How to make a girl want you without saying a word


What to do if you want to make the girl you like fall in love with you, but doubt your abilities? What to do if you want to be the most desirable and the only one for her? I will answer your question right in the first paragraph! What a twist! So, to make a girl fall in love with you, you must be less in love with her than she is with you. Understood?! Yes, but probably not entirely! Falling in love is a drug. Therefore, you need to turn the girl into a notorious drug addict who will become more addicted to you than you are! Read the entire article and everything will be clear what needs to be done!

Show your importance (value)

Significance is how valuable you are to a girl. The greater the significance, the more the girl will invest in the relationship. And the more she invests, the more she will fall in love with you. Everything is very simple. For this …

Be a leader

The great Greek philosopher Socrates once taught, “The unexamined life is not worth living.” And he was absolutely right. A girl won't fall in love with a guy who has no direction and doesn't know who he is. This is not a man, this is a child. Girls need a man who knows what he wants, is confident in himself and moves towards his goals. And for this you need to become a leader in life. Every girl needs someone who will lead her to her dreams, and not just some “weapon man.” Therefore, have big goals, a plan to achieve them and real actions. There are already enough balabols.

Be interesting

What does it mean? And the fact that you shouldn’t be like everyone else - only go to work and drink beer with friends in the bathhouse on Fridays, and on weekends just lie down in front of the TV. It is necessary to create a certain lifestyle so that she falls in love with you, or rather with your lifestyle.

What can be included here:

- be sure to engage in one or two sports or go to the rocking room, and finally, to the stadium to work out on the horizontal bars and uneven bars;

- constantly meet new interesting people;

- create and develop your own projects that can grow into a profitable business or are already a business (this will make you an interesting person in the eyes of the woman you love!)

- have your own hobby ;

— spend interesting leisure time on weekends and don’t sit at home;

— travel constantly, both within your own country and around the world.

Be unavailable

The mistake of many men who want to make girls fall in love with them is that they begin to devote a lot of time to them. But also A.S. Pushkin wrote very correct words: “The less we love a woman, the easier it is for her to like us.” Who do we fall in love with most often? In unavailable women. Likewise, women prefer unavailable men. This is a function of the mind. While we don't have something, we want it. Therefore, you should not constantly talk about your love for a girl. It’s better to show a slightly indifferent behavior, reducing the importance of your relationship, but this does not mean that you need to become an inveterate bastard.

How to demonstrate indifference:

- do not call or write 100,500 times a day;

- disappear for a while;

- when you meet, joke about her, make fun of her, treat her like a child;

— in a company, communicate with other girls, flirt, touch them, show interest on the part of other girls.

Remember! The girl falls in love not with you, but with the image. If you want to make her fall in love with you, create in her head the image of your personality that she will fall in love with.

Give her emotions

We like what gives us emotions. Or the one who gives emotions. And here men have big problems. Because we are about mind and logic, and women are about heart and emotions. We just speak different languages. Therefore, if you decide to make a girl fall in love with you, then you need to create an emotional connection with her.

Smile and laugh

Make her laugh. Girls love guys who make them laugh. Know that laughter helps produce dopamine (the hormone of happiness) in our body. So learn to tell funny stories and jokes. You should have fun and enjoyment together! The main thing here is not to go too far and not look like a real clown. Everything is good in moderation!

Give compliments

Who doesn't like receiving nice compliments? Everyone. And girls especially love them! Just please, don’t praise a girl in order to make her fall in love with you. Otherwise, all this will backfire on you. Remember that a compliment to a girl should first of all be sincere from the heart.

Make it romantic

You can follow the standard path: flowers, restaurant, gifts. But this is the “beaten” path and you will be like everyone else! And you need to be original. Therefore, invite her to some unusual place - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a climbing wall or Tolstoy’s estate - the main thing is that you both find it interesting there. To get to the point, it’s better to find out the girl’s interests and fears, otherwise if she’s afraid of heights, she obviously won’t fly in a hot air balloon. In general, study such a topic as “roof blowers” ​​and stock them in your arsenal, so that you don’t have to think every time, but how to evoke unrealistic emotions in her. The main thing in this matter is not to go too far: your task is to surprise, not shock.

And yes, don’t just give positive emotions, otherwise you’ll be as sweet as a white marshmallow!

70% positive + 20% neutral + 10% negative = a girl in love with you!

We find out why a wife may not want intimacy with her husband, and what to do about it

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Any person, even a small child, knows for sure that family happiness is made up not only of love, but also of other factors that must be taken into account, although it should never be discounted. In addition to love and affection, there must, of course, be mutual understanding, as well as mutual respect, and it is hardly possible to do without regular sexual contacts. Often newlyweds are full of enthusiasm and optimism, and believe that they do not have problems in the sexual sphere, and there simply cannot be any, but after some time it turns out that the wife does not want a husband, and what to do with such “joy” of the second half is completely incomprehensible. Life regularly presents us with such surprises, and so that they do not come as a surprise to us, and also in order to solve the problem as painlessly as possible, this article is intended.

Trigger your instincts

And the last thing you need to do to make a girl fall in love with you is to have great sex with her. To do this, it is necessary to evoke animal instincts in her through kinesthetics or, more simply, through touch. Do you remember how you spanked your school and college girlfriends on the ass? So it was your mistake! There is no need to rush headlong into the quarry! Everything needs to be done gradually.


You need to start with those touches that are acceptable from the point of view of society and culture. They are called socially acceptable touching.

Shake hands when meeting.

Give your hand from the transport.

Take it by the arm while walking.

Kiss on the cheek when meeting or parting.

For such touches, look for a socially acceptable excuse. For example, an interesting ring on her finger - he took her hand in his, touched the ring, and let go. Or, with an approaching drunk, you can take her by the shoulders and bring her closer to you, as if fencing her off from danger.

Kiss tenderly

Next you need to move on to more serious touches.

Touching the girl’s hands, knees, back.

Light massage of fingers, forearms, shoulders, neck, back.

Kisses on the shoulders, neck, lips, etc.

Give her good sex

If you really want to make a girl fall in love with you, then you should have sex with her. Learn one thing. Real relationships begin after sex. All that is “BEFORE” is friendship. She can be your friend 1000 times over. Chat on different topics, go to the movies with you, do common things, etc. And at this time he can sleep with other guys. Here you need to know a little biology. During sex, a hormone called oxytocin is released. It forms attachment to a sexual partner. It is thanks to its development that partners remain faithful to each other and do not notice representatives of the opposite sex.

This is a whole separate topic that I will not touch on here. But sex is a powerful drug. And you need to give her such a dose that she cannot exist without you. Give her so much pleasure that she wants more. And don’t forget about yourself and your feelings at the same time. You yourself must get a buzz from the process so that this feeling is also conveyed to her. I'll repeat it again. Everything before sex is sympathy, which should not be taken so seriously.

So, I have listed the most effective ways to make a girl fall in love with you. You need to work on them and make them work on autopilot. But! There are moments when a girl can fall in love with you, as if without your participation. And here you need to understand how a girl who is already in love behaves, otherwise you can slow down for a long time and in the end just ruin everything.

So that the wife wants a husband. Marital duty and legal grounds

Wife to husband: “I’m leaving you.”
Husband in panic: “I’m with you!”

We know everything, we can do everything. If something is wrong, we’ll figure it out ourselves, our bedroom is our own business. No one will tell you anything new; it’s sex in both Africa and the Soviet Union. As he was a duty to his spouse, he will remain so, from generation to generation. What is an orgasm? Probably the wife knows. What if you ask her?

What is “marital duty”, and how to fulfill it with a guarantee of quality?

Some men are sure that the bonds of marriage include the obligation of fidelity and monogamous sex with a partner ordered by law (and even God, it’s more reliable). But what if your wife doesn’t want sex? He is in no hurry to fulfill his duty. Why does attraction disappear when the wife is dissatisfied with her husband and constantly clings to the financial component of family ties?

How not to lose your family if your wife doesn’t have enough money and is disappointed? He doesn’t want to support, he reproaches. read more.

How does a girl in love behave?

Ignores others

A woman who is in love with one particular man is cold, like a cartoon queen, to everyone else. That's just absolutely. In general, in general. At least even retired Brad Pitt will approach her. She won't care about him. The thing is that for a woman in love there is only one alpha male. And if she flirts only with you, then you are the one, the one and only.

Constantly in sight

Perhaps you study, work or relax together and she catches your eye very often. Maybe it's fate? Or maybe it's just an accident?! No. Most likely, she specifically chooses a place and time to annoy you and start a conversation on some topic. She wants you to notice her more - so beautiful and slender. And girls know how to make themselves look like that!

Looking for a reason to meet

A girl in love can invite you first to go for a walk along the embankment, go to a concert or city event, or ride bikes in the park. The difference between guys and girls in love is that girls don’t think - they act. And while you are figuring out how and where to invite a girl, she will do it first. If you have this situation, then the girl has fallen in love with you.

Acts a bit like a fool

Love is, first of all, a lot of stress. And stress, as a rule, turns a reasonable person into an inadequate one. Here she is - shrinking and shrinking when she sees you when she meets. May speak in a loose manner or as if lacking intelligence. She speaks in a manner that is unusual for her. She may behave too vulgarly, although this is not her style of communication at all. But by the way, the same thing happens to you. Now remember how you behaved the last time you fell in love. I'm sure like a fool. Here she is, acting like a fool. It's just stressful, that's all.

Open in communication

A girl in love will begin to tell you everything about herself openly and at the same time ask you various clarifying questions with great interest. Thus, she wants to know not only some facts about your life, but also understand the potential of her lover. She will want to understand what interests you, what goals and plans you have for the near future. If you notice that she is looking for common ground, hobbies or similar experiences, then this is a clear sign of falling in love.


Of course, a woman in love begins to flirt. It’s just like in nature, when pink flamingos start performing mating dances. All girls can do this, although not all boys can notice it. And you need to see women's signals! What could it be. Maintains his posture, can swing his leg in a relaxed manner, straightens his hair, bites his lips, has a deep, direct gaze, leans his body forward towards you, can straighten his or your clothes.

Strives to be closer

A girl in love, intentionally and unintentionally, strives to be physically closer to the object of her sympathy. For example, take a man by the arm, touch him in passing, straighten the lapel of his jacket. The same is true when a man enters her personal space: she allows him to close the distance. A girl in love is not against a straightened strand of hair, touches, light hugs.

Shows concern

Women have a maternal instinct inherent in them and you need to know that it extends not only to children. She will take care of those who are truly dear to her. And the object of love will always be dear! Therefore, if a girl has fallen in love with you, then scan all the actions that will show her care for you. If a girl starts feeding you, then believe me, she is in love with you. This signal works 100% and never fails. However, she will not demand anything in return. Instincts cannot be removed anywhere!

Gives gifts

Giving gifts means showing sympathy for a person. Many guys do this almost automatically. Flowers, irons, earrings, telephones. But if a girl gives a gift to a man who was mentioned by him in conversations earlier and, as it were, in passing, then this is a clear sign that she likes this man. Therefore, such moments are especially worth paying attention to. This means that the girl is already seriously starting to invest in the relationship.

Asks questions about family, children, housing.

When a girl is in love, she automatically begins to imagine how she could build a family with you, have children and live happily in a cozy “nest” until the end of your days together. These thoughts, of course, will slip into your conversations. She will ask questions that interest her on this topic. And this is a sure sign that she is interested in you as her future chosen one.

I hope my article helped you clarify the issue of falling in love. In fact, I want you to be able to find your other half without using any tricks or tricks. I want you to just lose your head! This is so cool! Be yourself first. And the girl who should be nearby will definitely appear! Good luck in your relationship!

Short answer:

Quite a lot of married couples face problems of this kind. Someone among the stronger sex complains that his wife is cold in bed. And the woman at that time may consider herself not sexy enough, and such thoughts can subsequently lead to complexes. Someone may have a lover due to some problems in their sex life with their husband. One way or another, there is a problem and it needs to be solved, regardless of why this happened. You shouldn’t guess, but it’s better to just talk to your wife. Perhaps this will help you resolve this situation.

Difficulties in communication

“Why does my wife refuse sex?” - this question is often asked when men decide to come to see a psychologist or sexologist. Some husbands have the feeling that their spouses have completely lost interest in sexual contact. Others, on the contrary, begin to suspect their significant other of cheating. Like, if she refuses to be intimate with me, it means that an insidious rival has appeared.

Both of these options are usually not true. The vast majority of women who regularly deprive their husbands of the joy of marital union do not have any deviations in the sexual sphere and have not lost love and tenderness for their chosen ones.

The reasons for such female behavior lie in something completely different. As a rule, by refusing sex, a wife shows her husband her dissatisfaction with some aspects of family life. In such families there are difficulties in communication. Instead of calmly discussing financial and everyday issues, men and women begin to accumulate mutual grievances. The result of these grievances is the excommunication of the husband from the marital bed.

Advice from a psychologist: 6 rules of sexual desire

The main task is not to make your partner guilty, but to solve the problem. How can you return the desire for sex to your husband? An entire article is devoted to this topic.

Rule 1: Free space

There is no need to be constantly close to each other. Give yourself and your partner a breath of fresh air. If you're always together and living like twins, you simply don't have room for passion. Neither the husband nor the wife thinks about where anyone disappears; they know everything two steps ahead. You know each other too well. Give space for freedom so that at least minimal secrets appear that will interest your partner.

Rule 2: communication

Communication in family life is necessary. Including on the topic of sex. Talk about who likes what, in what position, where and what they don't like. Whisper into your loved one's ear in a soft, bewitching voice so that he will be stupefied by saying what you would like and how. Don’t be shy about it, it will bring a new zest to your life and give you new impressions.

Rule 3: variety in sex

Never avoid intimacy with your partner. This is not only a physiological need, but also an opportunity to get closer on an emotional level. Dilute sex with foreplay: massage, unexpected touches, candles, toys, kisses. All this will have a beneficial effect on your future pastime.

Rule 4: Anticipation

Add surprises to your intimate life. Try to prepare the place, atmosphere and mood for your partner in advance. Let him tremble with desire. Don't try to do it anyhow. Let him distance himself from everything that is not connected with you, and then move on to intimacy.

Rule 5: Role Playing

Play a dress up game. The husband wanted to be a policeman, let him dress like one, and as if a cop is punishing a criminal, which will be you. Having received new emotions, the charge of hormones will jump. Change the place, add any variety to your sex life.

Rule 6: warming each other up

Doesn't want sex? Warm up his desire. Instead of a regular emoticon, send an intimate photo. Create a sexual game. You will not only stir up your partner’s interest, but also diversify the gray routine of everyday life. Just as we all look forward to a vacation or weekend, a man should look forward to meeting you.

All these tips will work if you and your partner have a trusting relationship and there are genuine feelings. Don't make a fuss over a lack of intimacy. Find out the cause and eradicate it. Conflict will only make the situation worse.

Have you encountered something like this? Tell us in the comments how you got out of this situation?

Life, life and life again4

It also often happens that at first, in the heat of love, a woman wanted to make love and everything suited her, but then the rose-colored glasses fell off, and along with them, sexual activity began to decline, because now she, exhausted after work, needs a little more time for full excitement.

And if the husband arouses him, but does not follow through, what then? Going for a bath in the middle of the night or trying to fall asleep with a heaviness in your lower abdomen? Yes, the options are not very good. So such a wife decides to refuse her life partner as much as possible until it becomes unbearable.

Be smart

Having a conversation is like playing tennis. But you have the power to change the rules of the game a little. You can interest a girl by playfully introducing flirtation into the conversation. This means not just answering a question with a question, but also making it interesting. The best use of intelligence is to conduct the dialogue in such a way that it is very difficult for her to predict your answer.

By using your wits, you can make her feel comfortable around you. Use the right compliments, sarcastic remarks and questions and you can easily turn the conversation into flirting.

Reasons for not wanting intimacy

If a husband does not want intimacy with his wife, what should he do? He has no attraction either physically or emotionally. The most common reason is household routine.

Psychology says: a man’s sexual interest can disappear because of a trivial matter.

Let us list the reasons for the lack of desire.

Reason 1: external unattractiveness

A guy meets a girl he likes. After marriage, women often neglect themselves, and their appearance leaves much to be desired. The guy is not satisfied with this, and he goes in search of a more attractive girl.

Reason 2: family quarrel

Any family conflict kills men's desire for intimacy. Sexual attraction goes away with it.

Reason 3: overprotection

This problem is quite relevant. With overprotection, a guy stops feeling like a man; he feels like a little child being looked after by his mother.

Reason 4: boring sex

Sex has become commonplace and uninteresting, without innovation or experimentation. Subsequently, interest in the partner is lost due to the lack of impressions, which a man needs to feed.

Reason 5: pregnancy

A man begins to experience fear of intimacy with his pregnant wife for fear of harming the baby on a subconscious level.

Reason 6: psychological overload

Men do not like to share their problems with others. They suppress them and experience them alone. As a result, they experience emotional overload, which has a bad effect on their intimate life.

Reason 7: disease or pathology

It happens that there is a physiological feature of the body. Sexual desire may decrease due to an infectious disease. Alcoholism, mental problems, disorders in the endocrine system, and age can also affect a decrease in desire.

Reason 8: having a mistress

Why doesn't a husband want a wife? The reason for this may be a mistress on the side who will fully satisfy his needs. To understand whether your husband is cheating on you or not, read this topic. If you think that a man does not have a mistress on his side, then this sign should not be taken into account.

Give compliments7

Another important aspect is whether the wife and her husband feel confident alone? Maybe she's worried about her appearance or something else, stretch marks, wrinkles. So, don’t be stingy with compliments, let your wife open up to you like a beautiful flower, say more kind words and instill in her the confidence that she is the most beautiful in the universe.

“I’m not used to talking a lot about such things, but for me for five/ten/two years (underline as appropriate) you have been the ideal of beauty,” banal? Don't worry, all beautiful and pleasant things are banal. And yes, it’s difficult to overdo it with complements. So don't worry about that either.

Advice from a psychologist: 6 rules of sexual desire

The main task is not to make your partner guilty, but to solve the problem. How can you return the desire for sex to your husband? An entire article is devoted to this topic.

Rule 1: Free space

There is no need to be constantly close to each other. Give yourself and your partner a breath of fresh air. If you're always together and living like twins, you simply don't have room for passion. Neither the husband nor the wife thinks about where anyone disappears; they know everything two steps ahead. You know each other too well. Give space for freedom so that at least minimal secrets appear that will interest your partner.

Rule 2: communication

Communication in family life is necessary. Including on the topic of sex. Talk about who likes what, in what position, where and what they don't like. Whisper into your loved one's ear in a soft, bewitching voice so that he will be stupefied by saying what you would like and how. Don’t be shy about it, it will bring a new zest to your life and give you new impressions.

Rule 3: variety in sex

Never avoid intimacy with your partner. This is not only a physiological need, but also an opportunity to get closer on an emotional level. Dilute sex with foreplay: massage, unexpected touches, candles, toys, kisses. All this will have a beneficial effect on your future pastime.

Rule 4: Anticipation

Add surprises to your intimate life. Try to prepare the place, atmosphere and mood for your partner in advance. Let him tremble with desire. Don't try to do it anyhow. Let him distance himself from everything that is not connected with you, and then move on to intimacy.

Rule 5: Role Playing

Play a dress up game. The husband wanted to be a policeman, let him dress like one, and as if a cop is punishing a criminal, which will be you. Having received new emotions, the charge of hormones will jump. Change the place, add any variety to your sex life.

Rule 6: warming each other up

Doesn't want sex? Warm up his desire. Instead of a regular emoticon, send an intimate photo. Create a sexual game. You will not only stir up your partner’s interest, but also diversify the gray routine of everyday life. Just as we all look forward to a vacation or weekend, a man should look forward to meeting you.

All these tips will work if you and your partner have a trusting relationship and there are genuine feelings. Don't make a fuss over a lack of intimacy. Find out the cause and eradicate it. Conflict will only make the situation worse.

Have you encountered something like this? Tell us in the comments how you got out of this situation?

What to do to make your husband want his wife badly every day. For this, love and affection alone are not enough. To make a husband want his wife every day, a strong conspiracy will help.

Prepare your spouse's favorite meat dish. Food should be hot, spiced, scalding.

I want to want a husband! Wife and husband. Family relationships. Discussion of family issues: love and jealousy, marriage and infidelity, divorce and alimony, relations between relatives

The area of ​​emotions, their occurrence, and especially their management is the dark forest of psychology. It's impossible to want to eat a pie you don't like. One of my friends, when he was a student, unloaded a carload of bananas at a camp. Since then, the smell of bananas has made him sick. Making them fall in love again is a fantasy. It’s good that you are a woman and can deceive a man about his sexual attractiveness to you. Men simply have a “no point” in dealing with those they don’t like. Well, he doesn’t get up - that’s all! And you won't be fooled. And you can’t force it - unless you get drunk ;-))

Stop constantly putting her down

This is the other side of what has already been said before. If you don't show a girl the respect she deserves, it will completely destroy her feelings of attraction towards you over time.

Many so-called “good boys” try too hard to be the “bad boys,” which men think is very attractive to women. But if you take this too far, it will lead to exactly the same result - they will lose their attractiveness in front of women. So don't make this mistake.

You must find a middle ground between subservience on your part and disrespect for her. Love, appreciate, respect her, spend time with her. It's really simple and works great even in situations where the relationship is on the verge of breaking down. Self-control on your part, courtship, helping each other - these are the basic principles of successful relationships, which even help save marriages. And you can learn more about them from a separate article devoted to this topic.

Always be on time

Congratulations, she agreed to come on a date. Alright now, buddy. Now get ready to attack. There is a difference between a date and what happened before it. From now on there is only her and you. Consider this an interview. One of the most important tips during an interview is to show up on time, especially if you have to pick her up.

She won't even be ready by then. But not being late is the least you can do. Punctuality is of great importance. This shows the girl that you can always be relied upon and that you are capable of being responsible. It won't hurt to know 10 ways to impress a girl

What should a man do?

You should not blame your wife for the current situation, since a woman’s lack of sexual desire is not her fault, but a consequence of existing problems.

What do we have to do:

  • Find out the reason . You won’t be able to guess on your own the real reasons for your wife’s refusal to have sex. The simplest thing you can do is ask her directly. The conversation should begin in private in a relaxed atmosphere, perhaps over a nice dinner or glass of wine. There is no need to make claims and blame. During the conversation, it is necessary to clarify that you care about her emotional state and want to improve sexual relationships in order to improve family life.
  • Correct mistakes . If the conversation was successful, the wife probably expressed the reasons for her coldness in bed. Whatever the reasons for refusing sex, you should analyze your behavior and take steps to solve the problem.
  • Remove some of her responsibilities . To give your wife more time to rest, you need to take on some household responsibilities: cleaning the apartment, taking care of the children, and even taking out the trash. The wife will certainly appreciate such an impulse.
  • Take care of yourself . Get a new hairstyle, join a gym, change your clothing style - pleasant changes will arouse your wife’s interest and make your husband more attractive in her eyes.
  • Pamper her and give her attention . Flowers, gifts, compliments - all this will let your wife know that she is loved and desired. Often, a man stops paying attention to his partner as soon as the sweet-bouquet period in the relationship ends. However, it is precisely such little things as a bouquet of flowers, a massage and cute gifts that give a woman a feeling of happiness and love. A satisfied wife rarely refuses to please her husband with sex or oral sex.
  • Diversify your sex life . Over the years, sex begins to resemble a mechanical performance of “marital duty” and becomes a rather boring activity. In order for intimacy to turn from everyday life into a long-awaited event for a wife, it is necessary to introduce variety: oral caresses from the husband, new interesting positions, long sensual foreplay. It wouldn’t hurt to ask your wife what exactly she wants in bed, ask her about her erotic fantasies and bring them to life.

Important ! A romantic trip together or just a weekend getaway for the two of you in a hotel or out of town will help rekindle the fire in your relationship.

Be bolder

It is believed that to be rash is to do stupid things. But you must be able to take risks and do spontaneous things. This is not at all a call to become a “bad boy.” It's just the desire to be a man. If you are not rude to her, she will be fascinated by your bossy behavior. Don't be afraid to annoy the girl a little. Tease her, damn it, push her. Let her know that you want her.

Make sure that if she decides to go home alone, she only talks about you. And even if suddenly it doesn’t happen today... she will think about you until the next date. The only thing worse than bad advertising is its absence. Famous personalities would never become famous by sitting quietly on the sidelines. If you don’t want to always be on the sidelines in her film, then be the main character. Remember to use body language and be confident!

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