Become a psycho: how to deal with irrational people

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today I will tell you how to become a crazy person. How to understand what recklessness is? This is somewhat similar to not giving a damn, but more aggressive. Let's say you find yourself in a conflict situation and are trying to avoid it, you are afraid of getting hit in the face or hitting your opponent. So, a crazy person is one who will not think for a long time, but will simply crack properly, and will not be afraid of the return, but will only attack his opponent more violently.

In other words, you simply have no fear of doing crazy things.

Emotion goes faster than thought. It’s hard to say that this is good, but when you see such people, you tend to envy and want the same.

What makes you shy?

First, you need to understand yourself and understand what prevents you from turning on such a state of madness at the click of a button? What are you afraid of?

  1. Fear of being misunderstood and being judged by others.
  2. The importance of other people's opinions.
  3. It’s impossible to be yourself as a result of the previous points.

This is the most important thing that distinguishes you from crazy guys. You need to put aside your exposure to other people's opinions.
Don’t adapt to others and come up with your own life credo (set of principles).

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Is it necessary to become reckless?

Those who ask the question: “How to become a demon?” They rarely think about the fact that such a life is not for everyone. She entails a lot of troubles, and most likely people will be wary of such a person. But shyness won’t get you far either, and that’s why you need to make a choice by asking yourself:

  • Do I want to be the one who is always afraid, worried and embarrassed?
  • What will my life be like if I continue to live as I have lived?
  • Will having a crazy character help me?
  • Will I be able to live without giving a damn about the opinions of society?

There is no way without introspection. Take a pen and a piece of paper, and then honestly answer these questions, weighing the pros and cons.

Where do crazy people come from?

A state of stress provokes a person to believe in everything he hears and sees, and sometimes you look - people who were examples of adequacy, today you can’t call them anything other than crazy: they either climbed into a pyramid, then they tell fortunes from black magicians, then If they fall into a sect, they become drunkards. The hardest thing is when there are unlimited streams of heterogeneous information, propaganda and lies flowing around from all sides. In such an environment of made-up news, implausible quotes and newspaper canards, it is simply unrealistic to keep track of what is good and what is bad - a person does not even have time to process and comprehend such a barrage of garbage raining down on him.

Learn to be yourself

Most often, we limit ourselves in certain situations and ways of thinking. This is influenced by various factors, from parental upbringing to the formation of personality under the influence of society. A person is afraid of public opinion, i.e. separate from the gray mass and behave unconventionally. This fear, as a rule, is greatly exaggerated by numerous examples from life, films, and books. The totality of various information shapes us into uptight suckers who are afraid to say a word again if someone behaves arrogantly and infringes on our rights.

Take as a basis the fact that you build your own reality. You choose your environment, work, hobbies and standard of living in general. Think deeply: what will happen if you deviate from the general norms? Well, just think, they’ll point a finger at you behind your back, think you’re a fool, and so on. Note that they will point behind their backs, afraid to speak out in person! Isn't this how you live now? What is more important to you?

Intentional actions

Don’t know how to become a psycho and how to get into a mental hospital? It is not necessary to ensure real changes in the brain. You can only adjust everything, present your person as inadequate, suffering from mental disorders. True, all the lies are usually revealed already in the psychiatric hospital during the first examination by specialists.

First, you need to choose a tactic of behavior. Psychos, as already mentioned, can be both dangerous and harmless. Most often, an aggressive position of behavior is chosen.

Secondly, it is recommended to think through behavior. It is best to pretend that you are either just a person who is “on his own wavelength”, or some kind of obsessed maniac. Only thoughtful behavior will help you end up in a mental hospital. Or a split personality is playing out.

Third, you need to come up with a true story about what happened. This technique works especially well with acting out a split personality. If a person decides to pretend to be a crazy fool, then you can simply speak in incoherent sentences.

This is all. Once an action plan has been developed, decisive action can be taken. For example, attacking someone close to you with cries of “Get away, Satan!”, after 2 minutes you walk around and wonder why everyone is looking askance, as if nothing happened. Any inappropriate behavior that is repeated several times will sooner or later lead to a psychiatric hospital.

Madness training

It is necessary to start with real actions, namely, to overcome the barrier of self-restraint. Do what you're afraid of. Is it easy to say? But it’s not difficult to do either! It is enough to spit in the face of fear and move through it. What crazy thing can you do?

  • Fear of fighting. It's never too late to enroll in a martial arts class and learn how to stand up for yourself. Yes, you will probably get your face smashed a couple of times, but with this the fear of being beaten will disappear. After training, your confidence on the city streets will increase significantly.
  • Fear of the dark. You may not know, but many people are afraid of a space without light. It is associated with death and helplessness. Sometimes even the most proud daredevils are afraid to be left without light. One of my friends overcame this phobia by packing his backpack and going overnight into a deep forest.
  • Fear of extremes. Have you seen crazy dudes jumping from bridges into the river? Or on a rope from a cliff? You can do this too. Moreover, it will help you say goodbye to such fears forever. Jump with a parachute, climb onto the roof of a skyscraper and more. This, of course, is at your own peril and risk, but it will certainly make big changes in consciousness

How can you become crazy if you don't do anything crazy? It's like reading all the theory about how an engine works, but never touching a real engine.
Or watch enough porn, but never experience real sex. Draw conclusions and start acting. Make a list of things that you always thought were crazy and do at least some of them, because you need it for personal growth.

Freedom from public opinion

To stop being dependent on the words of others, you need to not just stop accepting condemnation.
It is equally important not to be fooled by flattery, praise, etc. This is because the attachment to someone else’s opinion is strengthened from this just as much as from negative influence. Be on your own and don’t be imbued with sycophancy from the outside. Remember why you started the fight - to become yourself.

If you don't like something, say so. People endure humiliation all their lives, but you are not one of them. Confidently state your opinion, let everyone take it into account. All you risk by being yourself is losing your shackles and limitations.

The biggest mistake that all shy guys make is that they supposedly consider themselves cultured and therefore remain silent when others speak. This is ordinary self-deception, an excuse for one’s fears. As a result, strong people share their views, and the shy one sits, keeping his opinion in one secluded place. Well, what good is such an opinion then?

Become a psycho: how to deal with irrational people

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We all sometimes have to communicate with completely unbearable people. How to build a dialogue with them correctly? Why don't calls to act wisely in these cases work? Psychiatrist and consultant Mark Goulston answers these and other questions in his book “How to Talk to Assholes: What to Do with Inadequate and Insufferable People in Your Life,” a Russian translation of which is published by Mann, Ivanov and Farber. We publish several interesting fragments from it.

This book is about principles for dealing with people who behave irrationally. But when planning a conversation with such a person, do not forget to ask yourself: why are you even interacting with him? Do you have a good enough reason? And wouldn't it be better for you to stay away from him? Often the answer is obvious: because you love this person. Either you depend on him financially, or are connected by some other circumstances. But sometimes things are not so simple. A relationship with such a person may not be very important to you, and then it turns out that you are just wasting your time. In this case, your behavior should also be considered insane...

Having worked as a psychiatrist for decades, I can say that I understand crazy people, including deeply ill people. What I mean? For example, one of my patients chased Britney Spears, and another jumped from the fifth floor because he believed he could fly. Another one once called me from a prison in the Dominican Republic and told me that he had been there intending to start a revolution. In addition, I have worked with anorexics who weighed less than 40 kilograms, heroin addicts, and schizophrenic patients who experienced hallucinations. I taught negotiators how to get murder-obsessed terrorist hostage-takers to surrender. Now I show directors and top managers of companies how to deal with people who threaten the business. Simply put, the abnormal people and I have long since switched to being on first-name terms.

But recently an interesting thought came to me: I expect to meet a psycho every day, because this is my job. However, I suddenly realized how often you have to deal with crazy people - not those jumping off balconies or intimidating Britney Spears, but what I call everyday psychos.

The epiphany struck me when I went to a meeting of developers and their lawyers who needed advice on helping families in crisis. I expected a boring meeting, but their stories fascinated me. I discovered that these people "talk to crazy people" on a daily basis - just like me! Almost every situation discussed involved clients who behaved completely crazy. These lawyers had no problem drafting a will or setting up a trust. But they didn't know what to do if a client turned into a psycho - and they desperately wanted to find out...

By the way, about the word “crazy” : I understand that it sounds provocative and politically incorrect. But when I use it, I don't mean mentally ill people... All of us are capable of acting crazy at some point. When I say “crazy” or “crazy,” I mean that the person is behaving irrationally. There are four signs that the people you deal with are irrational:

1) they do not have a clear picture of the world;

2) they say or do things that don't make sense;

3) they make decisions or take actions that are not in their own best interests;

4) when you try to bring them back to the path of prudence, they become completely unbearable...

The tools I will discuss require courage to use. Because you won't just ignore the psychos and wait for them to go away. You will not argue with them or try to convince them. Instead, you will have to feel the madness and start behaving the same way.

Many years ago, someone explained to me what to do when a dog grabs your arm . If you trust your instincts and pull your hand away, the dog will sink its teeth even deeper. But if you use a non-obvious solution and push your hand deeper into the throat, the dog will loosen its grip. Why? Because the dog will want to swallow, for which he needs to relax his jaw. This is where you pull your hand out.

You can interact with irrational people in a similar way. If you treat them as if they are crazy and you are not, they will only fall deeper into crazy thoughts. But if you start acting like a crazy person yourself, it will change the situation dramatically. Here's an example.

After one of the most disgusting days of my life, on the way home, I concentrated on the troubles that had befallen me and drove the car on autopilot. Unfortunately for me, this all happened during California's extremely dangerous rush hour. At some point, I accidentally cut off a pickup truck in which a big guy and his wife were sitting. He beeped angrily and I waved my hand to show that I was sorry. But then - just a couple of kilometers later - I cut him off again.

Then the man caught up with me and abruptly stopped the truck in front of my car, forcing me to pull over to the side of the road. As I slowed down, I saw his wife frantically gesticulating, asking him not to get out of the car. Of course, he didn’t pay attention to her and a few moments later he already found himself on the road - two meters tall and weighing 140 kilograms. He sharply approached me and began knocking on the glass, shouting curses.

I was so stunned that I even rolled down the window so I could hear him. Then I waited for him to pause so he could pour more bile on me. And when he paused to catch his breath, I said to him, “Have you ever had such a terrible day that you just hoped that someone would pull out a gun and shoot you and end all the suffering? Is that someone you?”

His jaw dropped. "What?" - he asked. Up to this point I had been very stupid. But suddenly I did something brilliant. In some incredible way, despite my foggy mind, I said exactly what was needed. I did not try to negotiate with this intimidating man - most likely, instead of answering, he would have pulled me out of the car and hit me in the face with his huge fist. I didn't try to resist. I just became just as crazy and hit him with his own weapon.

He stared at me and I spoke again: “Yes, I'm serious. I don't usually cut people off and I've never cut someone off twice before. It's just that today is the day when it doesn't matter what I do or who I meet - including you! - everything goes wrong. Will you be the person who will mercifully end my existence?” He immediately changed, calmed down and started encouraging me: “Hey. “What are you doing, guy,” he said. - Everything will be OK. Honestly! Relax, everyone has bad days."

I continued my tirade: “Easy for you to say! You didn't ruin everything you touched today, unlike me. I don't think anything will ever get better for me. Will you help me?" He continued enthusiastically: “No, really. I am not kidding! Everything will be alright. Have a rest". We talked for a few more minutes. Then he returned to the truck, said something to his wife and waved to me in the mirror, as if to say: “Remember. Calm down. Everything will be fine". And he left.

Now I'm not proud of this story. To be fair, the guy in the pickup wasn't the only irrational person on the road that day. But here's what I'm getting at. That big guy could have taken my lungs off. And, perhaps, he would have done this if I had tried to reason with him or argue with him. But I met him in his reality, where I was a bad person and he had every reason to hit me. Instinctively using a technique I call aggressive submission , I turned him from enemy to ally in less than a minute. Luckily, my reaction was natural, even on that really bad day. This happened because over many years of working as a psychiatrist, I put myself in the place of crazy people. I've done this thousands of times, in different ways, and I know it works. Moreover, I know it will work for you too. The Psycho Mask is a strategy you can use with any irrational person. For example, to talk:

- with a partner who yells at you or refuses to talk to you;

— with a child screaming “I hate you!” or “I hate myself!”;

- with an aging parent who thinks you don't care about him;

— with an employee who is constantly slacking off at work;

- with a manager who is always trying to hurt you.

No matter what type of crazy person you're dealing with, learning to become a crazy person yourself will allow you to get rid of failed communication strategies and reach people. As a result, you will be able to engage in almost any emotional situation and feel confident and in control.

1. Understand that the person you are confronted with is not capable of thinking rationally in this situation. Realize that the deep roots of his irrationality lie more in the distant (or not very distant) past, rather than in the current moment, so now you are unlikely to be able to argue or convince him.

2. Identify the other person's modus operandi - the unique set of actions they resort to when they are not themselves. His strategy is to throw you off balance, make you angry, afraid, frustrated or guilty. Once you understand the course of action, you will feel calmer, more focused and in control of the situation, and will be able to choose an appropriate counter-strategy.

3. Realize that crazy behavior is not about you. But it says a lot about the person you are dealing with. By ceasing to take his words personally, you will deprive the enemy of an important weapon. At the same time, use the necessary psychological tools during the conversation; they will keep you from falling into madness. These tools will help you avoid “amygdala hijack”—an intense emotional reaction to a sudden threat. This term, coined by psychologist Daniel Goleman, describes a condition where the amygdala, the part of your brain responsible for generating fear, blocks rational thinking.

4. Talk to an irrational person, plunging into the world of his madness, calmly and objectively. First, accept the person's innocence as a given. This means that you must believe that the person is actually good and there is a reason for his behavior. Try not to judge, but to understand what caused this. Secondly, imagine that you are experiencing the same emotions: aggression, misunderstanding, threat.

5. Show that you are an ally, not an enemy: listen calmly and carefully to the person while he is blowing off steam. Instead of interrupting, let him speak. this way you will surprise the person who is waiting for a retaliatory attack and get closer to him. You can even apologize. And the more carefully and sensitively you reflect your opponent’s emotions, the sooner he himself will begin to listen to you.

6. When the person calms down, help him move on to more reasonable actions. These steps are the basis for most of the psychological techniques I teach you (although there may be variations, such as when dealing with bullies, manipulators, or psychopaths). However, keep in mind that going through the cycle of prudence with an irrational person is not always easy or fun, and this technique does not always work instantly. And, as with everything in our lives, there is a risk that it will not work at all (and there is even a possibility that the situation will get worse). But if you are desperately trying to reach someone who is difficult or impossible to control, this method is probably the best choice.

Bad or good?

Having figured out how to become a madman, let’s now talk about whether it’s bad or good.
A crazy person does not mean a bad person. But it is precisely this association that comes to mind first. This is a misconception, because you can be a very positive and sociable person without keeping yourself within the narrow confines of shyness. Imagine how diverse and fulfilling life will be if you bring crazy notes into it? Most girls simply adore impulsive, positive guys.

Do you know why? Yes, because it’s not boring with them! We know that everyone is looking for a stable husband with good earnings and no problems with the law. But often girls cheat on them with crazy “bad” guys. Besides, no one is stopping you from being crazy and making good money. Then you will be just a treasure for any lady! If you want to learn even more secrets on seducing girls, subscribe to my Instagram and my VKontakte page.

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Why do they become crazy? Doctors associate madness with changes in brain function. It has already been said that severe emotional shock or constant stress, as well as heredity, are what make the head work differently than usual. We can say that in these situations, brain chemistry changes.

This can happen not only due to the reasons already listed. Head problems can be caused by injuries. A strong blow, concussion and other injuries - all this has an extremely negative impact on human health. And if the chemical processes in the brain are disrupted, you can become a psychopath. Or simply remain mentally retarded for life.

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