Cool and short SMS to a girl to lift her spirits

Silence, peace, the moon is getting higher. There is jealousy in the heart, the roof is going crazy! Come quickly, well! Or from the roof siganu. 12


Pull your lips into a bow, relax, smile, relax, show a duck with your lips, relax. Repeat 10 times every 15 minutes before my arrival! 14


The most beautiful man in the world is wanted, who illegally crossed the border of love and stole my heart! I suspect you first! 31


If you see me, don't look. If you look, don't kiss. If you kiss, don't stop. 18


I lie stricken in my heart, my fate is inexorable. And medicines won’t help here, the disease of loving you is incurable! 16


I am sending you something beautiful, tender, erotic, smart and funny. Your photo, of course! 14


The pulse is beyond the bounds, the blood pressure is high, the state of mind is terrible, there is no coordination, the diagnosis depends on you, the treatment is your love! 20


I want to kiss you tenderly and tenderly so that your heart never freezes! I miss you, my love! 24


You live in my heart, you live in my soul, in my thoughts, head. When will you pay for your stay? 16


A hundred thousand chipmunks, kittens and pandas cannot compare with you in softness and fluffiness! 15


I would like to send you all my love, but I'm afraid there won't be enough space in the smartphone's memory! 24


  • You have won two tickets to tomorrow's city cleanup event! Broom and dustpans provided! Limited offer. 20


You are simply awesome! You are beautiful! Your belly button tie is absolutely stunning! 18

Funny SMS to cheer you up

In the south and in the north, In bed and on a tree, On every edge of the Earth I love your hugs!


Wonderful figure. Beautiful eyes. Sensual lips. But enough about me. How are you?


  • How good it is to live in the world with you! Don't be sad without me, dear! I'll be back soon and we'll hug again, The most important thing in life is love!


If we let a guy out into the forest, he will pick 3 kg of berries, if a girl, 5 kg. But this does not mean that if we release both of them into the forest, they will collect 8 kg of berries.


Look how nice the weather is, Let's drive away adversity from our souls, Please open the door to happiness. Let your heart rejoice and be merry.


I want you! I want to turn your head, drag you into bed and make you feel hot and moan for a whole week! Your flu!


A young, sensitive maniac is looking for a girl who runs fast and screams loudly.


Everything will be just chick-flick, Live like everyone else around you lives. Let no quirks in life lead you astray from the straight path!


  • Honey, I have already started talking to the chair, having breakfast with the teapot. If you don't call me, I'll enter into a serious relationship with a vacuum cleaner.


It’s a sunny day, everything is blooming, the air smells of spring and awakening. Life is good - everyone knows it, No one knows how to live without problems.

What causes a girl to be in a bad mood?

A deterioration in the mood of a representative of the fair half of humanity can occur for many reasons :

  1. Increased stress levels . Men believe that it is easier for women to endure problematic situations because of the opportunity to “cry” or express their negative feelings in other emotional ways. Indeed, girls are better at letting off steam after stressful moments. But there are situations in which they are forced not to talk about problems. Not everyone bursts into tears and complains to their girlfriends in the evenings. If a girl rarely told a guy about her problems, then it’s time for him to ask about her inner experiences;
  2. Chronic fatigue and lack of sleep . If a girl has only recently gotten a job and is forced to “shovel away the rubble” from her predecessor at first, then there is a high probability that her mood will be ruined for several days in advance. It’s even worse when her boss asks her to stay late at work or she is forced to deal with documents at home until late at night. Women's workaholism is still more dangerous than men's, since guys can tolerate any load better;
  3. Conflicts with colleagues, friends or family . In this case, usually the girl still decides to share her experiences with the guy. It is important for her that someone appreciates the correctness of her position in the conflict. Also, a young man may inadvertently offend her; you can apologize to her by using one of these phrases;
  4. Disappointment in life . This can be expressed in dozens of reasons: unloved work, inability to move to good housing and a large city, etc.;
  5. Hormonal changes . Some girls become irritable during their periods, others become whiny, and some feel constantly tired.

Funny and cool SMS

How I want to go back in time in the morning and say to myself: “Go to bed, ska!”


It seems like I drank a glass of champagne, but the braid is tongue-tied, although I’m sober!


You know, I don't believe anything you say that starts with "to be honest."


  • I remember my mother taking me to first grade. And how my father carried me away after graduation.


Often, a woman is sweet and kind only because she is not beautiful enough to allow herself to be harmful.


In the morning, girls are divided into 4 types: I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll sleep. I won’t put on makeup, but I’ll eat 3. I won’t sleep and I won’t eat, but I’ll put on makeup 4. I’ll be late everywhere, but I’ll sleep, eat and put on makeup!


There are a lot of psychos in this world, every fifth one is a psycho. Speak to me quietly: maybe I am one of them.


Very often, after a good check, a reliable rear turns out to be a defenseless ass.


  • We live in such good times, if only because sometimes you wait for a robot uprising or a zombie apocalypse, just hoping that things will become more fun.


I hate the time after 23:00. Immediately some problems begin to emerge. Or I get bored and write SMS to someone. Or something is missing. And I want to eat, eat.


Honey, I’m ready to lie between your legs for hours and vibrate, vibrate, vibrate your mobile phone.


“I looked back to see if she had looked back, to see if I had looked back!” - as a child, this line blew my mind!


The only thing I ask is that you give me a chance to see that money cannot make me happy.

What not to write?

  • A firm “no” to vulgar jokes! If communication with the girl you like is just beginning, then even one insignificant vulgar hint can reduce the further development of the relationship to nothing. In this case, it does not matter how funny and amusing the joke itself is. She is unlikely to make a girl smile. But it’s easy to blacklist you and stop communicating.
  • Making fun of flaws, even in a cute way, is unacceptable. Such messages will only offend the girl and, as a result, kill your hope for a future together.
  • It is important to avoid messages on specific (for example, political or prison) topics. Even if, in your opinion, this is the funniest joke that can instantly cheer you up.



Cool SMS to your beloved girl

Expensive! I have two tickets for tomorrow's city cleanup event. I invite you!


Hello! Let's bet you $100 that I'll invite you to spend the night and you'll refuse?


If it weren't for those charming wrinkles around your eyes, I wouldn't have given you more than thirty!


I fell in love with you from the first sight of your belly button - it’s tied so charmingly!


Has anyone told you that you are very beautiful? Probably not! After all, people have become so honest now.


If you don’t answer my SMS within 25 seconds, of which 15 seconds have passed, and if the SMS does not arrive in 10 seconds, of which 8 seconds have passed, you will owe me 1000 kisses!


Hello! Do you believe in love at first sight or should I invite you to my place tomorrow?


When we were sitting in a cafe yesterday, your chest rose so beautifully! This reminded me of an episode from my childhood when my dad and I were pumping up a rubber boat.


Pulse - 200, blood pressure 190/90, state of mind - depression, lack of coordination, diagnosis depends on you, treatment is your choice. Save me.


Expensive! I have news for you: March 8 has been postponed to February 29. Once every four years I can still endure it.


Sorry, but our trip to the theater together is cancelled. A lot of work. I'm sorry that another day of yours was a waste of makeup.


It’s cold again, and again I’m bored, and you, as before, in the distance, I hope, remember me, as the sky remembers the earth.


I send you as many drops in the blue sea, as much dust on the earth as many tender kisses.


Darling! All I need is a warm bed, a kind word and unlimited power.


They called me from heaven and said that the most beautiful angel had escaped from them, but I did not give you away.


Hello, I'm SMS! Oh, who is it that looks at me with such beautiful eyes, I even feel dizzy.


Europe is sleeping, Australia is falling asleep. It's getting dark in America, and the most beautiful eyes in this world are reading my SMS!


One day, heaven and earth argued which of them was more beautiful. The sky, to prove its beauty, showed the Stars, and the earth, to prove its beauty, showed you.


My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart. I kiss the tips of your wings.


I would like to send you all my love, but the postman said it was too much.


Like tender marmalade is sweet, like a ray of light is bright. All this is about you, answer me by SMS!


Let us live a great life, so that we don’t want to change our lives! Falling in love is a reason for temptation, let's seduce each other.


I'll come to you at night and crawl under the covers. I will find your sweetest place and will suck it for a long time. Your nasty mosquito!

Compliment a girl in your own words

You are always the most beautiful girl in (any company, office, group, hall)


I admire your willpower and perseverance to achieve your goal (say what goal).


It’s nice that when everyone around you does nothing but complain, you look into the future with optimism and firm confidence in the good.


You're so pretty and you look so gorgeous that it's almost illegal and indecent. You need to be arrested and punished.


It is possible that another girl will appear in my life, but she will love you and call you “mom.”


At night I looked at the stars and said the reason why I love you. At first everything was good, but then the stars ended.


You need to be an interior decorator. As soon as you appear somewhere, it becomes very beautiful there. You can be the sun that illuminates and warms everything around.


They say that love gives us wings. With you I feel in seventh heaven. Coincidence? Don't think.


Your name is my favorite word, your voice is my favorite sound, your hugs are my favorite place in the world.


In ancient times you would have been burned at the stake for your incredible beauty. No one would believe that you are a man and not a creation from above.


You're like asthma. You just take my breath away the moment you show up.


If only I could be paid a ruble when I see a beautiful girl like you. I would have zero rubles.


I propose to commit a joint crime. You will steal my heart, and I will steal yours.


The brain is an amazing and complex device. But he immediately turns off as soon as I see you or hear your voice.


I don't know what the hell you do or how you do it, but I'm the happiest guy on the planet.


I want to say something that will make your heart beat faster and louder. We are sitting in a cafe and now the waiter will come to pay us. And I forgot my wallet.


I wish there was a pause button in life. I would click every time we have a great time together.


You are ideal in every sense and form. But something needs to change in you, and I personally will do it. You need to change your last name to mine.


It took me a while to find you. But it was worth it. It’s a pity that we didn’t meet in kindergarten on the potties.


I love the stars in the sky, but they are nothing compared to the sparkle of your lovely eyes.


Our love is like waves in the sea. Sometimes quiet, sometimes noisy. But always together.


Your gaze penetrates straight into the soul, and it is very easy and pleasant to drown in your delightful eyes.


Loving you makes my heart beat faster and faster. You are my adrenaline, coffee and everything extreme in the world.


You are not only my girlfriend, but also my very best friend. I trust you, and you can always rely on me. Rely on everything in every sense. You are the love of my life.


There are moments in my life when I fall in love with you again even more strongly. Although it seems that this is simply impossible.


You are everything I was looking for in life and even much more. More than man on the planet deserves.


You are such a magnificent and beautiful flower that you have no competitors in this field called earth.


A date is a formality for me before I kiss you and tell you how much I love you.


You make my heart beat without doing anything. The fire in my heart will never go out, and the love will never dry up.


My day starts not with coffee, but with thoughts of you. But even at night I think about you, when I dream of you in tender and hot dreams.


I want to be a bed so that you can not sleep with us. I want to be the pillow that you hug. I want to be the blanket that hugs you. I want to be close to you.


Falling in love with you is like entering a stormy and dangerous river. It's very easy and simple. But it is impossible to get out of you without dying.


My life would never have been so bright, fulfilling and happy without you.


You give me different feelings. I simultaneously want to tell you tender words and vicious ones that will make you blush.


Sometimes when I see you, my breath is taken away and I am speechless from your beauty.


I tried to come up with nice words for my beloved girl. But all that comes to my mind that is pleasant is only you.


The hardest thing in the world is to look at you without smiling and not want to hug you.


Every morning I thank God for sending me such a beautiful angel into my life. This angel made my life a paradise right on earth.


If I tried to create the perfect girl, I couldn't do better than you.


This world is beautiful, wonderful and beautiful. But the main reason for this is you. You make him so gorgeous with your presence.


I want to hold your hand and protect you from any troubles that come your way.


Why do I drink coffee in the morning? If you kissed me, then I would have enough cheerfulness and a feeling of happiness.


The stars in the sky are beautiful, but they look like cheap fluorescent light bulbs compared to your awesome eyes.


The whole world, all sounds and all smells remind me of you. Come back to my arms.


I just can’t decide what’s more beautiful about you: your soul or your body? I think it's all at the same time. You are the perfect girl.


Time doesn't matter if it's spent without you. The most pleasant thing in the world is spending it with you.


Wow. You look so amazing you should have been arrested. This is definitely illegal.


Know that at this moment I am thinking about you, my love. Every minute spent without you is wasted. I miss.


You are perfect and I am perfect. I think there is no point in arguing that we are the perfect couple.


They say love hurts. But I am desperate and brave that I am willing to take risks with you.


My life has been a long preparation for meeting you. It took me years to find perfection. I will never give you away to somebody.


I love and hate your smile. I love it – it’s very beautiful. Hate is what will make me do anything.


There are not such pleasant words to describe your wonderful character and attractive appearance. You are perfection, ideal and standard.


I like you the way you are. Ideal or with flaws, it doesn’t matter at all.


Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve such a magnificent gift like you. I guess I did everything right in life.


You are the perfect girl, and your parents clearly created a masterpiece. The world would be a beautiful place if other people were even a little like you.


I give you a flower, but it is not as beautiful as you. Let the flower see what real beauty is. It will wither over time, unable to withstand the superiority of your beauty.


In the Middle Ages, because of people like you, beautiful and unforgettable girls, wars were fought and empires were conquered.


You are the brightest light in the darkest night. I want to follow you even to the very ends of the earth.


The stars in the sky are beautiful, but only those who have not seen your eyes say this.


I will love you even when I give up the ghost. But I will continue to love you from the other side of the world.

SMS to lift your spirits

Hello. I am the SMS tasked with sending you an unlimited number of the most tender kisses!


The sun rose from behind a cloud, extended its arms to you, hugged you, kissed you and wished you good luck!


My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart. I kiss the tips of your wings.


My days were illuminated by the gentle light of your eyes! I dream of being with you every moment, every hour!


This is Doctor Love, you are prescribed a hot kiss, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.


Hello! Today is a great day, start it with a smile of happiness. May you have good luck in the morning, May you run away from bad weather!


I just want to say that for some reason I’m waiting for you, for some reason I miss you, for some reason I want to do something for you and for some reason I believe in you.


Every time you close your eyes, let yourself have a sweet, sweet dream. And when you wake up, as if in a fairy tale, it will actually come true!


Your SMS warms my heart, it will tell me not to be sad. I only have more fun with him, so please write!

How can you cheer up a girl?

A young man has the opportunity to restore the good mood of his beloved in the following ways:

  1. Prepare a delicious dish . Down with the stereotypes that it’s mostly men who like to eat delicious food. Good food is a universal way to improve your mood. Even a person far from cooking can learn how to cook one simple dish in a couple of days. The main thing is not to overdo it with calories if a girl is concerned about her figure;
  2. Make a compliment . In difficult life moments, a girl will be pleased to hear warm words. You can brighten them up with a harmless joke or a funny story from your life;
  3. Take him on an unusual date . For example, if a girl is not shy, then she will be impressed by a helicopter flight with her loved one. Some companies even organize romantic flights for two. Horseback riding is also a good option. This is not as dangerous as many people think. The girl will be offered the most peaceful animal and will be helped to sit in the saddle. Such a pastime, coupled with being in the fresh air, will definitely improve your mood;
  4. Get a massage . You can learn a simple relaxing massage technique using videos on Youtube;
  5. Give a cute little thing . It can be anything, from a teddy bear to an unusual decorative night light.

About the importance of pleasant words

For women, correct speech, beautiful words, unusual turns of phrase are of great importance. The thing is that women are more susceptible to the emotional perception of their surroundings than men. However, before you pour out a cup of compliments on your beloved, it is worth remembering a few important points:

  • Most women constantly doubt their attractiveness. This leads to regular doubts, sadness and anxiety. However, if you regularly pay attention to positive qualities and focus on this, then all doubts will disappear over time. In addition, a woman develops a feeling of gratitude for the constant support and care of a man.
  • Everyone has repeatedly heard that a woman loves with her ears, so the easiest way to achieve favor is to give compliments. One beautiful, kind word can turn the situation in the opposite direction. And if you give an unusual compliment and make a girl smile, it will not only lift her mood and self-esteem, but will also add advantages to the man.
  • Regardless of the distance and time of day, you need to constantly say beautiful declarations of love. This makes the girl constantly think about her chosen one, and also shows that the guy is attentive to her. This applies to wishes of good morning or good night, bon appetit or an interesting pastime.
  • When alone with a girl, be sure to emphasize her positive aspects. Women love confident men, and when he is not shy and gives compliments to his face, she automatically believes that he has a strong personality in front of her.
  • When speaking beautiful words, we must not forget about tactile sensations. It’s better to take your hand or whisper in your ear; this behavior shows that the man is serious in his intentions and is ready to answer for every word he says.

Why do you need to say nice words to a girl?

Let's start with the very basics.

  1. A woman’s psychology is structured in such a way that she needs feedback from the world around her. In other words, they absorb the primary information, whatever it may be, and move in that direction. For example, if a girl is told from an early age that she is not very beautiful, she accepts this as a fact. Moreover, this may be absolutely untrue, but she will sincerely believe in it. The same goes for saying the opposite - saying how beautiful she is. Her faith and confidence will prevail over reality. Both the first and second options are dangerous because the child grows up with a distorted perception of reality. This will lead to a conflict within a person, which is unknown how it may end.
  2. Women need attention more than men. This is due to many factors, but the most important thing is that she is looking for someone who can satisfy her internal and external needs. In this case, a comparison with a flower is appropriate - if you stop watering it, it will definitely die. For a woman, praise and beautiful words about her are living water that allows her to continue to bloom and live. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to read poetry every evening; simple approval is enough. For example, praise a cooked dish, a clean room, or a new hairstyle. You may have seen it a thousand times, but praise will have a miraculous effect.
  3. A beautiful and kind word is a powerful emotional boost or moral and emotional energy. Agree that it is impossible to exist without energy, so it is necessary to regularly replenish it. A good example here would be gasoline for a car. The cleaner the fuel, the better the machine will perform. Therefore, giving compliments is not just necessary, but necessary for a normal life. A woman is a generator of a positive attitude. The more pleasant words she absorbs, the more love she will give to the man. So we can say that when a man compliments a woman, he is investing in her in order to get more.
  4. You can often hear: “Why say the same thing a thousand times, she already knows it!” Of course he knows, but that’s how women are made and nothing can be done about it. Uncertainty is a normal quality of any girl at any age. She may not show it, but she always doubts inside. Therefore, it’s easier to say a few warm words once again than to see the dissatisfied face of your beloved.

Strong words and quotes for a woman

  1. “You are stronger than you think; you are as beautiful as you come.” —Melissa Etheridge
  2. “Doing your best in this moment will put you in a better place for the next moment.” — Oprah Winfrey
  3. “Yes, I am a feminist because I think all women are smart, gifted and tough.” — Zaha Hadid
  4. “Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself. Keep fighting for your dreams! " - Gabby Douglas
  5. “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” — Ingrid Bergman
  6. “I don’t think about all the suffering, but about the beauty that still remains.” — Anne Frank
  7. “You have everything it takes to be a victorious, independent and fearless woman.” — Tyra Banks
  8. “For me, power is the ability to change something for the better.” —Victoria Justice
  9. “Keep your sunny side up, keep yourself beautiful and have fun.” — Betsey Johnson
  10. “Sometimes it’s enough not to know that you can’t do something.” — Ellie Carter
  11. “How beautiful you are, my dear! Oh, how beautiful! " - Song of Solomon 1:15
  12. “I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all." - Coco Chanel
  13. “She is dressed in strength and dignity; she may laugh at the days to come” (Proverbs 31:25).
  14. “The question is not who will let me; This is who will stop me.” — Ayn Rand
  15. “A woman is a full circle. It has the power to create, to nurture and to transform.” — Diane Marieschild
  16. “Anyone can hide. Facing things head on, working through them is what makes you strong.” — Sarah Dessen
  17. “The most common way people give up their power is to think they don’t have it.” — Alice Walker
  18. “A woman who does not require confirmation from anyone is the most dangerous person on the planet.”
  19. “If you want to say something, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher
  20. “No matter what the relationship, listening with an open mind and heart is powerful.” — Fran Curcio
  21. “Potential can never be “full”; it is infinite and our possibilities are limitless.” — Mary Kay Ricci
  22. “A successful woman can build a strong foundation from the bricks thrown at her.”
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