How to decipher a person's character from their Instagram profile

Well, who among modern people is not interested in such an interesting science as psychology? It can help you cope with many problems in life, find answers to questions and a purpose for moving forward. However, not all modern psychologists are specialists in their field. We all know that the current level of education, as a rule, leaves much to be desired, right?

If you are a psychologist who wants to continuously improve your level of competence, or you are a person who needs the help of a psychologist, our article will be very helpful. After all, in it we will look at publics and groups on the VKontakte social network that are dedicated to psychology. In them you can certainly find not only interesting information, but also worthy interlocutors.

Psychology of relationships

Why is this public first on our list? This is no coincidence. This community is the largest! It already has more than four and a half million people. There are probably many of your friends among them. And really, what can a person worry about more than relationships with other people? And here is the address: But, where there is a crowd, the truth cannot be found. Why do we say this? Because there is no smell of psychology here. Alas, only the name is connected with psychology. Here you will find vanilla quotes, cute photos and games in discussions. However, if you like this, feel free to join. Next, we will try to consider communities that are associated with real psychology.

Top 10 psychologists on Instagram

The presence of higher education among psychologists can coexist with pseudo-scientific and unproven methods of work. There are many bloggers on social networks with a multimillion-dollar audience who list NLP, financial and personal coaching, astrology, tarot card fortune-telling, neopsychology and neuropsychology, whatever that means, in their list of competencies. In the top 10 (by number of subscribers) among Russian psychologist bloggers there is not a single specialist with the necessary education, membership in professional associations and an ethical approach to therapy. A few popular examples.

  1. Vlada Poputarovskaya (@vladaolegovna, 732 thousand subscribers) is a blogger, NLP practitioner, and neurocoach. He runs the company, on whose website customer reviews are published. Offers financial arrangements and conducts money marathons.
  2. Mila Levchuk (@milalevchuk, 1.5 million subscribers) is a teacher by training, not a psychologist. He promotes books, runs marathons, does financial coaching, and uses free language with clients.
  3. Larisa Surkova (@larangsovet, 2.5 million subscribers) is a candidate of psychological sciences, but she is loyal to pseudoscientific treatment methods (homeopathy), conducts online marathons, promotes more than a dozen books on psychology and positions herself as a specialist of the widest profile.
  4. Elena Weiss (@helen_wize, 725 thousand subscribers) is a neopsychologist, astrologer, tarologist, adept of reality transformation and NLP. In his rhetoric and in paid marathons, he uses the concept of psychosomatics not in a medical, but in an esoteric way.
  5. Vladimir Greisman (Zuev) (@zuevmotivator, 4 million subscribers) is a psychologist-sexologist and psychology teacher. Works with family relationships, relying on old bad gender stereotypes. Does not anonymously publish reviews of his work. At the same time, he is an evangelist preacher, pastor of the Father's House church, and conducts therapy from a religious perspective.
  6. Veronika Stepanova (@veronik20011, YouTube channel, 2 million subscribers) is a certified clinical psychologist, around whom a scandalous reputation has developed as an Internet troll, and video clips from her speeches are distributed on humorous public pages.

One way or another, almost all popular bloggers use psychology as a way to make money from marathons, books and webinars. Whether we are talking about real help and competent counseling is an open question.

The desire of bloggers to use psychology to attract an audience and achieve their own business goals gives rise to counter-proposals - there are many ready-made content plans on the Internet for promoting pages of “psychologists”.

Are famous psychologists good psychologists?

Critically thinking people turn to scientists for knowledge about the functioning of the brain and psychology, but not every scientist can withstand scientific criticism, and many have a number of questions about the activities.

Public of the same name

Real psychology on VKontakte is represented by this public page: A little less than two million subscribers, interesting posts and regular updates. This is more like what we were looking for. It’s just a pity that there are no comments under posts or discussions in this community. So, it may not be possible to find like-minded people. The maximum is to like or repost. This community is perfect for you if you love to read. Because there is something here to read and something to think about. Are you interested in psychology on VKontakte? Feel free to subscribe for updates!

How to decipher a person's character from their Instagram profile

This group includes profiles of professional trainers for whom an account is a business. Here you will see photos and videos of training, motivational posts and life hacks. There are those who come to the hall just to take a photo. This group of comrades are most often narcissists in search of public approval. Narcissists are obsessed with their appearance and believe that appearance comes first for many people.

Family content/photos of children

“The more photos of family and children in the profile, the more time and effort this area of ​​life takes. Such people evaluate the success of other people through the presence of a family. Behind happy motherhood lies fatigue, no matter how different it may seem,” says Moiseeva.

These photos just scream: “I am a mother! And this is my most important achievement in life.” If these are photographs of a mother on maternity leave or a housewife, then they often convey a desire for approval, that her life is just as good and interesting as others, that cooking soup is no less exciting than working in an office or going to a music festival. Often behind this lies despair and depression from the difficult “ideal” life of a mother.

“For example, there is a girl who, in the social concept, is not an ideal mother. Actively works, does not spend much time with children, is not keen on attention. Then the deficit lies in the fact that she wants to improve this situation. Lack of feeling like a good mother. It can be easily covered if you dress up the child beautifully and post his photo on Instagram, because publicly this will be perceived as attention to the child, a special attitude towards him, and distinguishing him from the general routine of life. There may be a diametrically opposite situation - she posts it in order to personally demonstrate for herself and gain the approval of the public that she has the right not to work and is a good mother. She tells how much strength and energy she spends on raising her children, how she valiantly copes without nannies or assistants, and this gives her the perfect alibi for not realizing herself in other paths. Usually, such mothers are sensitive to mothers who do not expose their children, but write blogs about business and travel,” adds Sidorova.

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.
Photos in couples

“Keeping up photos of happy couples can indicate relationship anxiety. It is possible to experience “everything is fine now, but everything can change,” Moiseeva explains. No, we're not talking about those times you posted a photo of the two of you in honor of your anniversary, but rather the manic desire to show the world every day that your relationship is strong and perfect. It's a way of saying that you are loved, worthy and beautiful. Sometimes this may be hidden behind the desire to prove to someone that everything is fine with you, for example, an ex-partner. Pay attention to the photo captions and hashtags like #my, this is a direct statement of uncertainty about one’s own status in a relationship.

Beauty content

On the one hand, such a person shows his artistic, creative side, on the other hand, he expects to receive positive comments in order to increase self-esteem and amuse the inner narcissist. Let's say a special thank you to beauty bloggers who, like guinea pigs, test industry innovations on themselves. Even if they are sent funds for free and the review is not 100 percent honest, this is a great help for subscribers.

Food photos

Research in the Journal of Consumer Marketing shows that taking a photo of your food will make it taste even better. For some, such content is a way to show how good their life is; for others, it is an opportunity to demonstrate that they are in an expensive restaurant and can afford to eat delicacies. In any case, this is an attempt to improve your image and assert yourself.

Nature/travel and pet photography

Often such photos serve as an indicator that you want privacy and quiet contemplation. A photo diary from your trip helps you remember what you liked and record the positive emotions you experienced. At the same time, exotic species can serve as a red rag for subscribers and be perceived as a desire to show your success (maybe this is true, and in the subconscious you want to show your worth to your remaining colleagues in the office) or a search for recognition. If you can't help but share the joy of having a puppy, then you are a sentimental person who loves animals.

Instagram content

This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from.

Sigmund Freud

What is the most famous psychologist you know? I think the answer is obvious. We invite you to join this community, which is dedicated to the legendary Sigmund Freud: Surely all psychologists in VKontakte have long subscribed to updates of this public. In total there are more than 65 thousand participants. And even despite the fact that comments on posts are closed, and there is essentially no one to chat with here, staying in the community is very interesting thanks to the posts on the wall. It is clear that they are chosen wisely. By the way, millionaire Gennady Balashov on VKontakte, about whom we have already written on our website, quite often quotes Freud.

Mikhail Labkovsky

Mikhail Labkovsky is considered the most recognizable psychologist in the country, one of the first popularizers of psychology, who made a fortune from books about happiness. His book “I want and I will.” Accept yourself, love life and become happy” became the best-selling book in Russia and was sold in the first year with a circulation of more than 200 thousand copies. Moreover, the highly paid and popular psychologist has a pedagogical education.

Mikhail Labkovsky

The review provides criticism of Labkovsky from the professional community, as well as his approach to the monetization of psychological activity. He gives public consultations in the stand-up genre. Labkovsky estimates his 45-minute consultations at 95 thousand rubles.

In 2022, a scandal erupted around his activities. Polina Sanaeva, who worked for Labkovsky as PR director, published a devastating article in which she sharply criticized the psychologist, including for thoughtless advice to clients and a complete lack of responsibility for the consequences. Former clients also doubt the expertise and professionalism of the psychologist.

Like other media personalities, Labkovsky’s commercial popularity is not hampered by criticism from the professional community, devastating articles, or scandalous incidents.

Carl Gustav Jung

Another titan in human psychology, to whom a fairly large community is dedicated: Agree, real psychologists on VKontakte will not be able to pass by and not subscribe to this public page. It contains many quotes and excerpts from Jung's books. However, not only his quotes. Surely it would be too boring. So, you will find in this community other excerpts from books by various people, one way or another related to psychology. Which is good news. Continue to follow the updates on our website, dear readers. There is still a lot of interesting information ahead that we would like to share with you.

Andrey Kurpatov

Andrey Kurpatov, author of more than 40 books on psychology, published in millions of copies, host of the rating show “Doctor Kurpatov”, gained fame as a psychotherapist on television. His official website does not provide information about education or qualifications. Judging by the Forbes publication, he graduated from the Military Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. I studied psychiatry and psychotherapy in internship, but there are no diplomas or certificates in the public domain. In 2022, neuroscientists and biochemists carried out a large critical analysis of Kurpatov’s books, whose main, but not only, complaint was the abundance of myths and long-disproven scientific theories.

Andrey Kurpatov, host of the rating show “Doctor Kurpatov”

“You probably know that our brain uses only a few percent of its potential capabilities (according to various sources - from 3 to 7%), and exactly the same situation arises in relation to the human genome. Each of us has God knows what genes, but we use only part of the information contained in them, and the same percentage units.”

“For a man, orgasm is a physiological need, just like the need for food or air. He must ejaculate and orgasm! The male orgasm traces its great history back to simple fish and slimy amphibians. In the case of female orgasm, everything is completely different. Serious scientific publications, as if in secret, as if they had done something wrong, almost in a whisper, report: for women, orgasm was not intended by nature...” The Archives of sexual behavior magazine includes orgasm in the index of the quality of a woman’s sexual life. The presence of female orgasm is explained by evolutionary biologists Pavličev and Wagner 2016, therefore, the quote contains the personal opinion of the author, which contradicts official science.

Although the psychologist’s official website states that he is the author of numerous scientific publications, the reviewers did not find his work on any professional resource. The psychologist himself claims that his popular books have nothing to do with science and criticism of his statements is not justified.

Russian psychological communities, relying on the ethical code, do not comment on Kurpatov and his approach to the popularization of psychology. However, on social networks and in reviews of books, his creativity and business projects are actively dissected, calling them a sect.

A formal reason is enough for us to do terrible things.

Experiments make you think about how quickly a person is ready to turn into a monster. Milgram. Behavioral study of obedience / The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology by American social psychologist Stanley Milgram. In them, subjects were asked to shock a person for incorrect answers to questions and gradually increase the voltage. In fact, the tortured person was a fake actor and did not receive electricity, which the test subjects did not know.

As a result, 65% of participants reached the highest level of tension. If the current were real, it could cause serious harm to health. At the same time, people were more willing to shock another person in the presence of an experimenter who introduced himself as a professor. Trust in assistants was much lower. That is, the higher the formal authority of the orderer, the more willingly his commands will be carried out, even if they contradict the norms of ethics and morality.

In such situations, people often make excuses by saying that they were simply following instructions. A. Caspar, J. F. Christensen, A. Cleeremans et al. Coercion changes the sense of agency in the human brain / Current Biology, thus transferring responsibility for what is done to others.

What to do about it

Following orders or instructions does not excuse dangerous behavior. For example, Nazi criminals are still being sought and tried to this day. So before you do anything that is expected of you, think about it. Show. The psychology of evil, you would do this of your own free will. Accept the fact that the responsibility for all your actions lies with you and no one else.

Basic theories of personality research

Previously, I described general concepts and approaches to considering the concept of personal structure. Now I’ll tell you about specific works of famous scientists, which will help you find the vector for self-knowledge that is closest to you.

Psychological system of Sigmund Freud

In addition to identifying the three components of the inner self, the psychoanalyst viewed the person in a psychosexual way. He argued that the motives that determine behavior are often unconscious and largely depend on the influence of sexual desire on the psyche. Another popular idea involves sublimation, a procedure for redirecting energy. By studying the basics of psychoanalysis, we can analyze the influence of the unconscious on our thoughts and behavior.

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Young's analytical system

He described personality development as a desire for integrity. Its potential is associated simultaneously with aspirations for the future and individual innate characteristics. This concept states that initially everyone has a set of characteristics and predispositions, which in the process of socialization only develop and are revealed to one degree or another. Knowing about these attitudes that we have at birth, we can find tools to make life more effective.

William James' theory of personality psychology

The scientist analyzes the concept of individuality in three categories:

  • Structure (components of the mental).
  • Self-esteem (based on feelings and emotions in relation to the first point).
  • Actions caused by components and evaluation.

Psychosynthesis by Assagioli

The researcher identified eight main areas that characterize the psyche: lower, middle, higher and collective unconscious, consciousness, personal and highest “I”, subpersonality. He saw integrity in the unity and harmonious coexistence of all these components.

Adler's individual psychology

In the works of this scientist one can find such a concept as “lifestyle”. It is reflected in certain attitudes formed under the influence of society on the individual. There are four types of such paradigms, according to which a person interacts with reality: controlling, socially useful, avoiding and receiving.

The physiological approach of Ernst Kretschmer and William Sheldon

This concept pays attention not so much to mental processes as to the state of the body at the physical level. For example, within the framework of the teaching, 4 types of body constitution were identified, which were directly associated with the states and orientation of the psyche (athletic, dysplastic, leptosomatic, picnic).

Allport's dispositional study

According to this theory, each person is individual and has a unique set of personality traits. Here the concept of “proprium” arises, which means a distinctive feature that determines human identity.

Concept by Eduard Spranger

The scientist identified six psychological types associated with various categories of worldview:

  • economic;
  • aesthetic;
  • political;
  • religious;
  • social;
  • theoretical.

Thus, individuality is understood by him through a set of values ​​inherent in the individual.

Intrapsychology of Kurt Lewin

The researcher believed that the driving factors in the formation of the “I” are located within the individual himself and in his relationships with the outside world. These ideas are called dynamic (typological) theory.

Existential analysis of Viktor Frankl

The author called freedom, responsibility and the meaning of life the fundamental engines of development.

Phenomenological (humanistic) approach

The most famous researchers in these areas were A. Maslow and R. Rogers. They understood the formation of an individual in society as a desire for self-actualization, the realization of internal potential in the presence of subjective experiences.

Philosophical and psychological concept of Erich Fromm

The psychologist clearly separates individuality from social influence and its adaptation to the majority.

We often ignore people who need our help.

The influence of society can also manifest itself in unobvious things. For example, the more people see that someone needs help, the less B. Latane, J. M. Darley. Group inhibition of bystander intervention in emergencies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology each will feel personally responsible for helping. This is called the bystander effect. Most often, examples are given of cases where many people witnessed a crime, but none of them contacted the police or tried to help the victim.

What to do about it

Knowing that the effect exists in itself greatly helps to overcome it. It is also important to understand M. K. Schweinfurth, J. Call. Reciprocity: Different behavioral strategies, cognitive mechanisms and psychological processes / Learning & Behavior, that you are really able to help someone. And for this it is not at all necessary to be able to save drowning people or perform cardiac massage.

Internet Marketing and Business



Unique materials about all areas of internet marketing

Number of subscribers:

37 000 +

Internet agency "Texterra" has the most visited blog on Internet marketing in RuNet. And in this community they publish a huge number of practical recommendations and cases in the same area.

  • VKontakte:
  • Instagram:
  • Telegram:

Internet marketing from A to Z


All about internet marketing

Number of subscribers:

197 000 +

Active discussions of the latest news in Internet marketing and analysis of subscriber questions. No water – just practical information.

  • VKontakte:

Russian marketing


In simple words about Internet marketing

Number of subscribers:

73 000 +

News, useful materials and selections for marketers, SMM specialists and more.

  • VKontakte:
  • Instagram:
  • Telegram:

Startups and business


Startups, growing businesses, new earning models, etc.

Number of subscribers:

866 000 +

“” is the largest resource in RuNet for entrepreneurs of the new generation. They write about business in Russia, technology, growth models, startups and market development in various fields.

  • VKontakte:
  • Twitter:
  • Telegram:

If I missed something really interesting, write in the comments. But please, please do not advertise your communities. Let your subscribers do it. All the best!

Financial literacy



Raising financial awareness

Number of subscribers:

428 000 +

Economics, personal finance, business, real estate, investments. All this intersects and is united in the posts of this public.

  • VKontakte:

Smart money


Business magazine

Number of subscribers:

1 900 000 +

The community unites almost 2 million people who want to achieve financial freedom and success.

On the pages of the group you will find a charge of motivation, secrets of successful people and rules of financial literacy.

  • VKontakte:



Latest news from the world of business and investment

Number of subscribers:

966 000 +

Forbes writes about stories of success and failure of entrepreneurs, conducts research on new ideas for business and investment, and also publishes ratings. In addition to the official website, information can be found on their social networks.

  • VKontakte:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:

Personal development

When studying this aspect of an individual’s life, several areas for research can be identified:

  • The process itself, the mechanism of formation of the personal structure.
  • The results of this formation.
  • Ways and methods of influence of society on a person, his upbringing.
  • Self-development.

PL sections

  • pathopsychology (study of disease states);
  • defect psychology (concerns deviations in the functioning of the psyche: speech disorders, hearing loss, vision loss, mental retardation);
  • age;
  • differential (studying differences between different groups of people).

Communities for self-education



Everything you wanted to know but didn't know who to ask

Number of subscribers:

479 000 +

Interesting information about science and more. For example, “Does higher education help you find a job?” or “Pornography as a Tool of Social Criticism.”

  • VKontakte:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:

Sputnik and Pogrom


News and articles about politics, culture and history

Number of subscribers:

112 000 +

“Sputnik and Pogrom” is an online media that covers news in the fields of politics, culture and history. The admins themselves believe that their community is intended only for smart Russians.

  • VKontakte:
  • Telegram:

Experimenter | The science


Current news from the world of science and technology

Number of subscribers:

1 600 000 +


The goal of this community is to encourage readers to self-development and improvement by telling stories about the possibilities of science.

  • VKontakte:

Tongue glasar


Everything important and unimportant about the Russian language

Number of subscribers:

30 000 +

No educational or attractive pictures with the meanings of words. No rhymes to remember the correct accent. Only serious content about the secrets of the great and powerful language.

  • VKontakte:
  • Facebook:
  • Telegram:

english yo


Fun learning English

Number of subscribers:

215 000 +

Author's texts, colloquial vocabulary, analysis of phrases from films and TV series. Lots of entertaining but still educational posts.

  • VKontakte:
  • Instagram:
  • Telegram:

Read also:

A selection of online courses for learning English in 2022

Learning languages: English, French, German


Useful information about different languages ​​of the world

Number of subscribers:

910 000 +

The community is perfect for beginning polyglots. It contains a lot of materials for learning languages:

  1. Textbooks in PDF format;
  2. Dictionaries;
  3. Articles;
  4. Infographics;
  5. Courses.
  • VKontakte:
  • Facebook:



Learning English on Skype

Number of subscribers:

159 000 +

Skyeng is the largest online English school in Europe. Its official community publishes useful tips for learning English, the meaning of verbs, announcements of new courses and much more.

  • VKontakte:
  • Facebook:
  • Instagram:



Training in new and in-demand professions

Number of subscribers:

262 000 +

“Skillbox” is an educational platform that provides us with comprehensive programs for training new and in-demand professions. If you subscribe to their group on social networks, you will receive additional information on vocational education.

  • VKontakte:
  • Instagram:
  • Telegram:



Professional development and upgrade of soft skills

Number of subscribers:

233 000 +

This is another educational platform for vocational education. Get more information about various Internet areas on their social networks.

  • VKontakte:
  • Instagram:
  • Telegram:


For those who have a desire to delve deeper into the study of the topic of social psychology, below we present a small but very good list of literature that makes sense to consult:

  • Ageev BC Intergroup interaction: socio-psychological problems. M., 1990
  • Andreeva G.M. Social psychology M., 2003
  • Bityanova M.R. Social psychology M., 2002
  • Bodalev A.A. Perception and understanding of man by man M. Moscow State University, 1982
  • Bodalev A.A. Personality and communication M., 1995
  • Dontsov A.I. Psychology of the collective M., 1984
  • Leontyev A.A. Psychology of communication M., 1998
  • Kolomensky Ya.L. “Differentiation of social psychology and some problems of developmental psychology” St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000
  • Myasishchev V.N. Psychology of relations Moscow-Voronezh, 1995
  • Fundamentals of socio-psychological theory / Ed. A.A.Bodaleva, A.N. Sukhova M., 1995
  • Parygin B.D. Social psychology M., 1999
  • Personality psychology and lifestyle / Rep. ed. E.V. Shorokhova M. Science, 1987
  • Rean A.A., Kolomensky Ya.L. Social educational psychology St. Petersburg, 1998
  • Robert M., Tilman F. Psychology of the individual and group M., 1988
  • Sekun V.I. Psychology of activity. Minsk, 1996
  • Semenov V.E. Method of studying documents in socio-psychological research L., 1983
  • Modern foreign social psychology Texts / Ed. G.M.Andreeva et al. M., 1984
  • Social psychology / Ed. A.N. Sukhova, A.A. Derkach M., 2001
  • Social psychology and social practice / Ed. E.V. Shorokhova, V.P. Levkovich. M., 1985
  • Social psychology of classes / Ed. G.G.Diligensky M., 1985
  • Spivak D.L. Altered states of mass consciousness St. Petersburg, 1996
  • Stankin M.I. Psychology of communication Course of lectures M., 1996
  • Stefanenko T.G., Shlyagina E.I., Enikolopov S.N. Methods of ethnopsychological research. M., 1993
  • Stefanenko T.G. Ethnopsychology. Vol. 1. M., 1998
  • Sukharev V., Sukharev M. Psychology of peoples and nations. M., 1997
  • Freud 3. Group psychology and analysis of “EGO” M., 1991
  • Shevandrin N.I. Social psychology in education M., 1996
  • Shikhirev P.N. Modern social psychology in Western Europe M, 1985

Key properties

These are stable manifestations of mental activity that have a direct impact on human behavior and his relationships with the world.


These are the distinctive features of the psyche on which the successful or unsuccessful acquisition of new skills and knowledge depends. Opportunities for mastering a certain type of activity are of several types.

Elementary and complex

The first (simplest) are associated with the work of the senses (sense of smells, tastes, ability to distinguish colors). The latter relate to the processes of comprehending culture (these are creative, analytical skills) and are not innate.

General and special

Universal abilities (with normal formation of the body) are present in the arsenal of every person and differ only in the level of development. These include motor and mental capabilities, based on which we can talk about what activities a person will achieve success in (for example, in sports, research, training). Not everyone has special, individual characteristics. To reveal them, certain inclinations and inclinations are required. These include creative skills (acting, literary), which can be applied in narrow areas.

Face-to-face consultation

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Skype consultation

What are the features and benefits of Skype consultations?

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Theoretical and practical

The former determine the individual’s orientation towards comprehending tasks associated with the abstract-logical type of thinking, that is, with the construction and analysis of theory. The latter require the ability to find solutions in specific life situations and apply knowledge in practice.

Educational and creative

As the name implies, some abilities characterize an individual as a learner (able to assimilate new information, acquire skills), others are aimed at the ability to create new ideas, make discoveries, and produce elements of culture.

Communicative and subject-activity

The former include social interactions: communication, networking, perceptions of others, and ways of responding to the outside world. The second relate to the person’s contact with inanimate objects.


This is a set of traits that determine the characteristics of human behavior and his mental processes. There are four main types: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and melancholic. Temperament affects the speed and intensity of perception, memorization, information processing, life pace, rhythm and direction of activity.


This concept unites all the methods obtained under certain circumstances and social conditions for an individual to contact reality and people (his behavior in society and reactions to the actions of others), as well as the way of his life. Characteristic traits are divided into three groups: communicative (related to interpersonal communication), business (aimed at organizing work activities), and strong-willed (dedication and perseverance).


This is the ability of an individual to consciously control their mental states and actions. It is directly related to an individual’s potential to make rational, informed decisions, his tendency to self-restraint and the ability to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving a goal. The volitional effort itself is not accompanied by a feeling of satisfaction. It occurs after obtaining the desired result, which would have been impossible without super-effort.


These are experiences with a positive or negative connotation that accompany the satisfaction of vital needs. There are several most significant emotional groups:

  • protozoa (related to organics and physiology);
  • affects (short-term, violent outbursts);
  • mood (the general state of an individual at a specific point in time);
  • feelings (directed towards a specific object);
  • stress (the combination of the process of internal arousal and physical well-being);
  • passion (uncontrollable manifestations of emotionality).


This is the name given to the reasons that motivate a person to commit a particular action. Motives can be conscious or unconscious, but it is always an internal impulse that depends on:

  • needs (needs of the individual);
  • stimulus (factor indicating the need for action);
  • intentions (deliberate decision);
  • motives (unconscious aspirations).

We are often biased in our assessments of other people

How a person sees people, and how he thinks they see him, largely determines his behavior and decisions. For example, if we find ourselves in a competitive environment, we can M. Sheriff. Superordinate Goals in the Reduction of Intergroup Conflict / American Journal of Sociology begin to treat your rivals with disdain, although this would not happen outside the competition.

We also easily extend one positive quality to a person’s entire personality. Thus, attractive people often seem S. N. Talamas, K. I. Mayor, D. I. Perrett. Blinded by beauty: Attractiveness bias and accurate perceptions of academic performance / PLoS ONE we are kind, smart and funny. This is called the halo effect.

It also works in the opposite direction. A curious experiment was conducted by Carlsberg as part of an advertising campaign. Couples were asked to enter a crowded cinema, in which out of 150 seats, 148 were occupied by very stern-looking bikers. Most did not dare to stay for the session because of stereotypes: those sitting in the hall seemed to them to be criminals and rowdies.

What to do about it

It helps to get rid of prejudices by communicating with people outside your usual circle of acquaintances. For example, to reconcile with rivals, M is enough. Sheriff. Superordinate Goals in the Reduction of Intergroup Conflict / American Journal of Sociology work together on a task. A common goal helps to see the “other” as a person.

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