Men who hate women: how to recognize a misogynist

In this article we will tell you:

  1. Reasons why men hate women
  2. How to figure out a misogynist?
  3. How should a woman behave if she discovers a misogynist in her close circle?

Misogynists are men who secretly or openly hate the entire female gender.

It would be nice to learn to recognize them at first sight and stay away from them, but, unfortunately, this is not always possible, since many of them are successfully camouflaged.

In addition, almost all misogynists do not consider themselves such at all and do not admit their biased attitude towards women, even to themselves.

Why do men become misogynists?

General information

Misogynists have a scientific name: misogyny. Translating this term from Greek, “misogyny” is hatred of women. Its manifestations are aimed at the female sex. Expressed by the following signs:

  • a feeling of hostility;
  • negative attitude;
  • humiliating actions;
  • neglect;
  • excessive control;
  • sexual objectification (the girl is seen as a partner for sexual gratification);
  • violence.

Until recently, misogyny was viewed as domestic tyranny. Nowadays, this concept leaves the framework of relationships within one family, penetrating into various spheres of society.

You can communicate with a man who will be quite gallant, courteous, attentive, generous with compliments, tactful, and you will not even think that such a person is literally exploding with hatred of the female sex and is disgusted. It is not always possible to understand from a man’s behavior that he disdains women and feels hatred towards them. A misogynist can be amiable and reserved, hiding his true attitude. This is due to the fact that there are two types of misogynists.

  1. Open. A man does not hide his hatred, publicly humiliates, insults, ridicules female representatives, doubts their mental abilities, and actively supports any negative statement aimed at the female sex. He happily spreads his conviction to the masses.
  2. Hidden. He makes the best impression on women who do not even suspect that he is a misogynist. This type is more dangerous, because a girl manages to find out the true face of a man already during the relationship, and often after marriage.

Type 4. Married or unfree man

Oh, how many tears are shed by women caught in the trap of a love triangle. However, girls continue to fall in love with married men.

They wait for years for the chosen one to leave the family, and spend weekends and holidays alone. In addition, they live like on a powder keg, lying to relatives and colleagues.

Deceptive benefits, or why do you need a married man?

In general, nothing enviable. In addition to the lack of everyday life and possible compensation in the form of gifts and financial assistance from a lover. But in the context of long-term happy healthy relationships, this is not an option.

Trapped in the net of a ringed prince? Conversation in the style of “Do you love? - Get a divorce. Get married. Period” will put everything in its place.

How to figure out the ringed prince?

If the chosen one hides that he is married, you can find out the truth by a number of signs. But this is a topic for a separate article.

If he doesn’t hide it, read the text above.

Possible reasons

A strict, domineering mother who resorts to physical punishment can influence the development of hatred towards women.
Let's look at what factors can influence the development of hostility directed towards the entire female sex:

  • lack or absence of emotional contact with the mother;
  • the presence of special religious views within the family;
  • bullying and humiliation from classmates and peers;
  • lack of close relationships with girls due to the presence of physical defects in appearance;
  • growing up in a family in which the female role was devalued;
  • unsuccessful first experience of sexual life, open ridicule of a partner;
  • rough treatment by female relatives, especially mothers, corporal punishment;
  • betrayal of a beloved woman, treason.

In most cases, misogyny begins to form in childhood, when there is no formed worldview and there is emotional instability.

Was misogyny invented by feminists? Wasn't she there before?

The concept of misogyny has become a topic of discussion not so long ago, but misogynistic practices are a constant component of even ancient cultures.

In social systems of different times there were special rules for women: the lack of the right to vote, the ban on owning property, and the inability to control their own bodies.

  • In Ancient Greece, men gave their wives as bail, valuing them not as their own kind, but as part of their material wealth.
  • 150 years ago, Nietzsche, an influential philosopher, in his writings called women “weak, ... sick, fickle, fickle.”
  • Until 2022, women were not allowed to drive in Saudi Arabia - but now they can, but only with the permission of their husband, brother or father.

In other words, misogyny is an indispensable property of patriarchal realities of any time.

Characteristic manifestations

How exactly a man who hates women will behave is influenced by whether he is an open or covert misogynist. We will look at the signs that, in principle, can characterize a misogynist.

  1. He carefully studies a woman, her behavior, and carefully hides his true intentions. The girl has no idea that she started a relationship with a misogynist. He makes a favorable impression and charms. But over time, gallantry and kindness are replaced by unceremoniousness and rudeness.
  2. The young man makes incredible promises that he has no intention of keeping. At the same time, when he promises something to his male friends, he always keeps his word.
  3. He behaves disrespectfully, is late for business meetings with women, and also arrives late for dates. In a male environment, he is always punctual.
  4. He is often ambitious, reacts sharply to a woman who is more successful than him, and treats this fact as a personal insult.
  5. Almost always behaves arrogantly, self-confidently, patronizingly. Being next to a woman, he emphasizes a high opinion of himself, pointing out his own superiority.
  6. In all spheres of his life, he demonstrates a biased attitude towards women, indicating who is in charge.
  7. He easily hurts female representatives, can manipulate, publicly humiliate, and make offensive jokes about the girl.
  8. During intimate intimacy, first of all, taking care of satisfying one’s desires often ignores the woman’s needs.
  9. Easily cheats on his partner. He does this not because he is polygamous, but because he treats all girls with disrespect and contempt.

You need to understand that your particular misogynist will not have all of the above signs. Sometimes it’s difficult to figure out such a person.

The following manifestations may indicate that a woman lives with a misogynist:

  • controls all her movements and actions;
  • prohibits seeing friends, limits social circle;
  • does not allow his partner to work, because he believes that she should only care about the whims of her man and in no case be more successful than him;
  • criticizes the girl’s appearance, pointing out flaws in her figure, hair color, nose shape, makeup, etc.;
  • treats her achievements with ridicule, suppresses the beginnings of creative potential;
  • treats violations of rules and mistakes of his partner strictly;
  • He often resorts to psychological violence, manipulates his lady, reminds her of her shortcomings and past mistakes.

The main goal of misogyny is the destruction of women as individuals. A misogynist gradually shakes the psyche of his partner. Even if she becomes pliable, fulfills all his whims, he deliberately provokes a conflict in order to feel his power, makes the woman suffer.

What is internal misogyny?

This is misogyny within a girl group. In academic circles it is called internalized sexism. It works like this: women involuntarily adopt sexist attitudes and use them against other women. Or even against themselves - this is called autoisogyny.

A woman finds herself not smart enough, attractive or successful, and compares herself with representatives of her sex and the standards set by society.

This results in acute self-criticism, difficulties with self-esteem and other psychological problems.

Is it possible to convince

A woman cannot change her partner on her own; there is only one way out - to run away. If your feelings for a man are very strong and you don’t want to part with him, then you can try to convince him to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. A specialist will be able to identify the reasons that influenced the development of hateful attitudes aimed at female representatives, delve into childhood memories, conduct psychotherapy sessions, and eventually get rid of misogyny.

Now you know what male representatives who hate women are called. As you can see, the formation of such a belief is preceded by some events, often from childhood, that provoke such attitudes towards the female sex. Remember that only an experienced specialist will be able to convince a man, to prove to him that he is wrong, believing that all women are terrible.

Old ladies

Not all men love young girls, there are also those who love older women. These are men who are looking for peace. After all, older women are more restrained and adequate. They know what men want, relationships are important to them. They do not make scenes of jealousy and do not demand impossible actions from their partner. Such women are calmer, unlike young women who are too emotional. They accept a man as he is, with all his shortcomings, and do not try to change him.

Older women know how to appreciate their partner and be grateful. They do not play with his feelings, but, on the contrary, reciprocate. Therefore, many young guys choose an older woman as their chosen one, because she will protect the family hearth, appreciate and respect her man, will be faithful to him, reliable and grateful for everything.

Type 6. Despot, aggressor, tyrant

It would seem that everything is obvious here. But psychopaths and other emotionally unstable individuals often skillfully disguise themselves.

Although it is difficult not to recognize an aggressive man: his second nickname is “testosterone”. He is brutal and good-looking. And this is attractive at first.

If a bully and bad boy suddenly turns out to be a person with a criminal past, it will not be surprising.

An attentive “patron” who strives to take care of and protect his woman, controls every step “out of love”, turned out to be a despot and tyrant? Nor should we be surprised.

Suppressing emotionally and psychologically, such a tyrant will destroy your personality before you know it.

Despot's tricks - be on your guard

At first, he looks after her beautifully and daily politely inquires about how the chosen one spent her day.

But then control increases, outbursts of jealousy become more frequent and appear more aggressive. This is a sign - run.

Type 5. Loser, whiner and lazy

As a rule, it's three in one. For such a man, everyone is always to blame:

economic situation in the country, government, parents, boss. Not himself.

Unemployed loser

, because “he doesn’t find anything worthy” and “is waiting for a lucrative offer.” But for your own business, “the wrong times” and the wrong capital. And in general, “everything is complicated.”

Often he cannot even provide for himself. I'm not even talking about responsibility, including financial responsibility, for the future family.

A whining man is always sitting on someone's neck, penniless. Often this is an unrecognized and misunderstood “genius”. In general, a typical beggar and loser.

Do you want to get to know the symptoms of poverty?

This dangerous type has protracted “temporary difficulties” with finances and an identity crisis.

He is always complaining and looking for someone to blame. At the same time, he does nothing and prefers to go with the flow.

Typical loser. Do you need it?

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