How to feel sorry for a girl with words: suitable words, tips and recommendations

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today we’ll talk about how to support a girl when she’s feeling bad. Various unpredictable situations happen in our lives that can throw even the most positive people off balance.

Surely things have happened to you personally when you really needed the support of friends or a loved one. Relationships always mean responsibility and willingness to support each other in difficult times. Girls, as you know, are more subtle and sensitive creatures, so it is important to have an idea of ​​what to do in a given situation.

What's happened?

Before moving on to considering the question of how to feel sorry for a girl with words, it is necessary to find out the reason for what happened. Before you say anything, reassure or take any action, you should assess the situation.

If the girl is angry, then think about what could make her angry. If she is sad, then most likely something upset her. Crying means the situation is very serious.

Perhaps she told you something or you are aware of the problems that were happening to her at school or work. Then it will be easier for you to understand what words and phrases you need to choose for consolation.

Some women tend to get upset over trifles. Sometimes a broken nail or a torn stocking can throw a girl off balance. Men don’t tend to behave this way, so they don’t understand tears and frustration over such little things.

No need to be sad, let's laugh

You can support your loved one in difficult times with SMS and playful, humorous content to cheer her up:

  1. Look at your salary - isn’t it fun?
  2. The boss who can ruin this evening by candlelight has not yet been born.
  3. Life is a struggle, today we will meet in the ring.
  4. To mope is to amuse your enemies; you have to do something.
  5. Don't be sad, you don't need extra wrinkles, do you?
  6. The whole world is a mess, but we are not like that.
  7. Call your friend, she knows exactly whose face to soap.
  8. The main thing is that you know that you are zykansky, and they are trashy.
  9. All the dark thoughts are only in your head, you need to somehow turn it off tonight - I bought your favorite whiskey.
  10. “There’s noise around, so be it, don’t make a fuss, everything’s fine.”
  11. Let's start looking for the meaning of life today - I suggest starting with the bar.
  12. In the evening I will pour witchcraft into your crystal darkness glass...
  13. Forget everything, but don't hit anyone.
  14. Let's live and rejoice together.
  15. Today you should look for problems in your 5th point - go to a restaurant with your friends. Then you will definitely understand that there are no problems.
  16. It's time to go on a spree, I'm with you.
  17. You are beautiful, smart, brave... What are these problems?
  18. Whose face should I clean today?
  19. Live in harmony with yourself, and I will live in harmony with you.
  20. Your brain is giving negative signals, let's reset it tonight.
  21. I want to wake up with you from your breath, and not from shouts: “I’ll quit! Today!".
  22. Yes, let these muddy people continue to flounder in their muddy waters.
  23. If you want life to become more interesting and exciting, be rude to your boss and unburden yourself.
  24. Also tell them that you are leaving for the Maldives tomorrow, and the man gave you a yacht.
  25. May they never see you with a sad face, no matter how hard they try to ruin your mood.
  26. Don't you give a damn? They really don't give a damn about you.
  27. All problems are caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood; today we are filling this niche.
  28. “So that the raven does not croak for us” - this evening - in a glass.
  29. Let me give you a punching bag for your birthday - it calms you down and drives out the stupidity.
  30. We ourselves are the creators of life, since we have done this, we will clean it up together.
  31. Get rid of everything unnecessary from your head, just us and our future holiday in the Seychelles.
  32. Don’t bend to the changing world, take care of yourself.
  33. Sadness is a meaningless thing; you urgently need to quickly find something that will cheer you up.
  34. Have pity on the flawed, because they didn’t get even a hundredth part of your merits.
  35. This evening we will arrange a debriefing, you are the flight attendant, I, as always, am the first pilot.

How can I find out what the problem is?

How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she feels bad? First you need to find out what upset the beautiful lady so much. If not a single thought comes to your mind about this, then ask her about it directly. Be prepared for the fact that she will not give a complete answer, but, most likely, will get off with a banal “nothing.” No need to get angry about it. Be patient and try again to find out the cause of her upset.

Your job is to show how much you care about her. Moreover, you are always ready to support her in difficult times.

Ask the question: “How can I help you?” This will make it easier for you to understand what happened and what actions she expects you to take.

How not to behave

There are certain things you should never do when trying to calm a girl down. Using such methods, not only will you not be able to console your friend, but you can also push her away from you forever.

Nervous and fidgety

It is extremely difficult to remain calm next to a crying girl who is also very dear to you. After all, negative emotions are contagious. To calm another person down, you must first maintain iron calm yourself.

So before you start consoling, take a deep breath, exhale and count to 10. You can bring a glass of water for her and for yourself.

Find out details

I have already written that you should carefully try to find out the reason why a girl is sad or crying. But you should not ask for details and details of what happened. For example, if she quarreled with a friend, there is no need to ask what words she called her. The girl will delve deeper into her experiences again, and you may also end up in hot hands. This is not far from a scandal.

Trying to solve all problems instantly

Practical help should be provided only when the girl calms down and asks for it herself. It is undesirable to impose your services for the following reasons.

  1. A crying person is incapable of active action. It is all the more difficult to make reasonable decisions in such an unstable emotional state.
  2. The girl may have her own view on how to get out of the situation. Therefore, the help you offer may simply not suit her.

If you impose ready-made solutions to problems on a person, then he will subsequently not be able to make decisions himself in difficult circumstances. This is called learned helplessness. When all your problems are always solved for you by other people.

It is best to discuss the situation that has arisen with the calmed girl and come up with a joint solution.

Downplay the experience

The worst thing a worried girl can hear is something like: “Come on, it’s not the end of the world!” or “But in Africa all the children are starving, it’s not so bad for you!” Even to your friend, if his girlfriend left him, you shouldn’t say that.

If you think the reason for her tears is insignificant and trivial, you should not tell her about it. Your job is to support. And this means that you just need to listen to the girl and be there.

Making impossible promises

You shouldn't tell a crying girl that you are ready to do anything to make her stop crying. Also, do not try to pay off your beloved and promise her mountains of gold as a consolation. Otherwise she will learn to manipulate you. He will conclude that the best cure for tears is expensive gifts. And to get what you want, you just need to cry.

After all, the most precious thing that one person can give to another is care, attention and love. And they are more valuable than any of the most expensive things.

Call or message

How to feel sorry for a girl with words via SMS? To reassure your friend with a message when she is feeling bad, you should write something pleasant. But besides this, your message should include information that will help the girl cope with the current situation.

If you don't know the cause of your concern, then support via SMS is pointless. In this case, it is better to call or meet. Do not deceive yourself and her, if you really want to calm her down, then during the conversation the reason for her upset will become clear to you.

Standard relationships

To begin with, you should accept a simple truth: helping a loved one, and especially your girlfriend, for free, is not shameful. She is, first of all, a life partner and may be ready to give a lot for her partner.

There are several types of relationships. One of them can be called “classical”, when partners observe roles that have come from ancient times. Throughout human history, men have been the food providers, while women have been given the role of creating comfort in the home. This order in relations continues to this day. And if in this state of affairs there is a need to help the girl with money, this needs to be done.

How can you deal with such situations? In the most direct way possible. The leading role is assigned to the man who earns all or most of the family budget.

This means you don’t have to worry about tactlessness in financial matters. If a girl finds herself in a difficult situation, then a decent partner will definitely do everything to make her life easier, because he is the one who earns money. Simply put, you need to cope with the responsibilities taken, especially if your significant other perfectly fulfills the role of homemaker.


How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she is tired? It doesn’t matter whether you agree with her arguments or not, convince her that you are ready to be with her and help. Take her to a calm and quiet place where she can cry. Tell her that you will be on her side in any situation:

  1. “I understand perfectly well that this is difficult for you. I'm really sorry".
  2. “I can’t even imagine where you get so much strength from. It must be very difficult.”
  3. “Please tell me how can I help you?”

How to feel sorry for a girl with words in SMS? When your friend is tired, you can use the phrases written above. However, if you are in a loving relationship, then do not forget to write about how much you value her. Moreover, you can invite her to relax together, so you will have a good weekend and help your chosen one regain strength.

If her boyfriend dumped her

In this situation, tears will flow by themselves, and this is quite justified. It is worth understanding that a person will not calm down overnight, he will need time.

However, you can still do something:

  1. Tell her you understand how she feels. If you were also abandoned, mention it (however, do not turn the topic of conversation to your suffering!). For example: “I understand you very well and I’m not saying that this is nothing. I know this state when a loved one leaves. I cried too, but time smoothed everything over. You’ll feel better too, you’ll see.”
  2. Outline her future prospects. Sometimes after a breakup it seems like life is over, but it’s not. Try to figure out together what she can do to fill the free time. Surprises would be appropriate here, for example, promise to take her somewhere “where you will definitely like it,” and take her to an unusual restaurant.
  3. Do not rush to scold the one whom the girl loved before. Love has not yet faded, and it will be unpleasant to hear insults to your loved one from another person. In addition, you will be in an awkward position if the couple gets back together. It is better to say that in this situation no one is to blame and, perhaps, hint that everything was decided for the better.
  4. Let her know that she can always rely on you. This is especially true if you yourself are counting on a relationship with her. Tell her that she can make requests and call you at any time.
  5. Give her a compliment. Tell her that she is beautiful and will easily find a new relationship that is even better than the previous one. Do not skimp on kind words, but try to speak sincerely.

If you yourself hope to start a relationship with the girl you are reassuring, it is better to say this right away, but emphasize that her feelings are important to you first and foremost and you just want to be close.

For example: “I understand that you still love him, and I don’t want to take advantage of your separation. I’ll just be there - not only because I’m not indifferent to you, but as a friend providing the necessary help.”

Refrain from giving advice

Most people tend to get upset when it is difficult to find a way out of the current situation. So don't try to give any advice. Most likely, all options for solving the problem have been thought out earlier. And your recommendations can only aggravate the situation, since the beautiful person will once again be convinced that the situation is truly hopeless.

Let's consider options for how to feel sorry for a girl with words in this case:

  1. “I can’t even imagine how hard it is for you right now.”
  2. “Unfortunately, I do not have a ready-made solution for this situation. But know that I will always be on your side."
  3. “What do you plan to do in this case?”

The main thing is love, the rest is the little things in life

A man sometimes doesn’t know how to support his favorite SMS. He chooses words, but it turns out badly. Maybe you should just confess your love to her once again - you’ll see that your mood will improve:

  1. I want love so much... And only with you...
  2. I just want to be happy, you need to be constantly with the person who loves you, that is, with me.
  3. We can do anything together, because there is love between us.
  4. My love will keep you safe in any cold and bad weather.
  5. Don’t complain about fate, because you have a guy in love with you.
  6. I will treat you the same way I treat myself.
  7. You are my woman, you will never stop being loved.
  8. You are mine, I will not let you go anywhere and I will not give you to be devoured by evil kites.
  9. You have beautiful eyes - I drown in them all the time.
  10. Anyone who offends you will be hit right in the forehead.
  11. My happiness is you, the girl of my dreams.
  12. You are young, beloved and beautiful, let them envy you in silence.
  13. My love is enough for two, others don’t have that.
  14. I am completely and completely absorbed in you.
  15. I will part the clouds with my hands - but a little later.
  16. My only one, don’t waste your nerves, you’ll still need them with me.
  17. Fate gave me the one and only - you, dear.
  18. I have accumulated a sea of ​​warmth - I will melt your bad mood.
  19. You have a real man's shoulder, while others can only cry into their pillow.
  20. You are the queen of my heart, I am your king. Pay no attention to the maids of honor and pages.
  21. My unique, and also irreplaceable.
  22. My dream girl, did they tell your boss that?
  23. Come to me, I will dispel your melancholy and deal with your offenders.
  24. You are my girlfriend for the rest of my life. Let the rest go through the forest.
  25. You have a real man who carries you in his arms. Do they have it?

Don't downplay the problem

Under no circumstances tell a girl that she is crying because of nonsense. Such statements may be perceived as an indifferent attitude towards her. Remember that you are there to support her or try to solve the difficulties that have arisen together.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words in this case? Under no circumstances should you say the following phrases:

  1. “You were too good for this job. Trust me, she wasn't worth your time." If a girl is upset, it means she really regrets that she lost the opportunity to work there.
  2. “I completely understand how you feel right now.” Each person experiences the same feelings differently, so you cannot know what is going on in the soul of your interlocutor.
  3. “You’ll be fine, you’re so strong.” Even very resilient people sometimes need to be weak. Therefore, do not force the girl to think that she cannot show her weakness with you.
  4. "I understand exactly what u mean. This happened to me once...” Remember, this isn't about your problems right now. You must listen and support your interlocutor.

But if you look from the other side...

SMS support for your beloved in difficult times can be specific and serious, when a man gives advice, inspires his chosen one, choose SMS:

  1. Do not allow sadness, sadness, or lack of faith to somehow settle in your heart, drive them away.
  2. Something will change for the better if you just want it.
  3. May everything be fine with you, I found out.
  4. It’s just that now life has temporarily turned its back on you, when you come home, I’ll turn it around.
  5. Imagine that your condition with the letter “x” is good.
  6. It's not all bad, it's just the boss.
  7. Continue to approach your cherished goal, your enemies are waiting for you to give up on it.
  8. You just became sour, but you haven’t lost hope and faith, so everything can be fixed.
  9. Your condition is the result of nervous tension, just get rid of irritation and look at the situation with humor.
  10. Don’t drive yourself, how can I get you out of the pen later?
  11. You haven’t forgotten how to dream, you just temporarily stopped.
  12. There is no need to be fascinated, then there will be no disappointments.
  13. Well, lie to yourself that everything is fine, you’ll see - it will become so.
  14. Life continues to be in full swing, and mind you, you are not the only one.
  15. Maybe you should become arrogant, treacherous, and start working with your elbows?
  16. Your dejected state is simply that you don’t see any prospects. At night I will show you the real horizons.
  17. What made you angry? So, get rid of the thoughts about this too.
  18. Or maybe, well, this job - just start living and enjoying life.
  19. Become strong - cry on my shoulder tonight.
  20. Stop being a multi-armed polynomial, become a weak girl.
  21. Forget about everyone, start caring only about me.
  22. Start doing only what makes you truly happy.
  23. And I see the meaning of your actions - you were created for love by me.
  24. You just need to cry and complain to me about all your offenders.
  25. In such situations, a kind word is enough - one, I’m sending it to you - “I love you.”
  26. Stay calm and carry on! Oh, sorry, I didn’t write this for you...
  27. Darling, now you have not a bad streak, but a runway, come on, fly!
  28. Buy yourself a chocolate bar or ice cream, and buy me a beer.
  29. There are no random people and events in life - everyone appeared in your life for some reason.
  30. Never expect gratitude from people, only I can thank you tonight for being like me.
  31. When they hit you, straighten your shoulders and mentally send everyone away.
  32. Sadness has set in, well, go for a walk, but not for long.
  33. It's time to change this life radically.
  34. I allow you to go on a spree with your best friends, but at 11 - home.
  35. They beat you, but you smile!
  36. I know it sucks, but you can handle it.

How to feel sorry for a girl with words when she is sick?

Compliments and encouraging phrases can always support a person in difficult situations. Sometimes you can just have a heart-to-heart talk.

For a sick girl, words are not as important as care and support. Wish her a speedy recovery, arguing that you feel very bad without her.

Bring her fruit, her favorite flowers or treats. Invite her to watch an interesting movie.

How to cheer up a girl from a distance?

Even without being there, a guy can console and please his girlfriend in the following way:

  • Send a funny, pleasant message from our list via private message on social networks and via WhatsApp. If a girl is in a bad mood, it is advisable to avoid texts with intimate overtones;
  • When she is free in the evening, call her and sing her favorite song. Considering that most guys are not established tenors, this will sound funny in many cases;
  • Send a photo of a memorable place with a touching caption. For example, if a guy kissed his beloved for the first time near a fountain, then he can take a photo next to it and make a caption like: “I will forever remember the day when you gave me your beautiful kiss. It's a pity that you're not around right now. But soon we will meet again and repeat these wonderful moments.”

In most cases, a girl manages to dispel a bad mood with sincere and kind words. The guy should also make it clear that he is concerned about her current moral state, and he is ready to listen to her at any time or to please her with something.


How to feel sorry for a girl with words, but do it carefully so as not to upset her even more?

Follow the basic rules:

  1. Do not leave. If you notice that your chosen one is not ready to talk now, wait a little.
  2. Once she calms down, offer her your help.
  3. If you see that you are unable to help her cope, then invite her to talk to a friend.
  4. Humor is inappropriate. Don't try to cheer up a girl who is depressed.
  5. If a woman keeps telling you that she wants to be alone, then give her space. But don’t go far, perhaps she will soon call you because she needs support.

Help a friend 3

Friendship between a man and a woman is a rare phenomenon, but occurs in nature. If a friend is in trouble, you can help her out.

The quality and level of friendship can themselves tell you where the limit of help ends. Ways to borrow money are quite suitable, or you can help get a job. A timely gift is also a good way to help a friend out of a difficult situation. In general, all methods suitable for “democratic couples” can also be used in friendly relations.

It is important to know that gratuitous financial assistance, which cannot develop into anything, is only relevant if there is a lot of money and a desire to help. Before committing such a rash act, you should think about more profitable investments of your funds.


Some men misunderstand how to calm a girl down with words. Let's consider recommendations that will help you avoid mistakes when communicating with a girl who needs support:

  1. Most guys choose phrases that start an argument. As a result, the girl begins to get even more excited, and as a result, a real scandal breaks out with tears.
  2. Don't suddenly change the topic of conversation. Many men find it difficult to listen to the same thing from a woman for some time. So he suggests changing the subject. The girl perceives this as an indifferent attitude towards her problems.
  3. Don't ignore a woman's sadness and tears. Some men believe that only they can have serious problems, and girls simply suffer because of all sorts of little things. If you do not reassure your chosen one, then your relationship may soon end. No woman wants a man who treats her indifferently.

Sometimes it can be difficult to calm down an anxious girl, but if a guy truly loves her, he will do everything possible to prevent her from crying.

Ready-made examples for communication by correspondence

You can cheer up even if you are not nearby. Girls love to text each other. It's romantic. Some even fall in love without ever seeing the person. We tell you some simple simple ways to cheer up a pen pal.

Bombard with nice messages

You can send pleasant messages to the girl throughout the day, starting with “Good morning, the most beautiful!” It's even better if you ask your friends to join in. Let everyone send her a couple of nice lines. Examples:

“The sun is shining today just to make you smile.”

"You're one of the smartest girls I know."

“Knowing you, I have no doubt: you can do anything!”

“I saw a beautiful picture and remembered you.”

Psychologist's comment:

Kind messages in instant messengers can put a girl in a good mood for the whole day. She feels that she is remembered and mentally supported. It is clear that correspondence will never replace live communication, and for closer relationships or discussion of serious things, conversations are needed at least by phone or video call. But short, positive messages are definitely helpful.

Write a poem or song

Any girl will be pleased with poems dedicated specifically to her. It's great if you have a talent for writing and can rhyme a few lines yourself. However, it's worth a try, even if you think it will turn out awkward.

Psychologist's comment:

This is generally a great method and it works great. I have personally been convinced of this more than once. A verse dedicated to a woman increases her self-esteem and puts her in a romantic mood. After all, true gentlemen traditionally wrote poems to ladies. And even if you don’t have the talent to rhyme, you can write in blank verse. The main thing is a sign of attention!

Send a funny picture

Agree: it's very easy. And yet it works. Ideal if you are not a wordsmith. Without further comment, send the girl a funny picture. If you receive a smiling emoticon in response, it’s a victory! The best thing to do is to make a funny collage or messenger sticker from a photo of a girl yourself.

Psychologist's comment:

A picture is perceived positively if it is not hackneyed, funny and understandable to the recipient. Now there are many online photo editors where a girl’s photo can be placed on the cover of a glossy magazine or in some formal setting like a royal ball or a luxury yacht. It would seem like a trifle and an invention, but the subconscious mind reacts sensitively to such pictures, and a positive result is obtained.


Sometimes a problem arises: how to cheer up a girl if there is absolutely no time right now? The fastest and easiest way is to like her photos on social networks. Mark the latest photos. Scroll through your feed and like a few old photos. A few kind emoticons and a comment in the style of “The sea suits you”, “Beauty!” - It is done.

Psychologist's comment:

Likes play a big role in the lives of modern people. Sometimes they even lead to serious scandals if a loved one liked the wrong person. A dislike or negative comment can ruin your mood for a long time and even develop a complex. A positive like and comment-compliment will lift your spirits.

In fact, you don’t need to wait for the girl to be sad. With the help of all these pleasant Christmas trees you can make your good mood even better!

Surprises as a way to take care of a girl

1. Give small gifts - sweets, vitamins, fruits, berries, nuts. It perfectly lifts your spirits and envelops you in a feeling of care and tenderness.

2. Write her a love note . Precisely a note, handwritten. This is all taste and romance. Here are some options to get you started:

“I think about you all day…” “Have a nice day, my angel” “I’m really looking forward to seeing you in the evening”

It is ideal if you place the note in such a way that it will be a surprise to find it. For example, if you know that she will read a book, then place it between the pages. If you sleep together, write a note and put it on the soap in the bathroom, or just in your purse.

3. Flowers. A universal method to show your care and love to a girl. What flowers to give – read my article. The simpler and more delicate the flower (field chamomile, for example), the brighter and more touching your concern looks. Don’t forget about modern opportunities – flower delivery to the office, for example.

4. Buy a bottle of wine, grapes and cheese. Have a cozy dinner after a hard day (if you're over 21!). Make mulled wine on a cold evening to warm her up. Well, or brew tea in a thermos and go for a walk in the nearest park.

5. Cook something she likes. Or you can just any dish, but according to her recipe. Rest assured, the girl will rate your creation 100 points!

Stages of grief

American psychologist Elizabeth Kübler-Ross identified 5 stages of a person’s experience of a traumatic situation: denial, anger, guilt, depression and acceptance. Each stage has its own characteristic features, it is advisable to know them. Otherwise, a person’s behavior may be unexpected, incomprehensible and even shocking to you.

Denial stage

As soon as a person finds out that trouble has happened, he does not want to believe it for some time. Consciousness refuses to perceive the new reality and tries by all means to isolate itself from it. This stage can last from several minutes to several weeks.

The person continues to behave as if nothing had happened, and from the outside it may seem that he is not himself. What to do in this case?

There is no need to try to forcefully open his eyes. This way you will injure him even more. But it is also impossible to maintain the illusion that nothing happened. Try to avoid discussing sensitive topics and don’t ask him about anything. Just being nearby. At that moment when the brain is no longer able to fight reality, your presence is necessary. Under the influence of difficult emotions, a person can seriously harm himself or others.

Anger stage

This is the most terrible stage both for the person himself and for his loved ones. Strong emotions overwhelm you and literally knock you off your feet. A person may show verbal and physical aggression towards himself and others. It can be very difficult for those who have undertaken to support him.

First, you need to understand that the person is practically in a state of passion and has poor self-control. If insults and reproaches suddenly rain down on you, ignore them. He may scream, cry, bang his head against the wall - don’t be scared. Be nearby and provide tactile contact to the person - this way he can calm down faster.

It's good if you help him find an outlet for his anger. Offer to beat a pillow, beat out a rug, or play sports or active physical labor. But we need to try to protect people from using alcohol and psychotropic substances.

Stage of guilt

At this stage, the person becomes depressed and begins to blame himself for what happened. Even if the situation does not depend on him in any way, he finds reasons for self-flagellation. The reasons may be completely absurd - he did not foresee the disaster, he was in the wrong place.

The person needs to be listened to carefully and, with the help of logical arguments, convinced of the groundlessness of self-accusations. Tell him that you don’t see his guilt, that he’s screwing himself over. Emphasize his positive qualities, praise and encourage him. Even if not immediately, your words will definitely have an effect.

Stage of depression

It is characterized by feelings of depression and apathy. A person may feel a loss of strength, fatigue, and general despondency. The old life is left behind in the past, and there is absolutely no energy to build a new one. At this stage, it is very easy to do a disservice to the person and keep him stuck in depression.

If you see that your loved one does not get out of bed, does not want to go anywhere, and has difficulty performing household chores, you should not rush to do everything for him. This will make him have even less energy. The best you can do is try to get him going. To captivate with something, to interest, to awaken the desire to live. Try to infect him with some of your hobbies, remember what you used to love to do together.

If you succeed, the next stage of healing will come much faster. If depression has dragged on, I advise you to read our article “How to get out of depression.” In it you will find recommendations from professional psychologists.

Acceptance stage

Gradually the person begins to come to his senses. The grass is greener, the sun is brighter, and your favorite food tastes better again. At this stage, a person needs to rebuild his life brick by brick. Support him in word and deed. Tell him often that you believe in him, that he will succeed. Share with him the joy of first successes, encourage him in case of failures.

After serious life upheavals, people become stronger and stronger, new meanings and opportunities open up for them. Remind a person of this more often, and soon he will believe in himself and his strength. It will be easier for him to start a new life and leave the old one behind.

How to help a girl during her period: show concern

During menstruation, girls can experience not only physical pain, but also psycho-emotional stress. It will be very good if a man shows banal concern. He will offer to make tea, go to the store or pharmacy, and take responsibility for cleaning and preparing dinner.

It is important to understand that PMS is characterized by fatigue and irritability, so usual tasks often turn out to be impossible or cause a lot of inconvenience. Protecting her from them is a good decision and the most important thing is that it really helps.

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