckline. He may give you an expensive jar of coffee or sweets. It is important for him that even his gifts can be felt - smelled, tasted, etc. Such a man always gives flowers. Please note that to some extent it associates you with the flower that it gives. These can be white tulips, bright orchids or dark burgundy roses. Read more: How to Maintain Attraction and Passion in Marriage

A man in love prefers to give red roses or beautifully decorated bouquets of different flowers. A man who wants you will strive to give you a large bouquet with huge flowers. He will not please you with a small bouquet of lilies of the valley or give you leather gloves for the winter. If a man wants to get you as quickly as possible, then he starts giving flowers very often. At the same time, the woman begins to understand that some kind of return is required from her.

How does the person who likes you look?

A man in love tries to spend as much time as possible next to the lady of his heart and uses any excuse for this. Behind his external calm often hides a hurricane of passions. To verify this, you need to observe the following signs of a man in love looking at a woman: its direction, duration of eye contact, pupil size.

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