300 questions for two to get to know each other better♥

Someone else's soul is darkness. To get to know each other, you need to either live side by side for several decades, or ask each other about the secret.

Romantic, intimate, humorous questions will help reveal new facets of character and inflame sexual desire. After all, the “familiar stranger” is an amazing Cave of Wonders, full of treasures, dark and sometimes terrible secrets. By asking each other questions, you go on a research expedition of the human soul - what could be more exciting?

If any of the questions on the following list seem too intrusive or inappropriate, you don't have to ask them.

Questions about childhood2

  • What was your biggest fear as a child?
  • What was your favorite food as a child? What's your favorite dish right now?
  • What was your favorite treat as a child?
  • Did you want to change your name as a child? If so, what would you like to be called?
  • Did you want to have a little brother or sister as a child?
  • Did you have a favorite lesson at school?
  • What affectionate name did your parents call you?
  • Have you ever been to a children's summer camp?
  • At what age did you start asking to use the potty?
  • What is your best childhood memory?
  • What's your worst childhood memory?
  • How did your parents punish you?

  • Did your parents often punish you?
  • Did your parents inspire more fear or love?
  • Did they sing lullabies to you?
  • How many toys did you have?
  • Have you often broken toys?
  • Was there a toy that you dreamed of, but you never bought it?
  • Do you still have your childhood toys?
  • Do you remember your first D grade at school?
  • Did you like your first teacher?
  • Was T often capricious at the table?
  • As a child, which parent was more loving?
  • Did you have a friend in childhood whom you wanted to follow as an example?
  • At what age did you learn to read and write?
  • Did you cry often as a child?
  • As a child, which adult did you trust the most?
  • In childhood, did you feel the support of your family, or did they just evaluate and condemn?
  • Did you want to turn into some kind of animal as a child? In which?
  • What kind of superhero did you want to become?
  • What pets did you have? What were their names?
  • Have you ever had to skip classes?
  • Have you always told your parents the truth?
  • Did you have to clean up your school diary?
  • Who was your favorite Star Wars character?
  • What were your favorite cartoons?
  • Have you often been put in a corner?
  • Did your parents always punish you fairly?

  • Were you forced to participate in the sports section? Music school?
  • Have you ever broken a window with a ball?
  • Did you have a fear of the dark as a child?
  • Have you ever binged on candy or other treats to the point where your stomach started to hurt?
  • Have you ever stolen raspberries or apples?
  • “A terrible secret”: have you ever had to tear off the wings of flies or butterflies?
  • What was the funniest promise you made to your parents?
  • Were you afraid of Babayka? Did they scare you with Babayka?
  • What do you want to become when you grow up?
  • Have you ever climbed trees?
  • Who was your sworn enemy?
  • Who was your best friend?
  • What was your biggest school mischief?
  • Have you ever wanted to run away from home?
  • What are your earliest memories?
  • Did you study well at school?
  • Were you a good boy (girl) or a bully?
  • What's the best birthday you've ever had?
  • Did your parents organize children's parties for you?
  • Have you had a lavish birthday celebration?

Wedding riddles about the groom with a trick

Separately, prepare funny questions for the bride. But for the tasks to be creative , it is not necessary to use standard riddles, such as how many dumplings can your loved one eat at one time? It will be more interesting if you invite the young woman to draw the eyes of her beloved or show her photographs from which she must choose the one that depicts the eyes of her husband. Do the same trick with the hand or foot prints of your chosen one.

Questions and answers for the bride and groom should not offend or embarrass them, cause resentment or ruin their mood. Therefore, discuss everything thoroughly with the newlyweds and find out if there is any topic that they would not like to talk about.

Questions about dreams4

  • Do you want children? How many children do you want?
  • What life values ​​do you think should be instilled in children first?
  • Would you like to learn how to ride a horse?
  • What unusual food or drink would you like to try?
  • How do you feel about extreme sports?
  • Would you like to bungee jump?
  • Would you like to live in a village?
  • What is your most unusual vacation?
  • Do you want to visit the mountains?
  • Would you like to climb Everest?
  • Which tropical island would you like to go to?
  • Would you like to celebrate New Year in Lapland?
  • Do you want to go on a trip to India?
  • Would you like to visit Antarctica?
  • Have you ever wanted to indulge in unbridled revelry?
  • Would you like to see a real Spanish bullfight?
  • Or maybe you would like to run with the bulls through the streets of Pamplona?
  • Do you have a favorite superhero?
  • What toys were your favorite?
  • Do you have any children's toys left?
  • Would you like to attend the premiere of a film or play?

  • What historical era would you like to live in?
  • Would you like to visit the future?
  • What historical secret would you like to know?
  • Would you like to go back to your childhood?
  • At what age would you like to remain permanently?
  • What kind of wedding do you dream of: a magnificent one or a modest one?
  • Which of your habits do you consider the strangest?
  • Would you like to live forever?
  • What emoticons do you use most often?
  • Do you have a wish list?
  • Do you like to recite poetry?
  • Do you like reading aloud?
  • Would you like to go on a real hound hunt?

List of questions and quiz

A quiz for newlyweds at a wedding is interesting not only to the heroes of the occasion, who will eventually get to know the chosen one even better, but also to the guests, for whom it will be entertainment.

The test for a husband and wife, as far as they know each other, consists of both serious and funny questions. Everyone who came to congratulate the spouses will listen to the answers with interest. Guests will happily laugh at the most funny of them.

Photo of the bride answering a question asked by guests at the wedding

Here are some you can ask newlyweds:

  1. During a fire, what would your spouse rescue first?
  2. What was the most absurd act of your loved one?
  3. Which of the life actions of your spouse is the craziest for her/him?
  4. Name the most romantic act of a husband/wife.
  5. What's the most unexpected place you've kissed?
  6. Which of your lover's habits annoys you the most?
  7. What part of the bride/groom's body do you love most?
  8. Where would you prefer to go on your honeymoon if you could choose any corner of the planet?
  9. Which artist would play the role of a young person in a film dedicated to her/him?
  10. How many children does your spouse want to have?
  11. Would you trust your significant other to choose your wedding dress?
  12. Do you remember the exact date of your first date and the moment your relationship began?
  13. What delicacy does the bride/groom like most?
  14. Who is the boss in your union?
  15. What affectionate nickname does the young man call the young woman?
  16. What do you prefer: spending time alone or going out with him/her in the company of friends?
  17. Which song does your spouse like more than the others?
  18. What season does your husband/wife like?
  19. What specific words did the young man say when proposing marriage?
  20. Under what circumstances did you meet?

To have a lot of fun and “get to know” your newly-made husband and wife even closer, you can conduct the “He and She” quiz. Young and young people take part in it, and the guests will be spectators

You will need to prepare two signs, one of which will say “He” and the other “She ”. The host will read out the questions, and the bride and groom will answer them by holding up the correct card. Guests will watch the game and learn facts about the new family.

Photos of wedding signs with the inscriptions Mr. and Mrs.

You can prepare the following questions for the competition with the “He and She” or Mr. signs. and Mrs.:

  1. Which one of you two will throw out the trash?
  2. Who was more worried and worried at the first rendezvous?
  3. Who sings in the bath?
  4. Who never turns off the light?
  5. Who initiated the first kiss?
  6. Who doesn't arrive on time more often?
  7. Who constantly pulls the blanket in their direction?
  8. Who will decide on spending wedding money?
  9. Who says where to organize a weekend trip?
  10. Who causes dinner to burn?
  11. Who will give you happiness?

These cool wedding questions for newlyweds can be endless. But it is recommended to ensure that their number is limited, otherwise the game will drag on and become uninteresting.

36 questions for a couple: questionnaire for two lovers

Before you take the plunge into moving in together, it's important to clarify a few things. For example, is there something that you cannot accept and live as a couple? Now is the time to find out from your partner. You can also create your own list of 36 questions by reading the questions about relationships and family.

  1. In married life, should everything be strictly according to the schedule or can you go with the flow?
  2. When it comes to housework, how willing are you to help each other?
  3. To save your family budget, will you agree to live in a hostel or not?
  4. Would you be upset if your life partner had plastic surgery without your knowledge?
  5. If you adhere to the canons of a certain religion, then should your significant other do the same?
  6. When you wake up, do you immediately get up or do you like to soak in bed some more after waking up?
  7. Can you protect your family from the attacks of a bully?
  8. How do you get ready for bed? (What do you do before bed?)
  9. Do you like to cook? (Are you a good cook?)
  10. How do you usually apologize if you've upset someone?
  11. What do you like more: inviting people over, having parties, or always being alone?
  12. How would you react if your life partner's parents suddenly came to visit?
  13. Are you ready to host after you've had a bad day at work?
  14. After the wedding, should you plan romantic evenings and mutual dates or let everything happen naturally?
  15. Should we wash each other's clothes or should everyone take care of their own?
  16. Are you willing to move often or do you want to live and grow old in one place?
  17. Would you be willing to support each other if one of you suddenly wanted to change your successful career?
  18. When is the best time to meet each other's relatives together?
  19. Would you let your parents move in with you? (Would you move in with them yourself?)
  20. What is the best way to share holidays among relatives?
  21. Were your parents caring people or did they often not care about you?
  22. Which writer would you like to interview? (Read the list of questions for interviewing a writer).
  23. Is there anything from your childhood family traditions that you want to carry into your new family?
  24. Do you remember any serious family fights when you were growing up?
  25. How would you feel if your marriage partner began to discuss family problems first with friends, and only then with you?
  26. Would you believe your life partner that your friends or relatives hurt him or is this completely impossible?
  27. If a family member of your life partner asked you to lend him money, would you consult your partner first or make the decision yourself?
  28. Do you like your life partner's family?
  29. If your marriage partner's family were left homeless, would you allow them to stay with you?
  30. Did you often have quarrels with your family or did you live amicably and get along well with each other?
  31. If you believed that your life partner should change his behavior and manner of communication, how would you tell him about it?
  32. What movie are you willing to watch together every six months?
  33. What do you consider the best thing about your relationship?
  34. What's the best gift you've ever been given?
  35. How long should it take before you start looking for each other if one day after work you don’t come home on time and your phone calls don’t get answered?
  36. Do you scatter your socks or always put them in one place?

How well do I know my friend: what kind of test is this and what is its purpose?

How well do I know my girlfriend?
As is already clear from the title “How well do I know my girlfriend” , this test is designed to help determine the reciprocity and quality of friendship. Let's take a closer look.

The point of this test, in fact, like any other, is to consistently answer questions by choosing from several options. By the way, this test contains 14 questions , for which 3 to 4 answer options . Like other psychological studies, the How Well Do I Know My Girlfriend has several key characteristics:

  • Standardity

Each test undergoes a standardization procedure in advance, following which the results obtained must comply with sociological and cultural norms. In this way, a range of values ​​is created that shows how strongly a certain indicator under study is expressed.

  • Reliability

This is a characteristic that shows the ability of a test to give similar results when repeated. A reliable test can give similar results regardless of the gender of the person being tested or the time of year. The influence of any factors on the study should always be minimized by the test itself, which shows its reliability.

  • Validity

This characteristic shows how well the research results correspond to the feature being studied. Validity can be external or internal. External validity is tested using positive correlation.

Internal correlation implies a theoretical connection, so it's more complicated. In this case, the stated aspects indicate the consistency of the model. However, if similar research methods exist, correlation with a known method can be used, which will greatly simplify the process.

Worth knowing: Despite the fact that it is not customary to take the results of psychological tests one hundred percent seriously, they can still bring a lot of benefit, as they really allow a person to learn a lot about himself and those around him.

TOP 7 signs of true friendship

Sometimes it is difficult to understand whether friendship between people or simple communication

Can't figure out what the status of your relationship is or how strong your friendship is? Here are 7 main signs that distinguish friendship from simple communication:

  1. You come to each other's aid. No matter what happens and no matter how busy you are, you will always rush to each other’s aid. This is a prerequisite for friendship.
  2. The right advice at the right time. A faithful friend has the superpower of giving the right advice at the right moment. And this is truly a huge plus, without exaggeration, because often we need simple human advice. The same applies to you: you are always ready to assess the situation as objectively as possible and suggest a plan of action.
  3. You are not shy with each other. You are so close that you can look at photos of each other, where both of you are not much more beautiful than a monkey. Moreover, you do not humiliate your friend’s appearance, but laugh sincerely and kindly. Together.
  4. There is trust between you. You can trust each other with almost everything. And, of course, keep your friend’s secrets to the last. Even if there is a conflict between you, you do not run to tell everyone what she told you the other day.
  5. You have common interests. Be that as it may, girlfriends most often have the same interests. This is quite logical, because if you hate hard rock, you are unlikely to go to a rock concert. By the way, a lot depends on interests: both topics for conversation and worldview.
  6. Similar sense of humor. Have you noticed how similar the friends are in their sense of humor? They really have the same way of delivering a joke. Of course, there is some imitation in this (after all, when you communicate with a person 24/7, you involuntarily begin to copy him). But, you must admit, if you are an ardent fan of dark humor, and your friend simply hates such jokes, you are unlikely to be able to create a strong friendship.
  7. You tell each other the truth. In public, you can behave as you please. But in one-on-one communication, you will always tell each other the truth. It doesn’t matter what it concerns: appearance, selection of clothes or more serious issues. You will not lie, fearing that if the answer is negative (actually truthful), your relationship may deteriorate.

How to make friends + how to be friends correctly?

What are psychological tests?

Psychological tests reveal personality
Before moving on to the main topic of the article, it’s worth first understanding what psychological tests are in essence and what are their features?

  • Psychological tests are a standardized research method designed to determine all the individual qualities and properties of the subject such as: psychophysiological characteristics, skills and abilities.

Read another interesting article on our website on the topic: “Why is a friend dreaming?” . You will find the most popular meanings of such a dream.

A psychological research method is called a test only if it simultaneously has the following indicators:

  • A standard list of questions or tasks of some type.
  • The presence of at least one measurement scale that allows you to quantify the results of the study.
  • Connection of answers to questions and tasks with a specific measurement scale.
  • A standard method of conducting that has specific instructions for the test subject, rules for using the information received, as well as instructions for possible stopping or completing the test.
  • Possibility for formalized or automatic verification of the obtained research results by determining the number of points using a weighting coefficient on the scale.
  • Test standard: a fixed threshold for transferring the received points into the grade category.
  • A formal model for interpreting advice on choosing any decisions or results associated with intervals of scale values.
  • Intended to assess any characteristic of one person being studied, using an individual and quantitative method.

Now that we know what psychological tests are and what they represent, it will be much easier to understand the main topic of the article. Read on.

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