Compliments to a man: 100+ compliments in your own words

Incredible facts

When was the last time you complimented a guy? Everyone loves nice words, especially if they are sincere.

While guys love to hear compliments on their appearance, they also love it when a girl comments on their personal qualities.

You can of course use traditional phrases such as " You're beautiful"

" or "
You are strong
But if this is a special person for you, then the compliment for him should be individual

Should you give a man compliments?

  • The power of a simple compliment is one of the most underrated shows of appreciation and kindness a girl can show a man.
  • A thoughtful compliment can brighten a man's day, make him smile, or give him the confidence he needs to win life's struggles.
  • Men love to hear compliments addressed to them. They increase their self-confidence and self-esteem. It is important for them to receive such emotional support.
  • Thanks to compliments, a guy can turn into a brave hero, a caring gentleman and a gallant gentleman, so that his girlfriend can feel like a queen.

Girls also need to say nice words, so we recommend reading beautiful compliments to a girl to cheer her up.

Compliments to your beloved man

  1. You are an unusually sensitive person. I would never have thought that a man could be so sensitive and attentive to a woman’s needs.
  2. I value your opinion and value it. You always find the right solution for any situation.
  3. With you I always feel comfortable and reliable.
  4. You are an amazingly romantic person! With you, my life is filled with romance, beautiful adventures, like in the fairy tale “A Thousand and One Nights.”
  5. I'm afraid of you coming to my work (study). My girls will rebel in the fight for the palm to attract the attention of such a handsome man.
  6. I think you will be a better father to your children based on how your children treat you and love to play with you.
  7. I thought it was hot outside. In fact, it makes me hot when I see you.
  8. Sometimes it seems to me that there is no task that is beyond your control. Everything is in your hands.

  9. Your presence makes me think of wonderful things such as love, family, children and eternal life with such a person. (Surely you will like 50 good night wishes for a loved one that a woman can say to her husband).
  10. My co-workers (classmates) cannot take their eyes off you when they see us together.
  11. When I see you, I fall in love more and more every time. Even if it's against all the rules that I know, I can't help myself.
  12. You, unlike others, know how to make me laugh, even when I’m sad.
  13. I really enjoy spending time together, which flies by. For me, being together 24 hours, seven days a week is negligible.
  14. You always know how to find the right words, say them right to the point and at the right time.
  15. I really like the way you talk. You have a voice of extraordinary depth. My hearing is literally drowning in it.

We tell the young man that he is the best

So, the task is clear. You need to learn how to correctly say original compliments to a guy . Either funny or pleasant - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that he is touched, hooked, in some cases even excited, and compliments become part of your relationship.

You probably need to imagine yourself in his place, that is, imagine that you are a little bit of a man. Yes, an unfamiliar situation. But this is the only way to rehearse the tone, facial expressions, gestures and even touches at the moment when kind words are spoken. This is on the one hand.

On the other hand, don’t forget that a guy won’t appreciate a compliment on his “new pants”, he’s not a girl . You should forget about the wardrobe, at least in this form.

What then? You need to learn the rules that will help you not only pronounce a compliment correctly, say pleasant words, but also assure (once again!) of the softness, tenderness and depth of your feelings!

Men like unobtrusive compliments, short, succinct and meaningful.

To do this, you need:

  • Remember that the left, “feminine” side, is responsible for emotions and expression of feelings in men. At a congress on psychology, recently held in Berlin and bringing together world luminaries, it was proven that gentle words should be pronounced in the left ear, but tasks that require execution should be spoken in the right . A man will quickly forget how sexy and kind he is if you tell him about it in his right ear. But to the left is what you need! All that remains is to sneak up behind you, hug you by the shoulders and whisper exactly those words, slightly touching your ear with your lips. The answer won't take long to arrive!
  • Emphasize with words truly masculine, “tribal” qualities: sexuality, endurance, willpower, etc. You can also add personality traits that you adore about him. You love him for something special, something that caught your eye on the first date. Remind him of this more often, especially if the relationship begins at a distance. You can even write a poem or delight in prose.
  • Ignore appearance : this is of secondary importance for a guy - he is taught such a thought from childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. These can be strong arms, wide chests and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!
  • Don't babysit - guys don't like that . Choose an intimately exciting whisper and give a compliment with your whole body: with your eyes, smile, hands, slightly touching. Light flirting, a special mood, a few grams of excitement will not be superfluous!
  • Remove the irony and sarcasm that run through each of us when communicating with our loved ones. “Darling, I didn’t know that you can use a hammer so well: the wall is intact and your fingers are in place.” What is this anyway? Your own bitter experience, dragged from past relationships? But they are no longer there, and your man, good, affectionate and extraordinary, is with you!

Giving compliments, as it turns out, is as easy as shelling pears. Pronounce your words with feeling, love and never forget that there are never too many beautiful words!

Compliment a man in your own words

  1. Thank you for your patience, you always listen to me patiently, even when I bore you with my complaints.
  2. My life became much better, more meaningful, more reliable after you appeared in it.
  3. How do you always manage to give me unexpected, pleasant surprises?
  4. I like your calmness and restraint when I do something stupid.
  5. Talking to you brings out the best in a person.
  6. I love your little gestures that show the depth of your care for me.
  7. You always manage to truly listen and get to the heart of the matter. It’s not difficult to share everything that’s in your heart with you.
  8. The smile on your face makes me forget about all my problems and worries.
  9. I like that you don't have an ounce of pretense, you don't try to pretend to be someone you're not. (We recommend reading the article about the qualities of a real man that women want to see.)
  10. Your kindness is a balm for everyone who comes into contact with it. She makes me feel proud of such a man.
  11. You always have something to say to keep the conversation going. You manage to start conversations with strangers so easily.
  12. Not a single person living on this planet has ever understood me the way you do.
  13. You have such a courageous, confident voice that when I am in danger, next to you I feel calm.
  14. I admire your talent for presenting ordinary truths in a new, special way.
  15. You have the talent to turn uninteresting work into an interesting idea.

Why are young ladies afraid to encourage their knights?

Our mothers and grandmothers, full of traumatic experiences, our fathers and grandfathers were rarely praised. Sometimes they’ll say: “Only I’m a smart guy.” All! The target for the next five years has been met. The daughters absorbed: men cannot be pampered, everything they do is a matter of course.

Meanwhile, men in such families often stop showing any initiative. For what? All the same, they won’t say a kind word, or even yell at you prophylactically if something isn’t perfect. It's better to lie on the sofa.

Those who were braver ran away altogether. To whom? To the aunties who, despite their age, knew how to roll their eyes and rejoice at everything: a nail that was nailed, scrambled eggs for breakfast, a modest paycheck. Everyone appreciates it when their efforts are appreciated.

Men often work and achieve heights not for their own ambitions, but to please the woman they love. Most people don’t need millions, or nails, or a clean apartment. But seeing how his beloved is delighted, ordinary Ivan Ivanovich changes irreversibly. Now he is ready to vacuum, earn money and bring coffee to bed every morning, if only his wife would purr: “You are so good! How lucky I am to have you!”

Okay, we've sorted out the theory. You need to praise. But how is this done? How often can you express gratitude? How to formulate all this and put it into words?

How many kind words is a man entitled to per day?

We are used to doing everything strictly according to the rules. It is unclear who set the standards. But since British scientists said: 8 hugs a day, that means no more, no less. Try listening to yourself. Tired and off your feet? There is no need to squeeze out the “dance of a happy woman” and three hours of oral sex, because “that’s what the psychologist advised.” A few sincere, warm words will be enough.

Is he steadfastly chopping salads while you are looking for that very dress to greet guests? Or maybe he took the kids out for a walk so you could get some sleep for the first time in a week? Then whatever you have enough energy and imagination for, in any quantity, is appropriate.

Don't be afraid to over-praise a man. If you really notice that he behaves somehow strangely because of praise, this is a prompt to think: “Isn’t my Innokenty an asshole?” Praise won't spoil a normal guy. At least praise him every day: if you are sincere, an overdose will not happen.

3 important steps

which every woman should go through

Anika Snagovskaya

Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


Audio recording: Neuro-af

Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

And start a new, happy life for yourself.

Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

Audio recording: Neuro-af

Take your gifts!

It is not necessary to lick it every time it moves. “Oh, you took the child to the garden! Oh, you know how to put shoes in place! Oh, you washed your plate!” - this is also overkill. Just notice the good and be sincere. Most likely, he accidentally bought cornflowers of this particular shade. But if you tell them that these are the flowers of your childhood dreams, you will begin to find them on the table more often.

Beautiful compliments to a guy in your own words

  1. Girls say “all men are the same,” but you are their complete opposite, because you know how to restrain yourself and control your emotions. I'm not afraid to be near you!
  2. I'm afraid of losing my friends because of you, they will stop communicating with me out of envy.
  3. I was lucky to deal with a guy who knows how to treat a girl.
  4. What sets you apart from other guys is your special gift of capturing women’s attention. Moreover, I don’t get tired of listening to you, no matter how much you talk.
  5. I have never seen a guy who would do (insert the correct one) with such persistence. I have no doubt that you will be successful.
  6. Your laughter is extraordinary. He is not only special, but also infectious.

  7. All my friends dream of such a guy: intelligent, strong, attentive, handsome.
  8. I've never met a guy like him who can pick out thoughtful gifts for his girlfriend.
  9. It seems to me that there is hardly a guy out there who understands me perfectly.
  10. Wow! You weren't lying when you said you went to the gym.

Affectionate and warm words from a distance

Words spoken at a distance are very important. In this case, the man will be sure that you will never forget about him. They will help add passion and romance to your relationship:

  • I miss you so much, come back quickly;
  • I'm counting the seconds until your arrival;
  • Today I dreamed about you again; I miss you, your touches, your hugs, your kind words;
  • I’m waiting for you, my love, and I’ll wait as long as it takes; but I miss you so much;
  • the house is empty without you, it is not filled with your laughter, your love; I'm waiting for you, my sun, my light, my joy.

Compliments to your husband to praise him

  1. You can be said to be a man who is easy to respect and even want to respect for the way you treat women. (Want to know how you can show your respect for a man? Then we recommend reading 64 ways to do it).
  2. Even during a crisis, there is no doubt that with your intelligence, resourcefulness and ability to take the situation into your hands, we will get out of any trouble.
  3. I love that feeling of security that comes when you hug me or hold me close. All the compliments known throughout the world can hardly express my admiration for you.
  4. After so many years of being together, you still manage to “surprise” me, making me want to praise you even more.
  5. I thought there were no perfect men, but I was wrong. I was lucky to become the wife of an ideal husband!
  6. A shiver runs down my spine when I think about your hot hugs and strong arms.
  7. I am proud that I married a real man who always clearly knows what he wants from life. This gives me a feeling of calm and trust in you.
  8. This is extraordinary: your hands are so strong, but at the same time gentle. In them I feel like a little girl who is under the protection of a strong, loving man.
  9. I happily submit to your leadership because I do not feel humiliated. It motivates me to try to be the best wife for such a man.
  10. You always manage to make me feel needed. Your praise makes me want to do more than I can. (We recommend finding out why it is important to speak words of praise and approval to both men and women?)
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