What to write to a boyfriend, husband or lover to get him hooked

A century ago, letters were virtually the only source of communication between people who were at a distance from each other. Today, the classics have actually died, giving way to electronic messages, messenger messages, and SMS. But still people did not stop writing to each other.

Girls often think about what to write to a guy in order to hurt him or please him, in order to attract attention and provoke a response.

There are certain rules of correspondence that should be followed if your goal is to please a boy, and not to scare and push him away.

How to write a message to a guy to hook him

The content of the message will depend on your goal. The goals can be different: from the desire to make a pleasant impression to a radically opposite result. Whatever emotions you want to evoke, when composing the text, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Your monologue should not be too lengthy or voluminous. Otherwise, having reached half, he may simply stop reading. Be concise, write to the point.
  • If your communication is just beginning, address him by name. No diminutive or cute nicknames. He may consider this as familiarity.
  • Do not use insults, rude expressions, or obscene words. This approach will be an indicator of your limited vocabulary, inability to express thoughts and restrain negative emotions.
  • Write without mistakes. Even if you want to emphasize your disdain for him in this way, don’t do it. After writing, read everything carefully, correct errors and shortcomings, and only then send.

If you want to write a message to get to know each other, don’t hesitate and don’t put it off. The times of modest Turgenev girls have long since sunk into oblivion. While you decide, he could become someone's boyfriend.

How to say in smart words that a person is stupid?

Use these phrases:

  • “Your mind is like a cat crying!”
  • “The brain is no bigger than a chicken!”
  • “The head is big, but there is no brain!”
  • “Your brain has no convolutions!”
  • “You only have one curve and it’s smooth!”
  • "You understand me? Although yes, where are you going?”
  • “Were you born this stupid or did you become so stupid?”
  • “You were last in line for brains”
  • “Nature did not reward you with intelligence”

How to tell a person that he is stupid without using swear words?

What can you write to a guy in the first message to get him hooked?

Starting communication is an important aspect of a good relationship in the future. Use your imagination and follow some tips:

  • First of all, these should not be banal phrases like “How are you” and “Let’s get acquainted.” To attract a guy’s attention in the first seconds of communication and keep him, carefully study his page on a social network. So you will understand what he does, what music he listens to, where he has traveled. Perhaps you will learn something about his character, actions, taste preferences. Use this information to make connections. For example: “You have visited such beautiful places. Great! You probably have a lot of vivid impressions. Will you share?"
  • Identify your area of ​​common hobbies. This will fuel his interest: “I, like you, love to play volleyball. Soon our city team will compete with the guests. Maybe we can go to the game?
  • As if inadvertently, let him know about your good attitude towards him: “I see that you are volunteering. I deeply like such people. Not everyone is ready to spend their energy and time helping those in need. I want to join this movement."
  • As if by chance, give him a light compliment: “I saw several dessert recipes on your page. Not all men are partial to cooking. I have rare dishes in my arsenal. I can send you the recipe."
  • Ask him for advice, a man’s opinion about some situation: “Your page has an excellent selection of music. I want to buy good headphones to listen to. Can you tell me which model to choose?”

To write first is not shameful or shameful. But imposing yourself is a completely different matter. Don’t monitor every second whether he answered or not. Don't give him the opportunity to understand that you are looking forward to continuing communication. When he writes, pause and only then answer. If your signal does not work and he does not respond to the first message, you should not continue the correspondence.

Let's consider another vital situation. What can you write to a man in SMS or on a social network to hook him if he has lost his temper?

  • To captivate him, try to create and maintain intrigue. Change, be unpredictable and contradictory. Try on different images: today you are the embodiment of modesty and gullibility, tomorrow you are pragmatism and rationalism. By unraveling you, he will understand how unusual and multifaceted you are, and will again become interested in you.
  • A person's most lively interest is in himself. Most of your messages should not be about you, but about him. Show sincere attention to his personality, life events, and hobbies. Don’t talk about what your mood is, but ask him about it.
  • All men are narcissists to a greater or lesser extent. Throw compliments into the fire of your relationship, but only those that he deserves. All men like to be praised.
  • Be funny, be positive. If humor is not your thing, stock up on a few funny stories in advance that will help smooth out rough edges and create a feeling of sympathy.

How can you insult and offend a woman or a girl with clever words without swearing?

Smart phrases without swearing will help you try not to offend a woman with obscene words and still be able to convey important information to her. Try to contain all your emotions and instill in every word not only your anger, but also the confidence that you are strong and the truth is on your side.

What phrases to say to a woman or girl:

  • “Instead of barking like a yard dog, better go think about your words and the stupidity with which you pronounce them!”
  • “Go wash yourself and wash away this idiocy!”
  • “I used to think that you were smart, but now I see that you have always been a fool!”
  • “Apparently, you were the last in line for intelligence!”
  • “Every time you open your mouth, another portion of slop comes out!”
  • “You act like you grew up in a brothel!”
  • “Yes, you have a brain, but there’s not an ounce of intelligence in it!”

How to humiliate and respond to a person’s offense with words without swearing?

Hit the weak points of men

The purpose of correspondence can be not only positive, but also negative emotions. After a breakup, the bitterness of resentment haunts a woman for a long time. What can you write to your ex-boyfriend, husband, lover in SMS and on a social network so that it hurts him?

It is known that men, unlike women, are more straightforward. Ladies, thanks to their natural resourcefulness and cunning, are able to calculate and play many moves on the playing field of relationships that an experienced womanizer has never dreamed of. To win “in boxing” by correspondence, manipulate the male consciousness, use psychological tricks.

  • We criticize his appearance. Men are just as concerned as women about how they look. Due to the fact that they are not so emotional and more restrained, they manage to hide their complexes. Sparse hair on your head, an unathletic figure, short stature, a tasteless, sloppy wardrobe, always dirty shoes - all this can become the subject of your ridicule.
  • A blow to self-esteem and pride. If your career is going better than his, you have enough arguments to launch a surgical strike. Start one sentence of your message with: “Unlike some, I have had to cope with difficult tasks, more than once.” Or: “Before entering into a debate with me, it would be nice for you to learn how to solve your problems, and first of all, financial ones.” Even if you are not very successful, you can always make an attack on his financial instability, of course, if he is not an oligarch: “Instead of arguing with me, it would be better to find a way to make money.”
  • A blow to the competitive instinct. Compare him with more successful friends or with those friends who have stable, strong relationships and have children. Report this as if inadvertently, in the form of well-known news, gossip: “I heard that your classmate Ivan is already in charge of the branch. People even with your education know how to climb the career ladder,” “Petrov has another addition to his family. Well done! This is already the third, and some still consider themselves irresponsible polygamous youths.”
  • We irritate our opponent by emphasizing his negative traits.

It is known that women devote much more attention and time to their education than men. At school, the reading part of the class consists mainly of girls. And often in a couple it is the representative of the fair sex who has a broader outlook.

  • Focus on his lack of education and ignorance. Of course, for this you yourself need to be a fairly erudite person. Use scientific terms in your speech, preferably ones the meaning of which he does not know. He will feel humiliated and insulted.
  • Another common negative male quality is laziness. For example: “Has your mother already tidied up your apartment this week? Or did you borrow money to pay for a one-time cleaning?”
  • His sloppiness can also become a subject of ridicule: “I’m thinking about breaking out to visit you. Let me know when you’ve collected the socks scattered around the apartment and washed the dishes.”

Stop actions: common mistakes girls make

You shouldn’t talk about marriage on the first date (not even on the tenth). Hints will not help you, but will only scare the guy. It's better to say that the wedding scares you a little. You will definitely receive approval for such a remark. There is a stereotype that all girls dream of getting married as soon as possible, and such a look will make you unique.

Important! Don't gossip. A girl who reveals other people's secrets and rummages through the dirty laundry of those around her looks unpleasant herself.

Men appreciate women who do not cage men in their society. The chosen one should feel that at any moment you can easily leave and leave him alone. Frequent meetings will eradicate the spirit of excitement, and besides, when apart, men remember the lady of their heart even more.

In conversations, do not mention your complexes, problems and relatives. Never talk about ex-boyfriends. There is no need for a man to know how many admirers you had and what tricks you used to charm them.

What to write in a message to make a guy feel negative emotions

If you still haven’t mastered the art of barbs over text, our advice will come in handy.

We humiliate with offensive jokes

Coming up with an offensive joke phrase is not so easy. It must meet certain requirements:

  • If you ridicule any quality of his, you must be truthful. If he is smart, there is no point in making fun of his stupidity.
  • The most noticeable blow is the one that is applied to sore spots. If you have been in a relationship for a long time, and you know what unpleasant situations he has been in and where he showed himself in an unsightly light, remind him of this and season him with “pepper and salt” so that it burns longer.

If you don’t know what SMS to write to a guy that will touch his heartstrings, you can turn to the ubiquitous Internet for help. The World Wide Web is replete with role models, but your recent admirer may have already heard them. Therefore, we offer you our set of humiliatingly funny phrases:

  • “The figurine you gave me was completely accidentally broken. Just imagine, I hit the wall myself. So sorry. I can’t give it back to you.”
  • “After our parting, I tried for a long time to find sadness in myself, or at least a little sadness. For some reason I didn't find it. We must have done something wrong. We must repeat the separation."
  • “Zhuzha misses you. Such a naive and stupid animal. Today I’ll start re-educating her.”
  • “Don’t touch my strengths with your shortcomings.”
  • “Apparently you were last in line when God gave out intelligence and beauty to people.” “You are like a vast ocean, covered with an endless series of waves. I feel sick when I look at you."
  • “Are you always so stupid or is today a triumph for you?”
  • “I see you’ve let smart thoughts get into your head?”
  • “I sympathize with your mirror. Seeing this face several times a day is not an attraction for the faint of heart.”
  • “Think at least with your bone marrow.”
  • “Did your parents offer you money when you were a child to run away from home?”
  • “I advise you to speak out as often as possible. Perhaps constant practice will eventually give you a chance, and you will voice some smart idea.”
  • “You probably don’t know this, but there are several hairdressers in our city. One of them is around the corner."
  • “Nature rested well on your face.”
  • “Have your brains returned from vacation yet?”
  • “I don’t even know how to explain this to you. After all, I don’t speak the language of stupid people.”

Causing jealousy

Is he worried about the fear of losing you completely and irrevocably? Fuel this destructive feeling with your messages.

  • “Your friend is really handsome. Can you text me his phone number?” With such a message you will not only cause jealousy, but also hurt his pride.
  • Ambiguous phrases are also suitable: “You don’t have to worry about me. There is someone to take care of me.” This “someone” can actually be not only a young person, but also parents, relatives, and friends.
  • Write him a long, beautiful compliment, and then send him a message indicating that you were the wrong recipient.
  • Send him a photo of a man's shirt and ask if he forgot it at your house? Let him think that you already have someone.

Show your imagination

To show him what a worthy woman he missed, engage in self-praise. At first he may take it ironically. But if you send him compliments infrequently but regularly, this can be an effective way to influence him.

  • “Today I outdid myself at work. I prepared such a delightful presentation. Everyone listened with their mouths open.”
  • “I myself am surprised how I manage to look so beautiful in our difficult times. I am attaching a photo report."
  • “I bought myself a new brand bag. For all bonuses. Unlike some, I can afford it.”

Some time after a strong quarrel, a man begins to feel remorse. Under their influence, he becomes softer and more romantic. Memories messages will be effective here: about first dates, joint holidays and trips, cute trinkets or serious gifts that you exchanged, in general, about everything related to happy days that are a thing of the past. Messages like this would be suitable: “Remember that pretty courtyard where you kissed me for the first time? Snowdrops are blooming there now.” “What were we thinking when we killed our love? We can’t get these feelings back.”

Each couple has their own code words that seem funny and amusing only to them, because they are associated with some kind of embarrassment, an unusual event, which they happened to witness or participate in. Or it could be a song, a poem, even a joke. Write him your secret phrase. Such a move will not leave him 100% indifferent.

How to shut a person's mouth with clever words?

IMPORTANT: The concept of “shut your mouth with clever words” assumes that you will find phrases that, after an offense, can bring a person to reason and warn him against making a new mistake. “Smart words” are words devoid of obscenities and rudeness, but imbued with reasonable meaning. They push a person to conclusions and leave a mark on the soul stronger than any obscene word.

Phrases to “shut a person’s mouth”:

  • “Ever since you opened your mouth, the stench hasn’t stopped coming out of it, like a cesspool!”
  • “It would be better if you didn’t open your mouth, because all your words only showed how low you are!”
  • “You opened your mouth and immediately realized that this was a stupid person in front of me!”
  • “Your words did not show your best side!”
  • “Ever since you opened your mouth, my opinion of you has changed for the worse!”
  • “Your words have brought you lower than ever in my eyes!”
  • “You are incredibly stupid if you think that everything you say is smart speech!”

How to do and what to say to a person so that he can shut up: phrases without swearing

Attractive qualities

8. The way she shares things with a man

If a woman shares something with a man, it attracts.

After all, she doesn’t share something because she thinks it’s right.

Or because she grew up knowing that “sharing is caring.” Or because she feels obligated to do it anyway.

When she shares dinner, ice cream, or a blanket with a man, she is not actually sharing these things with him. She shares her experience. She shares her life with him.

9. The way she knows how to love

She doesn't love him because he provides for her or because he gives her some material benefits or just because they experience some things together.

She just loves him for who he is. And, looking into the soul of this man, she understands that this man is worth her love.

If a woman loves you simply for who you are, without demanding anything in return, this means that she is capable of eternal, limitless love. And what could be more attractive than this?

10. The way she opens up to a man

One of the most attractive and exciting things in a man’s blood is the way a woman reveals herself to a man.

When a woman opens up more than once, slowly and gradually, it touches him and makes him want her even more.

An open book is of little interest to anyone.

And if a man makes it clear to a woman that she is protected, that she is safe, she, in turn, bares her soul, thoughts and heart to him.

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Perfect Makeup3

There are girls who can't even throw out the trash without wearing makeup. If you can recognize similar traits in this image, then you should reconsider your life plans or even consult a psychologist. Now is not the time when tons of cosmetics on the face are in great demand. On the contrary, everything should look as natural as possible. This is not about giving up cosmetics completely. It was created to emphasize and embellish existing facial features, and not to change the appearance beyond recognition (make-up was invented for this task).

In order to hook a man and not scare him off in the morning with the sight of a completely unfamiliar woman nearby, you should not overdo it with makeup. In addition, numerous layers have an adverse effect on the skin of the face. Without makeup, it will not look very fresh or even healthy. And who needs such sacrifices?

Don't forget to praise 4

Many women think that men are like rocks - tough and unapproachable, but this is not true. They, just like women, are prone to displays of tenderness, affection and compliments. In order for a man to pay attention, you should not neglect them. On the contrary, it is better to notice all the positive qualities, even the most insignificant and trivial ones, that are inherent in him. But you shouldn’t go too far.

When choosing such seduction tactics, do not forget about the object itself and goals. There is no need for it to look like flattery or not sound entirely believable. The main thing is that the compliment comes from the heart and has the goal of praising the man for his achievements. For example, the most pleasant thing for him will be to hear approving words about his car (if he has one) or about his appearance.

What questions can and should be asked, and what not?

Correctly constructed dialogue at the beginning of communication is the key to successful relationships in the future.

There are topics that are best left untouched, and there are questions that need to be asked first:

  • Ask about lifestyle, hobbies, interests. It is important to show interest as men love it when a woman shares their hobbies and is curious.
  • Ask for advice on a topic in which he understands. But don’t burden him with your problems right away.
  • Ask for help. This should be a simple request, but you should definitely praise the guy for solving the problem.

If the girl previously knew the guy she liked, then you can remember some pleasant or funny moments of communication from the past. This move can evoke a feeling of nostalgia.

Topics to avoid:

  • his earnings and level of income;
  • relationships with ex-girlfriends;
  • sex;
  • religion and attitude towards religion.

How to replace curse words with smart words?

In order not to look stupid and overly emotional, try to develop in advance the ability to replace obscene words with cultural analogues. It's not difficult at all if you practice in advance. Try to understand in advance the full meaning and significance of the obscenities you know, and then in your understanding you will be able to replace them with more “cultural” words.

IMPORTANT: Clever words spoken “strongly” and confidently can be more painful and meaningful than any obscenities that already exist constantly in the speech of a modern person.

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