Short compliments to a girl: 150+ phrases that can be written in SMS, under the photo in the comments

How to say nice things to a girl

Therefore, when you want to compliment a girl so that she melts, try to speak from the heart, and the way you want it. In this case, he will really appreciate your sincerity. This article gives some examples of what to say. But if you want to say it sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something of your own. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully about what you like most about her, what makes your heart beat faster. Maybe it’s some kind of cute habit of hers, a way of speaking, behaving, or just a peculiarity in her appearance. Highlight it, tell her, and show her how this trait has a positive effect on you. The more unexpected the compliment, the more it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say something very pleasant and unexpected to a girl. But if you constantly bombard her with compliments, she will get used to it and will not perceive them.

What to talk about with a girl in correspondence

You can communicate by correspondence on any topic, the main thing is that it gives you pleasure. If you feel the tension of not knowing what to write to a girl, then the dialogue will go downhill. Positivity, play and a non-serious attitude towards the process will help you interest her. If you are relaxed, then topics will begin to appear in your head on their own.

I love sharing my thoughts with girls and asking their opinion about something. I also send them the clips or funny videos they like. This works well too.

There is also one cool trick - ask a girl for advice.

This works very well. You figure out what she is good at (you find out from a conversation or look at social networks) and ask her for advice on this topic. For example, a girl is interested in painting. Ask her for advice on which gallery she recommends going to and which author she recommends paying special attention to.

This trick works on all people. Because every normal person is interested in something.

I have a whole story connected with this trick, when I wrote to a girl on VKontakte and asked for advice, and after that we had a relationship. I wrote about this story here (opens in a new tab). Although this article was written for girls, I also recommend that men read it, especially the section about “text games”.

Advice Do not ask trivial questions at the beginning of correspondence: “Tell me about your hobbies” or “Where do you work or study.” These questions can only be asked when you have already interested her.

Ask the girl interesting questions. Example:

  • Tell me what your ideal relationship would look like?
  • In which country in the world would you like to live?
  • If you had a genie and could make any three wishes, what would you make?
  • What was the coolest day of your life, remember it, what was it filled with?

It is interesting to answer such questions, they are not stereotyped and can evoke emotions.

Working phrases for meeting a girl on the street:

  1. Now almost no one meets people on the street, but maybe we will become the exception to the rule? I really liked you, maybe we can agree to meet at a convenient time and have coffee?
  2. I don’t want to distract you, but I can’t pass you by, I really liked you. Can you tell me how to find you on Instagram so I can chat there whenever it’s convenient for you?
  3. Ready to exchange this rose/chocolate/toy for your contact on a social network, what do you think about this deal?
  4. Charming girl, the weather is terrible today, but your eyes shine so much that they replace the sun for me. Let's get acquainted?
  5. Hello. I was in a bad mood until I saw you, but now it's much better. Would you mind continuing the conversation?
  6. You have such a beautiful dog. I have been dreaming of a dog of this breed for a long time. Would you let me take your dog for a walk and get to know you?
  7. Girl, this cafe has such delicious cakes and coffee. May I treat you and get to know you?
  8. I was late for work/school because I couldn't get enough of you. Let's get acquainted?
  9. Help, I'm lost. You can give me a hint, or better yet, show me the way to (say the place).
  10. Girl, help! I'm having a heart attack because of your incredible eyes and smile. Save me, tell me your name and phone number.
  11. Exactly n number of years ago my parents met at this place and fell in love with each other. Apparently, a time loop worked, and I met you. Shall we meet?
  12. You are so beautiful that you stand out among this crowd of people. Tell me, what is your name?
  13. Hello! I ran past, but I felt a spark, a storm, madness between us. Shall we meet? (ideal if she understands the reference)
  14. Sorry, I'm in a terrible hurry, but I liked you so much that I simply physically could not pass by. I suggest exchanging contacts on social networks and continuing communication. Do you mind?
  15. You know, today I was supposed to be in a completely different place, but fate decided that we must meet.
  16. You know, I don’t know how to give nice compliments. I’m just suggesting that you get to know each other because you impressed me.
  17. I recognized you. I visualized you in my imagination, and now I have met you in reality.
  18. I suggest not to waste time on empty words and just get to know each other/go on a date.
  19. I decided to save you from this pouring rain. Hide under an umbrella.
  20. Hello. I was sent from the future to meet you and save the Universe. Why do you think?
  21. Apparently, I got carried away with jogging so that one day I could meet you. Shall we meet?
  22. Girl, help me take a photo. Thank you, maybe we can continue talking?
  23. I missed so many opportunities, but I’m not ready to lose the chance to meet you.
  24. I've never met someone on the street, but you won me over, so I decided to take a risk. Let's try to get acquainted?
  25. During self-isolation, I completely forgot how to meet girls. Can you help me fix this?

Even more unusual phrases for online dating

There are many great ways to start a conversation without seeming boring or obnoxious.

It's all about a personal approach to each specific girl.

1) Ask an interesting question

The best opening phrases for online dating include a question.

This shows that you need more interaction and encourages you to ask a counter question.

The question can be serious or stupid:

  • “How do you feel about seafood on pizza?”
  • “What can make you truly happy?”
  • “I drink too much coffee. What is your biggest flaw?

Compliments to her work

Yes, girls are mostly creative. Many guys even believe that absolutely every girl can sing and dance. This is not entirely true, but very close to the truth.

If a girl shares her creativity with a man, it means that she opens up to him, shows herself.

At such moments, it is very important not to frighten or offend the girl with your criticism or misunderstanding. Even if you don't like her painting or her dance, be gentle in your words.

Phrases of interest

You're looking at someone's profile, want to introduce yourself and make a connection.

The fact is that this girl receives a lot of messages every day.

How to stand out from the crowd?

The main thing is to arouse interest.

The first phrase for dating on the Internet should hook you and make you want to answer something right away.

Where is the best place to start:

1) Ask about something from her profile

People naturally like to talk about themselves, so ask questions she'll want to answer.

Take inspiration from her profile.

If she realizes you've read her profile, you'll get bonus points.

  • “I see you like the acoustic guitar. Who is your favorite musician?
  • “You like science fiction novels, don’t you?” Which book impressed you the most?
  • “I love that you volunteer at the animal shelter. I've always wanted to do this. How can I take part in your events?

2) List of three main things

What three things could you not survive without?

Name them first and try to make them unique.

Then ask a girl for her top three must-haves.

  • “I can’t live without cheese, a bicycle and comfortable Nike sneakers. What about you? What can't you live without?
  • “To be happy, I need my favorite unicorn T-shirt, a camera and strong coffee. What three things do you need to be completely happy?”
  • “I'm addicted to Stranger Things, reading historical fiction, and dying my friends' hair weird colors. What three things are you addicted to?”

SMS messages for flirting

  1. Although SMS messages have long replaced regular messages in letters, they are no less romantic.
  2. Do you have a name or can I call you cutie?
  3. Here I am! Now I want to know your remaining two wishes.
  4. You're certainly not hotel slippers, but I want to steal you.
  5. Are you the cause of global warming? And it's very hot.
  6. I'm compiling a city phone book, can I get your number?
  7. If you were my exam, I would study like crazy.
  8. Hello! Can you tell me how to approach an unapproachable girl?
  9. For your sake, I am ready to take action.
  10. We are strangers, but I propose to correct this fatal mistake.
  11. I would like to offer you a candy-bouquet period.
  12. My mother needs a good bride. Can you help?
  13. Hello! If we were at school now, I would be carrying your briefcase and pulling your pigtails.
  14. Either you marry me or we get married. Choose.
  15. What does it feel like to be the most charming girl in the world?
  16. I would never play hide and seek with you, I'm afraid of losing.
  17. I don’t want to waste time on all sorts of nonsense, let’s go on a date?
  18. I am your savior from loneliness.
  19. If you love water, then you will definitely like my 80%.
  20. I'm writing an article about a successful blind date. Can you help me with practice?
  21. Have you lost your boyfriend by any chance? I was found.

Examples of first messages that will help you find common ground

When you start communicating with a girl on the Internet, it is very important to find a common language.

If you can figure out what interests you have in common, you can easily connect and continue the conversation.

1) Share something from your biography

Select something from the girl’s biography and supplement this information with a question:

  • “I see you love Star Wars.” Me too! Do you like the first episodes or the new ones better?”
  • “You entered the Polytechnic University four years after me! What dorm did you live in?
  • “I also love hiking. What's the best hike you've had in the last year?"

2) Comment on a dating site

If you met on a dating site, it means that you already have something in common - the desire to find a partner.

You can mention this to start a conversation:

  • “I see that we are perfect for each other! I bet you also love hiking in scenic places. What's your favorite park?
  • “The site seems to have identified us as the perfect couple, so we must have a lot in common. I also love Italian cuisine. Have you been to the new restaurant downtown?”
  • “I think that our coincidence is not accidental, because we both love to cook. But I’m sure that besides this we have a lot more in common. What else are you interested in?

Examples of funny first messages on the Internet

If you can make a girl laugh, then the connection between you has already been established.

The catch is that you have to make a complete stranger laugh, which is a little more difficult.

You can try a one-line joke or a clever icebreaker as a starting point, or use one of these funny first message examples.

The first phrases when meeting a girl on the Internet that will make her smile:

  • If she has a photo of her with a pet on her profile, you can write: “The most beautiful fur and mustache I have ever seen, by the way, the owner is pretty cute too.”
  • You could ask a silly "What would you rather" question like, "Would you choose to go out in a fancy dress or eat only potato chips for a week?"
  • Make jokes about your job or specialty to show that you don't take stereotypes too seriously, for example: "I'm studying Russian, English and Chinese, but I promise I won't correct your grammar."

What is flirting

Flirting is a veiled symbol of sympathy, which makes it clear whether it is worth taking further action and attracting attention from the opposite sex. Usually, it is through flirting that feelings and first sympathy arise.

Having mastered flirting skills, you can present yourself in an unusual way, pleasantly surprise the person you like and easily start a conversation. To start flirting, you just need to know a few phrases that will help you start lively and interesting communication.

“Those are boobs!”

Yes, on her social networks there are photos with such daring necklines that the next stage of frankness will only be a chest x-ray. Yes, she does this on purpose. Yes, she emphasizes her curves. But not to get a greasy compliment from you! Such is the paradox of the female soul in the era of Instagram: presenting yourself as sexy and being deeply offended for any hints on topics below the belt. If your goal is not a one-time affair, then it is better to keep your mouth shut: she will understand everything by looking at her eyes.

“And you look like Jennifer Lawrence. Well, such a cheeky one"

Insurance against failure in this case is very simple: when you say that she looks like some celebrity, never specify what exactly the latter’s special feature is - you can run into a trigger, as in the case of a plump or skinny woman. It’s better not to say at all what specific star it reminds you of. “You look like an actress!” Which one? “Well, this... that one... what’s her name...” While you pretend that you are trying to remember, the girl will do all the work for you: she will choose the most flattering image for her and specify - well, like Jolie, or what? Exactly!

How to communicate with a girl by correspondence

And now I will share with you the principles that should be observed when corresponding with a girl. They are quite simple, but important!

1. Don’t write more text (in terms of volume) than the girl does.

I recently re-read my correspondence and in almost all of them the girl writes more text in volume, unlike me. I do this unconsciously. Why is this so important?

The fact is that when you write a lot of text, and in response you get “ok”, and then continue to write again, then your value in her eyes decreases. You begin to invest disproportionately in communication. You also shouldn’t go to the other extreme, when a girl writes to you in detail, and you answer her briefly and in the cold. This will cause the girl to turn on the cold in response.

Therefore the recommendation is:

Write the same volume of messages as the girl does. Just a mirror of her. Of course, you don’t need to count the number of words, the main thing here is to understand the principle. When a girl responds to your message with three words, don’t write her a poem. Answer her also briefly, but with a provocative response.

2. If a girl answered after a long time, do not answer her right away.

If a girl responds after an hour, and you write her back a minute later, then this lowers your value. Ideally, make sure that the girl waits for an answer from you even longer than you did. But this principle does not apply to the situation when you communicate online and write to each other immediately.

Over time, I got into the habit of not being distracted by messages, and I go about my business. Therefore, I answer SMS once or twice a day. And the girls are waiting more for an answer from me, because... I rarely text.

Conclusion: if they don’t respond to your message for a long time, just mind your own business and take a break from correspondence.

3. Don’t charge for a long answer

Many guys start to get angry if a girl doesn’t answer them for a long time. They start writing something like: “Why are you ignoring me?” or “Aww, where are you?” As soon as a girl reads such a message, she will immediately lose the desire to communicate with you. The most I write if they don’t answer me for more than a day is “Are you alive?”

Usually girls respond to this message (Are you alive?), and I start the dialogue from scratch. Those. After her answer, it is very important not to touch upon the topic of being ignored on her part.

4. No sad emoticons or complaints

Never send sad emoticons to a girl (and fewer emoticons in general) and don’t complain about life. Your mood is always high and things are going great. She is not interested in your problems and talking about them will only push her away.

5. Ask open-ended questions

It’s best not to ask closed questions (those that can be answered “yes” or “no”). Let your questions to the girl be open (which require a detailed answer)

Have you been to Turkey? — Closed question (The girl can answer “yes” or “no” and you will have to come up with the question again) What were the coolest moments in Turkey? — An open question to which you will be given a detailed answer and you will be able to develop the topic of conversation.

“And you talk like a man, respect”

That is, in your opinion, only men can think logically, reason interestingly, joke subtly and sensitively follow the topic of conversation? And the lot of women, probably, is to talk nonsense, be hysterical and blink their eyes during breaks? If your praise comes with a facial expression that says “not bad, baby,” you’re not doing well.

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