Negative attitudes: how to identify and remove them forever?

Negative attitudes are the most wonderful discovery of psychology. Do you have any doubts?

I don’t, because each of you will agree that if you know the enemy by sight, you can defeat him!

Knowing that you can identify your negative attitudes and remove them is amazing for all of us. After all, this means that you can change your programs in the subconscious and create a new destiny.

Today I want to share with you a great technique that really removes negative beliefs. It just dissolves them... I often give it to my students and together we find and rewrite limiting attitudes.

The results are amazing. Everything we write comes true at the speed of light!!! Don't believe me? Take a look at the results and see for yourself! >>>>

Want to do the practice yourself? Then this article is for you!

What are negative attitudes?

  • If we consider this term from a psychological point of view, negative life attitudes are our thoughts and opinions. For example, in one part of the country people think that a salary of 1 thousand euros is normal, but it is quite difficult to live on it.
  • In another part of the country, people believe that this salary allows them to live in grand style and not deny themselves anything. Both opinions have a right to exist, because people live in different belief systems.

Types of negative attitudes

  • By the age of 12, a person has collected the entire spectrum of beliefs and beliefs. After that, he lives by his own consciousness. He independently creates his life, thoughts and emotions. However, his thoughts will be based on the beliefs he received in childhood.
  • Most people find it difficult to change their beliefs as adults. However, if you learn to acquire and strengthen knowledge, there is a great chance of making life the way it appears in our dreams.

Negative thoughts about yourself

Beliefs and health.

Beliefs are our guiding principles. We act as if they are true, regardless of whether they actually are true. NLP takes a pragmatic view of beliefs: they are the principles by which we act, and not necessarily the ones we talk about. Beliefs are generalizations based on past experiences that shape future reactions. They also have no logic. They cannot be proven. They are working hypotheses that we construct for everyday life.

How healthy do you think you are? There are interesting studies by epidemiologists in which subjects were asked to rate their general condition as excellent, good, fair or poor. This self-assessment turned out to be an excellent predictor of how long they lived. Moreover, gender, education, income level and age did not matter. Those people who believed they were in poor health were three times more likely to die over the next seven years. What we believe has a much greater impact on our health than any objective measurement.

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People with arthritis and high blood pressure may rate their health as good, while those with a mild cold may rate their health as poor. Could this be possible? Yes, because health is a subjective experience, your daily reality, and not something that can be measured and compared with other people.

The degree of health you define for yourself depends on the facts you use as evidence and the comparisons you make. It's important to remain realistic here. If by health we mean five years of all sorts of illnesses, and even the ability to run a marathon, then most likely very few will be able to consider themselves healthy. But if health is defined as balance and the ability to restore and maintain health on one’s own, then it becomes possible to remain a truly healthy person, who may sometimes get sick. Unrealistic comparisons distort our perceptions, which in turn affects our health. As you define health, build a belief about it. Your beliefs about your own health affect how long you live.

Neurobiology about negative human attitudes

  • The more often you repeat an action, the stronger the connection of neurons between the brain cells that are activated to perform that action. The greater the activation of neural connections, the more often they work in the future.
  • That is, you will perform your usual actions more often. It is believed that no connection is established between unsynchronized neurons.
  • The synoptic connection between neurons can always be changed. The more you practice, the more you will strengthen their new position. If you do not repeat your usual actions and negative beliefs, the connection between neurons will become weaker.

Negative health attitudes

Replacing negative attitudes with positive ones: examples

Working with the elements

Fire, water, air and earth also help fight stress. Planting and watering flowers and plants, frying something over a fire (of course, not in urban conditions) or lighting aromatic candles, taking a bath - all these are effective methods of combating the blues.

“Russian blues”: 8 mental disorders common in Russia

How to identify negative attitudes?

  • There is nothing difficult in identifying negative attitudes. It is enough to write down the restrictions in your life on a piece of paper.
  • To do this, you will need to have an internal conversation with yourself. Often a person does not even notice that he lives in negative beliefs. This is due to beliefs acquired over many years.
  • You must find negative attitudes in your subconscious and write them down. And they should try to hide from you. If you win this game, then you can improve your life.

Glass of water technique

Every day, find a free 10-15 minutes so that there is no one nearby who can interfere and you can relax and concentrate your energy. It is known that a person consists of 80% water, which means this is the closest matter to us. Pour a full glass of clean water, concentrate, hug it with your palms and look at the water. Feel how the energy is concentrated in your palms. Say a positive phrase over the glass; how to give the correct setting can be found in examples of affirmations. For example, “everything I do brings me success.” After this, you need to drink this glass without interrupting and thinking about the fulfillment of your plan.

How to remove negative attitudes forever?

  • If you want to get rid of negative attitudes, you need to perform a subconscious deprogramming . Unfortunately, working with the subconscious is quite difficult.
  • To clear it, you need to introduce new variables and direct them in the right direction. Analysis of the internal state, awareness of goals and aspirations is the main task of a person.
  • If you cleanse your subconscious properly, you can find the cause of the problem. In most cases, they are associated with a person’s psychological thinking. Getting rid of the problem is not difficult. There are several techniques for this, which will be discussed below.

Negative attitudes about relationships
Among the advantages of such techniques are:

  • achieving the set goal;
  • change in internal state for the better;
  • getting rid of negativity;
  • opportunity to work with the psyche.

If you get rid of unpleasant moments, you can improve your health. Remember that using deprogrammed techniques is dangerous. If you make a mistake, you can provoke a mental disorder and lead to depression.

Useful practice

“I won’t pass the Unified State Exam”, “I’m ugly and no one will ever like me”, “I’ll never learn this”, “I’ll never find a close friend”, “I won’t remember so much”, “I won’t pass the selection”, “I Nothing works out well for me, and this won’t work either”...

Imagine that your consciousness is a computer that is infected with a dangerous virus of self-dislike, and such phrases block its actions. We need to find a dangerous program, neutralize it and update the settings for successful work = life.


  • The main goal is to establish a connection with the mind and learn how to change negative attitudes. Once the connection is established, an important process begins. The pace of cleansing your subconscious from negativity will depend on your determination.
  • This technique is aimed at identifying the cause of stress . First you need to evaluate your environment (friends, work, family, etc.). Next you need to identify biases. Identify what you are afraid of and what causes anxiety and irritation.
  • The next step is to choose a keyword and set the mind. This word should be associated with cleaning (eraser, broom, mop, etc.). Then set the mind: “If a problem appears in life, I will say this word, and you will eliminate it.”
  • This technique is only suitable for those who do not show emotions. After successful work, you will be able to withstand stressful situations. Negative attitudes will disappear on their own. Using the BSFF method you can get rid of negative emotions.

Turbo gopher

  • This technique is recommended for those who want to change their lives for the better. With its help, it is possible to find peace of mind and peace. The essence of this technique is that a person must realize one thing - he himself is the source of the problem.
  • To remove negative attitudes, you should plunge into the subconscious and determine your essence. Either you are a person who cannot take responsibility for your life, or you will be a practitioner who wants to achieve better. Once you choose the second option, you will be able to independently control and banish negative thoughts.

Negative attitudes about money

How to speak


  • This method is very effective in releasing negative attitudes. With its help, you can isolate all the negativity into a separate emotion - fear, nervousness or resentment. If you are offended by a person for insulting you, close your eyes and relax. Feel this situation and reproduce the details.
  • Say to yourself: “I know that you do not wish me harm. Thank you for this." Determine for yourself what goal you are pursuing. Once you get the answer, write it down. Don't be afraid to reproduce unpleasant situations in your subconscious. This will help you succeed.


If you decide to use this system to get rid of negative attitudes, you can use different points on the body:

  • chest (in the solar plexus area);
  • ocular primary (upper part of the eye);
  • ocular secondary (outer corner of the eye).

Place your finger on one of the selected points and say: “Even though there are problems in my life, I love myself and accept myself in this guise.” This ritual must be performed daily. Within a few days you will notice that you have become more balanced and calm.

Negative attitudes are a part of human life. Unfortunately, no one is safe from them. If you want to improve your life and fight negativity, use one of the above methods of subconscious deprogramming.

Useful articles on the site:

  • Negative generic scenarios in personal life
  • Ho'oponopono Cleansing Method for Beginners
  • How to get rid of bad thoughts in your head
  • Characteristics and features of karmic relationships
  • What are chakras and why should you clean them?

A little history

But let's first understand the terms. According to the theory of Sigmund Freud, human consciousness consists of 3 levels: consciousness, preconscious (essentially, memory) and subconscious - the true feelings and desires of a person, restrained by the “censorship” of consciousness and social norms. These are human instincts that are not allowed to reach the conscious level.

The human brain uses only 8% of the conscious resource, the remaining 92% is an unconscious reserve. You are your true feelings and desires, and your consciousness is a filter and censor. In the process of developing and raising a child, not only positive aspects accumulate in his subconscious, but also social and mental garbage, and certain axioms of behavior are imposed on him.

Thinking processes take years to form, and in order to change anything in the subconscious, you need to influence it at the very center. Attempts to change something in your reactions on a conscious level, as a rule, fail, because it is difficult to eliminate with sheer enthusiasm what has developed over the years. Then you should think about using deprogramming of the subconscious, this is tantamount to clearing it.

It is important not just to mask or replace the problem, but to remove the mental energy that turns an ordinary phrase into a command.

Deprogramming frees the subconscious material from its energetic charge and leaves just a neutral thought that does not cause any emotion. It finds the root of the problem, analyzes it and completely eliminates it. This is a kind of anti-virus program for your subconscious.

There are several approaches

to deprogram the subconscious:

  • BSFF
  • E.F.T.
  • Turbo gopher
  • PEAT
  • aspects
  • glass of water technique
  • angry letter
  • Hawaiian technique Ho'oponopono.

We will look at each in detail separately.

Read about money negative beliefs that keep you in poverty at the link.

BSFF (Be Set Free Fast) technique - become free quickly

In the 90s of the twentieth century, psychiatrist Larry Nims developed BSFF and since then it has proven its effectiveness more than once.

This practice involves direct contact with your own subconscious and direct interaction with it. It sounds a little complicated and confusing, but it's actually easy and not at all scary to do.

One of the main advantages of this program is its IMMEDIATE effect.

How to perform

  1. Determine the most pressing problem or task for you right now.

For example: the boss is finding fault.

  1. Express very expressively, emotionally, what you think about this. Write down your words like this, for example:
  • Goat!
  • It doesn't give life at all!
  • I'm a human too!
  • I can’t fulfill all his whims!
  • I can’t rewrite the report for the 25th time!
  • Pi-i-i-ip….
  1. Now set yourself a keyword or phrase. It’s better not directly related to the problem. For example, “hammer”. Tell yourself: “If I keep thinking about what the boss got me, I’ll just say “hammer” and my problem will disappear.” Or tell your subconscious, “Process it.”
  2. Starting at the top, read each paragraph out loud or silently and complete each with a key word/phrase until a yawn occurs. Or until you feel emotionally let go.
  3. After completing all points, say this final statement:

I am now eliminating, at one time, all remaining parts of the _____ problem, as well as all limiting thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and emotions that might cause me to maintain or ever accept the _____ problem back. After that, say your keyword.

In place of the dash, you insert the name of your difficulty, for example, in this case it would be “The boss got it.” Say this statement several times, each time adding a keyword

as many times as needed until an irresistible urge to yawn appears

Does BSFF work for everyone?

BSFF is not some kind of shamanism performed by someone on you. This is a process in which you yourself actively participate. If you approach it with a “come on, show me some more of this nonsense” attitude and hope that your life will miraculously change on its own, you won't realize the full benefits of BSFF. However, if you are willing to be open and follow the instructions, you will be surprised at the amazing results it can bring.


EFT – energy therapy.

It works like this:

  1. The problem is identified. Anything can happen here - “my husband is cheating on me,” “I hate my boss,” and so on.
  2. She is being assessed. A 10-point scale is used, in which 0 means no problem, 10 means it manifests itself in life to the fullest. An assessment is necessary to further monitor whether the problem has disappeared.
  3. Motivation is formulated. A person accepts a problem and removes obstacles to resolve it. The phrase is repeated three times: “Despite (name of the problem), I love and accept myself, my own body and soul, and (name of the problem).” The index and middle fingers tap a point located on the edge of the palm - “karate”.
  4. Tapping. Focusing on the problem, tapping is done with the previously indicated fingers (5-7 times):
  • EB – beginning of the eyebrow;
  • SE – side of the eye;
  • UE – bottom of the eye;
  • UN – under the nose;
  • Ch – on the chin;
  • CB – bone;
  • UA – axillary cavity;
  • Th – thumb;
  • IF – index finger;
  • MF – middle finger;
  • LF – little finger.

The dotted circle passes completely.

  1. Adjustment. After completing the circle, 2 outcomes are possible - the person is in a positive mood or simply calm, the negative emotion has not passed.

If the problem persists, the steps are repeated.

Cause and investigation.

Our beliefs help us explain cause-and-effect relationships. Cause and effect is a suitable explanation when one event follows another without delay and without any deviation. When you cut your hand, it immediately begins to bleed. The further events are separated in time, the more difficult it is to claim that one “caused” the other, because many other events manage to line up in a chain between them.

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It is very difficult to formulate any simple cause and effect relationship for health. The human body is one of the most complex systems known in this world, and more often than not, there are many causes and connections. Some factors are necessary, but not sufficient for the development of the disease. The virus “causes” the flu, but only when many other factors are present, otherwise everyone in the world would have the flu all the time.

The human body works as a system, always trying to heal itself, even when it seems to be doing the opposite. For example, osteoporosis is a progressive decrease in bone density. The body pulls calcium from the bones, causing them to become even more brittle. Why does the body take calcium? To survive. A certain amount of calcium is necessary for the normal functioning of nerves. Your life depends on how your body uses calcium. When the body cannot get the amount of calcium it needs from food, it is forced to take it from the bones. Food contains enough calcium as long as the body can absorb it, but many foods make this task difficult. Cow's milk contains a huge amount of calcium, as well as phosphorus, which interferes with the absorption of calcium. Animal protein also prevents the penetration of calcium into the human body. The more animal protein you consume, the more calcium your body releases. The traditional Western diet contains triple the protein we need. A diet with enough calcium will not help if the body does not have the ability to absorb it. For osteoporosis there must be a certain diet.

Many symptoms represent the body's attempt to heal itself. Inflammation helps provide the damaged area with more blood and lymph. Increased temperature and fever enable the immune system to do its work faster. When an infection enters the body, it begins to produce chemicals that increase the level of the “thermostat” located in the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature. When the immune system defeats the infection, these substances stop being produced, and the body breaks out in sweat, trying to cool itself down.

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