Frigidity in adults: symptoms, causes, treatment



Diana Igorevna

17 years of experience

Sexologist, psychotherapist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Receives English-speaking patients.

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Frigidity is a decrease in libido, a complete lack of interest in sex. Excitement does not occur even in frank moments. Some people experience pain after or during sexual intercourse. An integrated approach and consultation of several specialists are required. Let's look at how to cure frigidity, and what to do with female frigidity.

Symptoms and signs of frigidity

Symptoms of frigidity may be invisible to the patient, but are always noticeable to the partner:

  • attraction either disappears completely or appears in rare moments;
  • sexual intercourse is perceived as a duty, and any discussion of the topic causes irritation;
  • a person simply ceases to be interested in sex, even if a loved one is next to him;
  • if sex does occur, the body does not react to the process in any way. Excitement disappears, lubrication is not released, there are no emotions either, and as a result there is no orgasm;
  • before and after sex, painful sensations may appear in the genitals and anus;
  • after the process there is a feeling of disappointment or irritation.

Many do not understand what frigidity means, trying to justify themselves with other reasons. However, the disease can be truly dangerous if you do not pay attention to it in time.

Helpful information

This information is based on scientific research on this issue. However, the problem of women's separation from men continues to interest sexologists around the world. They find various factors that can help bring intimacy back into the family. For example:

  • It has been proven that dark chocolate has a good effect on female desire. It contains substances that improve blood circulation. But it is worth noting that many women completely replace their sex life with its use, so the main thing for men is not to overdo it with this product.

  • Wine perfectly enhances women's desire. This is especially true for dry reds. It has the same effect as chocolate. However, you should not abuse it, otherwise the effect will be the opposite.
  • Red colors of any shade liberate women well, so a man can buy clothes with a red tint for himself.

Reasons for development

The causes of frigidity in women and men are divided into 2 categories: psychological and physiological.

Psychological reasons include:

  • prolonged stress and overwork bring rest and sleep to the forefront, rather than sexual pleasures; this is a normal reaction of the body, which tries to protect a person from even greater overload;
  • sexual violence, even if it happened many years ago, is a significant reason for a psychological barrier, especially if the negative experience was the first in life, in such a situation one cannot do without the help of a psychologist;
  • the partner began to evoke negative emotions or disgust, during quarrels, problems, breakups, mental wounds remain that do not allow you to turn to the person again, sex in this way is violence against oneself;
  • fear of an unplanned pregnancy, if the fear is obsessive, the girl cannot relax;
  • in families where frigid personalities grow up, it is not customary to express emotions, coldness and detachment are encouraged.

Among the physiological ones:

  • injured genitals cause damage to nerve endings;
  • after childbirth, the vaginal walls are severely injured, which is also a common cause of lack of desire;
  • Pathologies in organ development are less common.

Are you experiencing symptoms of frigidity?

Only a doctor can accurately diagnose the disease. Don't delay your consultation - call

How to solve a problem?

Now that you are aware of all the reasons why a woman does not want a man, you need to figure out how to solve this problem and what to do if you do not want to completely lose your spouse.

Steps to restore intimacy with your wife are as follows:

  1. Talk frankly about the reasons for the refusal. To do this, you need to choose a moment when your spouse is rested, in a good mood and in the mood for a conversation. You have known each other for a long time and can probably find the right words for a conversation. The main thing is that they do not contain reproaches and accusations, and that it does not look like an interrogation. Your tone should be calm, conducive to friendly communication. It's better to choose a casual, romantic setting where it's just the two of you, for example, at dinner or on a walk together. Ask what you can do to change the situation and hint that you are ready to do anything for your wife. Most likely, she will not refuse you to clarify the truth.
  2. Lighten up your spouse's busy schedule by providing all possible assistance. After all, it’s not so difficult to take on some household responsibilities, for example, vacuuming, preparing lunch or dinner, throwing things in the washing machine and hanging them after washing, etc. It will also be useful for you to periodically raise children and prepare with them homework. And, of course, do all the men’s housework: fix the sockets, hang a shelf, change the faucet, etc. Undoubtedly, your wife will appreciate such feats and want to thank you with luxurious love games.
  3. Look after yourself. To attract a woman's attention, it is enough to follow simple rules. Firstly, always be well-groomed - clean, shaved, smelling good, with trimmed hair and nails. Secondly, dress stylishly. Even if you replace the usual holey sweatpants with sagging knees and a drunken T-shirt with a decent home suit, you can notice how your chosen one’s attitude towards you will change. Thirdly, do not stop improving your figure. You don’t have to go to the gym or run around the stadium for this. Simple exercises in the form of pull-ups on a horizontal bar and push-ups can be performed right at home, in front of your beloved spouse, thereby arousing her interest and desire from the moving muscles. Well, spiritual development, of course, won’t hurt either, if you want to remain not only a desirable lover for your beloved , but also a pleasant interlocutor.
  4. Find more time to talk with the woman you love. When spouses have established trusting communication, physical attraction will be constant and uninterrupted. Ask how your day went. Listen to the problems and pressing issues that concern your wife. Discuss joint plans for the future. Talk more often on erotic topics, consult on intimate activities and get to know each other’s interests and fantasies. Flirt with your spouse - this will warm up her sexual interest.
  5. Let your wife feel how much she is loved and desired. This can be achieved in a few steps. Step 1. Regularly compliment her and whisper kind words in her ear. It's not at all difficult to do. And by the way, the more often you admire your wife, the more beautiful she will become. After all, she will have a real incentive to transform herself and look younger in order to continue to arouse your interest. And in addition to complimenting the external characteristics of your chosen one, do not forget to praise her talents in housework and admire her as an enviable wife and caring mother. Step 2. Unexpected pleasant surprises and cute gifts will certainly improve your lady’s mood and will not be left without a reciprocal gesture of gratitude. It is quite possible that they will have an unforgettable night of love. Therefore, do not skimp on presenting your beloved with flowers, beautiful jewelry, or just funny trinkets and sweet gifts as often as possible. And a certificate to a spa salon can generally drive any young lady crazy. Step 3. During the day, do not forget to ask by phone how your spouse is doing, and say that you miss you very much and are looking forward to meeting you to hug and kiss your beloved woman. Step 4: Ask your wife out on dates. For example, to a cafe or restaurant, to a cinema or theater, to a museum or an exhibition, to take a walk in the park or along the lake, etc. When she goes out with you, she will feel like an interesting, desirable woman and will be greatly transformed. After all, for representatives of the fair sex it is important to demonstrate themselves next to their beloved man in the best possible way; for this they put on makeup, dress up, and do incredible hairstyles - just so that others will notice that she is with her gentleman. Remember that if such signs of attention are not comes from the husband, then sooner or later a replacement may be found for him. Some interesting man will appreciate your wife and can easily take you away from the marital bedroom.
  6. Regularly take care of the woman you love. Morning coffee in bed, evening massage, lunch delivery to work, fluffed pillows before bed, raspberry tea during a cold - such simple little things evoke pleasant responses in the souls of girls and a desire to be even closer to their chosen one.
  7. Diversify your intimate life and surprise your spouse with new erotic techniques and sexual caresses. But such an experiment also needs the right moment. It is unlikely that your wife’s excessive fatigue or bad mood will play into your hands. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance. Relax your woman with a warm bath, a massage and a light dinner, and then get down to business. A few compliments and affectionate whispers with gentle touches will set her in the right mood. Passionate kisses and hugs with proper stimulation of the erogenous zones will ignite a truly hot fire. And then the matter will remain small.

Remember that every situation has a way out. And don’t despair if your wife rarely shows sexual interest, much less look for a replacement for her. Better use these tips, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Risk factors

What to do if you don’t want further complications of frigidity, what should you do? In order for a person to fully develop, not only sexually, a healthy environment in relationships, in the family and good health is necessary. Unfortunately, these factors do not always add up together.

  • If a partner had the imprudence to ridicule another or regularly insults him, this provokes the development of complexes and closedness. Which may well lead to frigidity in women.
  • Also, if a partner forces another to have sex with him or her, the other will feel disgust at the mere thought of sexual intercourse.
  • Chronic diseases that provoke disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system can cause frigidity.

Your wife doesn't want intimacy - you're motivating her WRONG!

This means that your argument, which you love to say so much, “I live with you (I live, sleep, raise children, etc.), so what else do you need, woman??!” DOES NOT AFFECT her. This means that a man says such words when he tries to “prove” his love using logic and arguments. Well, that argument doesn't work!

What then works?

Now, pay attention! Very important!

A woman in a marriage or relationship has a MAIN BASIC NEED.
This need to FEEL LOVED AND THE ONLY one for your man.

And, if a man satisfies this need, then the woman FEELS loved, the only one, and THIS (most often!!!) influences her desire/reluctance to have sex with a man.

This is precisely what explains the fact that during the candy-bouquet period, when a man is courting, wooing, giving flowers and gifts, a woman willingly and passionately has sex.

But, as a rule, alas. Later, when a man has conquered her and married her, he relaxes and stops giving her this feeling of being loved and the only one.

But it is precisely this FEELING that directly determines her desire for intimacy with her husband, a man.

I will tell you further how to properly make a woman feel loved and unique, even if the man has little money and time.

@Ekaterina Kholodova. You can sign up for a psychological consultation with me - ONLINE or in person


Lack of sex life and fear of a partner and sex can lead to depression. A person is in a depressed state, completely at the mercy of his own illness. The absence of a partner leads to loneliness if the problem is not identified in time. This also negatively affects the human psyche.

Hormonal imbalance, which often accompanies the disease, can lead to:

  • infertility;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • the formation of a malignant tumor;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome.

You cannot take your own health lightly, even if there is no need to have a sexual partner. Problems associated with frigidity in women can seriously ruin life.

If the problem is men

Now we need to mention why a man does not want intimacy. There are much fewer such reasons. The main ones:

  • Lack of love. This often happens when a couple has been together for a long time. Over time, love passes and only habit and attachment remain.
  • Female appearance. Men really like beautiful girls. And when their partner changes a lot and shows signs of an unkempt and cheap woman, they lose desire for them. But sometimes it also happens that a man gets complex because of his own appearance.
  • The presence of another woman. The man spends time with her, gets tired and because of this begins to be indifferent to his wife.
  • Birth of a child. Most often this problem is purely psychological in nature. And if the reason for the lack of male desire is her, then the couple should talk about this topic.
  • Health problems. With age, sex life becomes not the same as before. Men may experience characteristic problems. In this case, the main thing for a woman is not to mock or scold her partner. After all, the problem can be solved.

These are some of the most popular reasons why men don't want women. It is important to remember that to solve problems you need to talk openly. A man really wants a woman only when they are completely open to each other.

Sexual intimacy is one of the most important aspects in family life . But many couples refuse to attach great importance to it. Only regular conversations, sexual satisfaction and openness will guarantee a strong relationship. Troubles will not disappear on their own, and it is worth showing patience and dedication to solve them. Only after this will all aspects of married life improve in the couple.

Originally posted 2018-03-17 09:54:52.

Preparing to visit the doctor

After the partner understands his problem, he has a question: how to get rid of frigidity? Specialists from JSC “Medicine” (clinic of Academician Roitberg) will help you understand your own problems.

Before visiting a sex psychologist, the patient can be examined by a gynecologist or urologist-andrologist. You should take a shower and don’t forget to bring a diaper and clean socks.

No special preparation is required for a meeting with a sexologist, except that you should be prepared to openly discuss your problems. JSC “Medicine” (academician Roitberg’s clinic) keeps data about each patient confidential.

Women can ask:

  • sexual life in the postpartum period;
  • lack of orgasm;
  • changes in orientation in adulthood;
  • Couples counseling is open.

Workaholics don't want sex 3

When a couple is young or people have just met, a busy schedule does not interfere with their lovemaking. But in the middle age of partners, when they are in a permanent, long-term relationship, sex fades not even into the background, but into the 10th. A woman’s day is scheduled minute by minute, she is busy at work, all in business and worries, then after such a grueling work day, there is no strength left for bed exploits, in fact, physical strength.

If there is a terrible team at work, a despot boss, difficulties in your own business, or a huge household, moral strength also disappears. Intensive work does not contribute to the joys of life. Therefore, difficulties arise in relationships.

The higher the position a woman holds, the less sexual activity she exhibits at home. All energy is used to direct and control the wards.

Psychologist Alina Kolesova assures that a woman’s sexual desire does not depend at all on the age of the partners or the length of the relationship. An active intimate life can occur at an older age, and often young couples have a boring and monotonous sexual program.

Diagnosis of frigidity

In addition to establishing the fact of lack of desire, the presence of pain, and so on, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of frigidity. If a woman has discomfort in the organ area during sexual intercourse, she is examined by a gynecologist, who makes a final verdict on the presence of a disease or pathology.

The psychological problem is clarified with a psychologist or sexologist during a series of conversations. Often, frigidity is a consequence of a girl’s immaturity, that is, she has grown physically, but is not yet mentally ready for adult life. In this case, a psychologist works with her.

Wife doesn't want sex - 5 rules a husband should know

If the wife does not want her husband and refuses sex. Then, in addition to the psychological reason, there is also a banal disregard by a man for the rules of satisfying a woman.

A favorite misconception among men is to think that the size of the organ or “how many times I can do it in a night” matters. Based on this misconception, husbands do wrong things instead of doing the right thing. That is, more often than not, they simply do nothing. Therefore, the wife remains dissatisfied over and over again. Accordingly, she has less and less motivation for intimacy. And then it disappears completely. And then the wife doesn’t want sex at all.

However, what would be right?

  1. SPEAKING is the most important and important thing! Talk to her about how exactly she is able to receive pleasure. You need to understand that ALL women are different. And they get pleasure in different ways
  2. To do this, you need to BELIEVE that she is capable of receiving satisfaction. Why? Yes, because it is so. There are no frigid women, there are unawakened women.
  3. Having spoken, understood, then you need to ACCEPT it. There is no need to argue if she says that, for example, “size doesn’t matter,” or, on the contrary, for her it does. If she was honest, so be it for her. Or, toys are important to her. Or, not important. All she says is ACCEPT.
  4. Then, try to DO exactly as she described. If she needs long-term caresses and foreplay, do it. If she wants it rough and tied up, do it! At this stage it is important to see a positive result. Because it will give my wife and I the motivation to continue having sex.
  5. Consolidate and expand! Learn new things. Talk to her about new ways. Very often we ourselves don’t know how interesting and varied sex can be. There is so much that, in principle, we could like.


After diagnosis, the patient is explained how to treat frigidity. The set of procedures depends on the identified cause of the disease.

Treatment of frigidity may consist of the entire complex or several points:

  • hormone therapy;
  • sessions with a psychologist;
  • sessions with a sexologist in pairs or one at a time;
  • taking drugs that increase libido;
  • massage and aromatherapy.

Treatment of frigidity in women is often associated with the sensual sphere of relationships. The girl wants more attention, warmth, care, communication.

Psychologist's advice

How to survive a divorce from your husband - advice from a psychologist on how to get a grip on yourself

For married couples who have problems with their intimate side, psychologists advise:

  1. Take a break from the screens of various kinds of gadgets and communicate more with each other on a variety of topics. Ask how your day went, if everything is fine at work. Make weekend plans together and implement them.
  2. A change of scenery renews relationships. If it is not possible to go on vacation, then you can do some rearrangement or cosmetic repairs together. Joint household chores bring spouses closer together.
  3. You should not blame each other for all family troubles.

The wife refuses intimacy, what does the psychologist advise? A family is a union of two people; if there are problems in the family, it is the fault of both spouses. There is no need to shift the responsibility for marriage onto someone else. Instead, it is better to think of measures that will help solve the problems.

Home remedies

Herbal decoctions give positive results, but after a long period of treating frigidity.

Decoctions and tinctures:

  • tincture of golden root is prescribed in a course of 1-3 months, taken 10-15 drops daily;
  • Soak dried night violet herb in Cahors for 14 days, drink a tablespoon half an hour before meals;
  • tincture of ginseng is sold in a pharmacy, use 20 drops per day, ginseng also increases the overall tone of the body;
  • Decoctions of rose hips, chamomile and nettle will help stabilize the body's systems.

Boredom 6

Over time, family life becomes monotonous, monotonous and reminiscent of Groundhog Day. All events happen in a circle: work, TV at home, sex twice a week or according to a schedule. Complete monotony. In relationships between partners, you always need to make an effort. To keep the sexual fire of love burning, add firewood to it.

Start by creating new impressions: spending time together, a romantic trip together. Arrange surprises, do unusual things, offer to do something you had never thought of before. Surprise a woman and she will surprise you with her sexual desire. A woman is generally a grateful creature.

Special attention should be devoted to sex itself. If from the day of the first meeting of a man and a woman, lovemaking takes place according to the classical pattern with monotonous poses, and even in pitch darkness, then over time any person will lose sexual desire and will sabotage intimacy in every possible way.

To do this, try something new, bring freshness to your thoughts. Many men think that it’s time to rob a sex shop, engage in sadomasochism, fisting, active role-playing games and other daring things, don’t rush into decisions. Although the Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud argued: “Only the complete absence of sex can be considered a sexual deviation, everything else is a matter of taste.”

Often, to satisfy a partner, a change in the sexual behavior of the man himself is necessary. As far as he satisfies the woman, maybe she is simply unpleasant about this event, where he thinks only about himself. But he doesn’t caress her and doesn’t bring her to orgasm. Pay more attention to foreplay, update your set of poses.

It is appropriate to mention the statement of Bernard Werber: “Bashfulness was invented by men so that women would not dare to talk about their desire to experience an orgasm. Perhaps all women want to make love all the time, but their upbringing does not allow them to talk about it.”

In order to become liberated, you can watch films for adults and adopt some of the tricks of experienced lovers. Listen to your partner, maybe she doesn’t need all your efforts and in the end ask directly.

Myths and dangerous misconceptions in the treatment of frigidity

  • True frigidity manifests itself as a complete lack of interest in sexual life. If a girl temporarily experiences inconvenience or is disappointed in her partner, this does not mean that she is frigid.
  • Often, frigidity in men hides its “imaginary” manifestation in the form of psychological problems. They arise due to stress, shock, and psychological trauma. After working through them with a psychologist, the problems disappear.
  • Also, frigidity in women is often resolved after a couple of conversations with a sexologist. The couple simply does not discuss their preferences.

Can a non-working wife get tired?

Most men find it difficult to imagine how their wife can get tired without working. One of the reasons for the misunderstanding lies in the environment in which the man himself was brought up. For example, if from childhood he grew up in conditions where his mother handled the children and all household chores herself, then it is difficult for a man to imagine why his wife is not capable of the same feats. Another reason is social stereotypes about the “man who is the breadwinner” and “the wife who looks after the children and cooks.”

However, if you really want to get away from constant conflicts in the house and “see the root” of your wife’s dissatisfaction, remove the established standards about the family model from your head. It is necessary to realize that each couple is individual, therefore it is only the husband and wife who need to decide the issues of arranging their life and everyday life, and not their parents and people around them. If you have mastered this postulate, then we move on to the question of why the wife complains that she does not have time and is tired.

Despite the naturalness of the process, childbirth is a difficult stage for every woman’s body, and not everyone goes through it without complications. Of course, the postpartum condition of the mother depends on many individual factors - the woman’s health, her age, and the characteristics of the pregnancy. But absolutely everyone needs time so that the body can physically recover: for some women, two weeks will be enough for this, and for some, even a couple of months will not be enough.

Often, after the birth of a baby, a woman experiences postpartum euphoria - the feeling that she is a “supermom” who can do everything and never need to rest. In fact, under the influence of hormones, a woman’s body is indeed able to function non-stop, and her husband may think that this is normal and will always be so. But at a certain point, fatigue accumulates, and the body needs to reboot.

Another important factor that directly affects a woman’s well-being is her intense daily routine. Let's take a closer look at what can throw a wife off balance.

  1. Monotony and routine. Repeatedly changing diapers, feeding and other manipulations with the baby every day can be no less tiring than regular work. A young mother is constantly thinking about her child, and her functions are reduced to fulfilling the needs of her child exclusively.
  2. Lack of free time. The baby is still too small and cannot take care of himself, so all the time he is awake he requires his mother’s attention. And during those hours when the child is resting, the woman has the opportunity to do household chores: clean the house, cook food, wash the dishes. The list can go on and on, but you are unlikely to find the item “do whatever I want” in it.
  3. Irregular working hours. A man's working day has a logical conclusion. The husband knows that after a hard day he will have a good rest and good sleep, and after a busy week there will be two days off, during which he can relax and take his mind off thoughts about work. A young mother cannot boast of the same. In her schedule there are no concepts of “work” and “rest”, since the baby may need something at any moment, even at night. Therefore, do not forget to add chronic lack of sleep to your wife’s condition, because at night she gets up more than once to change diapers, rock and feed the baby.


To avoid frigidity in men, it is enough to monitor your psychological and physical health. At the first deviations, immediately visit a urologist, psychologist and sexologist.

You should talk with your partner about your intimate life, talk about your preferences, what is unpleasant, and build a trusting relationship.

Don’t force yourself to go to bed with your partner because “it’s the right thing to do.” No one will like this and will cause complete rejection of both the partner and sex.

What do the professionals think?

Some experts have their own opinion about the reasons why women do not want men - due to lack of satisfaction during sexual intercourse. Many women do not receive it and over time begin to consider marital duty as some kind of obligation. Often they themselves are to blame because they initially put their partner's satisfaction above their own.

To solve this problem, spouses should talk and find out each other’s desires and preferences. This is the first and most important step to solving the problem. And after the conversation, you need to try to correct all mistakes and be more attentive.

How to sign up for a sexologist?

You can make an appointment with a sexologist by filling out a simple form on the website or by calling the 24-hour number.

We are located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow, not far from Mayakovskaya metro station, Belorusskaya metro station, Novoslobodskaya metro station, Tverskaya metro station, Chekhovskaya metro station.

With us you can undergo consultation and diagnosis of various diseases. Our doctors are true professionals in their field who are focused on the results of working together with the patient. If you have any questions, you can ask them to a call center employee by phone.

Gadgets away5

Modern people cannot imagine their life without computer games, social networks and television. The parallel world draws girls in, and there is no time left for live communication with their partner. When women follow the lives of famous people, live other people's lives and emotions, then there is not enough room for their own interests. The solution in this situation is to limit technical devices and assign a fixed time.

To begin with, of course, you need to understand this dependence. When a person does not understand that he is paying more attention to the virtual world than necessary, then when he tries to snatch it away, he begins to get angry. Therefore, if a girl does not want to devote time to your sexual pleasures, try to captivate her with you, make her life rich and interesting, so that she feels better with you.

If a pregnant woman does not give

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes powerful hormonal changes , which leaves an imprint on libido. Hormones also affect mood: the wife becomes capricious, picky, and is more often offended over trifles. Also, during the period of bearing a child, a woman often experiences ailments that do not in any way contribute to the arousal of sexual desire.

Sometimes, for medical reasons, a doctor prohibits a pregnant wife from having sex with her husband, and the wife avoids intimacy with her partner, fearing to upset or scare him.

Some pregnant women, due to lack of awareness, are afraid to have sex , as they are sure that sexual intercourse harms the unborn child. To solve the problem, you need to go with your wife to an appointment with a gynecologist, who will dispel the woman’s fears or explain to her husband the reasons for the ban on sexual relations.

Before marriage, the husband must have a sufficient amount of experience in bed

  1. The average man has about 6 partners before marriage. This is very little to achieve mastery in bed or become an elite.
  2. You should just blow her mind . Because no one needs cautious, insecure men who are afraid of women in bed and don’t know what to do with her there.
  3. At the initial stage, everyone who marries must have a sufficient number of women (10 or more).
  4. You need to gain enough experience with women. You should get the maximum experience! It is after this that you will be able to make informed choices in the further stages of your development.
  5. Having more women will allow you to better feel the woman you meet, how similar you are to her and how suitable she is for you.
  6. As a result, having met the right woman, you can better calibrate and at the right time refuse her if she is not suitable for you.

Men don't know how the female body works

  1. Women get aroused very slowly. Right by the millimeter, like on a loudspeaker.
  2. Your foreplay may be longer if you used to do everything quickly. Or if everything was too slow before, then, on the contrary, change the scenario. Thus, the wife will experience maximum pleasure.
  3. There is no need to be afraid of appearing rude or tough in bed.
  4. Don't be afraid to dominate - women really like this.
  5. Women love and want a man to possess them with power. Their whole essence is to be conquered and achieved. They just love this feeling.
  6. Live without shame and guilt for your desires and behavior. And don’t bother with questions about how to stop being shy about girls.
  7. You will be deeply unhappy if you suppress the male essence in yourself.

The better you know how your woman's body works, the deeper you will get to know her and the more pleasure you can give her.

Quarrels between partners 7

The transition from a stormy scandal to passionate sex after a quarrel is the stuff of romantic comedies. In fact, an offended, upset, angry girl does not perceive her opponent as a lover until he takes the first step, apologizes, or realizes the seriousness of the situation. She doesn't want to be touched even after the incident is over.

The woman should not be blamed; this is explained by biological law. When mistrust is manifested by rejection of physical contact. Faina Ranevskaya said about this: “Understand once and for all that the character of your woman is a reflection of your attitude towards her. For those who don’t understand: it’s not her who’s a bitch, it’s you who’s an asshole.”

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