What to write to a girl to make her feel good: 100+ examples for VK, viber, telegram, skype

Hello! My name is Igor Lapin, I am a professional pickup trainer. Today I will help you understand the question: “how to tell a girl that I need her?” They say that girls think in hints and express their feelings with them.

Guys usually don't understand hints at all and want to hear statements about feelings in plain text. However, despite common stereotypes, we can say with confidence that women are not telepaths either. If you’re thinking about how to show a girl that I need her, then take action! This is what is valued in men.

You can, of course, write a bunch of abstract advice, as most pickup artists do. Something like: “Be confident in yourself” or “Just be yourself.” But does this have any practical value? Therefore, I will try to give recommendations on specific actions in as much detail as possible.

First stage. Stand out from the crowd

At the beginning of the correspondence, you need to interest the girl so that in her eyes you look like a superman from the first words. You need to please her, surprise her, evoke positive emotions, drive, delight. What kind of conversations girls like is in another article.

Just write the first sentence:

  • “I was thinking about you” and don’t write anything further, otherwise you will ruin the matter. She may not like any further phrases or have a double meaning. Girls have a great imagination, she will come up with everything herself. What is the ideality of these words? Because you don't oblige the girl to answer. There is no pressure on her, but at the same time it’s nice that someone remembered her. And most importantly, this phrase is like a hook, raising a thousand questions. The lady will be interested, she will want to continue the conversation and will definitely answer something.
  • “I have big plans for this weekend. Would you like to join?" This is just a question, not a specific insistent proposal. The lady will understand that you have an interesting, cool life and it’s not a fact that you only invite her. If she doesn't agree to these grandiose plans now, someone else will take her place.
  • "Good morning! Have a great day!” Saying goodnight is not that cool. In the evenings everyone writes, it has become banal. But in the morning - this is the most favorable time for positive emotions. You will start her day, and involuntarily she will remember you.
  • You shouldn't be a boring, straight-A student who is afraid of offending her in some way. This will not evoke emotions. Thousands of men write the same phrases every day. If you wish good night, then add “May you dream about pink penguins.” If you write in the morning, then ask: “How did you sleep? Or was she robbing banks all night?” No templates, don't be afraid of originality. Even if they are stupid things, they will not go unnoticed.
  • Ask the right questions that cannot be answered in one phrase . “What happened today?”, “How did you like the movie?” Don’t ask: “How are you?”, rather find out: “How are you feeling?” Address her feelings and experiences, women love to talk about this.

Facial expressions, gestures, breathing

To find out if a girl wants you, you need to pay attention to her lips. The following actions will show that she is not against sex:

If a woman touches her thighs, runs her palms over them, or squeezes them lightly, this is a direct hint of sex. Also, the girl’s gaze will tell you about her readiness to enter into intimacy. If her pupils dilate when she sees a man, this indicates an unconscious expression of interest and excitement. When in an aroused state, she will look intoxicating and sexy.

If you want to determine that a girl wants you, you need to take a closer look at how she bites off the cake, uses a spoon, and holds a glass. All this may have subtext. To demonstrate her desire, a woman will eat carefully, look cute in the mirror, touch her hair and look with a languid gaze.

Psychologists say that flirting is aimed at attracting attention and seduction. So, when she sees the desired man, she will flirt, smile, flirt, etc. During arousal, blood pressure usually rises and breathing quickens. In this state, the girl will look for light tactile contact and demonstrate the wrist area. If a man touches her, she will not move away from these touches.

If a woman wants a man, she will be embarrassed, worried and blush in his presence. Almost all girls play with their hair when the object of their affection is nearby. If a guy sees a woman twirling a curl of hair around her finger, this is most often a direct call for intimacy. However, in some cases, representatives of the fairer sex behave this way when they are nervous. It is important not to confuse these two conditions.

Second phase. Start making hints about sex

  • Write messages with sexual overtones. Women will look for double meaning in all phrases. “I thought about you and my mood immediately lifted,” “Just from the shower? So are you wet now?”, “Let’s have a hug.” These are all hints of sex. Women will not only understand this, but will also think about it. In this regard, women's fantasy knows no bounds.
  • Actively use humor . For example, in winter: “Let's go build a snowman. Do you have carrots? And I always have it with me.”
  • If you wrote and the girl didn’t answer, then you don’t need to pester her: “Huh? Where have you gone? Answer me, I’m worried, are you okay?” Just write: “Are you alive?” and a smiley face. She will definitely react to this message without irritation.
  • Don't bother me. Don't text her every ten minutes. She needs freedom and personal space, which you brazenly fill with your messages. I wrote it - don’t rush to write an answer. Sometimes disappear for a day. Women quickly get tired of hyper-interest and it will begin to dynamite you.
  • You end the correspondence. You are a man, you started it, you lead it, you control the progress and you finish it first. Let her not have the opportunity to read your message and remain silent. This way you lose your position.
  • Invite us to a personal meeting. You don’t need to think long about how to seduce a woman by correspondence, just go ahead and do it. I saw her interest and positive reaction - no need to be shy, drag her out on a date. No cool messages can replace personal, real communication. Women do not like texting; they are interested in men who act. While you write “How are you, did you get enough sleep?” she won't sleep with someone else.

What to write to a guy after a quarrel to make him understand that I need him

Quarrels happen even between those people who cannot live without each other for a minute. Therefore, we need to look for ways to reconcile.

You can honestly admit your own guilt: “Forgive me. Talk to me. I need this so much” or call for mutual reconciliation: “Are we really going to allow our huge world to be destroyed because of minor differences? Let's forget everything and start over." But you shouldn’t limit yourself to correspondence. It is important to consolidate the relationship with a personal meeting.

Third stage. Make her think only about you

  • "Hello! I don’t ask what you’re doing, because I already know. You're thinking about me, right?" This question implies that the girl has fallen head over heels in love and thinks only about you all day long. She will be hooked, and she will definitely answer that this is not so.
  • “Today you were able to cheer me up, it’s not that easy. You're witty. Keep up the good work." By doing this you will show your sympathy, set her apart from the crowd of others and program her to try even harder to be interesting to you. If you like her behavior, praise her. If you don't like it, scold it. Know the value of your time and be confident in your own abilities.
  • Response to a negative message (refusal, unpleasant words): “Okay, I’ll take away ten points from you.” Questions will immediately arise: “What are the points? Are you exposing them to everyone?” This will clearly show her that you are the one giving her an assessment, looking closely at whether it is worth further courtship. This means she should try to be better, and not vice versa. You tell her what exactly you didn’t like, and she will try not to repeat it again. Another plus of this message is that, unlike others, you don’t worry about any nonsense.
  • If a lady is frozen by the meeting , write: “You know, one beauty doesn’t want to see me. Of course it’s strange, but I like her.” In one phrase there is immediately humor, a compliment, a desire to meet and no pressure. This will melt the ice and she will become more accommodating.


First of all, you should pay attention to what a woman looks like. It is important not to lose sight of the details. For example, if she is wearing a modest outfit that covers almost the entire body (a turtleneck, a floor-length skirt, a long-sleeve sweater), this indicates that this girl is unlikely to be proactive. The chances that she will reciprocate are also slim. However, you should not be discouraged and make hasty conclusions. It's better to watch her more closely.

If a woman is wearing short shorts or a miniskirt, or a shirt with the top button undone, this significantly increases the chances of an intimate evening with her. The color of a woman’s clothing should not be ignored. If things are bright, the lady strives to attract as much attention to her person as possible. She probably doesn't mind enjoying intimacy. If the girl is wearing dull and inconspicuous clothes, you need to keep an eye on her.

Representatives of the fair sex never wear anything just like that. When choosing clothes, girls carefully think through every part of their wardrobe, trying to make the right accents or hide something. Sometimes a conservative appearance may be due to bad weather or the fact that she did not have time to change clothes after work.

Fourth stage. Add some spice to your communication

Have you paid attention to the sense of humor of celebrities and leaders? They know how to win over people using caustic jokes. Today, a good sense of humor is an integral part of a stylish man. How to seduce a girl by correspondence if you have average appearance, little money and poor prospects? Use the power of words, a girl can be convinced of anything.

How to Create Sexual Attraction Through Text:

  • If the girl has not responded to your invitation, write: “Coquette, you just missed THIS... Have a good day! I'll be busy all next week." This will intrigue her and show that you did not die of grief because of her refusal, but had a good time.
  • “What is my other favorite girl doing?” Women don't like losers. They always go after guys who are already doing well in their personal lives.
  • If you can’t or don’t want to communicate with her at the moment, write: “I’m busy, write. If something happens, call 911.” You have important things to do and you don’t have to be in touch with her all the time. Now she will have to compete for your attention. The main thing is not to overdo it with such messages, but it’s worth trying a couple of times.
  • Invite to a meeting in a non-standard way: “Answer urgently! Beer or wine?”, if the girl joins the game, ask with the next message: “Red or white?” if beer, then “Light or dark?” After she responds, write “thank you” and nothing more. The girl will have questions that she will want answers to. Then act according to the circumstances and invite him on a date.

Remember that girls themselves don’t know what they want, they need a man who will command and be more confident than she is.

What to write to a guy to make him understand that I need him

Not only men, but also women experience difficulties in recognition.

Here are some options on how to hint at sympathy:

  • It is generally accepted that the fair sex is not indifferent to words and compliments. But guys love praise no less than girls. Therefore, if you regularly emphasize a man’s strengths, he will understand that the woman is clearly interested in him.
  • It is important to pay attention to the object of sympathy. If you wish a guy “Have a nice day” or “Good night” every morning or evening, then after a certain time he will feel uncomfortable without such calls and messages. And he will guess that the girl is not indifferent to him.
  • Men are very sensitive to erotic hints. You can sometimes spoil them with explicit messages. It’s just important not to cross the line from erotica to pornography.
  • Jokes will do. With their help, you can hint at sympathy and maintain pride. For example, “We bumped into each other in the corridor, it would be a pity to die in the prime of life, even from the carelessness of such a handsome man.”

Fifth stage. Show you care

This should be done after all stages of seduction have been completed. You showed that you can be interesting, funny, brutal. But if you went too far in something, then she may perceive you as an ordinary sociopath. Show her that you can take care of someone too.

  • If it’s winter, then write: “You know, it’s so cold outside, I need to go and buy you gloves and a scarf.”
  • If she asks how you are doing, then you don’t need to tell all the details of the past day. She's not interested. With such questions, she hints that she is bored and you should cheer her up.
  • Find out what country she wants to go to and start dreaming: what would you take, how would you go there, what would you do there. Such a conversation will evoke positive emotions and a romantic mood.


ICESTYLE 4 (1808) 1 8 26 13 years

So say that everything is a dead end for you.

Mu_Master (32) 5 (3573) 4 10 13 years

to say that there is Friendship without love, but there is no love without friendship. If she's a smart girl, she'll understand everything! If you're not smart, don't worry!

laskovij (54) 5 (3505) 1 3 8 13 years

KaKTyCC (32)5 13 years

Say this: “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested in heterosexual relationships”

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