20 rules of a happy person. 50% of happiness is genetically determined


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Being happy is not such a simple task, but rather a daily effort that is worth it. People who have nothing to complain about will never assert themselves at the expense of others, obsessively demand attention and ignore their own feelings.

They remember that life is short

Happy people understand that they have a fairly short period of time to live a full and amazing life. And this doesn’t scare them, but, on the contrary, makes them get out of bed every day to spend another day that they won’t have to regret later. In addition, people who feel happy calmly accept the fact that the unpredictable can happen tomorrow, both good and bad, so they try not to waste time on trifles.

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They spend money wisely

Despite the fact that, as a rule, money is opposed to happiness, claiming that it has nothing to do with it, a happy person still remains moderately thrifty (but not stingy!) He understands the value of earned money and knows that it is necessary to have a couple of nest eggs so as not to accidentally find yourself in a difficult situation, breaking an ankle, for example, and do not waste money on unnecessary things. This is what financial freedom is all about: understanding that money can’t buy happiness and not trying to do so.

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Who is a happy person? Opinions of great people

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Happiness is a deeply philosophical concept, and it is simply impossible to define it unambiguously. Each person interprets happiness in his own way, depending on personal values ​​and life priorities. Therefore, who is a happy person , each of us also determines independently, or does not bother with this question at all - he simply lives.

But in addition to the philistine views on this path in life, there are also the opinions of famous people - historical figures, scientists, writers and simply successful people. What do they think about this?

Even in ancient times, people asked questions: what is happiness and who is a happy person ? Pythagoras, for example, argued that you should not chase happiness all your life, since it was originally contained in the person himself. And Democritus of Abdera said that it is not the power of the physical shell and not wealth that brings people happiness, but wisdom and truth.

At a later time, Goethe wrote that if a person is afraid of grief, then he will never be able to know happiness. And Antoine Rivarol expressed the opinion that one person, not having something, is sometimes very unhappy, while another, even if he has it, is also not happy. And Leo Tolstoy believed that the absence of hunger and disease is already happiness.

So who is a happy person ? The measure of our happiness, undoubtedly, lies within us. Only we determine how happy we are or, conversely, unhappy.

From the outside, people can determine that a person has everything his soul could desire, but in the depths of his essence he will not feel happiness. And everyone around will believe that he is the happiest person in the world. That is, in the words of Albert Einstein, everything is relative.

For some, happiness lies in material values, success, popularity, career, while for others, happiness cannot be found without love, friendship, health, and family.

Happiness, as a state, does not last forever; moreover, it is a moment that comes and passes, accompanied by the release of endorphin into the blood - the hormone of joy. Another thing is that I really want to prolong and make such moments more frequent.

It seems that only one thing can be stated with complete confidence about happiness: the options for happiness depend directly on the diversity of human needs, values ​​and imagination, since it is thinking that paints pictures of our expected happiness in all the rich colors.

Naturally, you will not be satisfied with spiritual values ​​alone, therefore, no matter how high and noble human views on happiness are, real life forces a person to land on earth and acquire a share of commercialism.

Therefore, complete happiness without financial well-being is still impossible, at least in our modern society. After all, a person needs not only to support himself, but also to take care of his loved ones, educate and raise children, which means that without self-realization and material well-being today it is impossible to build simple human happiness.

You can enjoy following another interpretation of happiness from an unknown author. It says that a happy person is not the one who has all the best, but the one who extracts the best from what he already has.

And if you decide to be happy from this moment, you will become so. There is no need to doubt it! There is another wonderful saying about this: if you don’t know how to live, live happily!

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Categories: Human emotions Tags: Psychology, joy, happiness, emotions

They listen to their own feelings

Happy people are not born, but become influenced by many factors. Happiness, like love, friendship and self-realization, is one of those things that people work on every day. This work begins with a dialogue with oneself: a happy person listens to his feelings and emotions and makes contact with them. He does not suppress them and does not bury them in the depths of the subconscious, knowing that reasonable decisions alone will not lead to a happy life, and seeks a balance between feelings and reason, giving words to both sides.

Does not focus on material wealth

Wealth and material security today are often identified with the concept of happiness. However, in fact, the saying “Money can’t buy happiness” is one of the greatest truths that not everyone can understand.

Wealth does not make a person happy. It satisfies human needs, and even then only for a short time. That is why a happy person does not strive to acquire all the riches of the world and surround himself with an abundance of status things.

Material wealth for him is only one of many components of life, and much less important than friendships and the love of loved ones.

They manage their own lives

It is almost impossible to offend a happy person because he does not allow his opponent or ill-wisher to control his mood so easily. He does not complain about external circumstances and does not allow them to destroy his personal inner world order. He also listens to family, friends and authorities, but makes important decisions on his own: it is he who lives in marriage with the partner he chooses, and it is he who makes money in the field that he likes, and not the grandmother who dreamed of a grandson-surveyor, and not to friends, for whom the choice of a happy person is not always clear. It's his choice because it's his life.

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Does what he likes

You will never see a happy person complaining about his job. And do you know why? A happy person chooses a business that he likes, that suits his lifestyle and worldview, and that, in addition to material wealth, brings spiritual satisfaction.

Moreover, a happy person chooses a profession that provides the opportunity for development and self-realization. Only those who feel the beauty of life even at work can be called a happy person.

They take responsibility for their actions

Those who are happy and satisfied with what happens to them are responsible for themselves. They, just like other people, make mistakes, do not find the strength to make important decisions, are lazy, miss opportunities and rashly throw out the wrong words that help resolve conflicts. Unlike everyone else, a person who is satisfied with everything in his own life and in himself is ready to take responsibility for his mistakes. He apologizes, fixes what is broken, or, if necessary, starts from scratch, admitting his mistakes.

They don't hang out with losers

Losers are not those whose careers or personal relationships suddenly no longer work out; a loser is a way of thinking. People who always complain drag those around them down to the bottom of their emotional lives. Happy people are ready to support their friends in trouble, help them out and give advice, but among their friends there are none who are inactively frozen in eternal despondency. The vital energy of people who value themselves and everything that happens to them is not wasted on the endless role of a vest; moreover, they attract equally strong and happy people to themselves, carefully bypassing those who cannot cope with the hurricane of troubles.

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They love to be with people and love to be alone

Being surrounded by like-minded people and friends is pleasant and necessary. A company with which you can not only have a fun Friday, but also discuss really serious things, helps you not to fall into despair in difficult life moments, but you can’t build a happy life on this alone. People who are satisfied with themselves are ready to spend time alone, finding their charms in it. Solitude is both a form of relaxation and an opportunity to look at things in a new way. A person who is bored with himself can hardly be called satisfied with everything that happens in the world around him and in his own soul.

Has a purpose in life

A person cannot be happy living his life aimlessly, and therefore a happy person must have life guidelines.

Moreover, the goals can be very different: to travel to all countries of the world, to help the disadvantaged, to create a cure for a deadly disease, to become a world champion, or to build a house for your family.

Those who set goals for themselves and strive with all their might to achieve them have much more reasons for joy than those who float weakly with the flow. Such people can undoubtedly be called happy.

They love themselves

A happy person will never hate himself. He understands perfectly well that there is no such thing as a perfect body and a perfect mind, and he is aware that he cannot avoid all mistakes. Strong and contented people do not delve into the past, looking at the night ceiling, and do not look for reasons to again experience burning shame for the events of five years ago that went according to a bad scenario. They simply have no time to waste energy on it.

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Doesn't envy anyone

A happy person simply does not know what envy is; he knows how to rejoice in victories and the unexpected happiness of other people.
Moreover, he does this not feignedly, but quite sincerely, feeling satisfaction that someone felt good. This constant quality of a happy person helps a lot in life, protecting against nervous disorders and thereby prolonging life. Moreover, life shows that a non-envious person is always rewarded for his sincerity and selflessness.

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