A letter to a beloved man about feelings, an ex-boyfriend or lover, touching and simple

Letter to a loved one in separation and at a distance

There are situations in life when it is impossible to talk about feelings.
More often, the desire to write about how you miss, love and wait arises when a loved one has left for a long time or far away.

Separation, exciting memories, and the smell of home make you yearn even more. Sincere feelings are the best inspiration for touching confessions. The letter will give the young man the strength to survive the breakup and make him love and appreciate his girlfriend with renewed vigor.

For a close man who is far away, they choose words that will pull him home, back. When writing to a loved one from a distance, it is important to focus less on yourself and more on him. He will feel that all his girlfriend’s thoughts revolve only around him, that at home he will feel better than anywhere else and with no one else.

Useful phrases, ideas for messages:

  • “My thoughts constantly return to you. Wherever I look, see or hear, I immediately remember something we have in common, and I again miss you terribly and yearn for you, my dear.”
  • “Without you it’s empty, sad and gray. The memory does not give a moment of peace: “He stood here, looked at me like that, said this ...”, as if you were nearby a minute ago.”
  • “I live in thoughts of you. Every evening I go to bed and again fantasize about how we will meet our eyes, and, hugging, we will stand in silence, enjoying the happiness of the meeting.”

Correct everything with words so that later you can turn them into reality.

“I don’t show up on time for a date because I want to be the most beautiful for you. Sorry I'm not so punctual. No matter how much I study this quality, it doesn’t help. Yes, you probably can’t learn something like that. Forgive me, dear, I will try very hard not to keep you waiting, because I myself don’t like all these expectations. They tire you just as much as any idleness. Love you. For the sake of feelings, my kitten, I am ready to overcome myself. And I’m already doing it little by little. You'll notice it very soon, I promise. I promise that I won’t upset you, I won’t argue with you persistently…. How many promises is your forgiveness worth? I will do everything you ask me to do. And I say again: “I promise.” Do you believe it? Believe me please. This is very important to me.”…

A love letter to the man I love... When you talk about this, so much romance enters your soul. There is so much I want to say. Well, then why give up such simple pleasures? Speak, write... Let him know how much you love, how you wait. He will be so pleased that he will ask you to marry you soon. If he calls, will you go? Well, think about it while you still have time. No one is rushing you, and no one will rush you.

A touching confession to a guy that brings him to tears about his feelings

If the goal is to move a guy to tears, you need to remember everything that concerns your couple: songs, places, dates, moments. If the feelings are mutual, such hints will bring back exciting memories and make him move to tears. And the fact that his lady loves him so much will further enhance the effect.

If the goal is to move a guy to tears, you need to remember everything that concerns your couple

You can use gentle, affectionate nicknames known only to two people. This could be some kind of intimate address or piquant details (all only in a positive way). If the message is on paper, it won’t hurt to sprinkle some perfume on the leaf.

How to write a letter to your loved one:

  1. Choose the form of the message (electronic, paper, audio, video, long or short, in prose or poetry).
  2. Determine the degree of openness (halftone, frank or depraved to the point of disgrace).
  3. Seclude yourself and create an atmosphere (music, favorite scent, preferably his cologne, glass of wine).
  4. Remember something unusual from your common past.
  5. Write something that you have never told him because of shyness.
  6. Add fun memories.
  7. Describe how you feel.
  8. End the confession with something optimistic and preferably dreams of a future together.

How to talk about a breakup?

All you can do is sweeten the bitter pill a little; you still have to call a spade a spade, and it’s better to do it right away. Not in the first sentence, of course, but definitely in the first part of the letter. Write that you value the time spent together and your ex-boyfriend remains a close person to you, but you have decided to move on.

And remember about honesty.

Tell him why you decided to leave, perhaps this will help your ex-boyfriend avoid mistakes in the future, if this is the reason. If you fall in love with someone else, speak up directly. Do not use cliches from films; it is quite possible that your man has also watched them and will immediately recognize plagiarism. Try to describe what is on your soul. Is it difficult and bitter for you? Admit it! If, on the contrary, you feel like you have grown wings, wish your ex-boyfriend the same.

What should I say goodbye?

Finish the letter exactly as you began - in a restrained tone. Do not say goodbye with the words “Still yours forever...” or “I will love you forever,” in this way you will nullify everything that was written before. The optimal ending would be a request not to be offended and to try to understand you.

Short notes of confession to your loved one

Touching notes won't hurt, even if the couple sees each other every day. Such mini-confessions will surprise and delight, especially if the guy finds them in different places and at unexpected times.

Touching notes won't hurt, even if the couple sees each other every day

Some ideas for tiny sensual revelations:

  • Prepare a lot of messages on pieces of paper and stuff them into all sorts of pockets, bags, shoes, hats.
  • Find the phrase “I love you” online in all languages, print it out and place it around your apartment. Every time the lover finds her, the couple must read a declaration of love to each other and kiss passionately.
  • SMS with simple phrases like “You are my hero”, “I’m crazy about you”, “My heart was stolen by you” will please your chosen one during the day.

How to behave after sending a letter

Your behavior after sending the message depends on the purpose for which you wrote the letter:

The message was written to say goodbye.

If you decide to break up with your loved one, after sending the letter you must stop all contact with him. An exception can be considered those cases when a meeting cannot be avoided, for example, with a former spouse in court.

If your recipient attempts to contact you using the same message in order to make peace, insult you, etc., the received letter should be ignored.

The message was written with the goal of making the partner change.

The purpose of some farewell letters is psychological pressure. Women especially often resort to this type of manipulation. After sending the message, it is necessary to observe the further behavior of the recipient for 2-3 weeks. If a person has made no attempt to meet and talk, this does not always mean agreement with the breakup.

Perhaps he is sure that you do not want to continue the relationship and is not trying to win you back. Send a second letter with an offer to make peace.

Please remember that you are responsible for all events that occur after you send the email. Using farewell messages to psychologically influence someone you love is not advisable.

Letter to a man in verse

For a special occasion, revelation in verse will come in handy. It’s good if you have at least a little experience and talent in creating poetic confessions.

You can find beautiful lines in a collection of poems by some poet. It would be more modern to choose an exciting verse from a song that is special for the couple and sign the card that way.

"The thought that we might not have met you

The earth disappears from under your feet, your soul flies into the night surf,

After all, you are the man destined for me by heaven

You are ideal. Oh Gods! I am loved by you!

It is not so important if the poems turn out to be imperfect, childishly naive and slightly frank - an intimate message in verse to a loved one can contain lines that are understandable and appropriate for two people in love.

See how it's done

“I was wrong. But I love it. Would you forgive me? I admit that I am not a gift. Actually, I admit a lot of things. And I tell you this sincerely. Don't you believe me? I love you very, very, very much. Always and for a long time. And my love will not fade away. You are the first person who has sunk so deeply into the depths of my soul. I do not want to lose you. No quarrel should separate us from you. I can’t live without such a wonderful guy like you! Forgive me, please forgive me... I would beg on my knees for forgiveness, honestly. If you allow me, I will do so. I am ready to do everything for the sake of your forgiveness. I'm sorry, even if it's not my fault. Oh, how important your forgiveness is to me! I'm picking up the phone now. I’m thinking… showering you with messages, but I don’t want to seem intrusive. I'm like this when I'm bored, I remember. But I urgently want to get rid of this very bad quality. I love you. Forgive me, please, my love.”...

Tender and kind messages to your husband

Daily worries dull feelings, and a married couple gradually forgets about why they got married, how much they love their soul mate, and what wonderful memories they share.

But romance is the work of lovers. Warm words, a tender kiss at meeting and farewell, a cup of aromatic drink, words of love for no reason and a favorite treat - such little things return the holiday to ordinary days.

But not every man is able to express feelings in words; many do this with the help of gifts and actions. But sweet words are what most women are talented at.

Examples of such notes:

“Hello, my man! I hope you smile when you find this note and your favorite candy in your jacket pocket. I love you, my sweetie, you are super!”

“I dream of repeating this evening and night - you are the same romantic as on the first date. A surprise awaits you in the evening - I’ve been preparing for a long time and today I’ll really surprise you!”

“Thank you for having me. My daughter asked me to tell you that you are the best dad on Earth, and I join this title, the best husband on the planet!”

Example messages

There are texts for every occasion. So it’s worth systematizing them somewhat for a specific situation.

Messages for long-term relationships

When you wake up with a man every day, there is no reason to leave the romance zone. Even a 10-year marriage is worthy of tenderness and warmth. In addition, a compliment and affection will give him confidence in the future. In addition to sending messages over the Internet, you can leave similar notes on the refrigerator, on the mirror, or even in the mailbox.

  • “I feel so calm next to you, you can’t even imagine it...”;
  • "You are my best. I will always be by your side, in any situation";
  • “I will always be on your side”;
  • “I don’t exist without you. I always think only about you...";
  • “I’m waiting for the evening when your arms will hug me and never let go”;
  • “I want to see your smile, feel your breath, bask in your arms”;
  • “I'm happy that we are together! May our love last forever!”;
  • “I don’t understand how I used to live without you, you are the dearest and most beloved person on the planet!”;
  • “I finally woke up in a good mood. And all thanks to the fact that you were nearby”;
  • "You are my space. You are my universe!";
  • “You are my hero, forever!”

Playful messages

To cheer up a guy, get him in the right mood for an evening meeting, or just to show how witty and interesting you are. But it’s still worth choosing the right time. If he said the day before that he had an important meeting, exam or deadline, then you should not send him jokes. Firstly, he will not appreciate it, and secondly, most likely he will not answer, or will answer sharply. But if he was going to get bored in classes, or monotonously call clients in the office all day, then such a fresh note from his beloved would bring the desired effect.

  • “I would invite you over for the weekend, but I’m not sure I can keep my hands to myself”;
  • “Come to my place in the evening, I prepared your favorite dishes - pizza, beer and myself”;
  • “I just want you, with all your negativity, dirty jokes and love for iced tea”;
  • “I hid my granny panties for the next life, now I’m wearing something completely different.”;
  • “I’m going to a bachelorette party today, should I write to you or wait until I sober up?”;
  • “I’m in my bed...you’re in yours. Someone seems out of place...";
  • “I read here that caffeine increases female libido... So that’s why you’re pouring coffee on me.”

Explicit messages

When the connection from virtual communication has long grown into a sexual relationship, then it’s time to pamper your loved one with frank SMS. Their call is not ambiguous, so if you start a similar game in the morning, be prepared for its continuation in the evening. Again, it’s important to choose the right time for such communication. If he went to meet his parents, is forced to spend a long time in a public place in a crowd of people, or is training in the pool, excitement will be extremely inappropriate.

  • “Do you know that a kiss burns 6.4 calories?... We need to check this urgently”;
  • “If you are in a bad mood right now, if you haven’t had a good day, then know that an amazing night awaits you”;
  • “Don’t overwork yourself too much this afternoon. I will need every drop of your energy at night";
  • “I went shopping and bought new underwear. And there are so many fasteners on it, I can’t figure it out. Will you help?";
  • “I want to invite you to breakfast in bed”;
  • “Today I want to fulfill all your wildest dreams”;
  • “The thoughts associated with you in my head are so vicious that I had to take a shower”;
  • “Don't plan anything for tomorrow morning. I want you to stay with me until late today”;
  • “It seems to me that your touch still burns my body”;
  • “Let’s agree, no preludes today, straight to the main course.”

Correspondence when meeting for the first time

When a love relationship has not yet been built, and full-fledged love is still far away, it is worth restraining yourself somewhat and carefully checking the text before sending. At the same time, politeness, friendliness, goodwill and even warmth will allow a man to understand that he has feelings for him and is worth taking the initiative. Moreover, the right approach will make him think about you more and more often, and then become completely hooked on correspondence.

  • “I admire you, you are so attentive and caring!”;
  • “You can make any day a holiday! You have a great sense of humor!";
  • “You have great style, it emphasizes your masculinity and strength!”;
  • “You are so smart and well-read, every minute of communication with you is interesting!”;
  • “It’s so easy and cozy with you, I can bask in your presence”;
  • “I really enjoyed the walk, now I think about it all the time!”

Letter to a loved one in prose

It’s easier to write a message to a special guy in prose. This may be a revelation in the form of a letter, or perhaps due to an excess of feelings it will turn into a real work of art. Many people do not even suspect how much potential lies hidden in them until stormy feelings break through an avalanche of constraint.

You must forget that the chosen one will read the message. You should think about what you want to say, but lack the courage.

If the object of your desire has no idea about the strength of your feelings, then two outcomes are possible. If his feelings are no less fiery, passion will flare up with renewed vigor. And if the power of love is exaggerated, then such emotional exposure will speed up separation, which is even better than unrequited love.

An example of such a letter:

“I don’t know if you realize how much I love you... Yes, I’m not afraid of this word. After all, you can’t see me now, that’s why I’m so brave. From our first meeting, I realized that I was lost. You are polite and reserved, I don’t even know what to think. If you are indifferent to me, so be it, I will never remind you of my feelings. If there is something, let me know, otherwise I’m going crazy with uncertainty. I’m sorry if my confession is a shock to you.”

Mistakes and misunderstandings

Even following templates, there is a chance of ending up in an unpleasant situation. Sometimes emotions force you to do something faster than your mind. But haste can be smoothed over by embarrassment, but real mistakes will undoubtedly lead to discord. For example, correspondence should not contain grammatical, punctuation, spelling or speech errors. Yes, this is not a dictation for departure, but no one will be pleased to communicate with an uneducated and rude person. The modern world has provided too many resources for testing your speech; you should not neglect them. In addition, you should get involved in reading, this will not only improve literacy, but also expand your vocabulary.

The next taboo applies to profanity. Even for partners who have been together for years, receiving swearing messages (if it is not part of a joke) is unpleasant. Leave her at least outside the chat, or better yet, completely cross her out of your life. It is also worth holding back questions about intimate and personal things until you get to know each other more deeply. For example, many guys have tense relationships with their parents, or they don't want to discuss past relationships. The last point, by the way, also has a downside. Even if communication suggests this, do not describe your ex, especially in a negative context.

And finally, guys love to be called by name, even when communicating online. But you should be careful with kind words. For example, a brutal alpha does not appreciate a kitten or a mouse. Not everyone likes a cowboy or a superman. Before you diminutively decline his name, you should also take a closer look at the reaction.

Farewell letter to a married man from his mistress

Relationships with a married man often end in separation. Sweet promises of the chosen one to leave his family and forever reunite with his mistress, start a family and even have children together often remain empty words.

If a lady in love finds the strength to leave, she runs away without meeting the man again, otherwise he will persuade her to stay. Therefore, a farewell letter will be a great way to say goodbye without hurting yourself with another meeting.

What to write in such a revelation:

  1. At first, the letters thank you for the relationship, no matter how bitterly it ended for the woman.
  2. Having remembered a few good moments, they write about how the couple met or about what became the beginning of love.
  3. They speak out, talk about how they feel, realizing that the novel is over. You should refrain from reproaches: they will lead nowhere and will only leave a negative impression on the recipient.

Plan for a farewell message to a once loved one

The letter should not be too long; write no more than one A4 page. You need to start with the main thing that you have decided to end the relationship, spend the middle of the letter explaining your motives, and end the letter with what you would like to see your relationship in the future.

In other words, do you see the man next to you as a friend, buddy, or do you prefer to cut him out of your life for certain reasons. Don’t try to write ornately, don’t use a lot of metaphors and comparisons, they will only obscure the meaning of the message.

One request:

Be careful with every word. Don't write anything unnecessary. The fact is that you can reproach yourself for just one letter. Why torment yourself over unnecessary or far-fetched reasons if you can avoid them? Do just that: think about every word and what it consists of.

All that will help you is faith in yourself, love for yourself (and for him), courage, stubbornness, and the desire to achieve goals. Everything is not so difficult. The most difficult step is the very, very first step. You've already done it! Continue to act without regretting or justifying yourself. A letter cannot be written independently, by itself...

To be continued. . .

My beloved, why are you so far away? We are apart...

About passion or erotic letter

Where to start an erotic letter to your beloved man? I'm obsessed with you. Your hands, your eyes and your lips haunt me in a vibrant, cohesive way.

I'm afraid to wake up. There, in this twilight world of dreams, you are forever mine, and I am yours. A wonderful dream is my constant companion.

I will carry obsessive thoughts into infinity, burn myself to the ground. My love is limitless, it is all of me. And you are my inexhaustible source of inspiration.

Not all guys like to talk about too frank topics, so before you do this, find out the character of your guy!

Don't forget to format your letter well

Writing it is not everything. If you write it in clumsy, crooked handwriting - even if you want to - he will not understand your letters.

You must write correctly - without errors - and carefully. And if you perfume the piece of paper on which you wrote, this may even add advantages to you. Many girls go further - they leave a kiss - a lipstick mark. Here it is also important to guess the color of the lipstick.

You can put some paper flower in an envelope. And convey it unnoticed. And it’s better if he finds it himself by chance - It should be addressed to him. Otherwise he will think that this does not concern him.


Let me be honest in this difficult moment of parting.

By hurting you, I cannot help but shower myself with reproaches, although for high feelings there is no such thing as guilt.

Leaving a trail of blood is the fate of the one who leaves first. But it is necessary to take this path, otherwise we both risk drowning in lies.

Love is not subject to human desires. It cannot be caused by an effort of will and cannot be replaced by other feelings. And pretense is a bad adviser, unable to provide effective help.

Time will flow and smooth out painful memories, leaving pleasant moments in memory. Forgive me and try to understand. By doing this, you will save us both.

Never cheat on your boyfriend if you have another one!

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