What kind of women do men love and appreciate: or how to achieve being idolized

The ideal woman through the eyes of a successful man is a leader

Hello, I'm Alina. One of my friends, in a conversation over a cup of excellent coffee in a very good coffee shop in our city, lamented, “Well, what else does he need, I’m beautiful, stylish, fashionable, I try to keep up with the times. I follow the latest trends to keep abreast of all the current trends. But he still looks at other women. Tell me why? And I decided to write an article for people like this girl: which women men love and value most.

What do successful men love and value most in women?

Let's start with successful men, directly answering the question of my friend, since her husband is a businessman. This type of man even evaluates a woman as a business or a business partner. Therefore, you need to start from this and correspond to this image.

So, what are the 11 main qualities that rich men value?

1. The ability to express weakness and the need for a strong partner.

Yes, they themselves are strong, as a rule, men, and I’m not just talking about physical fitness, but about strength of spirit, aspiration, and determination. Only such people can create their own successful business.

So, they have a need to help a weak woman, take care of her, and provide her with everything she needs. How to develop you. At this moment they feel even stronger.

The ability to give a compliment.

Any person loves to be praised, and even more so a rich person. Even in a business environment, they love and appreciate compliments, and if a girl praised him, appreciated him, complimented not only him personally, but also his success in business, then this is appreciated very highly.

Positive thinking.

Rich people tend to think positively, they think that because of this, business develops more successfully. They will appreciate the same in you. You have to be on the same wavelength with him.

4. Inaccessibility.

His business is very dear to him. Try to take it from him? That's it, he loses the meaning of life. This is why he values ​​loyalty, devotion and hates traitors.

For the same reason, a successful man values ​​inaccessibility. He is used to fighting in a competitive environment and achieving whatever he wants. He is not interested in receiving a prize without fighting. Remember this. He sees you not only as a woman, but also as a business partner. Evaluating from his bell tower, if he achieved you quickly, then others can too.

5. Unpredictability, but adequacy.

Sometimes in business you need to make unconventional decisions. It is precisely the presence of this quality that is highly valued in you.

6. Gratitude.

Learn to be grateful for what he gives you. This is pleasant not only for this type of people, but also for men in general.

7. Ability to show reasonable initiative.

Here I think everything is clear and without explanation. Reasonable initiative has always been valued. But the key word here is not initiative, but REASONABLE.

8. Femininity.

Next to a successful person should not be an “iron lady,” but a beautiful, feminine and well-groomed wife. You are his face in society.

Self confidence.

How can an insecure wife help a businessman husband? Whining and constant requests for help? Deal with minor problems yourself and don’t push him over trifles.

10. The ability to admit your mistakes and draw conclusions.

There are no ideal people and neither are there solutions. He understands this, but mistakes must be admitted. There is no need to be stubborn and stupid. If you made a mistake, admit it and try not to do it again. He will appreciate it very highly and will look at you differently. Reasonableness is valued, not stubbornness, not to be confused with perseverance; they perfectly distinguish between these concepts.

11. Ability to ask for advice and listen to it.

There is never any shame in asking for advice, much less following it. And a man is flattered by this. He loves to give advice. Yes, you know that yourself.

VIDEO TESTS: Relationship test. What should your ideal relationship be like?

The ability to listen and hear is a great bonus in relationships

When we are understood and heard, there is a desire to open up and open up even more, right?

And if you are only able to speak without attaching importance to the words of your interlocutor, do not rely on mutual feelings. Establishing trust is not easy, but it is quite possible. And if you manage to do this, consider that you have a chance to become happy as a couple.

So, where there is trust, there is respect. Accordingly, you will become closer and more valuable to each other.

You can take a listening skill test to determine whether you really know how to do it.

Psychology of men: what kind of women they love, value and want to see next to them every day

There are 2 (two) categories of women:

  • For use.
  • For life.

So they don’t want to see the first ones next to them. This is a disposable material. No offense girls, but this is a fact of life. And if among you there are still those naive sheep who think that if you quickly give in and allow him everything he wants, then this is a sure way to entangle a man forever.

This is wrong. The spark of desire must always be maintained in them. And they don’t like easily accessible girls, much less value them.

What do men like most, what qualities do they value in women? They quickly fall in love.

Now let's move on directly to what qualities men love and value in women most of all because of which they quickly fall in love.

Well-groomed and beautiful.

Here, as they say, the eye should rest. Everything is perfect, clothes, hair, makeup, shoes. Even underwear, or rather, first of all. It will be unpleasant if, under the perfect outer shell, he suddenly discovers panties with pills. And also the smell of perfume. This is 50% success. Choose carefully. Try to send scouts and find out what smells he likes. Then that's it, he's yours. They love a pleasant smell.


You should look happy when you meet him. Not to be confused with liberated - this is unacceptable. A guy loves to see his girlfriend happy.


Somewhere in the cinema you can shed a tear, and in the zoo you can sincerely express your admiration for a little bear cub. In this case, you look like a little girl, sweet and spontaneous. Requiring care, tenderness and love.

VIDEO TESTS: Love test. What awaits you during the year on the love front.

Needing help.

Don't be shy to ask for help. If you turn to him for help, he feels needed and useful in your eyes. Helping a woman is sacred, they love to help.


Again, this quality is defined as one of the main ones, but I will try to explain it a little differently. A man is a predator, a warrior. This is not a cute and fluffy ZAYA. You're wrong. He needs to conquer, to take his prey. Recapture your opponents.

And then walk around, lick your lips and lust. And the longer this happens, the stronger the flame flares up. The guy has to get you. And then, having his prey, he will be at the pinnacle of happiness and self-satisfaction, that he nevertheless ACHIEVED, WON.

Don't upset him, let him think so. But don't go too far. Determine exactly the moment when you need to give up. Otherwise, he will get bored and find another hunt.

Soft and feminine.

He should feel something maternal in you at the level of instinct. Like in childhood, when he was little, his mother pressed him and stroked him. And he always loves her.


Just don’t go on and on about it. Be confident in your actions and actions.


This does not mean that you will help him solve crossword puzzles. And at least have knowledge at the high school level. They could carry on the conversation, know where the Himalayas are and what the name of the river in Novosibirsk is. And that Egypt is Africa.

Principle #1: Trust

Men love it when they can trust a woman. And especially when a woman trusts them. They love when they can tell their lady absolutely everything, without concealment, so that there are no secrets or secrets.

They love it when a woman can understand, accept, and support them!

In such cases, a man does not have to lie about something, hide something, keep something back...

When a man feels that this woman is his good friend, their relationship blossoms. They develop a deep, positive emotional connection!

And to learn EXACTLY THIS way to communicate with a man, practice our “AlgorithmWave of Luck”.:) When you do this for the first time, you will understand what I am telling you. You will be amazed at HOW a man will treat you. How he will look at you with an enchanted gaze, how he will look after you and try to please you

At first glance it seems like magic. But in fact, these are scientifically proven processes.

I wrote about self-love in articles in the section of the same name “Self-Love”

Read about the “Wave of Luck” in the article “The Main Ingredient of a Woman’s Charm”

Work on yourself and you will succeed!

What kind of women do men avoid?

But there is also a category of women who are avoided by decent men. Is this what you want? Well then you should know that if you find yourself on the list below, then you won’t get it. The maximum is the same from this list.


Imagine a sad man with drooping shoulders and a lean face. Go look at yourself in the mirror. So how? No, not that kind of face? Well, thank God, all is not lost.


Women who have independently achieved success in life are highly valued. But only the rich. But not all. On the contrary, this scares some people away. They do not fit into the previous category that we discussed above. To be afraid of them. They feel inferior with such a woman.


There is no need to show off your knowledge out of place. By doing so, you lower the level of other people. They don't like people like that.

Forever dissatisfied.

There is nothing worse than an eternally dissatisfied, nagging and nagging wife. If you are like that, you only have a 5% chance of success, even if you are already married. And if not, then there is no chance at all. Alas.


Arrogance and self-confidence are annoying. Maybe you yourself think that you look like such a brave, confident woman. And from the outside she looks like a stupid, stubborn chicken.


Have you seen such woman-men? The figure and clothes, hairstyle, habits of a man with tits. But the latter will not save.


There are men who like plump women - plump ones. Smooth, well-groomed, bursting with youth and health. But this is one thing, but no one likes really fat people. Everything is sagging, cellulite. Not a figure, but some kind of sausage. If this happens to you too, urgently lose weight and get yourself in order. I can even recommend a specialist for easy weight loss. Write, I will send you contact information. Yes, here's the link by the way.

Poorly dressed.

A poorly dressed woman evokes laughter, pity and…. All. Draw conclusions.

Easily accessible.

If they write about you not only at the entrance, but also on the Internet, what do you give to everyone without any problems. It is difficult to get married with this reputation. Even if it's not true. Make sure this doesn't happen.

And on a date, don’t let your hands go, and especially don’t jump into bed. I washed it and threw it away. This is the conclusion of your novel.


There is no need to behave inappropriately. It's not cool - it's stupid. What good is it about looking like a redneck? Among the same people, yes, it’s cool. Among normal people it is ugly.

Cheeky ones.

Chewing gum like a cow, spitting, talking like an idiot, squatting is not a sign of liberation.

Having bad hair.

Do you like men with greasy, unwashed hair? Here you go.

With bad teeth.

And with rotten teeth? Or their absence.


You like to command, you seek obedience, you break things. You belong to the society of masochists.


It's like a mosquito, it flies all the time, squeaks, it's impossible to swat it. Annoys!

What a man remembers in a woman

Remember your first love? So this is not it. Then I liked and remembered everything, just everything. This is such a merciless first love.

This means a slightly different interpretation. A man saw a woman and seemed to like her. Then, he mentally returns to her image. And what did he remember about you? What caught his eye and he kept replaying it in his thoughts? How do you think?

Your clothes? Hairstyle? Nice lipstick? Or maybe your opinion? This is the real mystery. In order to find out, you need to become a man for a moment, mentally, of course, but what did you think?

So, most of all, a man remembers your breasts when you bent over a little in front of him and showed his eyes the revealed charms. There is no need to dump your entire breast on the table or in his hands, show only part of it.

What else can he remember? A deep neckline on your skirt shows a graceful leg up to the thigh, when this neckline stops at a fine line beyond which a man's fantasy begins to work.

And the last thing is the exciting smell coming from you.

And so here are my TOP 3 things a man remembers in a woman.

1st place: beautiful breasts. 2nd place: bare leg to thigh. 3. place: smell.

And if you combine all three components, you will get a mixture that will deprive a man of his mind. It's yours, take it.

Most are put off by inaccessibility

Almost all people are afraid of rejection. Think for yourself, who, in their right mind, would enjoy being “sent”? The one who pretends that he doesn’t care is either lying, or the person who rejected him was not particularly important.

For example, pick-up artists, those who learn to seduce the opposite sex. They rely on quantity, not quality, which is why every failure only encourages them to invent new methods that they are sure to fall for.

But if you think about it, none of those who agreed to go on a date with them and so on were able to touch feelings. If only because it is impossible, pick-up artists are, in fact, people who are not capable of intimacy, they are afraid of it due to various traumatic events from the past, which led to the idea that feeling is painful and bad.

So, not every man is able to take a risk and meet a lady who shows with all her appearance how unapproachable she is. There are very few such brave, challenging people. And then, you already understand who makes up their number.

But really worthwhile guys who are ready to build healthy and happy relationships can pass by. No one wants to feel rejected or devalued once again.

What they say about women on men's forums

Forums have outlived their usefulness, almost all of them no longer work. They were replaced by social networks. But everything is as always there.

  • Girls with low social responsibility.
  • Oh, I would like her...
  • Goddess!!!
  • Collective farm.

In general, nothing new. You just shouldn't go into these dumpsters. Especially girls.

Test: Does my husband love me?

Find out if you are loved with this test. If not, and you fight every day, he doesn’t respect or appreciate you, then maybe it’s better to get a divorce and not suffer? Time is Up!

Time's up

A sense of humor and similar interests allow you to become closer

Although you can close your eyes even to radical differences in hobbies if you can have a good laugh with her. Life is quite a difficult thing, which is why the most valuable moments are those when you can allow yourself to relax and have fun. Indeed, ease and ease are sometimes worth a lot.

It is clear that jokes alone cannot win over the person you like. But if you have a good sense of humor, this will be an excellent bonus to other advantages.

And mutual banter with each other will strengthen the alliance, being a kind of “bridge” that, quite possibly, will help maintain contact more than once in the future.

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