Words of gratitude and appreciation: words of gratitude examples, words of gratitude for support in difficult times, reciprocal words of gratitude, gratitude words sample, 65 thanks

The word “thank you” has become firmly established in our lives. We use it everywhere and always, almost mechanically we say it, without even thinking about what it really means. But if you don’t want to thank a person too banally, then we have collected more than fifty different thank you options for you. Also here you will find a list of translations of the word “thank you” in different most popular languages ​​of the world.

I would like to express my gratitude: examples

  1. It’s good that our world rests on compassionate people like you, who cannot ignore the misfortune of others. Thank you for your support. Your help is very important to us and will never be forgotten.
  2. Thank you for your assistance and participation. We couldn't have done it without you. We hope that your help will be returned to you in full.
  3. I would like to express my gratitude for the excellent attitude. Let only good people meet on your way and let only good news be in your life.
  4. Thank you for the help you provided to us. We are grateful that you exist, because you can make a lot of people who need help happy. We are grateful for your sensitivity and responsiveness.
  5. Thank you for your help in a difficult life task. Good luck and prosperity to you.
  6. I would like to bow low to you, because we have few such worthy people. Not everyone can lend a helping hand in difficult times. Thank you for your kind heart!
  7. Thank you for your kind heart and ability to feel another person. You know how to help others and enjoy the success of other people. May it be rewarded to you a hundredfold!
  8. Thank you for having a good disposition, knowing how to listen, understand and delve into the situation. For your sensitivity and interest in my life.
  9. Thank you for always finding time for me, for supporting me and simply being in my life.
  10. I want to shout out loud, “Thank you for existing!” You help me not to lose heart in difficult situations and always provide support. May everything work out great in your life.

Write down words of gratitude to the teacher

  1. Thank you for your efforts, for the knowledge passed on to our children, for your patience. You deserve gratitude! We wish you inspiration, family happiness and success in your work.
  2. Please accept our recognition and gratitude for your experience, kindness and warm attitude towards children. I wish you smiles, happiness and good students.
  3. Thank you for filling our children with knowledge and self-confidence, despite the difficult everyday life. You are a true master of your craft! I wish you health and success.
  4. Thank you for every parting word, for your understanding and attempts to understand each student. Because they didn’t scold, but explained it clearly.
  5. Please accept our gratitude for your sharp mind, warm soul and ability to see right through a person. For putting a piece of their soul into us and being able to make excellent people out of our students. Have an easy life and obedient students.

    thank you for working with children

Words of gratitude for your support in difficult times

  • There are so many words of gratitude that it is impossible to express them all. Thank you for your sincere feelings and support. I may not say much in words, but my heart and actions will say more.
  • Thank you, your support has been invaluable. When there was a feeling that I was already on the verge, you were able to return my thoughts to their place and soberly assess the situation.
  • It is very difficult when you have no one to talk to and no one to support. I'm lucky because I have you! You see right through me and know what to expect from me and how to help. Thanks for this!
  • I am very happy that I was able to get support from you in a difficult situation! I am immensely grateful to you, I wish you only optimistic days and good situations in life, less stress, more positivity.
  • By supporting me, you have earned many benefits in karma, God's protection and grace. After all, this is exactly how it is necessary to gift sincere people. I won’t stand aside either if you need my support.

What should I write or say to my best friend about friendship that is touching to the point of tears, so that she bursts into tears?

Words that “can bring you to tears” are those sensual, subtle emotional phrases that literally “knock” feelings out of a person, forcing them to manifest themselves in tears. Choose the most tender lines to thank your good friend for her friendship.


  • The whole world becomes gray and uninteresting if you don’t smile next to you! I don’t even want to imagine that one day there might come a day when I lose you and never find you again.
  • When I get lost in this world, be it another insult that has confused me or difficulties that lead me to the “wrong path,” you always help me “get back on my feet” and find the truth. For this I thank you and want to say that I love you very much!
  • I love you so much that I wish only goodness and prosperity! I don’t want you to meet a bad person on your life’s path, I don’t want to see your tears and hear that you are disappointed in life!
  • How happy I am with you and how sad I am without you! Always be there, friend, because I don’t know how to cope with the dullness of everyday life and everyday affairs, without your support and advice. Thank you for your devoted love, I try to return the same. If I was ever able to offend you in any way, forgive me, because you will know that all this was not out of malice, but out of stupidity. You are my joy and you are my everything!

How can you thank a friend?

Gratitude words sample

  • With all my heart I want to thank (full name) for his honesty and integrity, for his sincere character and kind heart.
  • To the employee: “(Name of the enterprise) expresses gratitude to (position, full name) for the motivation of employees and professional approach to business. We look forward to our further and fruitful cooperation.”
  • I, Ivanov, thank Petrov for his help in preparing the presentation. Working together impressed our potential partners and became the main component in closing the deal. I hope to cooperate in the future.
  • We express our gratitude to Evgeniy Ivanovich for the quality advice and tips, as a result of which we were able to solve our problems.
  • To school: “The Parents Committee expresses gratitude to the head teacher Irina Andreevna Boykova for the additional measures that were taken to ensure the safety of our children.”

Option No. 15

The group and National Style LLC express gratitude to the General Director, as well as the entire team of ZOND LLC, for many years of productive cooperation.

Throughout the entire period of interaction, the company's products were of high quality, deliveries were timely, and the relationship between our companies was mutually beneficial and trusting.

The team of the group and National Style LLC hope for further joint development and expansion of the assortment, and wish prosperity and financial well-being.

Head of PRM Department

T. Zh. Svetozarov



Sincere gratitude and appreciation

  • And a thousand words of “thank you” will not be enough to express how truly grateful I am to you. If a person is nearby in difficult times, this already says something. May you have only happiness in your life.
  • It’s good when you are not alone in the world and there is someone who can lend a shoulder at the right moment. I am beginning to appreciate our friendships even more. I am sincerely glad that I have you.
  • Without your support, it would be very difficult for me to overcome life's obstacles. It is very important to have a person like you around for as long as possible.
  • You are a person with a big heart. Thank you for not refusing and responding in difficult times. I will forever remember your deed and will remember you sincerely and with gratitude constantly.
  • Recently you gave me a helping hand. Please accept my sincere gratitude. Remember that I can also be useful and help in a difficult situation.

Option No. 16

sincerely thanks RosBazon LLC for the established relationship.

We value honesty, responsibility and decency in fulfilling our obligations, which we noted throughout the entire period of cooperation with your company.

We wish that the relationship between our companies develops and finds more and more common ground.

With thanks,


LLC "Electron"

Kh. Z. Novomirov

Words of appreciation and gratitude

  • We appreciate your help. Thank you for not passing by and helping us out. Let a person appear in your life who will support you at the moment when it is needed.
  • I'm glad to know that I have such a close person who is always ready to come to the rescue. Appreciate your help. You are the person who deserves deep respect!
  • I am grateful that you were at the right time, in the right place and provided support. Thank you for your responsiveness and kindness!
  • I can't imagine myself without you! Thanks to the friends I have around me, I have support both when I need to solve problems and when I want to have fun.
  • I am grateful that you experience not only happy, but also difficult moments with me, and do not let me lose heart. Without you, the holidays would be dull, and difficult situations would be hopeless. Thank you for your sensitivity and help!

Option No. 17

Service Volgodonsk expresses sincere gratitude

online store "Concord".

During the period of our cooperation, we noted your competence, efficiency and desire to do your work efficiently and in a timely manner.

Your company has become for us a model of mutually beneficial cooperation. We would like to especially highlight your managers, who promptly provide information about the arrival of new products and provide detailed advice on all emerging issues.

We not only plan further cooperation with you, but also recommend the Concord online store to everyone as a reliable and profitable partner.

Words of gratitude for a gift in prose

  • It was unexpected and pleasant to receive such a gift. Thank you for the right thing, wait for a reply from me!
  • Thank you for your attention, I really liked the gift. How little a person needs to feel happy!
  • Thank you for not forgetting and congratulating me. You were able to give me a smile and pleased me with a gift!
  • I appreciate gifts that you put your soul into and that are given from the bottom of your heart. I also care about you, may everything go well in your life.
  • Oh, you pampered and delighted! It's nice that there is a person who remembers you and always knows what you want. I praise the choice of gift and sincerely thank you for it.

When saying words of gratitude, do so sincerely. You should not do this out of a sense of duty, since such moments are always noticeable. Think over the text in advance or use a ready-made one, but it should be similar to your thoughts.

"Thank you" in 47 of the world's most popular languages

You can also thank a person in different languages ​​from countries with which he may be somehow connected. Remember, maybe his family has, for example, Spanish roots. Or maybe a person recently spent his vacation in one of these countries:

  1. Arabic : Shoukran (shukran)
  2. English : Thank you (senkyu)
  3. Armenian : Shnorhakalutjun (shnorakalyutsyun)
  4. Belarusian : dzyakuy
  5. Bulgarian : thanks
  6. Hungarian : Köszönöm
  7. Hawaiian : Mahalo (mahalo)
  8. Greek : Evkaristo (efkharisto)
  9. Dutch : Dank u (dank u)
  10. Georgian : Mahd-lobt (madlobt)
  11. Danish : Tak (tsak)
  12. Hebrew : Tod'a (toda)
  13. Irish : Go raibh maith agat (go raibh maith agat)
  14. Icelandic: Takk (sooo)

  15. Italian : Grazie
  16. Spanish : Gracias (gracias)
  17. Cambodian : Orkun (arkun)
  18. Chinese : xièxie谢谢 (Sie-sie)
  19. Korean : Kamsu hamnida (Kamsa hamnida)
  20. Latvian : Paldies (paldis)
  21. Latin : grātiam (gratiam)
  22. Latvian : Paldies (paldies)
  23. Lithuanian : Kob chie (kob chi)
  24. Latin : Gratias (gratias)
  25. Malaysian : Terima kasih (terima porridge)
  26. Mongolian : Vayarla (vayala)
  27. German : Danke schn (danke schon)
  28. Norwegian : Takk (so)
  29. Polish : Dziekuje bardzo (jinkue bardzo)
  30. Portuguese : Obrigado (obrigado)
  31. Romanian: Multimesk (maltimesk)

  32. Somali : Mahadsanid (Makhasanid)
  33. Swahili : Asante sana (Asante sana)
  34. Thai : Kabkoon krup - Kopkhun kap (from a man), Kabkoon ka - Kopkhun ka (from a woman)
  35. Tatar : Rekhmet (rekhmet)
  36. Turkish : sagol (sagal)
  37. Ukrainian : dyakuyu
  38. Filipino : Salamat (slamat)
  39. Finnish : Kiitos (kiitos)
  40. French : Merci (mercy)
  41. Hindi : Shoukriah (shukran)
  42. Croatian : Hvala (praise)
  43. Czech : Dekuju (dyakuyu)
  44. Estonian : Aitäh (ayta)
  45. Swedish : Tack
  46. Esperanto : Dankon (dancon)
  47. Japanese : Domo arigato (domo arigato) - thank you very much

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