How to understand that you love a person: 8 surefire ways

Signs of true love

If we start from the definition of what love is, we can identify certain key features of this feeling. The signs may be present all at once, or one at a time. It all depends on the situation. In any case, most of it will always be traced in relationships:

  • You constantly think about the person you love;
  • Always want to do something good for your partner;
  • Periodically analyze the words, thoughts and actions that your significant other performs;
  • Inspiration and desire for self-development appear in you;
  • You do not change your opinion and attitude towards your partner, despite his shortcomings;
  • You respect your significant other very much.

If you observe these signs constantly, and they do not disappear over time, you can congratulate you, your feelings are sincere. It seems simple, then why do people think that affection is love?

Actions characteristic of love

Love can be confused with passion or strong sympathy. But there are actions that distinguish it from other human emotions. How to understand that a person really loves you:

  1. He keeps his word. Empty chatter does not fit in with love. If you are really dear to a person, then he will be afraid to lose you without keeping his promise. Check on your chosen one or your chosen one, ask them to come to the appointed place at an extremely inconvenient time. Or order yourself as a gift something that is very difficult to find in the city. If the conditions are met, then most likely they love you.
  2. He will always come to the rescue. How to understand that a friend or girlfriend is in love with you? Both women and men are ready to do a lot for the sake of their love. A person who is loved will never be left alone in trouble. Think back to recent difficult situations in your life. The one who was with you at this moment undoubtedly experiences deep affection.
  3. He appreciates your advantages and does not notice your shortcomings. Love implies complete acceptance of a person with all his pros and cons. Any disputes and proof of your rightness at first are completely inappropriate. After all, being in love, we usually only admire the intelligence and intelligence of the chosen one.
  4. He supports your aspirations and develops with you. Usually, if a loved one moves forward, reaches new heights in any field, then we ourselves are bursting with pride. Therefore, pay attention to whether your chosen one or chosen one rejoices at your successes? Is it also evolving to meet all the criteria of a good party? If the answer is yes, then there is definitely love.

Actions are very important in distinguishing love from simple flirting or sexual attraction. A person who doesn't take you seriously is unlikely to do anything important for you.

When love is born

To understand and understand that you really love a person very much, you need to be patient. True feelings appear after a long period of time. The transformation of affection into true love occurs gradually. Hot passion does not always turn into feelings, and this is not scary. Many people can experience love only once in their life, while others never know it.

It is impossible to say exactly at what point infatuation will degenerate into love. For this to happen, partners need to get to know each other. Having made sure that your beloved person is reliable, your life goals coincide, we can say that a true feeling has arisen. As a rule, this happens after 2-3 years. You should talk about love no earlier than a year after the formation of a couple.

We have considered all possible aspects regarding how to understand whether you really love a person or whether this is attachment. Before deciding to enter into a serious relationship, you need to listen to your inner voice. This is the only way to find out the exact answer to this question and get rid of doubts.

What are the feelings? How can you feel about the guy you love?


is he overwhelmed by sexual desire, is that the only reason he wants to get him into bed or does he really love? To find out the truth of a man’s feelings if he lures her into bed, first of all, a woman needs to understand her feelings.

There are three main motivations to explain why women

agree to have an intimate relationship with a man: - she is in love and cannot refuse; - she is afraid of offending him with a refusal and losing him; - She herself wants sex.

The union of a man and a woman, when the man only wants sex, and the woman is overwhelmed with love for him and craves the same from him, as a rule, is short-lived. Women

attach great importance to the emotional side of intimate relationships, and for men the physiological aspect of these relationships is important. For a woman, consent to sex is an expression of her love for her beloved. She often explains her consent this way: if he is so gentle with me and wants me, it means that, just like me, he has true feelings of love for me. By kissing, hugging and caressing her beloved, she expresses the depth of her feelings for him. A man is consumed only by sexual desire, he skillfully pretends and speaks beautifully about love. In bed, a man can be attentive and gentle, but feel only passion for a woman. Often, even those women who did not have strong feelings for a man before starting an intimate relationship fall deeply in love with him after sex, mistaking his passionate kisses and affection for love.

Close relationships between a man and a woman, when the man is possessed by the usual desire for sex, and the woman agrees, fearing to offend him by refusal, are also quite common. It is important for women to understand that you cannot tie a man to you only by making love to him in bed. A man can highly appreciate a woman if she is relaxed in bed and a sophisticated lover who gives him great pleasure in bed. But if a woman has no other merits, just being a great lover is not enough for a serious relationship. In bed, he can shower a woman with the most tender words, even fantasize about future wonderful relationships, weddings and children. But as the man receives pleasure, his passion passes, and he very quickly forgets about his promises. In this case, it is useless for women to remind him that on a hot night he dreamed of starting a family. If a man is not in the mood for a serious relationship, then intimate relationships alone cannot be the reason for the manifestation of deep feelings in a man.

Talking about love during intercourse

, in fact, the man thinks so. He simply cannot control himself during passion and it really seems to him that he loves and adores this woman. After sex, a man’s emotions change, he thinks differently. To avoid disappointment and resentment, women need to draw a clear line between sex and love. There is no need to get carried away with romance during sex and believe the words of a man during sexual intercourse. We must never forget that a man equates sex and love only to influence women, but they themselves do not think so.

If you have doubts about the truth of a man’s feelings

, with whom you have been engaged in intimate relationships for a long time, this does not mean at all that this is the end of the relationship.
You just need to take a sober look at yourself and your partner
. Stop now, overcome your fear of losing him and think about the future. If a man only wanted pleasure from you, do not cling to him. Let this be a lesson to you, in the future, start and continue intimate relationships only with someone who truly loves you and can make you happy. Immediately at the beginning of a relationship, you need to understand the man’s feelings towards you, by his attitude and behavior towards you. It is worth doubting his feelings if a man is secretive and does not like to introduce you to his past life, does not show feelings of jealousy, is not interested in your problems, and does not introduce you to friends and relatives. But during dates, he showers you with compliments, gives you gifts and confesses his strong love.

If you want to be happy, then you need to build a relationship only with the man who truly loves you.

Sources: /Medical/Psixology/102.html


The feeling of a patron resembles the relationship of a parent providing care and protection. A strong union is possible when the patron's partner is weaker and more dependent on him. There is often a large difference in age or social status between such partners. By showing care, the patron satisfies his vanity, he likes to be strong, in charge, this allows him to show condescension and contempt for his partner: “Where would you be if not me?”

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In intimate relationships, problems often arise for one or both partners. But they do not perceive sexual relations as the basis of family relationships. If a dependent partner “grows out” of such a relationship, he strives to break the union, and the patron experiences anger - after all, he raised him “from rags to riches”, but he was not appreciated.

What are the feelings for a painting?

It is human nature not only to perceive the environment, but also to influence it. All the phenomena occurring around us and the objects located attract our attention with an individual attitude.

So what feelings does a person have when performing certain actions? For example, when communicating with friends, reading a book, listening to a piece of music... The answer is obvious: at this time a person can be happy or sad, inspired or upset. The expression of feelings towards painting occurs in the same way.

How to understand what it is: love, sympathy or infatuation?

If you ask any person what the word “love” means, there will probably be a great many definitions for this word. Love can define one’s attitude toward one’s homeland, one’s favorite food, surrounding objects, favorite animals, and so on. However, the most common association with the word “love” is the emotional state of a person and the manifestation of feelings. It is difficult to understand whether you love a person. Love or habit? Sympathy or passion?



You can feel sympathy for a long time, but it is more typical for friends. That is why you need to decide on what exactly your love for your chosen one is based. Do you have a willingness to support a person, to help him in difficult moments of life? If you have common interests and worldviews, you will probably feel sympathy for the person, which can then develop into something more serious.


Sexual attraction

If you feel that in the presence of your chosen one you are experiencing sexual attraction and are excited, then most likely you are burning with passionate love for him and you have to understand that you love the person or not. Most often, love is a consequence of the search for something new, bright emotions and adventures.


Set of common interests

The combination of common interests and sexual attraction most likely indicates that you feel romantic love for your chosen one. This is the most wonderful period of a relationship, but, as practice shows, only young couples can have such a long period.



In a serious relationship, passion is far from the leading emotion. The level of your desire will help you understand that you love a person or not yet. It would be ridiculous for you to confess your love to a person just because you are sexually attracted to him. This kind of “love” does not bode well. For the sake of bliss in bed, you will have to endure literally everything from your loved one.


Friends, lovers and like-minded people at the same time

As you know, there is no love without friendship

Therefore, for true love it is very important to become a friend, lover and ally to your partner at the same time. Moreover, the desire to become more than lovers must be mutual

The desire for eternal love, when partners are ready to keep it forever - this is true love.



How can you understand whether you love a person and not become dependent on that person? One must be able to avoid emotional sadism. If you think that at least someone must be next to you, these are signs of false love.



Jealousy never leads to real feelings. Jealous people for the most part are just egoists who want to dominate their partner.

True love - how to understand it

It is hardly possible to say about love better than what is written in the Bible:

“Love is long-suffering, it is kind, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, does not act rudely, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

The phrase “does not seek its own” means that true love is completely devoid of selfishness. But it is egoism that gives rise to a sense of ownership, a desire to possess, control, and try to change a person.

Let's find out what psychologists say about healthy, self-sufficient, true love. In their opinion, signs of true, real feelings of love are:

  • Confidence . A person does not try to convict his partner of anything, does not look for reasons for quarrels, does not suspect him of cheating and lying.
  • Friendship . A couple in which everything is based on sexual relationships and violent passions will never last long. Friendships always form between truly loving people. They freely share their secrets with each other, have conversations, are interested in all aspects of each other’s lives, consult with each other, and support each other.
  • Full unconditional acceptance. A loving person accepts his other half as he is and does not try to change him. He will never put forward conditions for his love.
  • Mutual desire to work on oneself. If you love truly, you will not try to change your partner, but will begin to work on yourself. Psychologically mature couples understand that relationships are not built on their own; sometimes they need to work on themselves in order to come to an agreement or compromise.
  • Sacrifice . True love is always ready to sacrifice itself. This does not mean that a person should rush headlong under a train to prove his feelings. Here we are talking about the ability and willingness to sometimes give up one’s interests for the sake of a significant other.
  • The desire to give, not to take. A loving person always strives to give the object of his adoration the best that he has. At the same time, he does not think about profit and does everything selflessly.
  • Consistency . When you truly love a person, you do not lose interest in him over time. No one else will be able to influence these feelings.

What can true love be confused with?

Until now, not a single sage or scientist has been able to accurately, briefly and clearly define what love is. If you ask this question to different people, it turns out that everyone has their own concept of love. However, both thinkers and psychologists agree that love is not. Unconscious people mistake the feelings and emotions listed below for love. But in fact, these are just different forms of expression of selfishness, psychological trauma, internal conflicts and problems.

Falling in love can have a calming effect on the body and mind, and also helps restore the nervous system and improve the memory of the lover.

So, what can love be easily confused with:

  • Passion. We begin to experience an irresistible craving for a person, a strong physical attraction. Many people begin to feel like they are head over heels in love. In fact, passion is a consequence of sexual attraction, or simply put, it is ordinary lust. Blinded by our desires, we begin to endow a person with non-existent qualities and are disappointed when we later discover that the object of passion is far from our fantasies.
  • Sympathy. It arises against the background of physical and psychological attractiveness. We often experience this feeling towards people in whom we see friends who are close to us in spirit and worldview. Sympathy often develops into true love, but still it is not love in itself.
  • Love. Quite strong emotional feelings that mix passion, sympathy, and attraction. Falling in love gives real euphoria, but can make you suffer a lot if the feelings are not mutual. In fact, such strong and vivid experiences are caused by hormones that begin to be actively produced in a state of love. But, as a rule, such a chemical reaction in the body lasts only a few months. When it stabilizes, people’s “rose-colored glasses come off” and we begin to notice things we haven’t seen in our partner before. At this stage, problems and disagreements may begin in the relationship. If people do not overcome the moment of crisis, it means that there was no trace of love there. Just body chemistry.
  • Addiction. If one of the partners begins to feel that he can no longer live without his “other half,” there are psychological problems. Dependence is experienced by psychologically immature people or individuals with serious psychological trauma. Usually such injuries occur in virginity. For example, a mother does not teach her daughter independence, making her completely dependent on herself and justifying such manipulation with her love. Although in fact, behind everything is the mother’s fear of losing her daughter and being left alone. The situation is often observed in families where the mother raises the child alone. A person grows up who does not know what self-sufficiency is and is capable of building only a dependent model of relationships. She replaces dependence on her mother with dependence on a man, considering it love.
  • Habit. It happens that people stay nearby for a long time (colleagues, classmates, neighbors, members of some club), and when one of them leaves the common area, strange feelings of melancholy, cravings, and worries come. It may seem to one or both that they have loved each other all this time, which is why they are so hard to bear separation. But in fact, this is a common habit, perhaps built on sympathy. In such a situation, there is a chance that feelings will develop into true love.
  • Jealousy. Many people think that if a partner is jealous, it means they love you. And this is how jealous people themselves justify their painful emotions. In fact, behind jealousy there are also psychological traumas and unawareness. A self-sufficient person, self-confident and self-loving, will never torment another with jealousy. People with low self-esteem, insecure, immature people who have fears inside them are jealous.

How can you understand that you love a person? To begin with, it is enough to make sure that you are not guided by the feelings and emotions listed above. The main thing is to be honest with yourself and not be afraid to admit to yourself what you are really experiencing. And to make sure that the feelings are true, let’s try to define true love.

How men fall in love

When caught in the web of love, men and women begin to behave differently. A loving partner does not immediately understand that in front of him is the one and only one with whom he would like to spend years of his life together. In the process of realizing this event, his feelings go through several stages of emotional transformation. By nature, a man is not capable of spontaneous actions. Either he takes an important step under the influence of feelings, or he calculates it using logic. In any case, it takes time to bring thoughts and emotions into a stable balance.

It is simply impossible to understand the reasons why a guy feels love for this or that girl. He himself will not be able to explain why, at the sight of his beloved, his heart begins to beat faster, the usual eloquence disappears somewhere from an accidental touch, and for the sake of her smile he is ready to do the impossible. Each man goes through this path individually, since the birth of love is influenced by many factors: upbringing, mentality, character, previous experience of romantic relationships.

Quite often, a man feels warmth and care emanating from a woman he likes, and unconsciously strives to preserve these emotions for a long time. He begins to actively seek her company, instinctively noting qualities in her that other women do not have. Without fully realizing the reasons for his choice, the man nevertheless feels in love.

Psychologists have identified seven main stages in the process of the birth of love in the strong half of humanity:

  1. At the first stage, a man evaluates external data, beauty, charm.
  2. Feeling interested in the girl, the guy decides to create a relationship with her.
  3. If the gentleman’s advances are favorably accepted by the lady, then he becomes attracted and desires to continue communication. To achieve consent for a date, a loving man shows miracles of seduction. The chosen one supports him in this sensual game, responding with light signs of attention.
  4. The partner wants to make a worthy impression, attract the lady’s attention and evoke reciprocal feelings.
  5. Mutual sympathy has been confirmed, and now the loving guy intends to make the girl fall in love with him, doing everything possible.
  6. A loving man increasingly invites a woman on dates, trying to fully understand how he feels when communicating with her. Weighing all the pros and cons, he is preparing to move the relationship to another level.
  7. Having become convinced of his own feelings, a loving man tries to determine the depth of his partner’s reciprocal sympathy.
  8. Male love is confirmed by a firm belief in the need to create strong relationships. What makes a man fall in love

Test: loves or no longer loves

If the question arises: how to understand whether a guy loves you or not, you can take a special test compiled by psychologists. The number of points will help you determine what your significant other’s attitude towards you is.

For each positive answer you must add 1 point, for a negative answer - 0. The answer to the question: how to understand that a guy does not love you, the test will definitely show.

Rate each statement (“yes” or “no”):

  • your betrothed always finds time to meet with you;
  • always asks how your day was;
  • when you are sick, he takes care of you;
  • constantly wishes you “good night” and “good morning”;
  • introduced you to friends and parents;
  • you have excellent sexual relationships;
  • gets excited when meeting you;
  • prefers your company in all his free time;
  • tries to please you in everything;
  • constantly talks about his feelings.

How to understand that a guy doesn't love you anymore? If you get from 5 to 10 points, you don’t have to worry, the person is not indifferent to you and has passionate feelings. A lower number of points indicates dislike.

What are the feelings for a girl?

What could be simpler than telling her that you love her. This phrase is considered the most correct when expressing one’s feelings, while simultaneously showing how strong they are. But there are other ways of such recognition. Here are the feelings for a girl, and how they can be expressed in words:

  1. I'm so lucky to have met you!
  2. I really like your gentle hands.
  3. I adore your flexible nature, etc.

These various statements express love for precisely those features of the partner that cause certain feelings of euphoria. It's always nice for your partner to hear how important he is to you. You should definitely tell your girl how much positivity she brings to your life cycle. By this you show how valuable, loved and necessary she is to you.

How to distinguish love from affection?

1. When sympathy arises between people, it usually leads to the creation of a relationship. They may not necessarily be love. For example, just friendship. If sympathy is enough to start a romantic relationship, a new couple will be created.

2. Sympathy will definitely develop into a strong feeling if people have common topics for conversation, mutual interests and aspirations. If 2 people want to build a harmonious relationship, nothing can stop them.

3. But it happens that something interferes with the building of love, constant quarrels, scandals and nervous tension occur. You need to look for the reasons for what is happening within yourself. The question involuntarily pops up in your head: “How do you know if you love a person?” Were the feelings real or was it attachment?

4. If you cannot be near your chosen one, you are constantly nervous about trifles, this means that you have no desire to build a life together. Most relationships are destroyed precisely on everyday grounds.

How to understand whether you love a person or not after a breakup

The emotional state after a breakup can be very unstable, when you want to kill someone with whom you had romantic feelings and such nostalgia rolls in that you want to return. Here it is worth dealing with the question of how to understand whether you love a person or not after breaking up, because perhaps this is attachment or an unfilled emptiness, and the main thing here is not to confuse such things with the loss of love.

To understand yourself, you need to isolate yourself from the influence of the opinions of others, who can either engage in PR for a rare scoundrel or denigrate a truly loved one. You can prohibit talking about your former relationship and providing any information about the person’s current state of affairs, and if requests do not help, temporarily stop communicating with those who are trying to influence your perception. Listen to how easy it is for you to live every day on your own, how often you remember your ex, open photos and look at him from an intimate point of view, because you can react to the changed life (that no one rattles the coffee maker or the fact that you didn’t have to carry groceries from store). Look back and evaluate whether there are grievances between you, often love can be confused with the need for his apology or atonement for your own feelings of guilt. Also imagine the future, general old age and evaluate the feelings from such a picture - if it has become warm and cozy, then you can talk about love, if it is cold, disgusting or nothing at all, then there is nothing, even if this has caused a lot of activity and a desire to be there, then check - do you like the family picture or this person in it.

It’s also good to analyze his motives and if it seems to you that feelings are alive after the breakup, think about the lack of reconciliation or steps in your direction from your ex. Usually, if the love is sincere, then it is mutual and both regret the separation. Getting rid of the false idea will help getting rid of the fear of loneliness - imagine in as much detail as possible that you are in a wonderful relationship, where you are valued and you are happy, and through this state evaluate your feelings for your ex. If, while in a relationship, you don’t remember your past love, then it was a veiled fear of loneliness, and if you think about it, then it makes sense to put your current relationship on hold until you completely understand yourself.

Feelings for your ex are normal; when they arise, it is important to keep in your mind the full picture of what is happening, with all its shortcomings, all your dissatisfaction, and share it. You can love the way he hugged you in his sleep and hate the rest of the time, you can miss walks in the park together and enjoy the silence in the apartment in the evening - then this is about very specific things that you need, without all the unwanted list

But if there is an understanding that you need this person and his shortcomings are complementary to yours, then this is love that can still be returned if you quickly realize and do not wait for the feelings to go away.

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What are the feelings? How can you feel about the guy you love?

What it means to love and what feelings we have for a loved one are questions that interest everyone. The answers are striking in their diversity. One thing is clear, the feelings experienced for a loved one can be completely different, from the most pleasant and tender to the most terrible and destructive.

The desire to care, protect and give all of oneself is not love as such or feelings, it is rather a consequence of love.

Let's figure out what feelings you may have for your loved one.

Yearning. This is a very difficult mental state. Melancholy - when you spend the day flying by, you think about him and cannot fall asleep until he wishes you pleasant dreams. Melancholy is when you quarreled, and you want to howl because of it. That he is terribly missed.

While experiencing a feeling of melancholy, you may also feel indifference to the world around you, loneliness, grief and sadness,

Joy. A very wonderful feeling that you can have for your loved one.

You rejoice at every little thing that happens in your destiny. In the morning you woke up and the first thing you saw was how sweetly he smiled in his sleep. Isn't this a reason for joy?

Anxiety. When you care what happens to him. You worry about his health and mental state. After all, you love him and wish him only the best.

Confidence. The foundation of a strong and reliable relationship for every couple. Trust is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in one second. And sometimes it can be very difficult to earn it. But loving hearts are able to cope with any difficulty.

Jealousy is the reason for the breakup of loving couples. But this feeling is inherent in every person in different quantities. It is necessary to fight it when emotions and feelings of jealousy literally prevent you from living to the fullest. And a very small drop of jealousy can only make a relationship more piquant.

In fact, the list of feelings experienced for a loved one is huge. It will be very difficult to list it in one article. Moreover, each person has his own special ability to feel. Each of us has our own limit of feelings and emotions.

When you love, you can simultaneously feel: love and hate, joy and anger, euphoria and melancholy, sadness and disappointment, gratitude, lightness, trust, or vice versa, Jealousy and fear of losing a loved one, peace or suspicion.

As you can see, the list is varied, although not all feelings are represented. Many people can live their entire lives and, for example, never experience feelings of jealousy or disappointment in a loved one.

It can be argued that there are feelings experienced for a loved one about which we still know nothing, since no one has had to experience it.

It is also very difficult to describe feelings. Using a sea of ​​words to express this or that feeling is stupid. The best way to communicate your feelings is to simply name it at the exact moment you feel it.

Why and for what do they love?

Sometimes they love in spite of everything, common sense, the slander of relatives, they just love and that’s it, quietly and tenderly, often saying to themselves, “well, how mine he is, this dear and beloved person.” And at the same time your heart skips a beat with happiness!

I remember how one of my friends said that “I even like his hoarse voice when he plays and sings with a guitar”... it’s definitely about love!

One of the men, oh, click, here it is, mine! But this does not always happen, because love is a calm, good feeling and it does not come immediately. With love, the amplitude of vibrations is practically absent, there is simply “everything on top” and EVERYTHING!

How can you feel for a friend?

What are your feelings towards a friend? It happens that a person does not even suspect the existence of friendship, but he is drawn to someone, he is overwhelmed with feelings, and begins to fantasize:

  1. I am drawn to this man in a brotherly way.
  2. We just have a normal relationship.
  3. We are just work colleagues.
  4. I am interested in spending time with this person, etc.

At the same time, anxiety is felt, on a subconscious level, anxiety, guilt. These doubts can completely ruin relationships. It becomes especially uncomfortable when this friendship is mistakenly perceived as love. In this case, friends may think about further developing the relationship, even sexual, or simply break up.

But in any case, the feeling of a friend’s elbow in many cases instills confidence that you are not alone, you feel the support of a friend. This means that in return he can receive the same friendly devotion.

What to do if you don't like each other anymore

Falling in love flares up quickly, like a match, and love develops in small steps and only grows every day. However, she leaves using the same method. It is impossible to stop loving a person in one day. Passion, attraction, and then emotions gradually disappear. But even if there is a strong resentment, it will not be possible to stop loving or ignore thoughts about your soul mate.

Personality develops throughout life, during which its hobbies and worldviews change. This causes misunderstandings and leads to separation. You can alternately accept heightened emotions, their decline, periods of happiness and disagreement. However, if the relationship does not bring satisfaction, as in the first months, you need to talk with your chosen one, and do not be afraid to be sincere. Perhaps he has not been in love for a long time, but does not want to take responsibility for breaking the union. Don't delay - dislike breeds disrespect and loss of interest. This is hardly a short-term disorder and it makes sense to experience each new crisis again. It is better to let each other go, look at your shortcomings and find your true happiness.

How can you feel for a man?

Now let's try to figure out what feelings there are for a man, especially if he is loved.

  1. Melancholy
    is a very complex mental state, because of which the day can go down the drain, all thoughts are only about him, and you even lose sleep. You can feel sad for various reasons, for example, because of a quarrel or when he is not around. Because of melancholy, you become indifferent to everything that surrounds you, and you are overcome by a feeling of sadness, loneliness and grief.
  2. Joy
    is the most beautiful experience you can experience when you see your beloved man. You rejoice at every small detail that happens in your life.
  3. Concern
    will come when you are not indifferent to what is happening to him there. You begin to worry about his health, state of mind, etc.
  4. Trust
    is nothing more than a solid foundation for a strong relationship. It is a very fragile feeling that can be lost in a matter of seconds. It may not be so easy to earn it.
  5. Jealousy
    is the reason why people who love each other break up. After all, every person has this feeling to varying degrees. It is necessary to wage an irreconcilable struggle with it, otherwise it will interfere with a full life. But a little jealousy is not good for a more piquant relationship.

How to distinguish love from addiction and attraction

Psychologists believe that the hallmark of true love is primarily the desire for constancy, while attraction can be felt towards several people at once

A lover truly has only one person of the opposite sex to whom he devotes all his attention

Addiction is characterized by a pathological desire for possession and boundless jealousy. The addict does not recognize the free will of the object of adoration and experiences extreme pain if his desire is not satisfied immediately and fully.

Attraction is often dominated by the desire for physical intimacy. High spiritual values ​​inherent in true love, such as sacrifice, self-denial, the desire to create a family, attraction are not inherent or are in their infancy.

A certain test for true love is temporary separation, for example, if one of the couple has to leave for a while. The French thinker La Rochefoucauld compared separation to the wind: it blows out a candle, but fans the fire. Temporary attraction, when you don’t see a person for a certain period, will go out like a candle. A real feeling helps a couple survive the period of separation, and after a long-awaited meeting, love flares up with renewed vigor.

What are the senses of humor?

Try asking anyone you meet if he has a good sense of humor, in most cases the answer will be positive, which will be difficult to refute. The whole point of the question is that the ability to joke and the receptiveness of jokes is individual for each person. This is precisely the reason that one and the same joke will seem worthless, while another will find it simply excellent, and everyone here will be right in their own way.

Let's take a look at Sigmund Freud's famous quote: “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, but a joke is not always just a joke.” It is this expression that gives the answer to the question “What are the types of feelings of humor?”, because they are divided into different types and have a strong connection with a person’s personality.

In 2003, psychologist and researcher Rod Martin conducted a questionnaire survey with which he was able to identify up to four types of senses of humor:

  1. Affiliative type.
  2. Self-destructive type.
  3. Optimistic type.
  4. Aggressive type.

Love or affection?

Another common question: how can you understand whether you love a person or is it just affection? First of all, you need to understand that pure relationships and emotions are almost never found. Love, jealousy, sexual attraction, desire, affection - we experience all this at the same time, but only in different proportions.

As we said above, selfless care is considered an important sign of true love. Attachment is considered a kind of psychological dependence on a chosen one or partner.

The main feature of attachment is not selflessness and happiness, but dependence and sometimes the suffering that a dependent person experiences. If attachment is accompanied by special feelings that deprive a person of freedom, we can talk about psychological obsession.

Attachment in relationships

Attachment in relationships is characterized by instability and dependence. One or both partners are characterized by full, comprehensive participation in common interests. There is a feeling that no one matters to them anymore. A person evaluates the strength of the need for a partner as proof of love. In fact, attachment in relationships can be a consequence of fear of loneliness. The attachment figure's old friends and interests are put on hold to serve the needs and desires of the "loved" person, so the feeling of self-sacrifice is perceived as a sign of love.

Preoccupation with the thoughts, behavior, and feelings of a “loved” person leads to dependence on his or her approval. The self-perception and self-esteem of a dependent partner reflects the reaction of the “beloved” person. Expressing real emotions and thoughts becomes too risky

Therefore, playing it safe is important and can take the form of repetition or even ritual. For example, a statement such as “if you don’t call me from work from nine to three every day, then you don’t really love me” is not uncommon.

With addiction comes intolerance for the time a couple spends apart from each other. Ownership, jealousy and patronage prevail over trust. A dependent person cannot tolerate being apart, even when there is conflict in the relationship or when the relationship is unhealthy. Experiencing unhealthy attachment in a relationship, a dependent person, at the slightest possibility of separation, clings tightly to his “other half”, feeling hopeless. Being apart can provoke physical symptoms such as impatience, lethargy or loss of appetite.

True love is difficult to part with; giving up attachment is easy.

The surest way to know if you are experiencing true love is to lose it. When she disappears from your life, you lose all meaning of existence for some time. It's like you've been stripped of your very soul. Sadness and grief presses from all sides. But if you don’t experience something similar after a breakup, then it was an ordinary attachment that did not carry anything serious.

Love is a manifestation of caring, and affection is exceptional selfishness.

True love does not tolerate selfishness. Once you enter into a serious relationship, your priorities will change dramatically. The whole philosophy of life is turned upside down. You will constantly think about your beloved, care and worry about him. But when you are no more than simply attached to your partner, then selfishness will prevail. Everyone wants to do what is best for themselves. It's easy to notice and draw conclusions before things go too far.

Love is not a light burden; affection comes easily only when you are together.

Love is a very complex type of emotion that occurs to every person. Often, it is very dynamic and it is extremely difficult for two people to maintain such a pace. There will be ups and downs in a relationship, but supporting each other will help you overcome all difficulties. During a non-serious relationship, when everything comes down to affection, you will not be able to get along for long at a distance.

Love gives freedom, but attachment paralyzes.

It is impossible to experience real feelings when you forbid each other to do certain things. Sincere love has no prohibitions. Mutual trust and bright feelings will overwhelm lovers, and therefore they have no problems with personal space. Ordinary attachment, on the contrary, paralyzes. Participants in a relationship cannot stay far from each other for long, and life without rules does not seem possible. This lack of love is a prison.

Love is support; attachment creates stagnation.

True love inspires people to be better people. But attachment does nothing: partners simply exist. Loving hearts can share their dreams, help each other achieve certain goals, etc. They form a kind of driving mechanism that only strengthens their feelings. Attachment people are locked in a little box and they don't want to be better.

Love lasts; affection is limited by time.

Love is one of those feelings that lasts forever. We are talking about a real and sincere manifestation of this bright feeling. There is no place for naked desire to satisfy your needs. Attachment has this. Therefore, it lasts as long as the partners are satisfied. But sooner or later the thirst will appear again, and they will begin to look for new experiences. And new partners.

List of basic human feelings

The very first person who decided to describe the five basic senses of man was Aristotle. It was this outstanding scientist who was able to give his own definition to this, even despite the fact that he repeatedly got into trouble, arguing that people think with their hearts, and bees should thank decaying bull carcasses for their appearance in the world. But this time he hit the mark. Therefore, below is a list through which you can familiarize yourself with what feelings are. This is the generally accepted opinion, including Aristotle.

  1. Vision - we see everything that happens around us, each experiencing what we see in our own way.
  2. Taste - we can determine the taste qualities not only of products, but also of who dresses and how, etc.
  3. Hearing - when we hear any sound or saying, we can be happy, angry, panic, etc.
  4. Touch is the sensation of touching something.
  5. The sense of smell is a response to the perception of various kinds of odors.
  6. Thermoception is the sensation of warmth or lack thereof by the surface of the skin.
  7. Equibrioception is the control of balance determined by the fluid cavities of our inner ear.
  8. Nociception is pain sensations in the skin, joints and other organs of our body. For some strange reason, this category does not include the brain. This is most likely due to the fact that it lacks pain-sensing receptors. The brain is not the cause of headaches, as some people think.
  9. Proprioception is the sense of your own body. For example, with our eyes closed, we can clearly determine the location of our body parts by simply waving our hand in the air. In any case, a person will know where his palm is currently located in relation to other parts of the body.
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