20 questions to identify depression and 10 tips to avoid it

One of the human mental disorders is depression. Signs of the disorder include sleep disturbance, decreased appetite, depression, apathy, impaired concentration, slow thinking and other signs. Depression can develop as a result of severe stress, illness, or when taking certain medications. Endogenous depression develops without the influence of certain negative factors and has no obvious cause; somatogenic depression is based on various diseases; psychogenic depression is based on stress caused by various life situations. Depression can cause the development of suicidal tendencies and lead to the development of alcoholism and drug addiction. To determine the degree of development of depression in a patient, tests are used, including the Beck Anxiety Inventory (Beck Depression Inventory).

The Beck Anxiety Scale and Zang Scale are used to screen a patient’s depressive state; the diagnosis is made by psychiatrists. The Yusupov Hospital treats depressive conditions and diagnoses mental disorders using various techniques. Yusupov Hospital is a modern multidisciplinary medical center, which includes several multidisciplinary clinics, a diagnostic center, a laboratory, a hospital, and a rehabilitation center. The hospital provides physiotherapeutic procedures, massages, and offers patients comfortable rooms with all amenities.

During the test, typical manifestations of a mental disorder are revealed. All types of depression manifest themselves with typical symptoms:

  • Depressive state - depression, bad mood, depressed state.
  • Mental retardation - poor emotions, lack of initiative, fatigue, passivity, decreased appetite, preoccupation with one's own fears, loss of interest in people.
  • Motor retardation - slow speech, slow movement, the patient lies more, often without changing posture, selects the answer to the question for a long time.

The difference between the psychogenic form of depression:

  • Depression is preceded by a stressful situation.
  • The state of health worsens after a repeat of the stressful situation.
  • Depression worsens in the evening.
  • Symptoms of depression disappear after the stressful situation ends.

Endogenous depression does not have a previous trauma to the mental disorder, manifests itself with symptoms traditional for all types of depression, and is difficult to diagnose. Symptoms of an endogenous depressive state can appear in adolescents and people over 40 years of age; the patient’s condition worsens in the morning. Unlike the psychogenic form of the disorder, which is treated with psychotherapy, the endogenous disorder is treated with medication. After passing the test, the doctor asks additional questions and assesses the patient’s state of thinking - this helps to make a correct diagnosis.

What is the Beck Scale?

The Beck scale test is a technique developed by doctor Beck and his colleagues that helps to make a diagnosis of depression based on certain patient complaints and symptoms of a mental disorder. The Beck Depression Scale has been used since the 60s of the last century to the present; the patient can fill out the test form independently, answering all the questions. The Beck Hopelessness Scale has two subscales:

  • Subscale of somatic manifestations of mental disorder, depression (SP).
  • Subscale cognitive-affective (C-A).

The Beck depression scale test contains several points, which are scored from 0 to 3 points, the indicators are summed up, resulting in a total score of 0 and above. The severity of the depressive state is determined by the number of points.

The essence and definition of depression

Depression is a common, severe mood disorder. It becomes the cause of sadness, a feeling of helplessness and doom, a state of helplessness that was previously not characteristic of a person. Depression can take a moderate form with symptoms such as apathy, lack of appetite, problems falling asleep, decreased self-esteem, and chronic fatigue. Sometimes depression manifests itself in a more serious form. It can last for several months or several years, disrupting the normal life and activity of a woman, her ability to work, as well as relationships with other people. Depression is also strongly associated with the risk of divorce.

Beck Depression Inventory: Take the test

The Beck Depression Inventory, which can be taken as a pre-medical test on the Internet, identifies the most significant symptoms of a mental disorder. The tests are designed for adults and adolescents. When taking the test, questions will be asked, the answers to which will help assess the patient’s mental state. Testing will show the patient’s condition on the Beck Depression Inventory at present and a week ago, on the scale of cognitive-affective manifestations, and on the scale of somatic manifestations. The Beck Depression Inventory contains 21 categories of different symptoms and most common patient complaints. Each category contains 4 questions that determine the shades of the patient’s condition:

  1. How do you feel (currently, previously).
  2. Is there anxiety, the degree of anxiety (currently, previously).
  3. Do you feel like a failure?
  4. Degree of satisfaction with life (currently and previously).
  5. Do you feel guilty?
  6. Is there an expectation of punishment?
  7. Do you feel disappointed with yourself?
  8. Attitude towards oneself (criticism, blaming oneself for wrong behavior).
  9. Do you have suicidal thoughts?
  10. Has tearfulness appeared?
  11. Has your irritability increased?
  12. Have you lost interest in life and people?
  13. Is it easy to make decisions?
  14. How has your perception of your appearance changed?
  15. Has performance changed?
  16. Has your sleep been disturbed?
  17. Do you often feel tired?
  18. Has your appetite changed?
  19. Has your body weight changed?
  20. The degree of concern about your physical health.
  21. Has your attitude towards sex life changed?

Questions containing shades of the patient's mood help determine the severity of depression. Questions are scored according to mood shades, for example:

  • I don't feel sad - 0.
  • I am sad and depressed - 1.
  • I suffer from depression and melancholy - 2.
  • I am unhappy and cannot bear my condition – 3.

Test yourself:

  • Do you often have a lack of desire to do anything?
  • Do you often have a bad mood and/or a feeling of helplessness?
  • Is your sleep disrupted?
  • Do you often feel low on energy?
  • Do you often have poor appetite or overeat?
  • Do you consider yourself a failure?
  • Is it difficult to concentrate when reading or watching TV programs?
  • Do you experience slow speech and movement or fidgetiness?
  • Do thoughts enter your head that it would be better to die?

These are questions from a questionnaire recommended by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for self-assessment of depression. If the answers are more “yes” than “no,” it’s probably time to seek professional help.

Today depression is treatable. Not quickly, but successfully. Antidepressants and psychotherapy are used for treatment.

You should not rely only on your own strength and try to overcome it alone. Because depression is not only an emotional disorder, it is also a disorder in the metabolism of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine (biologically active substances that regulate the functioning of the brain and other organs). And this exchange can only be established by taking antidepressants .

Modern antidepressants do not cause dependence or addiction. But for a lasting effect, they should be taken for a long time: another 6-24 months from the day the symptoms of depression went away. Otherwise everything will come back. Visible improvement appears after 3-8 weeks of taking the drug.

Working with a psychotherapist will speed up the healing process. It will help you understand yourself and your desires better. The main task of every person is to be happy. The sooner treatment begins, the better and faster the effect will be. Don't waste your time. Life is priceless!

Beck Depression Inventory: Interpretation

The Beck Depression Inventory produces a score that the clinician interprets as follows:

  • From 0 to 13 is the norm
  • From 14 to 19 – mild depression.
  • From 20 to 28 – moderate depression.
  • From 29 to 63 – severe depression.

19 points on the Beck scale refers to clinical manifestations; if the test shows more than 24 points, the patient needs drug therapy, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants. The Beck Depression Inventory form can be downloaded online. You can fill out the Beck Depression Inventory and take the test at the Yusupov Hospital. The Beck Scale test is considered a pre-medical assessment test that can be taken on your own or in a hospital and consulted with a doctor after taking the test. The Yusupov Hospital employs experienced psychiatrists; the hospital specializes in the treatment of neurological diseases; the clinic also has departments of therapy, oncology, surgery, an addiction treatment clinic, and a rehabilitation department.

Hospital patients note the comfort and cleanliness of the departments, the attentiveness and responsible attitude of the medical staff, and the professionalism of the doctors. Doctors use modern treatment methods, innovative, certified medications. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Depression during pregnancy

It is assumed that the expectation of the imminent arrival of a child should be directly correlated with a sense of well-being, which in turn protects a woman from psychological problems. But in practice, it turns out that pregnant women are just as likely to be depressed as other women.

Factors that increase the risk of developing depression during this period include:

  • Having depression, severe PMS or PMDD before pregnancy.
  • Age of the pregnant woman: the older the woman, the lower the risk.
  • Social withdrawal.
  • Deprivation of social and friendly support.
  • Marital quarrels.
  • Uncertainty about the desirability of having a child.

Treatment of postpartum depression

It is treated in the same way as any other form of depression, which involves the use of psychotherapeutic methods and/or medications. If a woman is breastfeeding during therapy, this should be reported to the attending psychotherapist in order to draw up a correct treatment plan. Since it is assumed (not yet confirmed) that the active substances included in antidepressants may pass into breast milk in small quantities, the doctor will need to weigh the possible risks and benefits of using antidepressants and, perhaps, focus more on non-drug therapy for depression.

Since the birth of a child and, in connection with this, a change in lifestyle can affect both the psychological well-being of the woman herself and her relationship with her husband, it is recommended to pay attention to the recommendations of psychologists on how to improve relationships with her husband after the birth of a child, as well as what prejudices the mother should get rid of so as not to drive yourself into depression.

Does depression affect pregnancy?

The following trends are highlighted:

  • The insidiousness of this disorder is that a person stops taking care of himself. For a pregnant woman, this may be critical. Pregnant women suffering from depression are less likely to follow doctors' recommendations, sleep and rest patterns, physical activity and a balanced diet.
  • This disorder can push a woman to drink alcohol and smoke tobacco, which negatively affects both the health of the expectant mother and her baby.
  • Worsening depression may interfere with bonding and bonding with the child.

On the other hand, pregnancy also affects the course of depression:

  • An pregnant woman's increased sensitivity to stressful circumstances and their more severe experience may contribute to the development of a depressive disorder or a worsening of existing symptoms.
  • Without appropriate therapy, depressive symptoms do not disappear with childbirth, but the name changes - postpartum depression. To assess the signs of depression, take the Test: Postpartum Depression (it is also aimed at pregnant women).

How can a woman cope with menopausal symptoms?

  • Eat healthy foods and maintain moderate but regular exercise (workout is effective in controlling anxiety levels).
  • Get involved in a creative activity, find an interesting hobby that will guide you towards pleasant achievements.
  • Find a technique that can balance your mental state: this could be meditation, certain relaxation breathing techniques, yoga (other techniques, strategic self-help for anxiety).
  • Try to keep the air in the bedroom at a cool temperature, which will help prevent sweating during sleep and, as a result, sleep disturbances.
  • Seek emotional support from friends, close family, or professional help as needed.
  • Maintain family relationships, communicate in different interest groups, strengthen friendships with other people.
  • Follow your doctor's instructions regarding taking vitamins, dietary supplements, minerals and other medications prescribed to you.
  • During periods of frequent hot flashes, give preference to loose-fitting clothing.

Tips for pregnant women to relieve symptoms of depression

The preparatory efforts associated with the birth of a baby are energy-intensive and require significant effort and time. But the health of the expectant mother should be given priority. Try not to get hung up on the fact that everything has to be perfect, cut down on current, routine work and do what contributes to your relaxation and calm. Discussing any issues that concern you with your loved ones will help you establish peace of mind and have a beneficial effect on your well-being. Maintain trusting relationships with friends, partner, and loved ones.

If you feel that you are unable to cope on your own, seek professional help from a psychotherapist.

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